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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Sep 1933, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THTJRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1933 PAGE SIXA RHEUMATISM i RONO GOT HIM (Fromn The News. August 4h ______Mr. Herbert Berry has returned 80-years-old Pianist is Mss Hilda Garnsby is visitiflg Relieed b Kruchen f1lMr.d5Wallace Sisson. Toronto, is Altbough old age has flot yet kept1 holidaying at his mother's. this man f rom bas occupation as a Miss Eva Henden, Lakefield, is pianist, rheumatisrn did threaten to guest of Miss Olive Cowan. do so recently. Miss Marjorie Adams, Omemee. ,Two years ago," he writes, "I was guest of Mrs. O. W. Rolph. was suddenly taken with rehuma- Miss Rena Doncaster, Toronto, tism. ail down my lef t arrn. I tried visited friends here over the week- rnany things-all to no0 purpose. I end. then comunenced taking a haîf-tea- Mr. Jacob Cobbledick visited bis spoonful of Kruscben Salts every sister, Mrs. Thomas Coucb, New- rnorning, and soon f elt benefit. My castle. arm. which was painful and nearly Mr. Frank< Pearson has returried useless, to rny astonisbment is flow, f rom General Hospital, Toronto. He a! ter a few weeks' treatment, cuite is looking fairly well. better. I arn more than pleased, as Sergt. Wesley Ough, Toronto, with I arn a pianist, and playing made his wif e and farnily are visitiflg at matters worse. I arn just entering Mr. E. J. Hawke*s. Leskard. my 8th year, and arn in goodi Ms lxWlh otHpvs health."-G. L. A. Ms lxWlh otHpvs The six mineral saits of Kruschen ited her sisters-in-law, Miss M. have a direct effect upon the whole Walsh and Mrs. Cobbledick. bloodstrearn, neutralizing uric acid, Mr. and Mrs. William Case ai-d which is the recognized cause of daughter. Toronto, visited bis bro- rheumatism. They also restore the ther, Mr. C. Case, at the CarnPbell eliminating organs to proper work- Farmis. ing order. and so prevent constipa- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grigg and lion. thereby checking the further ber two daughters, Toronto, were formation o! uric acid and other weekend visitors at the home of body poisons which undermine the Mrs. David Moffat. health. Miss Sadie Brownl, R.N., of Peek-f skill, N. Y.. is spending ber holidays Drivs Athrn Be oreIt.Theat ber aunt's. Mrs. Jas Brown, and smD rv shapor fo r. J.LDTe-other relatives here. lmeogg r Atha ernemDrgivesD.sthma Mrs. Simpson, London, is visiting cgs hce to er adcasrelatives and friends here. Mrs. no0 chnet igr teaiae ipo as formerly Miss Minnie1 the cause. Our exPerience with the Slimon W te6h ie relief-giving remecty shows how ac- MElli N.tJof thahne.aedli tuai and positive is the succor it rs N. J. anl, ramsrdaeti gives. it is the result of long study disiing ersa. wieMr.aeyHunt and experiment and was flot sub- er. and itr.wieM.Salyi mitted ta the public until its makers having a holiday in England. knew it would do it.s work well. A wire received by Mr. O. W. ________________________Rolph fromn Winnipeg announces the death of Mrs. Milton Walker, flIIEfl Ur jsister-ifl-law of Mrs. A. A. RoIph. SOURD ONTIR Mr. and Mrs. James Eagleson, ac- f~~fl~flI~ecompanied by ber mother. Ms WRLU?