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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Sep 1933, p. 1

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With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News 1X1bAT1TTT CKT rT1SiA1P A M*~{ 1f%9 UM ER3 VOLU.TME . 79 DIJ ViIVIfl.71VI biLJL, ~Â .,~.. .~--~ - Schools Crowded For Re-Opening For Winter Term High School Board Avoids Hiring an Extra Teacher - 300 Students at B.H.S. and 600 at Public Schools Bowmanville High Scbool is now undar way for another yaar's bard wark despite what saine may tbink about the scbool featurîng tea much play. The attendance is greater than ever in the bistory o! the school, due no doubt ta the fact that a! ter 1934 the Normal Scbool will admit only sucb students who have standing that will entitle then te graduate then witb a first class car- tificate. In past years the High Scbool e- suits, which were publisbed saine weeks ago, bave always been well aboya tha average in the province and this year is no exception. Ah- lhough the percentage passing is not quite as high this year, stUll the saine relative proportion is main- tained, and the staff looks forward ta a ver3, successful year this year. At ana time the High School Board were faced witb the necessity of hiring an extra teacher to take cama o! the enlarged atandance. but the Board and Principal Dippeli are ta be commended on the way they have raarranged classes so that this added ey-iense will not be necessary. Students and staff o! the school will be sorry te hear that at a meet- ing o! the High School Board this wveek the resignatioli, througb ilI naalth, of Miss 1. G . Halliday was accepted by the Board with regret. Miss Halliday is ordered by ber phy- siians to take a complete rest. The Board is already advemtisin'g for a teachar ta take ber work in Coin- mercial classes. At the Public School the attend- asre bas reachad nearhy 600. Had Principal Johnstan been able ta ac- cominodate all the beginiiers thal appeared on school openîng day more than 600 would bave been reg- istered. Lack o! roon however cau- ted several o! the youngar anas to be sent home for another year. Work at the Public Scbool bas settled down ta routine, and wth practically the saine staff as las' yaar. a good yaar's work is axpected, Miss Annie Aiin bas returned from Edmonteon, Ata., wbere sh> was called by the sudden daath of ber brother, Dr. Edgar Ain. Hèi niece, Miss Elsie Allin, raturnad witl ber and will rasuna studies at On- tario Ladies' Collega, Wbitby. Counties Warden Sti Powers be Givei 136th BATTALION PREPARING FOR ANNUAL REUNION Bowmanville Battalion Winl Renew OId Friendships in Bowmanville on Saturday, September 23rd The Executive af the 136th Bat- talion have plans almost completed for the re-union of former comrades of the battalion in Bowmanville on September 23rd, when It is expected a real large turnout of local and out- sida members will be in attendance. Accordiflg ta present arrangements the comrades will meet at the Town Hall at 4 p. m. f rom where they will go ta Central Public Scbool grounds ta form a parade ta march te the Cenotaph where a brief memorial service will be held and a wreatb placed on the monument in memory of members of the battalion wha have passed on. Immediately fol1- lowing the service a business meet- ing will be held in the Council Room. At 7 o'clock. daylight saving time, a banquet will be beld in the Bowman House Hotel, for which a splendid prograin is being arranged. Members o! the Battalion living in this district are cordially invited and urged ta attend the gatbering. They are alsa asked ta get in touch with other members of the Battalion flot resident in this district and in- vite them ta attend the re-union. J. C. Samis, Secretary, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lanyan. Mr. and Mrs. David Jackson of Pitts- burg. Pa., are visiting with Mr. John and Miss Eva Hellyar. In company with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hardy. the party spent