PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAI'î STATESMAN. EOW1IRA?.YVTT.T.W 'T'T.TTTi~flAV ~ lA 1O~ .Ï funeral at his late residence. Sym- '- New York, Miss Mary Katersa - j AL M aty s xtnded to Mrs. Strutt and ENNISKILLEN Hampton, Mrs. Cecil Crossman andN Irigle.iuests _efamily. --i Jean, Haydon, Mrs. Walter Kilburn ge Mr.F oe s ne h o- Speciai program at Sunday schooi r rn obisi ik and Joyce, Oshawa, visited at Mr. Mr. . ony s ndr hedo-Sunday afternoon was on Temper- M.FakRbbn ssc.Thos. Baker's. tor's care. ancc. The address was givcn by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tyers, Toronto, r.M ilasadMs a-D sr6 ii borbinE.r. F. ator bcing th le Mr. H. G. Macklin; vocal duet by visited at Mr. Theo Slemon's. garet, Washington, Mr. Ben Powell purchasner. Mr .CtrbgteM. and Mrs. A. Brent; rcading "The Mr. and Mrs. N. Aldread, Toronto, and Miss Mabel, Oshawa, Mr. and (Continued from page 1) purchaser.Gamblers Wife" by Mrs. Norman visitcd le sister, Mrs, Wm. Lamib. Mrs. John Fallis and Misses Bertha, Mr. and Ms W. Moffat and fam- Woodley; reading, "Story Told by a Mrs. Graham and family, Oshawa, Ethel and Alice, Pantypool, Mr. Royal York and King Edwarcl Hot-1 ily, Orono, werc gucsts with hier par- Quaker" was wcll given by Mrs. R. spent the weekcnd with lier mother, Bruce McGill, Bcthany, wcrc guests cîs. Owing to the fact that most Of ents on Sunday, and attended a.f er J. Hodgson; Miss Ferguson gave a Mrs. C. Boyct. a r avlWtc'.tcget i ltarv ni nonsevc br.brief address; after wbich Mr. A. W. Mr. andi Mrs. Jack Herod, Tor The missionary program on Sun- o'clock or aftcr the busses did flot, Sympathy is cxtendcd to Mrs. *A. Annis closed with prayer. onto, visited the latters mother, day morning was in charge of Mrs. leave the hotels until 10.30.1 Richards in the dcath of!lber cousin, W. M. S. met in the S. S. room on Mrs. Wm. Griffin. JsSmls MiesIenBso ThfrsdaIwsinaofficiai's Mr. E. Strutt. who passcd away very Thursday, Sept. 7th. Mrs. R. Hodg- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Salter and Jan.d Jes iseesowl ee avored witea car as ther was nlot otaeln suddcnly north of Tyrone last wcek. son. the president, conducted the famnily, Mrs. Eliza oison, Oshawa, duet. Master Clifford Millrgv abedn.Tcpoession was led Rev. A. S. Kerr's fine sermion on business and devotional session. The visitcd at Wesley Oke's. reiainIadMs l.E. gavrryob thc.MaTe r fCreoisM. Sunayaferoa ws vryprc-fallowing program was given by Mrs. Miss Bernice Stainton, Toronto, gave a missionary story. Dcnton Massey, and two or threc tical one. dealing with the following W. Millers group: Piano solo. Mrs. spent thc wcekend with bier parents, Division meeting was held in the motorcycle policemen wlha were of Christs example in pveryday life. Rob Roy; a paper on 'Kingdom of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton. Sons' Hall last Tbursday evening scemingly ail over the place stopping1 Mr. and Mrs. Gev. H. Joli, New- God Movement" was given by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Silversides with about forty present. Ater the the traffic so that Wrigleys 500'1 castle, Mr. and Mrs. Smyth O'Brien, Albcrt Hills; vocal solo, Mrs. A. m. and Bcth, Zcpher, were Sunday vis- business an interesting program was might. Next in uine after Mr.1 Bowmanvilte. wcre dinner gucsts Wootton; rcading. -Work in Africa" itors at Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson's. givcn. Mrs. John Baker