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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1933, p. 6

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Q ; rv.t czTrr H AAINSAEMN O MNILTUSADCME 1 93rtnc SOLINA M.r. and 2,r.Aozî\illiaiiis, Pol t Pe rrî. i isitei al:Me.Chia-s. Hîtwsaiits. Mr. anti Mrs. Frank Biay an ad baîby. Enlielti, i sited at M. Walter Parraii- der's. Mes. Walter Cryderitiat ihad a bail faîl on Sutîday 11101-1111g. We îîishili er a speedy receîery. Me. Dennis Pickard and Miss May Freeman, Maple Grove, i isited at Mr. H. E. Tinks. Thue sehool meeting-, will be iei on Wednesdtiy, Dec. 27,1î, t 2-30< puti. in- stead off 10 a.mi. Our yîîiihg people are preseiiting their play "Getrge in a Jaîii" at Black- stock~ on ýNew Years nigbt. Misses hathleen and M4argaret Ev- elyn Tink, Maple Groî e, spent a few days last week witlî tlîeir grandpiîr- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Tink. Congratulations to Miss Helen Baker on winning sixtb place and a beautiful cedar chest in the Statesman good-will contest. There was a large attetîdance ah League meeting on Monday evening when eletion off officers took place: Pres., Alan M.%cKessock; ist Vice-Pres., Ileen Balson; 2nd Vice-Pres., Helen Baker; 3rd vice-Pres.. George Weri y; 4tb Viee-Pres., Margaret Scottt Secy.. Mae westlake; Treas., Tomn Baker: Treas. off Forward M.%ov't., Mes. W. Bak- er; Pianist, Evelyn Tink; Auditors, Messrs. J. Milîs, and E. R. Taylor. Miss Ileen Balson, 3rd Vice-President, took cbarge off the prograin. Thue devotional period was in charge off Me. Aian McKesseck; iîymn was sung; reailing, Ruthi McKessock; Mi'. Allai' Balson then gave a very interesting acceunt off lis trip te the WVorld's Fair at Chicago this faîl; Mes. Johin Baker favoured with a piano sole; readitug was given by Maigaret Scott. A short contest was then enjoyed and candy was served. The concert in the church last Tues- day evening under the dit-ection off Mes. D. Rebb, niusic teaclter'. al d Miss Muriel Baker, teaclier, ivas a very eti- joyable affair ffor' the îîîauy parents and friends off tîte clildreîî wlio wer'e present. MIe. Jack Reynolds, trustee, acted as chairinan forth te prîgrai off choruses, solos, dialogues, anti re- citations wlîiclî the children gave. Division meeting was held in the S.S. roonu last Thursdtîy eîening wîtlî a good attendance. Tbree new mem- bers were initiated . Affter tlîe busi- ness period election off officers toik place. W.P., WV. R. Westlake; W.A., Doris Milîson; R.S., Ileen Balsen; ARS., Jim Snales; Treas., Mr. B. G. Stev- ens; FS., Maurice Baker; (Clalt.. Evelyn Tink: Con., George Wry A. Con., Ruth McKessock; ISAilt Allin; OS., Wesley YellOwlces: lianist, Heleti Baker; P.W.P., Mt-s. Jolhn Baker; D.G.W.P, Me. A. L. Pascoe. '. A. L. Pascoe gaive a re:tditîg and Miss Mu riel Ba ke r fa tii ecîlwitlti a ivtcal solo, aîfter whii li aI I cen tyed a sîîîîîer et pnrk atîd hcins w iihitek les. t bread and butter, appie pite