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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1933, p. 7

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-w u 4 r Im',a'TA1.TuC IRiIÂNVIL. T HURSDAY, NOVEMB3ER 30, 1933 Persian BaIm is the one ref arnm in No matter to what use it is ily aid for skin health and bUty put. it is always beneficial to the Aids the mother in additional love- skin. Every woman should use it. liness. Protects the tender skin of Persian Balm cools and caresses the the child. Deligbts the father as a rkin and creates complexions of hair fixative or cooling shaving 10- urpassing loveliness. Special Sale Electric Clocks AMAZING REDUCTIONS UP TO 40% Some lucky person is 5¶ going to receive one of .25 these handsome clocks e for Christmas. We have oniy a f ew and it is well worth your while to buy them now for Christ- - mas for it will mean worthwhile savings for . .. .. .. .you. Corne in to-day while the stock is complete. 4 We cannot obtain any more at these amazing ___ low 1ices. Electric Kitchen lca, $4 Po reg. $7.75 - O ae...$4e Bedroom Clocks, regular. .$550 $9.00 -On Sale ....... Get themn now and lay them away for Christmas. That'11 solve some of your Christmas problems. An electrie dlock is most appreciated, and they keep perfect time. The Hfydro Shop King Street Bowmanville IT'S YOURS - PATRONIZE IT Give P ractical GiFts For Christmfas HOSIERY GLOVES PULLO VERS SWEATERS HANKIES LINGERIE SCARVES TIES WINDBREAKERS PYJAMAS UNDERWEAR BEDSPREADS RUGS COMFORTERS MITTS SHIRTS, Etc. BUY AND SAVE AT NIELSON' S Phone 595 Bowmanvihle HEIRLOOM WALNUTCIIESIS Cedar Liaied What finer present to give mother, sister, wif e, or dear friend, than an Heirloom Walnut Cedar Chest. No gift will give the recipient greater pleasure. Before you select your gifts see our stock of Chests. They are most reasonably priced from $9e75 to $29e50 A small deposit will hold any article for Christmas delivery. Northcutt U Smiith pHONE 58 FURNITURE and UNDERTAKERS BOWMANVILLE o! mitts. Love frorn Murray Wood. Dean Santa, I would like you Vo bring me boots and skates and a pair o! pants. I arn 10 years old. Donald Loscombe, Bowmanville Dear Santa, I arn nearly f our years and I arn looking forward Vo Christmas. I would like you Vo bring me a fie dapple gney horse and some nuts and candy. I will leave you a pickie and some cheese for lunch, witb a piece o! Christmas cake. I wish you a merry Christmnas. Yours with love, Vernon Joues. xxxxxxxxoooooooo Dean Sauta, I would like a truck and a nice warm sweater. I amn 4 yeans old. Sydney Loscombe, Bowmanville fSauta Claus Comiug to GoodYear Acconding Vo advices neceived bY Harry M. Nauson o! the Goodyear Recreation Club Sauta Claus is to pay bis annual visit Vo Bowrnan- ville's langest iudustny on Monday, IDecember 18Vb. Santa's Velegram Vi 0Mn. Nanson neads: [j "on account o! the eanly winter dthis year, I have started out sooner dthan usual and will be at Goodyear, aBowmanville, Decemben 18th. Tel] yaltegood little Goodyear boy4 ýtand girls Vo write a letter Vo me, let- ting me know wbat tbey would likE *for Christmnas. I rnigbt say I wiil bf *more liberal this year than last as1 d cau see betten times in store for ahl c(Signed) Sauta Claus." i Mn. Nanson wants every Goodyeai ,d boy and girl Vo write Vo Santa anc ,egive the letten Vo their dad, brotber àor sister that works in tbe factoný iu before Decemben l4tb. The wboli ,family la invited Vo meet Sauta or ks December 18Vb at 7 p. m. at tbi reGoodyear sbipping roorn. If Sau basn't just what eacb one wants bi will bring as nean as be can. Ev, eryone wbo writes bim will havi their name appear iu the Wingfoc Clan, the Goodyear newspaper. .Letters to -fqe-- SANTA CLAUS Children - Write a letter to Santa Claus and tell hlm what you want for Christmas. ...