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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1934, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THIURSDAY, FEBRUARY laI, 1934 - __ 'T Oco. Bonathan, Toronto, spent h the weekend with bis moîher, Mrs. S. R. Bonathan. g Mr. P. O'Neil, C.N.R. section fore- 9 man, has been on bthe sick ist and iI under bbe docbor's care for a weck. a. Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Cnowther. 1 Bowmanville, wenc week-end guesîs c4 o! bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. Walter h Crowther. n Mrs. Edmund Tbackray receiveci the sad news Monday o! bbc death f: o! her sister-in-law, Mns. William J. s: Davenpoi-b. o! Manchester, Englanci. a John Rickard and Wm. Rowland È returned on Satui-day f nom tbc O. A.V C., Guelph, where they had been P taking one o! bbc winten shortF courses. I United Cburch - Rev. W. P. Rog- ers, B.A.. Pastor. Sunday, Feb. 4bb:0 il a. nm.-Moi-ning Worshîp; 2.30 p. F m.-Sunday Scbool; 7 p. m.-Even- il ing Service.f St. George's Church - Rex'. F. H. P Mason, M.A.. Rector. Sunday, Feb.0 4bh, Fi! lb Sunday a! tei- Epiphany: a il a. m.-Moi-ning Prayer and Holy Communion; 2 p.m.--Sunda.y School; 7 p. m.-Evening Prayer and Sei-- s mon.1c Mn. and Mrs. Eric Pearce, Clare-j mont, werc guesta aI bbe Gienney- Clemence wedding last Satui-day s!- i tennoon. They aiso visited his par- I ents, Mr-. and Mns. W. H. Pearce, c witb whom tbey le! t their son Rob- t cnt over tbe wcekcnd.t Misses Jane, Annie and Tolly 1, Tkatcb entertaincd a few o! thein c young friencis at a party aI the home 1 o! thein parents, Mn. and Mrs. N.v Tkatch, Brownf's, lasI Saîurday a!-1 ternoon. Among the gucts who al c haci a mer-y lime were Patricia andi Ted Quantrili, Wilma Farrow, Non- ma and Betty VanDusen.1 Last week mention was madle o! bbc accident wich befeil Mrs. Wal- ter Crowther resulting in the frac- ture o! both arma. The day afIer, Mrs. Crowther's fali Mra. Wm. Thomas also aipped on the icy walk and broke one o!biei- armas. Very !ew pensons, if any, can remembel't a wintei- when there was s0 much sheer ice on roads andi stneets on when they remained sippery for so long a tîme as they bave Ibis win- ter. A feabure o! bbc Wedncsday a! er- noon program o! bbc Northumber- land andi Durham Apple Growers' convention in Cobourg, last week. werc foui- 15-minute Ialks by some o! the youngei- orchardistsamad apple producers o! Ibese counities. These foui- youngen men wbo all gave practical taîka on difi ci-nt phases o! the appie businecas were. Russell Osborne and Inwin Colwill. New- castle; S. B. Hatheway. Port Hope, and Hai-ry Sirett. Brighton. Thcy ail did exceptionally weli and the lange gathening brought away f nom each much that would be helpfui to them in their future openations. Miss Mary Toma, elder daugbter o! Mr. andi Mrs. H. J. Toms, celc- brateci ber fourth birthd.ay iast Sal- ui-day afternoon, Jan. 27th. when a bobsleigh ride anounci the village and te the lake was onc o! bbc enjoyable features o! bbc happy event. Anuong Mary's guests wene Jacqueline Smnith, Barbai-a Bonathan, Ama and Ruby Gibson. Mary's littie sisten. Mai-- jonc,. their mothen, Mrs. Toms, cou- sin Evelyn Alun andi Miss Dorothy Trenwith aiso helpeci to make up the sieighing group. The remainder o! the aftei-noon was spent in playing games andi partaking o! the birth- day tes, Evelyn and Dorothy assisl- ing Mrs. Toms in scrving Mary and ber litIle f riends. The play "The Path Acroas the Hill" whicb bbc Young People o! Trinity Church, Bowmanvilie, pi-e-~ sented so succcssfuliy and pleasingly In their home town on the eveninga o! October 161h and 181b, was