PAGE TEN I The Newcastle THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 91h, 1933 Miss Manie Henning visited friends in Orono over thie weekend. Mrs. John Scott has relurned1 froni a visit withrie niece. Mcs.g Jorins, Tyrone. Misa Marion Rincri has celurne d J home a! 1er visitiIig Mn. and Mrs.I George Coyne et Hornby. Miss Minnie Seiby, Toronto, spent trie wcekend with rnfstrier, Mr. Isaac Seiby, and brother and sister- in-law, Mn. and Mca. Carl Selby. 1 Mr. and Mca. Harold Allin and daugriter Rutri spent Sunday with Mn. and Mns. Roy Webber. Baw- manvilie. and attended trie 99th an-i niversary o! St. Paul's Chuncri.1 Mr. and Mrs. H. Keller. son Cari and daucrilera. Misses Annabeli and LenapeanL. Mounlain Grove. spent'1 trie weekefld wiîri their son-in-Iaw1 and daugriter, Mn. and Mrs. Emnen- son Fisher. St. George's Chucri-Res'. F. H. Mason. M.A. Reclor. Sunda. Nov. 12, 22nd SundaiY s!Ien Trinity: 8 a. m.-Holy Communion: 1l a. n.- MorninL, Prayer: 2 P. m.-Suiiday Scrioal 7 P. in .-Evening Service. Trie Isat and best - Reserve Wed. Nov. 22. for lthe full course f owl sup I per 10 bc served by trie ladies o!trie' Newcastle United Chuncri in trie S. S. Hal. beginning et 5 'clock. follow- ed aI 8 by a chaire prograni by local and outaide talent. 45-1 AhI Newcastle knows Andrew J. Knox, Onono. It ri e iard hr play' seen hr shoot, catched hru with trie bees and tasted ris honey. and so il was witri muchr interest Newcastle read Peter Dînwiddie's write-up o! Andy. iustrated with a picture o! hiseif directinig an on- crictra o! heif e dozen o! huneselves. in lest Saturday's Toronto Star Weekly. The Quebec f amily treking ta Penny Sound reeched Newcastle oni Tuesday evening on their 500 mile trip ta thein new home. Trey stop- ped with thein hanses and covcred wag-on and transrtart wagons for trie nigrit in trie'United Chuncri sheds and found trie villegers in trie vicin- lty veny kind in providing susten- ance ton Ihenselves and feed for. their tired horses. Thie Messey Estate ries a number of men engaged in decorating and xnsking repeins and improvements at Crest Hause, occupied by Dr. R. T. Rutherford and !amiy. A nurn- ber o! roonis anc being painted and papered. a new tone walk laid f!rom trie streelt trite main entrance and a concrete faundatian put under trie rear portion o! trie house. Mn. Me- Kellar, Newcastle, ries trie contrect for trie carpentry and mason work. UNITED CHURCH NOTES United Criurch-Rev. W. P. Rog- ers, B.A., Feston. Sunday, Nov. 12: 11 e. m.-Monning Worahip, preacri er, Rev. Arthur Bannes, SupI. o! In- dien Missions, Toronto; 2.30 P. n.- Sunday Schaol; 7 p. niEvening Service. W. A. meets today f Trursday) et 3 p. mn. et Mrs. Fred Grahania, trie prograni and menu in charge o! Mns. J. H-. Jases gnoup. on Tuesday o! lest wçeek coni- mitIces o! trie Womeni'a Association and trie Wamcn'a Missionary Society packed seven seeka o! new and sec- ond hand relief clothing. danated bY niembers o! trie congregation. and on Saturday W. N. Buckley & Son trucked theni ta trie station for ship- ment 10 trie West. Trey were con- signed 10 Rev. Matthew H. Wilson, B.A., D.D., Supt. o! Missions, Ed- montoni, Alta. Sunday niorning Rev. W. P. Rog- ers pceaclced an eannest and timel: sermon on