a few days at Wasaga Beach. STATESMAN ADVT. 100% SUCCESSFUL The following letter f rom Harry R. Pearce of New- castle speaks for itself, and only serves ta bear out aur contention that if you bave anytbing to selI, advertise it in The Statesmafi. Dear Editor: The Ad "Tonatoes for Sale" in The Statesmnan last week was 1001% suc- cessful and tbrough it I have been able ta dispose o! the crop as it ripened. Buy- ers came wth cars and trucks, wbile others pbaned Catnacian Statesman Runner Up in Mason Tropky Contest For tke Best Ail-Round Weecly Newspaper in Canada it is with pardonable pride we announce this week that The Canadian Statesman earned the runner-up position for the "ýbest all-round Week- ly Newspaper in Canada," in the Mason Tro- phy contest at the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association annual convention beld in Vancouver, B. C., last week. Pull details a! the contest are not ta hand, but a wire f rom John M. James, The Statesmafl's representative at the convention, annaunced The Statesman's receipt o! this hlgh honor. The Mason Tropby was originally presented by W. E. Mason, Editor of the Sudbury Star, for annual competitian among weekly newspapers in Canada with circulations exceeding 2000 copies weekly. The winner of the contest this year was the Vernon B. C. News. This paper is published in a town approxixnately the same size as Bowman- ville, with a population 70 less than this tawn. The tawn is a junction on the C. P. R. and C. N -R. and is situated on Lake Okanagan, in the heart of a great fruit growing district. It is, like The Statesman. an independerit newspaper of seven columns and it might be interesting ta point out that its subscription rate is $250 per year in con- ijarison with The Statesman's $200. The Renfrew Mercury, published by E. Roy Sayles, Manager Director of the C. W. N. A., beat The Statesman by one point laest year, but The Statesman pulled up f rom fourth place last yeur ta second this year, putting Renfrew in third place. Renfrew is situated 67 miles f rom Ottawa School Students Blank Front St. .Are in Playofs. By 12-0 Score Hilgh School Earns Right to Meet Jack- man' s Orioles in Big Dou- ble Header Saturday Af- ternoon ta have -to'm-atoes delvered. Playing about the finest brand o! o However, despite daily sales bsbl hyhv eosrtdt there is no apparent dümin- baea1te aedmntae ishing o! the crop; as fast this year, Jim Bawman's Higb as we pick thein others Schaol students shut out the Frontb grow and ripen. Street in a decisive manner on Wed-c H. R. Pearce rnesday a!ternaon. It was a playoff9 gaine, the winner havmng the right ______________________ta neet Jackman's Orioles in a dou-a ble-header on Saturday, the winnera ______________________to meet South Ward in the finals.s The score was 12-0. S k~4The hero o! the gaine was Pitchert aggests that Mvore Boyd Shemon wbo ran up a record ho! il strike-outs, while the Counter Pt il IHappers managed onlY ta secure two ýn C.oufliV Couflls bits. Slemon's slow roundhause completely f ooled even such seasori- --ed players as Mike Osborne wbo umn paper with the subscription rate the samne as The Statesman. It migbt prove interestlng ta, our readers ta knowv on what basis the award Ls made. A possible 65 points are available in the trophy contest based on the following values: Local news 10, Corres- pondence 10, Editorial comment 10, Features and Illustrations 5, 'Local Advertising 5, Qeneral Ad- vertisîng 5, Classlfied Advertising 5, Typography 5, Makeup 5, and Presswork 5. Newspapers entering the contest are nat given an opportunity ta publish a paper especially for the contest. The directors of the C. W. N. A. as convention time draws near select two numbers at randoin, this year April l3th and June 22nd issues were chosen, so that the newspaper must be consistently goad ta ensure that whatever num- ber is selected will be well representative of the paper that is published f rom week ta, week. Publishers of The Statesman have put forth every effort to keep up the