PAGM TEREN THE CA1ÇADIAI4 STATESMAN, BOWMANV]LLE. THURSDAY, DECEMBER '11h, 1933 Work is Eazier Now Fat Has Gone ,# "I was so tout about il months ago," a woman wrtes, "that I be- came a burden ta myself. Then muscular rheumatism set tata mY joints, and I had ta, go on sticks for some time. Then I started ta take Kruschen Saîts, and I am overjoyed with the results I have derived from them. Hanestly, I had no ides one could feel so different in such a shart time. Since taking Kruschen, I have 1051 nearly 28 lbs. ai super- fluous fat. I can now run about as well as when I was 20, cook, work, and attend to seven growlng child- ren."-(Mrs.) G. H. Unlike certain drastie drugs, Kru- achen does nat aim ta, reduce by, rushing food through the body; itsl action is nat canflned toa susigle part o!f1the system. It bas a tonic influence upon every organ ai eUlm- inatian. every gland, every nerve, ev- ery vein. Gently. but surely, it rida ýthe system ai ail fat-forming refuse, ai ail poisans and harmiul acids which give rise ta rheumatiam, di- jestive disarders. and many ther 11. S : '4r.5 A Mother's Duty Is to Guard Her Children's HEALTH MIothers - if you want ta keep your children healthy and happy follow the advice of Icading physicians - give your child at least a quart of milk a day. Pure, whole milk is the key ta health, for it gives Pro- per nourishment that builds up resistance ta disease and 1 promotes steady, healthy grow- th. For milk at its very best telephone 446 or 703. Bowmanville Dairy Your Laundry DONE THE TRRIFT WAY 9 Lbs. for 75c 7c per lb. additianal Ail fiat work finished. Goads calied for and dcliv- ened. Wark dane by Baw- manville people. Salis!fac- tion guaranteed. Marjorau' s Laundry Phone 478 King St. E. Valeclictory At Hints For Commencement Homebodies Wrltten for The Stateaman (Cofitiflued firom page 1) By Jessie Allen Brown any more, No My Lucrezia," or that________________ the volume of a sphere is Ail the many incidents - that are Mk ee ead past now - mingle in our memory, Mk ee ead surrounded by a hase and yet at the There are some organisations that saine time by a sort of halo, do flot know there is a depression Of course we wish toascknowledge on. They are stili making the saine our debt ta, the teachers; yet why demands in money and food that should we remember them ail here they were in gaod times. Each or- by naine? Each was a master in his ganization should study and see or lier line, and we humbly thank what expenditurea can be lessened them for ail they gave us. Few peo- or dlscontinued entirely for a time., ple f ully appreciate whst an inf lu- There are many women wha have ence a teacher bas over a student, had to drop out af things complete- and few stlucents, I fear, f ully ap- ly because of the demand. made an preciate just haw much the teacher them; yet this is a time when peo- is doing for them at the time. We ple need their friends and their out- who are going sway, now realise sicle contacts. Have you noticed the what wonderful teachers we had; different wsy women are carrying and they were wonderful, every one their herdupness? Some are very af them. Let us ta proud about it and by na reference them, too, that even when we were af their',s do they allaw you ta infer perverse and neglected our lessons, that they may be hsving money dif- deep within us we could not help ficulties. Some simply drap out oi but admit their noble efforts to things and avaid contacts. Others teach us the truth. 