ie- peateci here on Tucsday evening o! last week in bbc U.C.S.S. hall under the auspices o! Mrs. J. H. Joncs' group o! bbc W.A. Newcastle ama- teur dramatic fans baci seen and en- joyeci Ibis play bei-e before when it was presenleci by the Salem peo- ple. But bbc meils o! Ibis thi-ce- acb pay wcre such thal Newcastle fol1k welcomed it once more. The audience bei-e again found in it just as mucb pleasure or diversion as the audience did aI that time anci as mucb as the crowds in Bowman- ville did lasI Octoben. The fact Ibal lb was direcleci by Mrs. J. Clark Bell was suifcienî guarantee that the play would be weli worth an even- ings atention. Be! ore bbc curtain rose Miss Maiion Pickard gave an iiumlnaing synopsis o!fIe 1a andi bebween acta Miss Phyli hl lis entetained on the piano. The ladies o! Mrs. Joncs' .group serveci refreshm-ents 10 bbc arîist.s a! 1cr the show. NOT STUPIO - HANDICAPPED HI. parents were mortified and worried by his frequent faîlures ln hie examinatlons. He seemed brght enouati. He was not a slirk. What could they do? They had his eyes examined. for- turiately, for the examiiaiion dis- cosed a form of defective vision eas. Ily corrected by glasses. On the vcry next school test the work Of thiI.aP- parently backward boy sliewed such pregress that he was promoted wlth llgh honours. The boy was8 given his chance be- fore il was toO late. But wlat of hundreds of other chilîdren who ap. pear te be stupid because they need spectacles? Defectîve eyes wili retard any chid'5 progress n school. Anid a scîentific eye examînatîon sje e nly way te be sure their eyes are normal. Toronto OptonletriStS G. M. Boonell Heurs: WednCsday, 9 a. m. te 9 P. m. G. E. Garnett Heurs: Saturdlay 2.30 P.m. te 9.30 P.m. OfIce opoosite john Street pont Hope Trorente 2143 Oaiiferth Avenue phone 248 or 825J Mn. Clark also exhi slides depicting gai-c f rom early sprif g 10 bold bow Ibis coulci 1 the use o! bulbs, anti andi perennials il was to ba4ve contlnuous b] Independent Mrs. Ray Kcech and 1 Trenton, were week-end her parents. Mr. and Mi-; Master Jim Lovekini croud owner o! a fine gif t o! bbc Toronto Star ion o! bis consisbently as a Star newsy in Newci 1933. Jun has workcd t considei-abiy, having rE his old customers and ad îew ones to bis list. Mr-. and Mrs. P. O'Ncil from ber brother, Mi-. bhane and bis two daugi and Alice, o! Napanee. shane had juat come fi-i wbere be haci been visiti Kenneth, o! bbc Bank o! Previous to Ibis he bad hospital for two weeks. We record Ibis week o! one o! oui- oldeat cil Piper, mother o! Mrs. IV in bier 9th year. She i failing hcalth for some passed away on Sunday i o! ber son-in-iaw and da and Mrs. Wmn. Perrin,1 F'ollowing a private fun housc, conducteci by Rev son. the î'emains were t Geor-ge's cemetcry for un Dr. W. H. Wallon-Bs] releven anci members( ily, Mrs. Wason andc Toronto wcre among thos down over bbc week-end tribube o! respect 10 the the laIe Dr. Geo. H. Car .ow summer lime reside casîle-on-the-Lake. Ami lalives at the funersi were Mi-. Hector Carveth, Fall.s, N.Y., a cousan c doctor. HORTICULTURAL ISOC] ANNUAI mrs. Perey Hare Re President The counicil chamber capacity ait the annuai the Newcastle Horticuitt on Thursday evening, Ja aIl the foloewing office] elected by acclamation: Mrs. Percy Hare: isI Vi -Mrs. J. A. Butler; 2nc dent-H. R. Pearce; Mrs. Wmn E. Purdy; Mrs. J. R. Fisher. The directors for a two-yea a hîtie moi-e difficutil in the !oiiowing beingi P. Brown, Mrs. W. H.