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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Sep 1933, p. 5

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THEF CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1933PAE[V fMr. and Mrs. A. J. Wadhais and Mrs. Wm. Gibson, Owen Sound, are t~visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Souch.1 WALLP,&PERt AT GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE To make raom for ncw Fali Papers we are offering wonder- ful values in broken lines of eùir regular stock. Let us tell you how little it will cost to paper any room you may wisb. Room Lots SpeciaUly Prieed. Je W. JEWELL BOOKCS & STATIONERY PAINTS & WALLPAPER BIG 20 BOWMANVILLE Fali Opening SALE [NCLUDES THE FOLLOW- ING MONEY-SAVERS 25c Beeg'ham's Pis ...17e Corega... 27c, 44c, 73e Minerai Oul, 16 oz, . 39e Fellows Syrup .. .98e 50e Fruitatives .. .28c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream 37e _Infant's Delight Soap, 3 for 15e Lavoris 19e - 39e - 79e Lifebuoy Soap. 3 for 2le Mecea- 17e - 33c 63e Minty's Tooth Faste. 23e Murine ...44e Parowax . ...12e Zam Buk 28e Pepsodent Tooth Faste, 33c eAlex 1McGregor Drugs Phone 92 We Deliver ILOCAL & PERSONALî Miss Mary Wallace visited friend in Hamilton over the weekend. Mrs. M. Fisette, Brantford, is vis. itirxg her sister, Mrs. P. C. Trebil- cock. Mrs. Roger Bird ba& been--visitine her sister, Mrs. J. Walsh, at UonE Branch. Mr. Keir Lamb and Mr. Ronald Hetherington spent the holiday al Niagara Falls. Miss Rose Bates bas returne< from visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jack- son, in Toronto. Members of Trlnity Sunday Scboo] orchestra are asked to meet next Sunday at 2.20 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hynds anc family, Toronto, spent the weekenc with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Haddy anc Jack and Miss Agnes K. Haddy, To- ronto, spent the weekend with rela- tives bere. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Knigbt and Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. E. Chase are en- uoYing a boat trip this week f rom Sarnia ta Duluth. Mn. and Mrs. John Lawson anc family, St. Catharines, spent the weekend with her parents, Mn. anc Mrs. R. Hetherington. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Cobbledick, Toronto, who spent the weekcnc with relatives in Orono, called or friends here on Tuesday enroute home. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Israel and Miss Gladys Israel, Rochester, N. Y., spent the weekend with Mr. J. B. Martyn and other relatives here anc in Oshawa and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Werry, Mon- treal, who spent the weekend with numerous relatives in this vicinity, gave his cousin, Editor Geo. W. James, a caîl on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Plummer, Mrs. Stephen Jeffery, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Plummer and Don- ald. Port Hope. are visiting Mr. anc Mrs. C. C. Laugher. Pembroke. Mrs. Uorne Plummer is remaining fora few weeks' visit. Miss Marion Phillips and Miss Lorraine Tbompson, R. N.. New York City, N. Y., who are holidaying witlh the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson, Taunton, called on the formers grandfather, Mn. M. A. James, on Monday. Mr. F. M. Brimacombe. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Lester, Rochester, N. Y., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hamley and other rela- tives here. Mrs. Brimacombe, whc has been visiting bere for a few weeks, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. R. Morris spent the weekend with thein daugbter, Mrs. T. Plumb, Toronto, and took in the Exhibition on Saturday. It is 20 years on Sept. lst since Mr. and Mrs. Morris and family anrived bere f rom Southampton, England, and were entertained at the home of their friends, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Buttery. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Caverly andl Grace recently called at the Mem- orial Hospital, Oillia, where Mn. J. I. Hartt, Superintendent of Provincial Forestry, is at present a patient. Miss Launa Hartt, primary teacher at public sehool here, has been in attendance with ber father through- out the holidays and was unable tc attend school5 opening on account of his critical illness. but expeets tc resumne her duties shortly. Men's $1.25 Red Back ' Drill Work Pants..