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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1933, p. 3

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PAGE TEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER l2th, 1933 ~After Accident She Put on Weight Kruschen Took It Off Again Awoman sentis the !oiiowing ac- cunt o! the consequences of an auto accident in which she was in- volved- "A year ago I had a very bati automobile accident, which le! t me more or iess a cripple. Having to lie in bcd so long, andi being unable to move, I began to put on flesh. When I was able to walk a littie ag- ain, I founti I was 144 ibs., and be- ing just under 5 feet you may guess how I was placeti. 50 I thought I would try Kruschen Saîts, and I must say they have done me a lot of good in every way-but chit-fly in keeping my weight clown. In three months I lost 6 lbs. Then I le! t of! taking the Kruschen, and I soon went up to 142 ibs. again. So at once I got more Kruschen, and arn again steadily reducing. My welght last month was 134 lbs."-(Mrs.) W. H. M. Kruschen combats the cause o! fat by assisting the internai organs to perform their functions properly -~othrow off each day those waste products and poisons which. if al- lowed to accumulate. wll be con- verted by the body's chemistry into !atty tissue. 'E- LIQIUDw -r ASTIE SOURED ON THE WORLD?-THAT'S LIVER Wake up your Liver Bile -No Calomel necessary Msypol ho feel sour. luggish and geeril wethe niake the mîistake nf takng at. 1i. rinerai water, laza tive eandy or chewing guin, or rouglage whicli only movo the bowels and ignore the liver. W hat yy,,o-1d itoIo's"a,,"y;urPlive bile. Start vou lý e orit te àdýily two pounds ci h.îuid bile jto your bonels. Get your etomnach and intestines working an they ehould. once rmore. Carters Li t de L.oer l'illn will soon fix you up. Purely eletol. Snte.Sure. Quck. Ask fr t he.r.x hv'na'n'e. Refuse substituten. M6e. at auiduiita. si Gas in the Stomach Is Dangerous Daily Use of Bisurated Magnesia Overcames Troubles Caused by Acid Indigestion Gas In the stomach accompanied by a fui, bloated feeling after eating la alnios t certain evidence or too xnuch lî ydrochloric aeid in the stom- ach, ,causing so-ealled 'acld indigea- !ton . Acld stomnaehs are dangerous. Too nluch acid irritates the delicate lin- ing of tîhe stornach, often leads ta gas tritis. accompanled by more seri- ons tro tlle. Food ferments and sotîrs. eatlng the ristressing gas wchdistends the slomach and hamipers h e n orm al f unctions ofr the vital internai organs, often affecting t erIt l. the worst of foily ta neglect ý11ch a serious condition or to try to trent w ith ordina, y digestive aida whiciî have no neutralizing effect on the stomach acids. Instead geta IlttIe lisuate d Magnesia froni any drugglst 'nnd take a teaspoonful1 In water right after eatlng. This wivili dri ve ou t the gas. wbnd and bloat, sweeten the s tom ach. neutralize the ;xes acid and prevent its forma- tion an d stop sournes. gas or pain. -iBisuated Magnesia (in pkowder form -neyer In liquld or ml 1) la harm- leBs. 1inexpensive, and