PAGE IGHTTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURS9DAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1933 THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 30, 1933 Mis. J. H. Jose and Francis are vlsiting relatives and friends in To- ronto. congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cowie on tise birtis of a daugh-' ter on Monday, Nov. 27th. Reserve Saturday evening. Dec. 23rd, for Newcastle United Churcis Sunda>' School Christmas Tree En- Principal E . M. H. Ward of ts high school and Mrs. Ward moved last weekend f rom Church St. to Miss Almeda Couci's house, King E. Mrs. H. S. Britton came home last Wednesday, Nov. 22, f rom the West-. ern Hospital, Toronto, thse operation she underwent has'ung been quite successful. United Church-Rev.. W. P. Rog- ers. B. A., Pastor. Sunday, Dec. 3: il a. r.-Morfling Worship: 2.30 p. m-Sunday Scisool; 7 p. m.-Even- ing Service. Brown's Home & Scisool Club will hold its first meeting, since its or- ganizatious. in the school house on Wednesday evening. Dec. 6. A good program is being prcpared. Sorry to report that Mrs. Athur B. C. Harris of thse Harris Tea Rooms 'vas taken critically ili last week and on Saturday was rushcd to hospital in Toronto for an opera- tion. John Hendxy. jr., was at teRy al Winter Fair assisting as a trained handler of dairy cattle and show- man in taking care of an exhibiting tise f amous Ayrshires o! W. H. Coverdale, Portsmouth, Ont. St. George's Church-Rev. F. H. Mason. M.A.. Rector. Sunday. Dec. 3rd, lst Sunday in Advent: il a. m. -Morning Prayer and Holy Comi- munion; 2 p. m.-Sunday School; 7 p. m.-Evening Prayer and Ser- mon. The annual Christmas Tree and Entertainment of St. George's Sun- day Scisool will be held on Friday evening, Dec. 22nd. The chistdren of the scisool are practising carols and. preparing a most delightful pro- gram under the supervision of Mrs. F. H. Mason. Mr. D. J. Galbraithis sipped 85 head of grass fattened cattle to To- ronto last week via the C.P.R. f rom the stockyards at tise Towvn Line. They were consigned to Dunn & Leveck and by Wed.nesday evening, when Mr. Galbraitis returned to Newcastle they were ail sold but 25 isead and these have been satisfac- torily disposed o! since. Police Sergeant Wesley Ougis of the Toronto Police Force, Mrs. Ougis and sons Ernest and Vine, and is sister, Mrs. McGee (Edithi. Toronto. attended the W. A. f owl supper and concert at the United Church last Wednesday evening and afterwards motored back to the city. Mrs. Ougis and Mrs. McGee also called on Mr. and Mrs. Ben Moise for a wiile. The Sunday previous Mr. and Mrs. Ough and sons were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Brownm and family. Rev. W. P. Rogers, Messrs. J. W. Glenney, Fred Graham, N. L. Rick- ard, J. A. Awde, A. O. Parker, H. R. Pearce. and Mesdames R. Parker ' A. O. Parker and J. A. Awde, at- tended the Presbytery meeting, ban- quet and illustrated lecture by Rev. Sam Martin o! Churchili at thse King St. Churcis, Oshawa, last Mon-' day afternoon and evening. Rev. Dr. Peter Bryce led in the a! ternoon discussions and gave an inspiring add.ress in tise eveusing. while thse banquet guest speakers were Dr. S. Y. Chao o! West China and Rev. N. Shirozu o! Japan. Rev. W. P. Rog- ers was cisairman o! ahl meetings. Cowanville Loyal Orange Lodge. with ieadquarters in Newcastle, entertained thse other lodges o! tise district, including Orono. Kendal and Newtonville, at a banquet in the community hall on Monday evening o! this week, when Rev. W. J. Todd o! St. Andrew's Churcis, Bowýman- ville, was the guest speaker