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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1933, p. 10

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. 1933 PAGE FTEN CHURCHES St. AtsdreXX s Ptesbytetrîan Church Seructes: and 7 p. m.: lreacher ,Rev. W. J. Todd, Sabbath THUJRSDAY. SEP'IEMBER 8 13 The Kîng«s Helpers" by Miss W. Sehool at 2.30 p. m. __________________________Rickard: vocal solo. Thse Song of St Joh.n's Anglican Church-Rev. mrs. Harris. Tichborne, spent the the Robin, Pauline Deline; reading. C. R. Spencer, Rector. l6th Sunday weekend Xith het' brother-in-lSXv, Chttsse Rules of Conduct. Jean! Lft1er Trinity: Holy Communion il Mr. Arthur Harris and family. King Bonathan; hymn. Our Mission Band a. m.: Sunday Scisool 2.30 p. m.; Street.1 Is Ove:'. Evening Frayer 7 p. m. Special Rev. F. H. Mason Xas in Toronto' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur RoXwland, preacher. part o! last week attending thse Gen-! Toronto. and Mrs. A. J. Staples andi St. Pauls United Churcis-ReX-. A. eral Synod meetings of tise Church 1,it,,'. Mrs. Win. Staples. Orono. S. Kerr. M.A., Minister: Mrs. C. H. of Enland in Canada. xv-ere guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. W. Dudley. Organist and Leader. il Misseis Maria and Isabel Robinson Phiîp on Thursday. Sept. 21. a. m.-*The Christian Attitude to attended the shower for their niece. Mm. Ernest Backburn. Calgary. is Life; 2.30 p. m.--Sunday School: Miss Myrtie Snell,. aI NeXtonille here on a visit to hîs father, Mr. W. 7 p. in-"Tse Miracle of the Ages."* last Wednesday evening. C. Blackbur-n. hts sisters. Mrs. Orner Cordial Xelcomne to all. Mr. Luther Argaîl and daugister, Cote and the Misses Blackburn. and Special - Stinday, October lst, Mrs. McTaggart. Oshawa, visited Mr. his bî'others. Mr. Mark and Mr. Fred Salvation Army Hall. Division St., A. A. Colwlll and Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Blackburn.ConeadMr. ilrVtas Alu an oter elaive hee lst Rev. H. L. Smith, St. Catharines, o! SalXation Army. 11 a. m.-Holi- usday o atXekRX.Fte accompanied by his son o! Queen's ness Meeting: 2.30 p. m.--Sunday Tuesay f lst eekRev FaherUniversity, spent tise weekend vith Scisool: 7 p. m.-%alvation Meeting. Edward Kenefick o! Binghamton. hts cousin. Mrs. W. E. Beman. wisle You be sure and corne. N. Y.. accompanied by his parents enroute 10 Kingston for tise open- TiiyUie hrhRv .F and brother, visted his cousins tning o! thenite faîl term.. F tise villge. of__the ___ ___terni. __ Armstrong. B. A., Pastor; Mr. F. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rogers. Min- Sto. Ml.Bc.Ogns n den, and Miss Madelîne Stinson. OVERCOME BY DYNA3~1TE Choir' Director. Sunday. October M.A.. Toronto, were guests aItishe FUMES TWO MIEN HAVE lst. Standard Time: il a. m.-Rev. Parsonage with Rev. W. P. and Mrs. CLOSE CALL L. H. Currie. Wingham. wiUl preach: Rogers during the past week.___ 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Scisool; 7 p. m. Rev. J. Scott HoXward, in the ab- Clirnbing in a seni-unconscious -Rev. L. H. Currie will preach. Thse sence o! tise Rector. Rev. F. H. Ma- condition fromn a weil at Mr. Geo. choir of Simcoe St. United Cisurcis. son. in Toronto. conducted comn- Allinis fat-m last Friday forenoon, Oshawa. Xill provide the music. You munion service in St. Georges Mr. John Robinson, excavatîng exi- are cordially invited bto these ser- Church in the morning o! St. Mat- pert, managed witis the assistance vices. thew's Day, Sept. 2lst, and admnin- o! Mr. Allin to reacis the top where. istered tise sacrament to tisose pres- he lay for tXX'o isours in a state o! COMING EVENTS ent. total unconsciousness from the e!