wttl"iîvlîip- lied creani and coffee ivîicli was e' ei Decenibet' neeting off thte Woîîîet's Institute ivas lîeid at the hotmne cf Mes. Isaac Hardy on Tiîîrsday afuernotînt with Mrs. S. E. Wei-ey, 2nd Vice- Pres presiding. The Institute Odle wassUîîg andi the Lords Prayer repeated, in unisen. It was decidedt t senti a haleý off clothing te Haliburtot iii response te a caîl froni there ami aIse teý assist witli senie repaies te oui, Parsonage. A suai offtiîoîîey was i oued foîr Christ- tias lîeer and eelieff andl Mes. R.* J.* McKessock, Mes. W. J. MMc.Naster and Mrs. E. R. Taylor were appinted teý look affter it. Thie prcgrîti was iii Chatrge off grtîup) *2 wit Mrs , Isaac Haiilirdy tîs leader. eAG inGSeIXpil Triti tî vs ra it i. E S îdrci t t i MAPLE GROVE 1 The annuai school meeting w iii be lield on \Vednesday, Decenîber 27tli, at 2 in the seol. Hope te sce a gond turul out. Mr% and Mrs. W. C. Atelher, Brace- bridge, Mr. and MrIis. Arthur Stainton, ZVon, recently visited Mrs. L. C. Snow- den. Mr. Tlies. Snowden lias returned honte after a pleasant visit with his brotlîer-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mis. D. H. Coates, Brantford. Diîn't foîrget Christmas tree andi con- cert toniglit (Thursday) in the hiall. Pastor, Wolfraim will preach on "Christmas in the Heart" next Sunday. Speciai miusic by the choir. TYRONE 1 Miss Helen Baker ffaeured wîtit a Me. and Mes. Edgar RoseverCe- pianoe soleotand Mes. Chias. Smîithî gave bourg, visited their son, Me. Guts. a good report cf thie peoceeîing off the Rosevear.1 Central Convention lteld in Toronto. Sorry te report Me. IThos. WhiteI Mrs. MeMaster also gave a short alk brokelîis leg. on sorie phases of thîe convention. 1 On Monday night the farin bouse off A short contest was enjeiyed anid Mi'. Geo. Harvey, with aIl thie con- a dainty lunch was set-vedl by thîe tents, was completely destroyed by fit-e. group. The thanks off the nmeeting Thie fireehadl gained nîuch headway were tendered Mes. Hardy for thie kind- beffore being discovered by the occu- ness in cpening lier hîomue. pants off the bouse. 1Sutîday Schonl next Sîtnday at 1i0 a.m. Church service at il anu. Please SALEMj note change in tinie. _______________________-~ League program on Thursday even- At the affternoon set-vice on Sun- ing was in charge of Mtr. Gussie Rose' day Rev. A. T. Kerr delivereti a eey 1î-eaî'. Bible reading, Miss Susie inspiring ser'moîn taken froni thie text Thoiupson; Me. A. W. Annis gave an 'Ani in thie ffîllness oîf tinie Gutt sent excellent missionaey topic, reading, fiieth His Sn.' ,Splice," Miss Lorna Hoopet'; teading, Y.P.L. meeting w'as withdrawn îast 'A Nickel for Christmas," Mes. A. W. week." Annis. Meeting losed with a luymn n-,1ý 1- n-i nsantite Mizpali benediction. tree on Thttesîay eveing was a real success and thoe<tuglily eîjityed by al present. Mr. G. A. Stepliens acted as ciairittan anîd iel tici-cila 1a et address and Reî. A. M. Wîîcîheîîwas present antI gaive a short