and de- livered an inspiring address. Some fi! ty members o! tihe order partook o! the sumptuous menu. the courses being interspersed with singing and music. It was announced that tise local lodge will hold a community dance at Mr. and Mrs. George Ste- phenson's on Friday evening. Dec. 8. There was a large attendance f rom this community o! the relatives o! Mrs. W. W. Down at the funeral of her late husband, on Thursday afternoon last. The late Mr. Down was well and favorably known. in this locality having been in close contact with many of the farmers as tiseir trusted manager o! their beef rings for considerably over aý third o! a century. He has also donc quite a bit o! grafting o! pear and apple trees un thus section un Newcastle Ta'nsmithing years past and tise growth and pro- ductiveness o! his inserted seions are and will long continue to be evi- dence o! his skill at tisis work. Many good peces o! carpentry work are also monuments to iis craftman- sisip and tisrough his deatis New- castle isas lost a iighly esteemed ratepayer for he was a freeholder o! two good properties on Norths St. and by is improvement work on tisese helped greatly in adding to tise residential value o! tise street Congratulations are in order to Edwin Hancock, elder son o! Mr. H. E. Hancock. on his election by accla- mation as tise member for West Durhsamn o!tise 1933 Older Boys' Parliaunent. Edwin is a member o! tise Newcastle Tuxis Square. Rev. W. P. Rogers. Mentor. During tise past five years as a Trail Ranger and memiber o! the Square he lsad woni a number o! prizes for regular at- tendance at midweek meetings, churcis and Sunday Scisool. He is an isonot' graduate o! tise Newcastle Higîs School. having completed is ju4niour îiatriciulation course last ussdsummEr. He distinguisised him- self by winning tise W. H. Anderson Mathecnatics Prize. tise Bowiuaanviile Causaduais Club Cauadian History Pruze. tIhe Samuel Wihussot Gold Medal. výalue $32.00. foi' higisest uîatricuiatuous standing and the Thos. Montague Scholarship, $12500 for higisest boy in rnatriculating class He is the brother o! Lloyd Hlancock, champion atislete o! the Newcastle Higis Scisool for 1933 and grandson o! Mi. Thos. Coucis o! this village, champion and unbeaten high pole vaulter o! his day and district. Edwin is now taking fifth f,,- -iti i fus, a ncix Mni t,,4 . 5i. DAVID FAMILY IS GRATEFUL FOR HELP 0F NEWCASTLE FOLK Neyer Realized Such Kind People on Earth Writes Grateful Recipients of Newcasltle's Generous Aid Tise following letter o! apprecia- tion f rom the David family, wisom Newcastle folk gave such welcome and valuable aid some days ago, was received by Postmaster George Jam- ieson o! Newcastle. Newcastle f olk will be interested to learn how mucis tise family appreciates tiseir kindly thoughts and actions. Thse letter reads: Haldane Hill, Sprucedale, Parry Sound, Ont. Tise Postmaster, Newcastle: Dear Sut - 1 promised to write and let you knowr how wc got along, weii here I arn. Suppose you al- ready know f uom Mr. Buckley, we arrived safe and well, ail thanks to tise dear kind people o! Newcastle. If you get tise chance to speak for me, please tel them ail that I neyer tus sy life realuzed there were sucis kind people on tise cartis today. Wc ahl tiank you aIl very. very mucis. andt if any of you at any time are ueai' herc we would bec eu'y glad to sec you. We are getting settled gradually and we have a very nice home. with a litIle fixing up. It %vas well worth tise flght to get here. I hope if yotu don't get tise chance to, if your dear wife would drop me a Une. just so I sec you