~br lira vtate0 r n With WhiCh Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News NUl U5LtL ~Ei~1 ni*xra A ,!XTTT T.V. (n\T TmUTTR.qDAV flFfl.M1BFR 7th.193 VOLUMEÂI79 Rev. C. R. Spencer la Good-Will Club Contest Extended Ministerial Association One Week » Closes Saturday Night Rev. C. R. Spencer, rector of St. John's Anglican Church, was elected 0I new pesdntf the Bowmanvile De cember u6tlh - Short lime LeFt meeting this week. Other officers are, Past President, Rev. W. J. Todd. r.Lou a o ed xr oeShdl Secretary-Treasurer, Rev. E. F. Arm- r.Lo Du aN wLed -ExaV teSh ul rangemnsr aea h Also Extended, But Positively Closes Next Tuesday rrngemnsr aea h meeting for the holding of a prayer Night - A Close Race Between Leading Contestants week, the first week in the new year. -~when services will be held in al churches on separate nights, the We want every subscriber, wheth- ministers taking part in ail services. er owing for a renewal or arrears, REGARDING SUBSCRIPTION A month of special sermons on sub- to make an honest effort to pay ARREARS jects set by the Association will also their account during this contest. be observed in January. We also want ail contestants to re- Court decisions respecting The New Year will be started off ceive fuli credit for their work dur- newspaper subscriptions are right with a Rally Service f or aU îing the competition. and we hope very clear. Any person who Suinray School students and child- aur subscribers who have not yet re- takes a paper regularly f rom ren in the town, to take place in the sponded. wili do so before the clse the post office, whether in his Town Hall on Monday, Jan. lst, at and give their support to one of the name or another'S, or whether 10.30 in the marning. candidates. he has subscribed or flot, is re- Rev. J. S. Harrington, represent- To help make this possible it has sponsible for paymeflt. If a mng the Bible Society, was present been decided to extend the competi- person orders his paper dis- at the meeting and urged the forma- tion one week f rom the original continued, he must pay ail ar- tion again of the local BibeScey date. but positively. the last day will rears or the publisher may be Saturday, December l6th. continue to send it until pay- iIn. this case, the extra vote sched- ment is made, and then col- A trio of three-year-old Hostein ule for arreara and new subscrip- lect the whole ainount, wheth- heifers, ail bred and owned by Ar- tions is extended ta next Tuesday. er the paper is taken or not. chie Muir, Courtice, have just com- Hawever, only regular vote sched- The courts have decided that pleted lactation periods in the 305- ules will apply the last four days of refusing to take newspapers or day division o! the R.O.P. with cred- the campaign. or Wednesday te Sat- periodicals f rom the post of- itable production in bath milk and urday next week. fice or removiflg and leaving butter-fat. Elderslie Abbekerk Belle Close Race Among Contestants them unpaid, ia prima facie had a yield of 10,591 lbs. showing an A remarkably close race appears evidence of intention te f raud. average test of 3.73%,' fat; Elderslie aogtelaigcnetns n Celstil irl flloedwih 1.