-____________- Mr. Roy Bell, Philadelphia. mot- fects o! dynamite fumes Xhicis ie oreti here last weekend to take home had inhaleti at the bottom o! the Reset-ve Wednesday, Oct. 25. for to Rochester his mother. Mrs. Bell, well. Tise application o! artificial Chieken Pie Supper at Enniskillen. wiso has been spending tise summer respiration upon iim by Mr. Allin Reserve Saturday. Oct. 28tis. for mostly Xith her sister, Mrs. Robt. and iis fathier. Mm. Frank Allin. un- ~tise Euchre party under auspices o! Miller, Orono. Mrs. Bell and son doubtedly saved his life. Dr. R. T. Rebekais Lodge in 100.OF. Hall. were guests o! Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rutiserford who was calleti founti Hot Roast Chicken Supper. St. Rincis on SundaY. hUs pulse hati stoppeti but was able Pau.ts udyShoRomFia Newcastle Memorial Library Aid to revive heart action. Mr. Robin- evn ,Snt.y9,chool R3oom, Frida held a special meeting on Monday son had been assisting in tise deep- e'nnSp.2,!o .0olc afternoon to make plans for cater- ening o! the well at the Allin farm Tickets 40c. 38-2I ing to the banquet in connedtion and in order to facilitate tise dig- Reserve Monday. Oct. 16th, for witis the Durhiar teachers'1 conven- ging Mr. Oswald Brancis, near Bow- 3-act play in Trinity Suntiay School tion to be helti in the Community manville, had been engaged to dy- by Trinity Y. P. S. 'Thse Path Across Hall here on Thursday anti Friday. namite the bottom. He had set off the Hill," directed by Mra. J. Clark. October th anti 6th. a charge the day before and it is Bell. Mr. T. W. Jackson, in company now presumed that as tise day had Trinity Uniteti Cliurcis Thank- with Mr. Ab. Bowen o! Orono, at- been quite calm witis no wind to Offering Services will be helti on tentied Lindsay Fair last Friday andlhelp dra w tise resulting fumes from Sunday, October l5th, when Rev. W. then went on to Fenelon Falls where itise welt they had remained near Harold Young, Toronto, wiil be the lie spent Saturtiay in the lovely the bottom wisere Mr. Robinson at special speaker. town where he was once a resident work without any particular tisought C. C. F. mass meeting will te helti and where he spent one o! the isap- inhaling tisem b t his injury. Mr. in ToXvn Hall, BoXvmnanville, Wed- piest days of his ife renewing old Allin calling dlown 10 iim and e- nesday. Oct. 4tis, at 8 p. m. Miss L. friendships of days long gone by. ceiving no response decided 10 go Cotton, M.A., Ph.D., delegate Regina Unitedi Churcis-Rev. W. P. Rog- down and investigate and tisere Conference Chie!, will speak. ers. B. A.. Pastor. Suntiay, October found Mr. Robinson in tise condi- Cm oH eadCoknad lst: il a. m-Morning Worship and lion at firstmentinned. It ,vas al- Crngae oemae Cookingeatd Sacrament o! tise Lords Supper; most a miracle that ise witis Mr. 301h. at Brown Press Office. opposite1 2.30 P. m.-Sunday Scisool. Even- Allins help Xas able 10 climb up Royal Tiseatre. Auspices o! Wom- ing service witistrawni because of tise latider 10 f resh air and sa!ety. ens Association, Church St. Group anniversary services at Clarke to te Tise next day. Saturday. Mr. o! Trinity Cisurcis, Mrs. G. K. Brown. conducted by Rev. J. H. Ostechout. Brancis wio was doing tise dynamit- convener. B.A., B.D., who will preach after- îng tisought it would te safe for him Zo hrhHretHreSr noon and evening. 