PAGE FOURHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1933 Elizabeth Lander anti Mr. Donald jENFIELD Etisel H-arris on their recent mr * nage. Mr. and Mms. N. VanCamp, El- Mr. W. J. Ormiston is slowly im- rmira, spent the weekenti with the proving.1 fomme's sister, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Mr. Norman Stinson bas been vis- Wemry. lting near Pontypool. Mr. anti Mrs. J. Shackelton anti Mr. and Mrs. L. Braithwaite, To- family spent Christmas with the ronto, vlsited Mrs. John Hiobbs. latter's sister, Mr. and Mms. A. Wil- Mr. C. and Mms. W. AVerY, Raglan, son, Burketon. vlsited at Mr. W. J. Ormiston's on Mr. W. C. Stainton, Toronto, Miss Sunday. Luella Stevens, Oshawa, Mr. anti Mrs. Artbur Hubbard a.nd l'Mrs. Mrs. H. Stevens and Gordon, visited Alf. Prescott bave been under the at Mr. W. H. Moore's. doctor's care. Mrs. G. Bowman entertaineti her A Dr' and Mrs. Ferguson and sons Sunday School class of girls one af-Alan and Donald, visited her par- ternoon recently. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Newton, Tavis- tock, anti the former's brother, Mi. Miss Verna Ormiston, Oshawa, Clarence Ferguson, Toronto. and Mr. Gordon Sizer, Hayion, vis- 'led at Mr. E. Ommiston's.1 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Santierson Miss Evelyn Stinson, Toronto, anti and farnily, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. E. McKee, Cadinus, visited at Spry anti family, Mr. Etigar Wright Mrs. H. Stinson's over Cbristmas. and Mr. Albert Adams, spent Christ- Theme was a vemy gooti attendance mas at Mrs. Wm. Oke's. to Our Christmas entertainment on Mrs. Wm. Griffin hetd the family Wednestiay nlght considering the. gatherlng on Christmas Day wben disagmeeable weather. The different i Mr. andt Mrs. Jack Hemod, Miss Elva flumbers given by the chiltiren were Griflln, Toronto, Miss Marion Grif- exceptionally well given under the fin. Cartwright, Mm. and Mrs. Wal- training of Miss Tamblynm ter Rahm anti family, Mr. and Mrs. ______________________ I Rsseil Griffin and family, were 1 t.4IbKLI%.LLË.N >I HAYDON Mm. anti Mrs. C.J. Mountaoy, Miss Annie Mountjoy, Miss Ethel ilbert," 'Toronto, Mm. anti Mrs. J. E. Elct Bowmanville, Mm. anti Mrs. S. T. Mountjoy, Hampton, Mr. anti Mrs. Russell Gilbert anti Miss Velina, En- niskillen, composeti the Christmas party at the home cf Mm. anti Mms. Theron Mountjoy. TYRONE Mms. Wm. Remring with ber tiaugh- ter. Mrs. Wm. Wotten. Union. Miss M. E. Virtue, Toronto, visiteti hem aunt, Mrs. Phylina Mountjoy. Mm. anti Mrs. S. R. Peîhack anti family spent Christmas in Toronto, Mm. anti Mms. Frank McGil.l with hem parents, Mm. anti Mrs. Levi Brunt. Mr. Nathan Byera is spending the Christmas holiday with frientis in Toronto. Mm. anti Mms. Thos. McGill hati a pleasant fam.ily gatheming on Christ- mas Day. A mermy Christmas !amily gather- lng was helti at the borne of Mm. anti Mrs. J. A. Wermy. Mm. John Slemon Sm., spent Christmas day with bis son, Dr. C. W. Siemon, Bowmanville. Misses Gertie anti Winnifred Oke, Bowmanville, visiteti their parents, Mm. anti Mms. Wesley Oke. Mrs. J. Pye, Miss Eva Souch, Mm. R. Pye, visiteti the formem's brother, Mm. C. W. Souch, Hampton. Sympathy is extendedti t Mrs. Wm. Oke in the tieath cf hem aunt, Mms. W. D. Short, Bowmanville. .Mr. anti Mms. C. A. Stainton