~1.S..We'il publish your let ter under this head. Besure to write plain ly and get your letters A inl early. Address them to Santa Claus, J \co The States-a, Bowmanvllle. Dear Santa, i Dear Sauta, I would like you to bring me a doli Harry is a good boy. Please bring and a warm dress. I arn 6 years old . him toys. Norma Loscombe, Harry Hyde, Bovwmanvile *. S * * *Dear Santa Claus, Dear Santa, WilyU, rn urray Woodal told you that I want a pair o! tube< skates, 131/2 size, and a wagon. No name signed. Dean Sauta, I arn witing you a few hunes Vo ask you o leave me a achool bag with a few penis lu it; also some oranges and candy. Yours wtb love Louis McFeeters, Churcb St., Bowrnville xxxxx Dean Sauta, I would like you o bing me a pair o! bob skates and a sweater. I arn 7 years old. Freddie Loscombe. Bownianville Dear Sauta laus, I bave beeu tryiug my best Vo be a good boy. I think I arn. I would like a jack knif e, and a hockey stick and some candies, nuts and an or- ange. I arn 7 years old. I'11 leave you a lunch and somne cocoa-it'll sure be Fry's. The kettIe will be on the stove boillur for you. Lots o! love and kisses, your little chum. Harvey Joues. xxxxxxxxx Dean Old Sauta, I amn a little boy 8 years old. I bave neyer writteu a real letter Vo you before. You wauted me Vo tell you what I would lîke for Xrnas, and I have a liVle sister 5 years old, andi a littIe brother 4 yeans old, and a brother 7. wbo caunot write, so tbey waut me o tell you what tbey waut toc.1 My liVle sister Hilda would like a doîl buggy. and rny litle brothex Clair would like a wagon, and George would like a train on a rack, and I would like a sleigb so that I eau sleigb ride rny little sister and brothers. Thene are four o! us wee ones. I think I have asked euough. We will try and be as good as you would want us Vo be. Hopiug o see you at our achool Xmas concert as our teacher is going Vo ask you. We remain your good eilîdren, Hilda. George. Clair and Murray Cowling, R. R. 4. Bowmanville xxxxxooooo ORONOI SCHOOL REPORT r (From The News, November 23rd) SALEMt Clarke Council meets in Orono, onl Rpr S .S o , alntn Friday, Dec. lst. Rpr fS .N.9 alntn Mr. Neil Porter is reported on the for November:f mend after a weelc or more with a Sr. 1V-Margaret Irwin 75*, Hil- severe cold. da Richards 71, Bert Francis absent. Mr. S. M. Billings wbo bas been in Sr. mI-Ronald Hall 80*, Byron poor health the past f ew weeks, is Foster 80*, Gladys Thompson 70, rnuch improved. Brenton Darch 68, Hilda Thompson Mr. A. A. Somerville. Toronto. 15 66, Kathleen Cowling 65, Nina spending a few days at bis brother's, Darch 63. Mr. T. W. Somerville. Jr. 11-Lily Cowling 62. Relatives and f riends f rom Toron-1 -MraeFot 8*Dugs o, Bowmanville and other points -MraeFoer8,Dugs were Sunday visitors at Mr. James Pollard 73. Bill Conlin 58, Irenej Moffatt's. Cowling 45, Wes Conlin 43, Arvilla Mr. Isaac Winter, wbo bas been Smith absent. in poor health was taken o St. I-Murray Cowling*. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, for r.-Hild.a Darcb. treatment. *__Honors; below 60%7 failure. A number of our citizens attended Farewell Blackburn, teacher. the fowl supper given by the Wo- men's Association of the Newcastle U nited Lodge A.F.&Ani.M. 2,wl Und Churcb last even 5,ing. N ew 5 É iz entertain Rt. W. Bro. W. J. Youden j o! Cobourg at a banquet on bis of - LYDIA E. PINKI-AM'S f icial visit Tbursday, Nov. 3th. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. (Bob) Garns- TABLETS FOR WOMEN by and Mr. Garnet Gamsby of Hamilton spent tbe week-end at fliey relieve and prevent their father's. Mr. Len Gamsby. priodic pain and associated Mrs. Wilfred Sherwin is spending p a few weeks at ber father's, Mr. disorders. No narcotics. Not David Alton. Lucknow, during corn- just a pain kilier but a modern pletion o! building operations on medicine which acts upon the their new borne on the farrn, west CAUSE of your trouble. Per- side Orono.sitnus Spem et Mr. and Mrs. William Seymour ssetuebi emnn bave taken up their residence in relie£. SoId by aldiuggiits Brooklin. Mr. Seymour, section fore-- man on the C.N.R. Orono division. bas been transferred to Brolin YOR IVRSM KN secion nrthofWbltby. OR IV 'SM IN League meeting on November 15th V lu eb carge of Neil Ramney, 2nd NOU FEEL OUT 0F SORTS vice-president. Tbe program con- WkeuyorLerBe sisted of duet by Misses Hazel Win- aeuyorLv Bl ter and Ethel Stark; vocal solo, Miss -No Calomel needcd M. Wood. Topic was well taken by When you feel blue, depressed. sou? on the Mrs. Neil Porter. word, thats your liver whieh lnt pouring iae Mrs Ed Den, resden Orno daylf wo pounds of lquid bile loto youir bowels. WMes. dIDnstueideaet Oontbe Digestion and elimnation are being lowed Wome's nsttut. isdelgat tothe up, food le accumulating and decayins inide annual convention in Toronto this you and makinz you leel wretched. week. Mrs. J. R. Cooper, secretary, Mers bowe-movere like salis, oil, Mine"a is aso ttening TheNewonvile rater, laxative candy or chewing guru. or br ancls repesendng.Th ed by M is. î- ugléageedont go far enough. branh i repesetedby Ms. al- You pied a liver stimulant. Carters Little lace Hoîrnes. Newcastle. Lver Pille is the boet one. Safe. Purely, vous- table. Sure. Ask for them by nains. Refuse Orono Women's Institute held subttut«s. 25c. et ail drugoiea. 5u Its regular meeting on Frlday, Nov.- 17tb. Tbe attendance was good considerlng the stormy day. Tbe subject belng "St. Andrews,"~ the hall was nicely decorat>ed wlth tbe tartans and flowers. An all-Scotcb program was splendidiy given open- lng wth the assembly slnging Annie Laurie; a readlng 'Tam O' Shanter' was given by Miss Colville, followed by a solo 'Jessle~s Dream' by Mrs. et0%Cet Drummond in that style wblcb is -\ v al ber own and wblcb. dellghts ev- \uq 1'sW eryone. A very interestlng talk on -e Scotland was given by Mrs. Cobble- . s Çe dlck based on ber trip tbrougb the O British Isles. Mrs. Neil Colville then 011KO CJA* favored wltii an Instrumental 'The Bluebells of Scotland.' A Scottlsb dance was given by Miss Thelma Laurle lu costume, followed by a recitation well given by Miss Lillian Allen, 'Jock ' Hazeldean.' A damn- ty lunch was served after wblch al joined bandei snglng 'Auld Lang Syne,' followed by the national an- them. The decorations, lunch and program were al l i keeplng wltb the toplo, also the commlttee in their Olengarry bonnets. ILnexpensie - and supplled b good drugglsts on. a guarantA Imouey back on very first packa no fuily satlsfled. If you nE Imedicine o! blis klnd, try URA! todayl <c- de Un C. Hf Vh ed be he f e' w] di. er th, ar tO w ai o1 ai H CE w vý a s Vy tr r Ys] t- ce e )n t he ve ot TH AAIN f£L3 IJuvm'vjam Use SImell For Easy Starting OBITUARY Mis. John C. Hefkey, Drayton (From The Drayton Advocate) Following a very short illness, the cath occurred in Drayton on Sat- rday uight, Nov. 18th, o! Mrs. John .Hefkey, in ber 80th yean. Mrs. fkey had been in poor bealth for 2e past yean or two but noV con! in- ito ber bed until a couple days efore ber deatb. During ber illness er eyesigbt began to fail until a ýw months ago, she becarne blind ilch proved, a great handicap Vo, r in performing ber housebold uties. The deceased was bon nean Beav- rton in the ye-ar 1854 and came Voi his district with ber parents, Mn. nd Mrs. Andrew Irvine. On Apnil 8. 