PAGE IGHTTHE CANADIAN STATEMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25th, 1934 contempt for ail sham and af fecta- spoke in turn andi soliciteci the votes t ion and a talent for mimiery. Miss o f the electors. Ex-ReeveW.F The N~ewcasler Independent Clark enacteci the part of Peg ad- Ricka.rd, present chairman of the miraby andportrayed in dialogue, Management Committee, and Rev.F l ook, appearance and action &11 Peg's H. Mason also spoke on the manage- qualities of heart. minci andi soul. ment of the hall anci expresseci their c THURSDAY, JANrJARY 25th, 1934 1 winter put a great deal of time and Who wias there who heard anci saw views of the present terms anci ar-as fi b d expense on the rink which is situat- her whose heart did not warm to the rangements for the use of the hall. imRickard andi Wmi. Rowland ed on Baldwin St. across f romn the Irish? Nvrbfr a hr ensc aeattendiflg' an agricultural short miii: but weather conditions much Another actor of parts was Mr. W. a public discussion of the purposes, course at the O.A.C., Guelph. of the time have been against them, ç ibn h sAaitegn aaeetac iacs0 h ___________________________ Mises ranesanc No'na Eii0t~sometimes too colci and sometimes tleman son of the classy andi prouci hall which was built and presenteci _______ Port Granby, were Suflday guests of too wariTl. Lately however every- Mr.Cùeter, an Englishld o to the village by the late C. D.Mas- ~IW ne Misss HlenandMafOI~LYOtt. thing has been just about right andi widowed, kept the audience in jolly sey anci generously endowed to the IMARRIAGESWATDYertr an< Mrs. Water Crowther fell on the the boys and girls have been ma.kingmocwih ismn efugtr-etntfovr$900b telae- ic w ll n ar he h m e la t on ay th m st 0f th e facilities for sk at- m ark s. M r. G ibb on s w as also th e T h os. M on tagu e. O F E N H R D A ni n h tp l A usti Phon 8 evening~11 an brk rot he 19.14s ThomasADMA W-T . At th Unte 0nf PhnStr, evncandl brkebo erstn wrivts. ing affordeci by the rink. director of the play. ettureli. l' Rýv %V t. tlo osca ted Payers PlyTegvn Rev. F. H. Mason motored the Others taking parts weli were: Mr. BON \OSIPES oitme f2th o94 Thma WATE- nuntt tf sYt mr O'aMi-sfmospay"h Newcastle Scouts' hockey players to Patterson as Jerry; Orval Ale-YUGMiSIPR, lr*ýfen oflo%"iýivlead as achgetmretvau id prande o3thin St ere, Or RECGNII Lila fTrno o Cff or Barrett Pickering partancen 'snt ofarisCO NI IO SERVICE orders at T e Statesm an ot oft an Betin gSt ear es" r O rono ast Saturday afternoo fl for Chita rnthe vilain 0f th ________ l2ha scheduled game against the Scouts' play; Bertram Cummings-Jarvis, Hall. team of that village, and although the sedate butier; Mrs. Hardy-Mr5. Perhaps not everyone thought DEATHS - M.r. Chas. anci Dr. Annie Higbee the Newcastle boys lost out by 9 to Chicest-er; Hilda Day-Mrs. Chi-ces- about it, but there were 53 Sundays <-FrSl anci son Ja.k.acmniibyMs 5 they returned in good spirits and ter's daughter Ethel, displayed as a in 1934, anci the folowing members FrSl Evelyn Rickard Of Queen's Univer- OO-Al"tinIonavle n sity, motoreci up on Sunday from wîth. a determination to get down to model and pattern for Peg; anci of the Young Worshippers' League , îîîr .tl, t1934t Atunira HAY FOR SALE--Quantityo ci hard practice in preparation for the Raymond Knight-Mr. Hawkes, a of the Uniteci Church receiveci aw- Ni ut t.u. ,Iviî ifi of La-ha< atso pure ttntothy Iîay. Kingston where they are spending next gaine. îawyer. ards at the morning service iast r.uc.t.