atfltlrss. Me. D. Rihb tiff Oronît gaie a cîtufle iff vocal nunîbers and Miss Matie Col- laceht an instriunienhal, the eest ftifhue peograiîi consisted oîf ciiortîses, dlia' ligues tand iceitatitîts by the puipils iuder the dirtection off Mr. F. Black- humn, teachier, and Mrs. Rîîbb, mîusicaîl instrîîctoî', tandiîuchu credi t is due botlî scîtolars aunil i aches ffrîtî le niasterly way in which tlîe prograiiî was rexîdered. At tlîe close jolly oId Sauta Claus arrived and distribitted tie piesents aiîd a liberal supply off candies and oranges. A ceai man is-well, lie is a reai man, the finest, best, noblest, most refresh-ing thing Vo flnd on ail the green earth, unless it be a real wo- man. Christmas GiFts, FOR ALL SBoys' and Girls' Tube Skates and Boots, every p)air of best quality, priced from . .. $2.25 to $3.50 SMen's and Women's Tube Skates and Boots, Spriced from ................... $3.50 to $4.95 SBoys', Girls' and Ch1ildren's Slippers, in leather Sor felt, priced from .............. 60c to $1.75 Men's Feit or Leather Slippers, with either soft ou hard soles, from ............... 95c to $3.95 Fitted Cases, Overnight Bags, Club Bags, and p SAeropacks, priced from.......... $1.50 to $9.50 Kayser Silk Hose, inî popular shades at...... 85c Men's Hole-proof Sox, plain toi) or auto-gait priced at ....................... 50c and 5 KNOX SHOE STORE Wishes its many Customers and other Friends A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year Knox' s Shoe StoreI Phone 120 Bowmanville SA PRACTICAL CHRISTMAS IFuel - A WeIcome Christmas GiFt A~ This is a practical Christmas . Hard times have Ç caused a change of heart regarding Christmas f Sgifts. At one time a novelty, something more for looks featured Christmas giving. Today people ~ are giving practical, useful gifts.. What more useful gifts than fuel? Send your friends a quar- 0 Ster, haîf or a ton of Coal or Coke. . .They'II appre- 0 ciate your thoughfulness. TO YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS To ail our customers and friends may we extend the Compliments of this joyous season and wish you a Merry Christmas. Sheppard & Ciii Lumber Co. P Phoe 15Limnited FUEL AND BUILDING SUPPLIES Phone 15 Bowmanville ism,' by 'Miss FlInence Fair, -A Lay 1 Wîrker Aîniong thle MlatEelî~ by Mis. H. Bailey, -The Civiizatioîî Activities of thie Presbyterian M i sioii.'1 Lunch was serx ed.1 I HAMPTON Meeting closed w itlh tie I eage Benediietitn. Mr. Wilfrid Sîniale lias gone te Mea- ford to sîtend bis Christnmaslliy. Mr. Gilbert Adcock sers ed oi thie jury at Cobourg recently. Miss Lorna Thompson. Hayuln. wts1 a recent visitor wîtlî Mr. atnd Mrs. E. E. Staples.11 Miss L. Horm attended thie dinner and tlîeatre party teîîdered the cani- didates ini The Statesîin "oolWiI contest whicli was concluded on Nioii- day, she being one of thte candidates.1 Mrs. Edith Black, Bowmanville, is visiting ber parents, Mi,. and Mis. W. l H. Gay. The "Geaners," Young Ladies' Biblei Class, met at the home off tlîeir teacli er, Mrs. Lewis Allin, on M.