PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9th, 1933 At the weekly luncheon of Whitby ing School at Bowmanville, who gave ..oary club held onl Oct. 31st. the a miost illuminating address on the guýjest speaker was Mr. A. R. Virgin, vi ork being donc in that splendid Superintendefit of the Boys' Train- institution. It Pays To Sk0P Where quality is assured, where price is right, and where no extra charge is made for delivery. Weigh these advantages in your own mind and you will agree that Harry AIlin's is the real economy store. Readycut Macaroni................ 5c IL Choice Cooking Beans........... 8 lbs. 25c Standard Quality Corn .......... 3 tins 25c Tomatoes, No. 2 tins............. 4 f or 25c Tigeî Br-and Salmon, 1 lb. tin.......... 21c Tiger Brand Salmon, 1ý lb. tins.... .2 for 25c Red Rose and Lipton's Tea......... 45c lb. Chef Mai-malade, 40 oz. jar............ 29c Northern Toilet Tissue ......... 3 rolis 25c "Dainty White" Washing Fluid .2 botties 25c Canned Lobster............. 1/2 lb. tin 21c Smoked Hickory Sait, 10 lb. tin ....... $1.10 Granulated Sugar, 100 lb. bag........ $7.20 Harry Horne's Vanilla, 8 oz. bottie..20c Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash - - Qyster Sheli Fresh Fish and Qysters Harry Alliai, Grocer Phones 121 and 186 Bowmanville Twin $ $ Days Friday and Saturday Xmas Hankies, 3 in box, reg. 29e box 4 Boxes for $1.00 Irish Linen Hankies, colored borders 16 for $1.00 Ladies' and Chiidren's Vest and Bloomers, reg. 59e ea. $1.00 Set radies' Service Weight Hose, reg. 75e pair 2 Pairs $1.39 Balance of Fail and Winter Hats, reg. to $495 for S1.49 ea. Broken lunes in Blouses and Fullovers for S1.O0 each Silk Crepe and Wool Scarves, to clear for 2 for $1.00 A few House Dresses, to clear for $1.00 each The Evlyn Ladies' Specialty Skop Phone 594 M fiss T. M,%urphy - Mrs. F. Oke WEEKEND SUGGESTIONS WATCH CORBETT'S SPECIALS AND SAVE SPECIAL FOR 1 Doz. Tarts, reg. 20e Reg. 47c value, SATURDAY ONLY 1 Doz. Bans, reg. 15e Saturday only 1 Raisin Loaf, reg. 12e ALL for 36 CREAM PUFFS. dozen 60e CREAM SQUARES, dozen 25c CREAM ROLLS, dozen 30C MINCEMEAT PIES. each 20e HOME-MADE HUMBUOS, per lb. 30C Corbett's Dakery PHONE 3 KING STREET BOWMALNVILLE ~ Special Prices fs7 s ursday- Friday - Saturday Cod Livr I Nov. 9 -10-11l Oucod LTOOTH PASTE 3c od Livr Oil loana50c ----33 - FOR POULTRY VITAMIN PRODUCTS î.D.A. Cod Liver Oil - Siandardizcd 16 oz. - 79e 8 oz. -40e Frosst's Neo Chemicali Food . 51.00 Ayerst Cod Liver Ol, 10D, 4 oz. - 67c 16 oz. - $1.69 Kepler Malt Extract and Cod Liver Oil. 10 oz. - 95c 20 oz. - $1.50 Vlp <a toniec beverage) 10 oz. - 59e 20 oz. - 98e Wampole's Extract $1.00 J. W. WORRALL OPTOMETRIST At Ou friday 2- 4 p. mi. Store Monday 10 1 p. mi. Lysol -ozpeE24c ViCks VAPO Rua Sal Hepatica, 23c, 45c Pine Tar 6sy uP.A. CREAM Ingram'ps SHAV E - 47c 33C 89C 37c 29c Hot Water BOTTLES Lowest Prices Highest Guarantees Guaranteed Guaranteed Guaranteed Guaranteed years years years 79e 99C 51.49 A CHRISTMAS GIFr 0F VALUE ANTIFREEZE c %al. I Pure Methyl Alcohol Gal. Alex M4eGregor, Druga Phone 92 We Deliver l andIs or such part thereof as m nY be * necessary 10 reahize the full amotint o! lated for 28 days !rom the appean- I the saîd arrearà f !taKes and costs at ance o! the rash and may then be * my office in the said village of IBrightonneasdoy !teelnesr ai 1.3a P. m.tra rdshrg rmtens DATED ai lBrighton, thîs i7th day o! or eans. Those who have been Iij October. A. D. 1933.ptetadwo OscAiR L. MORROW, contact with thepaen adwh e who ae had scrtfevera set quaatie hd Isarges ee nth nose annd hrat or chars re tents sandbe oUtore on r orpazet sad beoueed Whn erio iol eatnd is up hen Leises oif e isainectedbythe rd o! Health officials. V1eird Characters 4 4 - ~ be ct LOCAL & PERSONAL 1 CHURCHES Dhose * !mom Miss Rta Carr, Bowmanville, and St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. o! th( Mr. Geo. Alldrcad. Newcastle, spent Rcv. W. J. Todd, Minister. il a.m.