led in coin- Massey was an officiai car. Mr. with Mr. and Mrs. C. Collacott on was read by Miss W. Miller; dialogue Mr. andI Mrs. E. C. Ashton andmuiyinngashrdalueas iigtsabexc.Tenfloe Sunday. by Mrs. R. Hodgson. Mrs. F. Dudley Bruce visited the former's daughter,mgie n gin;asret cdtaoge stnhe bus e akne gact hnd totl o! ' Sorry ta, learn that the littie dau- and Miss Nina Hodgson. Anyonc Mrs. Stewart Rodman, Scgg is- erry Mra ct, George MitoJmhmls eveî busses ai-agand t oa fe ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cann having anything for the Missionary land. Suo s erGog iiojmSaesvnenbse n wcr ildE has been in ilI hcalth which necessi- bale arc asked to icave il at Mrs. H. Mr. and Mrs. F. Sneddon, Oshawa, Alan McKessock and Bull Nicai: with children of Ontario.L tated a trip 1v Toronto for the ad- His' on or before Sept. l8th. Also Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webber, Bawman-sc ereMlsn reading, e.Rakau u tar mu- TentBuesdfnrs hwenttate Pr- vice of a speciaiist. those wishing ta donate fruit for the ville, visited their aunt, Mrs. Wm. sc ereMlsn ednRt imn ulig hr ewr A goadly number attended Salem hospital will get their empty jars at Herring. the evening washafain fpaÏre ofo! icnrly. PhcotograyPemined eo community picnic at Cream of Bar- Mrs. H. His'. Miss Maudie Ashton, Toronto, Mr. the smaen s offaiostumres. oMrSpictury 0f teguerscapns an ley Camp on Saturday aftcrnoon and Ira Travelle, Oshawa, Mr. Arthur Gheosrge lo intr otues.theMrm.oficiaies on the gustc0ftaus-d report a very enjoyable outing Nith Gresd, Toronto, visited at Mr. e reMlsnitoue h en fiil nteseso h ala spotsan peny f oo ting tÎ'EN IED C Ahn's. bers as tbey appeared. Those help- ment Buildings, with the Premier 1 ___________________ ng were Bill Nical, Bill Chadwick. andI Mr. J. Alan Rasa. Prcsident of est 4~' Mr. and Mrs. J. Herod, Mr. andI Bruce Tink, George Werry, Aian the Wrigley Ca., in the forcground. Mrs. Mrs. R. Griffin and family, Mrs. Wm. <'iMs L. C. Pascoc is visiting at Grifrin and Marion, visited Mr. and McKessock, Maurice Baker and Bill We then went ta the City Hall andt COUR Irsoln.FrnGibrbabenvst Mrs. Walter Rabm. Westlake. gathercd on the steps wherc Mayor f Stcwart welcomed us ta thc Qucent ing at Presqu'ilc. M.adMs hs erM.'Ct nd told us to carc!ully studyo Mr. and Mrs. Haxby and Mrs. Mr Ths Bomn iitda and Mrs. M. Maffatt, Oshawa, Miss BLACKSTOCK jail the exhibits at the Exhibition sa Nora Wn TorynoKedron, visited-OwenatuMr.reent...that we might benefit by ',he educa-s torsofM. Tarnto, re W R rnt V5- wnSan cnl. E A. Wcrry's and Mr. J. A. Werry's Mrs. James Hall is visiting Mrs. tion we reccivcd f ram thcm. tor o Mr ad rs.W.R.Coutie. Mr. and Mrs. Porter and family, oiiSunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rundie visit- Manvers Station, visitcd Mrs. J. Our village was well serenaded îast Wm. Barton. From the City Hall wc wenîta cd at their son's, Mr. Elmer Rundie, Stinsan. Miss E. Smith, Windsor, isited Eaton's for luncheon in the Gcorg- weck when Mr. and Mrs. Thoman Misa Susie VanCamp rccentîly. inRo bc cejydvn Tor n, re Sls anto int.e xhiitin. Mrs.aL.tC. ascoed issesroet- 'nec Mrs. G. Preston) and Mn. and Mrs. John Trewin is visiting bier mucb. We started on a tour of the .and Mrs. Frd Si ls and n andwEliaeh.vste nToot Mrs. J. Herod (nec Doris Griffin), brother, Mn. A. Beacock, Bowman- store. going through the Sales De- Glr a rrd, M rs ay Smns and isos M.a nd wcekr. eco