~ Wl.,( ag-i Si(s rltne. Sii , iV .1. rrewin, Enniskttten. th ow nte miss hea ifg M . oh F. M s a e E. . H. W d, M r. B ebee . a cvance agen t, also S un cay for l0 0 ý' atten d an ce at di- lu g St. W . t heu S u rtt , . a 2 3 FR- S L - W C l s o ClarkgiveWs ilustra.;à adress Rogers, Geo. Jamieson anci Miss acted as pianist. entertaining the vin3e service throughout the year: It 2 11' riei Uonanil Ceni 'l, OjR l SA change lotnerH ',ContinuouLs Bloom in the Gar-den" Odie Warren of the Uniteci Church audience before the play anci be- Lloyd Hancock, Frank Hoar, Donald tery.'lef ilecinesret on Thursday evening of this week W. M. S. atterdeci the Presbyterial tween the five acts. Af ter the play Jose, Harolci Hoar, Ted Hoax, Joe WILSON-Iiil«ttrtoigllt Townsthi, oit[-.1;rû,Bwmnile by nviatin o th HrtiultralmeeinginOshwa astWedesdythe ladies of St. George's entertain- Hockin. Buddy Wittecar, Carl Fish- .Linutry 2t.It. 1931, jantes Ed(I -1__5 ___1_______1._ by ivitaion of te H rtic ltual m etin in Osha a lst W dneday,\ýarI \ilso, i his56t yea. Inerrd FO ouE tih fit.te at Society. Admission free. Jan. 7th. Mrs. Jamieson while in ed the cast in the basement. Com- er, Francis Jose anci Reita Cooke. iLcaînis St ere' hrh- Rev. .H the motor city took occasion to visit mander anci Mrs. Mainwa.riflg were Anci here's some fooci for thought: WILLIAMS-tît Cartwtright, ot Satur- of bee . '"W<set 3io ftA) M s n M A. Re t r u dy an her relative, M iss Carnie Frayne. also hots to the players at a m eal that am ong al these one huncreci d ýý voiuan gt sou lo rt r W inu Plinrs. 28tb, 4tb Rtr Sunda . 8an. Miss Bessie Clark. whfl graauateci .r ius to the evening's presenta- percenters there was only one girl. liin voungtuttss noit oft ear. HndFRSAE4ii -Holy Communion: Il a. m.-MoIT- as a nurse from Bowmanville hois- tiof. But of those who attendeci 751-/ or NORHCOTT - At lieýr honte, 1921 ont Prosp)ect St... containing8 2 .--S nia S hol pital last s me , returneci home more but less than 100% of the Vongi- S., Toronto, oit S:turdaty, anu- mo neî cnvei uunces; doube ing Prayer: 2p. summea cho;frmToot ls r, dy hv Sundays there was only one 0th 2 31, :i .tie E. %V. Campbetiill, stitati garuten. .\tpty to MNrs. E. GERG' VEorge MEortN boot t,'i 2 geitl, tlowmanvtc 'p. m.-Evening Prayer anci Ser- ro Tootlat riy, aifgS.GOGSVSTYMENGFoilowing is the list: Emma Jean elve ývits. (;tiruîe NthottiI i'ige- ii mon ~acidiionaltraining atteWestern Harris, Patricia Pere1agrt eytrotn FARM FOR SALE - 120 ac UnitedCi uch - Rev. W. p. Rog Hopial Th anulVsr meeting ofSt Par e ea Poel Grc Poelt< -ass tlandt, teautifulty siýtuat Ceur, B.. Patr Sudy Jan. St. PereGae looking L.ake Otntario, 21c mile 1r1 a., Paor. n day Jan.ip 2.30 p. George's CucNewcastle, was Brenton Rickarci. There were two t oNwnuitivillt,, 1-3 mile front n: Ila.rn~ orifgWoshp 230~helci in the Parish Hall on Monday, boys, Elford Cobbledick anci Harolci IN MEMORIAM wýv Puia NMC'otîtîaci1ie, M.