PAGE PMB nn.ÈAmTAniT'TAMQATESMANM OWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, DECE2dBER 21, 1933 ____________________ a saucepan and brins slowiY te b0iU- k ing point. Bail about ten minutes I untl ati syup s ormd.Add the H ints For crnerecvriads-mer gent-. ly until clear and transparent but Homebdies not broken. Homebodies y Jelly written for The stateiman 4 cupfuls cranbenries. 2 cupfuls By Jesi Allen Brown sugar, 1 cupfuî boilig water. an ____________________ 8 Pick over and wash bernies care- Hu fully. place in stewpan i wth bell- Pai Those Le.t Minute GI! ts ing water. Boil until ail the bernies Ho Mos peplethee dys o teirhave burst open, about ten minutes. ad Christmas shopping earlier than Pour into a sieve and mnash tliroughiM they used te but It is a most un- as much of the pulp as passible. Sul usual person who daes not have Ada the sugar, bring slowly te a bell, En seme last minute shopping to do. stlrring constantly, until ail sugar is lar Just because you are in a hurr do dissolved. Pour at once into wet En net choose some f aolisli trumpery' moulds or sterillzed glasses. tliing that is no use te anyone. Bo Christmlas Saad est mucb money is wasted by buylng A Christmas dinner is a heavy Wil cheap thmngs at Chistmas. No mat- rlch one and a liglit tart salad be- Pa' ter how mucb you psy for an article tween the meat course and the des- m<1 it Is cheap if it is poorly made. It sert seenis te act as an appetiser En is mucb wisen buylng, ta spend the for the dessert. This salad lias been Wl saine ainount o! meney on some- enioyed by eur Christmas guests. 1 tbing good. Most people would in- Peel grapefruit and divide into sec-SP fIitely rather have a good hankie tions. Spinkle with a very little Ex that is a pleasure te, own than a sugar and let stand for a short time. St more pretentious looking, useless, Chil thorouglxly. Arrange on jet- hi article. When you are thinking tuce, or use cress if available as it te about those last minute gifts do not Is a deeper green, garnlsh with CIE f arget the possibilities a! your cellar strips o! pimente and serve with shelves. Other foalks may enjoy your favorite salad dressing made tr your nicest jains, jellies or pickles.y fluf fy by the addition o! a little th2 whlpped crean-not tee mucli as it Ki The Christmas Seasoxi maRes it tea ricli. tr Christmas is not just a day, it hsS a season. Indeed, it migbt almost *N( be said te be a state o! mlnc.Ltet th'hlrnsaeas mucli as poss- 0s ible in ail the Christmas prepara- M arrie d 35 Years fo tiens. Let them trim the tree, wrap tr some o! the parcels, and help wtb Sp the decorations. They may net be Couple Pleiisaitly Surprised on their'« done te your satisfaction but what Thirty-Fifth Anniversary ye difference daes it maRe as long as Y the children are hiappy about ItL A very pleasant event took place W' Fruit Candy on Thursday, December 14th, wlien w a bout one hundred and sixty peo- There are niany upset tuminies ple gatliered at Tyrone Cemmunityn a!ter Christmas among the children Hall in the way o! a surprise, ta largely due te, indiscriminate cand.y celebrate the Thlty-ifth Anniver- eating. Each year we make a fruit sr !M. n r.BrnFrels< candy that the chldren may eat Wedding Day. Mr. W. Virtue acted ir whenever they wlsh andl it saves a as cliairman endl calleAl the camPanY lot o! trouble. It is deliciaus and, I to order and asked Mr. and Mrs. 'w flnd the oldstens eat it as well as Farrell te be seated on the plat- E the youngsters. The children ca formn, and calleci upon Miss Reta e: maRe it themselves and even the Carr te read the following address: b very little ones can belp. Put rais- Dean Friends:a ins, dates, figs, a few prunes, a few We, the members o! yaur fanuily, M walnuts, through -the foed chopper, relatives. nelghbours and friends b Rail in balls then rol these in gran- are gatbered tegether this eveninga ulated sugar or cacoanut. ta commemnorate and congratulate 0 1 Poultry Substicutes you. on this, the thirty-fifth anni- If the exchequer dees net permit versary e! your Wedding Day. We b a f owl you can still have a very ap- have oniy ta laok upon your smillnga petizing Christmas dinner. The face-, ta know that your marrlede dressing is one o! the parts lite tegether lias been a most hiappyc o! the dinner and if you haven't a one. We are well aware a! the many t fowl ta stuf