anti Ray, Oshawa, visiteti the f ormer's parents, Mm. anti Mms. W. J. Stain- ton. Congratulations to Miss H-elen il ervice l.D.A. Ils Bringing Lower Drug Prices To Bowmanville Support your I.D.A. druggist and in so doing contribute to yonr own and his Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR Hie ean only continue this *money saving service with youm co-operation. He wiII continue!' Wo do bis part by stocking - ' quality drugs, toiletries and merchandise of ail kinds and inx continuing the same hlgh ý standard of service. J. W. WORRALL OptometristI At Our Friday 2 - 4 p. m. Store Monday 10 - 1 p. m. rAlex McGregor DRUGS Phone 92 We Delîe -*m* Alter Christmas CLEARANCE WOMEN'S FANCY VELVET SLIPPERS Gennine fur triniming-, white lined and white cuhan heel, various colors, bine, green, rosle and$1L491 black, per pair See This OUTSTANDING VALUE For Men HEAVY WORK RUBBERS men's, per pair $ 1.69 Boys', per pair $ 1049 Women's Leather SLIPPERS Varions colors and patterns;, aise fur trim Juliets; red, green, bine and black; per pair CLEARANCE SPECJAL 89e Women's Leatherette SLIPPERS Black, brown, bine, red, grey; trlmmed with pom and warm- Iy lined;, rubber heei; aul sizes; SPECIAL Per Pair 33e ROLL EDGE RUBBERS For Mon and B3oys - extra hard wearing NIENS - 67e rubber and an extra 10w price. Boys' - 63 NADO0RHWOOD SHOE STORIE COWAN BLOCK KING STREET J - Glati te report Mrs. George Van- Nms n or f menit: yke who bas been under the Dm's. I - May Clifton. Bruce Deniult, ie for the past two weeks la Russell Bandera. John Meneely, June ightly improveti. Ware,' Mary Burley. George Gibbs. M i. e s Nep l'pý Snowtien. Lake Pr. - Gordion McKcay, Evelyn1 îmrst, Vera Trîmble, Peterboro Sus- Wheelem, Billy Couch. Lard, Prince Albert; Annie Laird, Laurence Savery, teacher. <e Smitbs Falls, are enjoying holidayý SOLINA II with tbeir parents. Ï1 ---- Mr. anti Mrs. Noble Metcalf, Mr Christmas Visitors and Mms. R. L. Womden, Mr. an( Miss Susie Tbompson, Tyrone, at Mrs. R. R. Stevens and Mm. an( Mr. Jack Yellowlees'. Mrs. H. G. Freeman belti fainil, Mr. and Mms. Cecil Bush, Column- gatherings on Christmas. bus, at Mm. Sam Busb's. In spite of the weather and road, Mr. anti Mrs. John Kivell at M. on Sunday a full church greetel Spencer Woods', Bowmanville. Pastor Wolfraim wbo preacheti o Miss Mary Hogartb anti xrs. R. "Christmas in the Heart." Therg Pascoe at Mr, L. C. Pascees, Enfleld. was special music by the choir. Mr Mr. and Mms. Isaac Hardy and~ Leslie Collacutt sang a solo to thi family at Mr. Glaspell's, Uxbmidge. delight o! aIl. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howsamn anti On Fritiay evening, Dec. 22nc Mary, at Mm. Earl Howsam's, Stouff - another good crowt f illed th( scbool bouse at No. 3, when a splen- Mrs. John Baker anti cid prograrn was put on, af tei f amly at Mr. Irwin Bmagg's, Provi- wbicb Santa matie bis appearanc( dence. to distribute the presents. Proceedg Messrs. Frank and Charles Short- neamly $12.00. idge at Mm. Ernest Debarr's, Col- A full hall greeted the schoà, umbus. chiltiren on Tbursday evening, De< Miss Margaret McKessock and Mr. 21st, wben a splendid programnin Everett Elliott, Oshawa, at Mrs. R. was Put On consisting of recitations J. McKessock's. dialogues, chomuses, solos, a trio, a!. Mm. George Millson, Toronto Uni- ter which Santa made bis appear. versity, with bis parents, Mm. and lance anti distributeti the parcek Mrs. Eti. Milîson. fromn the well laden trees. Mm. NobIE Mm. anti Mrs. Harvey Hardy, Rus- Metcalf acted as chaimman in hi, sel anti Doreen, at Mm. Geo. McCul- usual Pleasing way. Collection, lough's, Columbus. amounted to $12.30. Mrs. J. J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs.'