THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMVI~VLL5.E*,.=~' , UHURCH GIVING 4I bought gasoline. I went to the show; bsfrmol I bought sorne new tubsfrm l radio; I bought candY and peanuts, nut bars and ice creamn; While my salary lasted, if e sure was a scream. it takes careful planning to make money go 'round; te, 0ne's method of finance must ai- ways be sound. With habits quite costly, it's real hard to save. My wife spent -ten bucks" on a per- manent wave. The church came 'round begging. It sure made me sore; If they'd let me alone, I'd give a lot more. They have plenty of nerve; they for- get ail the past, For 1 gave them a quarter the year before last I An 011 that is Famous.-Though Canada was not the birthplace of Dr. Thomas', Eclectric 011, it is the home of that f amous compouldý From here its good name was spread to Central and South Arnerica, thE West Indies, Australia and New Zea- land. That is far afield enough tc attest its excellence, for in all thes( countries it is on sale and in de. mand. At Your Doorstep REALTR For The Day And health for many happy years to came, for milk is the best food for chldren- and grown-ups, too. Used as a beverage or in creanîed dishes, soups and dessert- milk provides the iîecessary nutritive elements for heal- th. It's the best f ood and its Most economical. Use more milk for milk at its very best ca.hI 446 or 703. Baowmanville DMIry Prompt Obl HENRY1 PHONE 520J or 520W THEO0 W. K. Kellogg originated 25 years Kellogg's CoruF quality and value. The fi With a flavor no others ho Insist on Kellogg 8 Co offered you, it is seldomi by W. K. Kellogg. Made j' ,4f1QW on otwafheiran andi bake until Mrs. H. E. acock, airs. j. ciariroa.1'7uI" Yed15cookies, 2ýýàinches in C. Fisher 2 and 3. çtO0 les .t " OS ,~* J *S~diameter. Stocks-Mrs. M. Brown, Mrs. J. R. 10-x% rA f ew suggestions for imalolng Fisher, Mrs. p. Brow.P __--plain" waf fies different andi also Sweet peas-Miss Switzer 1 and 3, fancy are: Mrs. Beman 2. rs Xe rS o. Add ta your favorite waffle bat- Marigolds, Eng.-Mr.HeMs Eilbeck. Mrs. M. Brown. Col. Garden Flowers-Mrs. Be- man, Mrs. C. Law, Mrs. Purdy. Zinnias--Miss Drurnmond, Mrs. J. Page o1 Interest to W omenR.Fse.Ms .Bon Gladioli in basket, 15 spikes-Mis Switzer, Mrs. E. C. Beman, Mrs. M. Brown. the stem end of the sweet green ter vegetables. such as corn. grated roks, ls setMrs. E. or pepper and remove seeds. Cut in raw car;ots or sweet potatoes; ber- Toms.C.eanMr.H Hinfts For rings and serve a ring on each slice ries. shredded pineapple, chopped Bie~BuutMs orcs of tomato. Looks good and tastes cherries, dates, flgs, citron; minced Mis. H. Toms, Mrs. M. Brown. H om ebodies good. What more can you ask Of it. ham, cooked sausage or bacon;, grat- Centrepiece, dining table-Mrs. H. Green Pepper JeUly ed cheese; chopped nuts; crisp cer- E. Hancock, Miss Switzer, Mrs. c. Written for The Statesmafi About 12 medium sized sweet cals or bran. Lw By Jessie Allen Brownl green peppers, 6'12 cuips white sugar, Make Texas waffles by substitut- Buttonhole Bouquets, 3 - Miss l'2 Clips vinegar, 1 bottle pectin. ing brown for white sugar and plac- Switzer, Mrs. C. A. Cowan, Mrs. H. Discard the seeds and grind the ing over the batter a few whole Toms. The Small Child Understaiids ipeppers quite fine, putting them pecnmat u before coigthe LMrs.kA. ow as. M. own Paýets ho re vry rou ofthrough the chopper twice. Drain iron. Ms .A oaMs .Bon Paeresaw h reveyprudo off some of the juice and pack 2 Sprinkle the batter with shredded Mrs. R. P. Butler. thirsnal hldsintelligence at cups solidly with the chopped green cocoanut to make toastedi cocoanut Novelty Flower-Mrs. E. C. Be- trnes under-rate it. They do not pepper using enough juice to flood waf fles. man, Miss Druinmond. Mrs. Hor- seem to realize that the child under- the cups. Discard the balance of the Make sandwich waf fles by spread- rocks. stands all that is being said about juiove. . Bring pepliers, sugar and ing on iron a thin layer of batter, SpraY-Mrs. H. Toms, Mrs. T. F. itself. Haîf the behaviour trouble vinegar to a hard boil. Set aside in place on each quarter a thin slice of