-Sunciay School; 7 p. m.-Even- NEWCASTLE VITAL STATISTICS Jan. 22nd. There was a gooci at- Hockin, who attendeci over 50% of î vitte. Phone 13 proceedings. The Rector, Rev. F. H. these receiveci awards of books, those tier, Franttcis V. Btltu, N0o tîtsseti awuîy To Let Jn. thast 2 P.g m.olhs e-Mrrae, Mason, M.A., took the chair anci op- who were the mnost regular in at- sattttt JaunuarY 231h, I1:;-. endte etngwt paes.M.To think yýou coutd not sa.v good-liye, STR TORN-Cnt Nyewcaiesten i n tche baso f nen- Mariag e-7 to nec h etn ihpaes r tendance receiving the more expen- XVill always turing regret, SOET ETRcnl Herer Cerr, ecnty o Upe OiveBenet.Reg. LeGresley was re-appointeci sive anci valuable. To thosi wlto ttltk of you today. bv Breslin's; Good location; Hyere sCent icn the pon pe Of iv Vestry Clerk. Are theî ottîs %vtîo wott forget. rent. Appty MtIss Harnden, R. B CandaColeg, oroto Heisno Fe. 5-WllamEar Glbak ndLloyd Hancock anci J0e Hockin of tlésivr rentetîîtered by Cliiktren. manvilto. Canaa Cllee, oroto.He s nw Fb. 5-Wllim Enl iibnk nci The Rector reaci bis annual report the Trail Rangers were also present- staying in Newcastle wlth bis rela- Mildred Eva Bedwin. anci expresseci bis thanks to AI- ecmihbosb hi etr e. BNEr-ttvtgner>, of John SUITE OF ROOMS TO REN tives, Miss 0. Warren andi Mrs. F. Apr. 8-Richard Hubert Osborne mihyGc o h bnatb ess W t P bRoes for perc aMenoane i1E;:NîîiTt wh î ing nieJttay23t.oat eta n meit ings in the past year. Tbe splendid services, Sunciay school lio, e lontg to s:e thît happy face, o mlile. Msn ar Miss Lillian Clemence, pulr July 3-John Harolci Percival il epn wihteeoehamdeand week-night meetings through- stîatctted front us so soon; bride-elect, was honoreci with a mis- gannon anci Doris Edna Offen. to every demanci was most encour-outefaler wic cosiatt.ttutttstatw ror1Fe, ORRN-O crfrt eas Ctouhea tun hehcoe t tîr tast tî tiao o* our toom., FtORt RT 80 ae rom, Bowma ceilaneous andi kitchen showera July 10--Allan Richard Spencer aging. It wsparticularly gratif y- Eahsorc 00tti tîc pur î horget inoo ny. butns Appt mi.e fr . V. o%% The Towers, the home of Mr. anci anci Bernice Emaline Runde. ig that the missionary allotîment C revtm W. P. c R oe was " asit. inc 'G t<uow fot 3-o s ic eer builings Ap3y'M0GiVt Mrs. J. C. Hancock, w ben she anci a Oct. 7-H-arolci Ross Dickinson andi for. NWcat. anc Rorono haci agaînino (u wùlod - 9t(-r er o ia ,O t of N w asl othe young ladie ofai the Maroni I.v T.i CowanI Moth, nuinben fohryuglde f h aireI .Cw been paici in full. Referring to the the presentation of the awards by 'tiiit our stalles juust tide thue tear. samne circle were guests of Mrs. Wil- Oct. 28-Russeli Thomas Gimblett Church Warciens, Messrs. W. H. anci the secretary of the Young Wonship- Saiuissîti1w:îatheXbîd