10 go down arnd proceed Xith thisesZion Chunch Harvest ome Ser-a Miss Dorotisy Rickard and sister, Xork o! sending up'tise loosened victe at. and p.m.onSueny Miss Evelyn Rickarti, have resumned nmaterial !rom the bottom. But Otber ls Ot. 3Ro.ast FoXvSupper on thi suie t adoadHall. stayinî dwtolng toeim Newcastle Dramnatic Club will give O. A. C.. Guelphs anti Queen's Uni- he 100 was overcome by the fumes .Mamm sLi'Wld Rose" at 8 p. m.1 versity, Kingston, respectively. Mr. and tise doctor again hall to be caîl- myuls cLcildr 5Wi8- John Rickard motoî'et Miss Evelyn ed 10 attend hin. Il seems to have AdutsicSc: Cildren 25c. 38 o-2 to Kingston last week end. Miss been very dangeýrots Xork under tise MscSuyCu ilh t p Betty Montgomery, tiaugiter o! our p viigwatsrcniiosa ieening meeting for tise faîl season on former Bank Manager. J. Scott tinse. ednesday. Oct. 4th. at 8 p. m. in Montgomery, has also enroed s1 St. Fautas Lecture Room. Program student at Queens tisis year. FAREWELL TO 'MRS. IMOORE o! music Xill be arranged by tise ex- Newcastle friends are interested ___ ecutîve. AlI loyers o! music are in- to note tisat Mr. Piilip Ketchum, a 1Mr. W. H. Gibson remarked aItishe vited 10 tisis meeting. flefresisments son o! tise laIe Judge Ketchuns. ias fareivell gathering that life consists Xill be servedi. recive te apoiîmnt nd aso! meetingý and partîngs and nearly Tise regular meeting o! Bowman- now assumed tise Headn'astersisip o! alXays it's Glad to meet. Sorry 10 ville Women's Institute will te heldt Trinity College Scisool, Port Hope. part. and SO tise news tisaI Mm. Bert on Friday, September 29, at 3 p. m. in succession 10 Rev. F. G. Orciard . C. Moore hati sold iis farm. tise otti in St. Antimew's Sunday scisool room. wiso retîreti at tise end o! tise mid- BellXvood !arm, 10 a Mr. Sawyec Of, Meeting in charge o! Mrs. D. F. summer term. It will te remember- Toronto and Xoutti te moving awaY Henrys group. Miss Flora Gal- ed tisat Philip with hiis motiser and wvitis his family at once, came like a braitshXill speak on -Community other brothers lived for some lime bolt ouI o! tise bîtie b his neighbors Opportunities.' Bing your quilt at Copper Beecis. Newcastle-on-tise- and frienis îroundi about. Mr. andi blocks. Lakse. m I ieUntt Csri Mrs. Moore and sons came to tise Worsipprs t te Uite ChrchLockisart's scisool section three years con tisetua dmo! eth10 adg17agoandi during tise time that isas whicis all pronounced most delicious.F coud nt ut dmre is lagesince elapsed have gainedth ie Mr. and Ma1s. Moore and sons have asrsftia adomnedtise aila and !rienosip anti respect o! al 'ith atlended tise Uniteti Churcis, New- astranconso nd yteiatr masivewhi3f they isave come in contact. castle, since tiseir residence on tise ovelicneso loretindantir maibeau-Tise people o! No. 9 felt tisaI they Tiird Line and next Sunday tiseyt tiful tise house o! worshîp. Tisey ecould notle insepgolac ay XVthOtltexpect 10 te at churcis 10 bid gooti- were tise offeing o! Mca. J. A. But-exesignsoepbc ater bye 10, Newcastle frienda. They are ler anti Mrs. Floyd Butler. An at- feelings o!fiigis regard andt ieir re- moving 10 a farmn about four miles tractive offering o! autun flowers grets aýt losing tisem. So on mon- nontis o! Coîborne whece tisey will again adomnedth ie altar precincts day evening o! lis week. unden tise continue agricultural opemations. lastSunay.auspices o! tise Homne & Scisool Club St. George s Church-Rev. F. H. h eiet fN.9 oehrwt Masn.M.A.,Reto. uncay Ota number o! Newcastle neigisbors ENFIELD Mmo, M A. Reto. Snda. Ot.anti a !ew Orono frientis gatisecet 15. Sixteentis Sunday afler Triniy: in tise community hall in Newcastle 11 a. m.