why stuif something difficulties and liardships whlch youI else. Probably the very clieapest is encountered, and overcamne in your dressed Beef Les!. Divide your Beef earlier years while building a home Les! mixture inte twa, parts, ar- for yourselves and your famlly. t range bal! e! it in the bottom o! a We feel we can anly express ini greased pan, caver generously with this small way. aur appreciatiofi and dressing, and cover witb the re- aur sincere gratitude ta you for ail maining meat mixture. If I used the you have done for us. «You have -Yrd 'plaster' instead o! caver it truly been a good mother, a fine would explain thie process more tather and faithful !iends, and we neanly. A f resb hami or a shoulder taRe ibis opportunity, on this anni-1 of pork may bie dressed and is ai- vesary occasion, ta present this1 ways good. Then there is always little gitt te you. as a teken e! the tenderlain which may be split and higli esteem, in whlch you are lield1 dressed. by us. Saltd AlondsWith this gif t, we also give eus Saltd Alondaprayers that you will long be spared Blanch alnionds by lettrng them toeaecli other and ta your loving stand in boiling water until the tamily. Signed on behaîf o! your skins may be rubbed ot!. Met a lit- family, relatives, neiglibeurs and tle butter in the bottom et a flat f riends. pan (I uually use pie pans). Ar- Mr. and Mrs. Farrell were then rangée-Che almonds in one layer and presented. with a walnut library put in a slow aven until a golden table, gas lamp and baskets o! !lew- brown. Sprinkle with sait. It is es wise ta taste them and continue ta ns add sait until they suit youn taste, Mr. Farrell renlied In a very suit- as it recuires quite a bit o! sait. able manner. thanking the people Christmas Cookies for theisrlkndness and the very beautiful gif ts, haplng they would 1 cup butter, 31/4 cups flaur, 2 tea- have a pleasant evening. and wish- spoons baking powden, 3 eggs, 11/2 ing ail the compliments o! the sea- cups sugan. . son. Rub butter, fleur and bakxng p20w- Speeches were given by Mr. Vr- den together as for pasti'y, stir in1 tue. Mn. W. Haeey. Mr. W. Dudley, sugar and add beaten eggs. Mix and Mrs. R. McCullougli. l,_ horouglily. Chili andl rail as thin as possible. Cut with cookie cut- Letters o! congratulation from ters and bake in a hiot aven o! 425 Mr. and, Mrs. G. T. Kerr, Col. and degrees. These are a suitabie cookie Mrs. Wm. Farrell. and Mn. and Mrs. te, decrate witli raisins, nuts, cher- A. C. Stock, brothers and sisters o! m ries, or angelica. the bride and groom, were read. Then ail Jlned4 In slnging, "Pan Cranberry Sauce Tbey are JoUly Good Feilows." The 4 cupfuls cranbensies, 2 cupfuls remainder o! the evening was spent water, 2 cupfuls sugar. in dancing. Lunch was served andl Wash cranberries and pick out any a niglit long to be remembered clas- se! t ones. Put sugan and water in ed by slnglng God Save the King. A Merry ChristmasJ5 lI the good old fashloned manner, and wth ail aur heart behnd each word, we wlsh YOU everythlflg that could makie for you a "lght Merry Christmas." Kiddies Love Candy Christms wouldn't be the same wthout t, sa make sure they have a Merry Christma.s wth plenty of Corbett's best candy. CHRISTMAS CAKES Years of expenlence ln the maklng and bakdng of Christ- mias Cakes has won for us a fine reputatioli. If yen are not making your own you can be sure of one Uke you make yoursel! at Corbett's. Christmas Cake, finest Intredieitis, plain or lel 35c lb. Christmas Almond Faste ............. 35e lb. Christmlas Crackers, boxes . .......... 25e te $1.00 CHRISTMAS CANDY... Ganong's Xmas Packages......... 50e to $3.50 WiUlard's Chocolates .............50o and up Christmas Mixture, Specl ..............25o lb. Speclal Mixture, Creams, Chocoltes, Jelies .... 24e lb. Old Rellable Cut Rock Cafxdy........... 15e lb. Christmas Hard Candy, mlxed........... 15e lb. Ir SHORTBIREAD A"D MICEMEAT PIES Corbett's DalkeryI Phone 3 Cake and Candy Readinarteri ProF. Mackenzie at Canadian Club ada had Uittle or no place in world affairs othen than conumenciafly. F'on that reasen its people are net yet educated ta thnk. in world tenras. Today, Prof. Mackenzie add- ed, there are four prîmary tactarsi in the Canadian Foreign policy. First, is its desire ta stay ouhside the nealm e! EunopeSii aff airs and mix-ups, which is possible ta a de- gree but net whaily if the Dominion 1 is ta tracte with Eurapeani countries.