--<% Chas. Smith anti family at Mr. E. V. BLACKSTOCK Hoar's, Bowmanvifle. Mr. anti Mrs. Silas Williams, Miss Kate McLaughlin visited Hampton, Mr. anti Mms. Ediwin Mms. S. McLaughlin, Nestleton, me- Woots anti family, Bowmanville, at cently. Mm. Lloyd Williams'. 1 Mr. anti Mms. Osmondi Wright vis- iMr. anti Mrs. Norman Mutton anti iteti Mm. anti Mrs. Lorne McGuime, Miss Ruth, Oshawa, Mr. anti Mrs. Yelvemton, recentîy. Les. Collacott anti family, Maple Mm. L. Allin, Omono, anti Miss IGrove, at Mm. W. H. Westlake's. Cole spent Suntiay wîth Mm. anc Mr. anti Mrs. Thos. Baker anti Mrs. H. A. Galbraith. Miss Vera, Mm. anti Mms. w. .T. Bak- Mm. anti Mrs. Wallace Marlow anc er anti family, Mm. anti Mms. John famil'y spent Christmas with Mms. Baker anti family, at Mr. Jas. Ho- Marlow's parents, Mm. anti Mrs. garth's, Hampton. D. Heaslip, Janetville. Misses Marjory anti Edith Pasce, Mrs. (Dm.) McArthur accompan- Hampton, Mr. anti Mrs. Hilton Tink ieti hem sister, Miss Dempsey, home anti family, Ebenezer, Mm. anti Mrs. to Stratfomti wheme they speni Clarence Tink anti family, Maple Christmas with their parents. Elmove, at Mm. H. E. Tinkas. Mms. J. Mamlow anti taugbter, Mm. anti Mrs. Charleton McBritie Miss Doris Marlow are spentiing anti Burton, Mr. Alan White, Peter- Christmnas holidays with Mm. andi boro. Mm. anti Mrs. Charlie White Mms. Hector Forbes, Toronto. anti family, Oshawa, Mm. anti Mrs. Thie concert put on in the Com- Clarence Tink anti family, Maple uiyHlb M.Ektecr Grov, atMr. eo. hites. f the Public Scbool, anti bis pupils Mr. anti Mrs. Ramry Grooms anti on Dec. 16th was a decideti success. family, Toronto, Mayor Geo. W. Mr. anti Mms. Percy VanCamp James anti Mrs. James anti family, anti !amily, anti Mm. anti Mrs. Fran- Bownîanville, Mm. anti Mrs. W. C. cis Werry anti family, Enniskillen, Werry anti Mm. anti Mra. MeredithI spent Suntiay witb Mr. anti Mms. Ar- MIoffat, Oshawa, at Mr. S. E. Wer- thur Bailey. ry's. Cartwright Reeve anti Counicil are Mr. anti Mrs. Morley Cook anti the same as for 1933. Reeve-Nor- family, Myrtle, Mm. N. Wilkin , Col- man Green. Councillors-Creighton umbus, Mm. anti Mrs. Frank Ashton Devitt, Norman Taylor. Rupert and famnily, Bradley's, Mr. anti Mrs. Byems anti Joseph Fortier. Jr. Jim Moorey, Misses Ethel, Bernice A family gathering was helti at anti Domothy Moomey, Enniskillen. at the home of Mm. anti Mrs. W. A. Mtr. Chas. Blancharti's. VanCamp on Christmas DaY. A -- family gathering was also bhelti at Mm. anti Mrs. A. L. Pascoe were the home of Mm. anti Mrs. John in Port Hope on Tuesday attentiing Wright on Christmas Day. the f uneral cf Mrs. Pascoe's brother- The regular meeting of the W. A. in-law, Mm. Dyer, of Battle Cmeek, of St. John's Church was belti aI the M.ich. home of Mrs. R. Mahooti on Thurs- Congratulations te Mr. A. L. Pas- day evening with an attentiance of coe on bis re-election by acclama- 30. Roll caîl was answereti