PAGE POUR -8> ian Stewardship secreta.ry, Miss Eva SOLINA 1 Souch, stressed the need of the use of the envelope toreach our alloca- Miss Ada Alun spent the weekend members and aid ones joined at this with Miss Evelyn Tink. meeting. Meeting closed with the Miss Helen Baker is visiting at ber Mizpah, after whicb light refresh- uncle's, Mr. Irwin Bragg's, Provi- ments were served and a social chat dence. was enjoyed. We invite every lady Deputy Reeve A. L. Pascoe is inl who can to corne to the meetings. Cobourg this week attendingçoun- ties' Council.MA E Mr. Jim Reynolds, Toronto, is A L GROVE spending a week with his brother, Mr. Jack Reynolds. Misses Rilda and Lizzie Hockaday Mr. R. R. Stevens spent a few were recent guests at Mr. John days in Toronto this week. Challis', Bowmanville. Mrs. L. C. Snowden spent Tuesday Miss Betty Snowden, Maple Grave, with Mrs. Ewart Everson, Oshawa. mpent the weekend witb Misses Hel- Mr. Farewell Blackburn, Salem, en and Muriel Baker. spent the weekend with bis uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink and Mr. Howard Faley. family, Maple Grove, are holidaying Miss Betty Snowden spent a few witb their parents here. days with lier cousins, Misses Helen The members of the W. I. met at and Muriel Baker, Solina. the cburch on Tuesday and cjuilted Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lymer and four quilts for relief purposes. son Billy, Oshawa, spent Sunday Na League next Monday night as witb Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley. Our young people visit Zion League Mrs. L. Twist. Mr. Ernest, and on Tuesday nigbt, Jan. Stb. Miss Enid Twist moved to Toronto Mrs. Thos. Osborne, Whitby, and this week. Sorry to lose them f rom Mrs. John Challis, Bowmanville, Our midst. were recent guests af the Misses The many friends; of Mrs. Laur- Hockaday. ence Wood are sorry ta hear that sbc Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howsam and i5 not quite 50 well again, but wish Mrs. Gea. Hawsam, Stouffville, Mr. hier a speedy recovery. and Mrs. Walter Howsam and f ar- Little Miss Audrey Greenham gave ily, Epsom, visited at Mr. Chas. How- a birthday party on Saturday toa a sam's. number of littie girls. Al had a very Our Sunday school roorn was well pleasant time playing ganes of var-1 filleci on Monday evening for aur an- ious krnds.1 nual congregational meeting. Pro- Misses Lavonne and Etelka Trim-t gram was in charge of Mr. George ble. Mr. Allan Clark. spent the week-1 Werry, 3rd vice president of the end~ with the formieras uncle and League, who presided for the open- aunt., Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Kerr, and lng exercises. Bible lesson was read other relatives in Toronto, also tooks by Mr. Rascoe Baker, and Mrs' Jack in the hockey game. Maple Leafs vs1 Yellowlees took the devotional. Rev. 1 Chicago Black Hawks, on Saturday0 W. Rackham then took charge. Re- evening. ports were given on the different Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens enter- branches of the Sunday sehool and tained a f ew frienda on Tuesday ev-v church wark. Mr. B. G. Stevens wa ening in honor of the four boys, Er-C re-elected as Eider for the coining nest Twist, Win. Laird. Jack Browna was eected Steward fordothesmeand George Leyland, who are takingt was leced tewrd fr te sinea trip to England, leaving on Sundayv length of time. An enjoyable pro- evening. The evening was pleasantly gram was given with vocal solos by spent in games of variaus kinds, a1l Mr. Jack Waterbouse and Mca. Jack having a very enjoyable time togeth-c Baker: reactings by Miss Ruby Par- er.9 ker and Rev. Rackbam; and piano