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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1933, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1933 PAGE SEVEN Economy Values in Shoe Repairing Honest workmanshjp sturdy, lasting materials and lowest possible prices! For real value in shoe repair work we offer you the most at the least cosi. We make your old shoes as good as new. SOLES & HEELS Men's SI.50 up Ladies' up Boys' Si.25 Misses' Sî.00 HALF SOLES Men's ....$1.10 up Ladies' 85e up Boys' 90e up Misses' 75e up HEELS Men's rubber or leather 50e Ladies'. leather 25e Ladies' Top Lifts, rubber, 30e Geo. Hunipage Shoe Repairing King St. E. Good Light for Good Reading We have both. Westinghouse Buibs Standard in quality fi- side frosted... non-glare. 25, 40 and 60 watt 25c each Carton of 6 for $1.40 Lending Library... A chance to read good fiction at ittle cost no member- ship fee 3c a day Favorite Authors: Faith Bal- dwn -Oppenheim - Zane Grey- Connor - Loring - and many others. J. W. JEWELL BOOKS & STATIONERY PAINTS & WALLPAPER CHINA & GLASS BIG 20 BOWMANVILLE A gathering o! relatives and f riends of Mms. Duffus, Kirby, as- sembted at the home cf her daugla- ter, Mms. Geo. Forbes, Rirby, on Thursday, Sept l4th, te, honor her 94th lirthday. An address and a number of gift.s were presented. I ï--- -à LOCAL & PERSONALi Miss Borea Murdoif. Lndsay, is V isiting friends heie. Miss Greta Pollard has resumed studY at Toronto University. Mir. W. J. Cole, Toronto. visited his niece, Mrs. F. M. Cryderman, on Tuesday. It'S feet first, says Knox's advt. which is conbined with style. com- fort and values. Miss Margaret McGregor tcf t Tuesday to resume studjes at Queen's University, Kingston. Mis. Everett L. Osborne spent the weekend with bei' daughter, Mrs. Tracy A. Gray. Long Branch. Mrs. Ada Burk and Miss Ruth Burk. Rochester, N. Y.. were recenti guests of thei' cousin. Mr. R. H. Wardeî'. Watch foi' announcement of Do- m11inion of Canada Conver'sion Loan and then sec T. H. Knight about exchanging youri 1933 or 34 bonds. Messrs. Jab-ez and Morley Van- -stone. Harold Stemon. Rober't Cor- bett, Alec Birks and John Minore are attending University of Toronto. Mr. C. L. Pearce and sons, Eldridge and Orrin, North Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Dean. Sprucedale, were recent gueats of Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Brown. Mayor Geo. W. James, Master William and Miss Ruth James spent the weekend with their uncte and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Woods. Hamilton. The Old Reliable Millinery Store, Dingman & Edmondstone, is ready to serve you again. Sec our wonder- fui range of fait models priced f rom $1.95 Up. Mrs. A. M. Hardy is spending a couple of weeks with her sister at Kiwanis Lake, near Cleveland, while Mi'. Hardy is attending Goodyear conference at Akron. Mrs. W. H. Logan, Teeswater. Mrs. Russell Robertson, Lucknow, Mrs. Oco. Haigh and daughter Mary, Seaforth. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Brown this week. Citizens intei'ested in music are invited to attend and join the Music Study Club at its opening meeting in St. Paut's Lecture Roorn on Wed- nesday, Oct. 4th, at 8 p. m. This or- ganization has become a very valu- able and much appreciated institu- tion in the town. Its influence in the musical realin can stilt be strengthened and widened by addi- tional members who will receive a cordial welcome next Wednesday evening. Membership f ee is only $1.00, with a speciai fee of 75e for student.s. The Editor wvas pteased to receive a cati on Monday from Mr. J. H. Devitt, Burketon. a former member of the Legisiature for West Durham. Mr. Devitt is extremely bright and brisk for a man of 83 years and still takes a keen intereat in public af- faira as was shown liy the conversa- tion we enjoyed with hlm. He is as- suming a rather