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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1933, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER i2th, 1933 1 . The Weelc in Local Sport*+ I B. H. S. TIES SERIES IN BASEBALL LEAGUE BY DOUBLE VICTORY Spectacular home run by Don Wil- liams wins f irst game against South 'Ward Students easily win second game Winnlng both games in the Thanksgiving Day double header, the High Sehool students ticd Up the Town Basebali League playoff ser- les against South Ward, necessitat- ing a sudden death game for the league championship at a date ta be set. Battling iuta ten innings of play Don Wiliams brought victory ta the scholars in the first game when he batted a haine run when he was first ma-n Up in the last of the tenth innings. High School took a four run lead in the first innings before George Piper settled inta his usual stride and adding one run in the third, they heid South Ward scorelcss until the 8th innings when they came from behiud ta score f ive runs and tic the score. Boyd Siemon, pitchlng for the Students held the Ward ta ane hit iu seven innings when Bob Kent took over the mound to save Sie- mon for the second game. It proved, one of Kents few off days and af-' ter putting Withei-idge on base with a body bail and walking Large, thr-e successive hits by I. Piper, F. Mut- ton and C. Mutton discouraged hlm and he handed the bail back ta Sie- mon who allowed two hits ta the1 end of the game. Don Williams' hard swat to centre field brake the A Weak Battery Just Won't Do in Cold Weather Nowadays an automo- bile is oniy as good as its battery. Be sure of keeping appointments on time and avoiding the customary trials of motor troubles with a new or recharged bat- tery that sparks every time. Inspection serv- ice free. Corne in to- day! Our expert mechanics repair ail makes of cars piromptly and satisfac- torily. Service Station for al General Motors Cars. Clemens' Garage IBOWMANVILLE tie and cnded the game 6-5 for the Students. In the second gamne. bath the Seholars and the South Ward batted in a single run lu the flrst innings, with the Students picking Up the lcad again in the second innings with tw1o runs. Piper was still pitching with a wvill but frequent errai-s by his teami mates let. the High Schoi away again. In thei- final frame High Schooi batted in six i-uns, ta make the score 9-1 and this was due flot, -o much ta good playing on the students' part but because the Ward decided ta quit piaying bail, because of their disagreement with an umpire's de- cision, scndîng Geo. Piper back ta second an a hit to the cast fence which they believed should have been a home i-un. Although the hit was really worth a homer, the ground rule was braught inta effect and because the bail went thraugh the fence instead of over it. oniy two bases wcre aiiawed. However. that rule has been in force ail sea- son and South Ward should have been aware of. this. TIhey did not take their last innîngs mn protest. Hall pitched the entire second game for the Students. The teams were: South Ward-Littlc. 2b; Wither- idgc lb; Large cf: 1. Piper ss; F. Mutton i-f; Tardiff c and rf; C. Muttrn If: Nayior 3b: Bates c; G. Piper p. High Schoai-Mclveen c: AlUin If; Williams lb; Hall p and 3b;E. Bagneil ss; Adams rf; B. Bagneli cf: H. Slemon 2b; Kent p and If; B. Siemon p and If. Umpires-lst, game, Tweedlc and Large: 2nd game, F. Piper and Large. Economy Values in Shoe Repairing Honest workmanship... sturdy, asting materials and Iowest possible prices! For real value i shoe repair work we offer you the most at the least cost. We make your old shoes as good as ncw. SOLES & HEELS Men's Ladies' Boys' Misses' S1.50 up $1,10 Up . .S1.25 $1.00 HALF SOLES Men's Ladies' Boys' Misses' .. . .. . 