-Morning Frayer anti Holy whiliser tisey sati induceti Mr. anti Mr. anti Mrs. Mervyn Hobbs. Hay- SCiomon; .00 . Ev n Sn yranti . More 10come. anti stageti a don, visiteti at Mrs. J. Hobbs'. Sermon;7 . Harve Home Services !aneXell pacty anti presenlation. Mr. anti Mrs. H. Fascoe, Colum- Sil ermnHlvonsunHoay Serct.ets Tisefirst part o! tise evening wasbus. visiteti at Mn. Wallace Scolt's. when tise churcis wilî te decoateti spent in euchre anti five huntceti at Rally services for Sunday Scisool wit tie fuis o gade. ochatitables in tise halls cosy kitchen Xv-ere observeti last Sunday. Quar- farmn anti woodland. anti there will About isaîf past ten, Mr. Rusell Os- trymeignx udy t>e special sermons anti music o! borne. Presîdent o! Lise Home anti Mr. anti Mcs. John Tamblyn, Or- Scisool Club, calleti Mn. anti Mcs ono. Mc. Wallace Pascoe, Brussels, thanksgiving. Moore to seats aItishe front where Xisiteti at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's. At a gathecing iseti untier tise Mrs. Eti. Dean eadt iens an atidress Tise sale o! tise property anti stock joint auspices o! tise citizens o! O r- o! apprec iation anti gooti wiil. Dur- O! tise late Mm. Geo. Cochrane was ono andtihie No. 9 Clarke Scisool 1 îng teir so.iourn isere îisey hati well attendeti. Fair prices weme re- section aI "The Willows-' on Wed- been industrious. îhey hati been tise alizeti on the stock anti implements. nestiay evening. Sept. 2th. at which test o! citizens anti neigisteca anti Mi'. anti Mn. H. James, Colum- Mr. and Mrs. Win. E. Armstrong iselpful in every way. Mc. Moore bus, Mr. anti Mrs. Evemett Ormiston were thse guests o! honor, tise Orono hati given splendid service as a anti Miss Julia, Bowmanviile, re- frientis presentedth ie bride, former- scisoot trustee anti he anti Mrs. centy vsitîeti at Mr. W. J. Ormis- ly Miss Velma Neal, andthie bride- Mioore, a social leader in tise neigis- oursciolcslie iiece groom with an atitress anti electric borisooti andt ieir four beys, Doug- ý colcide i xed floor tamp, while tise No. 9 f riends las. Bob. Billy anti Roy. wouîd ingty well aItishe scisool faim at En- addce.- -ith muismssti . F . Bowe- nic. ln inning tise firsl p rize in Following the regular devotional anti Mrs. Howa rd Bowen, engagea tne nlieea.Srcs of Empioymnt business peiotis tise followtng pro- company in community singing. Bureau are free 10 both Oraduates goyem byasnl preet: PanodsoloTment evei by a commd itt efe o! lad- Wlor. hW, ecretaryulr gram wbyanly prendeiei antisol.n- T se veng couetmith e esla- ad W.poyR. Shwrt oartiulrs Grace Powell; readiflgs, 'What a les untier tise direction o! Mms. How- Bay-Charles Building, Toronto Lttle Chap Can Do" by Donald Jose. ard Bowen. convener, who also sup- _______________J "The Christian Girl" by Mary CoVle. ervisedth ie making of tise coffee BIRTHS ALLEN-ti tîtti i S ilit, t1til MARRIAGES PHILLIPS-GARDINER - Oit S.tttr- ti.y, Sît'nb"16. i9::t.."tl Kitg Str, t l'îitl ittc uircît litireout., . ti-î.xît iy -n, '. i,. :l,. i sil. Auine .lean, em, Tyroxte, Ont tut i X liaittl'litilii,t son it ti tti'li t,' M i t iti s. oittit i l its of ('ranilifigtnîî. i:itclil DEATHS ILEWARS- tltuîi i 'ttils aged 78 years. SHARP-In Toonîtit ;,nlitospititl. Iove.d wite of S. .1. sluit. SHORT-At sotitattîttori. Sîitertiber i tt.i, Friu st I.: Shtortt, h ton 0f DINGMAN-i itît-itut ii.. ot titt t;1* t i ittttgniri. t dl s i l* PARR Att t.tkstlIii1lit-i et, i lsati'lI tf .Xuîuî. l.:ttîuîîtîn,'. tut is 7 'iii ,'ir. HA RCOUIRT-.Xi ttri ls ot 10' 11TItit- lay, Seit mbe-r 2lst. t9'tt. .sItie115 1i - l-un,'t. at. tti tt 'If MuCh a t Antnie, Lam_ s itns'l 'gIf 7'M t..t' Wl LLARD -At tSîrtîce Ii lli . To- .titt. t ii Si1tiayv Stti'tie tlî. 193., tu. F illa I,'îl . l ,I,' l ittîsl,.a id îtf lsi',.tiSentt. i, anti inzIer soit of Mr. tuilMns. VViiiiain Xillard. Port Perny. HOW'DEN - At the r sideiice oifliter s Nlr m. t'i:til,s Xilfuot. ilst,' S.'