v W Itt'k ache or a big painl, n0 Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- W natter whether t 000155 atar wlll drive worms f rom the sys- W from headache, neuralgia, tem wlthout lnJury ta, the chilci, be- i' the monthly perioda of w-. cause its action, wblle f uliy effective, F r Mn or froni a cold, ZUTOO is mlld. TABLETS will roijove t in Internai parasites in the sbape of 20 minutes and IWAve you worms In the stamacb and bowcls o! feeling good. Recommended POR SALE chlldren sap their vltality and retard WHERE physical development. Tbey keep the tD» standard remaidy for 25c. chilci In a constant state o! unrest pa.PER Box and, if not attended ta, endanger lil!e. 'be cbld can be spaxed mucb - sufferlng and the mother much arix- w , lety by the best worm remedy tbat can be got, Mller's Worm Powders, whlcli are sure death to, worms in any shape. When SheLost28lbS Controller James Simpson She aind EnrgyWas Speaker at Forum She aind Enrgy(Continued from page 1) This Young woman's metbod of fielof science. and it was his firmn reduclng overweigbt is evidentiy as conviction. he said. that man was beneficial as it is effective, and a let- capable o! greater things and that ter sbte writes is therefore wortby the next f ew years would bring about et . publication:- more important things than bave w"I arn 24 years of age; helght 5 ft. come in the history of the entire V2 is.; and a short time ago my world. welght was 28 ibs. above normai. I Men are not tbinking primarily of was listless and witbout energy. the amounit 0f money tbey can make Now after taking Kruschen Saîts at inventing. Great electriclans like regulariy I have loat 28 lbs. in Edison tbought more of ways and welgbt, and bave much more vital- mas0 etrn unncni leyxio I a veaveygdcm tions than of tbe salary tbey could plxonadI do not bave face secure for the work tbey accomp- blemishes of any kind. Surely this lsbed. One great scientist bas pre- muat beanduIatue t he aingjure dicted that scientific studies in the baiod. a hnd I attue tb fac taM. future wili be more in the spiritual lakng rushenSats.-(Mss)M.realim thaxi the materil. Human 8.beings wiii be fouxid ta, be a greater Kruschen combats the cause Of force n tbe world. and anything fat by assisting the internai organs sibeothDvnewlbeps- to throw off eacb day those waste Psbe o te Divane wo is carsyi- prodctsandpoionswhlch woiild out t.he Divine purpose. otherwise be converteci by the body's Bfr hs bnsmyb c chemstr ino fttytisue.complisheci, Mr. Simnpson added, maxi must accept new leadership A Few Sips-A Few Cents andi new ideals. He must rise above the baser andi more material tbings -Cougjhs, Colds Gone of life. when he thinks primariiy of his salary. his nice home axid otber BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE is not a cheup pro- sefilsh interests. We bave to believe paration, but st takes se littie of b to corn. that we are our brotber's keeper. pleely banisls a co.sgh or <nid ~5 tci, Mnaebgnigt elz that tcu far loes titnan soi' tier preparation.Me ar gingtoelz ht BuckieY'o j, us marvellously gond that one theY are on tis earth for other doge limes untnistakabie relief. Tsso doses m'y things tban for self. esop your cougi, or cold entirely. Good-bî e Through wide travel the speaker bo sickening syrups and dopey preparatins. bas witnessed the deptb. beight and Taire Buckley's. 1: oteans sale, sure, instant relief front coughs, cold.. 