-the results durîng the last week no 50.000 extra for one year, or 25,00f 201 lbs. milk, testing 4.03% fat; El- doubt will be the decidlng factor as extra for a hall year. wiil be givez derslie Sadie Echo praduced t9us.33t4pis ,t nne uscitan is ek lbs. with an average test of 3.881;% uthw h rz is ilddnne usrpiosti ek f at. Ail the above records were aware. Special Prize This Week made on twice-a-day milking. Siecial for New Subscribers A special prise will be given to thi New subscribers added during this contestant who turns in the larges campaign wil] be given the balance amount of cash between Wednesda: of the year 1933, and ail o! 1934 for Dec. 6th, and Tuesday. Dec. 12t1 W on't You Help $2,00. inclusive. The prize ta a Servir And. during the next week. up ta Tray. trnaS next Tuesday night, a haîf year newI subscription will be given the bal- ImL.t Week's Special Prize Winner Filia C ris nceof his earand p t Juy, Mrs. Leon Dumas again won la F ii a CIiistm1s34,cfor ts$a1 and0ptaJu week's special prise for largest cas Basket tkis Year? Also, an added schedule af votes. rtrs FIFTH STANDING 0F CANDIDATES UP TO DECEMBER 5th. The list as published below represents the votes for publication up: Need ls Greater than Ever ta Tuesday. December 5th: as Women's W e 1 f a r e MRS LEON DUMAS Bowmanville 2,967,500 Committee Appeals for MR1 J. E. ANDERSON Bowmanville 2,929,000 MISS FRANCES MOUNTJOY Blackstock 2,802,500 Generous Response for MISS CLAIRE PORTEOUS,.. _ Nestieton 2.671,000 Christmas Cheer Baskets MISS ANNIE OKE.... EnniSkillen 2,396,000 MR. LESLIE COOMBES.. R. R. 5, Bowmanville 2,324,000 The Ladies Wel.fare Committee o! MRS. W. H. TAYLOR ...... Tyrone 2,290,000 Bawmanville at several meetings in MISS LO'rrIE HORN .. Hampton 2,241,000 recent weeks have completed ar- MIS HELEN BAKER .. ..... Solina... 2,225,006 1 P rangements for the distribution of MISDRTY OUHro ...1,700 Christmnas baskets ta unemployed MS OOH OC rn ,7,0 and needy faxilies at Christmas. We MISS ELEANOR ANDERSON R. R. 1, Clarke 1,266,000 say completed arrangements, a.nd by MISS RUBY COWAN ........Newoestle ... 391,000 that we mean arrangements are complete except for public response. For the benef it of those wha wish to donate ta the baskets the Commit- tee has given us for publication a Portrait of Late Chief Richard Jarvis list o! the contents they propose% putting in each basket: Flour, 4 lbs. sugrbrad 1lb. raisins. 2 tins P resented to Town at Council M ee canned goods, 'm' lb. candy. 12 doz orne,1l.butter, 1 lb. lard, 1 _______lb._________ rice, 1 lb. nuts, 1 jar peanut butter, cream, apples. meat or f owl, ½, lb. HEADS ARCTI MASONS Former Police Chief's Pi cheese, canned fruit. Now that you ture ill yanginTo know what will be needed. perhaps tr YA agi O each family can plan ahead what Hl lcinArn they can send us. The rooms at the H l lcinArn towvn hall will be open the Thursday ments Completed - 1 and Friday bef are Christmas ta re-ý ceive your gifts. Brighten Business Sectit The Ladies are anxious that cit- With Colored Lights izens understand. When cash is donated, the Provincial and Federal Governments give an equal amaunt, The presentation of a handsoni so that a dollar donation muts tarme,!esiehdadsou $3.00. Realizing however at1arm porte' rad i o! thea nd se!o Po aLre many people, such as tefRichaprtJr vitof she as mae an Mo ing community who are nat able ta icar at the amadnthy Me contribute in cash the Committee do! t t t heeTnCo ncilyr Oea. ta very anxious that they understand Jaeo eie the Tonpon ictuayr e o that donations o! praduce will urayef rom vethef aily o! tnhe more than welcome. The suggestion r. arvism the porrit, af thnd1 of cash donations ta madle so that Mrikenes, ithe ork, o tha those who mlght spend a dollar and ltenatsiynowthe ortrait ph< send in the produce ýwill real.lse that trainlykonprri h the dollar handed over ta the com- grapher, George P. Freeland o! 1 mlttee will bring in three times that rW. Rosa SLrike chie!.f or amount. W a tiecif Citizens were exceptionally gen-Tw Saciro!B mnilewh In accepting the picture on bel. erous in their donations ta the was recently eîected first princi-o!th t hef Jris ayra es e lsi Christmnas basket f und last year, SO palo! PIlestne ChaterRoyal thtoice! 