ndwerechcarivaried and abuandant ville. partments flrst and later under- t o r.adBarrie, wruday itors fMr. ,ads Etovsdga r.tîand treats given by bath parties. Miss H. McVittie, Toronto, Mr. ground ta the factories. Ini the fac-i o!hMr. an Ms.eolared aFlinf famiyCatstitniieda r I. Our girl1s' softball team played and Mns. C. Smith spent Sunday tories we saw material going througb roast at Mr. Wallace Pickell's beach Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Leask. Ewart their final league game with Maple with Mrs. R. Mahood. many processes, milk being pasteur- a Monday cvcning and aitho it was a and Eunice, Mr. Peter Leask and Giove last Friday. .Athough the Mr. Oliver Smith and Mr. Murray ized and bottlcd. ieye glasses beinga cool evening thcy bad a .illy timc. Mrs,. Ani.TutMrad game had been postponed aur girls Byers werc two of the judges ait thc made and many other interesting il Mrs. Neltie Hall. Belfast, Ireland. Mrs. J. Cbinn. Oshawa, Mr. Jae wo'-60fteigtlgugames scbaol f air at Enniskillen an Tues- works. returns home on Frîday after spcnd- nî hcgo iie t n rn ur team won 3 and lest 5. The FSp. 2h rom bere we went to the Exhibi- 0 - nns.Chcao.viitd t r.Frnkteamn redecmed themscives in the dy et 2h ing a fcw wceks with bier sister. Miss Giîbert's.1 Miss Mabel VanCamp visited with tion ta spend the rest o! the day. l Margaret Pollock, at Mr. A. J. Gay'S. two final exhibition games against Miss Ann Griffith, Toronto, at the We got out at the Governnment Ir Messrs. Frank and Bill Walter .. West uine and Bowmanvillc teams home o! Ann's grandparents, Dr. Building and this time we were wel- T spent a few days last week at Pine HAMPTON with the scores 34-2 and 6-5 ie and Mrs. Bowles, Ncstleton. comed by Colonel F. H. Deacon. Pi Point, Scugog Island, guests of Mr. < _________ spectively.4x Cameon rul wh ha ben cmp-The John Orchard Estate auction Mr. Douglas Taylor won sixth Vice President of the Exhibition.P ing there for some time. Mrs. Emmianuel Martin visited bier sale is Tuesday, Sept. l9tb. prize on swinc iudging at the C.N.E. The boys and girls werc dîsmissed ir and Mr. Oliver Smith won sixtb with their captains to look through Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mclvor and son Wili, at Leskard._______________bearu Miss Joan, Hamilton, and Mr. and Mr. L. Scott, Oshawa. visited Mr . prize on seed judging at C.N.E. tevros buildings. I found the tl Mrs. Howard Flintoif. motored ta and Mrs. John Clarke. i CADMUS A confirmation service wiil be buildings very intenesting andI cdu- s SheltI in St. John's Anglican Churcb cational. The various dcpartmcentsS Sunbridge and spent a fcw days Mrs. John Pascoe, Solina. visited on Frîday. Sept. iSth. at 7 p. m.. showed well the kînd of work beîng [: witb fnicnsvtile aln nthi n Mrs. lSua lam Hp.s. e Mn. Marwood McKee is sick. when the Bisbop a! Toronto wiIl carried on in Ontario. such as work wayauHutaile. rs HnsmPar Hpe vsied Mn. andI Mrs. James McKee spent conduct the service, donc by the Blind, Welfare Onga n-1,it Miss Lyla Osbornc, Toronto. Mrs. Mrs. R. Katerson and daugbter. ,Sunday at Mn. Lorne McKcc's. Do not farget Blackstock Fair to ization. Mining. Depts. o! Educa- " Jesse Arn ot. Maxwll'sChissag lnm fisan.a Cowilvithedxitiono Mn. andI Mrs. Edgar Gibsan and be helI on Wedncsday, Sept. 2th. Itian an d Agriculture, etc. and CharneWihCurticvCiecg otan fMrndsand MattEdd H visited fniends in Greenbank The Fair wili be officially opened by Supper was