PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9th, 1933 No CoId is a Fixture with Buckley's Mixture No, sir. No matter how hard and deep.sted your cough or cod cosy be, RUCKLEYS MIXTURE sel conquer il in next o no tire. The very terst dose gets dosen o business- yo. can bel i doîng Yeu good. Its action amnazes everybody shen they tkei for thse test dtte. If )-ou, or any enber of your family. bas a cough, cold, 'Élu or blonchitis, try Buckiey'a «d be consinced. Refuse sbsiues. Buck. le,' issoid e,erywhere. OFF COLOUR ? 110W IS- YOUR LIVER? Wake up yonr Liver Bile -Witbout Calomel Yotr liver'a a very amail organ. but it cer- tainly cao put your digestive and climinat iv oeqans out of klter, by refusing to pour out it.. dauiy two poundag of hiquidi biec mto your bowlà You son't compltly correct such a condition bytakiiogsalts, où. rinçrai sater, laxtive caýndy or chev,îng goim, or oughage Wf.en they*%ve mocvod vour boseels thec> 're through-aud you need a lheer stulahnt. Cartrs Little Livr i'llq wtil soon brnog back thse ,unhine into your lfe. Theyre purely vrge- table. Salfe. Sure. Ak for then by naine. Refus subttutes. 25c at aUl druz&ietm 48 Lydia E. Pinkhamn's Tablets Relieve and Control Periodic Pains Clilical tests prove it. Take thens lxoday for weicorne case and cons- fort. Take thens regularly for perna- cent relief. No carcotics. No dizziness. No anpleasant effects. Soid by ail druggists.Smal box 5 5 0 Larger sire, if you prefer. Stops the Headache Thousands of people, who once suifered from headache, do flot sufer now. They take one ZUTOO TABLET, as harm- sassoda, and are relieved in 20 minutes. 80 Ë& 8 ] Hints For Homebodies Written for The Statesman By Jessie Allen Brown A Hat Elastie Did yau ever think that the day af bat elastics would corne back? I ccrtamnly did not but I have anc on my very ncwest hat. A great com- fort it is too. It is not flat like the old-fashioned kind and it does nat go under the chin. It is a very fine round anc and tucks under the hair at the back. It really is quite invis- ible. Really anc needs something ta anchor these bats that are Penched an the side ai the head. One young lady expeienced a very cmbarrass- ing moment. It was in cburch and ber bead was bowed in prayer wben off popped ber bat and fell into the next pew. Greatly embarrassed she retrievcd it and furtively stuck it on again. This is a true stary, boncst ta goodness. The style of hats is a lot in knowing bow ta put tbem on. I watcbed anc woman with that style sense, manipulate a bat. Her friend was bemoaning the fact tbat ber last year's bat was hopelessly out oi style and she could not ai- fond a new one. She was wearing it in last year's manner, prosaically right in the middle o! ber forehcad. Her friend took it and put it on ber head differently. Sbe turncd the front ta the south-west. percbed it over anc cyt, leaving a large eastern exposure. Tbat was all that was needed ta make last year's model in- ta a very chic affair. Sometimes I think that a persan wba bas that undescribable feeling for style is more to be envicd tban anc wbo bas beauty. Bcauty fades but style lasts f orever. from blowing ont a bedroom win- daw is sometimes a problem. Tic- back curtains are a pleasant solu- tion but tbey are not suitable for every bedraom. A spring clathes- pin may be used very effectively tc fasten back the curtain at night and this will allow free passage ai air and will prevent the bottom ai tbe curtain from getting undnly soiled. Candied Fruit Peels Economy is the watchword of the day and the candied pecis sncb as citron, orange and lemon may be Lmade at home very reasonably. Make them naw and bave them ready for the Christmas cookery. Candied Citron Peel and cnt inta sections, remov- ing the soi t portion cantaining the seeds. Weigh the citron and let it stand overnigbt in a brine of % cup sait to a gallon ai water. Drain, rnse and coak in fresb water until tender, aliowing it ta, cool in the water. Take sugar equal in weight ta the citron before coak- ing. Add 1 cup ai water ta every pound oi sugar, bail until sugar is dissolved and skim. Cook the cit- ron in this syrup untîl it is trans- parent, then remove it and let the syrup simîner until thick. Replace the citron in the syrup and let stand avernight. Remove the citron, bring tht syrup to a bail and pour over the citron. Let stand overnight and re- peat every morning until the citron will take up no more syrup. Dry off the citron, rolling the sections in