heavy task, lac told us, in writing Up the history of Cart- wright Township which municipal- ity celebrates next year the 100th anniversary of the settiement o! the flrst white person in that township. Whcn Cartwright's "Century o! Progresa" is completed by Mr. Devitt we hope to have the privilege of publishing it in The Statesman. A happy event took place at the Public School iast Thursday morn- ing when after the usual school op- ening devotions the prizes awarded in the Flower Show were presented. Principal J. H. Johnston in wlcom- ing Capt. C. W. E. Meath, Mayor Geo. W. James and Mr. W. E. Groves. commented on the 'helP that these men had been te the show and11 again congratulated the children on their fine showing. Capt. Meath, President of the Horticultural Soc- iety, mentioned in the course of a brief address that it was in this achool where he receivcd hUs earty education. Mayor James also spoke briefiy o!flis school days. Together with Mr. Groves these gentilemen then presented the prizea. Principal Johnston is to aid the children in planting the varioua plants donated by the nurserics and atmo the rose bushes. MERCHANTS COMMENCE ADVERTISING DRIVE Believing that at last the illusive corner, a ro un d which prosperity has been hiding, has at last been turned, Bowrnanville mer- chants are concentrating their efforts on fait busi- ness with a big campaign of advertising. Several mer- chants have started their fail bid for business this week. and we 'suggest that Statesman readers thor- oughly digest the advts. in this and future issues of The Statesman. Compari- sonl of values offered in Bowmanville to those offer- ed by merchants elsewhere will convince even the most skeptical that it is cheaper, more convenient, andi bet- ter to buy in Bowmanville than anywhere. Miss Pauline Wagar is attending University of Toronto. Miss Helen McCorry recently vis- ited her home in Millbrook. Miss Doris Wilcox, Toronto, ha.s been visiting with Miss Marion AI- lin. Sce the new fall styles in foot- wear at Knox's - compare values. too. Miss Edith Cowan, R.N., Toronto, is holidaying with Miss Mary Mulli- gan. Mr. J. H. Grier recenty visited lais daughter, Mrs. Henry Bakes. Camp- bellf ord. Mr. and Mrs. Geo Webster spent the week-end with relatives in Lindsay. Mrs. Brown. Vancouver, B.C. is visiting her nephew, Principal J. H. Johnston. Mrs. Arthur Wright, Hamilton, has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Thos. Tod. If you are particular about your millinery, you'll want to see the genuine leading faîl styles at Ding- man & Edniondstone's. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Macklin, Wes- ton, were guests of Mrs. John Percy on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Haddy and Jack, Toronto, spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Marion G. B. Warder lef t Monday to resume study at Univer- sity of Toronto. Miss Eleshia Payne, Listowel, spent a few days with her cousin, Miss Ama Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpl Aines recent- ly visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Met- vile, Campbellford. Rev. L. H. Currie, Wingham, will preacla in Trinity United Church on Sunday at both services. Let T. H. Knight exchange your 1933 or 34 bonds for the new Gov- ernment Conversion Loan. Miss Marion Semon and Miss El- sie Allin, Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, spent Sunday here. Collector of Taxes suggests that you pay the second installment now and not wait tilt the last day. Mrs. Jennie Graham spent the week-end with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. James Harrison. Toronto. Ms. S. E. Keat. Toronto, was in town Tuesday caling on nia aunt. Mrs. J. J. Gilfillan and other CARD 0F THANKS f riends. The smartest recipe for perking The family of the late William up your peraonality this Faîl is one Warren