tM r.. %*5e.*-er u' ~e. .u T'HE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWIAMIm T r ei'ZTnAr m-r, n-- Fat Hogs WANT ED Hogs weighing around 200 toS225 lbs I am prepared to buy within the next week a limited nunxber of fat hogs at Highest Market Prices Phone 64 or 94 or get in touch with me direct at the store. T. Wes. Cawker Butcher Bowmanville Boys' Classes, A-Mrs. Harold M i COURTICE Class B-Mr. Jim Hancock; Cla c C-Mr. Carence Penfound; G Class D-Miss Aura. Osborne; G A progressive Lost Heir party was E-Mrs. Ross Pearce; m held at Ed. Pidduck's Hall last Class-Cedric Parsons; Young M Thursday evening, Ebenezer vs|Class-Mr. A. J. Gay; Beginne Courtice. With the highway the di-|Miss Pearl Flintoff; Primary- viding line, Courtice invited the gen--Sadie Muir; Girls' Sunshine Cla tlemen North, and Ebenezer those Mrs. G. P. Annis; Ladies' Be] South. Owing to the icy condition Class-Mrs. Frank Rundie, of the sideroads many were unable Clarence Penfound; with the fol to attend, especially those from Eb- ing officers: President, Mrs. A enezer who live quite a distance Gay; st Vice, Mrs. Chas. PoA from the hall. Consequently, to fill 2nd Vice, Mrs. Cecil Adams; the tables,esome offthe Courtice men Vice, Mrs. Ted Rivett; Treas had te become Ebenezerites for the Mrs. L. J. Courtice; Secretary, I evening, and are now being jocularly Walter Snider; Asst. Secretary, quizzed, as Courtice won 4867 points Cecil Found; Group Leaders, and Ebenezer 4590. However, the W. H. Marshall, Mrs. Frank general opinion is, that having den, Mrs. Herb. Nichols;n Pl changed their colours, they would Committee, Mrs. W. H. Marsh become true patriots their Mrs. A. F. Rundle, Mrs. Esli Oke best. The results and prizesHwere Church services were fairly as follows: Ebenezer - lst, Harold attended on Sunday, Miss Elsie Osborne, 398, tailored shirt; 2nd, contributng a solo in the morn Hordon Brown, 391, a tie; Con., and Mr. Cecil Robinson told Harry Worden, 172, boxed hdks; story to the juniors in a capa Courtice - lst, Jack Gay, 431, belt; manner. The pastor, who is givin 2nd, Robert Courtice, 403, tie; Con., series on Sunday evenings, sp Ray Brooks, 158, boxed garters. A last Sunday on "Second Place." substantial lunch was served to bring choir contributed good m u a very jolly evening to a close. When throughout the day. the weather man is in a milder mood Ebenezer should come out in full force and then the original idea of NESTLETON matching the North against the South can be carried out. It is un- derstood that other localities intend Miss Winnie Marlow is visit competing in the future; also that friends in Oshawa. the ladies are to be welcomed later. Mr. Alvin Marlow called on frie: in Port Perry recently. 0 Glad to learn Mr. John Dickie EBENEZER { able to be around again. . Mr. John Parmer, Port Perry, v ited Mr. Wesley Campbell. Mr. Gordon Brent, Tyrone, was a Mrs. Oscar Edwards visited D Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. and Mrs. Jas. Forder recently. Annis. Don't forget the dance at Nest Choir practice was held at the ton next week, Friday, Feb. 9 home of Mrs. K. E. Courtice Tues- Good music and lunch provided day evening. Miss Helen Hooey, Mr. John B Miss Annie Wilkins. Peterboro lingal and Mr. Vic. Williams spe Normal, was a weekend guest under Sunday and Monday in Omemee the parental roof. Mrs. Jas. Malcolm, Miss Eun Our young people are presenting and Marshall Malcolm .and Mr. Nc their play "All On Account of Polly" man Malcolm visited at the ho] at Cedar Dale on Wednesday even-'of Mr. and Mrs. John Proutt. ing. The dance held in the Foreste Mr. and Mrs. R. K., Shaw's, Hall on Friday, Jan. 26. was fai: were Tuesday visitors with the lat- successful. Many attended fro ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Janetville, Yelverton and Blacksto< Werry. The League meeting was held Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Brooks and usual on Tuesday evening he a son Orland, Oshawa, were guests on tendance was small. The progra Sunday at the home of Mr. and was put on by the blue side. T Mrs. Cecil Found. . red side having dropped out of t adrs Ira Tru Mrs. K.E. Courtice contest. The meeting opened wi and Mr. W. R. Pickell visited at hymn and prayer led by the your Pickering as guests of the formers people. Minutes were read and ai sister, Mrs. Powell. proved. Bible reading was given I Tuxis Boys are presenting their Bert Edwards; Marion Taylor ga play in the church on Friday even- the Bible study. Topic was give ing, Feb. 2nd, at 8 o'clock. Be sure by Harry Payne; reading. Bert Ec and attend and enjoy a good laugh. wards; followed by a solo by Lec A great many of our hockey en- nard Joblin; reading. Larry Har thusiasts" braved the zero weather castle; mouth organ selection, Ka on Monday night and attended the Thorpe. Meeting closed with hym match in Oshawa between St. Mike's and the League Benediction. and Oshawa. (î Newly elected Sunday School of- MAPLE GROVE ficers are: Honorary Supt.