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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1933, p. 6

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PAGE S]~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECElMBER 7tli, 1933 KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOP is full of attractions and is well worth a visit. Christmas Baskets Christmas Novelties Christmas Plants Christmas Wreaths Goldflish and Aquarium Order now for Christmas dclivery. We can also deliver ta other towns and countries for which service we would ap- preciate carly orders. Visitons ta the Santa Claus Par- ade should flot miss seeing the Kingsway Flower Shap. WEEKLY HINT NO. 5 Hause plants should not lie allowed o stand in water. Kingsway Flower Shop W. E. GROVES Box 163 - Bowmanville, Ont. Phone Day or Night 72 r. './ X Marks the Spot Bad Brakes New brakes or relined brakes - wbateven you nced in the way of brake service or brake repairs ean be had here now wthout delay and before high- er winter prices begin. Get set for the bad winter weather with an early eaU for safety's sake. Clemeams' Garage OPPOSITE A. & P. STORES BOWMANVILLE FNORTH NESTLETON <-> Little YAeverly Black lias measles. Mn. PRaîpl Saddler visited at Mm. Wilfred Williams'. Mm. Harold Ncslitt visited at Mm. Harold Porteous'. Mm. Howaoed WiUliams lias pîcurisy. We wish him a speedy reccvery. Mr. and Mrs. John Watson have moved ta their now home in Cae- samea. Mm. and Mrs. Tom Perigoe have moved ta the farm formerîy owned by Mm. Watson. Sorry to repart Mrs. Wesley Camp- bell is in the liospital in Little Brit- ain for treatment. Hope she will enjoy lietter health whcn she cames home.-i Mr. and Mms. Herbert Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor and f am- lly vlsited Mm. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm. Service in the United Churcli on Sundlay a! ternoon was well attend- cd. The men's chair furnishcd the -music whicli was vemy mucli apprcc- -4The Sunday Sehool are liold- -'nual concert and Christ- ~~'iday, Dcc. 22nd. There -%r citicizP > %kAYDON ings ~r- Id _, Anne Trewin, Columibus, <~ited at lier home on Sunday. Misses Verna and Vera Griffin, ukton, vsîted at Mm. A. Beech's, ecently. Mrs. W. Ridge, Miss Margaret Ridge, and Mm. Wm. Dobson, Toron- ta, Sunday at Mm. J. Wrîght's. Mms. Wesley Thompson spent a few days this week at hem mother's. Mrs. MacDonald, Bowmanville. Messrs Clarence Avery, Cecil Slemon and Elmor Slemon visited frlends in Toronto last weck and at- tended tie Royal Wintem Faim. Several f rom home attended the Commencement Exorcises at Bow- unanville Higli School. Congratula- tions ta Miss Viola Bradley on receiving tlie modal for Girls' Junior Cliampionship and ta Mm. Bort Ashton on mceivîîîg a diploma. eague meeting Tuc.scay evening opened with the President Miss Mabel Beeci in charge. A hyma was sung after whieli aIl ecatect "The Lomd's Prayer." Vice Pros., Miss Freda Bradley took the chair and the following progra mwas givexi.I Bible reading, Miss Ada BE ci:l interesting talk liy Mr. Earl Steph- enson an "The Four Jowels;" vocal duet by Misses Lamnas Tlompson and Maliel Beedi; eading, Miss Viola Bradley; Miss Marion Pickard. Bow- manville, a epresentative of the Oshawa Presbytomy, gsve a short talk, explaining the work being donc and the aims a! the Presliytory. Meeting closed witli Mizpah Bene- diction. HAMPTON Mrs. J. R. Knox was in Toronto on Thursday. Arnold Sewell attended the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. Mr. Stanley Cowlîng, Peterboro, spent the wcekend at home. Mr. Wilfrid O. Smalc is at home with his mother Mrs. Ida Smalc. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn spent Sunday and Monday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Trull were Royal Winter Fair vîsitors in Tor- onto. Mrs. Harold Allin and daughter Joyce are visîting relatives in Belle- ville. Mrs. Clifford Calwill spent the weekend wth hem mother, Mrs. Braund, Oshawa. Mm. and Mms. C. Dunlop, Cold- water. wemc Sunday visitars with Mr. and Mrs. Theo Salter. