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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jan 1934, p. 3

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TEM CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV1LLE. THURSDAY, JANUARY 25th, 1934 PAGE T'0N Anna Lee Scott Suggests A few flowers on the dining- _ Afternoon Session table to Improve the appear- The guest speaker at the after- ance of even perfectly cook- noon session was miss Wlnnifred ed meals. The good thifga Thornas, general secretary of the wil11lie more appreciateci by Dominion Board, who spoke on "'Our the hungry fa.mily. Share in the Klngdom of Qed Move- Dainty Spring Flowers are ment." She explained the origin excellent for this purpose and development of the movement and they are inexpensive. by sliowing how Christian women could use their influence for the ex- tension of God's kingdom. The Kingsway Flower Shop Kingdom of God Movement, she W. E. GROVES said, was a caîl te the true follow- Box 163 - Bowmanville, Ont. ers of Christ whose if e was given ta Phone Dby or Nlrht 72 living Ged's will on eartli. , We must clear our minds of the pagan idea of associating God's will with the sad and tragic, but we SALE should think of Paul's conception MORTG GE - --that the man who lias discovered God and does Nis will has found the UNDEII AND 135 IRTLE off the most perfect thing in life." Powers off Sale contained in a certain Miss Thomas then spoke of thse Mortgage, which wvli be produced at the time of sale, there wili be offfered for Kingdom of God Movement in its sale by Thoinas Cowan, %.uctioneer, at persona.l application. placing great Pu blic Auction,1 0n Tuesday, the 6th day epssso al il td n off February, 1934, at te hour off two mhs o dalBiestyan O'ciock in the affternoon at the ffarm off communion witli Qed, with a defin- Hugli S. Annis, Enniskilien, Ontario, the ite time set aside for it. As a cor- ffolowinlropérty; nameiy AladSingular that certain parcel or prt oeet twsbsdo tract off land and premises, situate, îy- Jesus' plan of gatisering others Ing and beIng in 'lhe TovnsUhlp o1j ar- around him as a group in which the stng ffth .Suth hit rof Lot.nuber sii fGdworked. Speaking of Twenty-ffive (25) in the Seventh Con- the movement as a social movement, cession off the said Township, contalnlng Miss Thomas saîd Jesus camne te by admeasurement One Hundred acres, more or iess, andthei South liait off lot make a Christlike society, and that number Twenty-six (26) in the Seventh if the churcis failed te do the same, Concession off the said Township, con- it had missed its purpose. Sise urg- taining One Hundred acres, more or less. On the said ffarm there is said ta be ed tise wornen to use their influence erectcti a dwling liouse with sultable in the homes, tise community and farmebuildings. tento oad hted The lands wlll be sold subject to atienio twad tatn. reserve bld. "The Kingdom or Cod Movement" TERMS 0F SALE: Ten per-cent off sise said in closing, "is a challenge the purchase money te be paid down at the trne off sale and the balance wîthîn te us to live thse life we would like thirty days. te see lived in thse world, so it is For further particulars and conditionswiiutsrecsfevron0fu off sale apply teaihnteraho vr n fu HARR Y W. PAGE, te help reacis thousands in Canada East Block, Parliament Bldgs., and millions throughout thse world." Toronto, Ontario, Ms .E litsrgr'sc Solicîtor to the Mortgagee. r A .y E.redllot agerumbec-o Dated at Toronto this lSth day rtrrpre ag ubro off January. A. D . 1934. 3 -3 calîs made and many kindnesses done te strangers by thse secretaries 0f herdepartmnent. MORT AGE ALE Mrs. D. A. Scott, Claremont, urged MORT AGE ALEthe need of a drive for new subscrip- tions to tise Missionary Monthiies, Undor and by vrtue off ile po vers as Oshsawa Presbyter- had the 10w- contalned In a certain Mortgage which est number in tise branch. wlll boe produced at the time off sale, there will be offffred for sale by public Mm. W. Adams, Bowmanviile, gave auction on Wednosday, the 7th day off suggestions for tise use of tise soc- February, 1934, at the hour off 2.30 iety's literature, and asked that ociock In the afftrnoon. In the Tow n- ehip of Clarke, on the premises describ- great use be made of tise ed belon, b' William J. Challis, Auction- library, of which Mrs. J. T. Daley, cor, the ffolowng property, namey,- Port Hope, is in charge. ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract off lanui andi prernises st- Tise temperance secretary, Miss uate, iying andi being In the township off KLaterson, Hampton, recomnsended Clarke in the County off Durham and tisat auxiliaries get their members Province off Ontario, and belng comps-' ed off the west 340 foot off thie south- te use the Household Pledge Card. west quarter off lot number thirty-one Ite be hung in their homes. She also In the third concession off said town- asked thse W.M.S. ta sponsor temp- ship. whlch sald south-west quarter wvas conveyed by one Alan F. Willrot ta one erance study in the Sunday schools Richard Foster by deed dated December where there was no W.C.T.U. 15. 1886: Also ail those parte or 1a.t (if Mis oanudDfledsc- any) off lot number thirty-two in said Ms oarudDffedsce thîr concession ivhich sald Foster was tary of the W.C.T.U., told of lier an February 5th. 1913. and had been on work in visiting schools, having said date for over 10 years In quiet spoken te 40,000 boys and girls last peýaceabIo and undisturbeti possession off and whlch parts or part off sald lot 3ý year. trying ta plant thse seeds of hereby lntended to be convoyeti are now ' temperance. She urged ail te vote wl th the exception off the portion there- off lI. pon, andi over wh ich the creolt againat iquor, and te work and pray or strearn known as the Wilmot creek, for a greater measure 0f temper- wholiy enciosed and In the possession off ance. tho said mrortgagar; The press secretary's report show- Whlch said propertY contains about ed that nearly 400 reports of thee 25 acres. Upon which property there ts sald f-0 work done in the Presbyterial had bo erected a one andi one-haîfsoo been printed in tise newspapers of frame house 25 fft. x 28 f t., ectrloaly ts itit n ugdts mot llghted and wlth furnace; a barn 18.ft .tedsrct nxg h mot 24 fft., eiectricaily ighted; a henhouso ance 0f publicity. 16 ft. x 34 fft., electrically lfghted; a shed Requests for Year 18 fft. x 14 ft.; a plg pen 10 ft. x 16 fft. Atrteeeton0 fies h a brooder house 10 fft. x 12 fft. teth elcinoofcrste The Vendor does not guarantee the president, Mrs. C. R. Carscallen, correciness off the above particulars, as presented two requesta for the comn- ta which Inten ding purchasers shotld satisffy themselves by Inspection off the ing year, asklng the members ta property. pray for tise women and girls of tise The sale wiIl be subJect to a reserved Presbyterial every Sunday rnorning bld. between the heurs of 10 and 12, and TERMS: Ten per cent off th e purchase aiso asking thmt udteKig nioney ta Uc pnid down at t he tireof hmt td h lg the sale. balance toalbe paid as set out dom of Qed Movement as outlined la conditions off sale. by Miss Thsomas. Sise suggested For ffurthcr particulars and conditions "Sincerity and" as thse off sale appiy ta Latwrence C. Mason, Barrister. etc., King Street, Dow man- watchwords for tise year. ville. Ontario. Mrs. W. C. Ives, Bowmanviile, re- Datei at l3owmanville the 5th day off ported 28 Mission Bands, with a January. 1934. membership of 699, and tisat tisese WILLIAM J. CHALLIS, iad raised a sum of $662.40. Four Auctîoner, 2-4 Bowmanvllle new bauds were organized during Men' and Young Men's Clothlng Speclals 0 Friday and Saturday - 9 OnIy Me:'s and Young Men's $25.00yOMen'os f o..g14,C)5 $30.00 Overcoats for. 19.,50 25 nl Men'& and Young Men'& $22.50 Suits, 2 pairs pants, for........... 1500 20 OnIy Men's and Young Men'& $30.W0 Suite, 2 pairs pants, for ...........1I9.50 5 Only Men's $1 5.00 Horsehide Coats for...........10.00 8 Only Men's $10.00 Horsehide Windbreakers for ...6.95 50 Pairs Men'& $1.95 Overails for ..........1.L50 50 Pairs Men's $1.95 Work Pants for ..... 