THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1933PAET APage oF Interest to Women eo PisRî Ugr fthe cucumbers well. Lt stand for RECEPTION TO NEWLYWEDS FA LL CO A TS Fors ranadle tn i la H int Forcold water for three days changing Mr. and Mms. Harold A. Werry, the water each day. Cook very Kedron, Given Miscellaneous Fu r m e i-i om ebodie ently in p eak araddig a Shower P r T l m * Written for The Statesman Make a syrup of 2 quarts white wine Mr. and Mrs. C. Everett Love. By Jessie Allen Blrown vinegar, 4 lbs. white sugar, 1 oz. ail- Kedron, opened their home to about$75, bus igtespicei a. eeig et tteeetbigpc 1 oz. celery seed, 1 oz. oassia 85 self-invited guests, Wedniesday.7 Neglcte Maret ver he ickes. rai eac da micellafleouS shower in honor f for hre dy. Dhaithesradaymr.ans Ms.Had A. Werry (nee Weseta part of the summner 'n pourover he pcklest.eStorepji ad Lorr.raine 1rs. HroJR oesI 2 ot-0 one of our country's Lake regions. crock tight]y covered or botie he f arsen ed shrtrg rm ons ist-y"W t ndd oddhot the last day. Don't wait until we say Vetl Lakes and rivers abounded50 dd în .0f as edflg cere lih summner visitors. There were plentyhwee.wsntosirdvad 1ofopprtulites or akig mneyowing to certain discrepancies; a yo 1o" Every day our manufact- Ibut no one seemed to see them, or IMPORTANT CHANGES IN reading, Miss Ruth Cole; commun- if they did they passed them up. It HOMES WILL INCREASE ity singing, led by Mrs. John Glover urers are quoting higher prices to us was a farming coxnmunity, but if HEALTH 0F PEOPLE with Miss Bernice Werry at the pi- thHarmr er rsprue h ano; piano solo, Mrs. S. T. Jewell;- but these were purchased at a anooa f thef arms blied it.onlyr We were informed the other day Nora and Bernice Werry. Mrs. 010- an rOu. osionl fear senoof painPr- that it 11nVw possible te have a ver then read an appreciative ad- ie hnwecul aewoadvanced. ous. Pons loothe absence 0f pain heating and cooliflg system in every dress in recognition of the splendid Every coat featuresnea acd mad tina etokwose t ae home which will automnaticaUly keep work Mr. and Mrs. Werry have ac- were-there dntidnte ecutrybe. the temperature at the sae ve hieved especialy in the choir and styiing - the f urs are fine, choice -L S un d ry We bick 0 pait or i ut e rolean, winter or suIrumer. In thie winter Sunday school, where both are act- qaiis e or o t13' Webgtounana-yr iBut tcraf there is an oil burner and ail one ive, Mrs. Werry having been pianist qaiis e or o t13' DONE THEvery unsatisfactory. We got the needs to do is set the temperature for some years. At the proper time,Ioetpce DONE THE m~rilk and cream in the evening and ara certain point and it will nt artistically decorated baskets, laden oetpis put it one ice immediately, yet most tat three degrees either way f romn with gif ts. were presented by somne THRI T mrnins te crainwas ourbe- hatlevel. In the suminer the air of the junior members of the Sun- fore breakfast and the milk soured is run through water, or, if neces- day school. Following the unwrap- J i ak rSo e o tC u WAY before supper. The consequence was sary. connected with the refniger- ping of these parcels. Mr. and Mrs. J i ak rS o e o tC u tha weQui buin cram nduedator to keeP it aiso at a uniformn de- Werry each thanked those present mh esml hnw te w ut uc odm euimen na ears upe wssrvdbyteWe want 'ou to have the smre wlde sel- muhl ikthan we otherwicrai ad se fact. we were assured that, for their gifts. in a few well-chosen 9Lsfo wold have. Sometilries the butter tmi ol be easily accomplish- youflg people, and after singing eto stoewobytercaseryi h 7c perM. addtionalwas good and sometimes it ws fed to nt have a greater difference "Blest Be the Tie that Binds," the sao.Cm nadlo vrorlresok Sulc perllb. that one used a itethan three degrees either waY from atiboeup ihng the bride Slc h otta o eie a ml e There for you when you arebreke ufoi it. Ai l fat work finished. as was possible. Thraascrl se temperature in