Sisters. FrSl rT bert Teeple on Thurscay aftennoon, anci Mariorie Jane Barrabal. Howard Gibson, he saici they had pers' League for some years past, r. FrSl rT Jan. l8tb. Bjrths-12 'carried on' splendidly during these Edwin Hancock, present memnber for Mcl<ESSOCK - lit lîtviîuC ntmory of FOR SALE OR RENT-6 ro, The High School bas organizeci a ebakMhuGryso f difficuit years. West Durham of the Ontario Older, tzI-ttir James _-1ssci, 10 etîtercit biuck cottage~ oit 'Wellington Mokycu ihtotatcpa n M rs.he r Gray sna li The Chunch Wardens' financial Boys' Parliament. it t1 juitttury 26t1ii' 1930. Geýo. SlMtttBowmanville. hocr.key club with tray Edas captain Vot hft~ swee~it mntoris to titossont, eci respectively by Wmn. Brunt niDnut agtr0 ananis ttmn hoe ml aac Edwin at Ibis service gave aMost tti'uritic fruuit for, ttuue vtars to c0fltt FARM FOR SALE OR REN' BetQuantnill. Tbey have engl .D eal.wt hbi ac nin usad iflterestiflg ten-minute talk on the Iltii tvîs of thoewt loved N'ou, BeDrIal.wt alblspi n o usad ot11t, i 0ý- h t a*s 'tIt rts, mtore or lesut, 25 acresa ting in some initial rctc on May 're uits, o hc i, nor os<f tlteO Condîi tion, seil cîtealp, LoI, Buke' kadaeepactie t May-Hazel MyFisher, daughter in etfrwihthey were recent sessions of the parliament utr., gotie.ole;ntFlvtt. 2, t>arlingtott, -.anvers1 Bukly' rnkani reexecin 1 0 M. nc Ms.E.W.Fihe:Bar- heartily commenei belci in St. Andress s C.ullege, Aurons. nIJaiy saeaame hene against an Orono bara Eusa Lockwoodý-daughter of Mn. All the parish organizations ne- Edwin has a. fine speaking voice and ------------ - 0 f B.t Folt'r and se at.. ApIiy school teami on Wed.nesday evening aniMs itrLcvoi iinpotc oc er h .A n eic the cloute attention of the con- If B.RI-E Fo,,r -lre S. o of Ibis week. Itenora Megit, daughter of Mr. acGil'Axiliary baci met their pied- gregation as he told of the activities C U C E Laehreeale. ockeem the n Mrs. Chas. A. Megit. ges in f ull. The Parochial Commit- of the week andi of wbat past boy - Legu.une tema- June-Keith Albert Mellow. son of tee had haci a particula.rly successful premiers are now doing anci making St. Andnew's Presbytenian hui agership of Mn. Wilbert Teeple, lost r.A .Mlo;Rbn year. of their lîves and as be outlineci the -e.W .IdMnse.Sn bya. 2 7ast rono agaeingt the home Williams Parnaby Martin, son of The officers appointeci or electeci funictions and proceediflgs of the day Services: Morning Worsbip il RADIO SERVI( team as Fnda eenngbu tatMr. anci Mrs. M. P. L. Martin- Ern- for 1934 are as follows: Church parliament. Edwin is now retiring a. m.: Sabbatb Scbool 2.30 p. m.; est Ricar Spncr son 0fsiern Mn. an Wren-esl.W.H anci Howa-rd f nom the secretaryship of the league Evening Worship 7 P. m. Introducing a new Radio perience of the Newcastle players as Ms Tihord Spencer. soibson:r Lay Dad - elegate to H y.d anci is being succe-ececi by bis young- StPa'sUieiCuc -Rv. tBom v1e Wr a team anditeltl potnt lVla CteieAlra Messrs. W. H. Anderson, Walter er* brother Lloyd. S.Pu' ntdCuc e.t omnfl.Wr they ave haci for practising to- JI-em ahrn lded gethrciaughter of Mr. andi Mns. Matthew Crowthers anti Lawrence Gaines: Rev. W. P. Rogers preacheci help- A. S. Kerr, M.A., Minister; Mrs. C. teeci. 