Charity. tressiig 1he trutritrial man livetri nat unto rum self ahane. Triank-offering meeting a! tri W. M. S. was heid in trie S. S. room on Nov. 2nd,' with a fine attendanice Quiet music wes played by Mcs, Rinri; Mra. N. Allin offered pcey- er: Psali 24 was read responsively It was decided ta use trie studý book 'Lady Fountri Deugriter cf China." Trie seven bales a! clotri lng. donations for trie West, were or exhibit. Miss Drummand gaveo taik an 23nd Psalni: Mca. W . P. Rog ers alsa gave e veny fine talk or "Gratitude'; Mca. Jas. Brown anc Mrs. Bragg favored with a yoda duet "Came Ye ta Nazaretri". cuestionplne was conducted an those taking part were Mesdame, Rincri, E. C . Fisher. Cobbledick Awde, Cunninghamn. J. Brawn, N Alin arbd Miss Blackburn. Mr, Betty gave a reading, 'A Goo Neighbor"; a quatet "I Heard Il ANNOUNCEMENT For the past tweive years Mr Bosneli has conducted his practice ir Port Hope on Wednesday of eacý week. Due to the faci that sone people have found It difficuit to vIsI our otffce on this day we are noN able. wiih the association of Mr Garnett, to extend this service tc Saturday afternoofl and evening ai weil. We trust this wiII give a ti greater service 10 the people of tIl com mun ity. Mr. Bosmeil s ln charge on Wea nesdlay froni 9 a. ni. to 9 p. m.a usuai, and Mr. Garneit on Saturda: fron 230 p. m 109.30 p. m. G. Ni. Bosnell TORONTO OPTOMETRISTS G. M. BOSNELL Hours: Wedniesday, 9 a. m. 10 9 P. I G. E. GARNETT Hours: Saturday 2.30 p.m. 10 9.30 p.n Office opnosite John Street Port IHope Phone 248 or 625J Toronto 2143 Danforth Avenue to a fqlr a two day' sigrt-Fecing at lusp it in paying ecPenses.ofte S.1-GrhPrt, ajy Vif- C.N E. 1 F,'1lowiX22 re trb ie rimS o! rie n. IR-bertrer bet. CMarilr, Tri oertl. I-' pcycyvi t (mmberq of trie Toy Rhythm Band AlnRbR ayonabet).t Iti. ' ~ ' entir Te Pl new vcnîir md î'eir lntrîiments. previotiFlV Jr. I-RyodPtiCcl T it. nn cnarun" n evenv "r- " tor - "10 on"'1 ,oe. çdruim: R. Pettit. 'ob m. I'îîr.stq-lnz. ro'tiîmfs sCk"'.f~W len AllUn. cymbal' ac Sr. Pr. - Jen owngBob ,llf~ itnq iintt'vI "'. 1tt1t f.l-,iipl.îrine SniVti h1111,; P11ti,hif. Dnfe. Sîsinton. Irvine pettit, Harry Mer- ca"1 be h.qridis rn'tlY aIt tie t--vb'"-C 0nt Flt>Ol -Cvril Mili .tyn. hq'iz o! tie hi" 11,11. PTt ' riOn- Tire Ailin bellq: Rli1cV Gih'on. Jr. Pr. - Lloyd KerseY, Keitri Pet- s'o-,t"rnra id not ta b'pe'.ted icir Dolly piiriv. xylrshofle: T o- ers, Gwen Ceverly, Gardon Chant. aç'an. fany o'ns a n1d~tta i. ar'5 sn"hr~ ariI Gsy. A - Joyce Cowlflg, Florence AI- phv ltl tre ciliren.butfors GareCtt'n. Mvrtle Fo'ter. tamo- lin, Editri Arvay, Marggret Grice. -.the m asleep. The toys are witch- ibourines; Jean Gray, jingle stick%. GaeCwetahr THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, NOVE, 1ngover thýem however and she SCHUMAN'S MUSIC ~ve lier wand and puts lite into lhem, and what a time they did IS FEATURED AT Indepen ent hav until trie big dock intrMe tow~- ýIndep ndenter soundec out thie hour of 12 mid- MUJSIC STUDY CLUB niglit! Tnose taking part were: Grace Powell, Fairy; Frances Brere- Miss Marion Piekard Is Convener Voice of Jesus Say" was renciered ton, Vivian Duck, Margaret Pearce, for Exceptionally Interestiiig by Mesdames C. Cowan, H. R. Reita Cooke, Dora