with a tion as Deputy-Reeve for the fourth useful gif t for a neetiy family. The .ear andti teMm. Chas. Blancharti on StutiY Book Chapter was taken by his re-election bv acclamation as Dm. Whittaker. A reading from the Councillor for the f if lb year. Living message was given by Mrs. There wvas a large crowti at Sun- C. Parr anti a report of the Boardi lay School anti church on Suntiay meeting by Mra. G. Campbell. The ifternoon. At the S. S. service Miss progmam was in charge of Mrs. (Dr.) 3etty Smales gave a vocal solo anti McArthur. A reading was given by the pupils cf Baker's Scbool gave Mrs. R. Bailey anti one by Mrs. A. two selections. Our pastor, Rev. Bailey. Nominations by ballot were Rackham, gave us a splendid taken for election of off icers for nessage at the church service anti 1934. to ho helti on Jan. l8th at the he choir fumnisheti Christmas mua- home of Mrs. F. Bailey. ic. The church was well filleti on Fmi- lay evening for our annual Christ- SCHOOL REPORTS 1 nas concert untier the auspices of he C.G.I.T. group anti their leader, DARLINGTON ,rs. S. E. Werry. Rev. Rackbam was chaimman for the evening. The Report of S. S. 3, Darl.ington, for *pening number was a chorus by the December: C.G.I.T. gmoup, followeti by a recita- Sr. IV - *Margaret Henmy 80, ion by Master Clifforti Miller. A *Louise Foley 79, *Hazel Truil 76, horus was given by the pupils of *Clarence Peacock 75, Maurice Mer- Bradley's school, a dialogue by Sol- pby 71, Sam VanCamp 68. ina achool, anti a drill by Baker's Jr. IV - Arthur Forsythe 66, Eti- school . A Pantomime "Hark the die Forsythe 65, tVema Gibson 58. leralti Angels Sing", was given by Sm. III - *BiUly Henmy 83, Jean, ight girls, while tbree boys as wise Metcalf 81, Norma Sexsmith 73, mien came slowly arounti the plat- Peggy Finnigan 71, Joe Wojnakoski form to the manger wheme the Baby 62, tBetty Henry 58, Hamry Feath- îy with a star sbining above it. The er 5 1. closing number was the cantata Jr. III - Glenn Metcalf 69, Madie- Wben Santa Forgot the Smiths" line Metcalf 65, Eveline Gibson 63, which was enjoyeti, anti following tGomdon Metcalf 58, tJohn Noble bis Santa Claus a-ppeareti on the 58, jtGortion TruIl 55, tLo)uise For- latform anti distributeti the gifts sythe 42. [rom the large tree. Sm. II - Milton Storma 32. ___________________ Jr. II -*Donald Metcal! 84, MAPL GRO E ~ *Kenneth Power 78, *Alvin Metcalf i MA LE G OVE75, Mike Bonk 66, fSammy Bonk 55. Î__ Pr. - *Mildmeti Metcalf anti Daisy1 Mm. Wm. Nîchol spent Christmas Gibson, (ecaual); Joyce Power anti îith frientis aI Solina. Alfredi Feather (equal); Winnie Mm. Elgin Muntiay. O.A.C. Guelph. Power. senjoyîng bis bolidays at home. Figure-,tienote 17; *-Honours; Miss Laura Davey spent Christ- t1-Failure. nas with hem people at 'Pyrone. Ruby M. Bragg, teacher. Mr. anti Mrs. John Cator, Toron- 0. vLsiteti Miss Etina Swallow on CADMUS .inciay. Mm. anti Mms. Jas. Metcalf visited Christmas report of S. S. No. 5, iem parents, Mm. anti Mrs. A. Tren- Catimus: uth. Hampton. Sm. IV - Maromie Galbraith 86, Mm. Wilbum Blackburn, Orono. Lois Veale 86, Keith Johnston 79 pent the weekenti with bis uncle, Lloyd Brown 78, Muriel Lansing 76:1 (Ir. Howardi Foley. Maisie Gayton 74, Elmer Archer 67,1 Mms. Leslie Collacutt anti two Domothy Brown 65. aughters sppnt a few