receis'ed tis alrigist. Trtusting you and tise Mis. are keeping well, we are all wcll at present. so tisanking yotu aIl again very veu'y mucis. we remain, Yours very grateful. (Mrs. and Mis.) A. David Scisool where attise end o!fise r COUNCIL GRAVELS MILL ST. S. hc will doubtless carry of furt__ier 1, honors.Councillol' A. O. Parker, Charman honora o! tise Roads Committee, engagedt about ten farmers and teamsters, NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH resident witiin tise muncipality, to SERVES SUMPTUOUS SUPPER gravel Mill St. f rom tise station cor- ner where tise pavement terminates, Followed by Musical and Literary 'to tise lake front. Five or six f arm- Treatcrs witis their teams and wagons Treat started on tise job last Tisursday The roast !owl supper served by morning while others came on in tise tise W. A. o! tise United Churcis in afternoon and on tise followîng days. tise S. S. Hall last Wednesday even-,Tise re-surfacing o! this slretch o! ing was a social, gastronomic and road will greatly please tise Rate- financial success. From 5 to 8 o'clock payers' Association o! Newcastle-on- tise ladies were kept on tise iustie the-Lake, wisosc members motori attending 10 tise needs o! tise many over it so mugis. A request for road patrons f rom all quarters o! tise improvement was pîesented in a compas-s. Head o! tise Management memorandumn to tise village counicil Committee wth a general oversight bi tise Association Commîttee, Dr. over all arrangements and opera- Geo. H. Carvetis and Mr. Geo. Fans- tuos ws Ms. erc Brwn nd o-comb. lasI summer and tise members mensbers o! tise committee witis ier wiso are still making mid-week or were Mesdames C. T. Batty. J. A. week-end trips and are looking for- Butler and Percy Hare. Sub-com- warct to early visits 10 tiseir cot- mittees worked industriously in pan- tages next spring are delighted to. try. kitchen and scullery. Mrs. W. sce tise work in progrcss. O! course J. S. Rickard. President o! tise W. A. it will make tr'avelling overthie road extended officiai and gracious weî- un sprung and f ahI bettel' for ahl per- corne to patrons and guests as tisey manent residents around tise har- were admtted to tise supper hall by bou' andI eastward too Tise gravel is Mr. T. W. Jackson, Newcastle's dean bcing ds'awn f rom tise recent piled o! show, supper and entertainnsenî up deposits belween tise old pier and admitteus. flisc bieakwaler, anct brougist around Tise a! ter-suppel' programn was tisrougis tise ast end o! tise park hd inse csuu'ch auditorium wiich and over tise new bridge erected last wa.s fillcd 1tiste doors. Rev. W. p. sping. Ansong tisose witis teamns on Rogers acted as cisaiu'man and the tise job are: Douglas Cunninghsam. ladies responsible fou'tise veîy excel- John Rickard. Lewis Clark, R. B. Le- lent eîtertainmcnt were Mesdames Greslcy, Sandy Moffatt. J. H. Jose. E. C. Fishser, W. P. Rogers and W. D.Wmn. Lake, Howard Pcaî'ce, Isaac Bragg. Neveur caîs wc remember Selby whilc tise Council isas a num- stucis an array o! accomplLised mus- ber o! other meus helping 10 load thec cians and vocalisîs o! diverse taI- wagons. Incidentally wisat they al enîs at a cisuuch function in New- earil at this will help thieîsin1 pay- castle as contributed to tise enjoy- ing tiseir taxes on Dec. lst next. ment o! tise audience on lisis occas- -------«> ion. wcsl un Pcles eae Tise initial numbers were tise an-NecslYon op' Lau tisems, The Eartis is tise Lord's, and Newcastle Young People journey- God is a Spirit, tise latter uisaccomp- c u ag ubr ovstNw anued. by tise churcis choir under tise etonileag ueMondy igist.NMw. leaerssu o!W. . . Rckad.Tise Bob Uîry, Presîdent o! Newtonvîlle usembers o! tise choir, tise ladies o! League. presided over tise opening wiicis had been working isard ail exercises after whicis Miss Rowlansd evening, tisen descended !