îtt,'uîiî,n r 2lsi.t 77 .tiliti '.ii c iii- gîitîn of tulalte Ma\Ijor B of MINISTERS ATTENTION! Tuesday, Oct. 3md. at 8 p. ns. a meeting o! ai! tise ministera o! tis district anti anyone interesteti will te helti in tise Towvn Hall, Bowman- ville. wisen a discussion on Relie! for tise West will take place. Let ev- eryone possible te present. Velvet anti FeIt are chic for tise Faîl of 1933. See tisese in tise tetter styles at Dingman & Etimontistone's. AUCTION SALE Satumday, September 30th-Mr. E. Haggitis Will selt on Lot 22. Con. 5. Dacingloni, iis householti effecîsý consisting o! paclor, dinîng roons,j kitchen anti tetroom furnituce, rocking chairs. smalt tables, piano. carpets, rugs, diises. cooking uten- sils. fruit, pickles. gems anti jars; pony, buggies, cuIter, isarness. wood. coal. garden tools, anti other articles 100 numecous 10 mention. This is an exceptionally large sale o!fisouse- hotti effects, etc.. ail in gooti condi- tion. Sale at 12.30 sharp standard lime. Termns cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. Wanted 1 WANTED-I;i,'ý*,,, imit Ii1in good FARMERS ATTENTION-Exî,erienced t. j ill 1-b. cItI to woî k for far- nt.îst. io înn~ ii n xciî:ige for stutprpl tgy of poatesveetailes tani i. iI s ttc' t tif r, fr n ces.j phone i117. 1:u tii,.38-1 Boarders Wanted ROOM ANE BOARD-1l'or g,,ntlmn. u- ,I t Xi l'y -I J t.,ut 'iîr&i St. For Sale FOR SA LE--<iit, -horis, v. iLon. -ply FOR SA LE-t Otîri id f ap ,niixed1 FOR SALE-4-ft. dry itarlanoo. Ap- te ly Jak ii Smith. iir.wer 6, Bobcttv- --i. Phone 32r12. 36-8 FOR SA LE-i92'i9 test Ct oach. ln cash App~Iv i:ri XX'îtoî.n, tcei FOR SALE-1926 '..,-ton Frord truck, in gotti con dit ion. MaIi. 12 roin . Gien- n o it 't a g. ewca st Ie. 1lion .:Ciark(ý FOR SALE-i ions, ton Cone ssiontanti nU llfrutitti Aititi to 'Mi'. R. 1). D;tv- tison, I:ox 116 1:i W lO i l , 39 FOR SA LE-t t A. irt e'Br ri i P(ek jilletsi. 4 10 5 mon i ls' olti aIo .a fe ss ya ni nzg ins. D onatitiE. t;tibson. IL E. 4.,Itose în:nvillit. Pion e ,tttir2.19-2 FOR SALE - Seul lbrick, two-storey 1 iens(- on ('entrf, Street, 9 rooms, two htalls, biatitroon-t anti iantry. all mot1iern convenie'îces, twn seranilas, in go-ot re- pai r. andti in gond local ity, doublie gar- age; law n and gond gartien. Apply t0 A. E. Beliman, King St. West, ville. 1w--38-tf FOR SALE-Attractive modiern btun- galowv, six rooms, coal grate Serx'ery. i:itiî, unroom, largi' verantia. bartiwooýd floorst. hot water lteating. elpetricity. large bright cellar, excelleýnt conditint tiepal locaion oit Scîigog Street. Aîîlly M. G. V. Gotili. Royal l5ank Building. i cssns.îut vii,.37- 3 For Sale or To Rent FOR SALE OR RENT-116 acre-, t1U iItîs îtot'ti tf riniîgouîittatt o n;, ooti lanti. silo:. tntrniliat possesstn. .E. i iopps,. i: ,Ktig St. E.,Oshit a . .5-i- To Let HOUSE TO RENT- rootts. Aîtiti to T. WX. t'tîske,'rK ingSt'tflIow- HOUSE TO RENT-Oît Second Strtet, s itant St.15th . Aiîiiy WXVP.Qtick. HOUSE TO RENT I'.-r-ooît'i it. oti,' on Onittar :rt Stre t, ti on înt rics. .Xrîi to A. E. N ylot t'lîtîne82. 73-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Oît Ca.rlisle Ave.. RG.t k'o t.