tiays with hem Jr. IV - Clama Mountioy 77, Jack iments at SLin. Mamlow ,75, Miltireti Archer 68REi- EAGLE MILK Per tin 19c Aylmer Toinato Soup 3 tins 25c Gold Medal YelIow Label COFFEE per lb. 45c Assorted Mdixed Caumdies IL50 lbs. Sorrento Walnuts lb. 190 CROWN TEA. ' erl 9 MIXED NUTS prl 9 WHITrE SUGAR per th 21c ROLLED OATS 5 lbs 36c GOLD -MEDAL HEALTH SALTS per tin 14 PRUNES. Merýuim Sîze 1per Unbs14c TIGEIR COFOE SALM,,ON, ila per2in 19e HABITANT PEA SOup per tin 19e REDICUT MIACARONI 2 for lic HALLS SANDWICH TURKEY per tin 10e RED & WHITE 7-1b. bag FLOUR 19c SHREDDED WI-EAT 2 pkgs. 25e MATCHES 3 boxes 25e CROWN SYRUP, 2's per tUn 17o CHOCOLAE PEANUTS 11,4lb. 100 ICING SUGAR 2 ibs. 19C C. & B. TOMATO JUICE per tUn 9c H. P.SAUCE per bottJ.e 29o GOLDEN SPRAY CHEESE, ... each Ilc PACKAGE FIGS anti DATES i of each 19o LIFEBUOY SOAP.. 3 bars 23c Jewel Shortening 2 lbse 2lc F. Wjr Neile PHONE59FREDLVY I W/ g ,.~ j v f i ~, -a _/ fte~ Ys Ir. ,id 'id ly ds ed )n re [r. ,le d, ae I - er ce ds 01 ýC. le LS. f - r - is m e 3s d d S. S. ,e it r , 9 d r p 1 e n t t t e f è PAGE POUR Churcb service next Suntiay at 10.30 a. m. Mrs. H. Wicke is holitiaying at hem home in Toronto. ais Florence Down, Oshawa, vis- idM. anti Mrs. Theotiore Dowvn. Mm. Gussie Rýosevear visiteti bis parents, Mm. anti Mrs. Edigar Rose- vear, Cobourg. Mm. anti Mrs. Emmerson Davis anti f amily, Belle Ewart, are visiting Mr. W. F. Park. Miss Mae Camemon anti frienti Toronto, spent Christmas at Mm. Herbert Cameron's. Mrs. W. MacDonald, Catherine, anti Bruce, Cobourg, are visiting ber faîher. Mm. WiUlis Stewart. Messrs. Hammy anti Frank Hather- ly, Dixie, are boitiaying çwith Iheir paà.ents, Mm. anti Mms. R. Hatherly. W. M. S. will holti ils annual bus- iness meeting in the S. B. room on Thurstiay January 4tb, at 2.30 p. m. Mrs. A. B. Stephens, Masters Ar- thur anti Beverly. Toronto, are hol- itiaying with ner sister, Mrs. Robt. Burgess. Rev. anti Mrs. A. M. Wootton anti John are holidayîng with ber par- ents, Mr. anti Mrs. Wallace Simmons Belleville. Mr. Levi Annis. Toronto,' r Lorne Annis, Kempîville. are holu- tiaying at the home cf their father, iMr. A. W. Annis. hrita gatherînga weme helti aI tehomes cf Messrs. J. H. Mutton. I James Dudley, Byron Moore, Robt. Burges.s, R. McCullougb, H. Camer- on, anti others. The achool Christmas concerti which was helti on Thursday even- ing was a decitieti succesa. Everyone dîd bis or ber part eal well. Much credit is due the teacher, Mma. R. [Wîcke for the splendid way in wbich the chîltiren weme traineti. The Christmas Iree was beautifully dec- oateti. Santa Claus ariveti just at 1 the close ef the pmogam anti belpeti present the gifla f rom the tmee. A very impressive Christmas ser- vice was helti on Suntiay momning, opening with the choir mmbn thmough the church singing "Ramk, the Heralti Angels ing." Cardas weme sung. Mm. Gordion Brent sang "No Room in the Inn' in vemy finef voice; the choir also endemeti very fine Xmas music. Rev. A. M . Woot- ton preacheti a vemy fine Christmas sermon taking for bis subjeet, Christ in the Reamt," in which be brought eut many fine thougbts. 