( H. Ward, J. H. Jose. Wi The direclors continuii for another year ai-e:D T. Bty. Chris. Law, Jr ham. Jno. Hendry. Mis, Miss Trenwith andi I were appointed delegate! Horticulturai Cc Toronto on Feb. 15 ai report o! bbc treasurer, Fisher sbowed receipts î bures as follows: Receipts: balance on1 legisiative grant. $10.6' grant, $25; members' fi nations, $1.92; ad.misSio: bibitors. $49.85; sale c flowers. $20.05; Ihree $56,40. Total. $311.01. Expendibunes: cashi hibîlors at !lower ai amounit spent on civ ments. $35,85: rent ai expense o! delegate tc $2.50; purchase o! seeds $81.19: judges fees. $11 Ice. $1.50: secreîary's working expenses as st ing. iantern, tes bowels taI. $258.52. Balance$ $3 11.01. The r'eport o! the Sei W. E. Pui-dy, covcred t] activities o! bbc sociel: the year. The society h7 .quccess!ui flowei- shoý Mai-ch and one in Au; ables were also features ust show. It had ma !lower beda in the fi the communily park. si cemetey anci at the f and Manvers Sîs., hac andi plantcd a new be( and perenniais, along tI o! the west lawn o!flth hall. planted bbc beda bhc hall wilh lulipa ani sum and geraniums in planlcd and cared foi in bbc large urns in hall. had made consic way in the beaubifica west approach 10 the v. ing a, rockeny laid ouI had belci thi-ce card pa procured andi disti-ibuti 81 members $81 wori plants, shi-uba, bushes. a dollar's worh 10 e The treasurer's and tl reports were adopted ( Dr. J. A. Butler and Mi Mrs. Percy Harej -s' j j i..- i 1 i characler o! wvas heid ab the home o! bis brother- had an enjoyable lime. I~gj nTusaJn 5hws111G I dtatmglin-law and sistel'. Mr. Chas. and Frîends o! Mr-. and Mis. Lansonj in charge o! Mr. Earl Hawe. M rs. O I G N Upholsteing and those sug- Dr. Annie Carvetb Higbt'c <on Mon- Milison suî'prised them on Thur - Evan Quantrili gave a splendid for intensive training and sing lovelinesa day aflernoon. after which the re- day evening and report a fine limýe. topie on "Leaders." Miss Marguer- UHLTRN nalknso s o e tge mis veetaenaros h sret Mr. Walter Fali i'eceivcd a cut ite Bell gave a comic reading, and G N furniture. Ail work gaatet aa 10ld n on stag ly m aiSt.we r gen aCh roas wh r e .GG OTPies. Estimuttes fret'. J. A. Ftry Sou - ailin o Juy 0 t.Geoge Curb wer Rv.necessiîating thse care of a doctor Mr~. Stanley Walker sang a solo; for office service and salary, la te o90 Street, i3owman<'ille. Phone h36. appeaiing and . H. Mason, MA., the rector, as- Saturday while playing hockey with: Misa Dorotby McMuilen conducted order troughut the whole year n t-1 that be would; sisted by Rev. Canon Sawers. M.A.. _t'rnb..a contest. the work of bis eyes on all 1 Toronto. conducted a public choral PortAGany. ___________________ HAW' if! at aIl pos- - service witb Mî's. Afr'ed Farncomb A ielm s eotdb hose at the organ. Citizen-s o! the vil- wlio %erc a' the community hl Only good things are counten- SMusic ibited a set o! i lage were present in large numbers Friday night. Messrs. Sidney Lock- feited. BUSINESS dens in bloom 110 pay their tribute o! regard to hart and Pa.eden were the hosts to The undei'-dog is often just where Trno rdae r o on nFANCO AT.C.,M. etc. laIe faIl and the lynemory o! one who bad beenquta numbèr.blng. every province. Enter any time. No Ile realized. By among them so mucb for, many The Unitedi Cburcb beld ils an- Better religion in politics than forced vacations. Free catalog. 