-IDKI'S LIVER Fowler. his brother, and niece, Miss Cruse. are on a motor trip ta New Wake up yotff Liver Bile York. -No Calomel necessary Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Bryson, Ham- Maypeople who feel tour, eluggish and ilton. attended the street fair and ,eeriYwretched make the mistake of taking are visiting bis father, Mr. Bryson,i miaou inerai water, lamative candy o Kendal. and at Mr. A. Morrows, ehewing gumn, or roughf hagehhonlly move Kry the bowels and ignore the liver. Kry What you oeed i» to wake up yu lr Mir. T. J. Carscadden, Fort Sask- bile. .tart your lver pourinz the duy two atcbewan, nysringonfth pounds of liquid bile jto your bowels. Getolysringonfte your etomach and ltetines working an they late Joseph Car-scadden of Kendal. 8should, oncetmore.%, visited bis sister. Mrs. Tbos. Pat- Cartersa Litie LerPille vli soon fis you up. Purely vegetable Sale. Sure. Q2uuck. terson. Asic for themn by nanie. Refuse substitutes. Miss Viola Gilfillan o! Toronto,i Uc. at au i druuita.511 who bas been holidaying at Temna- garni andi Severn River. spent the When Your Daughter last week af!lier vacation witb ber1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gil- « Corne toWo anhoo fMr. and Mrs. Everett Flemming Give fBer Lydia E. Pinkham's and bis mather. Mrs. Lorne Flemn- VegeableCompund mîng. accompanîed by Miss Doris VegeableCompund Lowden. St. Michael's Hospital. Tor- Most girls i their teens need a onto. spent Sunday at Mr. Chas. toni an reglatr. Gve our Mr. andi Mrs. John Miller, Mr. daughter Lydia E. Pinkham'a and Mrs. John Johnston. Miss L. Vegetable Compound for the nezt Cutteil. were guests of Miss Alma few months. Teach her how to Cuttell at the borne of Mr. Gea. guard her health at this critical Mitchell wlere they enjoyeti an af- tlme. W'hen she is a happy, healthy tc: noon lawn party. wlfe and mother she will thank 'Mr. andi Mrs. W. J. Gallagher of FOU. Gorrie. Mrs. Lennox and daiîghter ____ _______Veima. Miss Maud Hîggins. Wing- bam, were recent visitors at the homes of Messrs. William andi W. J. Stut, and John Henry. 0 M r. Harvey Winter anti bride, for- merly Ama Donalda McConneli. of Toronto, returneti Monday fram a two weeks' haneymoon otting at Stoney Lake. caliing on Mr. and Mrs. H. Junker at Lakefieii. Er J . Richards and party ar- riveti in Chicago, Ill., anti are en- joying the wneso h ol' 0. 1Fair andi visiting Detroit. Cleveland 1 anti Buffalo en route home. Jack W' Maxwell andi Dr. Rsa Lang wisheti tbe remnembereti to Orono friends. Mr. David Stevens anti taughter., Miss Ina. Lindsay, attended Orono i c Best of ail i>y kilkis. Street Fair' Wednesday week, and 10C Clean, quick, sure, the following day accompanieti by WHY cheap. Ask your Drug- Mr. anti Mrs. L. J. Buckiey anti Mrs. gist. (,rocer or Generai H. CurItis. lcft for Elk Rapidis, Mich., P st.r". where they wiii spenti a few tisys M PY TE ISO LYPD With their uncle. Mr. Lewis Hockin. CO..THAMWILTO ONT.ADMr. Elmo Stapies. Manager of the ___________Bank of Montreal, Qaeen and - - Broadview. Toronto, accompanied -.~ by Mrs. Stapies anti otber frientis. Stop that " q spent a few tiays with bis mother Head A hingbece, and left for Bangar Lotige, Head chingMuskoka, via Bracebritige. whece Why suifer headache, or any other pain, they anticipate a deigbtful few when ZLJTOO TABLETS, taken when weeks' outing. ufeel it comning on, will give relief in Mr. G. Dean Patterson, druggist, 20 minutes. Harmless and re- ! Thointan. sonl 0f the late Thomas liable. Used by thous- Patterson. Kential. spent the week- endti wth bis bî'otbec, Mr. Thomas anids Pattersan. Dean was teacher of di , ire Cowanviile schaol during the years S S 1873 to 1876. Among bis pupils o! more than haîf a century ago was Enhance the joys of yourN'1 Western trip-travel via Canadian National's train de luxe-The Continental Limited. This modem magie carpet smoothly unfolds rugged Northern