Martifl, Vera Progra.m at Gatherixxg of Pearce, Bragg and Carvetri; Mrs. Cutier, Shirley Coucri, Reita AI- LclMscLvr Rogers offered thie closiflg prayer. dread, Mary Cowie, Camilla Brown, LclMsc yr Refreshrnents were served by three Jean Bonathan, Ethel Spencer, Em- I h bec ftePeiet groups, Mrs. J. A. Butler's, Mrs. N. ma jean Harris, Patricia Pearce, I re bece0 ri rsiet Allin's. Miss Warren's, and a short as Parler Maids; Audrey Brown, Mrs. E. P. Bradt, through illness, ~ social time was enjoyed. Black Mammy; Charlotte Gray, Ma- Mrs. H. D. Clemens very capably Trie Young People's Leagu me bel Gray, Grace Cotter, Barbara presided at trie regular metýting ofV <e- on Monday evening with trie presi- Bonathan, Yvonne Midget, June ti ui td lbo exe- WILS dent in trie chair. Rev. W. P. Rog- Gray. Almia Gibson, Lorna Harri.,, day evening. Nov. lst. Mfter trie ers took charge of trie consecration Ruby Gibson, Dolly Purdy, as Bal- singing of O Canada, with Mrs. C. Wlo service. There were ten new mem- son Dancers; Carl Fisher, China- H. Duidley at trie piano, an invita- Ilamly. bers. They are Marie Henning. man; Charlie Bonathan, Bear; Har- to o rePr oeCu ab E Dorothy Quantrill, Annabell Hen- ry Brown, Jack-in-the-B0x; Reggie their guests at an At Home on Nov. dry, Reita Flintoif, Lilian Burley. and Roger Meadows, soldier and 8th, wa.s received and arrangements xi, Stanley Rickard. George Buckley. sailor; Pauline Deline, Frencri Dol made to attend. PEAF Wilbur Blackburnl, John Hanney. Miss Mason expressed lier warin Miss Marion Piekard then took vital, Edward Barchard. Trie devotional appreciation of trie co-operation o carejoabtrie progalflwRrt so'*o topic wvas taken by Mr. G. Ashton, trie nothers in fashioning their a noal vnigwt oet ROBI a! er wriicri trie 15 vice president crilcren's costumes so triat triey aîî Schumannl. Miss Greta Wickett, in 1c. oo chrgeo!trie prograni. Misses appeared so neat and correct, and an jnteresting manner. piese nte ewri Dorot hy and Marie Henning favor- of trie assistance of Mesdames Tr ios fe o! Schumannflanid trie foliowing Hoter ed with a vocal duel. accompaflied A. Rodger, J. A. Butler, C. T. Baosy deligritful program '.vas presented by ~ bv Miss G. Pollard: Mr. W. J. Brad- and E. C. Fishier in dressing trie hrom e and visiting artists Pao u ley gave a very inlerestin.g address; crildren and making themn up for solos, George Morris, Mrs. C. H. fo-1ri trie Ladies' Quartette. Mrs. C. Cow- their acts. Dudley* vocal solos. M1r. Alex Mc- WEE an. Mrs. H. Pearce, Mrs. Bragg and Pauline Deline, an engaging litîle Gregor, Ms. S. Alger, Oshiawa. r. h- r Mrs. Carveth, sang a very pleasing maid, and Delly Purdy. as a chival- Alden Haw, "Newcastle: Piano duels. k,,. numnber, accompariied by Mrs. E. C. rous and adpiring youth. sang Mrs. H. Clemnens and Miss A. Proul1; onto. Fisher. "Where Are Yeu Going?' to the papers. miss 0. Wickett. PHIL - ~~~~prize tune composed by Vivian Duck. MisPcadtake i a and in response to insistent encores assisted her and condiicted an in- 'n REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE rlre n eetdpr f tri eresling test based on Miss Wick- i f. ý,M; sog acr ingngalternalely i r-ett's paper.ion song. siflgiflg in re-he a ARIM Newcastle and District IVill Com- sponse 10 the other. MsCeen exrsdteaP- à.,, r memrae Vetms f heDora Martin and Gertrude Bona- preciation o! trie memibers 1tetrie Toront than each conlributed moutri organ rnvnr-n:hr1be sisans Ti iî Great War solos, trie former. Silver Threads National Aný.hem concltided a pro- Among trie Gold. and trie latter. Trie fitable evening.