\ondlay niglit, and packed a box off clildrens' gar- ments to, be sent te thîe Fred Victor Mission, Toronto, for distribution among the needy city children. Re- fresbments were served and a pleas- ant social evening spent. Mr. John Novick, Wbitby, visited at the home of Mrs. J. Snîale. The meeting off the Hanmpton Y. P. was in charge of Rev. W. Rackham. Meeting opened witb a hynîn and prayer; aftet the Bible lesson eiec- tien off officers was held wlien tlie following were elected: President, Miss Ruth Johns; Asst. President, Mr. Harold Salter; Fit-st Vice-Pres., Mr'. Douglas Rockbaîn; Sec.- ond Vice-Pres., Miss Flnrence Burns; I 1 Î_C ST CK .- Third Vice-Pres., Miss Helen Knox; i TKS OC Fourth Vice-Pues.,M. Jackson Wray; Seceetaî'y, MeI. Ted Johns; Teeasuree, Grace Hastings; Missionarv Tr-ezst" Miss Dempsey, Minesing, viîstted lier l et', Miss Jetan Hogairthi; Correspond- sistet', Mes. (Dr.) McArthur. ing Secretary, Mi-. Meewin Ceydertîian. Mes. Wnî. Crawford anti Mes. A. Looking for Christmas Gifts you Rhtaitu spent Ft-iuay in Totronto. will be delighted with the fine as- jMes. Carl Wtightt hias eeceiîed word sortment you will flnd at Horn's uhtat. lier brerle.M. David Rutledge, Store. Rbeal values in mens silk Banceeroft, lest lus luome by fiee last tics, regular 35c Vo 50c. for 25c; fan- i week. cy socks ra.nging in price from 23C The eegulae nontbly nmeeting of thue Vo 50c; fancy dishes, odd pieces, in W.M.S. off the United Chîurchî was lelti good fancy designs, and pleasîng at the hîomue off'Mi'. and Mes. Jolin novelties in a lovely assortment; Larmr o Wedesdy, ec. 3, ithladies' handkerchief s in fancy boxes aeîuî er n Wdnesdaye, D e , h 25e to 50c, also in genuine pure lin-1 a.Is good . atedne. The pesi thentr th en at 3 for 35c, singles for childeen Mes F.W'.NeweIl pesidd fi' heand adults, Sec to 25cecd. Veey mieeting and Rev. F. W. Neivell pre- extra value in Christmas cards. also sidedi-fîî'tle eection tof officeis. doîls and other toys; also many Bible eeading was given by Mes. E. other Fines that we invite you to Dorreil afftee which MeIs. NewelI gave inspeet. the Christnuas miessalge, entithel ".Ni> Roon-In tlîe Inn." Mis. Newell laîtî b ler subject well in lîand andieeyoue1 ENNISKILLEN i prheent ictîs noved hy ithe soîtt searchi- ý iîîg meissage. Mes. C. Hill led i, Gittulte sce Miss Eva Sotuhtout tii prayet'. etrliuhSittîtay eîîniîîg tifier ier i -' Eleetitu îof officeis resuie Ias ffol- cent iîîness. liiws :Me. anti MrsA. PazgeTotroto, Miss Peesidenu, Mes. F. W. Neivell; isi F.'A.Page, Biîstoii, Mis, t. Braiui i ic-pres,Mrs. F. Stinsen; 2i i tcCaiiMs E îîul:,siitt, I lt çtees., Mes. E. Dori'ell; reeeiîdiiîg s;erre- M 1r. S. Page's. hary. 'Mes. C. Hill:eiirespiiutiing sec- On ' i etiry, 'Mrs. 1R. Taylor; tecasure, Mes. On ttîtay ci eniuîg NMe. Ltiayit J. G. Miliv;sec.,tif <'hrîstialSîew- Tîîeoith whîîhî as spemît tvelitýiy ls arditsbipl, Mes. J. A. Jihîsiiiin:sî rang- ycars tn Mission wiirk it i Cii î gai e ettset cutiry, Ms.J. Fit e heu lyua iery i îute resu i n grevieiw toff lii - woui seceetary,Me,0. Weigliti assite t hiere. A siibsci woi îas îtkiat hielpers' sec., M.