1 rankly state their position. I heard How ahcient and wise we feel one woman say 'if there is to be a when we think af those good aid fe I cannat join as my husband bas days -xhich proves 110w very youngj been out ai work for aver a year.' jwe really are." We are youth, There always hsd been a iee but standing tiptoe an the edge af the -feeling that there might be others world. u ondering vaguely what dis-1 similarly situated who would ssy illustionnments 111e will bring us. We nothing. I questioned the necessity are eager and expectant; 111e .vill of the fee. The majority agreed flot clsappaînt us, while we keep that the ice could be discontinued. faith in it andt while we keep faith It was. and aur membership has in- wvîîh it. Sehool should teach us the creased. It takes money ta run finest and highest ideals: l11e aiter- things but many ai the expenditures Iwards shauld 'teach us ta live Up ta can be cut out completely for the them. I*: is a man's dreamis and time being. There are many de- ambitions that make him whst he mands for contributions of food ta is: therefore high schaol students. be met. Samnetimes I think that believe in what is nablest and strive Napalean's well knovrn saying might ta brin- out. the best that i.a inl 3-u; apply ather places and it might be watch that you choose for yourseli said that 'the Çhurch travels on ils the wvorthiest aspirations, as we wh stoach.' A bite to est and a cup are leavlng shall watch ta be true ai tes certainly increases sociability ta themn. but il is flot necessary that every Do you eall those af us wha are time that twvo or three are gathered entering university lucky, and look together there should be something on college as a far off unattainable ta est. Most af us eat, taa afi ten any- goal? It is one ai thase ideals with haw snd people wha need outslde .vhich every first former shauld start contacts mnight be able ta continue off: for ta fail in a high ideal is them if they were flot called an so But college is s wonderiul exper- C ide ' ok ience. a iurther training for lii e Cide' a wark. To give aur best ta the world. If any ai you are buying books for we must develap ta 1the full aur awn Sunday sehoal. or school prizes or, peculiar abilities, which callege helps have any influence with those wha 1 us ta do - there are any number ai are doing the buying. do use it and, difierent courses iram which ta try ta get books that are worth hav- choase. Calege shauld be thought ing instead ai some ai the tripe that ai as an impossibility. for as mast is dished out for prises. Sametimes af you have heard rather allen. -you ta look at the results you wauld can't stop one who keeps galng.- think that the buyers shut their eyes The persan wha truly wants ta go ta and made a grab al the nearest college will flnd his wsY there soan- book. There are msny beautiful er or later. books which are beyand the price ai Mfter ail this warld is a wanderiul th1e average giver but there are place in which ta live. Thcre is s0 many good standard editians ai very much beauty and loveliness. gooct books which coat no more than inixed with just the right amaunt of 1the poar stuif that is aiten baught. trouble and sorraw, there is s0 very Prises are usually valued by the wn- much worthwhile for which ta live: ner and are treasured, sa pick some- 1best ai ail there is the inspiration ai thing that is warthy. the past, and the hope ai the future. Books are ane of the very nicest of Sameone has said "we can only re- Christmas gif ta. When yau choase .psy aur debt ta the past by putting cide' ok ecrflta h the future in dbt ta us." It i la rn s bo tosm aî. lth mode strange ta think t ai ofthe genera-pbook s nare much be.Tter inthisre- tions that have worked and playedbokar uh etrinhsr- here just as we have warked and spect. I had no ides there was such playd. Dd thy lok frwar toa difierence until aur children re- psaned d hey 1oo k r fr owarinta usd ta read my