a fine remedy for a Id stomach. It le used by thou- isands otr people wbho enjoy their meals with no fear of Indigestion. F Quick Relief ,4 for Wom en Women need flot endure periotilo pains andi ieatiaches. They can spare themscîves this suffering by taking ZUTOO TABLETS. Mci. Allen Wright, of Fulford, who was relieved in 30 minutes of severe pain and < heatiache, wrote saying: "Every woman in the landi shoulti know about ZUTOO TABLETS and whet ,. they will do." Juiltcy the tiblets and know for youcîelf how quickly hthey stop the pain. I I * * i.Continueti !rom last week) FRUIT Jîîdge-Morley Webster .\PPLES-Collection f ail app les-W'. H. Caruthers, W. H. Gibsos, X. ,S.k Bragg. Collection winter apple-W. H. Carruthers, F. W. Tambl3ni, F. L. Squair / Sons. Alexander-C. Bickle, WV. H. Gibson. Ducess-f. lickle, Mrs. F. B. Lovekiîî. St. Lawrece- T. J. Lowecy, Chas. Bicklc. Graven-r stein-W. H. Carruthers, W. II. Gib- son. Wealthv-XV. H. Gibsoîi, W. H. Cartthers. Snows-W. H. Gîbson, L. Combes. Cranibernv lippîn-Mrs. F. B. Lovekin, 'M. H. Staples. Mclnitosh -2nd, W. H. Gibson. Scanlet Pippin- W. H. Caruthers, W. H. Gibson. Bax- ter-Jolîn Baker, W. H Carruthers. Deliciotis-XV. H. Carruthers, Charles Bickle. Oîtario X. H. Carruthers, F. L. Squ.air & Sons. Ribstoîs ippin- F. L. Sqtîain, W. H. Gibsont. Onie 6qt. basket Snows-F. L. Sqîîain, 'M. H. Staples. One 6qt. basket St. Lawrence -F. L. Squair & Sons. One 6qt. bas- ket Gravenstein-W. H-. Caruthers, C. Bickle. One 6qt. basket M.\clntosh-t John Baker, F. L. Squair. WVolf River -XV. H. Carotthers, Mrs. F. B. Love-1 kiji. Talînan Swveet-F. L. Squair, W. H. Carruthers. Bellcflowcer- XV. H. Carrtîhers, F. L. Squair. Northern Spy X. H. Carruthers. F. L. Squair. Golden Rxisset-F. L.. Squair, \V. S. Bragg. Rhode Island Greeing-\\'. H. Caruthers, F. L.. Squair. Kinig-X'. H. ('arruthers, 'M. H-. Staples. Baldwins- F. L. Sqtîair, Leslie Coombe q. Ben Davis-%\'. H. Carrnithers, WX. H. Gih- son. Stark X. H Carruther, F. L. Squair. ....- X. H. Carruthers, Mrs. F. B. Lovekin. C Crah Apple- C. Bickle. Thos. IPhelps. J. R. Cooper Special-Best bushel Mfcitosh- John Baker.,X. H. Carruthers. T. Smnith Special ýbush. Mclitosh-Ji)hn Baker \V. J. Riddell Sp)ecial-ýlhosli. Snlows- F. L. Squair. XW. J. Riddell Special -'bush. MIcIîîtosiî Johni Baker. F. L. Sînair & Sons. PEARS-1Besi collection Pears- C. Bickle, F. L. Sqtîair & Sons, F. W. Tamblyn. Bartîcti F. L. Squair. XV. H. Carcuthers. Sheldon-F. XX. Tanilh hyn n. rs. F. B. Lovekin. Flecmish B3eaty XVý\. H. Gibson, Leslie Coomibes. A.O.VI.-Chas. Bickle, Thos. Phielps. Bierre Bosc-F. L. Squair. Geo. Rob- inson. .\njou-Chas. Bickle. PLUNIS-Best collection Plunms-F. XV. Tamhblvni. Lomba rd-XVallace Hol- mesa,Mis L. Carneige. A.O.V .