the hottet day and groom much hapneslog pouit and ensure that the coat will be waltng e sin tha e a ni ng h o f nt h e f rymilk o a e re f r I Goods called for and deliv- smeiplace a i shofnt he kof July or the coldest day in Jan- hfe and prosperity. ered. Work done by Bow- soured so quickly. It meant loss of uary.Weblvettwebetefietsok. manville people. Satisfac- money troughot the summer asi It causes one to reflect on theEWARE 0F BEGGAaeRSefies soc o tion guarane. ths particular cottage is occupied pioneer homes, or even on present- EAR FIEGR coats ever showu hm Bowmaaavlle and are co- teed ~al summer each year. Only once in day homes. In the olden days, a ethtyowilfnacatoullliei _____________ a while could we get any eggs and home was frst of ail a shelter f ro111 (st. Mary's Journal-Argus) iethaynwl fd.actyofl k n techickens were nt read.Y for use. the elementa, and even freim wld The citizens of St. Mary's who ti iesok once there were no0 eggs in any of animis. There was no f ineness li have a sof t spot in their hearts for a Nerton M t or li S the stores and we had to wait until construction, and the interlor was those tramps and others who appearchresmaet lk Sosfr Marjoram' ~~they were sent f rom a packing house as rough as the exterior. Ventila- down on their luck may nt know it. atrtos and thisi axil nr. tion, if considered at ai, was Of sec- but nine times out f ten they are La ict nafrigcuty nayimportance. In the winter being played for suckers when theyGil an1M se Co t La U eyThe mail came in the afternoon une, windows were neyer .opened, "divy-up" dimes and nickles te help il -d M se o t Phone 478 King St. E. and the main street would be lined unless for very short intervais, and 11get a hungry mani a bite to eat." i with sum.mer visitora, rilling about in many cases old clothes were pack- Many times in the past few rnonths admyfutrmeanofhe os fri n tr ethe other, looking ed in alongaide the window f rames local authorities have corne acros Hnsml u rrne n ftem for something te buy other than .,to keep out draf ts," and, equallY transients and bumas who were suf- ptdemarilth he13Atu s- stpe.Yo couldn't buy vegetablea, effective. to keep out f resh air. fering f rom intoxication due te the snhî ruh.Tesye r uta Br youcold'tbu fui. gg cmeThere was often only one stove in imbibing of mixtures ranging ail the ing as those created for the--gOwnm-ups. They f romn the packing-hotuse and chick- the house. Near it there was a tre- way from a wine called in the par- enis were unattainable. I under- mendous heat, but the rooms f ar- lance of the road, "hoop iron" te r otaaoabypielfo stand that Huntsville has started a ther away reseýmbled an icebox. canuied heat, rubbing alcohol, brasso, farnier's market on Saturday to the W aecrn ogwy since shoe poliah. lemon extract, or in f act$ 4 9 mutual benefit of the farmiera and W aecm ogw the summer visitr. This village of then. Funaces have made it pos- any commercial concoctioru that con- u 1- - ~~which 1 write is net as large as sible te warxn ail roorna te a more tains sufficicuit alcohol te give one'a _____________________________ Huntsville but it is large enough t ectual temperature, and they have systemn a f unny feeling. have some concerted action. I won- overcomne the drY heat of stoves. Many 0f the lowest classes o! hu- J- derif thee is Womef's InsituteThe homes theniselves are of btter manity have deserted the city slums Wa k r S o e S Iin the comnmunity. There would be construction. and windows are used for the f resh air and open streets of z good work fr any Institute in a dis- for more thaLn jut letting ini the the country towns where they find a kr S o e ___ trictwhc gets cottagers-to, en- ight. Dirtcathn rough fl1oora the people either more sympathcthic iee whc - have been replaced by dlean, hard- or net in the know when it cames J curae te gowig o veetaleswood floora, and there have been ta sizing up underworld characters. adfruits. and ta provide other