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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1934, p. 5

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MR - - CANDIN S -1- .,"~lff . L' LAim.iri,LILU1~AFBU THECANDTA r' :rM ¶?MAJ.ThE' H.,, . -- -UAR Durham County Music Festival Syllal For the beneflt of a number who have misplaced the previous cation af the Music Festival Syllabus, and at the request of others who are desirous of entering the various contests. the syllh published again this week. The Festival will be held in7 Church, Bowmanville, some time in the early part af May. Sin syllabus was last published one slght change has been madE naine af the test piece for Bands having been corrected. Qas 1. Mixed Chorus - The Lord is My Shepherci - MeFarren, (Yo Novello) (Accompanied by Leader) Not less than 20 or more 50 voices. 2. Orchestra - Hungarian Dance - Brahms Ne. 3 Fox Old Mý No. 2 (Whaley R Moment Musical - Schubert, No. Il Fox Old M. (Whaley 11 3. Piano, il years and under - Scherzino - Hayden, (Toronto servatory Elementery Composition). 4. Piano. 13 years and under- Drifting - Krohn, (Ditson). 5. Piano, 16 years and under- Polish Dance Op 3 No. 1 - S wenka (Augener). 6. Piano, Open - Melodie - Paderewski Op No. 3, (Bote & Boe '. Piano Duet, 12 years and under - Rosamund - Schubert (Hai 8. Violin, il years and under - Whippoorwill - Lind. (Harris) 9. Violin, 13 years and under- Chanson Triste - Tchaikowsky-lM len (Harris). 10. Violin, 16 years and under- La Cinquantaine - Grabriel-Mar 11. Violin, Open - Berceuse frein Jocelyn- Godard (Harris) (Original Edition2 12. Soprano - There's a Whisper in the Air- E. Fiat - Brahe (Enoch & S 13. Mezzo-Soprano - Sunday - in F. Brahnie. (C.*Fsher). 14. Contralto - Stili as the Night - Bohm, B Flat (Harris). 15. Tenor - How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings - D FIat, Liddle, (Boc 16. Baritone - Belis of San Maria - A Minor, Ireland (Augener) 17. Bass - Two Grenadiers - Schuman, G Minor <Ditson). 18. Recitation, Boys under 8 years Land of Story Books - R.L Stever Girls under 8 years- The Moon - R. L, Stevenso: 19. Recitation, Boys under 15 years- The Daffodlils - Wordswortl Girls under 15 yrs. - The Gifts of God - George Hert 20. Band - Overture - The Wanderer - by King - (Waterloo Music( 21. Cornet Solo - On the Banks of Allan Water - (Radio Music( 22. Brasa Quartette- Loves Old Sweet Song - (Excelsior Brass QG Albi 23. Trombone Solo Beautiful Isle of Somewhere - (Waterloo Music 24. Maie Quartette- Oh Who Will O'er the Downs So Free - Pear (York) Accompar 25. Ladies' Quartette- Flow Gently Sweet Af ton - Spilman-Stem (Ditson) Accompar 26. Mixed Quartette- The Long Day Closes - Sullivan (York) Accompari 27. Male Duet - Watchman What of the Night - G. Sargent (Boase 28. Ladies' Duet- Barcarolle Key af D Tales of Hoffman - Offenbi (Hari 29. Mixed Duet- Own Selection, 30. Rural School Chorus (One Room) Unison - I've Been Roaming D. Horn (Novel 31. Rural School Partsong (One Room) - Santa Lucia - Book 3 Cringan & Marshall, Unaccompani 32. Rural School Partsong (Two Room) - The Nightingale's Melody 2 Part Ira B. Wilson <Eldridý 33. Urban Chorus 2 Part Song- On Wings of Music - MendeIssa (Birchard) Not more than 45 Vaie 34. Open Class - Viking Song P . Coleridge-Taylor (Ditson) Not more than 36 Voices. 35. Boys' Chorus. Open - Who Is Sylvia - Schubert, G. (Curwen) Not less than 10 or more than 15 Voices. 36. Girl's Solo, under 12 years - Say La La, Gay is the Rose - D. (Coney Wickett No. 37. Boy's Solo, under 10 yrs. - The Lamb- G. Macey (Coney Wicket 38. Girl's Solo, under 16 years - Daisies- G. Hawley. Sehirmer. 39. Boys' Unchanged Vaices - Ash Grove- A Fiat (Coney Wickett 40. Harmonica Band, Any Instrumentation - A & B Numbers - Ov Selectio 41. Rural Church Choir - Lead Kindly Light - Sullivan (Baosey) Accompanie 41. Village Choir- Sweet Saviaur Bless Us - Fricker, (Broadbent Heintzman) Accompanle 43. Urban Choir -To Thee O Lord - Rachnianinof (Bailey & Fergs son). Soprano Solo te be done by aIl flrst Sopranos. 