- paper Sunday with her sister, Mrs. C. Morning Woship; 2.30 p. m.-Sab- thc Shaw, Orono. bath Sehool; 7 p. m.-Evcning Wor- preni In the report o! the Central Pub- ship. Preacher, the Minister. Board lic Sehool exams. last wcek. the St. John's Anglican Church. Rcv. Junior Second dept. should have C. R. Spencer, Rector. 22nd Sunday read Senior Second. a! ter Trinity: Holy Communion 8 Miss Beulah Kennedy, Sauli Ste a. in.; Morning Prayer h1 a. m.;' Marie. who is a nurse in training at Sunday School 2.30 p. m.; Ev'ening Oshawa Hospital, rccently visited Prayer 7 p. m. The Rector xill e- Mrs. Oco. W. James. turn to his pulpit and pmach on The name o! Mrs. A. C. Trulî and Suna gnieoodrhRe cn !amily was omitted !rom those who St. dUnte huchavCet contributed floral tributes at the A. S. Kcrr, M.A.. Minister; Mrs. C. darki funeral o! the late Mrs. Edwin Rey- H. Dudley, Organisî and Leader. satl nold. Ia.m-Boys ofTraining Sh lanne> Mr. Norman Gilmore's Barber will attend this service and compose ghost Shop, formerly in Cowan Block, has the choir; 2.30 - Sunday Sehool; would moved this wcek ta new quarters in 7 p. m.-"What is Communism ?" Ilveer the store !ormerly occupicd by Ding- A cordial wlcomne to alI. ghost man & Edmondstone. 45-1* Trinlty United Church-Rev. E. gent:( Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Bunner are P. Armstrong, Minister. Francis Sut- bered hcaving on Friday to spend the win- ton, Mus. Bac. Organist and Choir ful el ter wth their son-in-law and daugh- Director. Sunday, November 12th: fOlde( ter, Judge and Mrs. Antonio Acosta. hi a. m.-"The World's cireatest body at Anasco, Puerito Rico. Business"; 2.30 - Sunday Sehool; man' Mr. and«rs. Edward G. SuIs (nee 7 p. m.-Rev. Thos. Wallace o! New- tongu Ida Wickett), Toronto. called on tnil will preach. Yeu are cord- other Mrs. C. M. Cawkcn and Miss Addie ially invited to these services, boys Cawker on Thursday, enroule to -________________ coua visit relatives in Ottawa. COMING EVENTS screa Editor Geo. W. James was a guest the. at the annual dinnen o! the Assoc- we ir iation of Canadian Advertiscrs held Resenve December 21st. for Lock-on at the Royal York Hotel. Toronto, harts Sehool Christmas Concert. ýB on Thursday evening, Nov. 2nd. Remember the Handycraft Sale whic] Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Caverly an- at St. Andrew's Chureh on Dec. 8th. usual nounce the engagement o! their Reserve Thursd.ay, Nov. 3th, and scene daughter, Rena Mac. 10 Mr. Elwood Friday, Dec. lst, for the High School ic of Clarenee Fennell. son o! Mn. and Commencement. the Mrs. B. C. Fennell, New Toronto. Homemade Cooking Sale at On- the the wcddlng to take place shortly. tario gas office Saturday, Nov. llth, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James McLaughlin at 3 p. m., under Group 4 o! St. Dale o! Burrketon wilî be At Home 10 Paul's. Carr their riends and acquaintances on Resenve Friday, November 24. for 50 P Tuesday aflernoon. November 141h, 3 act farce 'The Clay's the Thing Ga !rom 2 until 5 o'elock. on the occas- by St. John's A.Y.P.A. in the Par- poni ion o! their Golden Wedding Anni- ish Hall. the( versary. Reserve Saturday, Dec. 2nd. for ly al Mr. and Mrs. Madison C. Hall o! sale o! useful articles and Xmas 10we Orono, an.nounce the engagement o! gilts, tea and program by St. John's a! tel their only daughter. Mary Cather- C. B. L. and Junior Auxiliary. your i me, 10 Frank B. Ardron, eldest son St Joseph's Church Euchre in the hon o! Mn. and Mrs. James Aidron, Tor- Hall« in the McMurtry block, King day] onto. The wedding will take place St. West, on Friday, Nov. 10ih, at surt quietly in November. 