( f THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THIURSDAY, JANUARY 4th, 1934 SPECIAL Bargains THURS. FRI.& S1AT. * wincxae the following Boracic Acid, I.D.A. 8 oz.-19c l.D.A. Chest Rub 3 oz. -33C Epsom Saits, I.D.A. 19e lb. Kleen-or Antiseptic 19c - 39c - 69c Kleen-or T. Paste, 19c Combination Attach- ments - 39C lngram's Shaving Cream - 29c Lavoris - 17c, 34c Mecca Ointment 17e - 33c Pedsodent Tooth Paste 33C Pinex .......34c Sal Hepatica medium, 44c WINTER WOODS Cold, relentless wiuter wlud, Iu the barren tree-taps moaning, Sullen cleuds efface the sky, Yonder brook in fury faaming. Winter Woodis new stripped sud bare, Gaunt the armns wbere wee birds nested, Verdure, cbanged ta Autumu hue, Prom yen icy fiugers wrested. Brave you stand against the stonni, Strong support the weak lu trauble, Ravage must give way ere long, Buds will peep and brooklets bubble. Though the Winter tempest blows, Dim our sun, the dark world Inewn- ing, Heants. be true-His ransoin gave Peace with oun morrcw's dawning. -Seima Bartlett. ALONG MAIN STREET In this firmt issue o! Tue Sta.tes- man in 1934 several merchants get away to a good stant with special offers o! varlous kinds in their ad- vertisements. Most a! tbem are list- ed here. Sud. Chartran 18 continuing bis big sale of men's overcoats at most at- tractive prices. Alex McGregor starts off the year with s whele ist o! big specials lu druga requisites. Listeine reduced_ te 9ish .etue_ t .ers1aKeS ijru Steedman's Powders advt. for the first issue O! 1L934.sl* 19e Harry Ali's a.dvt. features sever- WrgeysGum - ai splendid values lu grocerles this 4Wfrig eweek, including severai free offers. 4 fo 15esboe vlues that will be bard ta Zam-Buk...... 29c beat are Included, in Fred Kuox's -advt. tis week. It will psy you to Change in Store Hours A big dres anad coat cleara.nce Commncig a onc, b agee- stants this week at the Walker Stores cmnt iet heoncerdruggists where s splesdid stock goes ou sale of th thenoa tre il 9 beat drastically neducedi pnîces. Icloed t 830 p m.inseadNelson's Big January Sale opens 10 p. nm. each evenlng except on Frlday wth some real seasonable Satua-day. Thse store wHIf be values. Many a! bis prices are 10w- opened at 8 a. m. eaeh moru- er than wholesale pices now. .ing, except Sunday, sud "'e' F. F. Marris Ca. ils featuning a uew remaiu open Wednesday alter- kitchen utiity stool that 15 llustrat- noon as uae. ed in their advertisemeiit. It 18 ne- Niglits snd Sundays commended by the Chatelaine In- Phone 206-Mr. Alex MeGregor stitute. " 141Ma-. ewtonHackey TeEyubo18cein te- Prompt service at any hour tire stock at practically cast, sud in of the night or on Sunday. some cases ess than cast. The sale ________________________ includes coats, dresses, lingerie sud milinery. Af texM G e o New winter cas adonl A lex cGre o r furred, are on sale at Coucb, Jobn- DRUGS stan & Crydennsan's this week at Phono 92 We Deliver bai! pice. A coat purchasedi naw will not anlY complete this season but gave suother goodi season's wear. GROCIERIES When you want grocerios of the better kind get them at ýHarry Allin's. If botter grocories are manufacturod Harry Allin will have them, and at reasonable prices all the time. Palmolive Soap, 3 cakes, with Free package of Princess Soap Flakes, ail for ....... 21c Guest Ivory Soap, 6 cakes, with Wash Cloth Free................. 25c Crisco, 1 lb. tin, with cake tinfe...25c * Vegetable or Pea Soup, 28 oz. can...... 10c Cowan's Perfection Cocoa, lb. tin...... 23c Lily Brand Chicken Haddies..2 tins 25c Chateau or Velveeta Cheese...... 2 pkgs. 25c Our Own Blend Tea, lb............. 39c VelVa Tissue, absorbent paper ... 2 rolîs 25c Maxwell House Coffee........... 45c lb. Pitted Dates ................. 2 lbs. 25c Hallowi Dates ..................10c IL Laxo Cereal, 5 lb. bag.............. 30c Tomatoes, 3 cans for............... 25c Fresh Fish and Qysters Harry Alliai, Grocer Phones. 