1.10 up 85c up .. .... 90C up 11 1 75e Up HEELS Men's rubber or leather 50c Ladies', leather 25e Ladies' Top Lifts, INTERMEDIATES WIN 1 _ rubber, 777, 30e ACAINST COBOURG IN SECOND FIXTURE Geo. Hiuapage Shoc Repairing King St.E. Capt. Don. Williams' Powerful Plunging Lcads Team to 25-8 Vietory Over Counties Town ta go, another anc and thcy were Led by the poweiful plunging o!f over only ta have the bail carrier Captain "Dunc" Williams and f umbic and Slemon iecover ta hobd 'Monk' Calmer, the B.H.S. inter- Cobourg ta, 1 point. Haîf time score mediate Rugby team took f irst was B.H.S. 12, .CCI. 1. place lu the beague standing by de- B.H.S. again took the offensive at featîug Cobourg Coîegiate lu Co- the beginning of the second haif bourg Saturday by a 25-3 score. with Clmer going 8 yards, then af- The Bowmsnviile autfit. dwsrfed ter an exchange of kicks lu which by the size a! their opponents, B.H.S. had the better a! the pla showed they had that thing polite- mast o! the af ternoon. due ta Wi- iy called intestinal fortitude by the liims' 50 yard boots. the samne Dunc wsy they pioughed inta the heavy- pluuged 30 yards in 3 pîsys and weight Cobourg hune, tearing hales then kicked for the 13th point. big enough that time and again en- Rchder was hurt sud had ta i-tu-o abied WilUiams. Bagnell. Calmer and 1 for a while. company ta Inake gains of 25 sud The next score camne when Bob 30 yards. The game. f ull o! fumbles McIlveen grsbbed a Cobourg f urn- an suoffsidcs, was one o! the most bIc sud then Calmner piuuged for 30 thriing gamýes we have ever seen. yards ta gain the third touchdown The game wss started by Princi- and make the score 18-1. pal MacKeuzie who kicked the fist Thc final quarter opened with the bahl. The teams exchsngcd kicks bail in Cobaurgs possession on sud bth fumblcd with B.H.S. ie- Bowmauviie 35 yard uine and Tit- covering an Cobourg's 25 yard bimefard kicked for Cobaurgs second Calmer bucked for 6 yards. Cobourg point. At this point Cobourg, trail- were pensiized 10 yards for offside ing by 16 points, began a desperate sud Wiiasms plunged 9 yards for a forwarcl passing drive and whiie touch, whch wss converted by a fairly successfub. gained nothing as farwaî-d pass, Wiliiams ta Calmer. B.H.S woubd hoid when neai- their Play lvened Up thon wth Cobourg own lino sud would gain back the gaining 19 yards lu 3 plays. anily ta bost yards by superb plunging. have Colmer make a 20 yard pitînge With about 8 minutes ta go, Oke and when Cobourg fumbled the intercepted a Cobourg farward on kirk. Wright recovered sud ou the their 28 yard lino and Bowmanvilio next play 'Dune" kîckcd ta the dcad kckcd for a point. ine ta make the count 7-0, at the Cobourg then combined twa 10- end of the fi-st quarter. yard end i-uns, a 30-yard farward To open the second quarter. Col- pass sud a long kick foir their thii-d mier plunged for 18 yards which was sud iast point. With two minutes samnewhst offset by s 10 yardc peu- ita go, Frank "Tony" McIlveen alty sud promptly gsined back bv a snared a Cobourg forward pass sud Cobourg penalty. B.H.S. then A-ent ian 35 yards far the final score o! 60 yards on 5 pîsys, Dune gained 9 the game wh.lch ended 25-3 for yards. Calmer wcnt for 7. Hunt for B. H. S. 5. Bagnell for 6 sud Bil gel This Saturday B. H. S. play their agaîn taak the bail to scoreanafist home games, with the Juniors brilliaut 35 yard run. meeting Oshawa at 1.30 p. m.. sud Cobourg thon put on thei- strang- the intermediates clsshing with est scoming thi-cat opeuing with