44. Solo Folk Dance. 45. Accompaniment Playing. Will have two hours ta study copy. "Two Marks wlll be given in ail classes for Successful performance froin Memory"' (Note) Rule il in rules and regulations governing contest ta be deleteg - AT LAST-ý A preparation has been found that will pasitively restore Grey Hair te it's NATURAL COLOUR in a short time. It is known as Angelique Grey Hair Restorer and it is NOT A DYE. It acts thraugh the Procesof Pigmentation, from the Hair Ceils outward, and wlll not discolour the skin- It has been tested over a period of months in a number af Hairdressing Shops, on both men and women, and the results have veen astanishing. Money Back Guarantee We guarantee that it will restere Grey Hair to its NATURAL COLOUR. (providing you are not over sixty years of age) In from 10 to 30 days or your money wiIl be refunded. Manufactured by Angelique Products Ltd.. Toronto PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE For Sale By JURY & LOVELL, Druggists Phone 78 BOWMANVJILLE King st. BLUIE COAL Offers Dependable Safe Heat ta your satisfactian and al a saving Doit QUallty - onest Welght Prompt delivery service by careful drivers. Phone 15. Sheppard & CiiiLumber Co. Ltd., score wa 3-1 for Nestleton. us I First perioâ started with both ibus tamis at their best. M. Oke, three SPO T N W S ta player, in his excitement trip- publi- ed J. Edwards and received thel Six R ous in g 1 first penalty. For the flrst part of many the period good shooting and abus is PORT HOPE LIONS scrambles around both goals brought Irinity n eut.Go obnto a ice the BEAT BOWMANVILLE sn re hesuilts o cmn atiownwa le, the A. Marlow secured the first goal (for Demonstrating superiority through- Nestleton) on an assist f rom P. out, the Port Hope Lion Ontanmos PhilP. The Three Star team d.dn't WeedSei l defeated Bowmanville Juniors, 5-0, shlow however for in less than ork or in a scheduled O.H.A. Lakeshore fix- a inute a goal was scored for them It was the fourth shut-out of the playing hard. B. Ewers received a [asters current season for the Lions and in penalty, and shortly after the bell 3 1F a n l t e0 1 l t q a e Royce) this tilt they clearly showed the rang for the first period with score SnpdFanlte ilgtaddr 4 y5" igenadbn atra ýasters, benefits derived f rom the coachîng tied 1-1. SrpdFanlte nfgtaddr 4 y5" ngenadbn atrs PLoyce) of Frank Sullivan, former Olympic Second period began at the same shades; regular 19o yard, best quality, Con- player. speed. R. Ferrin received a pen- Play was dulI in the first session alty for trmpping. A. Ma.rlow brot 6 y r s $ . oS e i l6 c e c with several end to end rushes, but great applause when he secureci the6 ya d j. orP «el 9e ac in the second chapter the homesters second goal for Nestleton unassist- char- turned on the pressure and netted ed. Many good shots were directed three goals. Hutchinson scored on a at bath goalies but none were suc- Smart new designs, colors of mauve, rose, ck). shat f rom the side, Smith batted in cess!ul until P. Philp got the third mI s e arris). a rolling Puck fram in front of the goal for Nestieten on an assist from gen anadbu,2 y5 nhs net. and Jim PhiUlips counteci on a G. Marlow. R. Ferrin received an- R gVEYS CTLea ......... ac- blazing shot f rom the blue line. other penalty for accidentally trip- $,7 .Wc- In the last frame. despite Bow- ping. Period ended 3-1. manville's renewed attacks, the There wasn't much ta say con- rie. Lions oarrmed on in an offensive cerning the third periad except that -e v P j m style and scared two mare, Jack bath teams pla.yed faster than ever. Satin Round Bed 2980) Phillips going right in ta beat Mar- Good shooting and checking wereCl t tyn, while Jim Phillips scored the an added feature te the entire game. l t Throw Sn) flf th goal with two seconds ta go. M. Oke received a penalty for board- For ladies' a.nd children's garments; floral nn) For