sugar. Place in an air-tight con- tainer with waxed paper between the layers ai peel. Candicd Orange or Lemnon Peel Remove peel in quarter sections. Weigh and take its weigbt in sugar. Caver the peel with cold water add- ing 1 teaspoon saît ta each 11',2 quarts ai water. Let stand over- night then rinse well and simmer in f nesh water until the peel is very The Child Who Lies 1tede. iiis wmN ae b or t)s., ur,, One f th thigs tat smeties se a large flat kettle so tbat tht wOnr etths hat oetimes Peel will not become broken in tht liern ies pa re i a roptiar etalong slow cooking. Set the kettle flot born with tht ability nor a de- qid. Maera syrupDring onftecup lire tinte.i cildrna hid.reare as ide ovenigbt. Draing oetht sre t . It oucis a telhabitethatxbasoaiwater to every two cups ai sugar. grmin If yaur cld teils lieosoe Add the peel and simmer very slow- amiie very clely anyour m itbds ly until the syrup is tbick and near- yaurself are not ta blame. Find the seem tasaret. T Wbpen artlc reason beh.ind those lies. There is coed trnspaet.e sen a peel always a cause. ont of tht most oldrmvthseinsfpe, frequent causes is fear. r a ; olling them in grantulatect' sugar fearo! pnisment fea o!ayscol and set aside ta dry. Store in an infear apui riie, fear ofaiclsi- aîr-tight container with waxtd pa- ing fer o riicue, earof osng per between the layers. affection. Underlying it all is us-_____ ually fear. Another cause may be tht much-talked ai 'infeniority Salvation Armny Chicken competence and they have tht very Pie Supper and Concert buman desire ta appear better than___ they think they are and tbey tell a A veny successful chicken pie sup- lie ta boîster up their self-esteem. per and band concert was staged Truthfulness is a habit jnst as lie under the auspices o! tht local corps ing is. so try ta substitute a truth ai tht Salvation Army on October habit. To get tht child ta do thus 3th. the report o! which was in- the underlying cause must bc ds- advertently left over fromn last week. covened and removed. Fear of pun- A lange crowd attended the delic- ishment is tht most inequent cause. lotis chicken pie supper, tht tables It may belp ta flot punish at ail or bein., prettily decorated, and a at least ta lessen tht punishment for 1 Th splendid meal provided. In tht ev- tht child who tells tht truth.Th ening tht Oshawa Salvation Arrny parents a! one very truthfni !amily Band staged a fine concert in the practically neyer punish if the tnuth Town Hall which was also very weLl is tald immediately. But if a child attencled. Major Riches. tht Divis- ha.s lied aven samething, it is pun- ional Commander. acted as chair- ished for what bas happened. Con- man for tht concert. The prognam seqntntly these childnen have found consisted of band number.s and vocal that it is much tasier ta tell the offerings alI by Oshawa talent. Tht tnuth at once. If tht cause s itar. musical sa'v and harmonica duet remove tht fear. If tht child lies ivas ont o! tht most pleasing num- becanse a! an inferiority complex.'ut ber s on the pragram. Tht supper rests with you ta make opportuni- and' programn was arranged by tht ties ta make the child feel import - local offcers. Adjta-nt M. Tucker ant. Then he will not find it nec- and Lieuit. L. McLean. who greatly essary ta lit. appreciate tht support the commun- A Curtain Fastener ty gave them. This busines.s o! ktepin., a curtain -----I- Sort Back. Rhtnmatism., Sciatica, Lumbago respond quickly ta -Ruma- caps." - Alex McGregor. Dnngs. A speedy relief for Ntnvous Indi- gestion. Heatburn. Gastritis, Dys- pepsia and Acidity is Dges-Tane. It us a tanic 1axative not a harsb pur- gative. It pramotes digestion, in- creases tht appetite. relieves consti- pation and ensunes regular elimina- i tion. Ask yaur druggist. 45-3 . iAsthma Na Langer Drcaded. Tht dnead ai rtnewed attacks fram as- thma bas na hold upon thase who have leanned ta ntly upion Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. Sa sait 211*1 0000 ýdo they feel that camplete reliance is placed on this truc specific with tht certainty that it will always do alI that its makers dlaim. If you have nat yet learned bow sait you uni are wth this preparation at band get it today and knaw for yourself. r Sunday Sehool I Lesson r PAUL IN MACEDONIA Gi g Sunday, November l2th If you are, you'Il need a Golden Text: "Believe on the Lord supply your every need Jesus, and thou shalt be saved.