Prsntto solo, Miss Helen Baker. Contesta rsntto were enjayed in charge of George Mr. Ernest Twist was pleasantly É Werry. The ladies served a bounti- surprised on Sunday. Af ter the de- I: fui lunch which was much enjoyed. votional period Mr. H. G. Freeman,s _________________________Supt. called on Mr. Wm. Jake) a I EN ISKILENlaird. Pres. of Y.P.S., to corne ta the N ENNIKILL N iplatf airn. He then asked Mr. Ernest . Twist ta please corne ta the plat- il Mrs W.0. errng isied riedsform also. The following address ;ý Mrs.W. O. Hlerrn visited rind was read by Jake, and at the proper 9 in s BW.anvi.leayldrbitby. n tirne Mr. Bob Snaowden presented A Mirs. W. vH. Taylor Aln andErneat, though ta.ken by surprise, rg aMrieT .rSnevis.dbrunlM.Ernest, thought taken by surprise. b adMrH. StlevRien M. madle a very suitable reply, thanking eý Mr.ChalieRie ad sn. r.everyone for the gif t. Pastor Wal- e] Morice Rice, visited the former's fraim then aclded a few appreciative P brother-in-law, Mr-. W. H. Moore. remarks in cannection with Ernest's IV Mrs. W. J. Stainton, Mrs. E. C. relation ta the churcb during bis so- ii Ashton, Mrs. Lloyd Ashton attended joucn here. The address: i the W.M.S Presbytecial meeting heldIV in Oshawa. MpeGoe a.2,13 Mr. and Mrs. George Reict, Mr. MaT rvJa.2.13 and Mrs. Frank Orchard, Mr. and Mr. Ernest Twist:B Mrs. Milton Stainton, attended the Da r~s ti ihdeetaý funral0f hei nehewandcouinregret that we of this community j. Mr. Howard Williams, who was bur- MpeGoe er fyu eat led on Monday in Nestleton cerne- MpeGae er fyu eat tery.ure. We feel that yaur sterling tei'y.chacacter and fine qualities have At the close of the Sunday School secved as a beacon to guide us toaa Mrs. H. McGill. Temperance Secre- higbec moral and intellec7tual stand- tary, took the chair and the follow- ig nyu ef-arfcn fot ing rogam as iven Mr. (r.)as a leader in boys' work, baving H Ferguson gave a very instructive les- been leader of the Trail Rangers' t.' son on the sources f rom which ai- groupa of this comrnunity, secretary w cobol may be obtained and its lflSiy of the Boys' County Wark Board, g1 very useful purposes for the benefit and teacher of the Boys' Intecmed- tr of mankind, only when misused it iate Sunday Schoal class, we feel ec becamne barmful. Mrs. Ferguson that not only this comrnunity but te, gave the percentages in the variaus the county is much indebted to you wl beverages and graphically gave a andi will greatly miss you in these se very realistic description Of the ac- activities. Your two years as presi- M tion of alcobalic drinks in varying dent of the Young People's Society ti( cuantities on the drinker's conduct still fucther reveals your initiative ci stressing the loathesomenesa of a in marais, social andt intellectual til drunken woman. Wilma and Helen wock. ch Ashton sang a temperance duet very Young men of your calibre are M: nicely. Mra. Lloyd Ashton review- mucb needed in this age of ours and No ed the work of Miss Duff, Toronto, we of this community bave been a Field Secretary, of the good, seeci blesseci in having had yau so long, f0l sown in the sehoals. The Sunday and although it is aur wish that you bc Scbool made Mrs. H. McGill a mern- always rernain witb us, we feel that scl ber of the W.C.T.U. you are as much needed elsewhere Dc W. M. S. met at the home of Mrs. and we know that you will continue lag (Dr.) Ferguson on Tuesday, Jan. 16, in your gooci work. with a good attendance. Mrs. R. And now as a siight token of aur B Gilbert opened the meeting with a appreciation for what you have done ar bymn; prayer was offered by Miss ani of the high esteem witb which