$1.00 : Men's $2.50 Work Pants, cotton worsted ... . $1.95 ~ !y Men's $350 and $4 DressPants, several patterns, $2.95 I Sweater Coats .... $2.50 Men's $1.25 Sleeveless Sweaters ......... $1.00 Men's $2.95 Feit Hats, ail colors. .. One Door West of Bell Telephone Office .$1.95 Phone 26 ls i- 1- ýg 9 d ýt d A :t d d n d d e d d [J e s d Local Merchants Deserve Your Support and Trade For Protection, Service, Reliability and Coinmunity Prosperity Plan to Buy from the Local Merchants - Do Not Be Mislead by the Statements Made on the Door Step of Eliminating the Local Merchant - Ev- ery Dollar Spent Locally Means Much to the Com- munity Everyone wbo buys on the door step would be well advised ta make sure that the story told is correct. Then they should check up on the mercl-andise received. Then ask yourself if it would not have been much better to deal direct with the local merchant. It has been found that many af our local people have been taken in as a nesult of buying on the doon step. They have not received the value that they sbould have but have been defrauded. It is in order ta stop this, and proteet the housewife and direct business into the propen channel that this campaign is being urged to stop the peddler who is a detiment ta the community. On invesigation it is found that many of the stories told on the doon step will not stand investigation. You will hear a peddler or snow bird a3 he is called came to the door and tell you he will deliver certain goods or articles of unknown menit ta your hause at a lawer price than the local merchant. Police convictions show that many have be-en caught, tbey have certainly not delivered the goods as spccifled. This is anc of the things that the People subjeet themselves ta whcn they do not buy from the local merchant who em- ploys local help, pays taxes and can be found when there is anytbing wrong. He must do business in the right way because be is part of the community life and can not affard ta do anything else. No person can aff ord ta cut prices and stay in business. If you check up on these strangers yau will be protecting yourself and also turning the business into the praper channel that of the local merchant. Now is the season for faîl buying. If aIl the ordens for lacal consump- tion were placcd with aur local flrms thene would be put into circu- lation locally mare money. It would meaxi local help would be engaged. Local stores would be busy. Local people would benefit. Just stop and considen the whole question and sec if the local merchants operating in this community should not have youn order. Stop the peddler and thus build this comxnunity. Miss Evelyn Annis. Dunbarton, Mns. Jennie Graham spent Wed- recently visited Miss Ada Allin. nesday with f riends ini Newtonville. Mrs. J. H. Morris, Beech Ave., is Mr. and Mns. Rupert Hamlin, Ot- visiting hier niece, Mrs. A. Cbilds, _iwa, are holidaying at Port Bow- I Winona. manville. Mr. Lon Groskrof t, Detroit, visit- Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Lambert, Ton- àed. Mr. Warren Dngruan aven thbe onto, spent the weekend with hier weekend. sisten, Mrs. F. A. Foster. S Miss E. E. Haycraf t spent the Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Washington weekend with bier niece. Mrs. W. F. andi daughters, Joyce and Anna, of 1Brig-gs, Myrtle. Toronto, spent Labor Day with bis Trinity Choir members are askedimother, Mrs. W. C. Washington. ta meet for practice on Thursday On Wednesday evening, August this week at 9 p. m. 30th. a quiet little shower took place Mr. and Mns. Harry Bnust, Roch- at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Readen, 1ester, N. Y., visited at hier father's, Albert Street, Bowmanville, in the Mr. Warren Dingman. event of thein son being married ta Mrs. A. E. Wrenn and Miss Miss Lydia R. Maiel 0f Oshawa on 3sr- Saturday. Sept. 2nd. Those wbo athy Barton wene visitors ta the wr rsn noe hmevsi V Toont Ex on ridy lst.a gaod old time square dance and Capt. and Mns. W. W. Murray, among the entertainers was Mn. Sid- *Ottawa, were weekend guests of Col. ney Mitchell who af ter mucb per- and Mrs. L. T. MeLaugblin. suasian rendered the Cowboy Sang *Mr. and Mrs. Owen Nicholas spent and bis yodeling made a big bit witb the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. tbe crowd. Sid was not known to Clarence Brooks, Cald Springs. bave sncb talent in this sort of sing- Mrs. Beatrice Brown, Toronto, is ing and is very shy wben askcd ta spending a month with bier aunt, do so). rMrs. H. J. Davis, Middle Road. ___ *Mr. and Mrs. Will Haskell of LUn- don spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. DO YOU KNOW ? *Everett L. Osborne, Wellington St. Mrs. R. J. McLaughlin and daugh- Tomatoes Were At One Turne Known ter Getrude, Toronto, spent Tues- As Love Apples? day with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Down.