'flu or bronchiti. breadth of man's genius ail over the '*lx actslike 4 flsh-a singiee s proves i. worid. Man is wonderfully great in Play safe. Refuse substitutes. Buckley's i, sold the scope of the work hie has accom- averprhere. plished, but ail this work is baseci on a design that God bas permitteci to be copied. Ail great things in this world are copied f rom .tbe Div- ine himseif. It is His way o! bring- ing about better things, tbrough His own creation of bumanity. Wbatever man's mnd 'may con- ceive as Possible, is possible. Con- trouler Simpson said, because its de- signi originates with the Divine. Thel future. Suniners mst lluing Present world problemns are diffi- luharsawaho uroing cuit to solve because of tbe nation- chars awit our omig alsm.and narrowness that exists. . efehn breezes... Signatories Of the Treaty of Ver- sunkissed beaches.. . idea! sailles in 1919 recognized tbis f act golf, riding, barhing when they paved the way for the formation Oif the League o! Nations. They realized tbat they could builci -ut a new economic and social worid on teerrors of the past. The League was !ormed witb its greatest objet CALIFORNIAth of an nenainlpemnn New low roud trip fates now It was reaiized that man mu.st in1- in effect (approximately 20% vokte bigber qualities in settling in- under previous fares) offer ternational disputes. National arn- Choice Of routing, both ways via bitions must give way tes a tiew bond1 Vancouver, both ways via Chii. between ail nations. Neyer in the cago, or going one way, returo- world's history bas there been a time tng the ocher. Choice of lines wben two forces were not at war. .eYond Chicago. Reduced siep This fact wa.s because there bave ai- -mig car fares. wa >s been two factions. one flgbtixig for world betterment. and the other Tickets good to return within for greed. avarice. weaitb and the 12 montlhs. filthy dollar. In the United States money is prostituting the daily press, the speaker cbarged. and manufactur- ers care no, for worker as long as they make a profit. There are thousancis o! convlcts in our peni- Jacksonville, Tampa, St. Peters. mtbose ig rm men wbo Arlte burg, Palm Beach, Miami. Con- efforts of statesmen ta develop ventent connections are made paeai odilaebokdb for Bal o.iapit vaDtot the efforts o! airmament manufact- or Buf'slo.urers who are looking only for pro- Fuil particulars from fit at the expense cof human lives. Control'er Simpson eniisted tbe any agent T2 sympatby anid support o! bis heur- ers for the International Labor or- C A N D I N ganizatin of the League o! hc wsdoing much work tes bring about N A T I O N A L better conditions for the working mnthroughout the worid and he -M as confident that in time condi- -_______ -tions o! chilci labor a.nd poor ae in Japan andi China would be over- 1WA DEPRESSED FEELING corne. nstilste IS ARGLY IVE finoved tihat will give both spiritual Wakeup yur iverBdeworker. Employers must iearn to Wakeup yur iverBi1 think of! the worker not as a cog in -Without Calomel the mecbanism to produce profit. You are "ffeelng punk" snrnply breauze yeux but as a human being. or conception liver is't Pourbng ito daily two poupils of liqusd f odh akile into your bowele. Digestion suid elmnati o f hmself. aeboihame. adyosene,,t,, The League o! Nations bas a diffi- , t ounedi8 acliver stimulant. ri cuit task to overcome the distrust ting tlat gomfrther thn&qlts nminera ater, and hatrecis o! European nations. oùl, lative randy- or chewing gunt or roughagre the differences o! the Oriental which only move Ithe bsveie-Ignorrng ttir real countries and the civiiization o! the eause- of iroubl.. vour liver, Take Cantera Litie Lver Pille. Puiely ,-eg. West. These hatreds must be done table' No h,.ri calomel (merer.y). Sale, sure. away with and the example o! Can- Aâk for thent hv name. Refue subtitut«, 'ada and tbe Unitedi States writb an 2Uo. ai aiU druagiàta. unprctected border between tbem must be copied. -ss Not many years ago. the speaker The Canadian Cooklng Sehool (Continued f rom page 6) graham flour, bran, cornnieal, rolled oats, coarse grains like some of the "unempioyed acid" might affect the interesting mixed breakfast cereals, cakes' flavour. any kxnd of cooked cereai-aU of Prepared Flour Pancakes these can be worked ixito different Add enough milk, or even water, mufin batters, once you understand to prepared flour to make a thin