high standard of this paper during these depressed times by adding sev- eral features ta its columns and making other un- provenants ta the paper by way of affering a bet- ter service to the community whicb bas patron- ized The Statasman since it was founded in 1854. This work of! continually improving the readable qualities and advertising service of this news- paper will go ahead in the future as it has in the past as a mark of appreciatian for the generous support The Statesman received and as an effort ta warrant your continued support in the future. jGOLDEN WEDDING GREENFIELO - FLETCHER - In BowmanviIC. on Septemiber 12th. 1883, )y Rev. Jos;hua Dykt, ut the residence of the bride's father, '%fr. Robert Green- field, mierchant of Toronto, and 'tiss A~nnie Jane, daughter of Gordon P. Flet- cher, Esq., Bowinalle. A very happy event was celebrated on Sunday at the home of Mr. and l4rs. Robt. Green!leld, Ontario St., wben all nembers of their famlly assenbled ta celebrate with thern the fiftieth annlversary o! their wedding. Owing ta the illness o! Mrs. Greenfield the occasion was observed very quietly. On behaif o! the f amily an add-iiss conveying the goad wisbes o! ail was read by Mr. Norman Greenfleld and the wo>rthy couple was presented with a purse o! gold besides a number o! other glfts. Mr. Greenfield replied on bebaîf o! aujl n hi nrne.takn a! te serv Som tal olus in1 Nor Tor wifl icame aown t pluay foui ruu.ý3tre iel Warden W. F. Rickaru Tells Councillor Strike Boydt was given reai support in the and Tha Cont Maes in ReordIn field with the resuit that Front Grei Rotary Club Ta ony M ksFn eodI Street had only one man reacb third ford Councils Can Acconiplish Tennis Tournamnents base. Flet The students started ta score ini forr Public Works Cheaper the third innings when Siamon gat at Than overmentAf ter nearly capturing the Toron- ta first on a walk Williams bit te TwC Thn ovrnietto and District Mixed Tennis Doub- get on and bring Boyd home, and Mes les Concilo W.R. trke nd isH. Slenon's bit ta centra field Tor Deivring a most informative ad- ls onilrW .Srk n i brougbt Williamns in. The next Inn- dress covering practically aIl phases partnier, Miss Ruth Fishleigh o! Osh- ings High Scbool toak tbings in o! county work, Reeve W. P. Rick- awa, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. their own banda and batted con- Y ard o! Newcastle, Warden o! tha Theodare Pishleigh, !ormnerly o! pletely around bringlng in 6 runs onhas Unted Counties o! NorthumnberlandBo aviecpudte Centra only one bit. Another run in the gar and Durham,. was the guast speaker Somrvle apue h a th, ana in the 6th, and two in the mi at the Rotary Club on Fiiday. Ontario Championship at Oshawa 9th completed their score. se Introduced by Mayor Gea. W. last week. Mr. Strike raached the Front Street on the athar band Suit In-la James, the Wardati conmented on1 quarter finals in the Men's Doubles went out one-two-threa in Six i the amounit o! publicity given tO o! Toronto and District wben A. W. inga o! the gama. Only Jack Culley Coutis oucisbah y ocl nd"Amy" Armstronlg o! Oshawa was and Red Hooper managed te, get bitsco dally press, in whicb extravagance bis partner. In the samne tourna- off Slenon and neither were able t o: was stressed and in wicb the ment with Miss Plshligb as bis reacb home. wo Cauncil bad been dubbed a rubber partner they reached the finais o! Front Street wbo started out in 10ci stamp. To sone extent this wa the nixed doubles but failed ta cap- good style went te pleces when WC trua, ha pointed out. but the counicil ture te honors. Since te Bow- Goozey Osborne went haywire in we' playad a big part in the lufe o! the nanville Tennis Club bas ceased ta the 4tb inningsr and was replaced w<l Counties and would Play a mnuch f unction or exist Mr. Strika bas been by "Park" Osborne, wha was unable 0 bigger part bad it the contraI o! the a neinhai'o! the Osbaa eni gar naw uncontrollable axpeiises. It Cub (Contlnued an page 5) mna had been the experience of the n counicil