books. Scribner's ing generatians?. When we think ai have an editian ai such standard the miracle that is aur lii e we are books as Jules Verne's Twentyl very umblein reallzing what a re- Thousand Leagues Under the Ses very hubil ehaet epipu. that is in large print and well illus- Our sacred duty is nat merely toate hc el o olr live up ta 1the past but to live s0 Even the teenies should have their that the future will be proud ai aur books. The firaI boaks should be example. That is the true schoal pictures mostly. Choose pictures ai syrit. Hcw. can we look the new familiar things without tao much 2r-nerat4on in the face if we have detail. Scrap books are goad books failed aur obligations? We who are for the small child and the aIderI lcaving yau. ask aur indulgence for brother or sister may enjoy making I aur wealknesses, your appreciation ai one. The magazines, specially the cur good points, as we pass on into advertisements, supply a wealth ai yaur keeping the torch ai iaith; aur material. Ail children lave th1e nur- prayers for your succeas are with sery rhyxnes and there are many yau: may you nasa it an in your lavelY copies ta be abtained. Re- tu n with a brîghter. clearer flame. member not taa, much detail in the I~~~~~~~~ --_______ ___ __illustrations. They will like the Beatrix Patter books. I neyer saw a BUCKLEYS Gives You For child that did not lave Little Black More For Your Money Samba. The Christ Child by Miki 1155 very little reading matter snd Buckley's go«s many times as fa as ordimary lovely simple pictures. Little Prin- cough remedies, because it can be diuted with cesa Nina, Heidi, Katrinka, Johnny water rithout imparing t manellou hating C 1esGreA ltIa o and soothing qulities, and beeause onîy a few rw rre, ltIo o doses are needed to put the most stubborts Parthing. and Clever Bill, are ail well cough or cold out of business. Even one si liked. The aId favorites Swiss Pamn- Of BuckleY's gives unmistaltable relief. iyRbno.Rbno rse a That'a why people say. "Ir arI tslt* a ls SayRbinucn.lRbinrson re al- -"A single sip prove it". SweHclbryFn r l No dope - no sweet oicklysru bt a y5 eniayed. Then there is Flans sciestific formula that top the COUgbeAlS Brinker. The Silver Skates, Wind in and soohes. Pay sale. Refus substitutes. the Wilawrs. Lisbeth Longfrock. BuckloIy's i sold everywhee. I Children of the Mountain Eagle, and1 1 th1e Doctor Doalittie books. Cblidren shauld ail have th1e oppartunity ta read The Jungle Books and The Just Sa Staries. They are lavely ta read alaud. as is Alice in Wonderlsnd. Most amaîl children lave poetry, ev- en wben they do nat understand it they enjay 111e rythm. It you want1 to make readers ai your chilciren, read ta them when îhey are little and as they grow alder have books abouît that they may brawse at. Sometimes it ta fatal ta recommend 9, book ta a child, but leave that same book casually about and they iil read it avidly. There are so many books ta chaase from that I feel 11151 1 have .iust tauched 111e fringes, but perbapa I have mention- ed some that are new ta yau and remind 3yau ai athers. Mince Meat 1 lb. raisins. 2!4 lb. mixed Peel, 3 lba. apples. 1 lb. currants, 1 lb. suet, 1 'ý Ibs. brawýn sugar juice and rind ai 1 lemon and 2 orangea. 14 as. mixed spice. 1 teaspoan saît, 12_ cup eider. Put raisins, currants. apples, peel, oranges and lemon through the gninder and add other ingredients and mix tharoughly. Store in cov- ered crack or in jars. Imperial Cake 1 lb. butter, 1 cup sugar, 5 eggs, 2 teaspoans leman juice. i2 lb. sul- tans raisins, cup walnuts. 