- Roy Putnamn, F. X. Tamblyn. GRAPES-Rcd Grapes-F. XV. Tambl In. Green Grapes-F. XV. Tamiblyni. B3lack Grapes-F. XV. Tamnblyn. FLOWERS & PLANTS Judg-S. j. Jackmnan Amateur Section-Asters collection- Mci. M. J. Tamblyn, R. Putnam. As- ters, white-Mcs. MI. J. Tamblyn, R. Putnam. Asters, rose-R. Putnamn, Mcs. NM. J. Tamblyni. Asters. ed- Mcs. W. A. McColl, Mcs. F. Stinsoni. Asters, mnauve-MNI. NM. J. Tamblyn, R. Pu.tnain. Asters, purple-M\rs. M. J. Tamhblvni, NMs. A. A. Rolphi. .B arcanged higli Basket-Mnfr. T. Phielpi, Nrs. Natthiew Brown. Best accanged low Baskt-Mrs. M'.. Brown, Nis K. XVadtlell. Calendula- Neil Stewart, Mc.A. A. Rolph. Cosmnos, collec- tten- NIrs. NI. Brown, MIrs. D. G. I1 loper. Cnit l'osers-Mcs. MI. H. Staîdes., Mcc. F. B. Xhte. Dahilias, c,,llectioniîrs. NI. J. Tamnbîvo. Thos. T edl.Dahilias, decorati ve-NI ns. Mi. j. anîblv n. Thos. Twccdle. l)iaîîihus or Piniks. collection-R. Putnam. McNIr. MI. Il. Staples. Dining nooin Bouquet -Nîrs. 'NI. Bnrown. NînMs. M. J. Tamh- lx n. Evcrlastiîig Flowcrs Bou.qet- NI r,. F. B. XVîte Irs.. A . RoIlh. (,lauioli. white on lighit varietv-NIcs. F. S tiis.oîî, Ni s. NI. Brcownî. Gladioli. col. -Nîrs. \v. .. cColl. N il Stewart. Glatiioli. cark Wrcy Mc.X..\A. Nic- Col. Mci. Ni. J. Tamblvin. Glatîioli, mnmcd col-Mca. NM. J. Tamiblyn. GlatI- ol Prniîulus, col-Mns. . Roîpli, Nîns. F. W. Taînblyîî. Living room Bouquet- Mcs. N. J. Tamnblyn, Nîns. MI. Brown. Maigold, African-MNis. F. W. Tamhlyîî, Mcs. XW. A. NIcColl. Mlaigold, FreîîchMns. NM. Il. Staples, NIns. A. A. Rolphi. Nastîîrtiiîîns, col- R. Putîtain. Pletunias, single, col- i\rs. M. Brown, Nirs. Ed. Morton. Pansies, col.-211(, R. Puinain. Phîlox Driiminotidi, col,-Nics. M. H. Staples. R. I'utnaîn. Primiula-Nirs. Ira L.owae. Rose, col-Mr. NM. J. Tamnblyn. Stocks col-R. Putîîami, Mci. \W. A. NIcCoII. SiilNia-Mcfs. XW. A. MIcColl, Neil Stew- art. Sîîapdnagoîî, col-R. Putnam. Mca. NM. J. Tamiblyn. Vecinas, col-Mni. W. .. McColl, R. Pîîînait. Zinnîias, col. 2dl, Mc,.. F. Tanîibli,. Wild Flow- crs, col-Mca. F. B. WVltc, cIr. Ni. Brownî. Iegoitias, cutI. Nîrs. Ed. Mor- t .î, INIrs. Ina L.owe. Begoîtia, nt loiuîer-Nrs. J. H. NcKcever, Nirs. Robt. Allent. legon ia, booîninig-NI ns. NI. Bronîu, NI s. EtI. Moctont. Begonii. Rex-Mns. M. J. Tainhlyîî, IMca. Ira Lotwe. l.egonia Tuhlecots-Nirs. NI. J. Taînbl3 n. Foliage Planits, co.-Mirs; I. L.owe. erni. col. Mcas. i. Lowe. Floîral Wncath desigîî-NIrs. NI. Brown. Delîîiîîiitîus Mcir. NI. J. Tamblyi. N. Stewart. Aspidista-MNIs. I. Lowe, Nici. Thos. Cowan. House plants, col. -Mi. i. Lowe, Mci. M. J. Tamnblyni. Ilangiîîg baket-Nirs. J. Il. McKeever, Misjs K. W'addell. Swtînu Ferît-Nîrs. Ina Ltowe. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURE J tîtge-MIisa Sybil Brown Skatiîîg set-Nîrs. X\. A. NicCol. Sweater coat, kuiit-Nirs. NcCoîl, Nfcc. Rý. Pulitili. Quili, atlqîd In.S. Bonsticîlr, Mi îcuî. Qîilt. enazy îtstch work Elsie Rowe, NIns. Fil. Nir toit. Coînforten itractical Mn,.. F. Stiiî Ston, Nis K. Waddll. Colitfonter, faîtcy-Nîns. NcColl, NIrs. J. Ni. Car- nteige. Qîilt, cottoîî-Mcs. R. Putusîn, Nirs. F. Stiuîson. Bcd sîtreatl, eibnuid- enet-l-Nrs. Stiîîsoîî,Irs. Clark Bell. iciced Quiît clothi---NIcs. Stiîîsoî, Nins L. Byers. Hearth Rug lîooked and eut -Ninrs. F. B. I.ovekin, Nica. MeCoîl. l-lath Rug braided-Mrs. McCoîl, Mca. Pîitnam. Coolie coat-Mrs. S. Cutteil, Miss Carneige. Bath mat-Mrs. Mc- Coil, Mca. Putnam. Ladies' Sanf, knit ted- IMrs. MeICol, Mci. Carnegie. Housework, Apron-Mrs. Putîsaîn, Miss Carneigie. Child's Pullover, crochet- Mci. Stinson. Child's Pullover, knit-- Mci. Stitison. Child's Play Dress and Blooiners-Miss Carneigie, Mni. J. M. Carneigie. Child's Sweater and Cap, knit - Mrs. J. 