muffin-maklng in a generai way. batter, and cook as directed for the Here are the miles for puttlng an Grlddle Cake batter I have given ordinary muffin mixture together: YOU. 1. St! t white flour, measure It, For a richer pancake, use a beat- mix the other fine dry ingredients en egg as part of the iiquid . (Nice wîth i t and si! t them together into for dessert pancakes). mlxing bowi. Because batter made with somne 2Mxinaycoremawhh prepared f lours becomes tbicker by 2shouid flot be sifte -corieai standing, more liquid may be added sol o esfe-orel to keep each batch of pancakes thi whole wheat flour, bran, etc. enough. 3. Mix the liquids-miik. beaten Yorkshire Pudding egg and melted shortening. The genumne old Yorkshire Pud- 4. Make a well in the centre of ding is a good exampie of bate the dry mngredients and pour the raised by the changing of a lag liquids into it. amount of! licjuid into steam. 8ifg 5. Witb as few strokes as pos- cups flour witb '>'ý teaspoon sait. sible, combine the Ucuids and the Beat 3 eggs very light, combine wih dry materiais. Leave the batter very 2 cups milk and gradually stir mU>o rough-don't beat it or try to make flour mixture until very smooth. it srnooth. Add the flavouring wbile Beat bard several tirnes. Pour about mixmng. This is a very cuick way to 1inch deep into a strongly-hýeated, mix a batter-and perhaps it seems ihlo aigpacnann tSo casual to be successful; but littie hot dripping from the roasting lnig mfn igrdet to pan, bake 30 to 45 minutes, basting carefuily, when they are mixed tbis after it is well risen with some bot way. will only spoil the texture of fat. f rom tbe pan in which beef is 6 Trthtogeae muffin pas roasting.6.Tr nogesdmfipa, Here is a modernized version, les making tbemn 2-3 f ull and bake at a custard-like batter than tbe first about 400' F. in a bot oven, about one: Sif t together 1 cup flour , 20 to 25 minutes. (Time depends on teasoonsai an i tas~o 1/ba2 exact mixture and on size of muf- powder; add 1 cup miik and 2 wel- fins, which may be very tiny or beaten egg yolks; fold in 2 whites, large 'gem" size). beaten stiff. Bake same as flrst mix- *By tbe way, I like to bake my finer ture orin reasd gm pns. muffi.nsli littie paper cake-cups ture orin reasd gm pns. tbat I buy in packages of a bundred. DROP BATTERS ny MUYFF'IN It is a good plan to set a paper cup METHOD in each pan-no greasing will be re- quired and the pans will not need The Drop Batters, as I bave ex- wasbmng afterwards; also the paper piained, are oniy about bai.! as thin cups keep muffinis and cakes f resb- as tbe Pour Batters. er. To bake many at once, bowever, A Drop Batter gets its namne le- just place paper cups ciosely on a cause it is just the right tbickness large baking sheet or flat pan. to drop niceiy f rom a spoon., Plain Muffins We bave two methods of mixing a 2 cups flour DroBttr:31/2 teaspoons baking powder 1. Tbe Muffn Method- 1 1/ teaspoon sait (a) Mix dry ingredients . 3 tablespoons sugar (b) Mix liquids. 1 egg (c) Combine themn qulckiy. 7/ cup milk This is the simpiest metbod we 2 to 3 tabiespoons meited have of mixing a batter. sbortening Frankiy we f eei tbat these muffins Combine according to genere" are best eaten bot f rom the oven; muffini metbod. Bake at 400, F. cold ones may be spiit and toasted. Rlch muffins 2. Tbe other metbod is the one ' cpbte we follow for cakes that bave short- 1 cup sugaer ening in themn; we shail not discuss cui egg r that method in tbis lesson, it is so10g important it requires a less<>n to it- 14 cup milk self. 2 cups flour We shall now look at Muffini Bat- 1/2 teaspoon sait ters, whîch are very closely reiated 3 teaspoons baking powder to Pour Batters. We use tbe same Combine accordlng to muffin me- kind of ingredients for them, ex- thod, or by cake method after you pect these ingredients to do the same bave learned it. These muffns have wcrk. and put them together in