3 bour service. gThe. ncpl oni, hog Alidreaci. Sidesmeti-Mes5rs. W. Crowthers. L. fullY on Teaching anci Preaching H. Dudley, Organist andi Leader. TheMuncipl ounilthrug Sept.-Ralph M. K. Henning. son Gaines, John Scott. Commdr. Main- and spoke of the well planneci pro- il a. m.-Chist's Master Thought";B R O R the chairman of the roa.ds commit- of Mn. anci Mrs. Clarence Henning. wa.ring. Allan Spencer, Wallace Gib- gram of the Uniteci Cburch of Can- 2.30 p. m -Sunday Scbool; 7 p. m.- B R O R tee, Alfredi Graham, bas been pro- Nov.-Christina Margaret Cowie son. George Crowthers anci Cynil ada for the religious train-ing of "One Thing Desireci." viding work for a numben of the un- daugbteî' of Mr. anci Mtrs. C. A Rutianci; Advisory Counil-The chiîdren from tuheir tencierest yeaxs St Jon' Aglican Çhurch-Rev. Phone 517 employeci by having gravel trucked Cowie. Rector, Church Wardens anci Lay upward. C. R. Spencer, Rector. Septuagues- from the west beach anti dumpeci in Dec.-Mary Ishbel Wright. daugh- Delegates above mentioneti, also o-. -.-- ima Sunday: Holy Comminf 8 _ ________ in parts of the village where tel- of Mn. anci Mrs. Geo. Wright. Miss B. Mclntosh, Mrs. P. F. LeGnes- - -.m;Mrnn ryr 1a . it will be convenient for use on the eyMr.H Frnmb, rsD.NEWTON VILLE a.m;M1igFae la . roti aciwben reurc.Deaths-9 leMs.H amob. r.D Sunday School anti Bible Class 2.30 __________ rasadstreets rqie.Galbraith, Mrs. J. S. Howard. Mrs. p. M.: Evening Frayer at 7 P. m. Unemployeci men do the picking and Jan.-Elisabeth ElIe a- nor Wsll- R. Gibson, with Mn. D. J. Gib- Miss Mary Lane spent Sunday at A.Y.P.A Monday at 8 p m shovelling while Frank Gibson, Han- bridge Jose. son and Commdr Mainwaring. Mn. Bert Samis'. Trinity Uniteci Church - SundaY, ry Couch anci Mytro Arycb truck the May-Retta Billet. The meeting closeci witb the Mrs. Bert Reici is in poor health, January 28th: il a m.-"Christ in gravel up town. May-Charles Fligg. Blessing. af 1er whicb refreshments we are sorry 10 report. Wnd-CnCrs aeSc The girls of Unity Class helci Iheir ulO eiEan.were serX'ed. Glaci 10 report that Rev. Mn. Wal- ey."; 2.30 p. m.-Sunciay Scbool: first metnAfteya nJn ug.-Betsy Thomais Wacwi. vais s.l Thoasg 6.45to'pne'vdeth mu-Scg Sbevc, 7 I. Wm.e o y é 11h, the president in charge. Pro- u.BtyToaWde gra oentiwih hmf, nd Aug.-Etta Toms MoffaIt. MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Mrs. John Stapleton. Newcastle, The Young People's Chorus wll pro- gram ~rs Rick-hynan OcI.-Joanna Gray Moffatt. ELECTION AT NEWCASTLE ciely.hoa Saleo, e videnth-e Aainc Youet,"I areri D prayer by the teacher, MsN.Rk- Oct.