11 I HAMPTON J d Mrs. R. Katerson entertained on j J yChristmas Day. hm.ak rS o e Dr. A. E. AlUin, Toronto, wasa lkr S oe d Mr. and Mrs. Will Wilbur held a aChristmas gathering on Monday. ..Christmas wt Toronto relatives.L M T D e Mr. Lean odr.geo.L urndsay ent is itmng relatives during Christmastide. A family gathering was held at ethe home of J. L. Johns, Christmas eed her sister, Mrs. A. E. BiUlett, for sChristmas. Mrs. Harold Alun bas returned The Walkeî' Stores Manager and Staff are , home f rom Belleville where she vis- exceedingly grateful for the generous meas- ited relatives. e Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, Osh- ure of support accorded them in the past aWa, spent Christmas with Mr. andyean moe arcualfrth wo erl Mrs. A. Peters. eran moepreualfoth wnd fl Mr. Wallace Homn, B. A., Queen's respoilse to OUI' Christmas sales of gift sUniversity, Kingston, is a mrhnie 2-couple weeks at home. mrhnie S Miss Beatrice Leach, Oshawa, sspent Christmas with ber sister at the home of F. J. Groat. > Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn enter- >latives on Christmas Day.1 Mrs. Win. Cunnmngham and child- Oui, wishl for 19:34 is truly a pleasant wish - ren, Fenelon Falls, are visiting ber ~ n rafi ershpiesfryu mother, Mrs. J. Clatworthy. ti n o ulyashpiesfryu Miss Nancy Johns, Toronto, is Mav it be ail that vou could hope for, replete spending ber Christmas vacation thalhego tins fhf. with bier mother, Mrs. Elmira Johns. ihaltego tinsflf. Mrs. Milton Slemon and sons 5were Christmas vîsitors for a fesw 1days with lier mother, Mrs. Elmina 1 Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Mountjoy en- j ' .ioyed Christmas festivities at the home of their son Theron, at Hay- don, on Monday. ak rS o e Mr. S. T. Mountjoy and son Ther-1 .on of Haydon attended the funeral Phone 164 LIMITED Bowmanville 0 f their cousin, Mrs. John Pereman, Oshawa, on Thursday. 11Mr. and Mrs. Allan Parkcer. Mon- Streal, were Christmas visitors wîth Sthe latter's mother and sister, Mrs. iseyGoda.ndduhtrLu siake: Group Leaders-Mrs. G. Bar- also worthy of special mention, some . 1 ise.ron. Mrs. W. W. Horn and Mrs. E. of the young people of the Y. P. L. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wilkinson H. Cole. Mieeting closed with the under whose auspices the entertain- Sand son Douglas, Toronto, enjoyed Mizpah Be nediction. ment was given, took part in this, festivities witb other relatives at lher The încleinency of the weather1 Misses R. Johns and L. Horn and brother's home, Mr. Lorenzo Trull, prevented mnany f rom attending Douglas Rackham, behind the scen- on Sunday. . church services on Sund.ay. Sunday es, assisted in some of the brigbt Sympathy is extended the family evening Rev. Rackhamn based bis little songs during this number wben of Mrs. Wm. Short, Bowmanville. 1sermon on Isaiah Il: 6, "The wolf Christmas carols were sung and at whose demise occurred at hier home1 also shall dwell with the lamb, and a proper time Old Santa appeared on Saturday, December 23rd. Mr.I the leopard shall lie down with the to take a part, making a second ap- and Mrs. Short were former resi- id, and the calf and the young lion pearance to distribute the numerous desoufgthiovillage.e andi the fatling together, andi a little presents. a great many eceiving a Theayung Peoles in Lerague on chîlti shall lead thern." The church i parcel off the tree, whlch with its Frîay îgt ws n care 0f Miss 'vas beautîfîed for the service wtb gay