served at four places.T Mrs. Choi.Piget. Prd ovidne, ont-eMn.and Mwres E Hrnan stI daugn-on Sunday. His Exccllency Tbc Lieutcnant-Gov- 1tw ReetI & Dowlings. and toY oncudaytaPrnc senEtrdCunyontrhece audayvisitonso.n Mn. andI Mrs. Evenard Sandersan ernor. Dr. Herbent Bruce. M. C. A.'s. Af 1er supper we alwn Saturday and sple th day . TMr.eiNdr.incmayw andI Marion visited at Mn. Frank Sonry ta repart that Mrs. Harry up ta the grand stand for the eve n- i Ebeezr atIMape rav C G. Mn Lei iddie incopan wthStinson's Sunday. VanCamp is ill in thc hospital at ing performance. The acts wer I. T. heltI a picnic at the Parsonage Mn. and Mrs. N. Falkncn andI son M.AfeITontMs telWî atrHwn rvi eygo.Iemsclhn e re,l Satunday afternaan wben about Billie, Toronto, wceeSunday visitans EMrn.,AnfeThn.Fed Days sptent sin Portd Psenny Hoiard WTheis entingooa vteybeuifl hrss pele i farty were present. Games wcre wîith rclatives. EvnadM.Fe ae pn si otPryhsia.W oesnigavr euiu pcal. played andI lunch served in picnic Master Ralpb Taylor is attending Sunday evening at Mr~. Jno. Elford's. bath wili soon be well again. The play andI fîreworks were excel- tc style and Mn. andI Mrs. Wolfraim Oshawa Colegiate Institute, resid- Mn. W. B. Ferguson visited Bethel The sympathy of the community lent. In fact aIl the par~ts ,veret were moat genial hasts andI bostcss. ing with bis grandparcnts. Mn. and Sunday Scbool on Sunday andI took i xeddt r.RyTyo wneflt iI a ie giving cvenyonc a deligbtful time. Mrs. Robt. Taylor. dinnen witb Mn. andI Mrs. Fred whase father. Mn. S. McLaughlin. '500' wha retired ta their respective M' _____________________ Mn. W. W. Horn, Misses N. andI L. Thama. Nestîcton, passed away suddenly on botels Fniday evening. sa Horn, ad Messs. Jackon Mn. ant. IndMns. Saeger, Port Penny. S atunday. Sept. 9tb. Aiso ta bier *'Ra-tat-tat, nat-tat-tat, nat-tat- tE i MAPLE GROVE JMcrwin Cryderman, were Exhibition spent Sunday a.t Mn. Chas. Gibson's. mothen andI brother. Mn. H. Mc- tat," the first saund that neachcd nmy ,; visitors in Toronto on Labor Day. Mn. and Mrs. Norman Argue and Laugblin. cars Saturday morning at 7.30. The ~ Mrs. C. E. Nesbitt. Winnipeg, Man. Mrs. Howard Allun andI chiidrcn, family. Mn. and Mrs. Clark Williams Mn. William Rutîcdge andI Mn. nurse was anound waking evenyone I is visiting bier mathen, Mrs. J. B. Belleville. visited Mn. andI Mrs. Wes. and family. calîctI on Mn. and Mrs. Emmersan McKibbon, Detroit, Mn. ta get rcady for breakfast. Shortly th Wre.Aluin reccntiy. Master Earl ne- W. D. Fergusan on Sunday. Joseph Rutîcdge. Mn. John Rutie-dge after eight almost everyone was 9c Warde. Mr lcbrOo maincd with bis grandparents for~ a League opened Thursday evcning andI Miss Florence Fowlen. Toronto. dawn ta breakfast. Wben breakfast W s. Marh ekenBlackbuir. otrn, visit. with a goad attendance. Mrs. Gai- Mn. andI Mns. Joseph Farder and was aven, the groups began 10 farm ri Msen t eweewt er mother, Mn. andI Mrs. A. Trott andI sons braith took charge in the absence o! family, Mn. andI Mns. N. S. McNaliy ta take the buses for the Saturtay *d. Mrs.WadtersFRseyl .e vs GeraltI and Jimmie. Orillia. Mn. and Miss Cobbledick. Miss Norma me- and daughtcn Venna. wcrc guesta of prognam. Before we stanted we wVene Mn. nthir s. Rusei odenS Mrs. John Williams. Oshawa, were Quade had charge o! the prognam Mn. and Mrs. Carl Wright on Sun- supplicd ith Telegram Song Sheets i Wilkins. Osbawa. n unay xeckend guesta a! Mn. and Mrs. AI- whîch