-Charles Richard Clark.I ENYCNETD Ms ee alnlnat iaîîy-nec e giese seu rvie. INAUGURoT ard. Fresitient welcometi the new _________TD isHle alngo n M.ily nie ttee evcs members, anti owing to the absence Jack Glover visitedti he former's mo- IA G R T of the treasurer, gave the report of GOLDEN RULE MISSION BAND Citizens of the village manifesteti thel' in Kendal Suntiay. ___________ the year. Election of officers took ___an uniprecedenteti intenest in the el- Mn. anti Mrs. George Stapleton, CO NG V NTA DBE plae a fllos:FreiclntDonen The Golden Rule Mission Banti ecinis hr y evening, Jan. Sr., are visiting Iheir daugbter, Mrs. Eer fatei Pollard; Vice President-Dunreatb helti a very helpful. educative anti l8th, of two pensons, a man anti a Alvin Jones, Port Hope. Eeyfauei Dudley; Treas.-Ruby Shaw; Secre- interesting meeting in the U.C.S.S. woman, toi positions on the manage- Margaret Ovens, litIle daugbter of Sale of Home Baking in SI. Paul's tnigpc tary-Altbea H-enning; Press Sec.- hall hast Ssîurday afternoon, with ment committee of the Community Mn. anti Mrs. Frank Ovens, is ne- Lecture Room on Saturday, Jan. 27. sadn it Mrs. Witticar; Pianist-Bessie Black- Patricia Pearce in the chair. As an Hall. 143 votes were casî for the covering f nom. whooping cough. at 3.30 p. m. Mfternoon tea 15c.__________ burn; Ass.Mr lmneCon pnn ynteBn sag'Ithree men candidates anti 138 for Miss Marion Samis, nurse in train- Triniîy Choir intenti putting on mittees--Frogram, Velma Brown, woulc ibe true," with Mrs. Warci aI the two womefl, anti when Ihey were ing at Bowmanville Hospital, visitetiIeoeet Th atclynt Thurs. - Fri. Dorohy Qantrll, axgaet Tmsail counteti Clerk H. C. Bonaîhan ber parents, Mn.e antica Mr Ben Violety Quntni, argy athom, the piano. Rets Powell, secreîary, announceti that J. E. W. Philp was amîsaronts M rtiay d.evenin Ber in thena uue ac o ae Viltreadth Ie miues near future Watch foris date.a eenn Henn. oling, Dofrotby Bnthn minureene te anti' reit. Cooe re-electeti a member of the comn- Mn. William Lane visiteti bis A Burns' Concert by Wbitby tal- January 25 V Mrs.n I. arliel efresmn, ruiebyursnes sesioeasnrrsl l reo. Th miîtee andti hal Mrs. Percy Hare daughter, Mrs. Bruce Leuty, Port ent will be given in St. Antirew's CHari, Marie Hennrn, Mrguerit usins sesodnir.lcl oi was electeti by a majority of 2 10 Hope, on Monday, anti Mrs. Lane Presbyterian S. S. Hall on Friday, Harne, Clne Mrs. tng Os- ehtoutyi.ers succeeti Mrs. Geo. Eilbeck wbo af 1er joineci him there on Wednesday. Jan. 26tb, aI 8 p. m. Splendid pro- Maorn Rnh rn a, Mary.A.Rcge;Vsiig Cina wh cousd i nîry tier pe-n ten years of faithfui anti most help- Newtonville Quartette, consisting gram anci refresbments for 25c. Mharln, Riln Loniett Bea tty M ary ca consieratiorna Ibis mfeen f ui service bati definitely matie il of Mn. Urry. Mn. anti Mrs. Campbell, C..F.euainlm tngwl Chaplin, Helen ycet Ret FSnth;nireye forh Chin wscroffere knw hat she was retiring anti anti Miss Elsie Wallace, journeyedti ob et IOoo audy a.2, Lookota, Gladys Poard. udre b Sireoluh-Tesnit wss not to lbe considereti a candidate Kedlrcntyatissseit e aI eplm ati aTrone at 8ap. m7, B ataMneBaeuieFo-reading, Luke 10:30-35, was reati byena eetyadasse th t2pm.ndtTro t8p.. lard, Margaret Brown, Ruth Cobble- Grace Powell, anti the scripture les- for the position. League there.saeaytoeaidseibyMs dick. An interesting game of motiel- son