1.50 Se Ge CHARTRAN Phone 26 One DMorWSt BOUl TeePhone Bowmanville W. M. S. Presbyterial Meets in Oshawa (Contlnuad f rom page 1) tary of Christian stewardship, pre- sented her report In thse form of a jig-saw poster, eacli piece represent- ing a part of the treasurer's state- ment, showing the work 0f each de- partment, and on the reverse side showing the objectives of the soc- iety's work. The "Quiet Naîf Hour" led by Mrs. T. Michael, Oshiawa, was a tixne of real inspiration, her theme being "For me ta live is Christ." She urg- ed the sacrifIcial 1f e for Christ a.nd His work. Evening Session The evening session was presided over by Rev. A. D. Robb, of St. An- drew's United Church, Oshsawa, and the worslip period conducted by two youug ladies f rom tee Albert Street Church Mission Circle. Greetinga f rom tise Oshawa Presbytery were conveyed by Rev. G. C. R. McQuade, cisairman of the Presbytery. He brouglit ta tise women, lie said, the prayers, the isopes, and the sym- patisy of 20,000 people in tise Pres- bytery. Tise Lyric Quartette of Simcoe Street United Churcli, composed of Mms. Fisiser, Miss Leahi Garrow, Mrs. Bateman and Miss Marion Rosa, ac- companied by Miss May Dillon, sang two very beautiful numbers. Tise report of the Mission Circles, presented by Mrs. N. White, Myrtle Station, showed a year 0f renewed interest and endeavor. Mrs. W. P. Rogers, Newcastle, re- ported 18 groups of Canadian Girls in Training, with a membership of 200, who had raised $43.00 for mis- sions. Mrs. Harold Muir, Courtice, sang very aweetly, "A Little Bit of Love." Tise guest speaker for tise evening was Mrs. R. E. Thompson, secretary for evening auxiliaries and circles of Toronto conference East Brandi. Speaking from tise words "We spend our years as a tale tisat is told," se said tise chief question for young people was isow and wisere they spent tiseir years. She urged tise value of spending time in missiouary i work, which was a great work for producing real Christians. Mission- ary education, said Mrs. Thompson, meant tise Cisristian.ization o! ail social contacts. Economic conditions such as those of taday presented an- otiser problem tisat must 11e solved. Tise world had triumpised over dis- euse and slavery, but not over pov- erty. Christian women were not making sufmcient impact on tee world, and it was the duty of youte to share Christ's purpose for Use world. Mms. Tisompson urged tise readiug of the right type of books. Tise calof Christ waa for adventur- ous living, a belief In humanity and a f aitis in Qed. Tise president, Mms. Carscallen, on beisalf 0f the delegates, extended thanks to tise speakers of tise day, to tise singers, ta the janitor, the minister and W.M.S. of St. Andrew's Cisurcis, and toaial who had added ta tise success of tee meeting. Givings bMaintained Givings had been well maintained durinig tise difficult times of 1933 in ahl branches of the Presbyterial, re- ported Mrs. M. S. Cisapman of Pick- ering, treasurer. Sise reported tisat total givings forwarded from thee Presbyterial te the headquarters during tise year had amounted to $9,273.47, 71 per cent of the alloca- tion. Iu addition, wornen of tise Presbyterial liad contributed a large number of bales which liad been f or- wardeâ ta Western Canada. A re- solution -was passed by tise Presby- terial thanking Use two rallways for carrying tise baies prepared by tise societies te Western Canada free of charge. Officers Elected Other officers elected ta tise exec- utive with Mms. C. R. Camscallen in- cluded: lst Vice President, Mms. P. L. Jull, Brookli; 2nd Vice Presideut, Mrs. F. Stinson, Burketou; Record- ing Secretary, Mrs. J. C. Young, Oshawa; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. D. Luery, Myrtie Station; Treasurer, Mms. M. S. Chapman, Pickering; Secretary of Christian Stewardsip and Finance, Mrs. Geo. Hunter, Brooklin; Secretary of Work for Young Women, Mrs. N. White, Myrtle Station; Secretary of Afflliat- ed C.G.I.T. Groupa, Mms. W. P. Rog- ers, Newcastle; Secretary of Mission Bands, Mrs. W. C. Ives, Bowrnan- ville; Secretary of Baby Banda, misa M. Davey, Orono; Associate Helpers