consisted o! a solo by miss day. and singing strains o! many famnil- th MiknndMs. Jawon Pond, Tn in Peters. Beth MeQuade. a reading by Mrs. Cartwright Scbool Fair. heltI on ian sangs the buses rade off. They ai onto viite thir ousnsMr. About !onty af the young peaple Cccil Ferguson and a taik by Rev. Manday. Sept. 111h. was well at- came ta, a stop outside the Wrigley- ono.viiedthircusns M.and enjoyed a weinen andI mansbmallow F. W. Neweil. tended. Why werc nat ail the schol- Companys Buildings on Carhaw Ave. Mns. J. D. Stevens, on Sunday. noast andI played games around a A lar~ge number fnom this viciniuy ans takin., part? Among the judge-, which produce 901e of the chewîing Mns. Phyl Darman, Harmony, who bonfire on the commons soutb of attended the Sccoal Fair heltI at wene nafined Mn. E. A. Summers. gum used in Canada. Emipioyees of bas been visiting bier sister. Mns. the village, on Friday night. Biackstock on Monday. Congratu- Port Hope, Mn. F. Sutan andI Mn. aur kind hast werc out ta wave ta us Walter Foley, returncd home iast Mr~. andI Mrs. HaroldI Chambers lations ta MLss Cobblcdick and bier Bert Bounsaîl, Bawmanvillc, andI Mn. as we 100k off for Eatan's Annex on week. and twa children. andI Mn. andI Mns. school on abtaining firs1 prize in Maurice Baker. Hampton. It was 1 Caliege Street. Miss June and Master Glenn AI- John Chambers and son George. the parade and exercises. Again we 1 the childrens day andI they sure en- Wben we neached Eaton's we wvere lin. Newcastle, spent Sunday with Toronto. neccntly visited Mn. and must congratulate Miss Cobblcdick joyed it. 1 taken ta the Auditorium on the 7th Miss Marion Foley, at Mn. H. G. Mrs. Kneedumn Winterburn, necently. on securing third prize for singing The play en titîcd "The RedI Head-I-f loan entering ta the strains o! the, Freeman's. An appreciative audience e njoyed lat Toronto Exhibition. cd Stepebild" put an by the Yelver- J Casavant Organ. The Vice Presi- Miss Chnissie Freeman, Tawn, the presentation o! the play 'Ail on1 ton Dramatic Club, unden auspices'dent greeted us andI explained thej Miss Mac Noon, Toronto, visited the Account o! Polly" by Ebenezer tIra- -o! the W. M. S. of Biackstock Unit- canstruction a! the organ. The harpj fonmcr's brother, Mn. H. G. Free- 1 matists. in the Sunday sebool room SOLINA cd Cbuîrcb, was weli donc andI great- andI chime effecîs il is capable o! man, an Sunttay. a! the church, under the auspices o! ly enjoyed by ail present. Those giving were very beauttil. Our au- Mn. andI Mrs. Roy Werry andI the W. M. S. on Friday nigbt. in the play wcre, Miss L. White, tention was then drawn tai a paint- niece MissRuth utton andMrs.Mi John Pascoc is visiting at nîcMisRthHtan nI n. The John Orcbard Estate auction Mr. Sil Willam',Hmton Miss L. Wright, Miss E. Henders, ing in the centre o! the platfonm be- Jahnston, Montreal. callectI on M ns. sale is Tucsday. Sept. l9tb. Miss L. Lawson. Miss L. McGili, Miss hind which so! t, goitI, velvet cur- L. C. Snowden ast wcck. Mn. andI Mns. A. L. Pascoe visited V. Bannstaples. Miss Audrey Stin- 1 tains greatly enhanced it, înaking il Mn. Wilson Power, Ottawa. MssMn. andI Mns. Rumore, Claremont. son. Miss Manjorie Slaeey. Mn. R . stand out stnikinghy. The painting Carnie Power, Tow~n, spent thewxek- SOUTH NESTLETON MnanIMsGereVcOh Janrett, Mn. Howard Malcolm, Mn. insuned at $250,000 was donc in 1645 end witb Ibein nephew andI niece.