by Jean Bonathan. Sentence The vote for the men candidates Miss Lillian Holman bas returneti L HI. Cotton, M.A., Ph»D. C. C. P. lng was enjoyeti, Bessie Blackburn prayers were offereci by Shirley was as foilows: J. E. W. Pbilp 79, 10 ber duties in Bowmanville Hos- pi-ogram will be oullineti. being the winner. A lovely lunch Couch, Harolti Hoar anti Donald W. E. Purdy 37, T. W. Jackson 27. pitl af 1er s week's visit witb ber was serveti before dismissal. Jose, and a Friendsbip Frayer by d nt for the women: Mrs Percy mother, Mrs. M. J. Holman, who Bowmanville Women's Instilute The youngz people of the commun- Patricia Pearce. The offering was Hare 70, Mrs. H. S. Bnilton 68. was indisposeti. will meet on Friday, January 261b, ~ ity avegretly pprciaeciIbe f- ake byStaney owel ati Jck n. bi q anci Mr. are are e- Miss Elsie Wallace visiteti in aI 3 p. m. ai te home f Mrs. Harry than ardinary plain white lenses. eti a kintily anti sympalhetic recepl- anti %vaps, aIl excepl some Who dent, presitieti. A splendid report Of rt n o iî n"'... Don't squint and let exceasuve tîglit ion. The play coulti be given te, bel- would rather stand ouI in the warm the Toronto convention was given by Council. This is the Ibird atidrossi annay you. Wear a tinted lens. ten ativantage on a langer stage anti lobby where there wenc also quite a the dehegate, Mrs. Wallace Holmes. gîven in Ibis series of Ibis depant- wiîb more elaborate stage apon-numbet of yugpeople who were followed by a fine pnogramt consist- mont. Mn. F. W. Bowen. M.P., ati- monts but untier the circumslances not cligible 10 vote. Reeve J. H-. îng of community singling led by tinesseci upon 'Procedure of the Do- Lsi oa Toro toIhe casî titi very well, heldth Ie close Gibson presideti anti conducteti the Mrs. G. C urnpbell; duel by Miss Hel- minion GoevI." anti Mn. W. J. Bragg, "Berkely Sc lmattention of the seat boîtiers, won pnocetiings. wilh Clerk H. C. Bons- enl Stone anti Mrs. Campbell; an or- M.P.P., gave us much information on flu,* u.m .tjsts much applause anti eliciteti by the than on hanti to assist. anti the iginal poem wnilten by a member of the 'Frocoduro of the Ontario Govt.",Jc ub W ptwm etw it humonous parts many hearly out- Cotîncillons present te distribute tbe the W. I. in Englanti anti reati by Our mon anti women woulc* io well "Love on Vu G. M. Bosneil bunsîs of laughton. ,ballots anti acl as scrulineers. Mrs. R. Johnston. Lunch was sony- 10 avail Ihemselves of thi. oppor- "oeo Saura: Wedneuday, 9 a. m. ta 9 p. m. Miss Leslie Clark, small anti win- Many of those preseist wene like eti andi a. pleasant haîf hour spent. Iunity 10, become better informeti in G. E. Ga.rnett some, as Peg O'Connell-Feg 0' My Mn. Frank Allun who saiti he bati Membens assisting the hostess were municipal anti govî. affaîrs. Other Joe E. Brow Saurs: Saturday 2.30 p.m. co 9.30 p.m. Heant 10 ber fond fathen, a fiery anti come 10 the meeting wiîh an open Mns. A. Redknapp, Mrs. S. Rowe, itemns on the program wore: Solo by"Sn fa office opvoslte John Street eloquent Irish paîniol in Am erica, mitnci anti woulti like 