a slightly different texture if made much tbe saine way. according to tbe cake metbod. whicb The difference lies in the thick- will come to you in Lesson 9. Wben ness o! tbe batters, and in the meth- you have iearned both methods. try od of cooking. tbem out and compare tbem. For muffns, we use not oxiiy whiite1 Variation of Muffins flour. but also wbole wheat flour. Whole Wheat Muffins-Substitute IA A ood Cook Should HaveI (5un beam MIxmASTER 1. Jutcer extrCctO 2. Mayonnaise oil drippe,' 3. lndtviduaffy removabla beaiers for mixissg drinki 4. SaJItbrersing seli.re.'ofvis dise for nmsxnt bos 5. Mot pouverld notor in s.y mixer selling and"r $50 6.Comspletely encloied dirt.proolf moo 7.Nothinz 50 pus togelher or sake aPaf be. Fore or ater sina. No holding. Ne tumn. MIxs-whps-beats-maushos - extracts juces - etc. - ste. The Best E q Uipment Anna Lee Scott ad- vises the use of mod- ern domestic equip- ment as a necessary aid to good cooking. See the Sunbeam Mixmaster and The Royal Culinaire. They beat, whip, mix, juice, shred and chop. The latest kitchen la- bor saving devices. Moffat Therm.O-Matle Heat Controlled heat is im- portant if success is desired in cooking. In the Moffat Electric Range with the Therm-O-Matic oven heat control you have the greatest triumph of heat control in Canada. Sec the Mof- fat Ranges at the Hy- dro Shop, and be sure and ask anyone who owns one what they think of it. Control The Hydro Shop The Shop that la owned by the. People - Patromise IL. 1 cup wbole wbeat flour for 1 cup white pastry flour in plain muffins; increase sugar to 4 tablespoons. Fruit Muflns-Add 12, cup washed andi dried currants, raisins, or cbop- ped dates to plain or ricb type muf- fins; add to dry ingredients before mixing in wet ingredients. Savory Muffins-Reduce shorten- ing and sugar in plain white muffins ta i tablespoon each; add 1/ cup diceci cooked ham or chopped cook- cd bacon to dry ingredients, before adding the wet. Cheese Muffins-RFèduce sugar i plain white muffins to 2 tablespoons; cut shortenlng to 1 tablespoon and add % cup grated, sharp cheese ta tbe dry ingredients bof ore mlxlng i tbe wet. Peanut Butter Muffns-In plain wbite muffns or rlch white mnuffins, use only 2 tablespoons shortenlng and add !/ cup peanut butter to tbe wet ingredients bof ore mixlng wlth dry ingredients. Fresh Fruit Muffins-Add V2 cup washed, dnied blueberries, raspber- ries, strawborries or pitted red cher- ries ta tbe dry ingredients bof ore stirring in the wet ingredients. Bran Muffins 2 cups flour 1/ teaspoon sait 31/ teaspoons baking powder 3/ cup sugar 1i1/a cups bran i egg 3 tablespoons molasses i cup milk 1-3 cup sbortening 1 cup stoned, cbopped dates C1-3 cup chopped walxiuts Combine according ta Muffin Me- ingredients and the molasses ta boaten egg. Bake in a moderate oven, 375, P., 30 tc> 35 minutes. (These muffins are very rich andi sweet). Tbese muffns are giveni a differ- cnt texture which makres tbem es- pccially .dellcious, even when coid, if they are combineci according ta the cake method, which we shail give you in Lesson 9. Nut Bread 2 cups flour 31/2 teaspoons baking powder 1 1/ teaspoon sait 1-3 cup sugar 1 cup milk 1 egg 2 tablespoons melted fat 3/ cup chopped nutmeats or 34 cup cbopped dates, figs, prunes, raisins or currants. Mix by Muffin Method, adding nuts or fruits--or a combination o! the two, if you like-to the dry in- gredients. Turn into greased pans, let stand 20 minutes, then bakte ia slow oven 300' F., 45 to, 60 minutes. As hinted at thebeginning of tbis lesson. the simpler muffi.n mixtures are oniy at tbeir best served hot. For serving coid, I advise you ta use cake batter, perbaps such useful cup-cake mixtures as you will flnd in the Easy-Way Cake Book. B. H. S. News By Y. Duzxy Wright Junior Boys Bowmanville 48 - Whitby 33 The Junior boys piaying in thc a! ternoon and unburdencd by for- malities, scored an impressive 48-33 victary