a Peterboro in the second game at 3 25 yard farward pass. A drap kick p. m. TWQ great gamos and the fsilcd sud after Bowmanviile kickcd. town shouldý show how praud they Cobourg, lu 4 bucks carricd the bail are of their hard piaying, nover- ta B.H.S. 5 yard ine. Anther buck say-die rugby tesms. by turning out sud 1 yard ta go. another 1 a yard lu lai-go numbers. Cet a vee vi, Cet a vee vo, Cet a vee, vi, vo, vi, vum, Vum; Cet a rat trap, Bigger than a cat trap. Vum, Vum, Vum, Cannibal, cannibal, Sis boom bah, Bowrnanville High School Rah, Rah, Rab. 'I H. S. INTERMEDIATE RUGBY TEAM WINS OPENING FIXTURE High Sehool easily defeat Port Hope in fast game Juniors Iost first game at Whitby By Y. Duzzy Wright <Crowded out iast we«k) Displaying a brand of rugby that Part Hope cauld flot equai, B. H. S. intermediate team on Saturday iu- augurated a successfui seasan with a 32-O victory. The Bowmanvilie teama was much the better, having anc of those days that every coach dreams af, when nothing can go wroug. Every man on the teamn gets at least a two star rating, most of themn thi-ce stars and Captain Don Williams and Second- in- Command Bag-nel and 'Monk' Calmer, get four stars. Williams for his kicks, which averaged fi! ty yds. and Bill Bagndil for his broken f ield running and Colmer for his bucking and receiving forward passes. Bagneil puiied the most spectacu- lar play whcn he took the Port Hope kick-off on his own goal line. ian a few yards forward, rcturned the kick high to centre field. ran Up fast, took his ownr kick on the fi-st baunce and rau ta the Port Hope Une for a touch. Unfortu.nateiy, the referee d.ld not aiiow the score, claimîng interference. Emmet was the best for Part Hope being the man B. H. S. had any trouble stopping. Colmer and Bag- neil starteci the bail roiiing for Bowmanville by gainiug yards on the f i-st two clowns and "Dunc" Williams kicked for the first point 2 minutes after the game had start- ed. To Monk Calmer went the honor of scoring the fi-st tauchdown of the' seasan, takiug the bail over the line after Williams had i-un 35 yds, ta put the bail in scoring position. It was just after this whcu 'Wint' Bagneli made his sensational but unsuccessful bld for a score. Port Hope then supplied a littie hope fori the boome town fans when Eminet ran a kick back 20 yards. His val- lant effort weut for naught when just before the end of the f irst quarter, Wililams ran the last 25 yards ta the Port Hope uine for a major score which vas canverted. Fi-st quarter over. B. H. S. 12: P. H. H. S.. 0. Tro start the second quarter, Bag- ucil rcturned the Port Hope kick-of f and rccovered the fumble; a f or- ward pass f rom Williams ta Clmer added 40 yards and Bill Bagrieli. on an end i-un, scored another touch- clown. Play for a while was a littie quiet- er with Port Hope holding their own un'u i near the end of the quar- ter, when B. H. S.. by means of a 20 yard end i-un, a 30 yard farward pass, a 10 yard plunge and another end run, added another f ive points. Siemon scoriug. Second quarter over: B. H. S. 22: P. H. H. S. . To start the second half, Caach Devitt sent the alternates into the game and the, net ta be outdone by the socaiied regulars, scored a touchcbown half-way through the periad. Bob Courtice car-ying the bail acrass. The rest of the period was even. with B.H.S. being back on their 10 yard line for a short tîme. There %vere also several offsides. Just before thi-ce quarter time. *Monk" Colmer made aL 25 yard plunge. At the start of the iast pcriad, Port Hope had thei- anc big chance ta score when they recovered a fumbled bail on Bowmanviibes 20 yard ine. aniy ta