îom tise took charge o! tise programn. Scrip- loft and took seats in tise auditor- turc readîng was taken by Mr. G. ium. Tise audience lislened witi sho;MsW.Pkadfvue rapturous attention 10 tise AriaAsto;MsW.icadavue piayed un duel on pipe organ and with a voa 'sl My Task", ac- pin yMis. C. H. Dudley and Mrs. companicd on tise piano by Mis. E. pu by onanile aro C. Fisiser; a sing song was led by M.e A. Neal, oesanmeDuleyate n Mr.S.Rickard; a musical seection tiea prorm MesdamecDudleyand was rendered by Manard Clu!! and ad fiavordet h asod.orgsnManson Soucis; a very interesting Gapaduet. a rsasdyihssa opîc was read by Miss W. Rickard: lovely voice, deep, ricis and isaunt - MiedAbyMis.aE.oc.Fssero, accvery iusg, ansd captivaled iser hearers withis db r.E .Fse;avr iser solos. GootI Bye and Whien 1 humorous skit was put on by Mr. Was a Litle Lass, witls accompanu- Ralpis Gibson and Mr'. Kennetis ment by Mrs. Dudley. Tise Bow- Stevenson; piano solo by Mary Cie- maisville young men's qatteo mence. Mr. S. Rickaid then gave a St.Pau's isrciisalqysasuedt o message to tise Newtonville League o!ia Pal'rn wcomin Newcysastre. f rom tise Claremont conference. Mi. In hall or churcis they always strive R. Gubson f avourcd witis several se- to please. This lime on two appear- lections on tise guitar. Newtonville ances tisey sang, Sleep Kentucky Young People served a very appetiz- Babe, Away Down Yonder in tise ing lunch. The beniediction closed Cornfield. Massa's in tise Cold. Cold a very pleasant cvening. Grounid. Little Jack Horner, and Tise > Tack. Wil!red Carrutiseis also con- Bowrnl'ille stores will be open tributed tise bass solos, Captain John all day Wednesttay during December. MePiserson, and, Give a Man a Horse Concede a litile ant: you o!ten He Can Ride. and Alex McGregor gain mugis. two tenor solos. Other members o! tise quartette were Donald Williams and Eric Coombes. Mi. McGregor's m i . an numbers were: The Heart o! a Man C t rh lD a n s to tise Heart tf a Maid, and, 1 Love ou r.C. H. Dudiey îisrilied her a nd Head Noises isearers wilis her soprano solos' Babylon, Snow Flakes. I Love Life, and Eventide, tise flrs1 two with or- TELLS SAFE, SIMPLE WAY TO gan accompaniment and tise latter TREAT AND RELIEVE AT HOME with piano accompaniment by Mis. If you have catarris, catarrhsal Nesil deafnies.s or isead noises caused by By way o! variation Dr. R. Lorne catarris, or if pilegm drops in your McTavisls o! Oshsawa told an en- tisroat and isas caused cataris o! tisîalling story o! tisice brotisers, tise stomacis or bowels you will be William, a respectable vicar, but glad to know tisaItisese distressing witisout love in hi.s. ieait: Robert, a symptoms may be entirely overcome ne'ei-do-well, and Josisua, who dits-j in many instances by tise following appeared and iecame tise Chirstlikei treatment which you can easily pie- Bisisop o! Benares, India. Dr. Me- pare in your own home at littie cost. Tavisis told in vivid word.s o! their Secure f rom your druggist 1 ounce separation. o! their di!!erent atti- 1o! Parmint (Double Strenglisl. Take tudes towaî'd God and theil' fcliows. Itisis home and add 10 il iM, pint o! tisen o! tiseir re-union. o! tise change. iot water and a little granulated o! iseait tisat came to William and sugar; stir until dissoived. Take one Robert tisrougi tise kundiymisnstryj tablcspoonfui four times a day. Ais o! Josisua whose name i. tise old improvement is sometimes notcd a!