\rs. N. 'Minitjîiy; Mis- Ie close off tue serivice in titioffthue S on I3îtI dstpertiieidelii, Mes. F. Shiit- M .- il Sîtti; Baiiy Btailti suîeriîîîeetit, M-s. 'Miss NMac Lamub, R.N., Newcatstle, us C. Wihh;tctiiherttîce sec., Miss Feega withi lieffattltr, Mi'. W. R. Ltttib. Joli uîstîî; ti ssii triti nîon tlily sec. tiiitl Tiie antimatl meet intg tanth cct i ci wttrîd frientis' sec., Mes. Johnt Laritier ; off oflers fote tue Siidty sehîtîtl fore petîce sec., Mi-s. E. Lariier; gooîîtheier the cîîîîing year- wtîsiîId cin Ttesilay. coin., Mers. Geit. Craivffîrth tndt Mes. Dec. l2tlî, when thie ffîllî,witg w-ee te- Jamues Ilhcity ; îianitî, Mes. Jaîlez electedh Wrighth: press sec., Mis. P. Stinsîti. Sulit.,Mr. J. A. Werry; Asst. Supi. Rev. Ncwclh gave a shoîrt atldress on î Ni. W. Il. Moiore; Secy., H. Pyt:ý; peace. ITu-cas., Mr'. T. M. Sleîuuîn; Oî-gtnisl. Tue iiîuigPeodesSiiiet of tle Miss Elva Orchîtrd, assist. îiegamisi, L'nited hCluu- elîhld thîir regulat' nuet-j Miss Annie Okie; 'Missionttry Vire-Pres- ig ciiWetinesdhty ec*i eing w-ih Meideuts, Mes. (Dr.) Feegiistîindtîîîi iss Hatroldt Swaiin iiithue clatir foîr thte opîen- IEh a Ot'clat'd; Tenîperance, Mrs. Hai'- ing exeecises. M.\iss Mildt'ed Hoolier1 vey MeGili; Peiniaey Teaclîe, NMiss MI. gaie thie. Bible stîîîy. Afftee tlîe buisi- Dalttîn; Asst., Miss Elsie 'Moite; Jr. Iness sessiont Miss Fetitces Mtittiy'Boys, Me-. F. Ellis; Asst., Edgar totik Ill hai iir ffîori-ie îî etgrai i. A pi anti Wr'ight ; Jri. Girels, Mes. R. Orinistonit silo hiy M es. Goirtdon Steing, a retîdinlg -A,,t Miss Innie4Pke ; lntertiieiiate by 'Miss Ol iî e X,îîc,îîîip;avl itî t tj os.\I.R. Gilbert; Asst . liLîiydi by e. nirCuhtitg tîî Mss ivituAshton; Internuediate Girls, Miss Eh a Sadtiler ivithirMs. Sailtler at hieltot-ciarti; Cuaille Roll Sîîpt., Mes. W. pianoti; tanîtîthîress by is. Frtank St iii- J. su-itn. sotî oui ~Oute Metî(ical 'MIisqitonary W'orkAni k uhsrstilan Ili the iets.'" Miss AneOedsrst hn serey tii repot t liat Master Rtîlîiht aIl. thuose who gai-e lieu' h lei e suîpot Neweî Ind\asît ts e Gît' uîîîLaî iier aie uc îtntig Thte Stitutesut an Gît i-W ilI ciin- bohît litmuiert-ichi e t r îs rie. We hittie test. thue lItule ffolks wilh soon be w-cltîgain. The syîîpthhiy ftf hte cotiniitnity is Me. andtîlMes. F. shiisîttuandntlMiss - xtended iii Mu-. tntl Mus. S. Page tan(î Violet Oer isiut e I. and Mis. E. I faIuily in thle ileali off a loiiing SOn, DeNure, Litntstay, tot Saturtlay. iftîl beothîer, 'Me. F. E. Patge, whtti tieth Me. antI Mis. F. Bailey spent Sundlty _____________________ withi i.antIMe.H. McLttigilin,j Biutrk ettiti, Mi-. andtlMis. FIL .