an E. Sauch; rail caîl andi minutes were we hold you. we humbly beg that Bo read by Mrs. Gardon Werry. It was you accept this suitcase, andi as you Syl decideci to have a quilting, the ladies use it we hope that it will serve to sin class ta provide blocks as other years. recaîl the happy times tbat we spent vot Mrs. Roy McGill then t.ook charge together in the Grove. Hoping that SPl when Mrs. F. Ellis and Mrs. Thos. you may again be witb us. we wish wa McGill gave missiona.ry readings: you every success in the future, al vocal selections were given by Mn. Signeci on behalf of the Churcb, ed, Lloyd Ashton, Mrs. R. McGill and Sunday School, and Young People's hoi Mca. W. Stainton, Mrs. C. Crosaman , Society - H. C. Wolfraim. Pastor; Me andi Mrs. R. Ormiston accompanying H. G. Freeman, Supt. S. S.; C. P. tiol on the piano; aur Temperance Sec- Swallow. Treas. S. S.: Eci. Foley, retary, Mca. J. A. Wercy, gave a Sec, S. S.; W. G. Laird, Pres. Y.P.S.; tempecance reading: also the Christ- Wm. Lycett. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, JANUARLY 25th, 1934 I SALEM Mrs. F. L. Squair spent tbe week- end with ber sister, Miss Stephens, Town. On Wednesday evenlng aur young people journeyed to Solina and pre- sented their play "His Best Invest- ment." Rev. A. M. Wootton delivered a splendid sermon on Sunday, taking for bis text the incident o! our Sav- iour entering into and maklng use o! Sunan's flshing boat. Mrs. W. Fitze, Janetville, returned home on Saturday last a! ter spend- ing a couple o! weeks wlth her par- ents, Mr. andi Mrs. Carnish. Glad ta note that Mrs. Carnisb is regaining bealth. TYRONE Mr. Wm. Staples spent the week- endi in Toronto. Sari-y ta report Mr. Paul Curtis continues quite low. Mrs. R. Poaley spent Sunday with ber daughter, Mrs. F. Anderson, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byarn, Doreen andi Yvonne,. Miss Louise Lillicrapp, apent Sunday with ber parents, Mc. and Mrs. J. Lillicrapp, Cannington. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Aninis enter- tained the members a! the choir on Friday evening. A!ter a short prac- tice a dainty lunch was served by the hostesa andi a social tirne was spent. Mr. and Mcs. R. B. Scott, Mr. Willis Stewart, Miss C. Mackenzie, spent Tuesday with fi-iends in Ca- bourg. Messrs. Stewart and Scott attended the convention o! the Fruit Growera Association. Miss Lamna Cotton, M.A., Ph.D., ,vill addcess a public meeting in the camrnunity hall, Saturday, Jan. 27, at 8 p. mn. Dr. Cotton will explain the C.C.F. p-agi-arn. Everyone is in- vited ta came and ask questions. A goodly number attended church Sunday evening. The service was in charge of the Young People's Lea- gue. Mi-. E. Devitt of the staff of 3owmanville High Scbool, gave a ;plendid acidreas on "Literature and Religion." Those wha, heard Mr. )evitt will benefit by bis address. Special music by the rnen's choir, also, a very pleasing solo by Rev. A. M. Waottan. League program Thursday even- ing was in charge o! Mr. Dave Park vho supplied a very interesting pro- gram. Af ter the apening hymn, Mr. A. H. Brent led in prayer; Bible reading, Mr-. Robert Cameran; topic,1 by Mi-. A. W. Annis was very inter- esting, "Oui- Attitude Toward Pov- crty andi Wealtb"; reading. Mi-. Alex Purlfit; vocal duet, Mcs. A. H. and uc. Gordyn Brent; reading, Miss Helen Tcirnm; rnauth organ select- ion, Mr. Lloyd Hoar; vocal duet. Mlisaea Mildred Bradley and Susie Thornpson; reading, Mr-. Clarence Bradley; vocal duet, Mrs. P. O'Neill andl Miss L. Lillicrapp. Meeting loseci with a contest which was en-c joyed by ahl. SHAW'S î The January meeting of Shaw's Horne and