Dingman extend their heart- of Fashion's new miUmiery concoct- f elt gratitude te 8,t1 those who have ions at Dingman & Edinondstone's. expressed sympathy, sent flowers, or in any way helped in their recent sad bereavement. Town Council we would have te bear the whole cost. For this construction te be considered as relief work, it would (Contlnued !rom page 1) lie necessary for the Municipality toi that it would be better for hinm were bear a proportion before the Do- he with his parents who have ag- minion Government would share. reed to care for hlm. Should your Council. however. be A committee comPosed of Mayor willing to bear a proportion towards James. Deputy Reeve Jones, Coun- the cost of bridge as they would cillors Mutten. Strike, Ward. will to other relief works. within the confer with regard te the bridge Town, we would be glad to take the over the C.P.R. at the West end of matter up again with the Dominion the town. This comrmittee was ap- authorities. pointed following the reading of a Yours very truly communication f rom Hon. Leopold L. Macautey, Macauley, Minister of Highways, in Minister of Highways. answer te a letter fromn Mayor A communication f rom the Min- James requesting co-operation in ister of Public Welfare asking that having this hazard removed, the the counicil co-operate in a Friend- work to be done as a relief measure. ship and Fellowship Week f rom Hon. Mr. Macauley's reply reads as October ist, was laid on the table f ollows. without any action being taken. Toronto, September 22nd, 1933. A meeting of organizations in the George W. James, Esq., town will be called for Monday Mayor. night, October 2nd, te discuss with Bowmanville. Ontario. the council and the Welfare Board Dear Sir: means of raising or providing work I have your letter of the for the needy this winter. 2lst instant with further reference Mr. Sutherland appeared for the to the construction of a new over- Kolectric Underfeed Stoker Co. sug- head bridge or subway at the C.P.R. gesting that a feeder lie installed crossing at the west end of Bow- in the town hall. The Public ProP- manville. erty committee wilt report on the Unfortunately, the Domin- matter. ion Railway Board is still without Roads and Streets Commlttee was funds, the Grade Crossing Fund authorized to spend up te $35.00 on having been exhausted. The Rail- a new culvert for High and Second way Company is also not alte te Street. offer any contribution at the pre- Towri Solicitor Strike was asked sent time towards crossing improve- te confer with the Workman'S Com- menta. pensation Board, with regard te pro- Under these clrcumstances tection for workers of the tewn un- you can realize it would leie hpos- der the act. If necessary a special silile for this Department te proceed meeting will be called te deat wlth with construction, as it miglat mean the matter. TOWN 0F DOWMANVILLE TAXES 1933 SECOND INSTALMENT PAYABLE AT THE OFFICE 0F THE COLLECTOR NOT LATER THAN OCTODER l6th Ratepayers are requested to malce payment now and not leave it until the Iast day. FRED PATTINSON, Collector. * OBITUARY W. Warren Dingman, Bowmranville William Warren Dingman, an al- most lifelong resident of Bowman- ville. and o!fLUnited Empire Loyaliat stock, passed away after an ilincs of 5 months at his i'esidence on Scu- gog Street, BowmanviUle, early Sun- day morning, September 24th. Mr. Dingman was in lis 85tla year. He was born at Pilchardtown (Solina), but came to Bowmanville when only six weeks old and has resided in the town ever since. He received his education in Bowinanviile schools 'and was marricd to Agnes Wright o f Bowmanville. who predeceased hum some years ago. He is survivl- ed liy four chitdren. Mms. G. A. Ed- mondatone and Miss Annie Ding- man of Bowmanville. who have giv- ci? their father every care and at- tention humanly possible during his sickness; Mr. John