that work could be accomP- ________________________________________ nt llshed nuch cheaper by the Coun- ties Counicil than it la by the Pro -fi Op o e C PR- vincial Govennent, the salaries not C.ounl VigorouslV p o e C P R bigas hlgb and better prices ha- lng obtalfled. Ha !urtber believed tht adth curtisth cntorof uea ta Scrap Scugog Crossing Gates the administration o! justice tha cost o! this branch o! work could ha ctha19inouci, heWade Bowmanville Town Council wlll Reeve Lockbart presentad the e- said, bad inanaged ta have cuis o! strenuoushy oppose termvlo oto h iac omte e 20%mad Inthesalrie o!sevr~hthe crassitig gates on the C. P. R. on commending payment o! accounis officiad o! the Jstliso e dprtinntScugog Street and their replacemnt totalling $1046.43 and including re- Cominentlig on the office o! Wai'- by a wig-wa.g signal. Notice was e- lie! axpenditurea for the month. dan.Mm. lckad satedthatha e aved at the counicil meeting on Councillor McLaughlin obiected te drfen, ed,966 pd el at he cou- Monday that the C. P. R. had made the hlgh service charge made by the lies. whlcb was also represarited by application ta the Dominion Rail- hydro for llghtlng at the town ba foaur mambers o! parlianent. two wa Board to hava the change made, and on motion the chairman o! the provincial and twa faderal. but council volced stmang opposition Propemty Committea wlll report back The Countias o! Northumnberlanld in view o! the notb and south traf- on the natter. and Durhain wama largai' than saine f lc meeting at thal Point wtb Wel- Considerable discussion surround- people hallaved, as tbey had a front- lingtonl Street and factomy traffic. ed the aubject o! the Weigb Scalas aga o! 75 miles. and a daptb o! 35 The clark was dlrected to write the at tbe Town Hall. Councîl was un- ta 40 miles. The counities counicil Railwe.y Board te, this affect. !ormed that it wauld cost over $500 wascoposd ! 0 ninais, wtb Other business at the meeting was ta bhave theinirapalred and a shed tlte Cobourg manhar baving two mostly o! a routine nature. When arec te oertha fhe olproeCton- 'vvotes, In lieu o! an extra deputY counicil opened, Mayor Oea. W.f masin wth etn thé*leiCon- eava ta wblch is population an- Janes on I)haaf o! the couniciliex-msinwl eoto h egi titld ILtended contgratulations ta Col. L. T. and scalas act and alsa on the nat- tThead uit. et he iesaMLuhi nhi eetmri ter o! outside optanetrists and ica ThaCaucilinets hra ties Mcauglinon is ecet iarraga dealers operating un Bowmianvllle yaar. in January for the statutoi'y* The clark "ts lnstructed to Write witbout paylflg a licanse or business meeting, un June for the strlklng o! the secretary o! the. Hospital Board tax. tae tax rate, and in Deceinbei for that patienis able te pay for hospi- on nation thie Pire Brigade was the recaiving o! reports o! commit- talîzatuan should not ha chassed as granteci 50% o! the money receiveci tees, roaci superintendant, andi heada indigents. P oni o heBree n o! Institutions. b orclfrteBreo n At the Januai'y meeting, whicb The application o! the 136tb Bat- Nawcastle firas lu addition ta $2.00 always opens on the f!,ourth Tuesday talion Association for a grant te- for drylng hase. in januarY, the electian of the wamds their e-union banquet was Public Proparty Connittee was Wamdeii takas place by open vote, not antertalned by counicil in vlew autborlzed te, place a light on Hem- the clark W110 acta as chairmnl cal o! the financlal strlngeflcy that ex- Bey Street hatween tae C. P. R. contlnUed on page 2) lIst. bridge and Eflgin Street. Music Festival Association Has S uccessFul Year Financial Report Shows As- sociation in Healthy Con- dition - Meeting at New- castle on Friday The financial report of the Dur- han County Music Festival Associa- tion for 1933, which shows the f in- ances lu a healtby condition, bas been raleased for publication by E. A. Summers, Secretary a! the As- sociation. The report will ha f orm- ally presanted ta the association at ils .re-organization and alection o! officera in the