- Acts 16 :31. low, corne in and see the r Lesson Passage: Acts 16:9-15, 25- 31. "If I could get straight away SKATING From the centre of my own weav- WN B E K R ing WNBEKR And kneel down, I might, indeed, perceive God W;th zipper fronts, ini wool an himseif, cotton crepe, in white, browi But the littie shutties of thought green, yellow, wine and blue FlY so fast, so fast, ail sizes; I arn deafened by their whiir, Each$1 1 Entangled in my own web, And chokeci by the ephemera of self." -Jane Steger. Windy Troy, 9 TURTLE-NECK Battie fields form the background of this lesson. Paul had corne to SWEATERS Troas famed by Homer as 'the 1ringing plains of windy Troy." There Fine ail wool knit, in Iacy stitel the forces of Europe and Asia had ini white, wine, brown and green met and by virtue of the prowess of sizes 32 to 38 the Qreeks, Europe had won. Paul Each idid not visit Troas, however, as a tourist lnspecting a battlefleld; hie SAFi~ RES iwas on an errand of peace. Yet lie CRANPUSSE .was a campaigner, laying large quality; colors of brown, Lplans, and seeking conquests for the same material. Bolt Christ. At Troas hie had a vision of a man of Macedonia. pleading with Sold s him to cross the Aegean sea and help the people of Macedonia. It may be that Luke was the man whose entreaty inspired the vision. considered several fields of work, PHONE 164 but withaut clear conviction. The invitation to Macedonia appeared te be a casePof guidance, but this guid- ance was in line with Paul's steady missionary purpose. The speciflc leading came to a man who knew acter, a salvation f rom fear, super- deflnitely what hie wanted ta do stition and sin, a salvation into love,j wherever hie was. truth and joy. A Romian Colony, 10-12 Questions for Discussion Paul lost no time obeying hi 1. Should we expect dramatic vision. With alI speed hie sailed ta visions? Neapolis and made his way to Phil- 2. How f ar is worship dependent ippi, a Roman colony. Again hie was upon "temples made with hands"? on historic grounci for at Philippi 3. Why is prison reform sa f re- the fate of Rome had been decided quently necessary? in a battle of Brutus and Cassius 4. What does it mean to believe against Mark Antony and Augustus. in Christ? It may be that Paul marched into 5. What did Armistice Day, 1933, Philippi under the triumphal arch, do for the cause of peace in your remnants of which still remain, but community ? we hear no echoes of the triumph of Roman arms. Paul was heading a small expedition of Christian mis-lu sionaries whose gospel was ta have c~ more far reaching influence than the Roman eagle. It is here in the story of the Acts of the Apostles, that the "we" passages begin. Verse ten changes from the third person singular ta the flrst person pluralA ATHSRCE0 which indicates that Luke the wrît- TUEANAD ANERVIEOFA er was now a miember of the team. ASSOCIATION AND LJFE He was a physician whose home was INSURANCE COMPANIES in Philippi and, though he was very IN CANADA proud of his city named after the great Philip of Macedon, he knew CARING FOR TEETH that the purpose of the visitors was to preach the gospel ta the Mace- Stop, look and read if you are now donians. Young and you want to preserve the Out-oorsand n, 1-15 natural. youthful appearance of your Out-oor andla.face and, at the samne time, enjoy There was no synagogue in phil- the comfort and health whicb corne ippi. SaOfln the flrst sabbath the3' with a healtby mouth containing were there. Paul and Luke, Sulas and sound tectb. Timnothy went out ta the city to the The food you eat builds vour riverside wbere prayer was wont ta teetb. You cannot have well-bIuiltý be made. The Jewisb people kept teeth unless you use milk. green- up their worship even witbout a vegetables and fresh fruits durîng building specially consecrated. Paul that period of life when the body is and his helpers spoke ta the devout building the teeth out of the foods women and Lydia, a seller of purpie wbich are caten. fromn Thyatira, becamne a believer in Teeth are required to chew f ood Christ andi was baptized, together and s0 prepare it for digestion. with hier household. She invited 1 Foods which require chewing should these Christian missionaries to ber be included in the diet, because the bouse and persuaded them ta go.' act of chewing develops the .laws This incident shows that true relig- properly and helps to keep the teeth ion is not whofly dependent upon set and gums bealtby. places of worsbip. Lacking a syna- In order that the teeth and gums gagne building, Lydia and hier con- may be kept