- Hebrcw form o! tise naines Jesus. (cirtise first day's tucatment. Breatis- Mary, tise ne'eî'-do-wcll's daugister. ng shouid become easy, while tise was also a leading and lovely per- distressing head noises, iseadaciscs. sonality in tise story. Dr. McTavish ilnscodthkngec.hud isas tefclyo eln elago gradîjaliy disappeai' under the tonic story wth a moral and tise way lie action o! tise tîcatment. Loss o! tel,-t oecn iSA smcil, taste, defectîve isearîng and - t'mulcus dropping ilstise back o!tise' A plant isookey league isas becîs lhuoat arc otiser symptoms whicis !oî'med at tise Goodyear !actory and sîutuest tise prescnce f o!<'tans and got under way on Saturday a!ter- whicis may o!teus bc overcome by noon. Art Edger is manager o! tise this cfficacious trcatment. Il is said league, and tise team managers and tisat ncarly ninety per cent o! ahl tlieir teams are: Bert Colwell and car troubles are caîîsed by catarris iis Hogbeaters; Ivan Hobbs and ilis andth iere must, tiserefore, be many Toplif Is; John Moorcra!t and iis people wisose isearing may be re- Spongeis; and Mat Moore and his stored by tisis simple, isarmless, Bralders. home treatment. t! f'_C H U RC HE S St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Rev. W. J. Todd, Minister. 11a.. Morning Worship; 2.30 p. m.-Sab- bath School; 7 p. m.-Evening Wor- ship. Preacher, the Minister. St. John's Anglican Church. Rev. C. R. Spencer, Rector. Advent Sun- day: Holy Communion il a. m.; Sunday School and Bible Class 2.30 p. m.; Evening Prayer 7 p. m. St. Paul's United Church-Rev. A. S. Kerr, M.A., Minister; Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Organist and Leader. il a. m.-Beginning at Jerusalem; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School; 7 p. m. -The First Christmas Hymns, "The Magnificat." A cordial welcome to ail. Trinlty United Church-Rev. E. P. Armstrong, Mini.ster. Francis Sut- ton, Mus. Bac. Organist and Choir Director. Sunday. December 3rd: il a. m.-"The Power Minister"; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School; 6.45 p.m. -Song Service; 7 p. m.-"Watch Your Step." You are cordially in- vited to these services. COMING EVENTS Tise regulai' meeting o! tise Wo- mseifs Hospital Atxiiaî'y will be heid ils the Nurses' Resîdence on Friday. Dec. 151. at 3.30 P. ns. Progressive Euchre ansd Dance will be held in St. Joseph's Hall, over Nelson's Store, on Friday. Dcc. 8th. at 8 p. m. Refî'eshments ansd prizes. Pu'oceeds for Welfare Fund. 47-3f Regular meeting o! tise Music Study Club willilie held Wednesday, Dec. 6th, at 8 p. m. in St. Paul's lecture room. Special musical pro- gram !eaturing tise Christmas story will be given. Whitby Miusstrels directed by Arthsur W. Lynde have shown a gen- uinc neighboîly spirit by offering tol present "The Showboat" in Bow;ý- manville Opera House, Wed. Dec.1 l3tis, in aid o! tise Welf are Fund o! Bowmanville. Reserve tise date and watcis for particulars next week. At tise Handicra! t Fair to be held in St. Andrew's Cisurcis, Friday. Dec. 8tis, there will bc a wonder!ul display o! fine necdlework paintings, wood-cai-ving, and craftwork o! al kinds. Many antiques will also be shown. General admission 15c; Af- ternoon tea extra. Don't miss il. On Saturday, Dec. 2nd, f rom 3.30 to 6.30 p. m. in St. John's Parisis Hall, tise Junior girls and boys will hold a sale o! their work wood handicraft. quilts. aprons, insfants' clotising. etc. Tes, cofice. sandwich- es. and cake, musical prograrn dur- ing tea isour. If you are