Conmunity Hall at PUBLIC SCHOOL STUENT STGE Wrigley Guests BIG FLOWER SHOW Describe Visit ta Parents and Citizens Cordially In- vited to Attend Event at Central C N xm bto A unique event will take place onL Here nd ousL e Friday a ternoon, Sept. lth, at Lucy er adLus yl Central Public Sehool when the flrst Describe Two Days FilIed Public School Flower Show will be staged from 2 to 5 o'clock. Any pub- With Educational and lic scbool student who attended schaol last June may compete and PFleasure Jaunts in Tor- the flowers must be brought to the ot'atW e school on Friday mornmng. Five ot-atW e prises in eacb of the ten classes wil be awarded, with the Brookdale Nur- Note - At the request of the Edi- series. Downham Nurseries, Kings- tor, Lucy Hearle, te Rotary Club way Nurseries and Jackman's Nur- protege Who is known ta mot pe- series contributing the prizes for the ple in Bowmanville and who was flrst six events. Speclal prizes in the. oe of tbose selected te go on the last four events are donated by Capt. Wrigley Exhibition trp last week, and Mrs. C. W. E. Meath, Mayor bas written an interesting account Oea. W. James, Mr. Fred Cryderman f her visit to the Canadian Nation- and Mr. W. E. Groves. The flrst al Exhibition. Lucy's story f ollows: prizes which are donated by the My ~Wrigley C. N. E. Trp above nurseries consist of nursery On Thursday, the thrty-flrst of stock, wbile the 2nd, rd, 4th and August, a very surprislflg question 5th- prises in cash are donated by was asked me, "Would you like ta the Bowmanville Horticultural Soc- g ateEhbto? hni a iety. The public is cordially imvited g a h e xibained " WrigeyComp ta attend this show and by their lexaid,"hWrgyCop presenoe encourage the children in any has asked me ta choose twa horticulture. children, a boy and a girl, te repre- fAn additional class has been add- sent Bowmanville at the Exhibition ed or ouqets Mr J.Larerdon- as Wrigley guests," said Mayor Geo. atin firt prze.The boy chasen was Louis Lyle and th i 1 uiiiybJ..L to attend St. Josepb's College, Tor- onto. OUR WANDERING CUB REPORTER? Has the Daukhabor pop- ulation a! western Canada kidnapped aur wandering reporter? We are forced ta ask this question after pa- tiently waiting for the sec- ond in the series of articles by John M. James. aur re- presentative at the Press Convention at Va.ncouver, on bis trip ta the Pacifie Caast. Af ter a theoretical study of the attractions that may bave drawn him f rom bis duties, we are of the opinion that he bas visited a Doukhabar settle- ment and bas becone 50 enanoured with the spirit of Nudismn for which that race is noted, that be bas decided ta f the con- fining formalities a! civiliz- ed Britishers, and jained with the big Parade a! per- secuted and prosecuted aP- ostles o! the birthday suit. C. N. E. In the meantime a letter came asking mother ta acconpany I me because of my condition. This was agreed ta and a few days later the train tickets and a badge with my name printed on it came. No- thing lef t but the day ta came! "Wake up, Lucy, it's four a'clack," so spoke mother on the marning of Friday, Sept. 8th. I was sa excited I could nat eat much and wbo wauld nat be? About 5.30 a. n. Mayor James called for us. Taking leave of the drowsy occupants of our bouse, mother and I lef t with His Worship and a shy, littie fellaw in the front seat, wha was Louis Lyle, son of Fire Chief Lyle, the Bow- manville boy Wrigley guest. The train did nat come until 6.15 a. m. We arrived at the Union Station in Toronto at 7.30 a. m. and were met by several representatives o! the Wrigley Ca., who took us ta aur bot- el. There was an invalid's chair ta hurry me through the station toaa waiting taxi. Thraugb the wlling bands of "Wrigley men", mother, Louis and I were taken to the King Edward Hatel wbere we reglstered. Mather and I were taken to a IovelY private room. Atter washlng, we went down ta the Pickwlck Dinlng Room which was then called the Wrlgley clining room. Ail the time, guests were arriving at both the (Contlnued an