10 hear the Mns. A. Wnagg. Alfredi Redknapp; anti a vocal duot"Sno aS Port Hlope captivateti ber audience fnom the cand idates present Iheir plaîforms The Unitedi S. S. heldth Ie annual by Mabel Wallace anti Margaret De- Toronto 2143 Danfarth Avenue start. Peg was ingenuotis, hati nalve anti explaIn the planks in them. The meeting Fridsy night wben Mn. J. J. Inault, accompanieti by Alice Falls Phone 248 or 525J Irish ways, a sense of humor, an in- five candidates readily agneeti te this Mellor was chairman in the ab-nce witb the violin anti Elsie Wallace at tuitive sense of what wvas rigbî or anti so Mn. Phllp, Mn. Jackson. Mn. of Rev. Wallace, andti he followingithe piano. id to rent pbell, Or- 4-1 rass and M. Apply Jor leaso 4-2 ),f tîtxe n.Phone 4-2. a3' inthe fr grain. t.Phone 3-tf id -. Iives ipp3' toi M. wmansIlie. 4-1 5room, garag; E.V. Sco- 3-2 tres final- ited osier- os east of tain high- Bowman- .y vacated reasonahie R. 3, Bow- 53.4*t rNT-Reas- poseeastoti. ster, King 4 -tf class land, isill e' good ulu, Barris- 3-2ss Rent roont house, St. Apply 4-2* NT-100 ,Oc. orchaut in tý 9 and 10, Rdt, Bow- s equtippoti yto ownor, timttttsile 2-3* [CE IoService Sguaran- os. iITheatre WMAN VILLE ING A SEASON 0F BIGGER rTER ENTERTAINMENT in the next f ew weeks is an out- tune. Don't miss one of them. 6 - 27 Busines ietr LEGAL Phono 351 R~oyal Bank Building, BowmanViUCe W. B. STRIKE Barnister, Solicitor, Notary Solcitor for Banik of Montreai Money te Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanille, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in aIl its branches. Office immetiiately east of Royal Theatre. Phonos: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Coliege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Bowmanille. Office hours 9 a. m, 10 6 p. m. tiaily except Sundal. Phone 90. House phono 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Service, any hour, any day F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipmeflt Ambulance anti Invali Car Call Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complete Funerai Service Modern Equipment -Ambulance A. W. G. Northcutt- Aubrey Smiths Phono Days 58 Nights, Suncisys or Holldays Phono 523 or 276 Upholstering UPHOLSTERING - (in att kinds of furniture. AUt work guaranteoul. Samn- pies. Estimnates free. J. A. Fry, Scu- COI; Street, Bowmansiille. Phone 536. 5-tf-l1 Music FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus. Bac. F.C.C.O. A.T.C.M. etc. I utîils îîreîtaroî for ail examinatiotia. .Iss ustritctioti aI moilorate rotes. B owmarlv ,Ile, Ont. 40-lyr When ones niose is heldti t the grincistone, one can see nothing but jthe grintistone. January 29 - 30 - 31 stas of bo hod A MILLION DOLLAR hoorts MAMA ... AND WORTH EVIRY OENNY 0F IT 1. 'LA WS >STER PAWELL JAMIS9 CARY GRANT .30 p. m. Matinee Monday 4 p.m. for These Two Outatanding Pictures COMING SOOIN ard in Marlon Davies - Bing Crosby iquare" "Going Hollywood" trt in WiII Rogers in wheels" "Mn. Skitch"' ýn in Four Marx Brothers in Sailor" 1 "Duck Soup" Alice in Wonderland" cncý ni ý 1 - U '4'