3Jarshad ben chie much s0 that the baskets that went Arch Masans, Bawmanville. '1928. The town was grateful, out were probably unequalled for generous content in the entire prov- mayor sald, for the long and fait]. ince. With the knowledge that con- service he had given the town.1 ditions are worse this year than last, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Wingate and anly was he recognized as anc and that many more families will sons. Toronto. spent Sunday with standing policeman in this town, require asistance if they are te, en- her aunt. Miss Jean Galbraith, he was 50 recogn.ized throughout joy Christmas at ail, the Commttee Queen St. Miss Galbraith celebrat- province. The Mayor also refer is certain that citizens will respand ed her 9th birthday on December 1 te Mr. Jarvis' great love for chilc most generously to this urgent ap- and received hearty congratulations and the kindiy manner in whiclh peal on behal! of the poor and the f rom many friends in town, includ- greeted chlldren o! the town, in( needy. ing many f rom St. Andrew's Church. cating in them a respect rather t a fear for police. Reeve T. H. Lo hart and Deputy Reeve R. 0. Joi bath native sons o! Bowmanville prsning a resolution expres Holsein reed rs old nnua M e t thanks and appreclation to the fi Hoîstei Breedrs Hol Annua Mee oresnthe gifts, also eulogized _____________________late chief in the service he rende an ntusistc gthrin o PecySemouir; Vice Presdent-J . !his communlty. The portrait wiI WHITBY MINSTRELS OH ~ ~ D Dr. R. P. Bowles 'Spoke BRING "SHOWBOAT'y B H. . Sudents Receive Dîpomas On Socialism at the TO BOWMANVILLE ancd Prizes at School Commencement,, Meeting of Forum Beneit Etertinmet toAidExpressing grave doubts as t the Bowmnvile elfre undA mu ingM usical Comedy Presenteci practicabilty o! "Socialsm" as a BownanvileWeU.re smdAmu ingmeans o! improving conditions in Indiatins ae tat f ul buseformer Chancellor o! Victoria Uni- wiil greet the Whitby Minstrels High School Auditorium Packed For Two Nights as versity, Toronto, addressed the op- when the curtamn goes up on wed- ening meeting o! the Forum in St. nesday. December l3th, at the Bow- Students Make Splendid Ef fort in Producing "In Old Paul's Church on Sunday afternoofl. manville opera House. And what isPo ietCtznsTk PatiPren Speaking on the toplc o! "Social- more, it is anticipated that a neat Vienna" -Po ietC izn a arin sn- ism." Dr. Bowles stated that ho surn wilU be realized for the Bow- tation of Prizes doubted very much whether the sys- manville Welf are Fund as the Whit-___________ terr could be worked, or whether by Minstrels have generously o! fer- human nature. which is tadividual- ed te donate bal! the proceeds te With the auditorium f ilied t and pleasingly rendered by George istic, could make use o! the system. this worthy cause. capacity bath evenings, the annual I Werry, the Athletic Prizes, Com- He wondered too if the greedi andi And what a program Arthur W. commencement exercises were held mercial Diplomas, and special prisesI desire o! wealth andi power o! in- Lynde, director, and bis associates at Bowmnanviile High Schaol on were presenteti on Thursday night. dividuals would not prevelit a satis- have prepared. Everybody mill want Thursday and Friday. A splendid and Academic Prises were presented f actory working out o! sociallstic ta sec and hear the Minstrels and pragram. a well worded and delight- on Friday night. principles. the six funny men. Bill Richardson fui valedictory, and the presentation The prises presented on Thurs- There is no doubt, be said. that wiil be on the