____ awa, cailed on friends bere nccently. B. Stredwick, Mn. N. Wilson. Be- by Rembrant. The painting was Mn. andI Mrs. J. D. Stevens. Miss Evelyn Scott of Hanmony tween acts music was provided by very nealistic seeming ta neflect one's Mrs. Milton Samis bas nturned Mn. andI Mrs. Mcrwin Mauntjoy bas been visitîng Miss Doris Mîison. Miss L. White andI the Capstick own expressions. As wc le! t the home aften a pleasanu visit witb bier jtook i Toronto Exhibition, Mrs. Geo. How',sam, Pont Penny, is Twins. auditorium ta tour the store the on- mothen. Mrs. W. R. Cole, and sister M ns. Jac Taylor, Miss Marion and vîsiting bier son. Mn. Chas. H-owsam. gnsfl lyd Mns. John Webster, Toronto. Johinnie, visited fiends in Union- Mns. L. C. Pascoe, Enfilit, spent gIn sEtansya an neeu Sunday Scboal Rally wili bc heltI ville on Sunday. the weekend at Miss Mary Ho- h.4 i n watnks ac eing anviiterta h on Sunday. Sept. 111h. au 2.30 p. m. M.Jh HayatIsrstoki aMhs vusic Festival Modern Ontario Home" wbich I 'standard lime) in the chuncb. Rv the Shorlbonn sale at Hampton last Mn. antI Mis. Chas. HowsamanItbînk many people would lîke t oj E. F. Armstrong, Bowmnanvillc. wili wcek and punchased a valuable caw. Mary spenu Sunday with Pont Pennyon. nteRudRomiwa deliver the address. Speciai pro- Miss Betty Stewart o! Peterbono fienda. iContlnued frùm page 1) del.Ighthely oluntIone wouvd gram by the schoiars. bas been visiting ber aunts. Mns. Miss May andI Mn. Frank West- W. P. Tickelh, 9Part Hope 3.00 have liked ta bave stayed there. We Mr. andI Mns. Harvey Swaliow, John Hooey andI Mns. Hermaxi Sam- lake visited Mis.s Peau Leach. Lions Club, 1932 15.00 again taok the buses to go ta the Misses Ella andI Jessie Swallow, Mn dIs. Taunton.- Exhibition. This timie ta visit the andI Mrs. Fred Swallow. Toronto.*Mn.- antI Mns. Herman Sameils, Mn. andI Mrs. HaroldI Pascae andI $508-99 Midway. visîted the formers cousins. Mn. and 'Mn. Cecil Wilson andI Miss Gwen. !amily' visited au Mn. Eric Pearce's, - We bad a lîttie lime ta go through Mis. Frank Swailow. on Sunday. madIe a business trip ta Lindsay last Clanemont.1 Bank Balance. Aug. lst. S 6.90 the Midway andI then we bad dinnen. Mi. Harvey Swallow emaincd for a %vcek. Mn. Frank Shortrîdge spenu Sun- j Expenditures etn at the samne places a~s the visît. Miss Winnic Marlow andI Miss day wilh Mn. antI Mrs. Ernest De-'j Exch. & Stamip on cheque .1I day before for suppen. Aftei a very Maiîe M. atIMr. JhnHoeybar.Colmbs.Stamps. Posîmaster 5.39 appetizing meal we lefIt for oui- ho- M.Burney andI Roy Hoacy, andI Mn. Mn. Harold Reynolds . Hepworth, j Mrs. White, Mn. Kennedy,tes Thsim occku.Ev TY O EHarny Sanderson visited Mn. andI bas been visiting b is cousin, Mn..Hllepne 60 rae10 hi eognsat awa, Mn. antI Mrs. Robt. Philp, Bun- ofantevdyIe ucas !Drei. .Vac.Peebro h Ca-Gusswcrc evngfrhoeo putfchoropnovding theer espectieetrais.rBy1 sicoc keton, Mn. antI Mrs. Ewart Pollard. J, D.KeIlos Reinedy. A trial will j Mn. and Mns. Herbent VanNest berhin Weatbcr-Strlpping man, thwben we eI1 h adtoimto Toranto, Mn. antI Mns. HQtan Pet- dr-ive aweay aIl daubt as ta ils effic- antci taugter Betty Jean. Philadel-j again prepaned ta serve the people supper the original number was ens, Hampton. ieccntly visi'tcd wilbiccy he sure relief that cames phia, atIMs. Leslie M. Keith, To- Io! Bawmanvilie antI vlcinity. If your greatîy lessened. A!ter supper those Mn.anI Ms.Rusei Wngh. wuicanvic you mare than any- ronto, allt IMn. S. E. Wenry'sj windows on doors need fixing te, keep wbo