lose it on a f um- bic With two minutes of the game ieft. B. H. S. scorcd their last touch. on a 15 yard buck by Wilson. a 12 yard extension run, another buck by Wilson and Bob Mcflveen scared the touchdawn on a 10 yard plunge through the ine. This Saturday, the Intermediate team go ta Cobourg and since Co- bourg defeated Peterboro, the win-i uer of this game wiii take fi-st place in the standing. The Juniors travel4 ta Lindsay, where they hope ta win1 thei- fi-st game. Bow,ýmanviie-Flying Wing. Colmer; Halfback.s. F. Mcllveen. Williams,1 W. Bagneli: Qtiarterback. Siemon; Snapback. Colvîlle: Insides. Hunt. G. McIlveen; Middles, Wilson. Jack- man: Outsidcs. Wright, Rehder: Alternates. T. Bagneli, Vaustone, Cautitie. Ames, Oke. B. Il. S. Juniors Lose to Whitby While Port Hope was receîving a drubbing at the hand-s of the in- texîtîtdiates. the diminutive juniors were being ushered into a rugby ca- reer in. Whitby, taking a mere 58 to 6 loss. Outweghed by many pounds, the locai youngsters gave a fine accounit of themselves after they got their sea legs. The first two periods of play Whitby took the bal] and pro- ceeded ta wailk Up and clown the griiro wîh ase and joy. However, Bowmaniliie High School was flot ta be tramiplecl upon sa easily and Punger' Roach rallied his teain and settled down ta work. Soon it 'wsas apparent that a change had taken place. Whitby no more picked hales on the lne and walked thru with half the visitors dangiing froin thei- backs and legs. And finaliy. a forward pass near the end of the last franie gave Bowmanvilie their opportunîty ta score. They were on Whitby's,. five yard line. With great effort they -whiskcd aside WhitbYS line and waiked through for a touchdown that brought more checring than the many that had been secured by their opponients. A drop kick and the Boawmranvilie team had six points to their credit. The iest of the period they were like wld cats. but to little time was lcf t for them ta pile up any more touchdowns. Who knows but thcy might have wiped aside that enor- mous ]ead if the game had lastcd longer? Thei- first game is over. That is the main thing. They will play bet- ter rugby in the next and if they are haif as game after they have playcd a whilc. the intermediates wili ihave ta keep their eyes open ta get ahead of them. They have good boaters, and the mlaklng of fine tackiers and Uine buckers that fight to the last minute. The Funiaoe that Saves Oire Ton, in, £eveà&' NOW IS THE TIME TO SPECIFY A HECLA WARM AIR FURNACE STEEL-RIBBED FIREPOT that triples the radiating surface - gives more heat with less coal. Patenteci Fused Joints which make it Cas-Proof and Dust-Proof. Big Ciî'cular Waterpan gives ample moisture. This furnace is well known in this dstrict, hax'- ing stood the test for over 25 years in many cases. Let's tell vou about it and give you an estimate. R.E LGNPLUMBER ADHAE Phone 264W Hold Field Day Lake Shore School Clarke Township School Field Day A novel event taok place at Lake Shore Public School, Clar-ke Town- ship, on, Wednesday afternaan, oc- tober 4th, when a field day was held under the direction of the teacher, Miss Hibda J. Rowland, who holds a Supervisor's Certîficate in Physical Tî-aining. sssistcd by a graduate of the school, Miss Neta Aluin. To determine the champion girl and boy athietes, 3 points werc cred- îted ta those wiuning fi-st, 2 for second, or 1 for third place. Each event was keuly contcsted and the pupils showed the greatest enthus- iasm throughout. The prize wînncrs are: Race, un- der- 8 yrs.--Jack Brown; Race, un- der- 10 yrs.-,Stanley Brown; Race, under 12 yrs.