Ontario before your eyes-across the Prairies-p ilots you through the Canadian Rockies by the Scenic Route over the easiest gradient and at the lowest altitudc-yet keeps you with. in easy sight of the m ightiest and most inapfring peaks. Leaves TORONTO Daily et 10.40 P.M. (E.S.T.) JASPER GOLF WEEK Sept. 3rd t. 9th. T-77 CANADIAN NATIONAL Courtice W ~ins Titie 1 tTH W SCEFEAT 3 TO 21 SAf ter leading for tbree innings (Contînueti frorn page 1) 111gýit Sol let South Ward take ed a corner. The kîck-îni n was Ihevî.'ory in a scrappy game oni anti T. Grahan was tnoun Tesde~tay by a 3 ta 2 score. The game enaugh ta be the man ta miakt' an 1,wa.s xlleti for darkness li the endi accidentaI foul whiclh gave Couctice of the High Scbools sîxtb innings. a penalty kick. It was a tense mi>- *Redi' Bowmian changeti bis teamn ment as Couch Courtice. tbe champ-1 arounti several times. giviiîg Sauth ions stcongest kicker, came forwacti Ward the opportunîty to score ag- ta take the kick. Jack Knîght stooti ainst players in unaccustoinet posi- centrally between the goal posts to tions. Wbile there was lot,, of pep try and save wbat is usually an imn- ta the game its features were possible drive. Couctice let drive nurnerous ercors and Souith Ward's with a fast bard kick about four objection ta, Scotty Camecan's uni- feet f rom the east goal post anti piring, which let Scotty 011, of the beat Knight quite easily. With only game, and nearly broîîght on a f is- one minute to go, the cesult was tic exhibition when oine of the fans. then a foregone conclusion anti the who is usually beacti above the resi Courtice team neyer gave Bawman- of the crowd, mixeti it tîp a littie ville a chance ta get near their goal with Bill Bagneil. The tearns wece: area. South Ward - Bates. c: M. Lit- It was a wildly cheering band of tle. 2b; Large, cf; Witheridge. lb: Courtice supporters wbo surgeti ac- I. Piper, ss; Naylor. 3b: F. Mutton, rosa the field ta congratulate the f: C. Mutton, cf; G. Piper. P. winners as soon as the closing whis- Higb School - Williams. lb; W. tle sountieti. Bagnell. c; E. Bagnell. ss: L. Hall. For Bownafville it was a tough 3b and p; B. Slemon. lb: Bowmian. garne ta lose. andi we believe that p; J. Allun, f; H. Slemon. 2b: Ad- the Courtice players would rather amns. cf; Hooper andi Mcllveen, r!. have won the championship in any Umpires - Tweetile, Cameron and other way than by a penalty kick. Martyn.____ ,oxevr hat is tro hp. annarently -----.- - will be. and by this penalty kick Courtice will bolti the title o! West Durham Soccer Footballj champions for the ensuing twelve montbs. The teams were: Couctice - Goal, P. Short; backs, C. Courtice. A. Muir; haif backs. W. Wade, H. Muir, R. Courtice: f or- wards, T. Gearinýg. J. Gay, G. Brown. H. Gay anti J. Wilkins. Bowmanville - Goal, J. Knight; backs, A. Lobb, W. Graham; bal! backs, S. Bathigate, B. King. Wise- man: !orwards, S. Allan. T. Wil- liamnson. A. Hockett, R. McKnigbt anti T. Graham. Referee - Wilson. Toronto. I STARKVILLE Mca. W. J. Hailowell visiteti in Osbawa last week. Mrs. W. Savery is visiting ber tiaughters in Oshawa. Mr. anti Mca. Willie Hallowell vis- iteti frientia in Peterboco. Miss Laura Trim is in Toronto attending the Exhibition. Mc. Jake Hallawell is much irn- praveti from bis recent ilînesa. Mc. anti Mrs. Evans of Orono vis- iteti at Mca. I. Stark'a recently. Mrs. W. Henry anti !amiiy, New- mnarket, visiteti at Mca. S. G. Hailo- well's. Mca. Clarke anti son o! Detroit, bave been visiting at Mrs. Robt. Reid.