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur at- tendcd. the Royal Winter Faim and visited Toronto fiends. Mr~. Wilf mcd Smale. who has been employed near Cobiourg for sorte months, lias eturned home. Mm. Chas. Martin, Vancouver, vis- ited relatives here eently and took treat.ment while cast at Dm. Locke's at Williamsbumg. Mms. John Willis and grand- daugliter. Doeen Pyott, Toronto, visited the fammers father, Mm. J. Colwvill, over the weekend. Mm. Clifford Horn and Misses AI- oha and Naomi Horn. Peterbaro. weme Sunday visitors with Mm. and Mrs. C. E. Horn and allier relatives. A numnbem 0f menî had a wood lie at the bush on Tucsday for Mm. J. R. Knox who is laid up witli a bmok- en hip, the esult of a ecent acci- dent. Mrs. Ida Smale and hem son, John Wesley, viited hem mother and sis- ter, Mms. Caroline Hartford and Mrs. MeBride. Toronto, and also visitedÉ Bethany frlends. Miss Ruth Johns entertained the ladies of the young ladies' bible lass on Fridow afternoon when a pleas- ant time was spent with their knit- ting. sewing. tatting, etc., also dur-g ing the tea hour. The play "Ficklc Fortune" put on by Manchester dramatists on Thurs- day, November 23rd, was veiry well attended. Mm. Wilson, with aceor- rr deon, and Rcv. J. O. Tottan with I vocal numbers, and Mms. Tottan andA Miss Nomali Horn, with piano duets, i supplied the music between acts.A The evening's entetainment was t, under the auIspices 0 f the W.C.T.U. t The Sunday services were held as t, usual, Missianary Sunday lieing ob- served in the afternoon at Sunday sehool. with Mrs. Gea. Barman, Mis- sionary Supt. in charge. Mrs. A. E. i.s Billett told an intercsting story ta the children. Rev. W. Raekham oc- c( cupied his pulpit in the evening. wý Miss Ruth Johns and Mr. Douglas di ENNISKILLEN Miss Grace Welsh, Bowmanville, visited with Miss Alice Ashton. Miss Marion Grifn visited her aunt, Mrs. Lamne Griffan, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. D. Burgrniaster re- turned home f rom Buffalo an Sat- urday. Our -Sunday School is making plans ta have their annual Christ- mas tree. Miss Maudie Ashton, Toronto, Mr. Ira Travelle, Oshawa, visited at the former's home., Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wcrry visited lis brother. Mr. Fletcher Wery, Kedran, on Monday. Miss Bernice Stainton. Toronto, spent the wcckcnd with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Staintan and san Clifford, Toronto, spent the weekend with her mather, Mrs. J. Pye. Our pastor, Rev. J, M. Whyte, gave a fine sermon on Sunday, from the text "The four different kinds of sail." Mr. George Cawling and son Gar- don have moved into Mr. Levi Brunt's house, farmerly David Brunt's. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webbcr, Bow- manville, Mr. Alymer Herring, Osh- awa, visited the latter's mother, Mrs. Wm. Herring. Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Miss Margaret Dalton, Messrs. Orville and Bruce Ashton attended Commencementr Exercises at Bowmanville Highr School. Mrs. C. Stevens, Hampton. andD sons Robert and Upton, and grand-c son Billie, Bowmanville. Mrs. Wal- ter Rahm. Clem and Donald, Union, r visited Mrs. M. A. Griffin.11 yaur many and varied acts of ser- vice among us. With this gif t go1 aur best wishes for your future suc-1 cess and happiness. Signed in behaif of the Berean1 class, May Courtice, Maud E. Oke,1 M. E. Rundle, Ruth Keane Wolf- raim. Mrs. Caurtice thanked the ladiesi in a very kindly manner and wished' aUl to came and seeher in her new home. Rackhamn sang a very appropriate duet which was much appreciated. Looking for Christmas Gi! ts you will be delighted with the fine as- sortment you will find at Horn's Store. Real values in men's silk ties, regular 35e to 50c, for 25c; fan- cy socks ranging in price f rom 23c to 50c; fancy clishes, odd pieces, in good fancy designs, and pleasing novelties in a lovely assortmnent; ladies' handkerchiefs in fancy boxes 25e to 50c, also in genuine pure lin- en at 3 for 35c, singles for children and adults, 5c ta 25c each. Very extra value in Christmas cards, also dolls and other toys; also many other Unes that we invite you to inspect. i SOLINA Mr. Jack Waterhouse spent the weekend in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. L. Miller and Clif- ford vislted at Newburg. Remember the Division meeting Thursday evening, Dec. l4th. Miss Evelyn Tink visited at Mr. Clarence Tink's, Maple Grave. Miss Margaret McXessock visited at Dr. D. E. Steckley's, Oshawa. Miss Margaret McKessock visited Miss Ecina Reynolds, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Les. Thompson, Ty- rone, visited at Mr. J. W. Yellowlees'. Mr. A. L. Pascoe is attending Counties Cauncil at Cobourg this week. Several from here attended Bow- manville High Schoal Commence- ment. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howsami and Mary visited Port Perry friends re- cently.1 Mrs. R. J. McKessock and Miss Ruth visited Miss Margaret Pascoe, Hampton. Mrs. Brummell, Columbus, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parrander. Miss Gertrude Dewell. Bowman- ville, spent the weekend with Miss Ruby Dewell. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Werry, Kedron. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pascoe, Brook- lin. visited Miss Mary Hogarth and Mrs. R. Pascoe. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grooms and family. Toronto. spent Sunday at Mr. S. E. Werry's. Our young people are busy prac- tising for their Christmas concert ta be held Friday, Dec. 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bush. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest DeBarr, Columbus, spent Sunday at Mr. S. Bush's. Mr. Fred Wright, Ridgeville, has been engaged by Mr. Harold Pascoe. We are glad ta have Fred in our community again. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink and family, Ebenezer. Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Tink and family, Maple Grave, visited at Mr. H. E. Tink's. Mr. and Mrs. C. McBride and Burtort, Peterboro, spent Sunday at M'r. George White's. Mrs. White re- turned home with themn for a visit. Women's, Institute meeting will be held Thursday afternoon. Dec. l4th. a.t the home of Mrs. Isaac Hardy at 2 p. m. sharp. Meeting will lie in charge of group two. Roll caîl to be Christmas Thoughts. Looking for Christmas Gift you wili be delighted with the fin as- ortrnent you will find at Hrn's Store. Real values in men's silk ies, regular 35c ta 50c, for 25c; fan- y soeks ranging in price from 23ce to 50c; fancy d.ishes. odd pieces, in t good fancy designs, and pleasing 1 novelties in a lovely assortiment; 1 5c to 50c, alsa in genuine pure lin- a n at 3 for 35e, singles for children 1 and aduits, 5c ta 25e each. Very >tra value in Christmas cards. alsa aIlls and ather toys; also many )ther lines that we invite you to ' ispeet. League meeting Monday evening d as in charge of lst Vice President k Ir. E. R. Taylor. Following pro- h 'arn wa given: Bible reading, Mrs. p *E. Werry; Devotional, Miss May t Vestlake; topic, Mr. W. R. West- tc ke; chorus by Group One; reading. ai Lck Waterhouse; sketch "Christ- Ir as Customs in Other Lands" by CI liss Muriel Baker; solo, Miss Ada Y( lin; reading, Mr. E. R. Taylor; fa rio. E. R. Taylor, Jack Waterhouse,' gi rthur Deboo. Miss Eileen Stain- li Dn, Zion, braught greetings fram la e Presbytery and told of the work ue ey were doing. ta pi ni Trouble is that a man's saul mate yc n't always his sole mate. ca If you are needing a new winter ai cat caîl into Walker Stores thisj ac ,ekend. Every coat is greatly re- el. uced. l a SALEM j The annual Christmas Tree and Concert o! Salem school will be held on Thursday, Dec. l4th. Admission 15e and 10c. 49-1 Mr. and Mrs. W. Fitze, Janetviile, and Mrs. J. Hutcheson, Nestleton, vislted with Mr. and Mrs. G. Cor- nish on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Buttery, baby Doris, and Miss W. Lancaster were Sunday visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster, Newtonville. Rev. A. S. Kerr's splendid sermon at the afternoon service centred around the text "and undcrneatli are the everlasting arms," and con- tained many lnspirlng and helpful messages. Our Y. P. L. meeting took the formi a! a visit ta Maple Grave League on Wednesday evening, Nov. 29th, when about thirty of aur Leaguers liraved the dreadiul rainy niglit and arrlved safely and cnjoyed a pleas- ant evening. They were favared with better weather ta make the homeward trip. EBENEZER W. M. S. will hold its meeting on Monday afternoon, Dec. 11, in the schoal room. Mrs. Bert Wilkins' group in charge. The Tuxis boys met on Thursday evenlng wlth their new mentor, Mr. James Hancock, in charge. Readings were given by Sydney Worden, Alan Vinson, Donald Courtice and Doug- las Oke. New off icers for the coin- ing ycar are: Pretor-.Glen Piekeil; Vice Pretor-Harry Worden; Sec.