Secretary, Mms. A. L. Nichoils, Bow- manville; Supply Secretary, Mrs. J. E. Ellýott, Bowrnanvllle; Strangers Secretary, Mrs. G. Joues, Brooklu; Literature Secretary, Mrs. W. Ad- amis, Bowmanville; Missiouary Mon- tisly and World Frienda Secretary, Mrs. D. A. Scott, Caremont; Temp- erance Secretary, Miss M. Katerson, Hampton; Press Secretary, Mrs. G. L. Wagar, Bowmanville. Named Convener Mrs. Norman Whsite was nazmed convener 0f thse nominating com- mittee. Otiser memabers appointed to tise cominittee were: Mrs. A. E. Billet, Hampton; Mrs. A. S. Kerr, Bowmanville; Mrs. R. Bird, Oshsawa; Mrs. W. E. Snowden, Oshsawa; Mrs. F. W. Newell, Blackstack, and Mrs. S. Farmer, Port Perry. Mrs. George Hunter was named convener of tise finance committee of tise Preabyterial. Other members appointed to tise cornmittee Included Mors. I-. Bascorn, Wliitby; Mrs. M. S. Chapman, Pickering; Miss Jessie Dillon, Ôshawa; Mrs. G. Cliase, Bowmanville; Mrs. W. E. Bernan, Newcastle. OBITUARY Wm. G. Mitchell, Oshawa, The death of Wm. 0. Mitchell, Oshawa, took place on Janua.ry eth. He was Oshawa's Pioneer Power plant builder. Ne was in bis 77th year anid was born ini Darlington township. Forty-one years ago he moved te Oshawa and ereoted a power plant south of Mini street. The plant was taken over by the SeYmour Power Company and later by the Nydro Electric Power Com- mission. Mr. Mitchell remained with the companies as ellectrical inspect- or. Due to ill health lie retired seven years ago. Besicles bis widow he la survived by one daugliter May, at home, and two sons, Percy of Moritreal, and Morley at home. TREMENDOUS JANUARY Sale of Ladies' Jersey Dresses Light and Dark Shades, ' Originaily $2.95-On Sale. . A S Special Prices on Kaddies Jersey Dresses Too Many Sizes and Styles to List ALL GREATLY REDUCED BABIES' CHINCHILLA COATS 2 Styles - in White, Biue, Pink and Fawn; suzes 1, 2 and 3; for boys or girls; Regular $3,50 Value, On Sale.. . . . . .. . ALL REMAINING Winter Coats Clearing at Hall Price Tremendous CORSET & CORS ELETTE VALUES Corsets and Corselettes,7 Values to $2.95-On Sale97 -Values to $3.50- HALF PRICE GARTER BELTS Values to 98c......A47 Boys' Fleece Lined Undierwear VESTS and DRAWERS Regular 59c values,. - S24 t 32, 45e Your Favorite Cepne ALIER Shpn PHONE 164ILI hM Sunday School Lesson STANDARDS 0F THE KINGDOM Sunday, January 28th Golden Text: Blessed are the pure ini heart : for t2iey shall see God.- Matthew 5:8. Lesson Passage: Matthew 5: 1-12, 43-48. Lord, help me to live the gospel I profess, May eaeh look and word and action, thee confess; May every deed be pronxpted by thy love; Grace to do thy will be granted f rom above; Ail the truth whlch thou hast taught me Help me to live; Freely then, these truths to oth- ers I may give. Christ the Teacher, 1, 2 A very painful exhibit may be made by collectlng sermon subjects f rom Saturday newspapers through- out North Ainerica. Some of the themes are flippant and trivial. Oc- casionally themes are actually yul- gar. Many of themn deal with cur- rent events without any indication of eternal principles. Many have no flavor of the Gospel &bout them. True, the sermons may be better than the sermon titles, but with great themes to discuss in the pul- pit, why should catchy, flashy ques- tions be used as baits for attend- ance? It may be that ministers who phrase these titles are less to blame than church niembers who refuse to go to church unless their ears are tickled with something sensational. To read several pages of these Sat-l urday sermon announcements, and then to read the Beatitudes In the fifth chapter of Matthew Is to move from the ridiculous to the sublime. Christ was not afrald to discuss the most sacred truths of conduet and faith with comnion people who heard hlm, gladiy because he respected their intelligence and knew that 11f e was no sham battie. The Beatitudes set forth lastlng truths. They were valid when Christ spoke them; they are valid in the twentieth century as in the first century. Many ser- mon themes In newspapers and on bilîboards shouid be labelled "Good for this day and date only." Te Sermon