Dinginan, Port- land, Oregon; and Mrs. Harry Brust (Margaret), of Rochester, N. Y. Mr. Dingman was for many ycars a familiar figure in the life of the town. as an employee o! the corpor- ation and also as an undertaker with the late William Prower. He was a stauncla Preabyterian and a member of St. Andi'cw's Presbyterian Churcla. The funeral. which was very large- ly attended by friends and relatives, was held on Tuesday f rom the fam- ily residence. Rev. W. J. Todd, Min- ister o! St. Andrew's Church, con- ductcd the service, assistcd by Rev. Geo. Mason. Interment was in Bowmanville Ccmetcry. Pail bear- ers were, Harry Cote, J. Rosa Stutt, M. W. Comstock, J. D. Carruthers, F. O. Mcîlveen and J. Albiert Cole. Relatives attending the funeral f rom a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Horsby, Peterlioro; Mr. and Mrs. W. Dinginan, Oshaawa; Mr. and Mrs. B. Jaques, Mr. and Mrs. John Nichoils, Toronto; Mrs. Herli. Kearcher. Rip- pen; Messrs. Fred and Ed. Ding- man, Whitby; and Mr. and Mrs. Will Dingman, Oshawa. Frîends f rom a distance in at- tendance were: Mrs. Sharp and Mrs. Tattersali, Mr. and Mms. Clark Mor- rison, Toronto; Mrs. W. H. Pearce, Newcastle: Mr. and Mrs. Ned Mor- ton. Mr. and Mrs. E. Patterson, Mr. R. Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Robin- son, Woodstock; Mrs. Wm. Watson and Irene, Toronto. In addition to a number of tete- grama expressing syinpathy, there were a large nuinber cf beauti.ful floral tributes including: The Fain- ily, misses Flora and Belle Gal- braith, Mr. and Mrs. J. Infantine, Mr. and Mrs. HarrY Cote, Mr. and Mrs. L. Rocnigk, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mortlock. Order of Eastern Star, Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Cote, Mrs. John Percy, Mr. and Mms. W. Cun- ningham. Mr. and Mrs. R. Crothers, Mr. and Mrs. Herli. Balicock. Mr. J. H. Cryderman, F. F. Morris and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone. Mr. and Mrs. Watson, Mrs. G. Ali- ernetlay. Harvey Joint, Mra. Sharp and Mrs. Tattemsaîl, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pearce, Mr. T. C. Jewell and Misa Frankie Jewell, Clark Morrison and Raymond, Mrs. J. N. Lawrie and Miss Miidred Lawrie, Mrs. V. Burke, Jerusalem Lodge A. F. & A. M., Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stutt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crossey. S. J. Jack- man & Sons, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gunn, J. V. Green Co., Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. H. Edinondstone, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Warren, Mr. and Mms. C.1 H. Dudley, Mr. and Mms. M. W. Com- stock.1 SAVE $40 ON THIS SENSATIONAL VALUE 9 Piece SoIid Walnut Dining Suite $99 This Offer Good Only Until October 7 EXHIBITION SAMPLES Axminster Rugs Axminster Rugs just ar- rived . . . These are rare values and one of a kind. Shop now and avoid high- er prices. MAR8HALL SPRING MATTRESSES FIT YOUR BODY -UTU"l We are offering a limited number of these mattress- es - made by this weIl known firm - at this price. ~ E Order early. $ 3 5 F. F. Morris« Co. RN DURHAM COUNTY'S LARGEST HOME FURNISHERS B. BM. A. (ContlnuSd firom page 1) charge te see a game and hoped te see a smaUler or no charge made next year. W. J. Bagnel. manager of the Town League. reported a very suc- cessful suminer and outlined the work that had been accomplishedI expressing appreciation of the co- operation he had received from the teams f orming the league. He aIso issued a challenge te, Tommy Ross te place a picked team f rom the tewn league agalnst the Lakeshore league team. If the Lake- shore team wins Tommy Ross pro- vides a treat and if the town league team wins Bill Bagneil supplies the treat. That ought to provide some interesting entertaininent. On a motion of Mayor Geo. W. James and Harry Aitin, the Assoc- iation went