___ Mrs. Walter Brett, Miss Doreen DO you know that tomatoes are Brett and Harry, Weehawken, N. J. ich in bath vegetable acicis and have been visiting Mrs. G. A. Gillis- mineral saîts? This is why they f pie, have the menits of bath fruits and Mss. Harry Robinson and son green vegetables. Tam, Woodstock, were weekend vis- DO YOU know that tomatoes con- itars of bier brother, Mn. G. A. Ed- tain three vitamins neoessary for mondstonc. hurnan grawth and dcvelopment ? Dr. Doris M. Foster, Phlladelpbia, This is why they rank hlgh among Pa., 15 holidaying with bier parents, the protective faads. Mn. and Mss. F. A. Poster, "Nor- Do you knaw that much of the wood Place." nutritive material of the tamato is Miss J. Wright and Mr. Donald found in the .iuice? This is why Anderson, Orland, and Mrs. Floyd juice f rom bath canned and raw Mutton and son, Hilton, recently tomatoes should not be wasted. vlsited Mrs. L. S. Dumas. Do You know that the toumto is Miss Bernice Pnice returned home One Of the fcw foods that when on Sunday fromn a two weeks' vaca- cooked retains its vitamins almost tian In Toronto; while there she en- unchanged? jayed a trip to Mantreal by boat. Do you know that bath adults and Miss Marguerite Milligan, who has children sbouid be given tomatoes? been visiting her uncle, Mn. L. S. Do you know that canned toma- Dumas, for the past month, bas ne- tocs are a most serviceable prevent- turned ta ber home in North Bay. ive of scunvy for artificially fed in- fants? This is why stnained tomato Mn. Dudley Bradd, Oshiawa, bas juice is recommended for babies fed returned home after spending a on Pasteurized milk. pleasant holiday with bis uncle and Do you know that canneci tomatoes aunt, Mn. and Mns. C. H. Dudley. wîîî for a time allay thirst as ef- Mrs. J. W. Noble and Miss Helen fectively as a mucb langer quantity Noble, Indianapolis, Ind., and Mn. af water? This is why canned ta- and Mss. Gus Bounsaîl visited Mn. matoes are generally included in the and Mns. J. D. Fluken. Bnockville. 'desent ration" of soldiers and cx- recently. plorers. Rice's Pet Sbop won the f allow- Do you knaw that the acidity of ing prises at Canadian National Ex- the tomato makes it possible ta, ster- hibition this week: 3 firsts, 3 sec- ilize it with certainty and at a 10w onds, 3 thirds. 1 fourtb, an poultry temperature? This is why it is anc and pigeons. of the easiest faods ta preserve by Dr. Danatby M. James lef t last canning. week fan Philadeiphia, Pa., wbere Do yau knaw that there Is no can- she will take a post graduate course ned vegetable sa gencrally liked and in tbe Wamen's Medical Callege at used in sucb a variety of ways as East Falls, Pa. the tamata? Mn. and Mrs. John Wright of De- Wby not drink tomato juice in- troit. Mr. and Mrs. James Wright of stead of orange juice, as tomatoes Kippen, are visiting their uncle, Mn. are higber in vitamins and lower in Warren Dingman, wbo bas been ilI casçt? for some montbs. Why flot insist upon Ontario sun- Mn. and Mrs. Sturley G. Pake, Mn. ipened, fresb, juiey fruits - Ontar- and Mrs. J. H. Swindelis, Erie and io vegetables - tbey are freshest Roy. spent the holiday weekend at and best. Sharbot Lake where the latter ne- Tomnato Cocktails cently spent their summer vacation. No. 1 - 2 cups strained tomatoes, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Sleman, Mrs. 2 tbsp. sugar, 1 tsp. saît, 1/ tsp. pcp- H. W. Poster and Miss Margaret per, 1 clave, 1 pepper berry, 1 bay Trebilcack bave returned f nom a leaf. 1 tsp. flnely ehopped parsley, vcry pleasant trip ta Eastern Can- 1 small slice af anion. ada. At Halifax, N. S., tbey wcre Cook tagether for 10 ta 15 min- royally entertaincd by Mn. and Mrs. utes. Then strain and cool. Serve Wreford Soucb, and at St. John, ice cald. N. B., they were accorded like bos- No. 2 - 1 can tomatoes (No. 21/ pitality by Mn. and Mrs. Alex Elliot can) 12 tsp. onion julce, , tsp. wowere pleased ta, sec Bowmanviile sait ýor te, taste, 1 tsp. sugar (or ta friends. taste). 