'M. Carnegie, Mrs. W. A. McColl. Lady's Pullover- kîiit -Mcs. D. G. Hooper, Mcas. L. Bycrs. Hanse Dress, washable-Mirs. J. Bell, Mrs. Putnam. Vecanda jacket-Mrs. McColl, Mrs. S. Bonisdell. Baby car- niage cover-Miss Carîseigie, Mrs. Car- negie. Plain Smnock-Mrs. McColI, Mcs. Stinson. \Vool Ruig-M\rs. A. H. Found, Mi. McColl. LADIES' WORK judge-Miss Sybil Brownî , s ti Ni fi FINE ART Oil Paintinîg Portrait-NMis Carnegie, NMis E. Waddell. Dii Paintinîg, figure -Mca. McCoîl, NMis addell. Dil Painting, sintaI-Mca. Stork, Mci. NMe Col. Dil Painting, marine-Nliss Xad- dcll, Mfiss Mary Sissonl. Dii Painting, landacape-Misa Xaddell, Miss NMary Sissoît. Dil Painîtinîg, fruit-Nis. E. Waddell, Mci. McColl. Cil Painîtinîg, flowes-Nîis Xaddell, Mrs. NcCuII. Water Colons, figure-Miss Carnegie, Nis addell. Xaten Colora, portrait -Miss Xaddell, Miss Carnegie. XXatec Colons, aninal-Nini. Putitami, Miss L. Carnegie. XXatcn Colons, itîarne-Miss Agites Xaddcll, Miss Caritegie.. Water Colons, lanitscapc-Niss Agtes Waddell, Neil Stewart. Xater Colons, flowers -Neil Stewart, NMis E. Waddell. Water Colons, fruit-NMiss E. Xaddell, Miss Agites Xaddell. Sepia-Mrs Stock, NMis E. Waddcll. Crayon Drawiîg- Miss Carnegie, Misa Agiles W'eddcll. Pastel Dawing-Nfisi Agites Waddell, Miss Carntegie. Peiteil Dnawing, figure Neil Stewart, Miss Agites Wadîlell. Peitcil Drawing, sintaI-Miss Agnes XVsddell, NMiss E. Waddell. Peîîcil Dnawing. landscape-Miss Agites Wed- 'dlNeil Stewart. Pen sud Ink Sketchi-Miss E. Waddell, Misa Agites Waddell. Kodak Pîctuces, Sumîner sccîîc-Niss Mary Sissoît, Mca. McCoîl. Kotdak Pictures, Xiten sceie-NIns. J. Eaglesoît, Nic. F. W. Tamiblyiî. Pos- ter Designî foc Stuîuents-Nîiss Agiles XVttIl, îs. NîcCoîl. l)E'SIGNING-Pencil & Iîîk Dcaw- iîtg stileits-llisasNMary Sissoît. Xater Culors. stîîdeîîts-Nus, NMarv Sissoît, DOMESTIC SCIENCE Two boaves Honte madie Bread Nins. Reg. Stîttoît, Mca. Robt. Allen. Two boaves Brownt Brcad-Mrs. Reg. Sut- toîl, NIra. d. Deant. Raisint Loaf-Nirs. Gco. Xaddell, Misa L. H-ooper. Date Loaf-Mias Eva Grahamt, Mci. D. G. JHoopen. Dine dozen Buîs-Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Mcs. Ed. Dean. Haîf dozeut Tea Biscuits-Mrs. W. B. Hoar, Miss ORONO FAIR PRIZE LIST Nelson's Lease Expiring Sale M Great FloorCovering Sale Floor Coverings at Less Than Mill Prices Congoleuni RUGS and MATS Size 18 x 36, regular 39c, for ...... 19IC Size 36 x 36, regular 79c, for ...... 57e Size 6 ft. x 9 ft. regular $5.50, for. .$3*95 Size 7½/ ft. x 9 ft. regular $ 6.85, for.. $40,95 Size 9 ft. x,9 ft. regular $8.25, foli. $6095 Size 9 ft. x 12 ft. regular $11.00 for. . $8095 Bedrooiii Sets-'Mn. W. A. McColl. Set Table Mýats M\rs. XW. R. Stork, Mrs. D. Hooper. Slip, band mnade- 'Miss L. Carnegie, 'Mrs. J. M. Carnegie. Table Runner, crochect-Mn. F. Stini- son, Mrs. L. Byers. Table Runnier A. O.'