School Club was helci in the achool an Wednesday, Jan. 17. ith No. 9 Home and School Club as uests. The business was briefiy .ansacted. Miss Penfound present- f ýd prize foc the new members con- :st ta Miss Jean Ciernence, winner 1% vith 35 members ta hec credit. The ;ereta-y reaci correspandence f rom vr. Hairris expressing bis apprecia- ,on of the basket le! t at their home h 'hristrnas eve. Plans for the Vaien- S ,ne Party, Feb. l4th, were left in large o! the regular committees. Ir. Russell Osborne, president of S ýo. 9 Club, took the chair and af ter G few witty rernarks presented the *lowing progra.m: Sala, Orvilie Os- M orne; chorus, Junior pupils o! the N', bhoal; violin and bones selection, >naîd and Vernon Graham; dia- ilý )gue "The New Squire"; paper, M Canadian Industries," Miss Mary Iwen; Irish Jig, Thelma Lowry nm id Isabel Gecideas; song, Carmon H Ld Roy Patton; remrika by F. W. T >wen, M.P.; selections by Kitchen 'rnpatby Orchestra; camrnunity nging. Mca. Otto Bragg maveci a vi te 0f appreciation ta No. 9 for the H lendid prograin presented. This tbl as secanded by Mrs. Sweet, with Iin favour. After lunch was serv- ar ia number o! the visitai-s and al :me members enjayed dancing at leting claseci with singing of Na- W onal Anthern. HAYDON 0ty ME Several attended the young pea- ce e's service at Tyrone last Sunday e 7ning. M!r. and Mrs. Elgin Mauntjoy an- Di 'tained a large nuniber at their me, Wednesday evening. Ai number o! young people were Lertained at the home 0f Mr. andi 's. H. Ashton on Friday evening min pIe eve teri ho: ent Mr! da3 soli re a ani ww Hoý E for es moi and G. taon tak cluc N. and and T1 pla( cide ai-y con Eln tru.s the low, sist. Hild Brai Mou win Libr dle i-ard Gi-a Brac Ters HoW Offic Sec. ASsst.Mrs ThronMountjoy; roo )rarian-..Miss Grace Trewin; Ci-a- por 1RaIl Supt.-Mi-s. Chai-les Ger- mi) d; Home Dept. SuPt.-Mi-s. D. eci hani; Misslonary Supt.-Mrs. E. gi-o dley. Miss Lamna Thonipson; anc ilperance Supta. - Mra. Mervin sal bbs, Miss Ursul McNeil; Oradlng abli Icer-Mi-. Cecil Slemon; Carres. thit .-Miss Mabel Beecb; Assist.- quil xtucc shoulci be rnaterially reduc- or eiuminated entirely; if the :wth has been lacking in vigaur ci the plants pale ln calour, the b as pcobably been low in avail- l nitrogen and a liberai supply a! ýelement wlll probabiy be ce- red for normal developinent. Mr. C. Avery; Teachers for the class- es as f ollows - Bible Class, Rev. A. M. Waotton; Assistants, Mr. John Wright and Mr. MervYn Habbs; Young Men's Clasa, Mi-. C. Avery; Rainbow Girls' Clasa, Mca. H. Ash- ton; Intermediate Girls, Mca. Theron Mountjoy; Assiat., Mca. Fred Ash- tan; Junior Clasa, Misa Ada Beech; Asst., Mca. Mervyn Habbs; Begin- ners, Mca. D. Graham; Asst., Mca. R. McNeil. Lunch waa then serveci and a social bal! hour spent, Y KENDAL Mi-. Stanley Walker spent the >weekend with bis parents in Tocanto. Mca. William Haney o! Milligan bas been visiting at ber mother's, Mca. A. Jackson. Miss Alma Bell bas been visiting at ber cousins', Mr. and Mca. George Stapleton, Newtanvllle. So-iy ta hear a! the illness a! Peter Martinell who, was rushed ta the bospital on Satucday and la in a very critical condition. Much sympatby is feIt tbroughout the comrnunity for the Bryson f arn- ily as Harvey Bryson's little son was accidentally drowned near their haine at Gcafton on Friday, Jan. 12. The community was sbaeked ta hear a! the deatb o! Mca. James Wannan a! East Wbitby, wha was a ceaident a! Kendal for a numbec a! years. Mrs. Wannan was an ac- tive warkci- in the community and churcb and the frienda express sym- pathy ta the farnily. The funeral was belci at hec home on Tuesday, with internent at Orano. The League is re-organizeci for anather year witb the following of- ficers: Pi-es-Miss Doi-othy McMuI- len; Vice Pi-es-Miss Dorotby Cross-j lcy; Sec'Y.