8.30 p. m. Admission 25e. Good 10 t] The degree team from Durham pnizes. Lodge. No. 78, I.O.O.F., Port Hope, Companions o! Forest will hold visitcd Florence Nightingale Lodge, their second Euchne o! the series on No. 6, Bowanville. last Wednes- Thursday, Nov. l6th. in the S. O. E daynigt nd oncnrd te nita-Hall at 8 p. m. Good prizes. Re- tory degrce on two young candidates. f!reshments. The work was excllcntly carried A meigo uhmCut o ut, the principal chair being oecup- Ameigo uhm Cut ied by Past Grand R. Brown. A Trustees and Ratepayers Associa- be1 hearty vote o! thanks was tendered tien wil be heîd ai Millbrook on blan the team. Refrcshmenis wcme serv- Monday. Nov. 201h, at 2 p. m. Full chac cd and a number o! short addresses particulars next week. coit wene given by visitors and others. Darlington Junior Farmers and will A vry îcsan eening was enjoyed Junior Institute will meto ues by ail. day, Nov. l4th, at 8 p. m. at Beys' coin A "Hockey Night" at the Royal Training Sehool. Clame Allin. Presi- his Theatre. will be sponsomcd by the dent; Wesley Yellowlces, Secretary. lin!. Business Men's Association in aid Trinity Young People will present self of the Junior Hockey Club on Mon- theit' play "The Path Across the TI day. Tucsday and Wcdnesday ncxt. Hill" in the Opera House on Wed- prot Manager Ross has secured an excel- nesday, November 22nd. ai 8.15 p.m. part lent picture for the occasion. "Pil- Hall o! procecds will be donated to Fir grimage", which tells a very human the Relie! Funds. itor stemy and whieh fcatures Marion Home made Cooking Sale and Af- C Nion, Norman Foster. Henrietta tenoon Tea will be held ai Mrs. misL Crossman. Heather Angel and other John Dareh's, Liberty St.. Bowman- Sati notecl stars o! the sereen. The pub- ville, on Friday, Nov. l7ih, undem L lic is condially invited to attend these auspices Tinity Chuieh W. A. Par shows and thus aid the Junior Hec- grour>, Mrs. W. B. Pollard, convener. seri key Club for the season. Silver collection. 45-2 asi A e-union of the beys f rom this Rev. Dr. K. HunIer Palmer of St. sigr district who have aticnded Kilcooi Pau's Presbyterian Church. Port go9 Camp ai GulI Lake, near Minden. Hope, is te give one o! his popular ME: was held ai the home o! Dr. and! lectures in St. Andrcw's Chureh on Tov Mms. Geo. S. Stevenson, Whitby. on Tusa1ih.Nv 4h He wiîl thei Saturday night. A very interesting speak on "'Seotland" and therech pmgram was prescnted in which pic- should be a large turnout te hear Waý turcs werc shown and other inci- this gi!ted speaker. A special mus- ç!er dents recalled o! camp life. Boys ical pnogram will be prescnted. Ad- s'or !rom Bowmanville attending the ne- mission 25c. mi union included Fred and John Neal, I Kcith Slemnon and William James. Last and annual meeting o! the mit also Mr. Ed. Devitt, B.A.. o! the 1932-1933 season o! Bowmanville stal B.H.S. teachiiig staff, who is assist- Men's Canadian Club wlll be held aI be ant director o! the camp. The Lead- the Bowman House at 7.15 p. m. Fri-. har er is Mn. C. F. Plewmafl. Provincial day. Nov. l7th. Speaker: Hon. G. H. inv Secrctary o! the Boys' Wonk Board. Chaîhies, Provincial Secnciary. Top- cii members o! Conifedera. ion Lodgc ic: "How Crime is Handled in On- vîc, Loyal Truc Blues attended Divine tario." At the meeting the election mi service on Sunday morning ai St. o! officers !or the ensuing ycan wifl lea- Andrew's Presbyterian Church when take place. Membens joining for thu the minister, Rev. W. J. Todd, the 1933-34 season will be admittcd mei preachcd a special sermon f or the fre to this meeting. Season tickets get occasion. taking his texi !om the $400. I episthe o! St. James. chapter 1. verse use 27. "Pure religion and undefiled be- Ladies will be ý;1ad to know ihat cer fore God and the Father is this. to Miss Lawson, expert Corsetiemme o! 1visît tl'e fatherleas and widows ini the Canadian Gossard Corset Comp- tho their affliction, and te keep himisel! any. will be ai the Evlyn Shop on O! unspotted before the world." Mr. Friday o! this week. carrying a full an( Todd outlined the practical appli- ine o! garments which she will be Br( cationi o! religion in the daily ile, glad 10 demonstrate. 