Branton, Mrs. J. R. Fisher. with smail children comes f romn sug- a warm place for 20 minutes, un- cheese or crisply fried bacon, and Wreath-Mrs. M. Brown, Mrs. H. gestion. They will talk about the covered. stirring occasionally. Bring cover with batter. Toms, Mrs. C. Law. bad týg a child does before them. Igi o ul roîîing boil and boil Occasionally serve waffles instead Beets. Cucumbers, Peppers-Mrs. I saw a case of this the other day. for two minutes. Remove froin the of fritters with meat, instead of W. F. Thomas. Went to see a friend who has a three fire and stir in the pectin. Skim and toast under creamed foods or poach- Beans. Cabbage, Cauliflower, Po- ya slf-cgirl. sTge il ad behaves stir repeatedly for just five minutes ed eggs, instead o! cake for short- tatoes, Tomatoes--Mrs. Chris Law. at sef-onsiou sageandbwaso after taking f rom the fire, to Cool cakes or ice cream sandwiches. And Onions-Mrs. J. A. Butler. badly bef ore strangers. She wa otjsightly. Pour into sterilized bottles quite often serve waff les as waf fles ______ haing.utileru m otr proee and seal with wax. This ii a slow and we know the f amily will love to tilg authe Way he behaeddse tting jey andrequires îat least a themn.NECSLUITDCU H boelabuthane %hoyshe bkicked week to set. it is particulariy goodlRv .P oesa atSna befoe stanges, ow se kikedwth veal or pork and I find that it Rv .P oesa atSna tand screamied and was generally makes a delicious accomlSanment r morning's service was greeted by a naughty. What could the poor child to a meat or chicken salad. ruus Fower 90 ie ogeain sh p do bt gve deonsraton.whih PachCusardPiepeared in his pulpit fresh f rom his she did. If parents would only learnPecCstrPi ntttalk about their scallchiMd Pealand slicethree ahes S o a ew alehlidays. He delivereda ltn rt1hey say,th naughtinessan th urad12cp watrCokhewrmnly eulogized the man who toil- good behaviour. in their resence. it peaches in this for about two min- dwhtepysalmnal o wol eso much better for the utes. Drain and add peaches to a Mis Neva Switzer Wixxs Foster Ciip tincion be.twee so-cl ends-e childiren. Event the most intelligent custard made of two sîightîy beaten incnd searwee ork. A hes wr- parents do it, not reaiizing that the egga.3tblson sgr pnho Mrs. Matt. Brown's long succes- thy labor is sacred. At this service ýchild is drinking in every word they saît. l12 cups miik. Pour into anI e say. unbaked pie shel and bake at 450 sion of wins over a period of ye2*i5 the pastor christened Mr. a.nd Mrs. degeesfortenmintesto et heat the Newcastle Horticultural Soc- Wiîbert Teeple's little daughter, Ca- iTo Eat Your Fil erim. thenredue ithesatto 35se- iheetys spring and summer flower therine Elizabeth, who with her par- A i getea wh enoe rem e andcefrthiret ito 2 e shows was broken last Thursday lents is staying at her grandparents, the best of health was asked whatFrhPe. ie t when a new competitor, Miss Neva Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hancock. FehPahPeSwitzer, teacher of mathemnatics and Teevngsricwaqutot o he thought the reason for his go Fi a cookd pie shel i h ripe science at the Newcastle High The ordina riceha i was taenu ,e health was. He attnibuted it ta al- sliced peaches. Sprinkle lightly with Sohooh, wrested thenchampionshiP aîmos - ~y atig is ii f echfrut ndsugar( fruit sugar is best asitds honors f rom her and won the Wel nt- ong b gop0fTr vegetable as it came in season. Itsove quickest). Cover with whiP- lington Foster Silver Cup by obtain- noYugldespdi tewk is a sound idea. To wait until each ped creamn and serve. A few slces ing the highest points at the show end with Miss Telford at the Evan- fruit and vegetable is at its best and of peaches may be reserved to gar- Mrs. Brown, however, was a cloe gel Hall's suinmer camp at Copper then to eat ail you want of it. I nish the whipped cream. second with 37 points, only 2 behind Beech. Miss Telford, Rev. Robt. alwas fel srryfor hilirenwhoKolfend's assistant. conducted the can only have a littie fruit. It may Milit Sauce Miss Switzer's 39. Miss Switzer is ametn ad pkigbefyol not be possible to give them ail they ,'14 <up flnely chopped mint