over Whitby. In this gaine the B.H.S. aggregation proved ta be f ar thec botter team a! ter the flrst !ew minutes o! play, proflting f romý the experience gaincd in their fiast gaine piayed a week ago in Port Hope. They worked their piaysala- most ta perfection and are certainly a credit ta, their coaches, Mr. Devitt and Gordie Adamns. Altogether Sic- mon ami Neal accounted for 35 o! their team's points, with Siemon getting the extra point. G. Ailan Iwith 12 was bigh for Whitby. IB.H.S. Linc-up: Forwards, Siemon, Neai; centre, Baker; guards, Mcfl- vee, Aies, Taylor; alternates, Roach, Goode. Clarke, Goodman. Senior Girls Cobourg 32 - Bowmanville 14 The Senior Girls' gaine, like the Junior Boys, started o!ff with thc loslng team. scoring the first 5 points. "Dot" Nichols opened the scormng with a successful foui shot and then "Ev" McKinxion added two more foui shots and a field goal. "Kay" Tbroop then scorcd for Cobourg, with '"Nan" Aluin regaining Uic bas- ket for B.H.S. But sad ta relate froin then on it was ail Cobourg, Wilklns scoring threc in a row ta give the visitors the lead. a lead which was gradualiy lcngtbened ta read 13-7 at baif-time. Opening the iast hall, Cobourg kcpt on pressing and led by K. Throop ran up an in- surmountable lead. Part way througb the pcriod McKinnon scor- sel 3 points for B.H.S. ami near the endl o! the !ray addcd 3 more to. make the score 32-14 for the visi- Zors. W. Wilkins o! Cobourg with 14, and E. McKinnon o! Bowman- ville witb 10, were higb scorers. B. H. S. Line-up: C en t re, M. Thompson; side centre. D. Nichols; !orwards, G. Jones, E. McKlnnon; guards, L. Cole, M. Wightman; al- ternates, A. Aluin, G. Dewell, D. Dudley. PAGEsEvEN'q The Whole Family SINGS THE PRAISES 0F VANSTONE'S FLOUR It has been the favorite with the best cooks of Durham County for over 50 years and stili remains the favorite. ANNA LEE SCOTT TELLS ABOUT GRIDDLE CAKES AND MUFFINS In trying her recipes this week for best resuits be sure to use Vanstone's Eclipse or Cyrus Flour Uniformity in quality -made of No. 1 Hard Wheat. Manufactured in Bowmanville by Bowmanville people. SOLD BY ALL GOOD GROCERS F. C. Vanstone Phone 77 Bowmanville k __ I VGle ta:1 Milk Thiek with rem and generous ibutter-fat content f rom T. B. Tested cows. Make sure of purity Order Glen Rae today- Phone 40S The Lonely Milk Bottie How often do we see the Lone Milk Bottie on the door step, the day's supply of milk for the family. One boule is inadequate for the smallest f ar- ily. MiIk is the cheap- est food in the world. Cut clown your living costs by having two boutles of Glen Rae Milk left o n y ou r door &tep each morn- ing, by replacing high coat foods with health giving, low cost milk. IGlen Rae Dafry L PHONE 4083 R. RL STEVENS & SON, Proprs'etors - (cCOUGHS AND COLDS - So pleasant to the taste and so quickly - effective that children love to take it. Equally good for adulti. 0f time-proven -~ ~ meit 18 points, ta, "Dune" Williams who workcd like a Trojan, to "Pean" Jackman who scored 3 nicc baskets, and to "Monk" Colmer and "Brad" Honeymnan wbo wcre outlucked time and again. Every other player on both teains merits at least a two- star rating for their play in tis gaine. It was the most cxciting, thrill-giving gaine ever piayed in the B.H.S. gym. B.H.S. Linc-up: Forwards, Couiner, T. Bagneli: centre. Honeyman; guards. Williîams, B. Bagneli; alter- nates, Colville, Jackman, S. A.iin, J. Allun. McIlvecn. This Friday the Junior Boys tra- vci ta Oshawa, and the Senior Boys andi Senior Girls ta, Peterboro. Screeeh Owl Staff Consulting Editor--Mr. Eci. Dcvitt: Editar-Leonard Wilson; Associate Editar-Elsie Carruthers; Business I Manager-Donald Williams; Assist- ant Business Mgr.