2 cups flour, 14ý teaspoan soda, grated mmnd 12 lemnon, ý-' cup candied cherries. Cream butter and sugar and add beaten egg yalks. Add lemon and sift in th1e ilaur and soda, reserving a little ta dredge fruit and cboppe-d nuls. Beat tharaughly. Add fruit and iald in beaten egg whitea. Bake far 112 boums aI 325 degrees. A HEALTH SERVICE 0F TH E CANADIAN MEOICAL ASSOCIATION ANO LIFEIO INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA ZI DISTRESS, DISEASE AND DEATH When il is realized thal distreas,ý disease and even deatb may iallowl upan 111e use o! food, it becomes ab- viaus that as we are al imequent and regular consumera aifaod, we shouid be iniormed an this subject. We might begin by carmecting ai comman misunderstanding. There is ne such thing as ptomaine poison- ing, as 1the term. ta commanly used. There ARE ptomaines. and they ARE paisanous. but they are flot present in f ood which can be eaten. Ptomaines are praduced in the late stages ai putrefactian, when food is in such a condition Ihat no one wauld est IL Ilt i well known Ihat, at certain seasons, some fishes and animais are unwholesame. We knaw 100 that there are some poisonaus vegetable f oads. such as in t11e group ai mush- roams and ather fungi. The real danger ta us, however, cames f ram foads which. in 111cm- selves, are periectly harmiess, but which may and do become danger- oua if they are contaminated by cer- tain bacteria or germa. Some changes in faods, which result irom th1e action ai germis. are deairable, such as 111e souring af milk. 111e msking ai cheese and sauer kraut. The effecta ai a few germs are barmful and dangeraus. Botulism is a iorma!f food poison- ing which, iortunately, is rame, be- cause it is deadly. Il is caused by th1e poison 11151 is given off by a germ. In this country, most casez have esulted f rani t1e use ai home- canned vegetables, where, in 111e canning process. sufficient, heat has nat been used ta stemilize t11e food or destroy th1e germa. This paison is meadily destrayed by heat, and If these canned fooda are bailed befome being used, tbey are rendered aie. The comman iorm a! food pois- aning. which begins with nausea. abdominal pain. vamiting and diar- rhaea, and which la populamly, but erroneously. knawn as ptamaine poiaoning, la seldoni fatal. Il is caused by th1e actian of any one oi severai germas which are related 10 the germ af typhaid fever. As a mule, il is due ta 111e careleas hand- Jing ai food or ta improper coaking. There is no danger in iresb fruits or vegetables. Cooked fooda should be kept cald or bat; they should flot be ailowed to stand for any length af lime at a luke-warm temperature, as that offers gema an excellent chance ta gnaw. Foods that do flot look mîghl, or whicb have a peculiar or unusual taste or odour should be avaided. Canned fooda shauld be boiled 6eiore being used. Questions concernlng Health, ad- dressed ta 111e Canadian Medical Association, 184 Callege Street, Ton- onto, wlll be answered persanally bY le Item. For Prost Bites and Chilblains.- Christmas Presentation oF Linens An Interesting Event Continuing Through the Entire Month of December Linens and Handkerchicfs as gits are always appreciated and answer CJhristmas Gltt probles very satisfactorily. We extend. to you a cordial invitation to visit aur store to see our "Rtose of Sharon" Linens., Fine snowy linens, exquisite patterns and quality s0 fime, lustrons and long- wearing that one ofthUe tablecloths or a dozen napkims will be a treasured possession for a long, long Urne1 THE WORLD IS WHAT WB MAKE IT Prom "The Golden Robin" published in 1868 Oh, caîl it flot s vale ai tears, A world af ain and sarraw; One-hal.! the grief that o'er us cames From self we aiten borraw. The earth is beautiful and gaad, How lang will men mistake il? The folly is within aurselves, The world la as we make It. Did we but strive