-Evelyn Brown; Race, 12 and over-Jean Holmes; Race, thi-ce legged-Jsck snd Stanley Brown; Race, wheeibarrow-Jean Holmes sud Stanley Brown; Race. four legged-,Jean Holmes snd Ev- eiyn Brown; Race. relay-Teamn of Audrey Jsynes. Edith Hcndry, Don- ald Powell; Race, eating soda wafer and whistlc-Maunice Powell; Broad Jump-Edith Hcndry (open to girls and boys); Long distance bal tht-ow-Donsld Powell. boy; Jean Holmes. girl; One-legged race-Stan- iey Brown; Catch and throw ball- Jean Hoimes and Evelyn Brown; Sack racc-Edith Hendry; Accurate bail thraw-Donsid Powell; Nail driving contest-Eveiyn Brown; Pit- ching horse shaes-Donald Powell; High Jump-Gi-ls, Tnc for Jean. Evelyn and Edith; Boys, Donald Powell; Somersaulting-Jack Brown. Foliowing the sports the school yeil was gîven for the mothers who were present and ste the lusciaus apples that anc mother had gener- ously provided. The cnampionship boy athiete for 1933 is Stanley Brown with the high record of 29 points. foliowed closely by Donald Powell with 26 points. The girls' championship is a tic of 25 points esch. by Jean Hoimes and Evebyn Brown; foUlowed in sec- ond piacmng by Edith? Hendry with 17 points. Everyone present voted this a suc- cessful experiment for a rural school and deciared that they had had an entertaining, profitable. snd educa- tive afternaon. Home and Sehool Club Lake Shore Home and Schaal Club opened its fali meetings on Friday. Octaber 6th. with 74 pres- eut. After opening with O Canada. the Lor-ds Prayer and a sing-song. the mintutes of the May meeting wvere read by tue secretary, Mrs. Holmes. The presicient, Mrs. Gar- don Martin, occupied the chair. Mf- ter the business session the f oliow- îng cnt ertaining prograîn ensued: A weicomo wss tenclcred Mrs. Cheeseborough, this fsmiiy being new resiclents in Lake Shore section.1 Twa-psrt sang by the schoai. con- ducted by theui- teacher; Orchestral. select ions by a group of Port Britaini fobk, wth Mis. C. Mitchell at the1 piano: addcress by Abian A. Martin, B.A.. I.P.S.. of Brighton. on the sub- jcct. "The League af Nations"~ Thisi adclress was weil presentecl and cv- eiryone present wâsdei:ghted ta once more hoat from ancl have a chance ta entertain aonc of the local boysi xsha ha- made good." Besicles this there wcre solos hv Han-y Farrow. accompanied by Miss, Mai-jonce Por- ieous; a duet with encore by Jack Halmes and Bill Rowland. The l'ut- t-r tld (heu- audience about the man behmnci the piough and mn their encore ntmmbcr gave their interpre- tm'ion 0f "Maggie. the cows are mn (l'e cae. Lunch wss servcd and the meeting cioscd with the National Anthem. At oui- next meeting we wili entertain 5as aur guests the Home aud Schooi Club of Lockhsi-t's Srhool, No. 9. wha wili pi-avide thel pogram.1 Tlic Saie. Stýiisibi(ý Wai TO REDUCE WEIGHT i., niodciý(tc living ýlfld ,ýIICU 01 tý%'icc a %vt-uk pik i k 1 i gl ass t ANDREWS LIVER SALT To (ý!l ýul c cmll i 1(tc ý-litýiiri:i t i, 0ý 1. TINS-35ý ..d 60ý. NEW, LARGE BOULE, 75ý BOWMANVILLE King St. East Treasurer' s Sale of Lands In Arrears for Taxes Town of Bowmanville, County of Durhami; To Wit: By vu-tue of a warrant to me dirccted by the Mayor of the Town o! Bowmanviiie under the Seal of the said Corporation, beariug the date of- the 2th day of Seplembei-. A. D.. 1933. comnanding me ta ievy an lands hereinafter meutioned 'ail lands tying sud bemng lu the ssid Town o! Bownanviile. and being patented lands, ail airosi-s of taxes on same ta- getheî vith Iawful rosts theî-eon. I hereby give notice that unless the arssasd costs be soaneîr paid. I shahl. on Monday. the 8th day a! January, A. D. 1934, ai the hour of two o'clork n the aftcrnaon at the Council Chambers lu the Town Hall un the Town of Bowmanvilbe, pro- ceed ta seli by public auction sa murh af the saîd bauds as may be suf- ficient to discharge the airosi-s of taxes sud rosts. Strcet Church Ontario High Prospect Prospect Scugog Scugog Centre Concession Duke Con. 1 Duke Temperance King Division B. F. Block O 7 D 5 5 34 Con. 2 26 Con. 1 29 OS. m R B. F. Lot Acres 162 ~ L. 2, 7, 8 9,10 112 3 1 5 4 5 i 13 /a 13 :m.