bealtby, tbey sbould be panions held a prayer-meeting on a kept dlean. It is best ta dlean them river bank, and when she was won after every meal, but tbey sbould at ta the Christian f aith, she at once least be cleaned aiter breakfast and sbowed hospitality ta, the apostles. before going ta bed. uslng a tooth- organizcd religion will always have brush and a little saît and water. or need of churches and cathedrals, a non-gritty powdcr or paste. The but there will also always be oppor- muth should erndafrth tunities to use the great out-of -doors met ave be rsed atr and private homes for study and The dentist sbould be visited twlcc fellowsbip. a year 50 that the teeth may he Singing in Prison, 25-28 cleaned and ta secure the early Again the story has a miitary treatmnent of any dccay. Early setting. Paul had healed a sooth treatment stoos furtber decay, pre- saying slave girl, ta the financial serves the teeth. and prevents the loss of her masters. They created pain and dlscomfort which would an outcry against Paul and Silas, otherwise occur. and the magistrates ordered them to Unless the teeth and gums are be beaten. Roman soldiers did the cared for. tbey mnay become diseas- flogging and Paul and Sulas were ed as the result of germs setting unv thrust into an inner prison and an infection. What is serions abolit their feet were fastened in the sncb infection is not so murh the stocks. How pitiably weak were the damige tb'it may he cauqed localv. two Christian missioflaries in thc although that it bad enngh, but clutches of the strong R1omnan pow- rather that the lnf;rctian may spread er! What could th ,ey do? Tbey ta other part-, ai tle badv and cause could not retaliate using force, so serîoîjs harm ta vital oreans. they rayedand sng. hey were1 Manv peorsle do nat eniov tbe de- be saved, and thy hanse." Tested ta, the liIts, niof e o p ri The 1re 1w the experience ai nineteen cen- ran be no coruiort for the little asies tunies, the answer bolds as truc as îîntil tip Iihti"l ininuders balve eicr. Living iaith in Christ is sal- bren exiflIed. Noi hetter pretna'a- %,aiion. This helief is not a mere tion frMils inîirno-- P'ITibc had inirlciuîal OiCi it is a lufe oai thn Millpr's Viorm Powdprs. Tbry daily fellowship wth Christ. Non is wlll immuiptrv dec;tra)v thue worms salvation a mere listing of a name; and correct the conditions that were it is the transformation af a char- favorable ta, their existence. ETS - In Scotch plaids; handy skating scarf in ail wool, fine ,Scarf and Purse$209 separately - SCARF 1;1.00 - URSE $1.95 <E R STOûPRES ILEMITIED BOWMANVILLE Dan't confuse action witb pro- Imagination makes liars of al gress. men. A whole sermon in a nutsbell: Make your past the pinnacle frSe "Profit only starts wbere cost leaves which ta peer furtber inta your fuit- off." ure. on Coleman Lamps and Lanterna only wheii Genuine Coleman Generatora and Mantîca are used. They are made with great care, factory tested, perfect fitting, and insure good service. Always insiat on tht Genuine - look for the naine Q99 "Coleman" an the box. The following types fit Quîck-Uite Lampa and Lanterns: No. R55 ROTARY wth automatlc dlamner, . Each 60ý No. Q99 standard for many years,. .. ...Each I4Op No. Q77 STRAIGHT TYPE (Hire Q99) . . . Bach 350 N. THE COLEMAN LAMP &' STOVE CO., LTD. Toronto, Ontario tî. SOLO IN BOWMANVILLE EXCLUSIVELY aN' M4ason & <Dalge Phaone 145 Hardware & Sporting Goods IDON'T TAKE CHANCES WITH INFERIOR BAKING POWDER. USE THE BEST. WITH MAGIC THERE'S NO UNCERTAINTY ABOUT YOUR BAKING. SAYS MISS JESSIE DE BOTH Director of thelamous De Botta Home tlfakers' Schools 1MMAGIC m m -Costa not quite 1/4 of a cent mare per bak- ing than the cheapest inferior baking pow- ders. Wby fot use this fine-quality baking W WY powder and be sure of satlsfactory resuits? "CONTAINS NO AI.UM." Thi.s ttMemeflt on every9 tin la your guarantee hat Magtie iaking Powder te fre from alumn or any harmnfui Insredient. Made Ila Cànada Skating ismait skating outfit. Walkeî' Stor'es is well able to in a skating costume. Look over the listings be- ýr,-and you'll be among the srnartest dressed in any SKIRTS Many styles and colors, navY, black, medium blue, grey, wlne, brown and green; in light and Iîeavy woolens; some in novelty weavCs; aIl sizes 14 to 20; $1995 to $2e95 WOOL JERSEY BLOUSES Of fine jersey cloth, smart styles, ail sizes, la red, navy, brown and green,9 Each.$27 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9th, 1933 1 PAGE FOIM skating rink.