job as usual as inter- o! dipiomas and special prises were day rught were: Athietic Prises. W. some change has got te came, but he locutor, and a chorus o! 40 voices the features a! the event. Bagnell, Boys' Senior Champion- was not sure that Socialism repre- will add pep ta the show. A special Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie, Chairman ship; Boys' Junior Medl, T. Baker; sented that change. Tne over-pow- feature with be the Show Boat with o! the High School Board, presided Birls' Senior Medal. K. Waddington- ering desire o! humans te be lndivld- special scenery and lighting, same- and a! ter the apening with O Can- Girls' Junior Metial, V. Bradley' ualistîc, ta run* and contrai their thing entirely new. O! course, the ada. Dr. Bonnycastle gave a brie! Rugby medal presented by Mr. W. L. own lives, rather than working co- orchestra under Jack Clarke's direc- address. He expresseti bis gratifica- Paterson, ta student contributing operatively would prevent socialism tion. wili be on the job, and goad tion at the very evident interest most te junior team, 40,7 rugby. being success!ul. music la assured. taken in the school as iilustrated by 60% academic. Harry Depew; In- Even if Socialism was put into ef- Th scod ar o te ho wuthe large attendance. He referred terschool sports, Girls' Senior Gold !ect Dr. Bowles wondered who would J wins h perac eoetefeelingly te the death o! a great Medal, K. Waddington; Boys' Sen- d h lnigat ar u i faatlights o! several popular artists. Canadian, General. Sir Arthur Cur- ior Gold Medal, W. Bagnell. pnincipies, te the satisfa.ction f !eV- Litnes the app oerancebare Site iwode nTusa onnf o eryone else. Laokthiscardover AVic ersonstr, iarie who de on Mrhursd a mon±ng On Thursday evening, thefoow The speaker was tatroduceti by D. tap dancers; Robert Anesn1n h n ac 2dls a ing were presented with Commerc- R.MriP b reieit h b adressed the students o! the schaolL.Mrio hpesd nteab Scotch sangs; Teddy Morgan, song ,, l Diplomas: G. Adams, J. Alexan- sence o! W. R. Strike. Next meet- s' andi dance; Levi Arksey. piano ac- fo htpafra der, Aiex Colville, I. Foley. Marion ing o! the Forum will be held ta st. < cordeonist; Ragnar Steen, vioîinist, We receive criticisms f rom time te Glanville. Ruth Hayman V. Lans a- l'rs Church on Sunday. December and Steen's Hawaiian Orchestra. tie, Dr. Bonnycastie added. that berry, Violet McFeeters, R. Purly, 7h hnRv D .MLcl )0 The scenery will be in charge o! A. our curriculum la not up te date. We Elinor Sykes, T. Werry and J. Wray. DD.h, wbo ed hev. Dis. ccussiono nL. Trudeli; and ail for 25c. No re- l must realize that whatever Special certificates in f ili. given vangewhsm at the dayo!cusinote served seats so came early and get cagsaemdteacriumbOfce pcalyC, Ill be re- Conference here asat summier wlll be choice o! seats. must be made gradually. It is d<f-' ceived by J. Alexander, Rose Bale, . thei guest speaker. ficult to suit ail students, for same Foley. V. McFeeters. E. Sykes, M. __________ ie are training for a definite purpose, Veale and J. Wray. - st te go itt the professions, ta enter Y, ibusies life, wbile others are at- The Royal Bank Cup for speed h,'Fine V idco tending more or less for f un. To get 1 and accuracy in typewriting wasSa be a sit h tesewoud1 presenteti by Mr. I. .. He!eytaSa ta Clauis NW ill Ail extremely di!! icuit. Marion Glanville, and the Banik o! Pddress is Uiven Despite depression n the world Commerce prize a! $500 t as5h was A rrive in Town thee i nodepesionin he cholpresentedl by.Dr. G. . Bonnycastie st ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ trly3pm j r aryatesi.a hr sth oVoe cetr.M.A e sh biggest