sup-cutcsohripoeet plie for their visitors. It is a queer peopRe.FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTREr th th in g b u t it 15 a lm o t in v ariab ly th e gen eral w ell-b ein g o ! th e peo ple. in gOitIostS HmOrrassGn for th -- - - hard ta get f resh vegetables when at Canada has a particular problein feilow who is down-and-out andP O E 6 a cottage. If one does get themn it here because of the nature of our trying te go straight in the searchPH N 16 la always late in the season. as the climate, with severe fluctuations in of a job, for when a persoul finda 9.At Your Doorstep gardens are neyer put in early temperature. Nobody would denY that his hard-earned cash is usedi ~~~~ ~~enough to be of much use ini July. the exhilaration of our Canadinfoilctan unarl for litan untra oma f ________________________________________________ 1 3 I lw i n t e r s , o r t h e w a r n t h o f o u r s u mn - v i c e hi e i s n e t s e r e a d y t o h a n d i t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NiThis particular county has plenty mers, but, f romn a health standpoint, out te a stranger. For T he D ay of id r perould ae b ebe a r ie we sufer because of these condi- Ye s. dear citizen. it is better t eiNlW E N Lv S P E B E 8, 1 3 A o h a nd snow-boulu aebe ed tions. A medical friend tells us give a starviuig man a sandwich than O EW E N Y-UET M E 8 Andheth1for many happy sale for themn. It is a so-on Canada sufera particularly f roml a dume un these days when certain u . yeantocome fo mil is district and the winter nighta rnust bronchial and sinus ailmerits, and members of the so-cailed hunlan ] LNI T the est oodfor hilden- be -long. People are looking for that Canadiaens will always have race are so deceitful. It might coat U ipbst f o o for c h ir A S E D Y DRdD A NDeA D- and grown U S o.Used as hand-uflde things these daya and I ea e o i sr t w ud be est el these troubles. I h ' trtune, the town a considerable fuxeral ex- W S E , D I D A D C R E a evrae r i crearnd ke twudbees o f or example, we it around or work pense if one of these nomads should dihs op n esrs okdrugs or patch-work quilts. ina fieo oe where the tem- happe" a i fro he cfeets of -~ w ' Amm rktk pro bu n s pdie . i thefi e rneceh'essi0a ie f o m 1 e C NA I N E IC L4 0 C E A C H2F O O i shes, o upd s ta n d ess erts a k t at h n u 10 s p l e . peratu re is abou t 76 degrees, an d t e po s n im bibed in these ra ke- A MAL TH SERV ICE O 20F & O nutritive elements for hel- Large Meals Are Dangerous then go out int air. that registers shif t fire waters. TECNDA EIA th. It's the best food and It very of teni happenS tet when a _______thzeromar ._The___ O sh a wa---L au-deySS&CD ryIClANa nin g i' o t eco omical. use peraon. is very hungry they are apt ar ound t hes e ro arkT he bu eectN E OM AN more milk milk t to be very tired too. The tendency harinful. Young people who work <C _______________________________________________ lit very best ali 446 or 703. is te eatYn:re than usual and be- ail day in a 70-degree atmoséphere OBITUARY "ON ON ..Bgel gn hn,5 cause f the tredness it ltodf- and then skate for houra at night in-_____________________________ Do30w u auv I efr h iesieaparatus to a 10-degree atmosphere are bul Tpof a!gn.algn"o aýndtl rthtroubletresuts. This is to feel its effects. If we held a piece Mrs. John Bui, OshawaTe ffy allaboute ctai the o par iculary true f those who haveo! iron in our hand and its temper- tefiytl bu h a n h Dwir gallbaddertobe ride n ature was changed, in a f ew seconds, Mr. Elizabeth Adelaide Burk, a bowl o!crain imght be used te de- p a t c r y t r u c b o !, t o s e w h o a v es r b h t s o c r i g h r g r weakfess i the digestive tract. This by7 degrees, either in heat or in resident of Oshawa for rore than sie wa aocrii ihrgr muetnevr beforottn. Nvereatcold, the tissues of our hand would forty-fivc yeara, died at lier home, t diphtherla, at least in moat. en- te lre ea.Ifyo re imeiteyf eel the efect. Sa it 736 Cedar Street, on Wednesday, lîghtened comnilties. Ck hugythat the ordnary sizd meal is with our nose, throat and bron- Septenber 6th. Mrs. Burk was born A few years ago, it was proclaifl- doe ne apeas, et asmal malchial passages as we step f rom a in Darlngton township eighty-six d that diphtheria ould be preveirt- adea nouppee ofcat s a mal eat warmn fireside into the coldness of years ago, the daughtem of Mr. and ed; today we can say that diph- C o a,' C o agn a ouplag eaohous loteo eat Mrs.Ni. 