1883, sbe was united iu manniage oMr. Hefkey and Vbey have made heir home here ever since. In tbe arly days she was a memben o! tbe 'hristian Cburch and laVer the Un- Led Cburch. The laVe Mms. Hefkey vas o! a quiet disposition, a devoted id faithful wife and mother, and ne wbo loved ber faniily and home Ld it is lu the home where sbe will >gneatly missed. Mr. and Mns. le!key celebnated their 50th wed- ng anniversary last April and 1V as a happy and memorable event n their life. Sunviving are ber husband, Vwo ;ons and Vhree daugbters - John f. o! Drayton, Irvine o! Bowman- ille, (Ethel) Mrs. Beckbolt, o! Pres- ýou, (Mabel) Mrs. H. Quick. o! Niag- ira Falls, and (Florence) Mrs. Brock Philp, o! the 12th o! Maryborough. wo sisters, Mrs. M. Blackwell of Willows, Sask., and Mrs. Ben Justa- son o! Luther, and one brother ames Irvine o! Williamstown, alsc survive. The funeral whicb was largely at- tendied by a large number o! frieud., and relatives, was held at the Unit- ed Church on Tuesday a! tennoon ai 2o'clock. The service was conduct. ed by the paston o! the chunch, Rev J. A. Steed, who preached a com. forting sermon f rom the theme "There will bie no night there." 1 nixed quartet sang a beautiful sel ection, "Does Jesus Care." After thb service interment took place in thi famlly plot in Victoria Cemetery The paîl beanens were Messrs. J. M Davidaon. A. B. MeColgan, R. F 3randon, Wesley Smith, Hugi Hlughes and B. J. Ganbutt. W. W. Downm, BowmanviUe The deatb occurred on Wednes day. November 21st, o! Wellesley M Down, well known in this distric and a native o! West Durham, age 72 years. Deceased was a son o! th laVe Mr. and Mrs. William Dowu c Eugland. He was boru in Cart wright township ou May 26th, 186: At thirteen years o! age he move with bis parents to a farm in Eaw Whitby. Here he was rnarried eleve years laVer Vo Mary Jane Knigb daughter o! the laVe Mr. and Mr James Knight o! Bowmanville. wh predeceased him seven years agi They resided in East Wbitby unt tbey rernoved Vo Bowmanville aboi 35 years ago where he has sin( lived. In September 1929, he mai ried Ethel Allun, daugbter o! M Frank Allin, Newcastle. For ovi twenty years he rnanaged with greî success the East Darlington Be, Syndicate. Three yeams ago he wî forced through f ailing healtb Vo di continue this work. He gradual became weaker until the end can on Tuesday, Nov. 21sV. The laVe IM Down was a mezuber o! Trlnity Ui ited Churcb, Bowmauville. The f uneral whicb was held i Thursday, Nov. 23rd, from bis la residence. Kingston Road East, w largely attended. Service was co ducted by bis pastor, Rev. E. F. Arr stroug. who gave a very comlforti: message Vo those wbo mouru 1 passing. The paîl-bearers were fi nephews, Messrs. Hugh McLaugbl Toronto, Heber Down, Piekerit Norman Dowu, Oshawa, Russell a& Orville Osborne, Bowmauville, and brother-in-law, George Allin, Ne .castle. Tbe floral offerings wï many and very beautiful, sbowi the h'igh esteem iu which deceas was beld. He leaves Vo mouru 1 loss bis sorrowing wif e Ethel. Aniong the relatives and frier from a distance wbo were present the funeral were: Mn. C. A. Bonist and son Genald, and Miss Je Kuigbt. Belleville; Mis. R. J. 1~ Laugblin, son Hugh, and daugb Gertrude, and Mrs. Jas. BatsVo Toronto; Mn. Heber Down, Pick ing; Mn. and Mis. Kennetb Cla Mr. and Mrs. Norman Down, E Mrs. Edwiu Down, Oshawa; Mr. E Mrs. Fred Robbins, Mr. and 1Y Russell Robbius. Taunton. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. W. W. Down desires Vo, thi i.ll ber friends and neighbors for ,rany kindnesses neceived during l!