îp st.I iotri.y St., Bflnn,tn - S il..39-1*-tf HOUSE TO RENT-)esirable 2-story brick itots,8 mooins. oit humner, itarîl- ss ,od fIoors. i'ioicv loation. Arply Box I.,( I. hone '641. 39-tf TO RENT-5 monm. fully modern heat- i. tiaarîmit. itrisooti floors,sct- Music Nor nian If. Taylor, phonie 488. .18-i .XlîItî,d-atleAt. 9 r.ciiuiîe HOUSE TO RENT-lniok itous,. cor- -f t 1i ' i l uitit rgtConst-rvatory ofc i2Scotr St'utgttr ii ' ('iu rch Sus,., MIlconîen - r,, i e1 f ci gP f tlsln'ii îi frtirr p.iossessiton Oct. ist. Appiy 10 sii i.. Ti. nus ast rtf ilc-vii,' '8-2- tFOR RENT. SALE OR EXCHANGE- FRANCIS SUTTON. Mus. Bac. F.C.C.O. i Bricklioite', 6 rooms anti bath, ail mort- Pupils prepared for ait examinations. '-rt coltveîieîtc,'s. garage, i acre gond *,, t.iiitcourse in Singitg. con-gat,î landt, fruit trees. Aîîply E. Pas- sisi.i ot tf on titt' trte anti onýltcts s- sant. King Street, East, flowmaLnvilie. i'ý '.r ss,'k. 'Tims: $3.00 puir nînrtt. 'Phonre 563.18-3. liol1 i i A.T'.t'. Ni. iliorntas trn S igin g, Ii; \'ili anti Organ. Silver nittitl U bltrn ýstglitstiniuig for titi' iigiîtst mtarksiostrn ini ail Canautin iithe Toronito Corist,rv';- UPHOLsTrERING - On ail kinds of tiein ttutaItr-iittî iis 7.sîtiai sltilyfurnIture. Al work guaranteed. Sam- ii stutiI ciug etittistrgtisttt pies. Estimates free. J. A. Fry. Sou- ni;su'si Toirontn, Chiicacgo Na' York,. o Street, Bowmans'iiie. Phone 634. aî tit 1ttutta i,'ll ati.Fran ce. -f1 ittilils ,îîî't for the Thons' exani- t- ittttit n i'.ctmiri lfor tue Tt'M. iili- ma .('1'ti anti Mtus.Bat, 1ligr(-t' S cl'ai iisses for ledn n iPiano, .11'1' fotr a t erti tif 20 iessons. t Q'uis, ii t,iîarier gratits iPi.aîno, 17 pr t ofiicc,'ss ileso , e : Business Directory Elgin Street - Phone 42. ______________________ __ 1LEGAL BRIAN MAIN WARING CONCERT BANJO SOLOIST At the Piano: MARIE CLARK BELL This week at Red Pine Inn, Quebec Open for engagements ai Churcis Festivals. Concerts, etc. Apply: "The Anchorage," Newcastle Phone Clarke 1131 37-8 Repairs R. PAWSON BOOT AND SHOE REPAtRINO Good workmanship and materiai. Reasonabie itriceis. Silver Street. Bowmanvile 45-41 CANADIAN PACIFIC Sept. 29-a30 to MONT REAL and return $ 5095 QUEBEC CITY and return $9010L From: BOWMANVILLE Equally 10w faces f rom. intermediate Stations. Going: September 29 - 30 Returning: Leaving Montreal not later than Evenlng Oct. 1. Full information from any CANADIAN PACIFIC AGENT or C. B. Kent, Bowrnanvllle Phone 56. Depot Pisone 47. CANADIAN PACIFIC M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LLýB. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bankc of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville. Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Office immediateiy east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688: Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Craduate of Royal Dental Coilege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 P. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phione 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. AUCTIONEER Elmer Wilbur Auctioneer H amnpt on Farmn Sales a Specialty, also Furnîture Terms moderate. Phone 129r24 FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalid Car Caîl Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMAN VILLE rlým-ZM L MI sined', Ontario Higis Prospect Prospect Scugog Scugog Centre Concession Duke Con. 1 Duke Tempecance King Division B. F. Bok 7 D 5 5 34 Con. 2 26 Con. 1 29 O.S. m R B. P. 162 '/4 1.2.7,8 9,10 1 V 3 V4 5 1/4 5 '/4 13 Y 13 3/ 7 v 9 17 1,2,9,10 1 10 