- Wilfrid Brown: Ass. Sec.-Harold Osborne; Treasurer-Donald Cour- tice. Next meeting in two weeks ta be lield at Sydney Warden's home. The Ladies' Berean Class lield their November meeting on Manday afternoon in the S. S. room with the President, Mrs. B. Oke in the chair. After the opening hymn, Mrs. Blake Courtice led in prayer. Bible reading was given by Mrs. Cecil Found and another hymn sung. Mrs. Wolfraim then gave the tapie on "Friendship" followed by the roll caîl, eaeh res- panding with a verse an "Friend- ship." The devotional peiod closed with a hymn. Eleetion o! afficers for the coming year was as f ollows: Pres.-Mrs. A. J. Gay: lst Vice Pres. -Mrs. Charles Found; 2nd Vice Pres.-Mrs. Cecil Adams; 3rd Vice Pres.-Mrs. Ted Rivett; Seretary- Mrs. Walter Snider; Ass. Se.-Mrs. Cecil Found; Treasurem-Mrs. L. J. Courtice. Group leaders ta be an- nounced later. FoIlowing' program was given: Readings. by Aura Os- borne, Mrs. L. J. Courtice; Sala "Friend of Mine" Mis. Geo. Annis. Accordian music by Sadie Muir with Florence Wilkins at the piano. Meeting closed by ail repeating "'The Lords Prayer." Groups land 2 then served a delightful lunch and a social time was enjoyed. Groups 3 and 4 had charge of the program. N'umber present 28. With feelings of regret we an- niounee the departure o! Mrs. W. R. Courtice and sons f raniaur midst. She having maved ta Toronto on vednesday. During the afternoon two of the choir ladies called on M,'rs. Caurtice and presented hier %vith a hymnary, as a slight token of pprectation frian the choir mem- bers and. as Mrs. Courtice was ta take tea with some friends at thel fome of Mrs. A. F. Rundle beforev ýeaving in the evening the followinga .ddiress was read liy Mrs. Rundle t .nd the presentation made by Mrs.e 31ake Courtice of a floor lamp fromP :he Berean class. Following is the t Lddress: r Courtice, Ont. Nov. 28. 1933. o Mrs. W. R. Courtice and Sons: P The occasion of this ad- c tress is the loosening of aId ties- indly tics, which for many yeams kave united you with us. Its pur-S iose is ta bear wxitness ta aur deep preciation of your zealous devotion Dthe cause of Christian endeavour rnong us. In the variaus depart- ents of the chureh work and in haritable wark outside the church,j ou have always been ready andj .ithful in your service. We regret I eatly the necessity of your going. ut we know that what will lie our )ss will be gain ta anather constit- ey. Our kindly wishes follow yau. )your new home. The common rayer of us aIl is that God iay richly bless you and keep Du and makre the light of His )untenance ta shine upon yau, id give you peace. Will yau kindly :cept this gif t from the Berean ass of Ebenezer church sehool as slight token of aur appreciationaf TYRONE d Churcli service next Sunday even- àing at '7 p. m. Mm. Clarence Hatherly, Belleville, [was home recently. Mm. Gussie Rosevear spent a few adays with lis parents at Port Hope. e Mm. and Mrs. D. K. Fraser, Beth- esda, vlsited lier mother, Mrs. Wm. sLittle. 1 Miss Mac Cameron spent the -weekcnd with hem parents, Mm. and 1Mrs. H. Camemon. e Mrs. R. MeCullougli las returned home a! ter spending a week with f ricnds in Toronto. Mm. and Mrs. Gamnet McCoy, Ca- bourg, speat Sunday with Mm. and >Mms. Allient Hawkcy. Mm. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor, Allyn 1and Marie, spent Sunday with Mrs. Enocli Stevens, Hampton. Mm. and Mms. H. Hills, Mm. and Mms. S. T. Hoar, spent a day with 7friends in Toronto recently. Mm. and Mrs. Leslie Tliompson spent Sunday at the home o! hem brother, Mm. J. Yellowlees. Solina. Messrs. Harry and Frank Hather- ly, Dixie, spent Sunday with their parents, Mm. and Mrs. R. Hathcrly. Mr. and Mrs. Allan F. Annis and family, Oshawa, spent Sunday at the home o! his father, Mr. A. W. Annis. Mm. and Mrs. F. L. Byam, Domeen and Yvonne, spent Sunday with lier parents, Mr. and Mirs. J. Liilierapp. Cannin gtoru. Mr. George Cowling has moved into Mm. L. BrunI's, Eîîniskillen. IMm. Harold Burgess