-Nelson Osborne, Advertising Staff-Helen Mason,I Jean Morris, Byron Vanstone, How- SeniorfBoys ai-Q Wigat; becretaries--Marion Gianville, Violet McFeeters: Liter- Cobourg 32 - Bowmanville 29 ary-Evelyn McKlnnon;, Assistant1 Undoubtedly tac bost gaine o! tbc Lterary-Seima Bartlett; Student11 day f rom a spectator's aspect was Activities-Elford Cox; Alumni-j the rough and tumble, do-what-you- Donald Harcistane; Who's Wbo-Royj can-get-away-with game put on by Colvilie, Roy Lunney; Exchange Ed- the Senior Boys ln whlch Archie itor-Betty Rowe; Girls' Atbietics- Spooner o! Cobourg defeated the Mary Thompson; Boys' Athietis- pride of B.H.S. 32-29. George Tordi!!; Chuckes-Jack AI- Thc Bowmanvilie style O! Play lin. caîls for a man ta man defense, whlch meant Uiat cither Honcymnax Lltes-ary Program or Colville, the two B.H.S. centre A vcry enJoyable program was wlt- men, were to guard Spooner who nessed by the school and outslde vis- pîsys centre and the whc>ic gaine for itors on Frlday when Uic two Comn- Cobourg. But Uic offensive pîsys o! merciai forma put on their yea.rly the iocals cail for Uic centre man literary offerlng. T7he flrst number to be well up inta enemy terrltory on thc prograin was a solo by Ber- wben bis team bas possession of the nice Beilman, "The Indian Love bail. As Uic 6-foot-4 Spooner ion!- Cail." Tihis was !ollowed by a, sur- cd near the B.HS. basket most o! prise blrthday party given for Jean Uic time it Is easily percclved that Harlow at the f amous Cocanut Uic B.H.S. centre man had practi- Grove i Hollywood and broadcast caily no chance ta watch hlm wlth ovcr station RUOK. Miss Harlow tac result that the aforementloned was played by Gertrude Hooper ami Archle soored 16 pointsi the fIrat Jack Aluin as Jimmny Wallngton was half. master of ceremonles. In Uic second perlod "'Tony" Mc- Anrong. Uic many guest artists flveen was sent ouf on ta te floor' were: Jimmy Durante, Clyde Robin- to watch Spooner and he dld the Job son; thc Nut Brothers, Ches. and so well that poor littie Archibald Wai, John Prltty and Bob Hard- only tallied once. i atone, who piayed harmonicas; Kate Tha-ce stars go to Opooner for bis 1'Smith, Doris Hall. and her "La Pal- Dr.CWUAS ['S ý-ý vam lA ina" smoking escort, Buddy Rogers, Alex Colvilie, the slnging maestro; and Alice the Acrobat, Miss Sbrubb. Following this there was a piano duet by the Hooper cousins, and this in turn was followed by a Play en- titled "The Boy Cornes Home." The cast' Pbilip, tbe boy who came home -Alex Colvillc; Aunt Emly-Mar- ion Gianville; Uncie James-Archie. Woods; The Maid-Lorraine Pick- ard: The Cook-Rose Bates. The final nunabor o! the prograin was the Form Song sung ta that gooci oid tune "The Dark Town Strutters Bail." Catarrhal Deafness and Head Noise TELLS SAPE, SIMPLE WAV To TREAT AND RELIEVE AT HOME If you have catarrh, catar-rhal deafness or head noises caused by catarrh, or if phlegr drops tI your throat and bas causeti catarrh of the stomach or bowels you wil be giad ta know that these dlstressing symptoins may be cntlrely overcome i many instances by Uic followlng trcatment wblch you can easlly pre- pare i your own home at little out. Secure f romn your drugglst 1 ounce o! Parmint (Double Strength). Take tis home and add te It 'À pit of hot water and a Uittie granulated sugar; stir until dissoived. Take one tablespoonlul four times a dey. An lmprovemen.t lis sometimes noted a!- ter Uh i lrt day's treatrnent. Breath- ing should becorne easy, while the dlstressing head noises, headaches, dullriess, cloudy thlnklng, etc. should gradually disappear under Uic tonte action o! the treatment. Lous of arneil, taste, defective hearlng and mucus dropping in Uic back o! the throat are other symptains whlch suggest Uic presence o! catarrh snd whlch may o! ten be overcome by Itais cificaclous treatinent. It ta sald that nearly ninety per cent of ail e ar troubles are caused by oatarrh and there must, therefore, be manys people whose hearig may be re- stored by tais simple, harmlos home treatinent. I u THE CANADIAN STATFSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25tb, 1934