were not leaving until 9 or a! ter This cammunity was shocked ta thlng thal can be written. We nt IMn. Narval Wotten's on Mon- out the coltI, sec Mn. Vance who is were grouped s0 that they wouid be hean of the sudden passing away o! belp is so sure. wby suf er? Tig 1day.t.. an expert on weather-strlpplng re- together and taken for a bus ride Mn. Elias Strutt on WednestIay ast. matebless remcdy is soltI by deahers Mid e Lorraine Thompson andI quirements. Leave or phone your araund the clty. We saw Casa Loma, A numben f ram bere attended the everywhere. Marlon Phillips. Mrs. Mabel Taylor, jorder ta 53, Statesman office. CKNC, CKCL, the Jarvis Calleglate, - Rosedale Avenue. Resenvoir Park, Don Bridge andI many other places o! întenest. This ride required about twvo hours andI we netunnied ta the Royal York 10 check out finaliy antI w-ait for train ime 10 came. At 10 aclock we le!t the Royal York via the tunnel ta the Union Station. At the Union Station be- fore £--ettitîg ai the train we weie again surpnised by being given A Favour Box- as a final surprise. A sheet o! papen was placed on each box requiostille the receiven not 10 openî it until they arrived home. Another request asked that we ne- ineinher the producers wvho had con- tributed ta the Favoui Box when we îvere shopping. The Favoui Box was a great treat. It contained a lai go nuînbcr o! producta froni the Pie FoodI Building which are great- iy appreciated. With oui- boxes not yot opened we were taken 10 the traîin by \Vrigley officiaIs mwho %wait- cd ait he station until the train pull- cd ouît. As the train pulled out Sat- uîtIay evening oui' vîsit with the Wrighey Company in Toronto camie ta an end. 'Ne lad ane fine sur- prise ta think o! opening when we arrived home. But do not think this is the hast o! oui trip for il is aie -I shahl neyer forget- as I be- lieve the other guests wvouhd asa say. Forib tis grand trip I have to, thank the Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company through Mn. J. Allan Ross, the pres- ident. who planned the trip. We thank Mn. Ross for starting the ides O! oui tnip andI Mn. Rosi andI ail the pensons who assisted in giving us suich enjoyrnent out o! ou trip. Lucy Heanle I -- Wool Prices Going Up Due ta the acivance in the price of wool aur wholesalers have ad- vised us of an immediate ircrease in the cost of ail knitting Yarns. We are passing on to our custoj ers the advantage of the stock we had purchased at the former 10w price. Present Prices - Chilffon Floss -.. 15e Thistiebloom ..... 15C Ariel . . .. . . 25e Viyella .... - 20e Above prices will be advanced 5c per bail when present stock j., exhausted. %BUY NOW J. W. JEWELL BOOKS & STATIONERY PAINTS & WALLPAPER BIG 20 BOWMANVILLE LOUIS LYLE'S LETTER groups numbening !rom 15 to 20 antI each gîaup bad a captain andI thev Note - Louis Lyle. the author o! paid for evenything. The fair itsel! the îîext letten was the othen juven- was 100 big for me ta desenibe but ile guest o! the Wrighey Comnpany. everyt.Ung svas wonder!ul ta me. Dospite the fact that he is onhy 13 'Ne werc an the grand stand antI and a public SLhooh student he writes had our supper at the Exhibition a nice accounit o! bis menlonable Friday nigbt. Il was nearly 12 trip.. o*ciock when we got back ta the I was very inuch suivnised when King EtIwarI Hotel. Wc ilept comn- uni Mayor. Oea. W. Jaunes, chose nie fontably antI woke the next momi- Io go ta the Exhibition. Two Or ing by a, knock at the doon, We go.