intercsted in childien, corne and sec what tisey have been making. THSE DOLLAR YOU SPEND Tise dollar you spend in helping a f riend The same time it's working for you. Put.s shoes on tise feet o! tise san on tise street By giving hirn sometising to do. Tise dollar you spend is helping to mend Heaits that ate burdened witis gare. Pays for food kiddies eat - milk. bread and meat- And the clothes they are needing to wear. Tise dollau' you spend is iselping to fend Off tise spectre o! worry and, woe. At tise end o! is rope brings a small ray o! hope To tise man who will îeap what you s ow. Tise dollai' you spend will pay in tise end In interest that coînes f rom within, Wisen you're helping anotise' - a friend or a brother- To fare forth witis courage to win. -Patsfinder. MORTGAGE SALE' ULRR'Dt AND BYVVitTI'E of the Poxvers of Sale contaîmemi n a certaîin Mtz _u , -îlici îill be plroduccîl at the tinie of sale, thiere will lbu offirel for Mille ly TrHOMAS COWAN, Auctioiie, 111it LI Jiiti'AUi'TION. iii Fri h Eîghtlî day of Dcember, ID3 t el te ouu f two oclock, lit the ftcrnoon at ~ le frm f illiam .T, SIenîîtt. 1,R. E.1, 'ow1mvanviile, Ontario, the following ALL AND SINGULAIt, those certain li u r s o r t r a c ts o f la n d s a na ud p îir n i s s . of Dailingtoîi, ini the Countt y of Iiii- hîaut, heng comîîosedl of FIRSTLY: Th'ie Least Ilaif of Lot Numiir itirce, hot the 'lh ird Couicss loi of tiie sa iii'Townsipi centiîiniog 1001 acres, more <r iess, and SECONDLY: The Northt Cenire part of the West lalf of Lot Numiier 'iree, hn bhe '1'iird Concession of the sail Tw- shilli, couiainiog hy aiimeasur ec'it 50 acres. mnore or les. and more îîarticuiar- i 1>' described ho Mortgage Numhi>r 146401i te th(eAgrlctiiturai i)ivelopmnot Boarît. At the saîd timi andl place udru bb authouhîy cf a Landiords DistresasVWari rant. tuer wiii be oftered for sale tiîf folioiving chattels:j t Oeiiigs; 1 iare: 3 cows; 2 bell' ers; ) îîîgs; 1 etato piow: iîvo sets hoavy teaun haruiess; i set liglît liarness; 1 liay car wlth roîtes. slings and îîul- leys; 1 drag iîarrows, 4 Sectionu McCor- mnack; 1 ibenfrew cream seîiauttor. 1 ltînfrew îmaform scales; 1 waig0on an biox, 2" tires;t 1 wagon and tins., 3" tires; 1 Sylvester he drill; 1 i)eering 7 ft. cut linder; 1 2-Ilorse Massey- H arris, Corn i ultivator, 1 îdise liurrow. 12 pmlate outtlîrow; 1 ilamiltotirig tootb cuitivator, 2 herse; iMcoumack 5 fi. cut NMower: 1 beain sliîglis: i1lug- gy; 1 cutter; 1 Automobile. Biîhck Tour- ing anîi trahier; 1 P'ower SîruîYer -Friend" on truck; 1 Fleury' Scuflier; 1 McCl"rmack Single Waling Plow; 1 Cocksbubt Dotule WainIg Piew; al smal bois; 30 loads lia>' in buarn; qîîan- t>' Fail and Sping Rye: cuantiiy mhx- tii oats andmi arli>' anti quantit y fîmîl h r corn. On tiie sald farm tuüe la saidtd 1héi eretemi a iwleing hotîse wih i sui table farm buildings. Tiie landms îihtliebsolîl siiujiCt t a r. - seýrve lîli TER'MS OF'SALE 4,OF'LAND: Tîtu ti-r cent cf the imorchase moue>' 10 h.. iail uio'.n aithtu ime of sale ' ittl'eIul ance vthin thirty daYs. TERMS OP' SALE OF' CIATTHL:l C'asti Fou fîutl mu tort iculars andmlcon milt ins cf suale. tîiyto H-ARRY W. PAGE. East Block, Parliament Bidas., Toronto, Ontarho. solicitor to the Mortgagee. iiui t..] ,itTroro'lt ii his l'aI. teeti tb la y of N.16 oir 97 -3 EEACCOUNTANCY FRE OKEPN COURSES Complete home study course. No books ho buy. 120 booklets and ail instruction absolutely frite. Vour one and oni>' cost, postage ýon tessons. Free offer macle for advertislng ex« pansionpurposes. Particulars, Pub- cit>' Secreta r', Office J204, 74 King East, Toronto. BIRTHS