-Miss Ethel Boyd; Asat. Sec.-Miss Marguerite Bell; Treas.- AIma Bell; Conveneîs-Mr. Arthur Thompson, Misa Alma Bell. Miss Katie Stewart, Mr. Earl Howe. Oui- Sroung People'a League put on E a splendid concert in the churcb on Friday nigbt. A good ccowd hact a ( very enjoyabie, ture. Those Who took t part were: The Camnpbell Family, i Miss Elsie Wallace, and Mc. Uni-y o! 1 NewtonviIle; Mr. Mellor, Croakeci t Creek: Misa Meda Hallowcll. Stark- ç ville; andi Mr. Sidney Rutherford, 1 Kicby; while those o! oui- own coin- E munity were Misses Bernice Lang- f staff and Wilina Carson, ani Mes- r ara. Neil Stewart, Tom Lewis, Arthur t I'hompson andi Fred Winn. 1 Sunday Schoal officers ai-e: Supt. 1 -Mi-. Lawrecnce Bell; Asat. Supt.- MrIi. Arthur Thonipson; Tceas.-Mr. s E'red Cornish; See'y.-Donald Little; c: A.sst. Scc.-Aylwacd Little; Pianit- c M'iss Aima Bell; Asst. Pianist,-Miss Elsie Unde-woorj; Teachers - Prim- i-y Clasa, Misa Dacothy Crossley; Asst. Misa Dorothy McMullenl; Jun- or Girls, Miss Alma Bell; Mast., Miss Ethel Boyd; Junior Boys, Mr. Ar- ' thur Thompsan; Senior Girls, Miss P KCatie Stewart; Senior Boys, Mr. s )'rcd Cornish; Asat.. Mr. Neil Stew- Il art; Bible Clasa, Mr. John Stewart; t] ~Cadlc Roll Supt., Mrs. A. Gilcoy: i Horme Dept. Supt., Mr. John Stew- art; Temperance Supt.. Mr. J. St.ew- t]ý art; Grading Oficer, Mr. Anson Gil- c. roy a, S g: BLACKSTOCK au Mrs. Jabez Wright is visiting cienda in Toronto. Mr. L. Wannan spent Sunday with Mr-. and Mca. N. Mauntjoy. Mr. Ira Argue and daughte-, Miss Nabel Argue, visited in Toronto. Miss Demnpsey, Mlnesing, visited ci- sister, Mca. (Dr.) McArthur, on unday. Mr. L. Affin and Miss Cale apent unday witb Mr. and Mca. H. A. Miss Annie Wright and Miss Effa Tcright are visiting their brother, [cr. Jabez Wright. Mr. and Mca. Percy Jobb and fain- IY spent Sunday wîth ber parents, ir. and Mca. D. Galbraith. Mr. and Mca. Levi McGiU, Cad- nus, Misa FIai-rie Parc, Mr. and Mca. foward Bailey visited Mr. and Mca. Mca. Han-y Grahain, Tarant, is aiting ber parents, Mr. and Mca. lenry Mountjoy. Sari-y ta repart Lat Mca. Mountjoy bas pleurisy. Mca. J. A. Johnstan, Mca. Ncwell id Mca. F. Stinson attended tbe mnuaI meeting o! the W.M.S. beld tSt. Andcew's Cburch, Oshawa, on cednesday, Jan. i7th. Mca. Clarence Marlow's Sunday ^hool class put on a bard tirne par- Yat the Young People's meeting n Wednesday evening. The win- ers were Misa Margaret Swain and r. Clarence Marlow. Gaines andi creshinents wece enjoyed. ýRLINGTON JR. FARMERS HELD HAMPTON MEETING Daclingtan Junior Farinera beld a ieting in the Town Hall at Harnp- ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ Bilett and Mrs. E. H. C le gave a HAMPTON piano duet; Rev. Mr. Rackharn took - up the fou-Eh chapter o! the study Mi-S W . Hrn s vîîtrg rla-baok. Meeting closeci with the pray- Mrs.W. . Hm i viitig rla-er. "Be witb me Lard." tives in Peterbor. A splendid congegation was pies- Mr. Morley Hastings, Toronto, ce- cnt Sunday night when Rev. W. cently visited bis parents. Rackham pi-eached the fi-at a! a Congregational meeting will be secies of serinons on the Chai-acter helci on Wednesday, January 31st. o! Joseph, fi-arn the worda, "Then Messrs. H. Stainton and A. Clai-ke there passed by Midianites merch- recently lbat valuable animaIs fi-rn antinen. and they lit ted up Jos- their herda o! cattle. eph out of the pit, and sold Joseph Reserve Fcb. 8th for the Bible ta the Ishmeiites for twenty