Bowmanviile, W . Bagnell was ing G. Marlow. Many savez werean oenti sgu;3jchsWd 4nlSinbu B Trw nw» the best. made by McGill in this period. Nearan morntideis;3 chswe;4nWSaibndBcThwalwo. - the last J. Edwards received an in- fast colors of pinkr, mauve, and bine back- Two are plan bine, and two are i mauve sey>. jury to his leg and was taken out grounds; special kiddles, patterns. checks; large size; regular $6.95 ecd. JuirHockey League of the game. He was replaced by P. Philp The game ended 3-1 for Nes- Regular 35e, CLARANCE L Startedon Saturday tleton. Sa SPECIAL2PEC Cnson f e ~~~~. Camegie, M. Oke; wings, Per Yard.,......... 9 ah.ý............$3 ) on.I J. Howard, B. Ewers; centre, J. ________________________ _________________ t. The Junior Hockey League sched- I Cooney; subs, B. Wil]ard, I. Coates, rbert. ule got under way on Saturday 1B. ok .Ci! Manager: Gardon 6 Only - 3 i gold,. 2 i mauve, and 1 ln Ca. morning at the Public School rink, Sweetman ~8 E~~'ff Ca) under supervision o! Wm. Paterson Nestleton -Goal, C. McGill; de- rs;lreslzcs; regular $1.75 ecd; aoio the Boys' Wark Board and Frank fence, J. Edwards, R. Perrin; wings, B ed Ç r a s roeiag ýuar' Williams of the Rotary Club. Three K. Thorndyke, W. Fallis; centre, E. ~Srecial Clearance Price, cach ... .. um) games were played: St. John's de- Snyder; subs, G. Marlow. A. Marlow, feating Tlrinity Sunday School by a D. Emerson, P. Phllp. Manager: Ca.) 7-1 score; St. .Andrew's whitewash- Harold Porteous. rsall ing St. Jaseph's, 4-0; and St. Paul's Referee - Normnan De Shane. nlied leading Trinty Trail Rengers 4-2. __ ___________WLE RT EI E Bill Brown praved the best play- L K SOE wart, er on St. John's team, while Jack nied Parker proved the rnost proliflc goal- PHND64LIAN IL getter. Clarence Witheridge was the B. .3.i News iied. pick o! Trinity Sunday School, but I_____________________________________________ ey). spoiled his good work by numerousI ach penalties. The entire St. Andrews bt ris) team rated an al-star titie, while By Y. Duzzy Wright bot halves, although Oshawa made was the flrst industry ta use co-op- Lawrence Wood. Fre Lahe wa th bst orSt. Winin tw ot a theegamsa galant comeback in the closing erative advertising, which was fea.t- Attendance record for Deenher JoedphTewstetfo St. Pals-Trnt I played wayot f r hom es, minutes o! the garne. ured with the slogan "Say It With was given as 94.5 % as oompared - Ranerhs.cah rveThe titbit o! B.H-S. basketall squads c fr onete Legge with 10 points, and Salter Fiawers." with 100% in November. Geo. W. Ra) ne mrningas Jack Ricatheoved te on thJ ' eir erny us o those ls-and Edxnandsan were best for Osh-. Mr. Groves outlined the F.T.D. James was appolnted chalrma.n or io 1 the St.raul'soutanding man, atond ive chm pionsi of The eJuiorawa. Slemon with 14 points was the system by which fiowers are distrib- the On-to-Tononito conunlttee h be he . w ul have showin th rmar Boyse hpîayn . TeJuio individual star of thegame, ai- uted in 40 cauntries and whlch has hear International President John lie. 1he oul hve how th reulr Bys layngan aîtemnoon gaie ln though mention must be given to a membership of 600 flonist.s Nelson, naxt Fnlday, and aco. E3. r- 1 juniors a few hints as to haw te stay Oshawa won by 24-17. The Senior, those who made the passes that an- throughout the world. Chase was appolntedl On-to-Cobourg ig) onth wing. Jack Martin was a Girls and Senior Boys, playing ~in abied Slemon ta rail up those points. cara o nItriyLdm close second for this team. Reg. Peterboro, divided, the girls wnnmng, Mclveen and Neal wene also prom- Flowers, ha said in conclusion, cihin forean ntectLaies nl ýOn Ashton in the Ranger nets, talked 16-12 and the boys iosing 19-15. mnent for B.H.S. carry with tiiem a message af good- MNlgh nteCutisTw x ices. his team up thraughout the game IAil three games were weil playael B.H.S. - Forwards, Taylor, Siem- will, o! lave and of synxpathy, and Mrh and kept the game going at a peppy with the losing gaime