PAGE TEflIE - - . %f w a im A .. T HT T R' DfA Y . N O V E M B ER fth . 1933 The CANADIAN STATESMAN -1 nterest Increases Among BotLî Contestants and Subscribers The enthusiasm shown at this time proves that the big "Good Will Club" competition is now in full swing. more interest and supporing their favorite candi dates by saving coupons and paying subscriptions. These can candidates, and credits given wherever desired. be paid at this office as well as to 3rand Prize Awards Include Thie Following c I I N Refrigerator on display at Hydro Shop Suite on dispiay at N orthcutt,& Smith 3Piece Chesterfield Suite on display at FF. Morris Co. Special Prize For Largest Cash Returim To the candidate who makes the largest cash return from beginning of competition up to and including Monday, November 13th,- Watermafl Pen and Pencil Set on display at JR. Moore JEWELLER Other Valuable Prizes Rogers' Electric Radio on display at W. J. Bagnel Co leman Gas Range Coal iStove on display at Mas on & Dale SPECIAL PRIZES Each week a Speclal Prize wiUl be glv- en to, the candidate who secures best resuits for the week. These prizes are la addition to the grand prize and consolation prize awards. Consolation Prizes A number of prizes will be announced near the end of the competition, whlch wil assure every Active Worker, not re- ceivlng a grand prise, sultable remuner- ation for resuits produced. Every Active Candidate Guaranteed to Win The First Five Candidates securing the largest credits at the conclusion of the competition wlI recelve the cholce of the five grand awards, aceording te the stand- ing In whlchh they appear. AUl other active candidates vIIl recelve. a Consolation Prize, announcement of whlch wil be made Inter. Rtules and Regulations i .-Any reputable man, womanf, boy or girl is eligible to join the club. 2.No emnployee of this newspaper, or members of an employee's immed- iate family may become a member of the club. This does not apply to news dealers or correspondefits. 3.-This club is f or individuals - not organisations. 4.-Winners wUll be decided by their credits, sald credits being represent- ed by ballots issued for subscriptiotls. 5.-Club members may work where they please, collecting back subscriptiofls and renewals as well as new; credits issued on ahl. 6.-ash must accompafly ah orders where credits are desired. Each club member is an authorized agent cf this newspaper, and it is distinctlY understood that EACH- member wifl be RESPONSIBLE FOR MONEY and remit amounts in full to the competitioti department. 7.--Cred.its are not transferable. One member cannot withdraw in f avor of another. Subseriptions cannot be transferred from one member to an- other, and any such transferred bus- iness will be subjeet to, disqualifica- tion at the discretion o! the club manager. 8.-Credits may be held in reserve or polled, at the discretion o! the club members, up to and including the last. day o! the campaigfl. excqpt at discretion o! the club manager. 9.-mn the event o! a tie f or any o! the awards, prizes identical in value will be awarded to each tying club mcm- ber. 10.-Any collusion on the tiart of club members to the detriment of other club members will not be tolerated. Any club member entering into or taking part in such combination wil f orfeit all right to any prize. 1.-There wiUl be several prises awarded to, ACTIVE non-granld prîze winners, but it is distinctly understood that ANY club member failing to make a cash report at least once each week For Full Information, Cail, Write or Phone No. 53. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN shall be declared INACTIVE and he or she will be disqualifled, and will forfeit ail right to any prize. How- ever. missed reports may be made Up when the member desires to do 50. 12.-This newspaper reserves the right to offer special creEdits at any time dur- ing the conipetition and to corrent. typographical errors that may occur in any of its announcements. 13.-No statement or promise, either written or verbal, made by anyone varying f rom the rules as set forth will be recognized. Any questions concerning the club will be settled by the club manager according to rules and his decision will be final and conclusive. 14.-In becoming a niember or participat- ing in this competition, club mem- bers agree to abide by the above conditions. 15.-The management reserves the right te alter or add to above prize list, ex- cept that value of prises will not be reduced. Also to, substitute any prize wlth a cash commission flot exceed- ing 50 P. c. of the total cash returns made by any candidate. R. L. TAYLOR, Club Manager. HOW TO GET VOTES Schedule of Votes Given for Arrears and Renewal Subscriptions Tbree Years Four Vears Five Years .. 50,000 votes 75,000 Votes 500,000 Votes Cou....ouble Votes0Forotes ....... 10e00 vuotestlo Save These Coupons 1,000 FREE VOTES FOR Name of Candidate In each issue durlng the competition. Start savlng these now - If not for your- self, for your favorite candidate. This coupon, when neatly eut eut and mailed or brought to Competition Head- quarter., wil count for the person whou name ls wrltten above. General Electric 4-Piece Bedroom ie THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVII-1.1m:, 1,4"vrnm£>M" .-, .- 1 m 1 Good WilClub Pritze Compettion i M il ohM PAGE TEMM or Count Double Votes For Each Year New Subsexiption