-.Mrs. C. Bell, Mrs. Stork. Ceni- trepiece, white-Mrs. H. Dean, Mrs. Stork. Centrepicce. colored-Mirs. S. Bonsdell, Mrs. Byers. Boudoir Pillow -Mrs. Hooper, Mrs. Stork. Sofa Pil- low. quilted-M\iss L. Hooper, Mirs. J. H. MeKeever. Sofa Pillow, new wvork -Mrs. McColl, Mrs. Bonsdcll. Fancy XVork, 5 kinds-Mrs. 'McColl. Mca. R Putnam. Tea Cloth and Serviette. wite-Ml\rs. Stork, 'Mrs. 'MeColl. Tea Clothi and Serviettes, colored-Mrs. W. McColl, Mirs. A. Mainwaring.. Chester field Bolster-Ml\rs. Bonsdell. Brassiere & Pantie Set-Mrs. Carnegie, Miss Car niegie. Beach Pyjamnas-Mnr. McColl. Crochet XVork, cottoni-Mýrs. McColl, 'Mrs. jas. Bell. Tray Cloth-Mý\rs. WV. Stork, Nfrs. D. Hooper. Tea Cloth- Mrs. Pîîtnam, Mns. Bonadeil. Buffet Set-Mca. Carniegie, Mrs. WV. McColl. Hand made Knitted Hat-Mrs. McCoîl Boudoir Lamp Shiade, silk-MI\rs. Cut- tell, Mrs. Hooper. Pillow Cases, emn- !'roidered-Miss Carniegie, Mrs. E. Dean Hand made Tapestr-Mn\fs. Bonsdell, Miss Carnegie. Fancy Bcd Sheet- 2nid, Mcs. Carnegie. Romant Cut work -Mnfr. Stork, Mrs. Bonsdell. Lunch- con Set, white-Mrs. Carnegie, M rs McCoîl. Luncheon Set, coîored-Mrs Stork, Mra. McColl. Pyjama Bag- Mrs. Hooper, Mca. jas. Bell. Novelty not listed-Mns. F. B. XVhyte, Mrs. McColl. Fancy Purse, hand made- Mns. Xhyte, Mrs. Bonsdell. Runnters for tes cat-Mrs. Bonsdell, 'Mrs. Nic- Coîl. Collection Tatting-Mirs. I. Lowe. Mrs. McColl. Guest Towel, white lini- en-Nirs. Caînegie, 'Mrs. Stinson. Faîîcy Bath Tosvels-Mrs. XVhyte, Mca. Stock Guest Towels, worked in colors-Mrs Lowe, Mfrs. MfcColl. Worked Hand Towels-Mcs. Putnam, M rs. Stock. Hand Towel, crochet insertion-Mrs. McColl, 'Mcs. Bvers. Hand made dress -Mcas. Xhyte. Mvrs. Canniegie. Hand made Crochet Hat-Mcs. XVhyte, Mci Putnam. Filet Crochiet-Mnlr. H. Dean. Mrs. McCoîl. Card Table Cover-Mcs Stinson, Mes. XVhyte. Lazy Daisy & Frenchi Knot Embroidery-Mrs. McColl Mca. XVhvte. Collection of Faiic,ý Xork-M r's. McColl, Mca. Putniam. DECORATIVE & CONSTRUC- TIVE ART Jtîdge-Miss XVagar Col. China Paintiîîg-Mcs. XV. R. Stock, Mrs. XW. A. McColl. Bread & Butter i'lates-Mcrs. Stock, Mcs. .M Carnegie. Burnt XWood XVockMs jas. Eagleson, Mca. MeColl. Lamip Shade, hand painlted-Mcfs. McCoîl, Mfiss L. Carnegie. Sandwich Tray China- Mci. Stock, Mci. McColl. Lustre wock -Mcs. Stock. Mfrs. McCoîl. Salad bowl Itandlp te-r.McColl, Mci. T. ('owan. Flower Bowl low type-Mca Stock. 'Mrs. McColl. Flowen Bowl high type-NMcs. Stock, Miss E. XVaddell. 1 hrec Cups and Saticecs-Mcs. Stock, Mcrs. McColl. Tea Set-MNi. Stock. Mci. MeColl. Wood Carving-Miss E. XVaddell. Reed Xork-Mcs. McColl, Mcas. W. B. Hoar. Best New Craft- Miss Carnegie, Mcs. Stock. 29e 2 yd. wide Congoleum, regular 65e for ...... 39e 3 yd. wide Cong oleuin, % regular 79e for .......49& Here's a Snap 4 yard wide Linoleum, reg. price per running yard $4.00, for... $2*49 Borderless Rugs 6 ft. x 9 ft. - 4 designs in borderless Congoleum .....$2o29 Border Rugs Two Designs Only 6 feet x 9 feet, for'............$2.59 71<ý feet x 9 feet, for .........