îir On Saturday, tri,, annual comn- Mocking Bird. Triey are botri ac- memoration of Ihose who feil in the complished players. OVER 400 ATTEND - Great War will be solemnized in trie Trie Harmonica Band. as a muai- Communily Hall, Newcastle. pup- cal organization. trie prîde of trie P RESENT ING 0F CUP ils o! trie public and higri achools school and a deligrit te every audi- TO COURTICE TEAM DEN wilfraaprocession at 10.40 a.m. ence at home or away, played two -uit and led by trie Durham Regt. Band seleclions Trie Anvil Chorus f rom a F will parade 1tetrie hall wriere at Il Trovatore, and Annie Laurie, in Om asyPeip vrFn 10.50 o'clock trie names of trie f ai- two parts. Gathein'f of Soccer Enthtis- 1uii1iiï len will be read f rom trie entrance Trie presenlation of trie praticien- iasts at Orono oa1 steps, followed by two minutes ai- cY and other prizes was another in- w hod lence. Trie service will then be pro- teresting feature o! trie programn and Four hundred people turned out ceeded with in trie hall auditorium 100k place at three periods, one near last Thursday nigril te honor trie - with trie Reeve o! Newcastle, War- trie beginning. one about trie middle, Courtice Football Club. winners of l den W. F. Rickard, presiding. and trie public speaking awards aItrihe Darlington-Clarke Football Lea- Besides trie clergymen o! Newcastle trie close. Following are trie partie- gue, when trie presenlalion of trie Tue and district, off icials o! trie village ulars: trophy was made in trie Town Hall W. and townshiip are expected te be FrtGopn at Orono. Trie veteran and invet- Con. present. Das t e on beaScoustsroumgrate sportsman, Orme Gamsby, oc- less, will act asrigrin e ay, ri Sotse Sr. I xvriîing Prize, $1.00-Shir- cupied thie chair for trie evening and wood, PoplyDa Fnd Iley Cou1ch, donated by Miss Noria gave an eloquent address on "The or les PopyDyFn..Orcar. Value of Sport in trie Çommunity." rfi 1, Sr. I Gen. Prof. $5.00-Myrtle A splendid and varied programn was cash. Foster, donated by A. O. Parker. given by various members of trie bur,i Pres nt rize atSr. II Gen. Prof. $5.00-Donald league and included vocal numbers - Jose, donated by Miss Hattie Mason. by Donald Robb o! Orono; a read- Pres nt rize atSr. III Gen. Prof. $5.0-Vivian ing by Margaret Scot. Solina; ac-, Newcastl SPrincipal1 Tros. A. Rodger; codo n uia utb George A Newc stl SC Ou all four being presented by Princi- Perfect and Jack Knight of Bow- ducks Hh Scriool Entrance Prizes- of Courtice; vocal number by Mr. ton. C om me ncernent Lloyd Hancock, Newcastle school, Lîddle o! Orono; accordeon and gui- au promoted with higlaest standing on tar duet by Misses Muir and Wil- Principal's exams., and John Scot. kins o! Courtice; vocal solo. A. Mat- Deliglits Crowded House- Newtonville, with highest marks on riews, Bowmnafville; vocal solo. Mr. departmental examinations. $5-00 Harris, Orono; vocal solo. Alan Wil- Community Hall Audit- escri. donated by Durham Lodge, bur. Solina; dialogue. John Slemon A.F.