\IcLauiigtlin, Neste tutn. speut Sttndhty witlîNMes. MNtemtgi in's patrents, Me. anti Mes. H. Hoiiey. Me. L. Allin antI'Miss Cole,'_Orno spent Stutîîay withî Me. tandIlrMs. H A.Ms Ed Lttneir visitet Me. ad G REETJN G S Mis. Leslie Graihamui, rccenHly. Mi'.tanîd Mis. Geoirge Mrel.itghhii, Tooito vsiedMr. tîndi Mes. F From Your Ilailey eroeliily.1 Theti' maliuiii tee'tgtinoff1.0 .. No. 12 icts hlillthe Oraiige lîttîl oîîîî Mtiîîi ci cuitig, wlientiuhe ffîlowiuîg otiir, werp elec1tedh11 I hGARAGE 11. h>ei tt; rlitîltiu, Dr. Whiiî:tl eecîîrting seceettry, JîIlin I-lîiil. fitlait utî'secrtuiy, lit ru - "lîiIuuilis I Clemens' Garage, King tree:sree, Dri. Johiti Me".ru tute.ireeîto Str'eet, extends to its tif uet'etiitttie, t eci li 11 ; 1- Iii Ilerbît Isw.ini: telî'îîy ec., Suiul-y many p)atronls and to W il liaii s. "lhîî'regitîzîr utftî'iig tifIleticti' il its friends every good Wtliittu'sIluisi itiuit' Wti5 iel tit Iltlht wish foi, a Christmas of i l .,,Mis. Leslie Gi ,îhî ,îî iW î-î tîtsdltV teIf l .litDe 6, w iii fofteIý Gooci Cheer and a New oeîii l'wiei-iiet s tiffucli iititii Yeaî- filled with the ,*'rIlt ii we'te guini i y I hu lle uilgi us, omse of betteî and Mis. (Cectil h't.gtis(l iiui î Nfhiss No i IP P110it- ltt Reya1i:iliigs wce giîcu i y NMi-s more prosl)erous tîmes. .lîlîîî ( teir, 'Tii'( '-tille StalI"; li Nies. \V. Ct laiîau, P't Peeî-y, fil Ttîîes A Dil> tif fLtî îtg Iti A Ifii-, 't NIaI,'taîtnt" ly Mus. Nhtii tit 'Preiiss, andth hy Nts. let(li sîitibyItl' getîtlu ilii chatrge witl lee I.Nies. tc. sil lu tas c II 'uîî'. C e e )eteiuthiet' ii cc ofgtif ihie A.Y. P .A Nuîs hliltt hu t 'le ttie tif Nl-S. Aturu fo lc ti W't'tnesiîuy t 'îui wiu hiý G arage ititSetI0l liesi i'prsie prestth- OPPOSITE A. & P. STORES itviii Ili-. Whiiituîuei gu\ i t'it tîitiiss ii 'Tu' hre EletiiiisOff alNissiontîey BOWMANVILLE jC, uî " ltetthIligs W-ec giî iiI y Ne i ei ar ftr', "'T' SluitenArnîy I Thîe East Iihe, by Mu'. \W. Gr:tce, ilWhiut One Testanment Did,"' by Miss ____________________ bîîried on Nlenday in Park Lawn ceIii. Mr. tand Mis. G. Reid visited the lai ers sistei M. îdMis. Tlios. \il- liamns. caeseri-a, ('t1 Stiiliy. M r.. W i 11wrt Si i, Osha twa, vsi ted lits 1 Nit, i. andi Mrs. F. W. Snmithi. HAYDON Mri. andîi Irs. rîteren Montjoy x isît- cil ;it Mis.' J. Ruttletge's, Sae. Mis. L. Bratdley, Mr. Clarence Brad- ley, Tyruttie, Miss Velnia liadley, Bw- niainxille, visited at Mr. E. Bradîcys. Misses 'Mabel anti Adat Beech were in Torontot last Thlii sîlaty. A goodly nutnîber attended churcli service last Sunday wlîen cite pastor, Rev. A. 'M. Woîotton, delivered a sîîlen- did sernmen on 'Keepitîg Chîristmas in the Heart." The annual Christnmas concert will be lield on Friulay, Dec. 22nd, at 8 p.. A Cantata, "Tlie Niglît Beforie Christ- mas" will be presented by the younig people. After tlie rogiiiiiie Santa will present tlîe gifts from tlîe tree. Admission, adults, 15; cliildren, 10c. The children are busy practislng for the annual Christmas concert to be giveni Friday, Dec. 22nd. cloîse a d:îliitiy lunclîen w:ts served bi- MNis. E. Gibsons grouli, ;tfter whîicli a vote