*.s. b Mca. Collins of Ottawa bas be visîtîng hec daughtec, Mca. JJ. Mellor. Miss Mary Melior bas been spenti- îng a few tiays with Mca. Erwin Col- xvili. Newcastle. Our bouse o! leacning will re-open untier the guitiance of our foi-mer teacher. Miss Green. Mr. Bill Reiti o! aur station is spenting a few tiays in Toronto anti taking in the Exhibition. Mcs. Wilfceti Woodi anti!aniily. Ocono. are spentiing a few tisys at hec mother's. Mca. Chas. Reiti. Miss Marguerite McKay. Nùwtoni- ville, bas been holitiaying at ber grantimother's, Mca. John McKay. Miss Moily Hassacti o! Drytien anti Miss H. Shaw. Peterboro. visîteti their frienti. Miss Nocma Haliowell. Mc. anti Mca. Hoît o! Toronto. Mc. anti Mca. John Stone o! Ocono. .spent Sunday at Mc. Frank Stone's. Mr. Meilor pceacheti an able ser- mon at Shiloh on Suniay. He urgeti the people ta follow the teachinga o! Jesus. Mca. M. Sbutka was in Oshawa to visit bec mnother wbo is quite ill. Mca. Shutka ceturneti home with a sevece colti. Mir. anti Mca. Henry Sheppard, Zion, recently vîsiteti at Mc. Arthur McKay's, as titi also Mc. anti Mrs. Gea. Morton, Sixth Line. Mc. anti Mca. Rosa Hallowell, ac- Scompanieti by hec parents. Mc. anti Mca. E. White, Elizabetbville, visiteti frientis in Orono on Sunday. 1 Misses Norma anti Beulah Hallo- 1weil entectaineti a number o! their lady frientis ta an aftecnoon tea wben a vecy pleasant time was :spen t. Harvest is finisheti in tbis section anti rany ave threset. Everyone reports a very ligbt crop. Farmers. ;howevec. ac piowing anti prepacîng .their soil. iooking forward ta a bet- 1 er ccop next year. Miss Hettie Wallace o! Saskatch- Sewan bas came ta make ber home in Ontario, spentiing the greater part ;0f ber time with bec aunt. Mca. Chas. Reiti who met bec at the Un- ion Station. Toronto. No preacbing service at cbîîcch next Sunday awing ta Decoration services at Newtonvilie. Sunday Scbooi will bc elit as usuai. Holi- days are avec anti we are looking for agreater attendance. Lessona are very intere.sting anti helpful. Mc. Wellington Cowan o! this town. A gatbecing o! about seventy In- stitute members was entectaineti on Fciday, August l8tb. in the Council Chamber when the Newtonville lad- ies came to visit Orono Brancb. Tbe meeting openeti witb Mca. Eti. Dean presitiing, andtia er the singing o! The Maple Leaf andtihte, Institute raily sang, tbe cegular business was taken up. The cbaic foc the pro- gram was taken vecy ably by Mca. M. J. Hoiman. an honocacy presi- tient o! the Newtonviile Institute. Program openeti with a splendid in- strumental duet by Mca. Campbell anti daugbtec Jean; solo by Mca. Rednap was well receiveti; Mrs. C. Hancock tolti very vividly the stocy a! Davies' Dog: f oiioweti by a piano duel by the Misses Jaynes; a pleas- ing solo was sung by Miss Winni- fred Rickacd; anti a well prepareti paper, -Taking Stock of Youcseif," wa.s given by Miss Rowland; solo by Miss Jean Campbell; cecitation bY Miss j. Holmes: solo by Miss Audrey Jaynes: anti an instrumental bY Mca. Campbell brought to a close a mîîcb enjayeti pcogram. Lunch was serveti by the committee, anti a pleasant social chat enjoyed. The thanks o! the guesta was expresseti by Mca. W. Milligan. president o! the Newtonviile Bcanch, to Ocono ladies. Meeting closeti by singing Goti Save tbe King. Bowmanville Scores1 Shoutout Victory In 1 Exhibition Came Herel In a f1ve-inning exhibition base- bail game playeti at tbe High Scbooi diamanti an Thursday evening be- tween Whitby anti Bowmanville. the visitors were shut out whiie the 10- cals took nine runs off as many bits. Connors, the visiting hurler, had three strike-outs. Bowitan. pitch- ing the first thcee inninga for the locals, hati five strike-outa, anti Hall taking the mounti foc the last two f rames, hati one strike-out. Hoop- er, the catcher foc Bowmanville. sustaineti a split finger in the fourtb inning an a foul tip anti was re- placeti by Bates. Whitby - Rorabeck. cf; Brown, if; Quinton, lb; Rantial, 2b; Mayne, rf; Yacaboski, ss: McDonald. c; Forester. 