&A.M.; presented by Mr. John and Miss Ashton; comic songs. John Re orium Filled to Capacîty Hendry. W.M.SeolaiPizs Slemon and Bob Preston, of En- Saler Southi Clarke colFiPrzs niskilîen. Last was trie deligrit- Re What music and dancing and di- laI, Eaton Tropriy. Jean Holmies, f ul Highland Fling dance put on by pit1 -versions and songs distinguished trie Lake Shore; 2nd. book, Wilma Far- litîle Màiss Rutri Reynolds of Solina. liveri ' Public Sehool Commencement Ex- row. Brown's; 3rd. book, Patricia Mr. Roland Bale of Bowmnanville cour! ercises in trie Community Hall on Quantril; presented by Mr. E. A. presenîed trie cup te trie Courtice Se t.Wednesday evening, Nov. ist! Nev- Summners, Agr. Representalive. îeamn and also trie randsonie nev, versi eer could November, criaracterized by Poster Prizes-15t, Audrey Brown: sweaters which trie team will weitr Sunr ;pocîs as trie saddest and dreariest 2nd. Mary Cowie; 3rd. Reita Cooke; next season. lent o! montris, trie lime o! melancholy by Board o! Educalion; presented by At trie conclusion o! this interest- trie -days, have been ushered in so prel- H. R. Pearce.S5o ing programn which was received cri li ily, se joyously, se pleasingly, as it Entrance Arithmelic Piz tr mucri applause and enîhusi- M: ywas in Newcastle, tris year 1933, by donated annually by J. E. W. Phîlp. asm . trie gaîriering retired ta trie days -trie teachers and pupils o! trie pub- %was enlrusled 10 Principal Rodger in dining rooin where a tasly lunch hin lic scriool. November should be trie absence o! Stanley Brown who wsptU y relde.This was ards dgraleful and try ils best 1e belie ils had been announced as trie winner. wasoputwed by t ancndntie hl1 I traditional charadler, trial is in cer- Second Groupiflg trie music o! Wilson's Orchestra of end '- tain respects. But November also Canadian History Prizes-Highest Oshawa, Dancing continued until 2 Y( -has had and sîilries Ihose who sîng boy, Lloyd Hancock; highest girl, a. ni. bringing to a close trie nost Tue lils praises, Il is robust, il has ener- Kalie Clark; books, donaled by trie success!ul function o! ils kind helda -gizing and invigorating altributes: Wornefln Cnda lb oiin in Orono for many years. gooc -so had trie public achool prograni ville; presented by Mrs. C. T. Batty. Trie commitîce in charge of trie and At trie samne tume il took one back Steprien Jose Memorial Prize, $5, arrangemients wish taeexpress their and 10 t April and ils refreshing showers Inemdae oS.Ron ueesncere thanks te aIl those wio ren- h Le and springing lie: ta May and flow- wntriit by Sr. H. Jose.e dered numbers on trie programl and jes' -ers, trie coming o! myriad.s a! featri- Bible Memory Prize, $5.0-Carl al others who helped by providing men Le ered songsters and trie murmuring Fisher. who memorized and could transportation or refreshments in Mis Mo! warmn waters: 10 June and roses repeat as asked 85 verses o! selected making trie gathering an outsland- best e. and les! y bowers. Trie Muses must scripture passages. 