121 and 186 Bowmanville SUPERIOR The Famous Stool with the Folding Stop - designed for women kind - The Suporior Kitchen Stool of a thousand uses Safety - Comf art - Convenience while my Lady works T.msted adAFP-vd by bitline isti te 9thaielaine Xaçdzifle Rest while you work . . . why stand to prepare vegetables, to wash dishes, when it can be done while sitting at perfect ease. The SUPERIOR Step Stool is rigid, cannot over balance or cause you to fail when used' as a step ladder. Sold at $3.95. Fe Fe MORRIS CO* Phone 10 Bowmanville 'LOCAL & PERSONAL Mms. Phillp Nind, Thorold, vlslted ber aunt, Mrs. C. W. E. Meath. House key found near C.P.R. sta- tion. Enquire at The Statesman office. Mr. and Mms. J. Bourchier Cramp- ton, Torento, spent the weekend with Mrs. W. F. Dale. Mr. Geo. E. Pritchard, who has been confined ta Chiristie Street Hospital, bas returned home. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Devitt spent New Year's wlth their son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Hall, Minilce. Mr. Gardon Petrie of the Bank of Montreal, Williamsburg, bas been visiting bis numerous friends in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Paisley and f amily, Cooksville, spent the bell- days witb her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.. LBlekeil. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Trewin, Queen Street, who on Friday, Jan. 5tb, celebrate their 6lst wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Rice and daugbter Betty, Stratford, Miss Ma- bel Sis, Toronto, spent Christma.s with Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Rice. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Haddy and Jack, Miss Cora M. Scott and Miss Agnes K. Haddy, Toronto, were New Year's visiters with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Haddy. The Public Health Nurse may be reached at ber office in the Town Hall, telephone 79, daily between 1.30 p. m. and 2.30 p. m., and Satur- day, 9 a. mi. ta 9.30 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Tucker, Tor- onto, spent the holiday with ber parents. Mr. and Mms. A. W. Min- geaud, leaving ai terwards for a trip te, New York and Bermuda. Congratulations to Miss Kathleen Hall, graduate of Oshawa Qeneral Hospital, on obtaining her R. N. de- gree. Miss Hall is holidaying wlth her parents, Mr. and Mms. W. P Hall, Brown St. Mr. Johin M. James, who bas been cennected with the mechanical a.nd commercial printing department of The Statesman for tbe past four and a hall years, this week assumedi a new position in the emplay of Alger Press Limited, Celor Pinters, De- signers and Publishers, Oshawa. At the annual meeting of the Men's Club of St. John's Cburch on Tuesday evening the following of- f ioers were elected: Hon. President -Rev. C. R. Spencer; President-L. A. Parker; Vice President-H. Hunt; Se'y.-Trea.-Reg. Harding. The remainder of the evening was spent in playing carpet balla. Citizens of ail denominations at- tending the Watcbnight Service in St. John's Cburch on New Year's iEve were sorry ta see Rev. C. R. Spencer collapse at the close of the service. Mr. Spencer, who was ser- iously iii last faîl, bas been' taking things rather easy since bis return and the five services on Sunday ne doubt proved a littie too mucb fer hirn. He is recevering nicely now. The marriage was solemnized on Saturdsy, December 30th, 1933, et Simcoe Street United Cburch Par- sonage, Oshawa, of Muriel Edith Taf t, daugbter of Mr. and Mms. Charles Ta.ft, Oshawa, and Alexan- der Seymour, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Seymour of Bowmanville. Rev. W. R. Tanten officiated. The bride was attended by Miss Helen Taft ef Trenton, andi Mr. Fra.nk Blunt of Bowmanvllle was grooms- man. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour will reside in Bowmanville. With bis 11e banging by a sender thread that resulted lu death an heur later, laughing and joking wth bis f amily who had gathered at bis bedside, Hynian Breslin, 59 year aid shirt manufacturer, diedi on Satur- day afternoen lu Toronto General Hospital. He dled of spetie aemia, caused by a cut suffered five years ago. Just previeus te bis death he drsnk a toast ta bis family and the docter. He was the father of ten children, one of wbem is Maurice Breslin, proprieter of Breslin's Store, Bowmanvllle and Orona. C--HURCHES St. John's Anglican Cburcb-Rev. C. R. Spencer, Rector. Sundsy, Jan. 7th: Hely Communion il a. mi.; Sunday School 2.30 p. m.; Evening Prayer 7 p. m. St. Andrew's Presbyteriau Churcb -Rev. W. J. Todd, Minister. Sun- day Services: Merning Worship il a. m.; Sabbatb School 2.30 p. m.; Evening Worship 7 p. m. St. Paul's Unted Church - Rev. A. S. Kerr, MA., Minister; Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Organist and Leader. il a. m.-"Prayer"; 2.30 p. m -un- day School; 7 P. m.-"How to Face Life". A cordial welcome toauai. Tinity United Church - Sunday, January 7th: il a. m.-Commun-1 A real man neyer talks about whist the world ewes hlm, the happines he deserves, the chance he ought by rlght te have, and ail that. Ail he claimsis l the riglit to lbye sud pay the man. OSHAWA'S MAYOR W. E. N. Sinclair, K.C., id.P.P. House Leader of the Ontario Liberal Party wbo will again hold office as Mayor of Oshawa this year. Mr. Sinclair was re-elected by ac- clamation. CIîurcli Activitiesj St. Paul's Young People's Gulld The St. Paul's Young People's Guild held its regular meeting in thej lecture room with President Eric Coombes in the chair. Ater busi- ness and devotional periods, the re- mainder of the evening was spent in skating at the schooi rink. Trinity W. M. S. The regular meeting of the W.M.S. was held in the school room on Tuesday, Jan. 2nd, with Mrs. G. L. Wagar, President, in the chair. The meeting opened with a hymn, f o- lowed by prayer by Mrs. E. Strike. During the business period the an- fluai reports were read, ail of which were encouraging. Letter from slck qnd shut-ins were aiso read. One interesting item of the meeting was the giving of a 111e membership cer- tificate te Mrs. J. E. Elliatt, pre- sented by Mrs. B. M. Warnica, and te Mrs. W. C. Ives by Mrs. Wagar from the W.MS. A third 111e mem- bership was given to Mms. F. J. Bil- lett, Hampton, by lier sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Slemon. Both were pleasing- ly surprised and expressed their ap- preciation o! the gifts. Mrs. War- nica then took charge of the pro- grain: Hymns were sung; prayer by Mrs. Warnica; Mrs. T. G. Mason read the Bible lessen and devotional leaflet; en interesting New Year's message on fellewsbip was then giv- en by Mrs. Warnica. Delegates chosen ta go to Presbyterial at Osh- awa were Mrs. T. G. Mason and Mrs. J. W. Bunner. After the sing- ing of another bymu meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Wagar. CARDS 0F THANKS To the Electors: I arn deepiy grateful te my friends who worked se bard on my bebalf and ta the electors whe without sel- icitation on niy part supperted me. I can only now ask for the ce-eper- ation of every citizen in meeting a very dilficult local situation. W. Ross Strike To the Electers: May I express my deep apprecia- tien to the ra.tepayers of Bewman- ville whe turned out and s0 whele- heartedlly veted for me in thé elec- tions on New Yeax's Day, making It possible for me to secure the larg- est number of votes polled for any one candidate. I shall endeavour tbroughout the year te warrant the confidence you have paced lu me a.nd as Reeve of the town carry eut my duties on the Tewn Counicil and the Counties Council In the best in- terests of both Bowxnanville and Durham County. I aise wisb te thank my opponent, Mr. T. H. Lock- hart, for the fair nianner lu whlcb he opposed. me in the election. Yours very truly, R. O. Jones To the Electors: May I extendi my sincere tbanks ta ahl those who supported me at the polis on Monday for re-election te the Public Utilities Commission. I shaîl endeavour as in the past te give my very best service te the town on this important commission. Yours very truly. T. H. K.nlght PURE MILK Mllk la the only perfect food, that la If It la pure milk. Sae- guard your health and the health of