$ ,9 9 feet x 9 feet, $ e, for ...... .....34 9 feet x 101/2 feet '42 for ...........9 9 feet x 12 feet,' for........... $4,e98 MORE SPECIALS WOOL DUSTERS Wood handles, reg. 29e for each.... ILOC WOOL FLOOR MOPS Regular 59e for Each ............39C SILK NIGHTGOWNS Buy these for Christmas Gifts and save. Regular $1.19, On Sale, each ...... 69o Men's Work Boots Values You Can't Duplicate at the Factory Today No. 1, with Panco sole, per pair....$18 No. 2, with Panco sole, per pai.... $1 No. 3, Leather sole, per pair...$20419 No. 4, Greb Boots, the best boot made in Canada. Don't fail to see these values, per pair.. $2*77 AXMINSTER MATS 6 only, 27 x 54, riegular $3.50 for. $1098 L. Hoopen. Scones-MI s. D. Hoope r, Miss Lonna Hooper. Short Bread-! Miss Kate Waddcll, NMis L. Hoopen. Niacarooîs-Miss L. Carnegie, Miss L.f Hooper. Sugar Cookies-NIisi E. Gra- ham, Miss K. Waddell. Juînbles-Nlcs. W. B. Hoar, Nfiss L. Hooper. Spaîîishi Buni-Ninfs. F. Stinsoît. Graliaîn Geins -Mcs. J. H. McKeever, NMis L. Hoop- er. Layer Cake, lark-Nfci. F. XW. Tamnblyn. Mca. MeKeever. Laver cake, light-Miss L. Hoopen, Mcar. George XX'addell. Nlarble Cake-Mca. George Waddell, Mns. jas. Eagleson. Orange Cake-Mns. D. Hoolter, Miss L. Hooî,- Cr. Banana Cake-Nis L. Hoopen, Mci. W. B. Hoar. Apple Pie-NIns. R. Sutton, Mca. McKeever. Pumpkin Piei -Mci. Ed. Dean, Nîca. J. Eagleson.I Lemoît Pie-Misa L. Honîter, Nins. L.1 Coombes. Tact Pie-Mca. D. Hooper, Mci. McKcevcc. Raisin Pic-Miss L~. Hlooper, Mci. J. Eagleson. Cu.rraîît JelyNu s le Rowe, NMisK. XVatI- tîcîl. Salad-Mrs. NleKeeven, Miss E. Gnahiam. Nfarmialade Nîca. XV. Hoar, Mn,.. Fagleson. Apple Jelly-NIiss K. XXaddell. Nîrs. XWallace lHolînes. Nix- ed Pickles-Ni c. Ro 'v Putnamn, - NI s. Gco. Vaddell. C.atsiiîîî Nîrs. George Xatdell, Miss E. Rowe. Chili Sauîce -Nfra. A. H. Found, INI ns. G. XVatldell. Cucîîînléen Pickles Nli..s L. Hîoîter. Miss L. Carntegie. Onion P'ickles- Nîrs. \V. Holînies, Nis Carnegie. Nîustarul Pickles-Miss K. XVatldell, Miss Car- nlegie. Beau Pickîca-Nirs. F. B. XVhyte Mci. H. Deant. Pickîctl Pears-NIiss K. Waddell, Nici. Gen. Waddcll. Meat Relish-Mnls. Whyte. Nf s. McKeever. Collectoin Cannîed Fruit-Nf s. Roba. Allent, Nin. A. H. Foîînd. 51lIts. Butter ini blocks- Mrsc. Ina Lowe. 15 lb., Xinten îpack Butec-Mcs. Ira Luwc, Mns. Ed. Dean. You can't tiemanti respect; you've got to commandtiIt. Pink and White GoId FulaVue andi Rinîles C. H. TUCK, Opt. keb>cstn Sj>CeIIIist Disney Block: l'houe 1510 Opp. P.O. Oshawa TYRONE T (Received too late for last week) Mr. Herbert Cameron fell andi fractureti mme ribs. Mr. and Mrs. S. York spent Stn- day with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Park. Mrs. C. Mutton, Bowmanville, re- cently visiteti ber mother, Mrs. Viola Smith. Mr. Wilbur Wood.ley, Saskatoon, Sask., is visiting his brother, Mr. N. J. Wootiley. Mr. anti Mr. W. J. Bratit and family. Oshawa, visiteti ber parents, Mr. andi Mrs. James Dudley. Miss Verna Trewin, Haydon, Mr. Frank Smith, Enfielti, spent Suntiay with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Woodley. Messrs. Harry andi Frank Hather- ly, Dixie. spent Sunday with theïr parents, Mr. anti Mrs. R. Hatherly. Mrs. Chas. Simpson and son James Arthur, Altamont, Man.. vis- ited with