decorations, together with the Helen Knox. Christmas carols were t,,o gaily decorated Christmastresretiandi green festoonîng about the sun i opnig ad he sul me w*hich hati their place at the front school rooma, created a splendid taken for business. Bible lesson was of the church. The Christmas sel- Christmas atmosphere. read by Bloyd Wilcox during the etinsb th coiadhyn devotional period, which was in sung, addted much to the services of charge of Miss N. Horn. Responsive the day. The lights wmt out twice Bible reatiing anti a hymn was aIse tiuring the service in. the evening a part of this period. Betty ewhen artificial hlghls had. b be pro- K ing su.ay Knox favored with a piano selection vided. during the sermon. andi Mr. F. J. Groat spoke very in-' Th annual Chrsinas tree antid terestîngly on the Christmas theme. concert on Thundrc', December 21, Flower Shop which p redominateti the wholepro- 'vas a sp ec1 ucce. s. The teach- gram. The usual form 0of closing e rs. 'Miss G-aceCake andi Princi- eaeinrey rtflfo was useti.1 pal E. E. Staples. wJth Miss N. Horn the aekin pat gaefl o W. M. S. met at Mrs. S. xWilliams', as aýs.ýsta-, acco:npanist. were wel h k aronage extended on Dec. l9th. Mrs. H. Peters. lst iepa.forî their grea;, efforts in pre- to us during the recent holiday Vice Presitient, openeti the meeting. paring the ch:ldren for siich a de- i season. After the usual routffie of business., lichtful ev£ninci' entertainiment.i 1934 will soon be here. Our Mrs. C. Kersiake reati the Devotion- 1The capable nanner in which rnosti desire is to be of the utmost ai Leaflet. 'We would see Jesus anti everv ccid ..ctect throiiohout the service to Bowmanville and the Tuch f HisHand." Th ele- varou b .es gave vivid evidence, the surrounding district. We lion of officers followed; Hon. Pres- of the itr. and respec1 0f both want our shop to bc your itient-Mrs. Annie Colwill; Presi- t"eacher ancd scholar. in seho-ol lîfe flower home. tient-Mrs. A. E. Billett; lst Vice- 1 as well as other as.sociaîions. The Mrs. H. Peters; 2nd Vice-Mrs.i program consisted, of an openn Burns; Rec. See'y-Mrs. A. Peters; chorus by the school. Doîîy son-, A Happy and Prosperous Corr. Sec'y-Mrs. W. W. Horn: Butterfly dill. Pumpkin Pie son- by, Treasurer-Mrs. Tbeo Salter; Sec'y five boys. Mother Goose dill.-Play NEW YEAR of Christian Stewardsbip - Mrs.. by Juniors "The Toyman'. play s ur wish to one and ail. Curtis; Literature Sec'y-Mrs. C. J. "The Lost Chilti'. Santa Claus dill i Kerslake; Miss. Montbly Sec'y-- by senior boys. sorn- hy juniors. Pat- Mrs. S. Williams: Strangers' Secy- riotie drill by senior scholars. chorusI Mrs Rackham; Supply Se'y-Mrs. by seniors. play "Christmas Bell." Kingsway Flower Shop Burns and Mrs. Avery; Temperance Special mention mnay be made of the Secy'-Miss Katerson; Press Secy- butterfly drill, which %vas a playful, W. E. GROVES Mrs. E. H. Cole: Associate Helpers little number, the chilciren resemb- Box 163 - Bowmanville, Ont,. Sec'y-Mrs. Clatwortby; Baby Bandti hng so much in dress and actions Phone Day or Nlght 72 Sec'y-Mrs. W. Wilbur: Pianit- the beauty and habits cf Ibis queen Mrs. E. H. Cole anti Mrs. C. Ker- of insects. The concluciing play was ________________ New Yearls Seil On Sale Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Dec. 28-29-30 1