as usual baing on; centra, Baker; grds matheY are an endless source of dellght. Congratulations were extandeci te pace. Ron. Richards Iaokad te) bel the moat exciting. The girls playing 1ooma; itr ate s, al, oac, When ana has solved the answer of Toin Hoîgate on his election as the hast stick-handler for Trinity, the flrst game of the evening, chaik- GoodeanMcflen atn Cl rk. hwhat Ga nd o w stha t a n is t« Coamisoan f edPbcyderman as while Doug. Nichais also turned in a. ed up their flrst win o! the schedule, Goe elenadCak htGdadwa a sto omsin n rdCyemna gaod game. defeating their Peterboro hasts 16- President Tommy Rosa exprassed chairman of the Public Sohool 5) Next Saturday t~he games will 12. Although the B.H.S. girls lad MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC the club's sincere appneciatlon taeBord, and appreclation was ex- start at 9.30 a. m. and team Cap- ail the way the game was close and ASSOCIATION ISSIE Rotarian Bull fon his fine talk. Pr es Rev. E. F. Arm4trong for tt) tains must present their team Ulne.. exciting with the lasers twice hamng Axnong the guasts at the club wera i fine sermon at the Rotary church ups te, Frank Williams by 5 o'clock within a point a! the leaders. STATEMENT ON HYDRO Mn. E. J. Wood and Mr. J. Jessen, service on the Sunday previous. 5) on Fniday night. Saturday's games Senior Girls Wio! the Brookdale Nurseries. wn are: St. John's vs St. Joseph's; St. The visitons opened fast and at Relation of Hydre Muuielpalltjes President Rosa expressed the sym- Few men have virtue ta wltbatand in Andrew's vs St. Paul's; Tinity S. S. the end o! the first quarter the score to Hydro Commission Explalned pathy of the Club te R. R. Stevens the highest bldder.-a4eorge Wash- o.vs Trinity Rangera. was 7-0, ail the points being scored in the pasalng of hi'sstrMr. ng-n The lina-ups on Saturday wera: by Dot. Nichais. In the second quar- In view of the fact that the On- bs ~ Ms ied. St. John's - L. Lyle, J. Parker, C. ten the Peterbono taaapebegan ta fnd tario Municipal Electrlc Association Spencer, B. Brown, W. Hall, E. Mill- tUa basket, and M. -Brooks scored is holding its Annual Convention in ed. son.1 twa fild goals and V. Huffman Taranto this week, the announca- u.. Trinity Sunday Scixool - R. Haop- countad a foui shot wh.tch made tha ment about Hydro ai! airs, which an, C. Wîtharidge, K. Siemon, P. score 8-5. D:ot NichaIs again scorad appeans elsewhare in this newspaper, Symans, H. Cannons. tUe only point fan Bowmanvilae in is a! unusual public intenest. St. Andrew's " J. Crombie, C. Mc- this perlod. A popular misconception about 1 Ilveen, D. Bathgate, G. Mcflvean, In the last haif M. Brooks counted tUe great public utility, known as T. Depew, D. Mcllveen, L. Wiseman, flrst to make tUe score 8-7 bef ore M. the Hydro-Electric System, on more B. Crawford, J. Hately. Jounes langthened the winner's iaad familiariy as "Hydro'. is that it la ed. St Joseph's - Cale, F. Laphin. and then Dot Nichols sconad han 9tU awned by the Govannmnent of On- Bragg, J. Bird, B Eliiot, C. Hoar. and lOtU pdints. J. Cola for the taia, or the Hydro-Electric Power a c N bo h d St. Paul's - T. Martin, J. Martin, Patas, and McKinnon for B.H.S. Commission. Under tUe caption - M. Mitchell, F. Neala, J. Ruce, J. made the bast af their f oui shats "Who Owns Hydro?", this announce- !eIuS Graham, R. Cola. and than J. Cola and J. Howson ment makes it clean that neitherFo r a e V lu Trinity Rangers - R. Ashton, D. scored twa quick baskets and ad- the Government non the Commis- NichaIs, B. Muttan, D. Mason, R. vanced within one point a! thair op- sion own tha Hydro System. Richards, D. White, B. Jahnistoni,iponents, but Ev. McKinnon gat.har- While oparated and admini.sterad W. James, Dunn. 1ed i.n the three final points to give by the Commission acting in the B.S.tam. capacity of trustee, the Hydro Sys-j BOWMNVILE JUIORSB.H.S. - Forwards, E. McKinnon, tam is really owned by tUe Hydro BOW ANVLLEJUNORSA. Allin; centre, M. Thompson; sida- municipalities