îîess and deatb o! ber husbi incl for the beautiful floral tribu LIME - A new carload of Lime for poultry and agricultural uses bas just arrived. Ask our prices. Sheppard & Giii Lumber Co. Limited FUEL AND BUILDING SUPPLIES Phone 15 Bowmanville Treasurer's Sale of Lands In Arrears for Taxes Town of Bowmanville, County of Durham; To Wit: By virtue of a warrant to me cirected by the Mayor of the Town of Bowmanville under the Seal of the said Corporation, bearlng the date of the 2th day of September, A. D., 1933, commanding me to levy on lanide bereinaf ter mentloned (ail lands lylng and belng in the sald Town of Bowmanville, and belng patented lands) ail arrears of taxes on Sanmeto- gether with lawful costs thereon, I bereby give notice that unless the arrears and costs be sooner paid, I shal, on Monday, the 8th day of January, A. D. 1934, at the bour o! two o'clock in tbe a! ternoon at the Council Chambers iu the Town Hall in the Town of Bowmanville, pro- ceed Vo seil by public auction so much of the sald lands as may be suf- ficient Vo discharge the arrears of taxes a.nd costs. Street Block Lot Acres Taxes Costs Total Church 0 162 1/4 $2,885.43 $ 93.77 $2,979.20 Ontario 7 1, 2,7, 8 9, 10 11/2 618.88 20.08 038.96 High D 3 1/ 74.43 2.41 76.84 Prospect 5 5 '/4 183.71 5.95 189.66 Prospect 5 5 V 28.61 .93 29.54 ~~iiog~~~ An n3e 7.1 51 Scugog Centre Concession Duke Con. 1 Duke Temperance King Division B. P. 34 Con. 2 26 Con. 1 29 O.S. m R B.FP. 13 % 7 v 9 17 1,2,9,10 1 10 85 3,4,7,8 1 165-6-7 2,14 1 42,43 Y 120 1/4 8 1 538.58 491.88 178.52 1,230.47 110.98 5,188.30 1,365.24 279.62 108.73 17.49 15.97 5.79 39.98 3.61 168.61 44.37 9.07 3.53 556.07 507.85 184.31 1,270.45 114.59 5,356.91 1,409.61 288.69 112.26 Flrst insertion in Canadian Statesman. Sept. 2lst, 1933 First Insertion in Ontario Gazette. Sept. 30th, 1933. A. J. LYLE, Treasurel', 38-13 Town of Bowmafllfe. PAON 83VEN Coke, because of its heating qualities price, is considered an economy fuel. vay Coke is the. beat coke in Canada. and see how your fuel bill dwindles. Millen's Worm Powders attaclt worms in the stomacb and intest- ines at once, and no worm cau corne in contact witb themn and lîve. Tbey also correct the unbealtby condi- tions in the digestive organs that invite and encourage wormos, set- ting up reactions that are most ben- eficial Vo the growth of the cbild. Tbey bave attested tbeir power in hundreds of cases and at ail times are tbonoughly trustworthy. Simple Remedy For Bad Stomach Gives Swift Relief No Nasal of Strong Medicines or Diet. Sale and Simple Recipe Keeps Stomach in Fine Condition If you are a victim of Stornach Trouble-Gas, Sourness, Pain or Bloatlng-you may have quick and certain relief by followlng this simple advice. Don't take strong medicines, arti- ficlal digestants or pull down your system wlth starvation diets. For withln reason niost folks may e.,t what they like If they will keeP their stomach free from souring acIds that hindér or paralyze the work of diges,,tion. And the betand easlest waY to do this la to follow every meal with a teaspoonful of Blourated Magnesia -a pI casant, harmless. inexpensive prescription that promptly neutral- izes a ldlty and keeps your stomach swbèet anS d ean. A week's trial of Bisurated Mag- nesfa which any good druggist can Lsupply. should qulckl y convI nce you that 90 per cent. o! ordinary stomach distrenssia absolutely unnecessary. Be sure to get Bleurated Magnesis. Do you need some f orm of insurance? If you do, we can help you. We are agents for the. flnest fire, thef t, automobile, accident, and life insurance companies in Canada. Thus, froin our office you can solve ail your insurance prob- lems. Stop by and let us advise you. J. J, MASON & SON Pone 50 Bowmanville 1. i Drive i and have your tank filled wlth Shell, the gasoline famed for easy startlng and good mileage. A trial wlll couvince you. C. A. Bartlett GARAGE Petroleum Produets Merchant Wholesale and Retail Phone 110W BowmanvlC Woodl1 Woodl1 W. selI only No. 1 Body Wood . . . Hardwood shabs in all lengths. ... If you burn wood, ask our prices flrst and you wihl save money. COKE - the Economical Fuel 1 Semet Sol- Try a ton el

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