3b; Connors, p. Bowmanville - Osborne, ss; Hall, 3b; Cameron. cf; Colwvell. 2b; Cor- tien, lb; Moore, 1!; James, r!; Hoop- er, c; Bowman, p.RHE Bawmanville 116 lx - 9 9 1 Wbitby o000 CG- O 2 4 Many mothers can testify ta tbe virtue o! Mother Graves' Worm. Ex- terminator. because they know f rom. experience how useful it is. HoId Field Day Camp ScIolÇjeId (Contlnued from page 1) lier, Ouiller. Gray. Puck Shooting - Campbell, Vil- leneatîve. French. Champions - Friedman 23 points; Campbell 15 points; Branston 11 point-s. The prize ribbons in these events were pî'esented by Rev. C. R. Spen- cer, Rev. A. S. Ker, Rev. Geo. Ma- son. Hon. W. G. Martin, Mayor Geo. W. James. and Ex-Mayor M. J. El- liott. Superintendent A. R. Virgin was official starter: Dr. Gibbons, an- nouncer; andi the following judges, Messrs. Rutidick, Bullick. Williams, Penlington. Farrar, Raines, Wagner, Fenton. Davidge. Bratt Bagnell. Lit tneîr. anti Robinson, all camp counsellors or members of the staff. Scorers were Mr. W. H. Hill, Miss G. Caveirly and Miss M. Allin; and ground supervisors wece J. J. Brown, J. E. Cunningham, G. L. Davitige. Wrestling Finals 70 lb.-Packer and Lowe; 80 lb.- Robinson anti Rosenberg; 90 lb.- Boyti and Jordan: 100 lb.-Bratt and Cox: 110 lb.-Decker anti Clarke; 120 lb.-Usher anti Daganeis; Heavy weigt-Hall was cteciared winner owîng ta Demecy defaultîng as he bati injured a thumb in the boxing bout. Boxing Finals 70 lb. class-French and Gray; 80 lb. class--Surnmerfield and Adamns; 90 lb. class-McMurray andi Jordan; 100 lb. class-Pratt and Cojacaci; 110 lb. class-Wilkie and Lands- downe; 125 lb. clasa-Moore and Wells; Heavy weight-Demery anti Watrous. Bowmanville Lacrosse Team Ties Whitby For First Schedule Honors Bowmanville and Wbitby reach the close of the cegular schedule o! the district Lacrosse League tieti in flrst place. and a garne tonight, Thursday, will be played ta decide the winner. The second scbedule will get under way on Tuesday next. The complete liat of games ta be playeti during September follows: Sept. 7-Playoff - Whitby at Baw- manville Sept. 12-Brookiin at Wbitby Sept. 14-Brooklin at Bowmanville Sept. 18-Bowrnanville at Wbitby Sept. 21-Whitby at Bowmanviile Sept. 23-Bowmanville at Bcooklin Sept. 25-Brooklin at Whitby. ECI Low case, aIl -expense s ehe great ship SE E tw uldira et the Wo dancing and oetetit SIFour bout gray se Macki (L~uuJiship s your hatel while ~UIi~~~f.Irrie :oday for pecisi 0 humdon r e r Ltrpis gf ïe The Cleveland and Bel Part StanleyCanada; Cleveland.( FIR IXEcuRsIONs ANDBE B.givye rid'sFait.Music.: onent enronte. dosea Isl&od. The le in Chicato. lorld'i Pair ieso ffalo Transit Co. a. .0;Buflo.N.Y. . - ANOTHER Roches ter Excursion ACROSS THE LAKE Wednesday, Sept,. 13 $1,25 Cobourg to Rochester And Return (Children 65 cents) Leave Cobourg - 8.00 a. m. Standard Time R eturn to Cobourg - 11.30 P. m: Stand ard Time GOOD DANCE ORHESTRA ON STEAMER Purchase tickets trom nearest Canadian National Agent, or at steamer. ONTARIO CAR FERRY COMPANY COBOURG-ROCH ESTER STEAMSHIP ROUTE (T-196) Fo cmfrt eoom ad ea lesuenoh ù I!eqasr* * tegra hisonh & IN A r.-" CTIV. 1 b d t v c

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