on the Mount has stood the testing of the ages. Christ's Fa.Ith in Men, 3-9 Jesus Christ believed In men. He belleves in us. He taught the Beat- itude about xneekness to John, the man with a voice of thunder. Ne taught the Beatitude about the Why ARE You Always Tired? Why do yuhave t0gothrough d, s ha aeem~~~ ~~~ enlsedy.wenf beolsbd meems istleua and wea r? rbably yo@ vist be surprised when you lears the answsr. That anewer is very ikelyý thattyour in nlot provdn en li lMinat3onf boy wete. Don'sh"e ,,urhead. Recularity of hait dousot mena compllet. limination. fi fat , incompleto elimination troubles thousanda Who never suspect it because they are regular. That i. why headachea, indigestion, and drowai- neas occur. Sane. sensible habits, plus adl occssional re- Eat moderately, sleep aufficiently, take plenty or f resb air ana exere. and once or twlcseacbe week enJoy an ligorting gss off Andrews, tol! heNatur eePOyour system llsoroughl ola f impurities. Do theee sensible thinga and you will keep fit. Your appetite wlhagoo-ad you wil escape the dreary days of phyil !depreâsmon. Clet Andrews Liver Sat from your druggist to-day and adopt these sipl' ie1 eni* rulea sorlnst the common litteaIenta. In tins, 35ac and WSc. Noielarge bottis, 78c. Sol Ast.. JOhnA. lhuston Co.,'Ltd peacemaker to Peter wiso was too ready with lis sword. Ne tauglit tise Beatitude about tise poor iu spirit ta Thomas who waa proue te take a dark view of things. Jesus expected is disciples te, live tise Beatitudes. Tliey did not do it ail at once. They neyer lived tliem per- tfectly, but they entered inta tise spirit of tise Beatitudes, and hence- f ortis went lu tee direction of tise ideal Jesus set forth. Perhaps te Beatîtudes will seern a littie nearer within our reachis f tee words are translated inta modern terms such as playing fair, flot maklng trouble, beiug an apostle of tee square deal. having a dlean tangue, sornethlng of those intangible qualities indicated by tise phrase, "a good sport." Jeas did flot waste his tinte teaching in- possible ideals. Ne knew enough about human nature to believe con- fidently in the heigs t t which It could attain. Persecution, 10-12 Our Lord was deallug with actual- ities when lie spoke about persecu- tion. Ilearly ail lis disciples met violent deaths. Ne biniseif was cru- cîfied upon a cross. lu thse early Christian centuries persecution was a comminplace of Cliristian exper- ience. lu recent timea Christiana have been. persecuted lu mission lands; witness tise Christians during tise Boxer Rebeilion in China, and during recent years of civil war in China. Japanese Cliristians have been ruthlessly punlslied for pacif- ism. Russian Christians have been exiled because they would flot accept Lenin's f orm of Communisr. n.l re- cent montha Germis Cliristians have isad to risk 111e itself with- standing governinental decrees in Germany. Iu Nortis Anerica perse- cution lias remained more lu tise realrn of social disfavor tean lu act- ual violence, but there are thlose wlio predict tisat Use grow1ng national- ism of recent years will mean a test between Chistia.nity.and State pow- er, ini which Christians will again be called upon ta suifer for conscience' sake. Jesus dares te say we can be hsappy about It. Certainiy it is hap- pier to suffer for right tisan te be an aggressor using force for purposes of tyranny. The Law of Love, 43-47 Wisen we live by tise spirit of love we are Gedlike. The Fatiser lu iseaven sends lia sunsisine upon Use evil and tise good, and lis rain faîls upon tise ,ust and tise unJuat. We, tiserefore, rnay well consider tise good sense of being kind te our en- emies ratiser Usan trying ta get re- venge upon thern. Tis law of love is net easy ta learn, but those who actually try it declare tisat it does work. "Tisere ta nothing capable of holding out lnidefinitely against tise love that refuses ta stop loving." In tise early days of Christlanity pag- ans noticed tise love of tise followersI of Jesus ta, one another. and said, "Sec how tisese Christians love one another.'l To-day tise circle of Christian love