pieces Clasa play, "Back ta the Country o! silver; andi they brought Joseph Store." Particula-rs later. inta Egypt"-Gen. 37:28. Mr. T. Messrs. Arnold Sewell and T. C. K. Salter, Mca. 1H. Peters and Mr-. and Sinale, Taranto,- visited at the lat- Mca. W. Wilbur assistei in the mnusic ter's mather, Mrs. Ida Srnale. with a quartet. Miss Grace Cawker, teacher, bas been suffering fi-arn "f lu." The jun- ior~ chol roarn has been closec. CADMUS Adult Bible Clasa helci a business________________ meeting in the Sunday scbool i-aam o! the cburch on Thursday even- Miss Bessie Ecgerton vsited Miss ing. A social ture was spent and Bude Gibson Satucday a ternoon. refreshnents servec. Miss Gladys Cobbedick spent the Officers o! Hampton Adult Bible weekend at Mr. Everard Sanderson's. Clasa for 1934 are: Teacher-Mi. F. Mr. and Mr. Loine McKee and J. Gi-at; Asst. Teacher-Misa E. Audrey spent Sunday evening at Mr. Reynolds andi Mrs. A. Peters; Presi- James McKee's. dent-Mca. Ge. Bai-ion; lt Vice- Mi. Edgar Gibson andi Miss Birdie C. W. Souch; 2nd Vice-C. E. Horn; Gibson spent Friday evening at Mr-. Seci-etary-Miss Margaret Pascoe; Oscar McQuade's. Asat. Secretary-Mrs. L. Cryderman; Owing ta, bad weatber the congre- Treasurer-Mi-. L. Crydes-man; Con- gational meeting was poatponed lest veners: Membership-Mrs. W. Chap- Thui-sday evcning. man; Devational-Mi-s. J. G. Burns; Mr-. andi Mca. E. Sanderson andi Fruit and Flowecs-Mc. H. Wiîcox.' farnily visiteci at Mi-. Mer-edith Hampton Young Peaple's meeting Thompson's Monday evening. on Friday evening was in charge o! A large number attendcd the M!iss Helen Knox, 3rd vice president. dance at Devittas Hall on Friday M\eeting openeci witb a hymn, afe night andi repor~t a good ime. ivhich the Loi-d'a Frayer was repeat- A number f rom this vicinity at- ed in unisan. Minutes wece reaci tended the funecal o! the late Mr. and approveci. Miss Ruth Johns Howard Williamns which took place gave the devotional; Douglas Rack- at Nestleton churcb on Monday. The hain favareci witb a vocal solo; Mi- sympatby o! the conimunity is ex- Frank Squair o! Salemn gave an in.- tendeci ta the beceaved family, also teresting address on "The Litera-y ta the farnîly o! the late Mi-..James Hleritage o! Scotland"; piano trio, Wilson who died Sunday evening. M!isses Elinor Sykes, Jessie and Bet- (Too late fo- last week) ty Knox; a hymn was sung, a! ter Miss Gladys Cobbîedick spent Sat- whicb a social bal! hour was spent urday in Toronto. n a Scottish contest. Meeting clos- Mc. Frank Walters visiteci at Mr. 'd witb the League benediction. C. H. Fallia' laat week. A very profitable afternoon and Miss Elva Capstick visited at Mr. evening was spent at the home o! Oscar McQuade's last week. the Misses Pascoe on Thucsday, Misa Leah McQuade apent a few wben the 'Gleaners" Young Ladies' days at Mi-. Joseph Capstick's. Bible Class, in cornpany witb their Mr. Lloyd Thompson spent Sun- teacher, Mca. Lewis Allin, made a day evening at Mr. Mer-edith Thomp- îuantity o! clothing for relief woi-k. son's. 5ollawving supper. ta which all pi-es- A large number attendeci the par- ent contributed and enjayed ta, the ty at Mi-. James McKee's on Friday full, there being twelve present, the evening. regular clasa meeting was belci with Mi-. andi Mca. Edigar Gibson and the newly electeci president, Edith family visited at Mr. Norman Eci- Pascoe, in the chair. The clasa gerton's on Sunday. hymn "Ail For Jesus" was sung andi Mr. andi Mca. Smith Fecguson and the Lai-d'aFrayer repeated in uni- Collette, Bowmanville, visited at Mr. son. Plans were macle foc the an- A. E. McGiîî's avec the weekend. nual concert on