off tjlînlks was tendered to Mers. Cecil Felgiim for ier kiîd hospi- ta i ty. A.Y.P.A. CHRISTMAS PARTY The A.Y.P.A. of St. joltît '-liircli licl(l its animal Christnmas Partv iin the Parisl l iallon M\onday cvcuing Nwitl over iglîty in attendatîce. The meut- ing opcncd îwith the u-.ial devotional service folloîved hi- a brief hiincss Speci wil Tur Bu ck SwCe YOUR 1. D. A. STORE WISHES YOU A A MERRY CHRISTMAS For "Last Minute" Shopping May We Remiind You 0f XMAS CIGARETTES PAGE & SHAW CANDIES lail Silver BoxTE CANON' 0F EXCELLENCE h100 Turret ci.garetel.$10 Fjth Aeu akg . 50 ets...............1% .5 c pcAvenue pacage.......40 kingarn ... V s i .00 Greater Empire Package ..3.00 :i gh ms .. .. ..x 2 5 Bond Street Package . . . 2.00 .3 2's 7 5 c Regular Assortmeflts, bib, . . $1.00 t Capýorals. .5_,_50 Alice Blue Assortmeflt, 21b . $1.20 Phiilip Morris Navy Cut SOs. 50c XXIAS CIGARS Tuckett's Preferred Panetelas . . . 25s - *.00 Bachelors and Robert Burnis ...25,s . $2.25 - 10's 90c Marguerites & White Owls .... .25s - $1.25 Stonewaiis & Iownias . ... 10e' - 50c XMAS TOBACCOS Herbert Tarcyton, 1i'ý th ....- $1.50 Piccadiiy Mixture, 112 th $.1.50 Buckingham Fine Cut, ý2tb .. 80C OId Chum Pipe Tobacco..85c Old Virginia Pipe Tobacco i/alb 75C Turret Fine Cut V/alb........ 75c MIlSCELLANEOUS GIFTS Ladies & Mens Sets . 50c . $10,00 Compacts. Perfumes, Toliet Wat- ers,1 Shavtng Brushes, Shaving Lotions, Shaving Bowls Phoi Alex McGri one 92 NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES Four Assortments. ltb .. .. 50e Aristocrat Assortment 50c - $2.5C ltb - 2tb - 3tb - 415, - Mbh 1/2tb Packages ... ..... 25C LOWNEY'S SPECIALS For Xmas Mount Royal Chocolates llb . Soc Fam:iy Box, 211, ....... 69c J. W. WORRALL Optometrlst At Our Friday 2- 4 p. m. Store Monday 10 1 p. nm. oegor, Drugs We Deliver IChristmas Food Sale Thurs. Fri. Sat. - December 2lst, 22nd, 23rd NavelSUNKIST ORANGES. per dozen 25e 30c - 35e - 40e QUEEN OLIVES, taîl jars per jar 21c MANYFLOWERS SOAP 3 bars for 19e RISO O ran g espackage or g.24C Oa g s FALCON PEAS, Sîze 3 2 tins for 23e REFUEE BANS tin for23e GOLD MEDAL SAGE1 2 for 15c 25C McCORMICK'S SHORTBREAD per lb. 21c RED & WHITE JELLY POWDERS 3 pkgs. 21e 3Sc FRYS COCQA, t2 lb. tin per tin 21c 2331e MIXED NUTS per lb. 20e CREAMS & JELLIES. Assorted per lb. 15e Y Falcon M'Inceaeat 2 lbS 25C Fresh Roasted PeanUtS 2 lbS 20e CHANDAE DOP per lb 17e Red and White SPECIAL XMAS MIXED CND 2 lbs.29e PI'ITED DATES 2 lbs. for 25c DATES or FIGS per pkg. 10e OVALTINE. Medium size per tin 67e Cf e GOLD SOAP 5 bars for 19e f e SHELLED WALNUTS or ALMONUS i,2 lh for 25c SRED & WHITE PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb bag 55 c per lb. ROLLED WHEAT FLAKES per bag 25c COCOANUT, Sweetened ~ lb for 13e PREMIUM BAKINO CHOCOLATE , lb cakes 14e GEEADURESA lb cakes 27e 4 5 e GEES AN TUKEY ATLOWEST PRICES -Y PHOE 599FREE DELIVERy SFe W. NellesoNENVLL ~2 ýM vý session with Prcsident B. H-. Mort- lock in the chair. At the