registration at the present Gregor presented the prizes donat- Iy Pa line .' YVuaU time ini the school's history. In,'ed by hiniself and Miss H. McGre-1 S t r a 3 p.m view o! the economic situation how- gar for best student in Middle achool1 ever the school was being conducted in Latin and Greek. Leonard Wil- p Brilliant Young St ud e nt understaffed. eaitinrsts son, by reversion ta Margaret Wight- Kiddies of Entire District'-é Presents Thoughtful Re- the chairinan pointeti out that 70%ýý "In Old Vienna"Codal Inie toM - ' vîe ofScholLif atinthemidieand upper scbool The entertaiflIfent feature of the Santa and Receive Gift Commencement Exercises favorably wth any schoal in the tion o! tbe musical cometiy -In Old of Candy at Community province. Vienna." the music o! which was Thursday and Friday In addition the school had the directeti by Mr. Francis Sutton, Mus. Christmas Tree best signallitag corps ta Military Bac.. while the school staff aideti With a very District Na 3, won the district In- ta the direction o! the play. The Ramn, snow, storm or sunsbine, evident note o! termediate Championship and in presentation was perhaps the most Santa Claus will arrive in Bowman- other ways proveti itself worthy o! interesting anti best receiveti put on ville punctuafly at 3 o'clack on t tadness and re- those students wha have gone be- by the students in some years. urday aiternoon on bis annual1%î gret, Miss Paul- fore. The parts in the performance to the kitidies of West Durham. He ine Wagar, the In concluding, the chairman were ably taken by students o! thewill ho met north of Bowmanvllle by daughter o! Mr.pomnteti out that the greatest in- school. and f rom the audience there a local truck, anti when lie reaches and Mrs. G. L.fuec over a student is in the seemed te lie no prompting what-1 the place wbere no mare snow 13 Wagar, anti out home andi not ta achool. andi he ap- ever. The acting was very gooti. the available for hina to drive Itt town standing stutient pealed ta the parents ta take a live- vocal salas excellent, andthte chorus bis sleigbs wi be loaded on the o! the 1933 grati- ly interest ta their student cidren, singing o! a very bigh order. Per- truck anti he wi.l corne the romain- uating class, de- anti they would be rewartiet with haps the only criticism that one img portion o! the way ta this man- liveredtheui vale- greater accomplishnients. coulti off er is that the charuses were ner. When lie reaches the King an.d dictory address at Followtag a piano solo, e!!ectively (Cantinueti on page 7) Scugog Street intersection lie la ta the High School___________________ ______- be met bY the Canadian Legion et ommnce e tBanti who will escort bim througli onThursday and the business section ta the vacant c- Paullne Wagar Fritiay. The adi- M * n M s A.H d y H n rdlot extt lemens' GaraerH dres whch as wll resntedandM r.and rs.F. u H a dy ono ed te dostad camniti o hrita c otthaugbtfully composeti, Golden trom he Msayor and fwll h prpsent ff produced bere: u u1 qusre a Santa will receive a civic welcome 1"As representative o! the 1933 W he G odenW ed iee, b ere rm h ao adwnbepeet e- giaduating class I am here ta bîi et with the key to the tewn, cm- ro the schoal !arewell. It is bard ta loon il o- MKSRPR blematic o!. the freedam o!f the bor-.- oýelz htwe are saying good-bye BAf terBowPresidentu- MPercyNN CoREbOR ouo! ta our High Scboal life, anti that the AtrPeietPryCreto on ýltl daily joys anti worries will nev- pie Receive Handsome tbe Business Men's Association bas iebcor gi.We have et them. welcomed ina on behaf o! t.at -ta learn new and mre wonderful Rai From Relatives - sponsoring body, Santa wll com- mneta distribute the hundreds of -e phases o! li!e, it is truc, but not H m o e fFo -bg fcnyadnt otecid ily without a certain poignant regret-, o eaBwro lw asfcnyat ust h hli Ider fulness. We will remember such lit- ers as Friends Caîl to Ex- ren. Andi there'll be plenty of canftv lice tde things; we wiil remember >aow. for Santa announced ti. et.