'William Vançamp. lHem mar- theria la bemng prevented and that, again. oo rgenaumslloes o! We cannot. o! course, hope te al- ýriage te John Burk taok place more in a number of places, it lias actu- thade mat f cui aue o al-ter our climate, but we rnay hope tea thas.n sixty years ago, after which Taisy b een ofan he s eak-t o ltlig 5 r i bladd r atack.overcome sa ne of its effects by e- t e re ided lu Darliigton, rovng a l a h ev r en s o! a r g . o Châli Sauce cognizing the differeule in tempera- later te Whitby, and about fvmnt f u ge o 2 i-quart baskets o! tomatoc, 8 turc and seking te equalize it. As seven years ago took Upaotfry centuries. diphthera was a menace large apples. 8 large onons, 6 tab- wc pointed out in the opening para- Oshawa. Mrs. Burk had been an te chîîd life, bIuirg a heavy toll year H N Y L T R P lespoons sait, 4 cupa white sugar, 1 grapl, this may now be accomplish- invalid for the past seven years and a ter year. Then care diphtheria]H N Y L T EP E tesongon e epr2tal-e insofar as the temperature in our although unable to attend cýurch anttoxi, one of the great discov- rpo ns ixed ground pice. 2 cupa homes is concerued. We can aiso she was an adhercit o! the Cedar- etry. Aof theltot aer arl efthe s H N 2J r50 O M N 5kmnan cut tomnatoes in piecea. treme o! temiperature to another. She was predeceaaed by her hua- it la given at the onset of the dis- Cook for seine tume te reduce the Our bodies are a wonderfuli mechan- band six yeara ago. and la survived ase. its use has preseved miai1 amount o! juice. Put apples and ian. but they arc bound ta sufer if by two daughters, Ms. David Boue, thousanda of lives. onions through-thc grinder and add we do not at ail tumes seek to avoid near Bownlanvillc, and Mrs. T. W. In spite of the benefits o! anti- al the other ingredicrits. Cook un- excessea. People living at the poles Kaiser o! Oshawa', one son. Claude, the was deay n t ue. F urther-A a S OE - R S 1___tl thick siring frequently. Bottlc have become nured to the cold. as o! Toronto; four grandchildren and ause, for one reason or another, a iethosep livingz at the equator have be- two great grandchildren. teewsdlyi t s.Frhr Nîfl Da Pikiecom enredto he ica. W in Thefunralwas held f romn the more. antitoxin could not control - ____ K ellogg's Con Flakes are cornpletely sealed in an isd Gillett's Lye dissolves clogging greae.00..1 EST gprinkie Gillett's Pure Flake Lye a quart of cold* water makes short work Of down your drains and toilet bowls cach greasy pans, tracked-up floors and other tire- .ek. Us it full strengtb -thiS powerful smre cleaning tasks. %nser cannot banni enarnel or plumbing. 'Use Gilett'a Pure F)ake Lye for &Hl your Dresse and cirt dissolve like mnagic . . . germa houBChold cleaig. It saves boums of liard ...............- dr~a.ins met work. Ask for it by name ... at your grocer's. therla occurs mo5t commonly and is moat fatal durlng the carleat years of life. This means that childreil should be lmmunlzed bel ore they are on1e ycar old, as otherwlse they rnaY contract the disease. To delaY means taklng a chance for whlch there is no justification. To act prornptly gives your chlld Uic pro- tection ta whlch ie lias a riglit, and ensures that ie wil pasa blrougli lila earlY childbiOod unliarmnedi by diplitleila. Do not delay;. loec no tume; act now I Questions conCerning Heailh, ad'- dreaaed to thc Canadiaxi Medical Association, 184 College Street, To- renta, will be answered PersonalY by letter. ~-