45-1 sta particulamly in the came o! those who J~- -Ian( are le! t fatherless and mothcmless. 1ht He ungcd the members te concen- an traIe their intemesi in the benevolent Health N~otice lth side o! thein lodgc womk. Tue choir m ncndered a special anthem for the ma service. _____ Published by Order of Local Board prc tor MEET JACK MINER IN ORONO of Health Jac Mne, heCandifiNaur Inasmuch as many People are o! Pol Jac MiertheCandia Naur-the opinion that it is the sole es-- alist. who uses the bii'ds as Mission- ponsibility o! the doctor to send in. aies. is te deliver an addrcsnitth ification o! communicable dis- A Mother's Duty Is to Guard Her Childrefl's REALTR Mlothers - If you want to keep your eidren healthy and happy follow the advlce of leadlng physlelftfl - give your child at least a quart of mhIk a day. Pure, whole milk l s the key to health, for It gives pro- per nourishment that builds up reslstaInce to disease and promotes steady, healthy grow- tii. For milki at Its very best telephofle 446 or 703. Downuanvllle Dairy 1sense to live to reasonably de- hie on carth. Through more cpassages, with ghostly figures king evcry step o! the way, the ty was led back to the cafeteria ex, where a particularly horrible t, who !rom his naked legs we d judge was Frank (Tony> Mc- en in real life, related a wierd st story about some unifortunate teman who had been dismem- ýd by one or more o! these fear- creatures. As the story was un- .d the various members o! the y were passed around, the deadi 's ear, his teeth. his hair, lus ue. his bones and hall a dozen er items of the anatomy. The sin the group, though inwardly king. stoicly maintained their rage while the girls squealed and smed. but as none accomplished old ladylike fashion o! faintingi imagine that most o! it was Put sck again in the auditorium. h was gaily dccorated with the ai Hallowe'en features, a gay ne was enacted when to the mus- of Charlie Cawker at the piano. grand parade was held, while judges, Mrs. F. c. Vanstone. sj. C. Devitt and Mrs. W. F. ie. selccted the winners. Elsie rruthers sud Newton Hackney al- played for the dancing. ;ames and dancing played an im- -ant part in the remainder o! evening's entertainmerit. Short- after eleven o'clock, dainty Hal- e'en re!reshmenits were Served. xwhich 500 tired but happyI ,ng people wended their way me. rather thankful that Satur- ywas a holiday and that the ,mons o! the alarm. dock would thave to, be so quickly responded the !ollowing morning. he Town Council1 (Continued !rom page 1) laid to the lake, and some sem- ince o! order be made out o! the aos which exists in the layout o! ttages. Roads and Street Com. 11 investigate. Guy R. Roach, Toronto. also fyled riplaints about cars driving over spnoperty at the lake. Clerk will fomi him that it was up to him- I to erect trespass signs. The insurance proposition for the tection o! town permanent and xt-time employees, was referre-d to nance Committee and Town Sotie- )r tb report. Canadian Legion was granted per- ssion to hold Poppy Tag Day on1 Lurday, November 111h. Letter was read !romn Canadian icifle Railway enclosing a letter nt t Dominion Railway Board ;ng for substitution o! a wlg-wag nal for the present gates at Scu- )g crossing. At the rcquest o! the Lyor. Darlingtori and Cartwright awnships will be invited t0 voice eir objections to the proposed lange. The Mayor, Councillon rrd and Town Solicitor Stnikze ere appointed to meet the commis- on's eng-ineers, when inspection is Lade. In presenting the Finance C0m ittee's report Reeve T. H. Lockhart Lted that Chie! S. Venton waS t acommended on the way he wa andling transients. The men are ivited to spend a short time at the vic woodpile before they are pro- Ied with breakfasts, and as a, rule lre than hall the night lodgens we the hall without breakfast. us saving the town the