leaves, teacher l»y profession; she teaches how Evangel Hall was openeci 20 want ail the time but it is wise to 12 cup vinegar, 1 tablesPoon sugar. science and art; these are two of her diasrico!on tohrough the Stoc- give them at. least once 'their fil' o! Add sugar to the vinegar. if it is acquirements and she uses her diteatfTrsa onothrodeddothSown each kind of fruit. There are f ew Of very strong dilute with water. Stir knowledge o! these to grow ffowers ial Service and Moral Reform de- us who eat enough fruits and vege- until dissolved and add mint leaves. in profusion as a hobby at her home ate othMtodsCur. tables. Let stand in a warm place for one- with its greenhouse and acre and aRe RotKfenfrmthnrh haîf hour. Serve with roast iamb. haîf of ground at Whitby. Miss e.Rb Kfndro thnrh Rugs May Be Dyed Switzer's wmnning of the cup came country was put in charge and has A friend of mine has moved intof as a surprise te everybody and she remaîned on duty lever sînce. Evan- a very beautif ul new home . It was WAFFLES-MORNING, hersel! when she entered her ex- gel Hall has now conducted the larger than their former one and NOON OR NIGHT hibits did not know that there wa camp at Copper Beech for the past when te had bought new draper- a championship cup to be competed four summers and this year brought ies and soine furniture to fli theý for. Hers also was a surprise. thers forprtesvedaso f c ontrnd air yawning spaces there was very littie By Barbara B. Brooks .. The whole of the east side o! the and sfaortev asocunyai àmoney Ietfrrg.Te a he community hall's big basement was Indereod and recreation. 6300 meals good sizeci rugs o! different style. The next time you sit down to requireci to dispiay the fiowers in e srdatcmth esoan pattern and colours andi they did plan the day's meals and have an the 41 classes o! the show, whihe on ail in attentiance are fed spiritually not fit into the new house at ail. So attack of that tirec-of-the-saine- the north piatformi was arrange<l as well as physically. they had them dyed a rather dark odtigfeig aealo r h eeal lse.s The tweýnty-one Young ladies tak- green, and used xwo in the sitting ounci at equipinent and utensils. Of After tea Mrs. Percy Hare, presi ing part in this Sunday evenîng ser- roomn and the other in the dining course you know what's there. but dent, took the chair and Mrs. W. E. vice represented two prayer groups, rorg. The ater hw hru 0 atthngaactaiadvit Purdy, secretary treasurer, announc- the first of which was organizeci by hus Th atr oeiaiain si o aee h eut ftejdigb Mr. Miss Telford at the Island, Toronto. not as a pattern but as a slight sha- om1iagnainasifyo ave dt e ra son the tordggobynto ten years ago. for the specific pur- do. us i csesoe f oumihtneyer seen them before. You will E. Grainger andoson Vîctou, Torohe be interested I found out the. charge get a lot of ideas. perhaps more !arkis.Vitoer aspoke o he difliu i pose of rayngforthossuton Ues for dying and it i aprxia il than you can use right away. We i ts isfterhe ac f und Thrisecond gfrfungisiorn !ed appoxinatlYknow, because we trieci this and the judging, especiaily in teptn h eodgopwsognzdb on olrasqured yoard.tokhrymr ha ee noia, zinnia and glacliolus classes, a warm hearted, zealous friend of Sliced omatostUe cupard andretha ere was thewhere many of the splendid speci- Miss Telford, three years ago, a, child There is apt to be waste in siicing tah e ibro.antoce ee w that mens1exhibited were of nearly equal of the first group. tomatoes. This is lesseniec if the wcdidnt use that waffhe iron menit. There were mn lWr t Tesrieoee ihapro stem end is cue utwthashr naly asmc sw ih. teso !wihnither he nor o! gospel songs, one verse of each knife before slicing. The ast suice Parhas plchain wes do nt ap his f ather haci ever seen their stiP- by the whole group sitting. with Miss will bea na iesvrsie hr ehp li aflsd o erior, certainly not this season. Watson of Don Mills Rd. at the or- e eatifesaver he. Trkeo peal to you as something new or dif - Mr. E. Grainger gave two antern gan. Miss Helen Dickinson f rom are toatoosh ie on hee aeo ferent. In that case, let's addc