100r' perfect; lng success. wei '.have clapped their riands in approv- donated and presented by Rev. J. in-- al and deliglet aItrihe appeara.nce Scott Howard. SC OUoRPO T ;and performance o! trie boys and Wm. Hoo)per Memorial Prise f or _________REPORTS___ tel: Y girls as they sang or payed or dane-betVrinl $e5d.00, being in- t ery cf d or spoke under the magic o! Miss terest on $100 endowment byMrs SOLINA Hel 1-Haltie Masons training and power. G,0 Eilbeck..Vivian Duck, present- Hor >n Trie program was opened with de- cd by Chairman H. J. Toms. Report for October; names In or- int a votional exercises of scripttire read- R. W. Gibson Memorial Prize for der o! menit: pr<. -îng and prayer by Rcv. W. P. Rogers English-Spelling, Gramimar and V-Harold Balson. Billie Parker, meo )n o! trie United Church, followed by Composition, $10.00. was entrusted Wesley Werry, Harold PotIer. d trie singing of O Canada, by trie by Mn. J. W. Bradley te Principal Sr. IV-Kathleefl Baker, Alan al whole assemblance. Trie succeed- Rodger in trie absence of Victor Gar- Taylor, Francis Wotten, Gordon A îng numnbers wene interspersed with rod, announced as trie winner. Mn. Scott, Bobbie Scott.C d trie awarding o! prises wrich will rie Bradley as principal of trie achool Jr. iV-Carman Wesllake; Jean Dar ereferred ta laten. Trie achool made was trie laIe R. W. Gibson's teacrier Johns~ and Bruce Potten, equal; Mar- ýk a splendid final impressin when trie and in reference 1tetrie prise spoke garet Perklns. i N. pupils ascended trie plat! oi* in nice appreciatively o! hua diligence and Sr. III-Elinor Vivian, John Bak- S rs but quic c order and row by row 100k ris especial proficienCy in tri sub- er, Marlon Johins. Pic] od their places withcoultrihe least con- jecîs mentioned trie prise la donat- Jr. III-Boyd Ayre, Muriel Lang- ie, fusion. They sang, Trie Land I cd annually by Mrs. R. W. GibSan maid, Leonard Vivian, Kennetri Mc- Rti Lov, ccmpnid, an, he a amemnial for hr laIe husband. Ewen, Lloyd Ayre, Carn'e Parker. 'l - Tleres Lve I Hmein wo prts Folowng rieannuncmenta! I-Carhe Lngmid.Bobi iv- ko. sharp. A. D. Runions. Depanîmnent Agriculture, Peterborougri, J catalogue. S. S. Sf aples, Ida, J. T. Drope, Ilastings, Directars in char This ad. will nat appean ega IMER 9th. 1933 DEATHS SON-.\t th Io loital, Port llope. ai:l' Nov . 1, i1933.Florene Mary n i I Mrs. Hlenr.y T1. LIN E-At th i, linoof Ihi.,parentis, m-,Nvenir 7th1 9 i133, 11ev. A. A. lis i9thi D rother of ARSu)N-At 'roronto Ge.neral lies- Friy. N or. iir %Cr'i. Frank. ii. , iiisl,.O jii of Aiçe, P r t tî .gý. i 11 y-ars. BINSON In Toronto, titohîr 27th, iiimnsoîî . lnqlial. iI71 O ars. nint t Ili eI0fo no Cineery. GARTH-.\t 223S îtail Stireet, wuîfs.. iif .of îî il _i nic t , riy Of Wiiiîy 1andl I jrinon. EE KES-At Wis H lospital, on *l:î, Xi, o it ic'1.. i, A tta i «n t ur , , 1mif. of Wilii 'M. of I îo.; gîI 1miviaTo- LLI PS - Near S'i. 'i tt,.onI ii Novm l .to . 1bi,1). 1 C. " Mairy oiiO f the 1:'u . tty 'I s, aed va . Ssitr of asoît. Inntvîih . Iîtr at anvill. NOr-ii ioria',Nom.' 2xo11d,1 t, ,r rsîîi, <u tî ai jtî, Satali .'tîn 1ommm it.n lier mtmi,f ut iil. lte.