on record as greatly ap- preciating the efforts of Mr. Ross and Mr. Bagneil in the basebal leagues. The Association atmo declded te sponsor the Junior Hockey team ag- ain this year and President Corbett named the following committee to bring in a report, embodying a sug- gestion for manager and coacha at the next meeting: A. J. Whalen, chairman; C. T. Ross, M. S. Date. Harry Allin, W. H. Bettles. It was moved by Mr. Whalen and secondeci by Mr. W. J. Berry that a resolution be forwarded te the town council asking that the road to the lake be oiled next year and that the council endeavour to have a bridge erected across the harbor. The Association also decided to assist the council where possible in the solving o! relie! probienis this comlng wlnter and te this end the members will study possible works that will provide employment ins an endeavour te present a prograin o! needed works te the council. The meeting adjourned to meet on the third Tuesday ins Octeber. Eighteen memblers of the Associa- tion were present. Knox's Shoe Store invites you te compare values in footwear. If you're golng to exchange yous' 1933-34 bonds don't send them away -Let T. H. Rnlght do it for you. Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson, Port Hope, vlslted her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Creeper, on Sunday. Misa M. Tiadail, Ontario Training School, Galt, spent the week-end wlth Miss Margaret Aluin, King St. Mrs. H. A. Farrow attended the funeral of Mr. Corey Farrow who died at Brighten on Frlday, Sept. 22nd. You will flnd many new advts. of local merchants in this paper whlch offer many suggestions in faUl mer- chandilse. It's a thrlf t habit to read the advts. lie!ore golng shopping. VALUE ..QUALITY ..PRICE You get ail three at the Corner Grocery together with free delivery service. Palmolive Soap, 3 bars and large trial pkg. of Princess Soap Flakes Free,' at ..... 21c Habitant Pea Soup, large tin......."*lOc Red Rose Tea, lb ................. 45c Edwardsburg Corn Syrup, 51lb. tin ................... 38c 2 lb. tin..................... 17c Fairhaven Sardines ....... 6 tins for 25c Chateau Cheese, plain or pimento, 2 pkgs. 25c Disho Sliced Pineapple ......... lic tin Lily Brand Chieken Haddies .... 2 tins 25c Aylmer Pork & Beans, 18 oz. tin.2 for 15c Perfection Brand Corn ....... 3 tins 25c Tiger Brand Salmon, 21c tin; 1/2s, 2 for 25c. Seedless Raisins............ 2 Ibs. 25c Toddy. a meal in a glass ......49c lb. tin Fresh Fish For Friday Harry Allia, Grocer Phones 121 and 186 Bowmanville THREE REASONS WHY Smartly Dressed Women Buy at "THE EVLYN" 1. Because The Evlyn is conducted solely by ladies for ladies. A ready knowledge of women's wardrobe needs ensures keen buying. 2. Because The Evlyn is the most up-te-date women's stere in Bowmanville, being complete wlth dressmakxxg and repair departments, and with ample and roomy trying-on rooms. 3. Because The Evlyn carries the merchandise that Bow- manville and district ladies want. Style, materiats and pnices are always right at The Evlyn. The Evlyn Ladies" Specialty Shop Phone 594 - Miss T. Murphy - Mrs. F. Oke HOT WATER BOTTLES PRICES FOR THIS WEEK ONLY EMPRESS PRINCESS O1LE PRICES BOTTLE $ 1 . 4 9N E V E R 9 P C Guaranteed LOER i j 4 years. 3 yeai's. Media4 uthritis Sate 1. A Good Hot Water Bottie that every hoxme should bave 3. An Ice JagI NesayEqulpnxent For Any EmergencyI Alex McGregor, Druga WE TE1 . .SOEPHONE DELIVR TEI . .SOE92 THE WHIOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH FURNITURE PRICES ARE RISING! WHOLESALE COSTS ALREADY HAVE ADVANCED! . .. AFTER OCTOBER 15, ALL RETAIL PRICES WILL BE UP! Now is the Tinte to DUT while these Low Prices Prevail REPLACEMENT COST WILL FORCE UP PRICES Luxurlous 3-Pc. Mohair Suites« PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1933

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