some- slide talks, the first on the mystery the choir 1of t read the scripture les- th Ieefiinbua saw-tooth iey.T eseare thing ta the batter or bake somne- and message o! the flowers and the son from Mark 15:1-38, and Miss knife makes an acceptable substi- thing in the iran that is not a waf - second on the uses of fhowers, men- Jessie Clarkson offered the main tute. fle batter at ahi. We shahl start tioning the many occasions through- prayeir. A heart searching gospel By way o! variety serve green pep- with a labor saving luncheon or out the year when f lowers are ap- message was delivered by Miss Mar- i~ per with siiced tomnatoes. Cut off supper menu. propriate and popular. grtHlia.Hrteews h ila Corn Meai Waffle s with Bacon Mr. Walter Seldon and Warden Wounds of Jesus, and she made it Butter Syrup tif daiel) W. F. Rickard. Horticuitural Direc- clear that most of His wounds are Quartered Tomnatoes tor for District No. 4, also had i- made by those who ought ta bc his Frenchi Pressng teresting messages for the audience. true f riends. Four younig ladies îot or Iccîl neverage rendered a quartette and the ful There is a real secret about the PrzeWulners choir sang as an anthem, Will You waffle recipe. It is just a corn bread No. o! points won by each exhibi- Behieve. Rev. W. P. Rogers made mixture. You can use almost any ter, 3 for first, 2 f or second, and 1 the announcements. off ered the corn bread recipe you like. provided f or' third prise: prayer at the reception of-the, of - itiC oatek en atr Adalt Miss Neya Switzer 39, Mrs. M. fering and pronounced the benedic- the milk or water to thin if neces- Brown 37, Mrs. E. c. Bemnan 23, Mrs. tion. The whole servic a tog sary Ths rcip wa prnoucedJ. R. Fisher 17, Miss Drummond 12, iy evangelical in character and just right by ail who tried it. We Mrs. Howard Toms 12, Mrs. P. Hare depyipesdth ag oge ,Ilg'olm Sër iceliked it especiaily because it is al- 10) Mrs. Horrocks 10, Mrs. H. E. gatian which coulci nat f ail to nate __________most a meal in itsehf. Bath tUe Hancock 8, Mrs. P. Browni 7, Mrs. tUe zeal and earnestness of the bacn ad ban dd favr ad nur-W.E. Purdy 61 Mrs. C. A. Cowan 6, Young ladies. Nor-Miss Trenwith 5, Mrs. Chris. Law 4, LATHIROPIE baonanbrnt. add ifavo atsndau __._._iser3,____ilec 3 and the bran supplies sufficient flb- Mrs. E.ngC.,Fisr t 3, Mrs. Jbeck 3DugasEypia ]BOW ANVILE e to alace te mel inthisre-A. Butler 2, Mrs. T. F. Branton 2. Liniment ait hand, ready to bnng ________________________ spebs at.o h oo sta Mrs R. P. Buter 1, Mrs. Garrod 1, immediate relief ta burns, sores and Theewaes are foun ta mke tad Mrs' J H. Jase 1. felons. Stops bleeding at once. - there wafes veryfeuniseto aeash Vegtables - Mrs. Chris Law, 5 Prevents blooci poisoning. Splendid terareds. e ise o ahflrsts; Mrs. W. F. Thomnas, 3 flrsts; for sore throat and quinsy. af terards.Mrs. J. A. Butler, 1 flrst; lOc for Bran Corn Meal Waf fies each prize, no seconds or thirds. D I I I A I *With Bacon Winners by Classes -1 oggs thatrt 1 i ui rnik Asters, pink-Mrs. M. Brown, Mrs. ýR G NL M14 CUL)sliiar 14 t-i). sýtt Asters, purple-Mrs. M. Brown, 1.2 cuPl) rani 2 1515s. laking powdiar Mrs. P. Brown, Mrs. Hare. 1 corn flakes - and for more than i cul) corn îii,.l 4 slCrShicon atii"cra) Asters. white-Mrs. M. Brown, Flakes have been the standard of Combine eggs and sugar thorough- Miss Switzer. Mrs. Hare. ines, feshst laks yu cn by. y-Mdd rakn, corn meal and milk.1 Asters,. crunson-Mrs. M. Brown, Si tdy ngeietstgehr ndMssSwter rs. M. Br1Wn Ontario Department of Agriculture COI- THE HON. T. L KENNEDY, -lames B. Fairluirti. TgIITTO;IAY. SEPTEMBER7, 1933 PAGE THREE Coa vOL Are You Adequately INSURIED? IF YOU HAD A FIRE? IF YOU HAD AN ACCIDENT? IF YOU DIED SUDDENLY ? Are you carrying sufficient insurance to meet your losses and protect your f amily? Çaii and discuss your insurance preblems with us. We insure everything. ________ J. J. MASON & SON Insurance in ail its branches. KING STREET PHONE 50 BOWMANVILLE A% IL - Mon.1 Your Peach or Plum Piei pudding, or dake will make a delicious family dessert ail through the year. Buy a supply for preserving now. 1 ý 1 IL