\iii.t Arnot, 4iillen. mil mîi uî. th-1, O I'rs. .1'. nis, 'i (ri oi.. t rti n c. Toron 10. IN MEMORIAM 'uSE M-Ii I bmit 9i ant s 01N'Of Alo betl hFreecîna o, 1 10ve d mx 1 e Of t1h Fr. iriti mnsîî Sr., w ho I1ii5tl .Novetolîr iti, 1909. jeii ar o1hrgot, O b rmst. lg ihos'. hl ils xh ich di ltheudr hesi: I)ealltiflul lite tuiat carneto 1rianed. lid is h live(I, e veryont's friend. Sons nnd Dauglitüs. WOOD SALE jesday, Nov. 14th-Tie estate o! R. Caurtice will seîl on Lot 21, .4, Darlington, 5 acres maore or standing tumber, mostly hard- din 1/4 and 1/1 acre lots, more e. Purchasers will have 10 Ap- ý1935, ta remove timber. Ternis 1.Sale aI 1.30 p. M. Elmier Wil- auctioneer. SHOOTING MATCH shooting match for geese and ks wihl be held aItrihe farm o! iGay, Lot 19, Con. 4, Darling- half mile west o! Hampton, on) îrday, Nov. 111h, at 2 P. m.451 SALEM teserve Thunsclay, Dec. 141h, foi nim school concert. Zev. A. S. Kerr occupied trie pul. hene hast Sunday a! lernoon, deý ring as usual a veny fine dis irsc. 3everel froni here altended anni iary services in St. Paul's las nday and enjoycd two very excel ýaddresses by Dr. Kent and ais, Sfine musical numbers by tri ir. ,r. Rosa Richards spent a fei ys in Tononto st weck, retunin me with Mn. and Mca. G. Ricri îs and Joan, Mrs. Parker and sa y, Toronto, who spent trie wcek w ýith Mn. and Mrs. A. Richardl Young People's League meetin tsday, Ct. 3lst, took trie fonni c Hallowe'en masquenade when *dly nuniber appeaned in coatun id a jolly haîf-houn o! marchin id awanding o! prises foliowe ic trie prise winnera werc: LaÈ ;best-Misa E. Sykea. Hamptar en'a best, E. J. Daidge; beat comni ss B. Snowden, Maple Gravi st child's. Douglas Poliard. Masl i-c then laken off and trie f oUov gprograne enaued: Sang and et re. Hampton Junior MaIe Quai t-Hallawe'en reading, Mrs. S. Bil yý: vocal solo and encor'e. Mi len Knox: piano solo. Miss I1 oney: reading, Mca. E. J. Doidm teesting conteat conducted by Il usident. fallawed by a weigrit ar easure guesS COntest, Mn. L. Riel EBENEZER ®r'toi--p report fan S. S. No. arlngtofl Sn. tV-Raiph Found*, Elean ison*. June Marsh3îl. Sn. IlI-Muriel Found and Eile ikell' tecal), Florabelie Marshb Jr. III-Loise Peence., Robe ,ndle. Sr. 1fl-Lucille Wade. Peter Kic oSteve Kicrika. FOR SALE-Lar vge rottîlthealmP. APlm- by nx.xlS 1.2 chela imîl;t. s FýOR SALE-Ceareforniiiernsll po new Appby Sepchen Jetfery. Phono l'. E 239r3. 45-1* FOR SALE-liomt 10fokn mixemi bay inmsohy anti ajIsoabta Alipiy on LeaW Fa, Lot 16 Copn. 3, arlincto hoR.e 43,loxmnvbt 451 FOR SHIE PIGS10FoRs 5ALed So tmlthy neveu sukers, even m".eon Law ram Lot ep16 .i. Aln McKesRsOcil Ha 1omnviR. R .Poe 3r4 45-2 YORKSHRET-7 rORapartet.ow renI. Aei parby C. H.IComi'. Kessckb. Phlonc, Clarke 2620. 44-2* FOR RENTr-Farm convenill'fty local- eti 10 Oshawa; anay desbred acreag'. mIn- mediate possession te piough. G. D. Contint, Oshawa. 41-5 Elmer Wilbur Auctioneer H amp ton Fanm Sales a Speciaity, also Funnituce Ternis nioderate. Phone 129r24 FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. MORRIS CO. Modem Matar Equipmeflt Ambulance and Invalid Car CaUl Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE Repairs R. PAWSON BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRING HONSHHUSET RETn orseN' Stret. dwrmasi a.mteii naix ooad lacre summer kthen. m atrm ligb, ýo rand ath roo , aso garage.t. Appiy le 41 Fer J.ance, Bowranville. Phone L( ur of R5v40o FORS RENT- oomed ose i o- TW 0 OMNIL irx arg stimmtSfriheorntmr nishred. ManniGg,. Giliail. PoneMr utsf. - ii W B. Talisoti, nt-trio St. BowmaIn- Notice is hereby given that the firat ville. 