ta, make the best 0f trouble that befalla us, Instead ai meeting cames bal! way, They would flot so appaîl us. Earth bas a speli for loving hearta, Why should we seek ta break il' Let's scatter f lowers instead af thos- The wold is what we make it. If truth and lave and gentie wards, We taok the pains ta naumish. The seeds ai discantent wauld die, And peace and comiort ilourish. Oh, bas flot each some kindly tho't? Then let'sata once awake it; Believing that for gaad or ili The world is what we make it. 4> MADEIRA PILLOW CAS ES 22 x 33-inch Dainty Hand- Embroidered Hemstitched Ma- deire Pillow Cases, fine quality cottan and embroidered in at- tractive Basket and Butterfly designs. Christmas Presenta- tian Price, Per Pair $1.979 . PILLOW CASES Irish Linen Italian Henistitched 21 x 33-lnch Pure Irish Lin- en Italian Hemstitchcd PilIow Cases, good durable quality, nicely woven. Each pair boxed Individually and ribboned with silk. Christmas Presentation Price, Per Pair TEA SET Printed and Embroidered Pure Irish Linen Printed and Embroidered Tes Set, consist- ing ai anc 35 x 35-inch Cloth and 4 Napkins ta match. These sets are printed in pastel cal- orings and embmoidered i dainty designs, Green, Gold, Blue. Each set neatly boxed. Christmas Presentation Pnice,$2 2 Per Set . . 2 2 FACE TOWELS 17 x 30-inch Pure Linen Hemstitched Huckaback Face Towels, woven with design and colored bauds in Blue, Lavender, Peach, Gold. Chrismas Presenta- 44)c TEA OR BRIDGE CLOTH Very Outstanding Value 36 x 36-inch Pure Irish Lin- en Tes Cloth, evenly woven and embroidered i attractive designs lin Gald, Bine, Rose, Green, Tangerie. Christmas Presentatian Price each.59 Florentine Linen TEA CLOTH A Tea Cloth That Is Definitely Different 36 x 36-inch fine Florentine Linen, cream shade, with lace tniinming, scallaped edges, and dainty Italian embroidery. Christmas Presentation Price, Each .. ..$1 .419 MADEIRA TEA SETS A Variety ai Desiga Pure Linen Hand-Embroid- ered Madeira Tes Sets, con- sisting of one 36x36 inch Cltyth and 4 Napkins to match. At- I tractive designs and cach set neatly boxed. Christmas<~ Presentation $ Price, per set .$2e3 !RISH PILLOW CASES Each Pair in GGlU Box 21 x 34-inch Daintily Em- broidered Irish PlIow Cases. A wlde varlety of designa wlth colored embroldery and color- cd appliques. Each pair neatly boxed. Christnmas Presenta- tion Price, Per Pair .....$ 15 MADEIRA TEA NAPKINS 11 x 11-inch Pure Linen Hand-Embroidered Mad e 1Ira Tes Napkins, dainty cmbroid- ered patterns and scallaped edges. Christmas Presentation Price, '~dazen for Florentine Linen BRIDGE SETS Be sure to sec these, they'll please you! Here is an outstandmng value. Florentine Linen Bridge or Tea Set, consisting af anc 36 x 36 inch Cloth and 4 Nspkins to match, embroidered in a wide vsriety of patterns and color- ings with over-locked edges. Christmas Presentation Price, Per Set TABLE RUNNERS Hand Embroidercd Pure Linen Table or Dresser Runners, hand embroidered in fancy colarings and designs. Three sizes, 18x36, 18x45, 18x 54. Christmas Presentation Price, any size, 1 0 E$1., GLASS TOWELS 20 x 30 inch Pure Irish Lin- en Hemrncd Glass Towels, wo- yen with 1-inch colored bor- ders in Gold, Blue, Rose or Green. Christmas Presentation Price, ea,51 WAL1<ER STOR~ES PHONE 164 IL§ hil IEID BOWMANVILLE OBITUARY John James Ferguson, London There pasaed awsy in Victoria Hospital, London, on November 13, John James Fergusan. beloved hua- band ai Margaret Alice Meadd, in his 78th year. Mr. Ferguson was born in Cart- wright township, Durham Caunty. His father was Jashua Fergusan and his mother. Ann Devitt. In 1882 he maveci ta the aeventh concession ai McQillivray. where he cleared a f srm and built s home. He