page 4) for their good wishes and. gifts, Ner cat on mrstaynardepten- ar whicb a splendid supper wasbelSat8pm.sndrtie ved, a very deliciaus and hand- At tbis meeting the location o! ne wedding cake centering the next year's festival will be decided Tw H' J no j le while yellow roses and gladi- upan and other important questions Tw unarea rionor Junor adges is wera used ta decarate the roons discussed. AUl thase interested are >,.nongo thse hpy ve . cordially iiivitad and urged ta at-Pr e in rs a < V Id S eiF r Amongthosepreset wer: Mr.tend. rz w n esa W o l sS ed F i rnan Greenfield and wif e, New Te financial report in detail fol- ronto; Mr. Fred Greenfield and s.________________ a, Port Union; Mr. Cecil Green- Reiptss Norman Hogg, Ma ur ic e d, Whitby; Mr. Percy Greenfield Balance, 1932 -,$ 5.5 HAYDON 1. Bkr n Oie mt Id wife. Bowmanville; Mr. Victor Membership Fees. 148 @ 25c 37.00 Baker,__andOliverSmith ,een field , w if e an d f am ily , S tra t- E t y F e . . . . . . 73 25 d; and one brotber, Mr. Herb. Entry vGu Fefesnr t i tcbran w! , Bwnnvll, heDoor Receipts.... .. 246.67 Mr. John Wright is visitlng bhis Get fHnra i rmer being the only one present Shield Donations: daugbter, Mrs. W. Ridge, Toranto.* Banquet at Orono - Dr. the gatbering fiftY Years ago. E. P. Bradt 15.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Chambers and 'a brothers o! Mrs. Greenfield, a' ouPotHp.50 fml.Hritn, visited at Mr. G. 1. Christie a Speaker ssrs. Charles and John Plet'Cher, Music Study Club, Port Hope 15.00 Leslie Graham's. ronta, were unable ta be present. Orono Continuation Sch. Bd. 15.00 Raily Day Service next Sunday at Durham County Junior Farinera, GodM-eDnain:23-p .M.A W niT- augmieflted by older farmers, frlends GoldMedl Doatins:rone, will be the speaker. AISa spec- andci dstmngulshed citizens, ta the M'r. F. B. Herman, 4 Carlisle Ave., Bowmanville Wan. Institute 5.00 ial singlng. number o! about 200, jolned on Fr1- s a bed o! beautiful Cannas in bis St. John's Ch. Choir, Pt. Hope 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rahm and day nigbt, September Mt, in paying rden whicb have been much ad- I.O.D.E. Part Hope .... 5.00 etWso M .HarRhm tribute ta tbree Durham boys, Nor- red. Ha planted two colors o! H. B. Rosevear, Port Hope 5.00 Be,uketon, Mr.adM. G.Arr ry, man Hagg of Orona, Maurice Baker ed-red and yellow-and as a re- J. T. George, Port Hope 5.00 ukee, r ad- ofa Aeya Hampton, and Oliver Smith o! ilt he bas a hybrid productionl that Mrs. Edgar, Port Hope 50 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stacey, Little Burketan, wba brought honar te very pretty. He favared The Orono Men's Association 5.00 Britain, Mr. and Mrs. Norman their native county at tha World'a atesman wlth saine fine specimeris. Hampton Wanen's Institute 5.00 Weîcb, Toronto, vlsited at Mr. C. Grain and Seed Show at Regina. A Dr. C. H. Biereton's Taranto rink, Warden Rickard, Newcastle 5.00 Averys. banquet, catered to by the ladies of mpased o! hinself and W. Miles, W. J. Bragg. M.P.P., Bow'ville 5.00 A large nunber attended the corn Park Street Cburcb, was served in on the Doubles Tournamnt at the Dr. J. A. Butler, Newcastle. 5.00) roast last Friday evening in the the Armories, Orona. wblch were >al Bowling Club an Monday. A. United Ch. Choir, Port Hope 5.00 cburch shed. Gaines were enioyed gally decorated for the avent wlth ordn ndpatnr rm onta. Silver Medal Donations: and later in the evening about 70 !lags and buntlng, with the Junior lore run r.Tewinningorin r.E .Tubr t oe 25 sat dawn to a long table f rom whicb Farmers' colors a! blue and gold a ,en treeanes wlTha plus scre PoMrt HE. M anadian ClubHoe 2.00 aserved corn, weiners, cake and dominant feature o! the decorativa f19 and the runnems up tbree Mrs. M. S. HawKîins, Pt Hope 3.n00 nlOW.scea ames with a plus score o! 17. So The John Orchard Estate auction R. S. Duncan, Toronto, Durhamn anyausie rnk tok ar tat (Contlrued on tpage. 