Feb. l4th. Meeting Mr. and Mca. Herbert Galbraith closeci with the Mizpah benediction. and Mariaie visited at Mr. Merwin Next meeting announceed later. Muto' odyeeig The rnonthly meeting o! the W. Muto' odyeeig M. S. was held a.t the home o! Mca. Mi-. and Mrs. Everard Sanderson A.Peters an Tuesday, Jan. 1Gth. and farnily enjayed a goose dinner 'Ira. H. Peters openeci the meeting, at Mr. H. Gaîbraithas on Sunday. with Mca. C. Kecalake at the piano Mc. and Mca. W. D. Ferguson andi playing Peace Perfect Peace. After Fay, and Mr. W. B. Ferguson, spent singing a. hynin, Rex'. Mc. Rackharn Friday in Bowmanville. Mi-. W. B. ld in prayer. Reports were reaci b3y Fergusan cernaineci over in town tilI th diffecent officers, aftec which Saturday. Mr. Rackham inatalled the officers League was helci Iast Thucsda v ai- the coming yeac. The leader o! ening with a gooci attendance.Pio te lat gcoup. Mca. E. H. Cole, taok gi-arn was in charge o! Mca. Cecil' lharge o! the pi-agiarn which was Ferguson and consistecio! a mouth Is follows: Miss Katerson cead the organ solo by Merlin Phlp; a read- 3criptuce reading; Mca. C. Kersiake Iing by Misa Gladys Cobbîedick; a ,ave the devotional leaflet, "Jesus I rissianacy number by Mca. GaI- t Nazar-eth Passeth By"; Mca. A. E.1 braith and Mai-jonce.1 Conte to AC&P il You Want to Save ESBLS D/ You don'i have go be an expert in malhenzatics go see that suchi values as these really moke a big difference in your living cous. And if you have week-end visilors you'il ne-ad an extra supply of thes. good foods. WNIRI EMOOMYNIt" So you make out your shopping list noiv and camne ta the A & P it you AuP Quallty R A T Beef O S S PORTERROUSE lb. 23C WING lb. 20C SHOULDER lb. 10e BLADE Mb. 12e Sott Meaed-> oung1 ]LAMB FRONTS Rolled IfDesired lb. i2c Fancy Silrerbriglat SALMON Brythe Ilb.14 C Stealks IL.15C Smoked FINNAN RADDIE lb. 12c Pure Rendered-Except Swili's LARD Glît Edtre FLOUR Aylmer Gre-en Label-Orange MARMALADE 32 oz. jar 27e For Ail Hou sehold Pir poses PRINCESS Soap Flkes 2 pkgs. 25C Our Oivn A. N, PAGE I ekend Special Only BREAD W24:L«.f7c I AISIN 12oz. Sc No. 1 Grade OMONS i0olbs. 27e Fane,' Santa Clara PIRUNES 2 Ibs. 210 P £- i'Neinlha SOAP 10 bars 29o Croirn or Beehice CORN SYRUP No. 2 Tin 150 Ailier Tonatzo CATSUP 1L2 OZ. bot. 130 Christqte's-Since 1853 "B"31,sodas 2 pkgs. 90 Ibo 100 BA~ 59e j' "H LATEST IDEAS ON COOKERY AND ENTERTAINMSNT A nother Statesman Service to home makers Tkese tkree books for only 25c e"Marketing and Meal Planning", "The Easy Way Cake Book", and "Planning the Party". Tbree of the imost interesting books ever written on the art of Cooking, economical Meal Planning and clever Enter- taining. Written by Anna Lee Scott, eminent cooking authority. Ail 3 for 25c. Cati or send for your copies. The Canadian Stateuunau In Good Times or Bad, WE OFFER THE LOWEST PICES AS Kruschen, 69c giant size Ayers Cherry 6 c-$ pectoral Creophos1.0 (for bronchitis) ~ 0 Cray Water 1 1.50 Crystals, reduced t La Paumia Castile Soap .... S FOR 25c Woodbury's SoaP (new size) New... o Noxzema, 27e i5 Now15 Phone 49 for service. KIERSLAKIE'S Phone 49 The Dependable Nyal Store Curses!l We know it's flot the riglit thing to swear, but it's lard fot to when the old car wont respond to the starter, won't pick up, and won't act Mie a reasonabie car should act. Perhaps it's because you haven't been particular who repairs your car. Let Cemens' Garage do your repair work, f ix y ou r brakes, refll your tanks with good Cities Service Gas and Ol-then there'l be no curses, because your car will respond to expert treatment. Cleniens' Garage OPPOSITE A. & P. STORES BOWMA&NVILLE