1 tsp. leinon juice, 14ý tsp. The negulan meeting of the W.M.S. white peppen. of Tinity United Churcb was beld Celery, whole spices, bay leaf, on- on Tuesday, Sept. 5th. The open- ion may be cooked with the tomato ing devotional exercîses wcrc in to flavor It, then rub it through a chage f te pesient Mr. G L.sieve Add sugar, saît. lemon juice chare o thepreiden, Ms. G L.ta taste. Wagan. After the reports of tbe Fresh tomatoes may be cooked different secretanies, Mrs. J. E. El- with celery, onion, bay leaf, spices; llott, whose group had charge of the then rubbed through a sieve. Season prgatook the chair. Af 1er the to taste wlth salt, pepper, sugan and programfa, aiir yn, r.T lemon julce as deslred. sining0f failar yrui. ns.T. No, 3 - 2 cups stnalned tomnato H. Uockhart led in prayer. The juice, 4 teaspoons choppcd chives or scrlpture lesson and the devotional green onlon tops, 4 teaspoons chop- leaflet, "Pniscilla and Aqulla" were pcd parsleY, 1/2 teaspoon lemon Julce, read by Mrs. J. E. ElUiott. Miss Mar- V/a teaspoon tabasco sauce, %6 tsp. Ion Wandcn nendercd the beautiful Woncestershlre Sauce, 1 teaspoon solo, "The IMfe to Corne," wlth Mrs. saît. C. H. Dudley accompanylng her. Let chives and parsîey stand li The iast chapter and a revew of the tomate julce for about three hours. study book waws"taken by Mrm. E. M. Strain and add seasonings. Chill Strlke. October meeting 1lai charge thoroughly, shake well and serve li of Mrs. T. G. Mason's group when glass surrounded by shaved be. This quarterly tea will be served. serves six Saailuases. 5 c 5c I M FOOD. I M Eclipse Kiddies Wear The Ultimate in Children's Better Toggery For more than a decade ECLIPSE Kiddies' Wear has been con- sidered the arme of perfection in kiddies' clothing. Parents who are Particularly interested in their kiddles' appearance wHI buy ECLIPSE clothes for theur better appearance, finer mateials, and longer wea.r- ing qualities. We are fortunate te have secured the agcncy for this line of high grade kiddles' wear. We now have a complete Une in stock for girls from 2 to 14, and also for smaller boys. The littie misses frocks are complete with panties, and are made of aU wool jersey cloth. Some are smocked, while the larger sizes cornei a variety of designs, some plain, some with contrasting trim, and others with handsome applique work. For a f ull season's wear be sure anxd ask for Eclipse Klddies' Wear. They are very reasonably pnuced. From $1050 to $3.95 Walker Stores, LinitedI I Phone 164 Bowmanville I BIGGEST BARGAIN IN BQWMANVILLE »' » 'i will buy only one of these things: A package of chewlng gum one cigar ...a loafof bread a cup of coffee .* .a caSdy bar... a hamburger sandwich . .* the tax on one and two- thirds checks ten minutes (more on les> at a movie... three aspirins for a headache... a package of lifesavers... almost enough stamps te mail two letters. (Some of these are bargains, some are flot.) invested in a copy of The Canadian Statesman (4 cents when pIm<1 by the year) will do ail of these: Keep you i touch wlth the hap- penings of the Bowmanville Community ...bnlng you the mes- sages and "pocketbook news" of Bowmanvlle stores and business Institutions, wlth opportunities of savig money . . teà you &bout your church, your school, your Iodge, your club, your nelghbors and friends, yourself... give you a share I a home enterprise dle- voted te the good of your communlty .* malce you part of that communlty. (No other bargains like t). Flfty-two weely visita of The Statesman for less than 4 cents a week. FIRST FALL FASHIONS DRESSES Original . . Exclusive . . Chic Are you familiar with the new fashion trends? Fabries are new-shoulders are aceented, skirts are slenderlzing. Begin to colleet your Fal wardrobe at The Evlyn Shop. You are invited to visit the show- roomis where you wiII find dresses of ex- quisite quality, chie an& outstanding value. The new hats are reacly, to match your new costume. Also bags, gloves, hosiery and scarfs. The Evlyn Ladies' Specialty Shop Phone 594 - Miss T. Murphy - Mrs. F. Oke Specials Friday and Saturday B ecause an overwhelming majority of homes in the Bowmanville Community "just can't get along witbout The Statesman," The Canadian Statesnian ranks high as a real Household Necessity. More than J:hat, at the low subscription rate of $2.00 a year, or five cents a single copy, The Canadian Statesman is a bargain. Men's 69c Work Shirts, blue chambray . .. 