- mîore f ram every- towiî were choseil. dressed andI went down ta breakfast. Thîe WrucheY Chewing Guru people Then we went back ta the Exhibi- paid aillaur, expenses andI gave us a Ilion andI wcnt in the Midway. We gooc, tulne. 'Ne veilt Frîday miorn- had lots o! fun on the Flier andI ng andI stayed uiîtui Saturday night. Crack the Wbip andI Sbooting thc Ne weîît ail uhe early C. N. R. aisw lt ffn trainî and Mr. James 100k us ta the Rais aslto!un stationî. 'No ore miet a, uhe Union jWe sent ta the Royal York about Stationî by seilemen wha taok is 2 o*clock antI sang whihe the onches- by taxi ta the King Edwand Hotel. tra played ail aftennoon. Af 1er we Vo \veie taken to oui- ruunl and had supper wc wcrc grauped out fan theîî weîît tIwiî ta breakfast. Ilîcre aur trains andI my train le! t about vere neariy 250 a! uis sat dawiî ta 10o'clock. When I was leaving I breakfast iii a swchl diuîing roonî. fouild ouI evcrybody was given a l'îe breakfast was ý,ouîdenfuil andI l arge box o! Toronto matIe products. vas vors uîungny. Afuer breakast I must say that il was the great- vo ;verû takoîl by bus ta the Pari-li est, event o! my life antI believe me fient Buildings andI lat aur* pîctune a! uer Ibis I'il cbcw 'Wrighey' every akeil. Prenieor Henry spake ta us time.Loi yl and oas vory glaa. ta have us visit!Lussi he cîty. It toak nearily 16 buses o take us ahi ta the City Hall as home ocre iîearhy 500 boys andI girls, boere. At the City Hall we muet QL h SCHOOLS 1ha5ýor Stewart. I didii*t hîcar ahlh le SHAW YO F FE R aid fou, the noise. butlie seoine d a be happy. 1 ASH R RO T We had dinuier at Eaton's aind youSH R RO T wouiid think sce neyer hiad breakfast. through selective courses under In. t took an hauî aud a bal! ta go ail dividual Instruction to a salaried through Eatoils shaps andI stol-es, position in the business world. auing up elevatois andI oscalators. Autumn Term s now open and stu- Vo went througb whore tboy matIe dnt are admnitted on any school day unes.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I cutihudsal aIecn ueuyear. Services of Employment ring, et diiionC.s nd adecan Bueauare free to both Graduates vy and Emnployers. Write for partIculars. Th1e buses, tbeîî :00k us taotthe Ex- W. R. Shaw, Secretary, hibution. 'nie best thing I a as Bay-Charles Building, Toronto tho lnech.îiîic.îi n'la"i o acoulc do 36-4 ilythine yauu ask binî 'Ne kopt in ____________________ HeIp I HeIp I HeIp i 1We are ready to help 'ou enjol the fail evenings when .Voun wil be doing more reading.LUt us test your eye and if a change Of glaSses would benefit you we wiIl shw ou. This service is Free. Haurry! Hlurry! HIfurry! In Case of accident on any emergency when the need is urgent. Phone vour requirements to 49 and gIt FAST DELIVERY Courttoti', Service -Bes I laI - Low~est Prices KERSLAKE'S - Phosie The Dependable XyaI Store Dock S hooting Starts Friday ,Make Sure of Success W 11h Dominion Ammunition îJePendable The quality and erneiency of Dominion Dueo-Finished Shot Shelks neyer varies. The.v are waterproof, trouble proof, and dependable under every concecivable condition. Purohse Y*ur Dominion shot shiells at Dustan's - and now. We carry a.comiplete stock Of Dominion Aminunition and hunting equipnîent of ail kinds Let us serve you., IIUNTIN(; LICENSES ISSUED HERE DUSTAN'S cash HARDWARE PHONE 74 WE DEIVER BOWMANVILLE I. PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. TiluRsDAY. sp-PTrmBER 14. 1933