cost o! a ial as those who do not saw wood et no breakfast on the town. The Legict Band was given free e o! the opera House for a con- ert on Sunday night. Deputy Reeve R. O. Jones gave a orough report o! his investigation fthe west side road to the lake. Ld the interview with Mr. Wood of ýookdaIe Nurseries. Mr. Wood. he tted. was ready to meet aIl parties id he belîcved that a meetine of is nature would soen bring about nagreement. The Mayor was au- horized to set a date and caîl a ieeting o! those interested In Bow- ianville and if deemed advisable tc rocced 10 Toronto 10 meet solici- rs o! the Eckardt Eltate. Councillor L. T. McLaughlin re- >rted on condition o! furnace in I EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE Just Arrived - 50 pair of Men's Heavy Work Rubbers; these are made on a good fitting last, No. 1 quality rubber, a work rubber that cannot be equalled in quality and price. Get yours to- day. Special price for limited time d& only. Men's sizes 6 to 11, per pair. .% Sllboc S upe rtest Shoes of Value $3,e95 FOR DISCRIMINATING MEN A high quallty shoe at a medium price. Made froni genuine cal!- skun, solld leather heels, andi made on roomy eonifortable lasta;, ail slzes, Includlng $3 9 hait! sizes, per pair $ ,9 Keep Your Feet Warm and Dry with Rainettes $100 W lasting, durable quallty, are assured when you select your galoshes here. Your choice of the season's most at- tractive new colors and materials, ln quallty you eau depend on for fine service andi long wear. Low, cuban, military and hlgh heels. Women's plain, cuban, low and bigh heel Rubbers No. 1 quality, sizes 3 to 8, Special, per pair...................65 Men's Rubbers, a super special, ail size ... 79c pr. NABORHOOD SIIOE STORES 1 They Gave Their Today For Our Tomorrow Couch, Johuston & Cryderman Phone 104 LIMITED- BowmanvîIlle Town Hall and advised carrying on Public Utilities Commission will take with present one. Up the subJeet of a better lighting of Deputy Reeve Jones reported on Kinlg St. ini the business section. th visi- to Minister f Highways Council concluded its long session wîth regard to the bridge at the west shortly before xnldnight. limits o! the town. Couneilor Ward was not satsfied with the resuits of < the interview and suggested the Do- WEDDING minion Railway Board be further pressed to have the bridge remedied. The Town Solicitor will place the Prtlove-Gray matter before the Board. The subject of the scales was the A quiet wedding was solernnized next subjet on the agenda and a at Trinity United Church Parsonage. considerable time was spent on this Bowmanvllle, on Saturday, Novem- discussion. The Mayor and Reeve ber 4th, 1933, at three-thirty o'clock were defintely opposed to repairmg in the afternoon, when Margaret the scales, believing that the returns Grace. eldest daughter of Mr. sd did not warrant the expense. Coun- Ms. James W. Gray, Llstowel, was ciflor Ward and Deputy Reeve Jons, united in marriage with Edward chie! among those who wlshed to see Percy, eldet son o! Mr. and Ms. E. the scales reaircd. believed that it O. Pritlove o! Guelph. Rev. Eger- was an absolute necessity. Cost of ton F. Armstrong officiated. The repairs to scales is estlimated at $225 bride, who, was unattended, wore her flot including drain and fixing wal]s, travelling dress o! brown geogette etc. crepe wlth matching hat ad acces- Deputy Reeve Jones was added to sories. Mfter the ceremony a wed- the Finance Committee to replace ding supper was served at the Par- Councillor Strike. sonage. The decorations were white Cemetery Commlttee wlll spend streamers and yellow and whilte $100 on building road in cemctery chrysanthemuixs. The happy couple !rom south gate, meeting road from left on a short motor trip to Toronto north gate. and Guelph and on their return~ will The Mayor as a member o! the reside in Listowel. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 200