4) sale is Tuesday, Sept. 19th. County's first Agricultural Repre- Bayownanvle rinks weo pre ata________________ sentative and now Director o! Ag- terth tounanvle nt. eeabericultiiral Reprasentatives for On- nter he turnaent.tario, actad as toastmaster for t4ha Dr. eilM cP ers n N tec Diineevening. Ater tha toast toe Dr. eil cPh rson Notd DiineKing, Mrs. Donald Rbb presded at GUEST SPEAKER the piano and Mr. Robb led luna short period o! conmunlty singlng, and Native oF Bowmnanville Passes afe hc atrBakunvr Rev. Neil MePberson, D.D., pl erkllled and bis young wldow and ber ta this toast wai'a made by Fred W. emeritus a! Old Pirst Çburch (Con- f our chlldren moved into the town Bowali, M.P., who hlghly cooxnnnd- gregational), dean o! Springfield o! Bawmnanvllle. ed the boys on their efforts. bring- clryewdeykonfr bis There. Neil McPbersoXi recelved lng out the f act that three town- rugged Christian character and bis early educatioli, and when 18 ahips, Darlingtaii, Clarka and Cart- forth-rightness, and prominent for years old, wlth a second class Grade wright, wara represaiited in the hon- yeas n ivi etepries dad eae-A certificate, hdmtriculated at ars brought back to Durham. W. J. fully in bis sleep early Sunday moom- Tarante University wlth first-claSs Bragg, MPP., grandiahra ar J "lng Setemer rdat is ome 18honora in mathematics. Af ter teach- ice Baker, asked to ehaf orgiven if ha Norfolk Street, Springfield, Mass. lng three years, he entered Quenexhbtdmrlhnuulpiel s~Ha came ta the Old Flrst Cburch University at Kingston ta study for spaaking on an occasion wlien bis until bis retirement as active pas- witb first-class honors in mental DoadRbfaviawthaum ter on December 31, 1931, was not and moral phllosophy and an M. A. oi'aus vocal numbar whlch draw absent f rom bis pulpit a single Sun- degree. Three yeams later ha finu- hearty applause frein the gatherlng, day because o! ilUness. isbed bis thealogical studies wlth after whlch Warden W. F. Rlckard Charcteistc o bi rugedeas th dereao! .D.Two days a! ter proposad the main toast o! the ev- bis warrior outlook in defending bis the dlvinlty degrea was conferrdelgt TaBy n hi convictions, was, the fallowing mes- upon hlm ha was lnducted into bis Coach." At this point Toastinastel' sage in bis latter o! resignation, firat pastorate at Petrolia. Prom Duncan autlined the competltlonif 'Araund the downtown cburch the thera ha was called aarly in 1897 ta that had led up ta the selection o! bullais o! indifference whistle and St. Paul's Presbytei1azU Cburch, thesa boys ta represent their pro- teshals o! irreverence and law- Hamilton, where ha was pastor for vince at Regina, Illustratlng the leasness burat furlously. The battia elght years., pgrlg this tima ha bard work they bad ta accomphish Dr G I hrstaagainst rlgbteotisfess and godliness was almsebcapWanI, to the 91st.Hlgh- and tha atlff opposition they faced Dr. . 1.Chritierages fiarcely around a downtowfl landara, ona o! the chaplains o! St. ha! are the hanor was thrust uPan Prasldent a! the Ontario Agricultur- church. I have felt the furY o! Andraw'a Society, and la mamber o! thein. Warden Riekard pald bricf ai Collage at Guelph, wbo was the front trench warf are." the Cauncil a! Queen's University. but earneat tribute ta the boys, each principal speaker at the banquet Dr. McPhersoii was boni near On Dec. 1, 1905, ha was called tao! whomn replled. talegh at Oona in honor o! the Junior Bowmanvilla. Ontarlo, on Dec. 23, the Tabernacle Prasbyteian Cburch, Norman Hogg gava Qult agb Farinera wbo brought honora te 1862, o! Scotch extraction. Ris fa- Indianapoli, Id., and there hae e- address ln whlch ha spoke lu glow- Durham County at the Woirld'S ther, John McPharaon, a few yaara malned for fiva and a balf yaars. lng ternis o! the work of Dr. 0i. 1. Seed Pair at Regina this sumnier. aftar bis marilaga was accidentallY (Contlnued on page 5) <Contlnuad on Page 6) a ý,> , ý' i, - lý,!ý. jt ý IVVLÀUIYln PnXXTMAMVTT.T.P. ONT-- THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 14,1.933 c7ýý,P VI-ma; 4 bt r

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