~i :on- the lake looketif!rom 4th Form win- tend Congratulations the, Business Men on Monday tlîal Lidow on a misty morning; we wiUl re- be was bringing with bim 350 SW. member bow Mr. Ingham brought HADDV-VOUNG--Ifl Bowmanvilie on pud fcnyad5 onso 3a-us La Presse, a Montreal newspaper, Decemnber 5th, 1883, at the residence of pa-"s late a!ter New Year's: how one day ta- the bride's father, by Rev. E. R. Young,.ide r sedt ea rel x!ul wards the endi o! June the Scrcecb SMr. Fred Hladdy, Toronto, and Miss as possible andt t do just wbat those i-Owl apereti' how we discussed the Elizabeth Young, eldest daughter of business men in charge o! thc ai- ita- exam papers very heatediy; anti bow Charles 'Young, Esa.. nierchant. Bow-farisuc hmtdoAtaeet To- tireti we werc after commencement. inanville. visit o! Santa Clans to a nearby mer Howevcr. certain events stand out Fif ty years ago on Tuesday, Dec. town one chilti bat two broken arms above others wben wc 1ook back over th, this worthy couple reachedthUc ata aethfe r sm h Ldr"'i halfour igh choo couse.The Lit. 50th miiestone o! a happily marrietiat aehr aieciddei tecl Society programts came bcktouslife. anti the love andi esteem inm baoge andistobe oPth1-ýAtar. fo! more or less vividly, the various which tbey are held int the com- bg n tLet ehjd1htpr )te pîsys we have put on, and o! course munity anti by their !riends was curwl eeta hsdcf o c telast year's Belle a! Bagdad. We re- tetfet hn seea elgtu again. hflcaîl the fieldi days and the sparts funictians were heiti to mark this Evcry kitidie ta Bowma Ville, Dar- anti the ever recurring exam weeks. Golden AClareniversaryndsur Not dnAnvray rounding countryside las invitedti < ou-teAt Homnes. the !orm parties, the on Saturday evening the children oeadmtSnaon aury day is.nti i, ndthifkiogrbacthecan w andi grandchîldren. also Mr. and ai ternoon. He arrives at 3 o'cloek the as n ntikn ak e Mrs. L. K. Farr anti Doris o! Orillia s0 that ail will have ample time to rrcd renernber anything of aur lessons. Miss Atidie Cawker. Miss Cora M. D.W .Brsgtit onbfr earvs ren l eoeffhfr may, haveSctofTrnoadMsH.W Merchants are maklng their stores cul henirel rgaten hagubt wN ae o Foster, tbe bridesmaiti o! !iftY years Medical Officer o! Hcalth for Bow- specially attractive for the occasion bndefeateti at Waterloo in 1815. that ago anti sister o! the bride, were manville, whose annuai report anti it wUll present an ideal oppor- >ck- tbe opening uines o! Andrea Del Sar- present at a bappy family party shows Bowmanville ta be in a most tunity for Christmas shoppers to - teae"utd o ltukuarlwe this hlghly respecteti couple heaitby condition, ta presentet in look over their stocks even if they nes., Cniutio ae3 were presentet i wth a bandsome t isssue. are not preparedt t buy. D,_n_________onpag_ 3 radio. Greetings were sent on this in ~~occasion fram Mr. W.Lckato ýam- Before a fair sizeti audience in the Columbuis, Ohio, brother o! the the Town al on Saturday, Wm. Irvine. Reeve o! Bowmanvilie. wbo was the Du eredi M.P., anti Miss Lamra Cotten, P1i.D., groomsâman at the ceremony 50 Report Sh w owmanvule i eaty I be outlined the policies o! the C.C.F. years ago._____________ Uic ovemtit xpresta the belle! thatn sunday a!ternaon the Sundayl XTYT«RgnlLln An %TnT Tr«RArV r7G BOWMAINVILLL, UINI., #tAl, ýV"- il (.Ee . 'kib- NUMBER 49 1