lias înoved auto the famm vacated by Mm. Cowling.n Mm. and Mrs. Wallace Miller _n- Iertained a number of fmiends at ai dinner on Thursday evening. Dur- ing- the evening Master Marslil Miller, youngest son af Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller, and gmandson of Mm and Mms. Wallace Miller. was lisp- tized by their pastor, Rev. A. M. Wootton. Orono youag people visited our League on Thumsday cvening and pmcsented a -very fine progmam in charge o! the president o! Orono League, Miss Ilene Riddell. A few remamks were given by Miss Riddell on the Conference at Oshiawa; piano duet. Misses Ethel Stark and Hazel Winter; recitation entiîled "Splint- ers" by Miss Lillian Allen: vocal solo liy Miss Mary Wood; Bible reading, Miss Souci; Bible study. Miss Arch- er; a spleîîdid topie was given on "Present Day Conditions" liy Mm., Lloyd Truil; a quartette was mucli enjoyed which limought this vemy fine progmam ta a close. Miss Lola Rich-! ards then took charge of a couple of; cantests. Lunch was servcd. Meet- ing closcd with the benediction. LOCKHART'S HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB Shaws' Home and Sehool Club i Provides Interesting Program The sehool was weil filIcd on No- vember 28th, when Shaws' Club paid a visit to Loekhamt's (No. 9) Club. ýtheme lieing soaîcwhat aver 100 pros- cnt. Meeting was opcncd by the president, Mr. Russel Osliomne.A- ter the singing of O Canada aad the repeating o! the Lard's prayer, the business was quickîy deaît with. Plans were made for tic Chrismas concert, Thumsday, Dec. 2lst. Mr. Osborne tien ealîcd on Mms. WV. J. S. Rickamd, president o! the Shaws' Club, and the foilowing pro-1 a I e X r i :1 Radiator Alcohol (for anti-f reeze) . 75e a gallon KERSLAKE'S Phone4q TUE DEPENDABLE NYAL STORE Before You Go Anywhere else to do your Christmas shopping corne in and see us. There is no need to go out of town if you corne to CHALLIS. Westinghouse Electrical Goods Lamps - Bulbs - Fixtures - Electrical Appliances We can meet prices of cut rate stores and mail order houses. PHILCO -~ THE BETTER RADIO Two new lines just out . . . They are the latest thing in radios, both in design and performance. They are priced at $37.50 to $194.50. Whether you want a cheap one or a magnificent piece of furniture with long range reception, we can serve you. Our Radio Service is gaining in favor every day. Fuit uine of tubes for every radio always in stock. Store Open Every Night william J. Challis Philco Radio Dealer Next Skating Rink BOWMANVILLE Specials Viral . , 39c -59C -99c Par Siave Cream 39e Nyal 19C (int Tooth Paste) Italian Balm 27c 52c Kleer-a-head . .1.25c Alisorbine Jr. 89e- $1.89 Imonized Yeast 89e Gin Pîlîs 29e Owliridges ..27c (Lung Tonic) Doddi's PiUls 29c Vicks Nase Draps 39e Ny-cet-aI t-abs 25e - 40e- 75e (for pain) 1 -, ;p gram was ivell presented: A recita- in attendance, and accardingly sanie tian by Helen Cox; a piano sala by wcre called on ta say a few Wards. Miss Bernice Gilbank, A.T.C.M.; a Mrs. W. Armstrong mnoved, anld dialogue, "Goldilocks and the Three Mr. F. W. Bowen, M.P., seconded, a Bears' by Shaws' pupils; violin solo vote a! thanks ta the Shaws' Club by Mr. Lawrence Ashton; a talk, for the splendid programn. After re- ",Healthful Hints" by Mrs. Chas. frcshnients directed by Mrs. Howard Hancock; a vocal solo liy Miss Win- Bowen another vote o! thanks was nifred Riekard; a recitatian by Mr. moved by Miss D. Hoar and, second-. Narman Rickard; a solo by Mr. W. ed bY Mr. Fred Bennett, ta the Lock- J. S. Rickard. During the program hart's Club. Meeting was braught it was discovered that there were ta a close by the singing o! the Na- thirteen teachers (past and present) tional Anthem. Specials for Christmnas By selecting y aur requiremients f rom aour list of specials you save to buy yaur Xmas gif ts. We invite you to compare Our prices wiith the lowest offered. You wilI find our values equal to the For Christmas Waterman Pens, $2.50 ta $9.50 Cutex Sets....... 35e ta $4.50 Jergen's Shaving Sets .... 98e Yardlcy's Sets.... $1.00- $4.50 Ladies' Sets ... $1.00- $10.00 Hot Watcr Bottles ... 49e - $2 Rolîs Razors ...........$6.50 Auto SIrop Razors .. .$1 ta, $5

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