* secondiy, there is Canada's rela- tionshux' ta Great Britain and the Empire, and the problems o! wlietli- er this association with the comn- monwealth would involve Canada in any war that anotiien Dominion or Great Britain became involved. Third.y, and o! vast importance, was Canada's relatlonship ta the U.S.A. The U.S.A. because of Its 3000 miles o! Canadian border was bound to exent a big influence on Canadian affairs. Its praspenity brouglit with it prospenity for Can- ada, and its depression brouglit de- pression ta the Dominion. Canada is vltally interested in U. S. affairs because any break a! relations be- tween Englan d and the U. S . would place Canada in an intelerable posi- tion. Fourth and last, is a new f acter, Canada's position and obligation ta the world collective system. By this us meant Canad:a's pacts with other cauntnies agalnst war, or in whidh eacb promises te help others if at- tacked. This collective systemn is the basis, o! the League o! Nations, and is the seat o! the Lecarno pact. Prom 1920 te 1930 it was felt that the collective systemn had become a reahty andl that nations could set- tle their disputes amicably and without nesarting ta war. Since 1931 however there are grave doubts o! whetber the system is sound or net. Bath Japan and- Oermany, wben net satisfled with the treat- ment they received, drepped out o! the collective system and Prof. Mac- kenzie suggested that any stnong nation could pretty well please ltsel! if it doesined ta doa something other than that whlcli others nations de- slned it te do. Canada us affected, tee, the speak- er saAl, by conditions in the Fan East, in Russia, [n the U. S. andl in Central Europe. The Russian experinient is in the main an experiment of ideas entire- ly apposed ta oun own. The fan east is important because It was a fan eastern nation that flnst broke up the collective systein by wltlidrawal f rom the League of Nations. World conditions at the present ie are cnitical, the speaker stated. He did net belleve that there would be war in the near future, and he belleved that Hitler was sincere when lie saAl that Genmany wanted peace. War teday would be a trag- edy and a calailty e! the flrst on- der. Whlle the desire ta for peace tconditions are lnevltably lead.lng te war. The speaker's ewn feeling was that Germany would Insist on ne- 1armamneit, and that Britain will OnBAR Onail GiI Thursday, Fi 00 Boxes (3 in a IRaudkerehig Reg. 39c for 6 only, Comfortei Reg 4 only, Satin pai Silk Shirred Cus Wool Scarfs, Pri, Silk Mufflers Puee Linen Lun( with 4 napkins GIVE HOSIE For Ladies men a Boys Walk a BlockN and Save a Lot JUST ARRIVED 1 r p à ri p :1 e 1 DAYS tGAIN PRICES PREVAIL Et Merchandlse at Nelsou's Store riday, Saturday - Store Open tili 10 o'clock Nightly Give Practical Glfts rs, satin centres, Men's Heavy Pullovers, turtie neck, in g. 59 5 For $349 white, blue or green, Reg. $350 for $2.79 nels, Reg. $3.50 for $2.49 Boys' and Girls' Pullovers, 49c to $1.98 ýshions, Reg. $2.50 for $1.79 Men's Ties 39C to 50C ceed from 59c to $1.75 Ladies' Gloves, 39c to 98c 29 o$.5 Men's Fine Shirts, 79c to $1.19 29c to$1.95 Silk Lingerie, Vest or Bloomers, each 39c icheon Sets, cloth 36 x 36, Vest and Bloomer Sets, 98C 98c Ladies' Sweaters, $1.59 to $2.98 :RY -Girls 4Children Bargains for the whole famnfy 500 Pair f ull fashioned, Ist quality hose. Val- ues to $1.29, every pair in store for three days Selling, per pair ......................... 590 300 pair, Ladies Silver Silk Hose, Regular 59c Selling for three days, per pair........... 330 15 doz. Rib top, Silver Silk Hose. Regular 79c Selling these three days, per pair ............ 450 Children's Cashmere Hose, ail sizes, make a% real sensible Gift, per pair................ 29L Boys' Golf Hose, Every pair in the Store, Values to 49c, per pair..................290 Mén's Sox, per pair............. 190 te 490 [ELSON'S STOIRES Phone ( -. :5' *(-- 4 4'~. j- -- - B LAST THREE ,e9C Handkerchiefs29 r .0 ~Reg. 59c for 29 CPÀNAMIA.N 1 - . . . - .