45-1' sitting ot the Court of Revision for the 'Toxwn ot Boxvmanville wibb b'. hebd at the Council Room in the said Town of M Bowinanmmill on Tuesmiay, November 28. Music 1931, aI .0 i10ha and determine FRNCS UTON, Mus. Bac. the semera1 conîplaitits of errors or omis- F.C.C.O. A.T.C.M. etc. sions In the Assess~ei obfrtesi pîîplii preoared foiIxmiaits unicil)a!tY for the year 1934. Cbass instru cti on at niomerate rates. And further take notice that ail rate- Bowmariville, Ont. 40-lyr pa5-ers xxio deeni themselx'd5 overcharg- ed or otherxxise improperly assessed may notifytyhe Cberk of the M',unicitm'IItY Ins xritin g of such oxercharge or improper CA!RD 0F THANKS assesîmnent on or betore th'. 25th day of November. 93 and yoor complitt Mn.Lauclie H Montjy, iac- halb be trbed by the sa id Court of Re- stock, desires to thank trie Supt. and A. J. LYLE, nurses o! Bawmnanvilie Hospital and Cierk of the Town of BowmaflvillO. ris many tnienda toc their kind.ness Dated at I3owmatr.'iib'. Iis tb day 4- during ris illness. of -\cvember, 1933. In Person GEORGE WADE AND HIS COR NHUSKER S at the Canadian Legion-Armistice Dance Community Hall, Newcastle Monday, November l3th Dancing 9 to 1 Admission: 50c per person, plus tax. Royal Theatre DO WMAN VILLE T he Home of Better Entertainment THURS. - FR1. - SAT. - NOVEMBER 9 -10 - Il WiII Rogers in "Dr. Bull" Matinee Saturday, 2.30 p. m. MON. - TUES. - WED. - NOVEMBER 13-14-15 Marian Nixon - Norman Foster - Henrietta Crossman - Heather Angel - in " Pilgrimage " Matinee Mon. 4 p. m. - Wednesday 2.30 p. m. COMING ATTRACTIONS: Zane Grey's - "THE LAST TRAIL" Zane Grey's - "SUNSET PASS" Frederic March and Cary Grant in - "THE EAGLE AND THE HAWK"p Evening Performances 7.30 and 9.30 p. m. m led Ads'I 1LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD B.A., LLB Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Lost or Found Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvlho STRAYED-Ot Lot 28, Con, 9, Dar- W. R. STB.IKE Iliton. about Oct. 301h. a red steer Barnister, Solicitor, Notary v eightn e about 700 or 800 Ihs. Owner Solicitor for Bank o! Montreal moyat sanie hy proving îroperty an d taLa.Poe9 i)ayinlgaexpJenses. Freti Fergusoný, llurk- noney to iLle OnPhania 9 eton. 45-3w Bwavle nai WantedL. C. MASON, B. A. WTantedBarcîster - Solicitor WANTED-M.\itidIO aged womnan is of- Notary Public - Etc. terei moo imîmm11-hoard in return for Law in ail ils branches. cntnpatty. PhionolP1. 45- Office immedialely east o! Royal Theatre. Wanted to Rent Phones: Office 688; Home 553. WANTED TO RIENT - Stnal fari, D N A ito, 10 tb 3>()acres, tîmar rowtENTALl 11. ioitrli, Pntyjnol.45-1* _________________DR. J. C. DEVITT For Sale Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson FOR SA LE-Bivlcce (PIanetl Xîl Graduale o! Royal Dental Callre, 1 -.ýoi- vm l1ros. ~t. St V., B wnt- Torn o . Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. viile. 45-1' Bowmsnviile. Office haurs 9 s. m. 1FOR SALE-S-widb{5' oui pigs. Aîîiî, 10 6 p. me. daily except Sunday. 1 to ((-o.Il le mîm r ve Il. 1 Phone 90. House phone 283. IttonintiIIe4-1 X-Rsy Equipment in Office.