1'ufis icre'PMXc'cI for aiii examiuîatiîs. nuais, blennials years past. There were also many nuai meeting Monday evening with politics ln religion. )s Write to W. H. Shaw, Pres., 1'niv~ato t<iil clamus lc'ssons at mnoderate ;easily possible relatives andi !riends f rom other many out. Thse churcb bas bad a Who shows most her body shOW Bay-Charles Bidg. rts )loom !rom thelpoints, Toronto, Niagara Falls, N.Y., splendid yean in ahl departmeîsts, least her wlsdons. Bwavie n. 4- Il o'.,M Il THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY lst, 1934 Z time of the flrst crocuses until the frost cut down the petunias and other flowers that persist o! ten into December. Mr. Clark also gave much valu-S able information on how to combat j "i W ! i Ro aI 1 eatre injurlous insects and other pests. ady friend, When he had concluded hiss ife address ldiRo aT htr i guests of and show,ýn his last slie of the set ______________________________ s. P. ONeil. Dr. J. A. Butler moved and Mrs. in recogn- his exceptionally interesting and in- INAUGURATING A SEASON 0F BG E gdwrkstructive lecture which won the ap- ________I Lost or Found AND BETTER ENTERTAINMENT up his sales D AT SLos-r-Wýýri.qt ac,%ihsle t etained al ,,rit" ýrg adPopc Every f eature in the next few weeks is an out- asti duîngplaue o ai. DE THSr qm C standing picture. Don't miss one of them. lded several1 OBITUARY PIPER At\ Newc. qon Sun lV.___________________ 4Janu r Sih !o; ia iiie Rcad had a visit P'iper, hlir 89th year Joseph De- Dr. Geo. H. Carveth, Newcastle BUSH-At Solin, n ondyJii WantedThr.-F.-atMo.-T s.-Wd liters, Helen Thrs - ri - at M n. qTesn- eP Mr. De- LDeat1I came with tatlngsud- nFebruaryr 4tere a amto. WAT- 5 - 6t o trw n -on Toont dnnes t D. artng C URTIS - Il~ i uîîon Ol ilaS. hay. hînî-st market vaiue pard. Apply eray4- 6 om Toontodennes toDr. Go. H Carvth, o .înuary 29tîî, î11131.Pauil curtis. agefl 16 to Cîjffnoî i arrett, Pikering, or leaveFbur i-2 3 r" '. ,ing his son, ronto and Newcastle, at the home y-,-zrs. ltinetnIaiio 'm-odr iTeS.tsa fie 3w Commerce. of his nephew, Mr. C. R. Carveth, t4r-2m kvi M.4Ek bee i th KngSt.Eatlas Fidy, an26 LUKE-At Thorntoîc. 'orsr.East _ 2 bee i te in S. as, as FidyJa 2, 'hiticy, January 27ýriI,1. Ct .(harlotte' MAN WA. NTED ari W'tic at high noon. He had been visiting ('urti,, î -coî if, wf i l uîiacn N. itineai nfr rIîcle a wit the death at the home of his daughter. Mrs. inlier 74th year. sui aiecrN aial or elrivice tizns.Mrs AutinCampbell, and fami'ily., at -lLCXAl on satulaiy. reqciireil. S,- inie lt 01C, for' fuiliil- Wvm. Perrin, their farm home in the Lockhart's .aiuary 2îth, tiI, Knmmiî an.Wle\ tclm ,tnrWiilînr. Ilanîlîton. 4.-J scoo scton nrhwst0fNe- o f tI,. Lt i'llon:s ieo 129r24. 5-1 had been in sho etinIotwto e -ampton, ,g 6 y.a q etime and castle. With him toc, were his son- SELLERY-.\t lt ,Inr to. 'rir- at the home In-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. iinto, on FercIi.,.Ii.I 2ti.îc For Sale aughter. Mr. Walter eyk, if orontotMs :HAYaFORetSALE-Qii h. otid ofe of ih King St. E. Campbell during the forenoon had% Relîis. icîs77h HA OîuR SAE- îimo ttîîy îa f Aply un- eral at the motored lher father dowr't i AREH.6cîiîî. hiNwasl. i iiy J. '])r,îî, Enikin. Ap oe7_ .F. H. Ma- summer home at Newcastle-on-the- rIta'.;îiiry . Dti, i4. Pi'. l. 2~i54-2 PWRtoSAV aken to St. Lake, which place was his ioy and 4i1i.i. ii i-.*I;li ofi lit.rii it ADO OR APOWERî iîrNIjt N TION * iterment. his pride, where he loved to plan oiiiiiçi. latiiîV seýt. 6<CIstiLt. miod Ai îît 1l. Mr. Fred and dig and delve, to assist nature ehs IIe.