conclusion a nîînîhcr of Christmas carols werc sung with 'Mrs. J. A. Gîînn at thec piano. and Arthur Culley rendcring Holy Niglit as a solo. Tlie remainder of thce ec-ning was spent in gamcs and dancing witlî Florence Hoopcr, 'Mrs. Gunn and Char- lie Cawker at thîe piano. Under the direction of Miss Rose Bates tasty re- frcshrnents were servcd. Another fea- ture was the distribution of gifts from tile Christmas Trcc, Mrs. J. A. Gunn carrying out this duty. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, TRURSDAY, DECEM13ER 21, 1933 i CADMUS I Me. Fred Dayes spent Sunday at Mir. Oscar '%cQuade's. Messrs. Harvey Mahafffy and Glenn Gibson visited at Mt'. Toni Reynttld's on Sunday. Soeî'y te report thiat Me. borne Mc- Kee is flot gaining as rapidly as ex- pected. Messes. Norman Edgerton and Ray McGil tîmade a business trip te Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. W. B. Fei-gusen and hMes. Ever- ard Sanderson visited at Mr. Siiitlî Feegusiin's on Sunday. Mi'. aiîd Mis. Jamies M.\cEee, M.and Mrs. Norman Edgerton andl fanily spent Saturday cvetîitg at MeI. Edgar Gibson's. Mi-. Alffredl Thiornet was callcd tii Oshiawa onie day last weck oîiing to tlîe seeiouts illîîess off lus brother, Me. Feeti Tboenett. League w-as hieldui lîrsday evening ivithi a good attetidauce desîtite thie ffrosty atiosphere s. Galbraith teck the chair in thie absence off Miss Cobbledick .Mr'. Edgar Gibson lîad charge off thie weeshlî period. 'Miss Goody read tlîe lessîttianîd Mrs. GaI- braith. gaie thue Bible stuîly. a hymn w-as sîîng ffillîtwed wihli prayer by e.r Gibson. Miss Helen Fowlee acted as sect-etaî'y. Minutes if htst nmeeting were rcad anti tîîoîted. Mes. Cecil Fei-giiso iiu hdîchairge off tîe picgi'itni wlîich coîîsistet off a reading by Miss Helen Fowle anid a stîlo by Me,. H. A. Gatlbraithi. Chojie ir ictise was hîelîh ai '.V..niet ai teuic lotff Mes. Cecil j l'î- auson ounTîiesiav afftertîîiîi, it bc- t ig huie uarterly tea andîl e-tioîî off ohhiecis. Mcceting opciieh w-ii hlyii ffillîîwed by tlie Lîietis Praettyiit unîîi- sont. NIes. IL. A. Galbraithi gai e a shor tB ibhIe suit ly. Hlyllt n, 'Jiy ti ihlie Wîtelih ,wtts sîîîîg ffilliiiîed w uit raver by tîte îîiesidthîu M i t tes tifflst t ite - ing w'eei-ati andîaditîtIcd ti. was îe cideti to iitl a sîli ce tea ai lite Par-. sîîti:gc o n Jtiutaey 9hi. Peogeanu "'-s iti charge off NIs. Edgar- Gibsonuttnd coiisisu edi îf a pitîer tn itiiissiiots by Mes. Cecil Fei-gîsîîi, a rec:ting hy '.Iîijitrie Gtalbraithi anti a recitatitît by Jean Stutîcersîîîîi. Rev. K.NV. New-ell toik thte chiairt- foîitheie c e tiof f tit cees. Peesideut, Mes. Heebert. GaI- braithî; lst vi-r esithenh, .\Mes. EdIgar G iblstn ; 2nd ichiieu-l.restîleit, Mes. Joinii MvKe; secretary, Mt-s. Cecil Fet-gî- ; son: rea.sîrer, Mrs. A. E. M~cGill: cotresptitdiug sec., Mes. Geotige Jîîiîîîs.« lionîî; ielîeetîuce sec.., r.W. D. F-. i gusoti; Press sec., Mles. E. Stîntersîn;

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