85 3,4,7,8 1 165-6-7 2,14 1 42,43 V4 120 1/4 8 1 $2,885.43 618.88 74.43 183.71 28.61 476.16 191.86 538.58 491.88 178.52 1,230.47 110.98 51188.30 1,365.24 279.62 108.73 $ 93.77 20.08 2.41 5.95 .93 15.47 6.24 17.49 15.97 5.79 39.98 3.61 168.61 44.37 9.07 3.53 $2,.979.20 638»0 76.84 189.6 29.54 491.63 198.10 556.0!7 507.U5 184.81 1,270.40~ Flrst insertion in Canadian Statesman, Sept. 2lst, 1933 Flrst insertion in Ontario Gazette. Sept. 30th, 1933. A. J. LYLE, Treasurer, 38-13 Town of Bowmanville. Thanksgiving Day ]Reguced gFares Between AIl Points in Canada and to certain destinations in the United States Up to Four Day Trips One Day Trips FARE AND A QUARTER FOR SINGLE FARE FOR TH-E THE ROUND TRIP. Tickets ROUND TRIP. Tickets good good going noon Friday, Oct. going by any train after 1.00 6. to noon Monday. Oct. 9; good a.M. Sunday, Oct. 8 or Mon. to return leaving destination day, Oct.9; returning 10 reach not later than TUESDAY mid. starting Point not later than night, Oct. 10, 1933. midnight SAME DAY. Tickets and complete information from any agent. CANADIAN NATIONAL(T24 Sale of Q uebec Ranges You don't need to put a lot of money into a cook stove wben at one-third the price we can sel1 you a dandy Quebec Range at these prices: Quebec Range, oven 14 x 1612ý, 4 large lids, top of stove 20 x 30, for on13 $23 .00 Happy Thought Cosy Home Quebe Heater, oven 14 x 16, oven indicat, 4 large cooking Iids, full polished topr,$28 .50 Electric Heaters ............... $3.90 to $6.75 Aladdin Mantie Lamp, $6.25 for.......... $3.75 This is a special offer with cash purchases of $10. DUSTAN'S cash HARDWARE PHONE 74 WE DELIVER BOWMANVILLE Royal Theatri BOWMANVILLE Inaugurates a Season of Greater Entertainment THURS. - FRI. - SAT. - SEPTEMBER 28 - 29 - 30 George Raf t and Sylvia Sidney in "NOW AND FOREVER" Comedy and other Features. Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - October 2 - 3 - 4 Silver Screen's Most Outstanding Achievement The first taikie ever witnessed by Their Majesties, King George V and Queen Mary The Magnificent Screen Version of J. B. Priestley's world famous story The Good Coanpanffions 10 Stars . . . 50 Players.. Cast of 1000 Adventure .Music ..Romance A stupendous production that bas played to the largest bouses of any film produced. In Bowmanville at Regular Prices. Great Pictures Shortly to be Featured at 'Me Royal: -DAMAGED LIVES", the great social hygiene picture. under auSpice.s of Social Hygiene Council of Ontario. 'GOLU DIOGERS 0F 1933" Marie Dressler and Wallace Beery in 'TUGBOAT ANNIE-. "VOLTAIRE" with Ge&orge Ariss. "PADDY THE NEXT BEST THING," with Janet Gaynor and Warner Baxter. Treasurer' s Sale of Lands 11 In Arrears for Taxes Town of Bowmanville, County of Durham; To Wit: By virtue of a warrant to me directed by the Mayor of the Town Bowmnanville under the Seal of the said Corporation, bearing the dite o the 20th day of September, A. D., 1933, commanding me to levy on lande hereinafter mentioned (ail lands lying and being in the saici Town ol Bowmanville, and being patented lands) aUl arrears of taxes on samet- gether with lawful costs thereon, I hereby give notice that unless th arrears and costs be sooner paid, 1 shail. on Monday, the 8th day Lot January. A. D. 1934, at the hour o! two o'clock in the afternoon at te Coundil Chambers in the Town Hall in the Town of Bowmanville, pro. ceed to seil by public auction so much o! the said lands as may be suf- ficient to discharge the arrears of taxes and costs. iee if~ - r

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