îrSi'111relh St., Ihinv but flot te bend one of his fam- and to help and to watch her chil- 'tiilliVtI others front d'en grow. About the noon hour hie IN MEMORIAM HOUSE FOR SALE-tliel residence wornan te his wiliI Fulfilment of ail your e who came had also been in and out o! some 4 - -~ oit 1'rostieCt St., containing 8 rooms, The hunger of à hundred ra ste tags to pay their of the stores in the village, chat- OMSON i te I.uîi5f oîîr rn i gariln Aîîi n Mrs. E. V Scos-thestanes Smemory o! ting cheerfully with the proprietors Icahpimnl ccifaîir. ,Artihir ,ormii- garage1million peopi, ouge and most exquisite ro. rvet, afel-andothers whom he met. Before toîi. < aivay F l ' 7rIl.1 937 -*tegrne u rl *vth.ofNe- gan back to Toronto hie had plan- (,o(il new tlpat soiu vieri i.fferiwa. FARM FOR SALE - 12a acres firsu- imaice the screefl bas nt o Ne - gingIbi îiý i it ou oIi ii P i i: cas landî. hiaitifiuly situattil over- Long the re- ned to have dinner with his nephew, So Ili-cIoseýil yoiir svary iiyelds, iîoking La,iîs'uîtri.2~ni east of ever brought to you. on Monday Mr. Cecil Carveth. and wife. and .'ni iriI ia. i t 1c.' I ownî:cnville. t1-:! i, ýýfiini main high- 1, of Niagar rrvd there about i o'clock. Just 0'1'Tý1.1 fi «Y i î:?eýînî,ii iwnau eseL ak ofteaeat this time he was seized with a________________ zfte heart attack. There was time onîy Production - - i1 to take him in the house where hie Pr oe omnil, nso.T e 1 expired in a very f ew minutes. He aPior one o. mnilKnso.T e ,IETY 1'had been fully aware of his heart an rn . STORE TO RENT-UtecentlY vacated B ER forecast his passiflg in just this way. the casket as it reposed in the a'n.ill 51'it R R 3 Bw eEetd hisad ohocasei h ne ion predandics ortoo his elit aplii ss1-arde.[t R 531fo-1-1Q L LR t-Elcted Hisd o chcaminei dthemnnrhe hrhansa oret hefm burial plot in Orono cemetery. The SUITE 0F ROOMS TO RENT-Remis- !riends. Nevertheless lifes swif t de- bearers were three sons-in-law. onal)e rentl iand immedliate possession. wt asfle oparture lit this parlicular time and Walter Lenk. Austin Campbell. Hud- '-u.ItwnLe. 4-tf rrstr 1ziLESLIE HOWA4RD Smeeting o! place cast a deep ps11 o! gloom over snSoe osn ihr og uaSoitour village. At one house ail wasilas; a nephen'. C. R. Carveth. anid HEA THER ANGEL ai Sociwey well in the next Death had slalked grandsoii, Gordon Cai'veth. For Sale or To Rent ~i Valerie Taylor în.25 wen by, there were grief slricken rela- The laIe Dr. Carveth is survived rnBow rs erere-tives and friends and a hushed by his widow, !ormerly Miss Frances FOR SALE OR RENT-6 room tcouse'Iel rw SPresident- house of mourinng.Crozier, of Oroî3o; one son.Dr.'W. 1iclut. itac.o 0c1Wýitii1iuto1c st. Apiiy Beryl Mercer ce-President The laIe Dr. Caî'veth's cily im Herliert Caî'veth. Toronto; three * 4t--nicSHORTS~.4- d Vice-Presi- rn ~ Trno.IDirected Iîy Frank Lloyd a 10HurdognesMs atr Lenk and HOUSE TO RENT - 6 Fîcneî I;ri rom the play by Secretary- where hie was a well-known physi- Mrs. Hudson Stowe. Toronto. and «<iol f!oor, htl;uit «ah ýiîtiîuu$: gucracîl Treasuer- o Carlile Ave. R. Geo. Tiiompson, .in, asa native o! Port Hope. a son o! John twelve grandchildren; a sister. Mrs. _________________ r termiwa Carveth. laler a well-known grain. Dr. Annie Higbee. New,ýcastle. andcoigwt balance o! approxi- Mane St230Pm ManeMo ay4p . nad: Mesledeed and seed dealer o! Orono and cne brother. Arthurl Cart'eth. Vic- aey$0M ti eSt.23 p.m -ae: îs- Newcastle. He receeived his high toria, B.C. malele ondy$470. Cooke. E. M. school education at Bowmanville Dr, and Mis. Carveth had been Y.P.S. had a splendid lime on m.ri E. Purdy. and was one o! that school's inost mnarried over 50 years and on the Tuesda3' evening. Slides were shown ngiOfiedistinguished graduates. He then occasion o! the celebration o! theit' o! the different counîries. MissC MNGS N Mesdames C. attended the University o! Toronto golden wedding annit'ersaary wereJenCmblgaetoseddI- O NGS N no. Cunnîng- where he graduated in arts and at home bo their relatives and stî'umenlals. Ronald Buriy and ;s Trenwith. medicine in the early '80's, being friends and were the recipients o! Alice