- 1-1 1 - stand aloof and regretfully see this qotd L e t r happen, and at the sm iewl Lectrer deemn it necessary to increase the strength of its air force. ddL dis Mucli of the trouble inth ol A ddreses La i todaY, Prof. Mackenzie said, was due ta the Treaty of Versailles in Fuly rtaiinghisreptaton.aswhicb France and some ther coun- ci ulstaning lbis reputtRev. K.tries received ail the protection they bnter Palmner, minister of St.rqie hlteGrmn mpe ul'sPrebytelanChurh. oftand people was disintegrated. The Ian Clubyeiii t.Jolm PrihPr problem now Is the integration of bpe, addressed the Womefl's C the German people again. They are iie Cub n t. oh's arshHal scattered through Austria, Poland, [nday afterneoon. He teok for lus the Balkan states, Denmark, andl ibect l'Highways and Byways in even Italy, and if Germany were ta ngland"l which was illustrated wlth endeavour to bring the entire Ger- itemn sUdes depicting scenes in Old man people together again the a!- gland. f airs in Europe would naturally ag- The addresS was intenselY inter- ain be embrolled. Canada as a ting and was generouslY seaso<l member o! the League of Nations, th humer of ail varieties. Dr and as a slgnatory of the Treaty of a.mer, who is Irish by birth, whose Versailles could flot but be interest- ither is scotch and whose father is ed and affected by any European bglish. describedl the three races te trouble. rcli he dlaims alleglance. Then there was Canada's relation- Prefacing his lecture howeVer he ship te CGreat Britain. At the pres- eoke of the characteristids 'O! the ent time peace is essential if the îglish, pointing eut that although commonwealth, of British nations I>George was not an Enis~IhflI5, are te, prosper. War would put a js knlghtly qualities were charac- strain on these relations. ristic o! the English people who, Canada lias everything ta gain by laim him as Patron saint. peace and everything te lose by war. Dr. Palmer took bis listeners on a Peace, securlty and stabllity must ip through England. starting on5 prevail if we are te be enabled te de- he famaous FlYing Scotsmal f romn velop au r resources. Cing Cross station In London and How are we geing te, protect aur- ravelling north through, England to selves,> the Professer acsked. Sonue kot]and by, way of th1e London say, keep out o! Eurapean aiffairs, orth Eastern Railway. adohr a epotO a at JustoutideLonon as eentheern aiffairs, leave them ta make the Id meeting bouse o! William Penn. best of their ewn situations. On the bunder o! pennsylvania, and. as the other hand others believe it is not xain made other stops, such sacred practicable nor possible te stay out ;ots at the home o! Milton where o! war if war came. The economic «Paradise Lest", was writteli were consequelices would be bad if the wen. The little church and grave- country did. The speaker advised ard at Stoke Peges where Grey that Canada direct Its energies te 'rote his imniortal "Elegy" and tregen thus guarantee against ç'here lie lies buried. was pictured strnt cn the screen, while as the trip was As a nation Canada has get te in- rade through the country, George sist on a bettermnent O! warld con- P Washington's birtliplac-e, Shakes- ditions. It is nat possible te, avaid ear4e' shoeHaiedHu, home world conditions and live te one's -tQuen Eiabeth, were among the self, but the collective systera, the ___ riteresting spots visiteld. Lau fNtos a rn bu Dr. Palmier brought with him a Leagefontions, can brsing aou w'onderful collection of pictures of ibolteiondiorns. Tequoetioni English cathedraLs, usually consid Isatinoncsorrn e cperatin, bans, Peterboro, Ely , D urham , Y ork, h o g t e L a u f N ti n and a score of other Cathedrals might do mucli te improve condi- were pictured while ruins of old a b- tions. beys and spots o! interest made Prof. Mackenzie then conducted a an entrancing trip for the members question perlod in which the ques- of the club threugli the old land. tiens of diplomatie relations te Rus- AMAT The latter part of the lecture sia, the Irish situation, the Polish THE CANi brought scenes and stories 0 co-Corridor, and other sublects of gen- &SRN and, and Edinburgh, Glasgow, Ab- eral înterest were discussed. It was IN erdeen, Perth, Invernessa and manY anl together One Of the most inter- :ther centres were visited including esting addresses and discussions F the beautiful lake district with Loch heîd by the Club. Lomoiid.MrW.E rvsepes ob- The whole lecture was bath de- Mr. W.f te.clGraeepresse on bte "ha liglitful and educational and despite a! fteCuaprcaltehe the the the fact that Dr. Palmer spoke near- speaker for the fluent and easy eaîth ih [y twice as long as