your childreu by insisting on Bowmsuvllle Dairy Milk - pure milk, dellvered daily and on trne by cour- eous drivera. Dalry W. H. BETTLES PROPRIETOR Phono 446 - Bowrmnvul Mn. Carlisle points eut that the company bas net ouly earnei u paid dividends since 1929, butec year bas added tg its surplus sud cash position. "I ami asklng you," says Mn. Car- hasle, "as one o! the 3,447 Canadian shareholders, ta take an active in- tereat lu your company's affairs, such as the puncbasing aI your own product, ,your influence among your fniendsansd in your locality. Auy criticisms or camments which you may have te affer te the officers sud staff wili be o! great assistance. We bave appreciated your co-apenation in the past and it bas been a big factor lu the building o! yeur coni- pany. Bu6iness shows imprevement, sud we are loeking fonward te bet- ter conditians Ion the comiug yean." MR. AND MES. F. R. BETTLE MARK ANNIVRSARY Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Bettie o! Dun- das Street, Toronto, celebnated the fi! tieth anuivensany o! their weddiug Sunday. Mn. Bettle was borninl Cranfleld, Bedfordshire, England, sud Mrs. Bettie, who was befare ber maniage Dora Penn, was born at Denver, Kent. Mn. and Mns. Bettie were marnled lu London, England, Dec. 31, 1883, coming ta Canada the next yean sud residing In Toronto even since. Tue immediate fa.mlly celebrated quietly with theni: their three daughtems, Mns. E. J. Wood, wlth ber huisband and Iaxnuly f nom Bowmanville; Mms. H. D. Stewart, with ber husbaud sud f amlly froni Niagara Falls; sud Miss Olive M. IBettle, who is swimming instructress a t the Y.W.C.A., Tenante. The Trutk About Solicitor's Account (Contlnued f rom page 1) another $40. The balance was made up o! manies paid for exaznination for discovery, subpoenas, formai notices te, court clenk, telephone cails, and agency accounts. Subtracting these disbursemeuts w e flnd Mr. Strike's account dowu ta $330.50, and which includedi trans- portation to Toronto twice, Cobourg and Whitby 3 days. Mr. Strike's werk lu connection with this $330.50 iucluded the wrlt-j ing e! approximately 42 lettens, at the customary charge o! $1.00 per letter, a charge that any wbe have bsd dealings with a lawyer will ae- cegnize as regula.r. Two separate days appeanlng be- f ore the Workmeu's Compensation Board ai Toronto and transporta- tion, attendance aitotwn hall and securing ahI carrespendence lu con- rbection with the case; interviews, wlth T. H. Lockhart and A. H. Bickell; attendance at Cobourg for examinatien for discevery; attend- ance and drawing o! affidavit as te method o! adiuinistering relief; at- tendance and drawlng affdavit as te supervision o! work given men on relie!; attendance and affidavit witb Ivan Eâton as to circumsta.nces e! accident, ah fUed with the Work- men's Compensation Board; attend- ance with witnesses and gaing over evidence; attendance at Whltby for practically tbree days: openlng o! case, preparing o! brie!, tr4nsporta- tien o! witnesses 3 tumes, and draw- Ing a! judgmeut accounts fer the greater proportion of the remainder. Wbat may be called actual fees fer the defense lu court are $75.00 cbarged for the entire day's work at Whitby * sd $20.00 charged for op- ening and centinulng case on fiast day. The whole tblng may be boiled down ta, say that the case entailedi au unusual large amnount of work, and that tbe charges were normal. 0f course the acceunt could bave been taxed, but the council was un- suimous lu passing it, lucludlng a barristen member who 18 f ully se- quaintedi with usual 15w charges. Perhaps o! great importance is the rider te the Judgment, placlng coats on the cemplainant Branni- gan, andi it is yet possible for the towu te recover these coste fromn Branniga. if, the latter la ever able to pay them. It might be polnted out that the Judge's awarding of cests agalnst the complainant la lits manner of expressing bis belle! that the action sheuhd neyer have been started against the town. Unfortunately some o! Mr-. Strlke's opponents