who purchasa power LOSERS IN TILT WITH centre. D. Nichais; guards, M. Wight- in "-blocks" f nom tUa Commission PORT HOPE LIONS TEAM man, D. Dudley; altarnates, L. Cale. and distribute it te homes and fac--. I G. Dewell, M. Jones. tories. Thea Goverxunant entera the Only a Handful of Spectators on the Senior Boys Lose picture only as bankar for tUa Com- Scene to Witness Fast Junior The Senior Boys' gaina was ail mission. In other words, Hydro is on p Iblcrw, lerdad ey that cauld ha asked for. It was f ast tUa propanty of tUe peaple a! the V O lfsl lcbon le e n ry Gama on Monday Night and dlean with the teams attacking associated Hydro munlcipalitles ne- Sip r warm 11usd; rubber hees; anl sima, and counter-attacking with such presented by the Ontario Municipal p r Bowmianville Juniors bast ail speech that even tUe spectatars wara Electnic Association.1 chances o! a playofi barth on Mon- tined when it was ovar. The iead Af ter declanlng that "statements day night when they !inlshed at tUe was Ueld by the winnars four tumes, hava been made a.nd publishad wlth WOMEN'S SHOES SPECIAL GROUP fixture with Port Hope Lions. was tied twica, and if the truth ha tario that are nat un accordance It was tUe sixth straight win fan known B.H.S. lost hacause o! thair with tUe fadas", the resolution re- $ ,8 tUe Lions wha hava made wanderful erratic shooting. lI tUe firat Ual! garding publlclty, embodiad li te$ 00 improvements in recent weeks, since aspeciaîîy thay had a bid adge un Assoclation's announcemeuit, states: Broken aimes of hlgher value Thslo 229uesvlust their pald coach bas haen putting territonia'pîay lbut they just couidn't "TheMncpThisofOtro he;vanst $.Se- 60;lo icluda ancshi them through their paces. sink that bail. Peterbono on theare hea Mnicipaf teas do Ontania Shorc ed;tvaines h $. Seu- S6.OO; owuas;an highd As fan as shots on goal were con- other Uand made gaod use a! thair ina htU e wn a e a!ne ydrvSstemliy eue tkîar ei mdela; hiAhlgh grade cerned Bowmanvilîe had as much ai shots, being especîalîy patent in ofwhich they hav ndrd lnsm fbanMt kld and cal!. mourbes gAdeseetok the game as did the visitons, wUo countlig foui shots. das;mantdranYhidred ilhlso!ban um 1styes; lsrai sf yrom oi b e g radestoc hawever displayed a amarter brand Ainys (pranouuicad Amas) wifh il1 olr;adrat nthe ingw o th e louldnueou.Spc o! hockey. Art Edgar was tryiuig points and Marsh were the big epads trut te mir nd efno! ttUee dlo ty $les; alles aanaci educed p Jlm Pickard out in the nets and ha "shots" for the Petes; whila Honay- polatafthe pgroeandeblic iiet te lot;.....l ica .. ero....pe2a2 made a pretty fair job a! it, despite man with 9 points, Mcflvean and would ta!dthipir ea vaPublc e iofe ar....I ~ sc 2 2 tha 6 goals ha let thraugh. Wtendamtewimpair tUar value o!le Port Hope went on a regular scor- Wlimwr at o onaiil.tUa investment a! tUe Municipaliflas 1 ;_ baintU. ecndfraasoo- Play apened rather c&utiauiy vandInteydoysm. villa. J .ma s-c,,n~1 ilE,,-j . - uforal products o!-thecounry---U-'-N VU i M any spectators wee prsent te 1 S. Al;üi i u.-.T a sp a er r m rke y.t m a I 4 E - l g Jwitnass tUa excitlng gama, Jan. 27fU. Juiors Defeat Oshawa Tpeopeaeread thiwesarea D J S A . betwaan Port Panry's 'Three Stan'Pol ntrse n lwr r Te athar wlnnlng effort by Bow- gaod typa o! citizens and ana saldom A I -H and Nastleton, on te atter's tee. manville was miade by tee Junior sacs them in trouble o! any klnd. TUa tce was at Ifs hast and a cils- Boys, wlxen they defeatedi the Osh- Thay araeflot selfIsh and they work I NS H OE S T O R E D play of tha basf bnand a! hockey was awa teani at Oshawa, 24-17. TUe silently doing much that thxe publie COWAN BLOCK RIING STREET shown. TUe game was f afriy ean gaine was fast and exciting wlth neyer hears a!. thougb fust throughout. Final B.H.S. autscorlng thair apponents lui TUe flanlat lndustry, he added, 1 lst, 1934 PAGE FT« àk- il

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