ber sister, Mrs. Viola Smith. Mr. Alfred Stewart. Los Angeles, Calif., who has spent the summer with f rientis, is now visiting his bro- ,her. Mr'. WIlIs Stewart. Mr. anti Mrs. Sam Simpson, Mrs. James Simpson, Dtîrwood, Man., have been in the village calling on friends andi renewing old acquaint- ances a! ter an absence o! twenty- nine years. Mrs. Win. Virtue is in Bowman- ville Hospital sufferlng !romn palnful bruises anti shock suffered when the latider on which she was standin~g picking apples slipped. throwlng ber to the grounti. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Woodley anti Mr. Wilbur Wootiley spent the week- end with their sisters, Mrs. Robt. Stephens, Gorrie, and Mrs. D. Hlckà, Harriston. Mr. W. Woodley re- maineti with his sisters for a visit. Young People's League Thursday evenlng openeti with the president, Mrs. Theodore Down, in charge. A!ter opening exercises, Social Vice, Miss Lorna Hooper, took charge o! te !ollowlng program: Bible study by Mr. Clinton Bigelow; a splendid tople on 'Hymns ant i Lterary Her- itage" by Mr. A. H. Brent; piano solos, Mms. H. Wlck anti Miss Lola Richards; readlng, Mrs. R. J. Hodg- so,"ity Years Ago" was much enjoyeti. Meeting closed i wth the benediction. Simple and Sure.-Dr. Thomas' IEclectric 011 is s0 simple in appli- 'cation that a chilti can understanid the instructions. Useti as a lini- ment the only direction lu to rub, anti when useti as a dressing to ap- piy. Thie directions are so plain and unmistakable that they are readuly understood by Young or old. i I ________________ I. Goes Ov er The Top Hundreds of customers joined in our Festival of Bargains last week, and hundreda went awaY satisfied with the tremendous values they received. These values are available for only a short time. You have only 16 more days to take advantage of these prices. Long before that many items will be out of stock, so don't miss this Big Opportunity in the face of rising prices. Every price listed in last week's Statesman remains the same. Look over these unusual bargains and remember that for every good value listed here there'are ten such values in our store. NELSON'S STORES King St. West Bowmanville I I-i ReaRoof Now Rooflng Prices are Dowa No matter what type of roofing you need,ý we can supply you and at equal or lower price than you can buy elsewhere. What is more, we guarantee you will be satisfied. We- have a complete stock of Ashphalt Shingles, Roll Roofing, British Columbia Red Cedar Shing- les and New Brunswick White Cedar Shingles. Do that job now, before cold weather sets in. YOUR FUEL PROBLEMS SOLVED Have you ever wished for a perfect coal? Blue Coal is the perfect coal. Its Producers are so sure of its good qualities that it is trade marked Blue for your protection. If you have never used it before, just try a ton, and we'll guarantee you will become another steady Blue Coal Enthusiast. Sheppard & ùIii Lumber Co. Limlited FUEL AND BUILDING SUPPLIES Phone 15 Bowmanvil ON -.;d- s. -3: y s ~ '.~ "K 2 yd. wide Oilcloth, regular 49c, for ...... . 1 grue

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