endeavouredi te make eh- ection capital o! the acceunt of $497.95, wthout maklng any attempt te explalu ta those whom they toid their garbiedi story, the truth about the dlsbursements and other expen- ses Mr. Strike incurred. I OVERCOAT I SALE You might as well have one of these warm stylish new Over- coats. We could only buy 25 of them to soul at these vory low pricos. Soc them to really approciate the exceptional values. OVIERCOATS Regular $25.00 for- $140,95 OVERCOATS $30.00 and $32-50 for $19050 Don't wear that shabby worn- out overcoat when you can step out in a brand new coat that will malce you sing Happy Days Are 'Here Again. Sa G. CHARTRAN Phone 26 one Door Wet floU Telephoue o w anil Market Your Grain by the Poultry Route This 18 the turne when previeus crate sud milk feediug tells. It mares the best turkey flesh or roast chicken. Tue roasters that were not ready for the Christmas market had better be given special feedi fer Uie demand that cames lu the New Year. Tue million pounds aI Canadian turkeys that went ta Englandi for this Christmas meant sligbtly hlgh- er pnices te growers bere than were receivedi last year, or weuld bave been neceivedi this year. Tuere 18 no reason why more geod paultry preductasbould flot be fit- ted for the expert market. We bave the stock and the cheap feed. It 18 the best way te, get good prices for aur grain; market It tbrough the poultry route. Keeplng the Wool Cla Woollen manufacturera o! ten cb- ject te Canadian wool on account of cint, partlculanhy chaff sud aceds. The removal o! sucli materil la ex- pensive, whlch Is f requently the rea- son for lower prices off eredi. A litthe care on tbe part e! the f armner wMh help conslderably in keeplng the woh dcean. The construction of the !eedlng racks Is important. Have the siats on the feeding side ahnost vertical, sud net more than two luches spart. This wilI prevent Uicehîay f nom f alllng over the animais. Wben feedlng, fIl Uic racks f rom au afley, or keep the sheep eut o! the Peu. Tuey should also lie kept out wben the beddig la being spread. THANK YQU Fred W. Nelles wishes at this time to express his sincere appreciation to his many custom- ers for the wonderful Christmas and New Year's business accorded him and for the loyal support of the year now closed. AND FOR MONDAY I also wish to extend my gratitude to al those who worked and voted for me in Mon- day's civic elections, making it possible for me to head the poil for Publie School Trustee. Fred W. Nolles Fred W. Nelles PHONE 599 BOWMANVILLE il,) 1' E,, IMPROVEMENT IN GOODYEAR SHOWN Divideuds Earned on Both Preferred sud Commnon, Says Carlisle "Comparing the year's operations with ast year, the current year bas sbown a considerable improvemeut,"1 says C. H. Carlisle, president of Goodyear Tire sud Rubber Co. o! Canada, Limited, lu a lettern te shareholders accompanylng th e cheques for dividiends on the pre- ferred and comanan stocka for the hast quarter o! the year. Mr. Carlisle states that the divi- dends for the -year on bath the pre- ferred and common stocks bave been cearned, and a! ter niakiug allewances for depreciation, bad debtz, taxes, etc., there will be a sizeable balance te carry Iorward ta, surplus. Felowing a camplete audit o! the affairs o! the company now belng made the balance sheet and f ulliIn- formation as to the year's apera- tuons will go f orward to sharehald- ers. ]PAGE PMV Evlyn's Annual January CLEARANC E Nothlug to be carried over lu this stupeudous sale et Coats, Dresses, Rats, Sweaters, Huit Suits aud Lingerie. Everythlng on sale t. make room for new merchandise on order. COATS.. At Half Price and less Every one wlth guaranteed furs, cloths and linlugs. DRESSES 0 Sllk crepe, moss crepe, sheers and satins, ln ai- ternoon and evenluig and semi-forinal styles, new shades .. .Wool dresses i abblt hair, jersey and faucy weaves. Prloed reguiarly f rom $5.95 to $15.95 - JANUJARY SALE PRICE *$2e95 to $ 10.95 DON'T MISS TRIS BIG CLEARANCE EVENT The Evlyn Ladies' Specialty Shop PHONE 594 KING STEEET a m