Faîl also gave two violin duets, jack Hulburt in Marlon Davies - Bing Crosby he president gold medalist o! his year. Be! ore beautiful gifts and miany expressions accompanied by Eddie Langley on "Love on Wheels" "Going Hollywood" ýs to the On- engaging on his lifes work. the o! congratulations and best wishes. the piano._________________ invention i1n practice o! medicine. he laught On Sunday evening a Thanksgiv- Claudette Colbert in WiU Rogers in nd 16. The school for a while in Port Hope. He igSriewshl.M.J .Ml ýMrs. J. R. had practiced in Toronto for over LARGE ATTENDANCE AT ing Sk e ervice a ned Mr.J. J.Mii-"The Torch Singer" "Mn. Skitch" and expendi- 50 years and was one o! the found- ST. JOHN'S CHURCH EUCIIRE "Be Given bo Hospilality." He was hn,$61:ers, a leading one, o! the Toronto i assisled by L. Savery and R. J. Joe E. Brown ini Four Marx Brothers in had 61;Western Hospitl, where for many The choir and congregation o! St. Rowe. Mr. Laing gave a sumniary "Son of a Sailon" "Duck Soup" 7;municipal years he was head o! the out-pa- John's R.C. church are more than report o! year's work in ahf depart- tes, $81; do- tients' department. pleased with the success o! their ments and compared work done in f ees to ex- AlmosI 20 years ago. throtlgh his euchre parly at Mr. and Mrs. Chas. with thal o! 1929. We were pleased "Alice in Wionderland" f seeds and !riend, the late Dr. Alfred Farn- Flood's. C.P.R. station, on Wednes- to note Ihat through the year o!f _________________________________ card parties. comb. hie became interesteci in New- day evening. Jan. 24, and are very depression the church had heId its castle as a polential sumnmer resorl. appreciative o! the way in which own. Speciai music was rendered paid to ex- At that time our lakefront was but their !ellow citizens o! otheî' church oy the choir and a quartette. Mr. ________________ h0w. $7760; a skelelon o! ils former self ivhen denominations turned out in such and Mrs. Campbell, Miss Elsie Wal- A C INS L 'ic impzrove- in its prime il had been a busy and large numbers. The very friiendly lace and Bob Urry. _________SALE __ :convention. Mrs. Carvelh and family spent a isîed in New'castle between coin- _______ Iar th-W L usn ssD re t r ,and plants. season at Dr. Farncomb's Ariadne municanîs o! the Cathoiic Church KENDAL Smthus, tF0,, Sth W. L. - ___affilitatiLon30, Con 4, Darlngton, ___a__d_____________;__-_ 0; fflitin oll.sîce îvde ad epraedand thei' more numnerous neighboî's - one mile east o! Taunton, one mile salary. $20; intc,several units. Then in the o! the Protestant failh was again Mi'. Pete Martineli is some better. south, wiil seîl ail o! his farmi stock,LE A amps. print- early years o! the Great War hie inani!est on this occasion. There Mr. George Luxon has been poorly implemenîs, hay, etc. Sale aI 1 p.m. E A iS19-88. To- purchasecd the old McIntosh iiill stere over one hundred persons pres- lateîy. Termns cash. See bis. Elmer Wil- ;52.49. Total, property. which he has been im- ent altogether which included Rev . Glad to know Rev. Mr. Wallace bur, auclioneer. 5-2 M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL. proving and developing and beauti- Fatheî' MeGuire and a group f rom is improving.- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary ýcretary. Mrs. !ying foi' nearly 20 years. and mak- Bowmanvlc. who caime down in Mrs. John Patton. who has been Phone 351 the work and ing il in every way an ideal sunimer two car's. There weî'e nineteen tables ick. is improving. RC DP~A±F~ T~ Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville ,y' lhroughout home for himself and Mrs. Carveth engaged in play and the prize wifl- Mr'. J'ack Carscadden has been MORTGAGE SA.J-. ~ LEA'_____ had held tw'o and members o! their family. And ner were: Gents. Walter' Crowther;buycrigaps10etbro ws. oe n tei cilrenan g'anchldenLadies. Mis. Frank Ashton. C.P.R. Mî's. Vernon Peacock has been U.1oî:îc .AND I.YV 'IRTU'l of the W. R. STRIKE ýgust. Vegel- alone can tell what a joy and de- station: Gent's consolation. Ralph visiting her mnother, Mrs. A. Jack- ['uvers of Sale contucisceil lit a certain Barrister, Solicitor, Notary saI the Aug- ight this summer home. nol for aGbo.Nwvle adis os-sn uNl ortgagý,li, eeliwlleoffcer t t cintaind the ew wees onlyebutLmoihes'conso-wlison.<viiher i' preouce aforU Solicitor for Bank of Montreai aitane hefe wes nlbu fr oth, tlation, Mrs. H. S. Britton. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robinson stiil,cu liv ' r!'11oinai;c owaix Auctiolceer. at Money toi Loan. Phone 91 ®reground o! a lime have been 10 lhem. this prop- The etîchre was held under the visiled aI Mi'. George Smilh's, PuliicAuctioxi onc Tuesday, the 6th day Bwavie naî t Bond Head erty with ils substantial brick col- 'of îî'bruuîrs'.1934, at <lhe hlur of tWo __________Ontari forks o! Mill cage, ils wide roiling lawns, its old auspices o! the church choir and the Starkviîîc. on Sunday.""'tloci, un tiafiirnoon at tlie farm of ,d established orchard, ils willow iined walks and coîmuittce in hagewhchmaag r.Mito Robinson soici a match- lilgli S. Annus. lsîîîîiskîllei Ontariîo, tlieL..MSO.B o!anul lswle krldbodr, hreteeverything so efTciently and Suco- ed team o! grays 10 Mr. William foloNiiicgîIroperty; nameiy. .C ASN .A ýd of nnual its ater kirte bordrs, were te cessully nAilddanîl JainBruwn cobison.atl certainuarparc ceraor Barrisor erri-t So-lSoicitr le north aide fishing is good; a little country cs!îl nlddMs a.Bon oisn tract (if landl andI prernilses, situate, iy- icommunily eslale o! several acres wilh a variet3' organist; Miss Helene Hayes, as- Mr. Mellor pi'cached a fine ser- ig ndi ceiî In the Twn of pu Dar- Notai-y Public - Etc. ; i frnt f o ineretin phsicl fatues.sistant organist; Edgar Kenefick and mon on Sunday. laking for his sub- ingtoui, in the County of Durtiamn con- Law in aIl ils branches. id sweet alys- Numberless guests t100 who have Jsp ug.Te.omtea-jet ptlt. 4isting off tliii' s5oîiilillfeofelvot tn erOffice meitlea oRyl Iheir season. been enbertained aI Dami 'ole sum- sîsled, served îe!reshments 10 wbicb Kendal school was closed lasl cî'ssioîî of thie saici Township. contalnlng Theatre. rthe fiowers mer afler summer are wont 10 en- members o! the congregalion con- week on account o! the teacher, Miss by ailmî.asiîrî.ment Ont' ilunîlrei acres., hns fie68 oe53 frot o te tuseovr te hsptaltyof ivrs. ribuled and ail present spent a. Katie Stew~art, being il mor' or iuss, and the' Southi liait of lot PhnsOfie68Hoe53 oîncier 'iwicty-six (26) in the Seventh deal ed avt n h aedoctor aâpleasant social lime over the sand- A nme fteYugPol Concessioni of ti- ' ald Township, con- lable f hthad Creatiand the la lte and nus ckead up. r m el o!te YoutPeople ngtaining Ont- iiunîiri.iucres, more or Iess. D N A <lio o!tetercetoa polnle ! n us m hr ledd tesaig On tiii suiîifcrni there is saic to bceEN A illage by hav- their home. . paî'ty at Eiizabethville on Frid.ay. erùceucîahdwiling limotse witic suiable . n latd Mrs. Robert Vanatla la some bel- farm.Iiliiings. anci panted. Thelae Dr. arvethhad a y- Lak ShoneClankeThe l'ands will he sold subject 10aD.t. .DVT rTie anlhdttmc e D'sonality andm dyLkebeore.Clare 1er. Her sn. Mr. Dave Vanalla and Dr. J.rC. 'juil.

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