49c 25 only, Men's guaranteed indigo blue serge Suits, regular price $27.50 - Sale Price, 2 Pairs of Pants................ Se G. Chartran Tihe Canadian ,-.Statesman $2.00 a year. Worth More BLACKSTOCK Mrs. Albert Werry visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Swain recently. Mrs. Cooper and family, Toronto, are visiting Mrs. R. Mahood. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hooey are visiting friends in Beaverton. Mrs. Wilbert Archer and Mrs. Tennyson Sameils were in Toronto last week. Mrs. John Forder has been visit- ing Mr. and* Mrs. Harry Tinney, Cavanvile. Dr. and Mrs. Whittaker, Mrs. Wmn. Crawford and Harald, spent Friday in Oshawa. Mrs. F. Bailey is visiting her son- -in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. S. Dawson, Windsor. Congratulations to Mr. George Farder and bride who were married on Saturday, Sept. 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. Corner and family moved on Monday to Mr. George Wilson's home in Nestieton. Rev. and Mrs. M. Sanderson and son Roy, Toronto, a.nd Mrs. S. Swain visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mar- low, recently. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Beech, Oshawa, visited at his sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larmer's and Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Newell's. Mr. and Mrs. George Farder, Mr. and Mrs. R. Byers, Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Byers. Cartwright School Fair will be held in Blackstock on Manday, Sept. I lth. In the evening a play will be given by Yelverton young people. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hill and family. North Bay, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Jobb, and spent Sunday with Mr. George Crawford Jr. and Mrs. R. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. H. Galbraith and Miss Marjorie, and Miss Violet Dev- er. visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Patter- son, Orono, on Saturday. Mr. Pat- terson is seriously ill. Mrs, R. Mahood. Mrs. R. Archer. Mrs. C. Smith and Miss Norma Hooey spent Tuesday week with Miss Madelîne Hooey and Miss Annie Hooey, Pleasant Point.3 Miss P. Hooey, Toronto, is visit-1 ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hooey, after spending two months with her brother, Mr. Leslie Hooey. and his daughter at Seattle. Miss Abbott. Mr. Robert Wilson, Mr. Ralph VanCamp. Mr. Garmett McLaughlin, Mr. Robert Smith and Mr. Arnold Johnston, are attending High School in Bowmanville. Customr-"To wbat do you owe your cxtraordinary success as a bouse-to-bouse .salesman?", Salcsman-"To the fIrst five words I utter wben a woman opens the door-'Miss, is your mother in'?" Flappe-'I'd like ta see the cap- tain of the sbip." Rookie-"He's forward, miss." Flapper-"I don't cane, this is a pleasure trip." WHEN WJNTER COMES J. H. Vance, Peterbaro, toc Cham- berlin Weather-Stripping man, ls again prepaned ta serve the people of Bawmanville and vicinity. If your windows or doors necd flxing ta keep out the cold, sec Mn. Vance who is an expert on weather-stripping re- quirements. Leave or phone youn order ta 53, Statesman office. PAGE PM That- Measures to the Righest Standards By any comparison - Quality, Freshness, Quantity, Cleanliness - you'1l like the grade of good groceries we offer regularly. Shop Here . . . Eat Better . . . And Save Habitant Pea Soup, large tin .............l10e Chateau Cheese, plain or pimento, Il/2-lb. package ................... 2 for 25c Lily Brand Chicken Haddies......... 2 tins 25c Pure Orange Marmalade, large 40 oz. jar ... . 30c Tiger Brand Salmon, large tin ............ 21c Aylmer Tomato Juice. . . 5c tin; case of 24, $1.15 Fine Medium Cheese ................. 20c lb. Parke's Catsup Flavor, bottle ............. 35c Lipton's Tea........................ 45c IL Aylmer Pork and Beans, 18 oz. tins..2 for 15c Aeroxon Fly Catcher, with the pin..6 for 10c Whiz Inseet Killer........ 8 oz. 33c; 16 oz. 57c Sprayer Free "Wonderful" Laundry Soap...... 8 bars for 25c Pure Castile Soap ................ 10 bars 25c Fresh Fish For Friday Harry Allias, Grocer Phones 186 and 121 - Fast Motor Delivery ,e m &

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