must be made world wide. There will be a new' respect for Clistianity wisen in thr. twen- tieth century it can be sald, "Se how these Cliristians love those of other races, other colora, oteer faitha, otiser social groupinga." When Christians attain tels standard of brotherly love tise Kingdom of God will be at isand. The Goal of Perfection, 48 Wlien Jesus cornranded lis dis- ciples and followera ta bc perfect as God is perfect, lie was not holding out hope of absohute perfection. To a child, however, an adult does seem. perfect In a relative way. Faithful service ta Christ for fifty years will result in Christ-likeness. Tise Beat- Itudes were not meant te discourage us, but te help us to persevere In our moral figlit. "Christ would awaken In bis disciples tee ambition te ex- cel. Ne dues not wish tliem. ta be moral mediocrities, men of average morality, but to be morally superlor, R"T' uncommon. Thbis seems to corne per- ilously near the spirit of Pharlsee- ism, but only seenis. Christ com- mends being superlor, not thlnklng oneself superior, the Pharisaic char- acteristic." Questions for Discussion 1. Are you living the Beatitudes? 2. Which help you more, the Be- atitucles, the Ten Conunandinents, or the Parables? 3. Is the happiness of the Beat- itudes the same as that of specta- tors at sports contests? 4. Do you know anyone at pres- ent persecuted for righteousness' sake? 5. Do you fInd the law of love practical in daily 111e? 6. May we be perfect as Cod ia perfect? I OBITUARY I Mu'. Jas. Wannaa, Columbus Mrs. James Wannan, of Columbus, passed away on Saturday, January 2th. in her 64th year. She had been lu i11 health for the past month. Mrs. Wannan's maiden name was Josepha Amella Cooper, and she was born near Orono, 64 years ago. She has been a resident of Columnbus for the past six years having moved there f rom Kendal. Besides her husband, survlving relatives include two dasughters, Mrs. L. Reeve and Mrs. C. Vaughan, of Toronto; five sons. Alec, Lorne and Kenneth, of Columbus, Lloyd and Charlie of Toronto; four sisters. Mrs. J. Woodley of Coe Hill, Mrs. J. Wright of Columbus, Mrs. H. Ard 0f Orono, and Mrs. J. Cochrane of Or- ono; one brother, Frank Cooper of Orono. Deceased was a member of Col- umbus United Church and Rev. E. Smith, pastor. offciated at the fun- eral held Tuesday afternoon. In- terment was mnade in Orono cerne- tery. the year, and elght band leaders were studylng the leaders' course. Mrs. Ives announced that the Brook- lin Mission Band had win the barn-. ner for 1933, and presented the ban- ner to Mrs. Boyse, leader of this band. Miss M. Davey, Orono, secretary for Baby Bands. showed there were eight bands with 162 annual mem- bers and 19 lif e members, a total of 181. Mrs. George Jackson, reporting for the resolutions committee, recom- mended that the convention convey thanks te the C.P.R. and C.N.R. for conveying the bales of clothing te the west f ree of charge. Mr. MoClellan and Miss Harvey, both of Whitby, were appointed as auditors. COMING IN for intensive training and COING OUT for oflice service and saiary, la the order throughout the whole year In the work of Shaw's Business Schools Toronto. Graduates are now found ln, every province. Enter any time. Ne foroed vacations. Free catalog. Write to W. H. Shaw, Pros., BayOGharies Uidg. Every Thursciay Latent style Rimies. Gimuu with fflherleal convex lerMs wlth radium -mount, $500 Eyes tested by LOUIS VWINKLEB Licensed Optician of Toronto at Moore's Jewehry Store ]BOWMbA?îvilL 4TURE4Phoneo164 IEI ÉOWMANVILLE GetVle p. SPECIAL NEXT WEEK -Suits & Llght Coaits- CLEANED AND PRESSED 75oe aci, Oshawa Laundry & Dry'Cleaning W. J. Bagneil, Agent. - - phoneoM152 It's a Protect iv.'e tr.fx- NOT a Weakeninf Laxative 1 T I[ Men's Fleece Lined Underwear VESTS and DRAWERS, Regular 79c-On Sale.......5 1 5 Only Men's AUIlWooI Veits Size 38 only; reg. $1,95 value; heavy ribbed.......9 0 LADIES' Good Serviceable Quality 611k C& WooI Rose Fawn, ]Brown and Gunrneta Pair 350 3 for$ I KLEENEX Regular 25c package 150 2 for 290

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