is survived by bis wife, wbo lives in Goderich; three brathers, Sam W. ai Gorrie, William C. ai Northpart, and Rev. H. T. Fergusoni ai London; also by one sister, Mrs. Annie Girvin ai Gaderich. He waai pedeceased by a brother, Rev. J. J. 1 Fergusan ai Meadowvale, and a ais- 1 ter, Mrs. Sarah Evans ai Gorrie. Surviving also are seven children: Harry, ai Cliffard; Fred L., Guelph; Clarence M.. af Columbus, Ohio; Mrs. Arthur Gray ai Parkhill; Mrs. P. H. Parratt, ai Portland, Oregon; Mrs. Normis Janes, ai Sacramento, and Mrs. Frank Marwick, ai Guelph. Faurteen grandchildren alsa survive. Funemal services were canducted on Wednesday. Navember l5th, f rom the home ai hia daugbter, Mrs. Ar- thur Gray. followed by buial in Parkhill Cemetery. Rev. P. H. Law- son, af Sylvan United Church, con- ducted the service. The music waa provided by the chair af Centenary Church where Mr. Ferguson was for yesrs an active member. The paîl bearera were three sans.' Harry, Fred and Clarence; two sons- in-law. Arthur Gray and Frank Marwlck, and a nephew. Everett Corbett. ai Brinsley.-Parkhlll Gaz- ette. A CALL TO INDEPENDENT FABM PEOPLE On Thursday, December 14,, dur- ing the week af their annual con- vention, The United Farmers ai On- taria will throw their doors open ta ail farm people ai the province who are desimaus ai framing and aup- parting a vigorous independent ag- ricultural program deigned ta as- sure immediate relief and bing about permanent recovemy. This Farmers' Mass meeting whlch Ia not in any sense a part ai the U. F. O. convention will be held in the Kilng Edjward Hotel, 35 King Street East, Toronto, beglnnlng pramptly at 1.30 p. m. If more than one session la requlred the meeting wlll be allowed ta continue into an evening session. A cordial Invitation la extended ta aIl independent thlnking farm peo- ple ta be present. Many people mistake actlvity for efficiency. vu More Baking Champions ~1 Mlrs. (,eo ie asi ù 51A5nes Campbehl ouey..d Pars>' Saun "I neyer tried Five Rases Flour for cake until this contect "3 said Miss Agnes Campbell, who won the P County Pnize for Cake ini the Five Roses B "cbaugb I've used Five Rases for 15 years fa roUs." N And, judging by reports from a number of otbe winners, sbe's flot the only one wbo bas mnade tbe pie discovery that Five Roses Flour makes excellent cakes. Mrs. George Wbite, winner of tbe Parry Sound Caunty Pnize for Bread, knew beforeband of the ali-pur pose value of Five Roses, sbesasys, as sbe bas used it for 15 years for cakes, bread and ail forma of bome-caoking and con- siders ht "the best on the market". Mrs. S. W. Croxail, of Uxbridge, Ontario County prize- winner for bread, had used ht in ber borne for the pust 10 years, for bread, biscuits and cake. Other County Wlnners (Judged 170e. Novi. 15th ta 25i5) VICTORIA-Cake: Mr. Jarvis Stoddart, Woodville; Bread: Mns. Orley Brintnlil. Woodvilr. ONTARIO-Cakr: Mrs. Art. St. John, Uxbridge. MUSKOKA-Cake: Mrs. Wm. Cockford, Frazerburgh; Bread: Mrs. Wtll Draper, <,ravcnhurst. SIMCOE-Cake: Mns. R. Jermey, Hawkestone, R.R. 2-. Bread: Miss Mary Guthrie. Shanty Bey. DUFFERIN-take: Mrs. T. Reid. Waldemar. SaR. 1; Bread: Mss. W. 1.. Johtsston, Orangeville, R.R. 3. County Champions decided from Nov. 28th ta Dcc. 6th, will be antsounced later. Judging ens da iiweek fot the Christmas seeson.. It wiii resumne in januery in Essex, Kent, Lasnbton, etc. FIVIE ROSES FLOUR Milled by LAKE 0F THE WOODS MILLING CO. Limited Officns as TORONTO OTTAWA LONDON HAMILTON BRANTFORD SUDBURY SAULT STE. MARIE, ONT.; ad MONTREAL, P.Q. e Wie are the sale agents in this district for the famous "Rose af Sharan" Linens - as they embrace too wide s variety te, describe here we wiould salicit yotir inspection.