Canadian Club manner in which lie had dealt îih uck. G~ spekes uualy al, is audience an intricate subiect. The singing of proper îi was mast attentive and appa.rentlyOCadacoethmein. ntad could have contlnued listenixig fer _------------ ____0__ in beat:. seme time langer. vc->îe. iehsTse t-r hms business Mrs. J. T. Fee.. iePeiet Tm asTse t-r hms The çç presided in the absence o! the Presi- Eclectric Oul has been on the mark- net unix dent, Mrs. L. W. Dippeil, wlio, it was et upwards of fifty years and in that ignorant announced., haci rreco-ived- a visit jtume it bas proved a blessing te early si@ tram the stork and presenited wlth a tbousanrds. It is in higl f avor man wh fine 8,'2 pound, baby daughter. Mrs.i throughoùt Canada and its excel- went te Fee introduced the speaker while lence lias carried its fame beyond noticed Mrs. Lorne T. McLaughlifl expressed the seas. If it were double the price irregulai the appreciation et the Club te, Dr. lit would be a cheap liniment. lucky if Palmer for bis splIendid travel taiR. 1 --1 what she knew that saved lier 111e. self -discipline which is reasonablY' The child wba died !rom diph- easy for the adult who aecured a theria was unlucky because lie was proper start in 111e tliroughi good tlie child o! parents wha were ig-I training. norant or caneless, wltli the resut' We are not ail bora wlth the saine that lie did not neceive the inJeot- degree a! intelligence or the same ions o! texaid tliat would have pro- physical capacities but what be-. tected him against the gerns o! comes e! us is net a cq uestion of good diplitheria. luck an a! bad luoR; it depends up- Fortunate Is the chilAl wha la boni on how well tnained we are as cbild- te a mothen wha recognizes the lm- nen, and how, as adults, we make portance a! breast-feeding, and wlio use e! eus training te taRe cm eof knows that vaccination agginst ourselves in ender that we maY en- ssnallpax and immunization agalnst ioy physical and mental health. diphtheria are practical means a! Questions conoerning Health, ad- LS safeguanding the child. Fortunate dressed te the Canadian Medical dis the cbild wliase parents realize Association, 184 Coflege Street, Tor- )r that child case is a difficuit task, onto, wil be answered personallY by )r for which training. la equired. lette. L_ Good teeth are the product o! a -_________ ,e praper diet and cane. Na amount o! Persian Balm. is magical in creat,- ýo luck wiil give stnong, sound teetli te ing ailunlng complexions. A littie the chiid wha does not receive in lis gentle nubbirig and your skin te In- is diet the minerais and vitamns ne- vlgorated and touched wlth the true r qulred te build liealtliy teeth. This beauty a! youth. Cliarnuingly frag- e proper diet requires some unden- rant. Delightful te use. Cools and D_ standing o! food, values and caîls for caresses the sRln. Relieves aU rougli- r planning on the part a! the mather; ness and cliafing caused by weather e it cannot be secuned lby chance, conditions. Tones and stimulates. îe A liealtliy chld is a wIll-trained Enhances and protecta the lovelleat er child. A heaitliy mind andbody complexion. Unrlvailed as a perfect Ly are the rewand for good training. aid to beauty and, charnu. Foothilis Coal "IT LASTS LONGER" Alberta's Hard Sootless Coal Coalspur Area' At the Lowest Price in History $1 20 per ton EGG OR NUT FOR FURNACE, HEATER OR RANGE There are Four Distinct Classes of Alberta Domestic Coal Foothilis Coal is the Leader in the "Class One" Field as Llsted and Recommended by the Goal Standards Board Ask for it by Name and be assured of Satisfaction BUY CANADIAN GOAL Give Einployxnent to Canadian Miners and Railwaymen Order Today - Canada's Clean Clinkerless Coal J. A. Holgate &1 Son [ONE 153 Agent in Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE ýH SERVICE O001Jb IA IAN ME O CAL ION AN OD I FE ~ CE COMPANIIES CANADA ,RTUNATE PEOPLE ta lucky persan!" exclaimi )uglitless individual. 000É znot a matter o! chance o1 ;ood heaith is the reward fai iving. It is just as import- display the same intelligeni th matters as is devated t4 ;and ather aff airs o! life . woman wha dies o! canceri tcky. She lias been eithe tof, or lias disnegarded tih gns o! the disease. The wc ,o lias recavered f nom cance ber doctor as soon as sh a lump in lien breast er soir Lity in lies periods. Call he fyou liRe, but ut was reall