TRi MBLE-In i w iii i \illi on Sat Urilay, 2.501nlrfuli, to Mu. and .ilr M. i:W.irn I. ( n,*~ .. ~nEva Tuli) a on. DEATHS HALL-!ui, tomnt iliii\te, onTit Tnsdaly, Novnil.r 'il1933:t. Sah i an, Lrail- hurr, lie1o,>:w ief IItii lite larnes W. i1ll lauugt il f yar IFtiîîral i -f. n rsîil, of lir sn .Ir. Itolt. liai.H niOiS. , on i i lay, .4 12 ii, rîc nlt lactkstock IN MEMORIAM PINGLE - ltIiin nioyfou .ir wf. :îîlnd Fîî. 1ranc, 'A.Pinig- ix i1 10 î.uirit '.1 this hf ýi ll1tu r liii. If i R f io Not I l us to gi>e, 'I îlgiN- il, yî '. niiore, ru (ii Ili .itio. of nuiotiier. xi lin liix. a c. iî i. )-m r. lîî x 1ii ct '., Vor yoîîil tîx îIl>nuv.l'ut vallue, Tlill yon iI1o-r , nuîty chair. \ sai.uîlv ii'1 hy lIl atshanîl andl F iii CARD 0F THANKS Oliver Roberts wishes to thank Mrs. F. Smyth. Superintendent, and the nurses of Bowmanville Hospital for attention and kindnesses shown him during him during his recent sojourn there while undergoing an operation. WOOD SALE Friday, Dec. lst-Norman Colla- cott will sell on Lot 2, Con. 9, Dar- lington, 4 acres of standing mixed timber in 14 acre lots, more or less. Sale at 2 p. m. Elmer Wilbur, Auc- tioneer. Watch the Seed Fairs The adaptability of different var- ieties of grain to different soil and climatic conditions is reflected to no small extent in the degree of devel- opment attained by individual ker- nels. Varieties which consistently win high places at our seed fairs are therefore likely to be at least reas- onably well suited to the district from which they corne. Moral: Watch thse winners at the seed Fairs' CHRISTMAS GIFTS This la the time of year we are planning our Christmas Gifts. A pair of giasses for mother with the new rirnuess mountings wouid be most acceptable. Perhaps you have noticed ate. y father has not been readlng as comfortably wth his oid glasses. How much more enjoyable wili be his books and papers durlng the coming year if your gift to hlm is "Glasses."l Corne in and let us expiain how glasses can be supplled as Christmas Gifts without the recip. ient knowing anything about it. Toronto Optosnetriasts G. M. Bosnel Hours: Wednesday, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. G. E. Garnett Hours: Saturda) 2.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. Office opposite John Street Port Hope Phone 248 or 525J Toronto 2143 Danforth Avenue X Marks the Spot Bad ]Brakes New brakes or relined brakes - whatever you need in the way of brake service or brake repairs can be had here now without delay and before hlgh- er winter prices begin. Get set for the bad winter weather with an early cali for safety's salie. Clenteas' Garage OPPOSITE A. & P. STORES BOWMANVILLE Lost or Found PEN L0ST-Waîternan fountiti pen, Illo<ii tie huoxvn. l"iniier lîease bring to Statesm'an Offic> and oblige B. H. S. etIIIl ot. 48-f WA TCH LOST - L-alys golîl wrlst xatch nllibraicelet, on Sundhay between Trinity C'litrcl andl Mus. WaslIington's. F-inît er i r's euitiun t Mus. Wasiîing- toi]. I iiion St ., Bownanville. 48-1 For Sale FOR SALE - Uock iiuitets, ready for luiyiîig. Pluiî, 105. 48-1 FOR SALE-hlorso, 1(l vus. oi, xvigit 1501l lis. .Xiîpiy to i t>ion Moorei>, Tyrone. .l5-1- FR SAL E-.I iuseý,v ni I li liui ni ,colv, (Ile to 1 )i i. i. G. ILi.oydl R chaud s, WOOD FOR SALE - iDrvy1 cci id Niait.lîîl> lîuîrîliu,l. tI 1,coud $2 70 de- FOR SALE - T'luI>, iounlr IAyr- ~iiru ~ J_ . t:No . i una.i.î, 26,. Ci u . I, Clark- . .48 i- PIANO FOR SALE cHEAP - Sitl ..i. ue,. gond e ndîitioli . ,jjjtablui, for S(uiuif ' 11001.O L I '.iT 'l'um i i, . l' . 175. i ît u îi i ii. 110l' . 