à 7 i4 9 17 1.2.9,.10 1 10 85 3,4,7,8 1 165-6-7 2, 14 1 42.43 1 120 1 8 1 Taxes Costs Total $2.885.43 $ 93.77 $2979.20 20.08 2.41 5.95 .93 15.47 6.24 17.49 15.97 5.79 39.98 3.61 168.61 44.37 9.07 3.53 638.96 76.84 189.66 29.54 491.63 198.10 556.07 5e.85 184.31 1.270.45 114.59 5,356.91 1,409.61 288.69 112.26 618.88 74.43 183.71 28.61t 476.16 191.86 53 8.58 491.88 178.52 1,230.47 110.98 5,188.30 1,365.24 279.62 108.73 Fi-st insertion lu Canadian Ststesman. Sept. 2lst. 1933 Pi-st insertiou lu Ontario Gazette. Sept. 30th. 1933. 38-13 ORONO Mrs. J. C. Gamey has i-etui-ned from an enjoyabe visit with her sis- ter. Miss Tomlusan, ai Ncew York, City. Mr-. Fred Pearson whaýse condi- tion has not improvcd as ispidly as his fricuds had snticipated, has i-e- tuurned ta Tai-auto. Mrs. H. A. Saunders of Toi-auto speni the week-end with friends lu Orono sud district. Mr-. sud Mrs. Saunder expert ta reliain ta their farm. lot 33. concession 5, Clarke. mn the near future. Mr. and Mm-s. Simpson. Roland, Manitoba, were visitai-s one day thîs wceek at hcr cousin's, Mi-. H. R. A. J. LYLE, Treasurer. Town 0of Bowmanviile. Rowe. Mr-. sud Mrs. Simnpson left thoîr home tow.n 0f Tyrone 28 years agoand took up baud near Roland, Man., sud have nover hsd a faiiurc o! crops. Mr-. Bill Brawn has entered. on au Arts course at the Unversity of To- i-auto. Persîsu Balmi toues sud stimnu- lates the skin. Fi-agi-sut as a fiowcr. Cool as miorning dew. Safeguards aud beautifies the most dellcately- textured skin. Croates complexions of excjumsite chai. Adds a subtie finish ta the dsintiest womnan. In- vabualbe for softeniug the hane, and inaking theni fIaswbessly white. Cool aud iefi-eshiug. Daintily fi-ag- -sut. t)elightftil ta use. Chasen umuhes tt.tingby by aib wamen who ca: e for fetumumno distinction. 6 DAY ALL EXPENSE U * LAKE CRUMEIlu Scaring firn Buffalo orCleveland uhese special ail-expense cruises on the SEEANDBEE, the largesu and fiuiest passeoger ship on the gi-eau lakes. give yau happy. care- fi-ce, resul'ul days, with music, dancing, enueruaimrent, games and sports. The scenic beauties of the Detroit River, the St. Clair Flats, ai-d a four hour stop au Historic Mackinac Island wil help rnake tbe trip memorable. EE2 lxi h II-'.L - -. -- --. - ~TZ~ -MII (MAIL T'IS COUPON) THE CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO TRANSIT COMPANY Foot of Erie Street Buffalo, N. Y. Gentlemen :-Send me foider *iving races. schedules and full iformation about ; Our ALL- EPENSE World's Fair Cruiscs on the great ship S EANDEE - Naine Address Everythins înctuded -transportation, state- j$ roos eas ntrtirmetsie risus oo0 the shii esn tertaieinidhia usd af mission ta the Fair-frons Buffalo as low as 6 ~1 i OPENING RUGBY GAMES Ir) C. O. S. S. A. LAKESHORE GROUP Higk Scimool Campus B3OWMANVILE Saturday, Oct. 14 First Gante at 1.30 P. me OSHAWA C. I. JUNIORS BOWMANVILLE H. S. JUNIORS PETERBORO C. I. INTERMEDIATES vs BOWMANVILLE H. S. INTERMEDIATES ADMISSION - TWO CAMES FOR - 25c SHOUT for your TEAM -me "qu -Ma -ma -4w» -qwo -qlgo -1% -q% PAGE EIGEIT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANMM, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12th, 1933

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