18--2:.l- FOR SALE - One-Ilise wagon whvtii box\ and Mat, on-lînretologczti sliîct wit boxli ,. cuitt1er, i iVO .11iiil sMim ci uotler Mliiifi. andî oi se t si cielbuggy tbau- ii iM, M Stsin gle buuiss - omit iil ýii res t arn ess, on ie-hors, s ti n g- tooili culiiiivat- toîr, stuaw ecottou, fu uobe. iorse-ruike. W il tuke in cxcii at g.' 0 al cof good yoillg cow. 1,oti. WitinsIi. lim- ton. To Let 72- APARTMVENT TO RENT -Apfilyty 1 Mu. l. RDili Ii%\eil, Silvi1 St., 14w- inaliîville. 48-1- FOR R EN T-S - uooîiiiliinuitiai. fî rula c., gara «g,.. .Xîitîy R ie & Co.. itîiwtuînîllc.48-2w APARTMENT TO RENT- 5 rooni iiIiiînitidîiwooî1 floors.licatod, . as stov,M epairate en t uanico;ilîi-iediaite l'i~eM0 Ioilo488. 48-1 ROOMS TO LET - XVtli or Nithiot linaud, coilveci>ieiit to p'ost Office; Iî so guýIruite,' to reîîIt . Apîîly Miss E. *A. Pet- eus \m l intiou si., Rîtxî nuii îville. 48 -1 HOUSE TO RENT-On ltorsiy Striet, six roonîs. large siii îîicr k iti den. wa t.r, tiztit, anti iathitrooni, ialso garage. AîitIiy Ici Fucî J. Niann ic, BoNwnian v ilic. Plionle 18. 45 -itf DURHAM COUNTY Holstein Breeders ANNUAL MEETING and BANQUET at BOWMANVILLE WEDNESDAY, DEC. 6 10 a. m.-Annual Meeting, Town Hall. 1 p. m.-Banquet, Trinity Church S. S. Hall. Guest Speaker: Mr* E. H. Clark Sec. of Ontario MiJk Producers. A good program is being prepared. Dinner 50e a plate. Ail interested will be made welcoine. W. B. Reyno ds, President. H. C. Muir, Secretary. c c F ,-, Classified Ads ýS c c F I C. C.eF CITIZENS 0F BOWMANVILLE DURHAM & NORTHUMBERLAND are invited to hear Lorna H.Cotton,M.A.,Ph.D. Wm. Irvine, M. P. TOWN HALL, BOWMANVILLE Saturday, Dec. 2 at 8 p. m C.C. leFr Royal Theatre DO WMAN VILLE The Home of Better Entertainment THURS. - FR1. - SAT. - NOV. 30 - DEC. 1 - 2 Lee Tracy in ma- The Nuisance-- with Madge Evans, Frank Morgan, Alice Butterworth MON. - TUES. - WED. - DECEMBER 4-5-6 Leslie Howard, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Paul Lukas and Margaret Lindsay in mm Captured - Matinee Monday at 4 p. m. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Evenings 7.30 and 9.30. COMING SOON: Zane Grey's - "SUNSET PASS" Business Directoryl LEGAL M. G. V. G;OULD, B.A., LL. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvllle W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreai Money to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanvllle, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson ~ Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. ni. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. AUCTIONEER Elmer Wilbur Auctioneer Ha mp ton Farm Sales a Specialty, also Furniture Ternis moderate. Phone 129r24 FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. MORRIS CO. Modem Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalid Car Caîl Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE Repaira 1 R. PAWSON BOOT AND SHO1E REPAIRING Good workmansiiip art. materiai. Reasonabie prices. Silver st'eet, Bowmanvmile Upholstering UPHOLSTERING- On ail kinds of fîîrnîîîîre. Ail1 wortc gu:îranteed. Samn- lles' Estimai1ts fretLý .1. A. Fry, Scu- 90g Street, l'owma.nville. Phione 5a6. s-tf-l. Music FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus. Bac. PXC.C.O. A.T.C.M. etc. Pupils prepareci for ail examinations. Ciass instruction at inoderate rates. At Bowma~IvilIe, ont. 40-lyr BRIAN MAINWARING CONCERT BANJO SOLOIST Atthe Piano: MARIE CLARK BELL Open for engagements at ii Church Festivals, concerts, etc. Apply: *'The Anchorage," Newcastle Phon e Clarke 1131. 46-8 PAGE EIGI-IT
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