-R. E. Qsborne; Supt.-Cecil J. Found; Asst. Supt.-Norman Down; Treas- Mrs. W. P. Coyne is visitin urer-K. E. Courtice; Secretary- friends and relatives in Toronto. Art Pound; Asst. Secretary-Wilfrid Miss Kathleen Clements, Toron Brown; Librarian--George Coverly; to, spent the week-end with Mr Asst. Librarian-Don Courtice; Pi- Lloyd Snewden. anist-Mrs. Chas. Pound; Asst. Pi-. Miss Susie Laird, Prince Abert anist-Miss Ada Annis. Teachers: spent the week-end with her par ____________ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Laird. Paster Wolfraim preached an ex cellent sermon on Sunday on "Eh -jah" to an interested congregatior Bottlesommunihe Wa sor the SP CA RICE offth death Sowden Mrs. Lawren ~KI o vvate eWeodn weep e to Brantford e THIS WEEKONLY Tenrdde o then theafueral I~±I mag eureda hoelt Wednesday. Mre Guaranted one yrr.SThose remaine forvs. HG SPCESA--L PRICE Fressrs. wEres cawisdt Wilanto TI EE KOL Taird, tkBow attnd Gere ey uara d tree,,ars lan left H Cun atesmornin Frean INCEVERN- - $1.29a etuedit hom Ened. Mr. Guarand heen year SnW.eon reaind forasitrenhm Guarntee thee yarsmotored them te Montreal where the EMPRESS - - $1.49 weather was 40 below zere. Guaranteed four years The news reached here on Thurs- day morning off the sudden passing Termat Heat Pads off Mr. D. H. Coa.tes, B.A., off Brant- r Comnpete Outfi - $1.25 iford. Deepest synmpathy is extend- Just add cold water. Mr. Coates spent his youthfful days - __ in this vicinity and his wife was one HAVE YOUR EYES TESTED cf Maple Grove's esteemed daugh- J. W. WORRALL ters--Lena. Cole. ItOr Fia .m A goodly number attended the Store Monday 10 - i p. . byncthe oir. The progra consst- -ed off anthems. solos, duets, cuar- e ts and a sextette.The choir * * nS ssised by Mrs. Fred Stevens Alex McGregor and Mr. Howard Foley who gave ex- DRUGScellnt and interesting readings. PIIONE 92 WE DELIVER Swallowpwho prepared this concert q.nd also the choir who co er whole heartedly with her. - President-Mrs. Whittaker; Presi- gram was sp< ENFIELD dent.,Mrs. Leslie Graham; lst Vice- HAMPTONj games under President. Mrs. Fred Bailey; Re- gackson Wra ccrding Secretary, Mrs. Artbur Bai- dent. Lunchi Miss Ella Tamblyn vis"ted in To- ley; Cerrespondîng Secretary, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Stevens have meeting cîosed ronte over the week-end. G. Campbell; Treasurer, Mrs. C. takenupresWidenle inorToronto. Benedîction.i( Mr. E. Ormiston, Bowmanville. re- Parr; Little Helpers' Secretary, Mr.Jh ils oo , recent- Hsmn î cently visited at Mr. W. J. Ormis- Mrs. S. McLaughlin; Dercas Secre- ly visited her father, Mr. John Col- note in a recer ton s. tary, Mrs. Robert Parr; Literature will the honorable Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lea5k, Ewart Seretary, Mrs. Howard Bailey; Liv- . Miss Mary Niddery, Gravenhurst, of Hampton'sc and Eunice, Taunton, visited at Mr. ing Message Seecretary, Mrs. Whit- is visiting her mother, Mrs. Geor- the person o! Frank Gilbert's. taker. Tue roll caîl was answered gifla Niddery. wbo bas been Miss Helen Pascoe is teaching at with a New Year's resoution. Lunch The Mission Band purpose enter- London Le Bradley's School until their teacher, was served. taining the Missionary Society on for some year Miss Cane, is able to resume duty. Thursday night. yo n r oey Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormiston and - Dr. and Mrs. Russell Davies,'antribeen appointed Mr. Hoskin Smith were in Toronto j CADMUS children, Oshawa,visited at trial Branch ai recently attending the funeral of!W - Wilcox's on Sunday. Persian Bain their cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Williams at- quisite for th Mr. Albert Niddery, Toronto, re- Mr. Edgar Gibson spent Saturday tended the funeral of theirinephew, lightfulo tuse. cently visited at Mr. J. Hepburn's. evening at Mr. Norman Edgerton's. Mr. Howard Williams, Nestleton. Swiftly absorbe Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith and fam- Mr. and Mrs. James McKee spent Mrs. A. E. Billett's name as so- icately fragrant ily, Oshawa, Mrs. L. Rahm, Rich- Wednesday afternoon at Mr. Lorne cial convener of the AdultaBible caely fragra.n mond Hill, visited at Mr. A. Pres- McKee's. Class officers was omitted last week. leveliness t th cott's. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Fallis and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hall andso • up the skin. E Jack visited at Mr. C. H. Fallis' over Markham, accompanied by other aIl unpleasant the week-end. friends, visited at Mr. Geo. Burtt's caused by winc TYRONEI Miss Muriel McKee is staying at recently. conitin. rMtsa Mr. Norman McNally's while they Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Smirthwaite white. Creates Mr. Gussie Rosevear visited are stock-taking. and daughter, Jean, Toronto, were feminine char friends at Millbrook recently. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Archer, Port Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. indispensable t Miss Mae Cameron, Toronto, Hope, spent the week-end at Mr. E. L. Williamson. ment. spent the week-end at home. Norman Edgerton's. Come to hear the play by the Messrs. Harry and Frank Hather- Messrs. W. B. Ferguson and Al- Hampteon Adult Bible Class, "Back ly, Dixie, spent the week-end at fred Thornett spent Sunday at Mr. te te Country Store" on Thursday, home. Everard Sanderson's. Feb. 8. Admission 15c; children 10c. rArthur Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fallis and Mr A number of neighboring friends miss Ivy Park adM.Atu r n r.LwsFli and Mr. surprised Mr. and Mrs. Qeo. Arm- Coverly, Courtice, visited the formn- Alfred Fallis spent Saturday even- ourpon Monday evening, it being the ers' uncle, Mr. W. F. Park. ing at Mr. C. H. Fallis. occasion o! their ffteenth wedding A large number attended the Mr. and Mrs. Smith Ferguson anniversary. C.C.F. meeting in the Community and Collette, Bowmanville, spent Mr. R. Aungernouf Haydon, lest Hall on Saturday evening. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Me- one o! bis team of hersesaon Satur- Messrs. A. H. and Howard Brent, Gillaw Mrs E - e his te o es ontr- A. W. Annis and W. F. Park attend- ' day, which dropped dead on the road ed the Fruit Growers' convention in Messrs. W. B. Ferguson and Edgar shortly after leaving the black- Cobourg on Wednesday. Gibson attended the executive meet- smith shop here. .Mr. Paul Curtis. who bas bee1ing at Mr. Earl Dorrell's, Friday Mr. W. W. Horn was host to a Quai uir; sick for a number o! weeks, passedi evenng. number of gentlemen friends on ss C away early Tuesday morning at the Messrs. Lloyd Thompson and Friday night, when an oyster sup- 7irls' home of Mr. H. G. Macklin. The Harvey Mahaffy and Miss Leah per was one of the enioyments of irls' sympathy of this community is ex- McQuade spent Sunday evening at the social entertainment. en's tended to his brother, Mr. Harvey Edgar Gibson's. Sympathy is extended the family en's Curtis, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. FlemnThompson of Mrs. Thos. Wilcox, whose de- Men's Bla [ensCuris. ron. M. ani Ms. iem uomsonmise occurreti althte home e! ber rs- League program on Thursday entertained about 25 on Wednesday daughter, Mrs. D. Rogers, Bien- Kid Oxford Miss evening was in charge of Social evening. After a few hours spent deu, where she was spending the rubber ie ss-- Vice-President, Miss Lorna. Hooper. in dancing and cards a dainty lunch winter. rean Bible reading by Mr. Clinton Bige- was served. His many Hampten friens sym- in A & C a Mrs. low; a splendid topic on the "The The annual congregationai ant pathize with Mr. George Northcott, ow- Literary Heritage of Scotland" was Sunday School meeting was held Toronto, formerly o! Hampton, in . J. well given by Mr. Gussie Rosevear; last T durstay evening. Mr. Her- the passing o l bis wife. Mn. ani Men's Brc reading by Mr. Alex Purfitt; recita- bert Galbraith had charge off the Mns. Nortcotf were well anM favor-en 3rd tien by Mr. Ross Puley; reading, worship perioti. Miss Mariorie GaI- ably known in this community.fodsn Fer, rP. Dudliey music composed braith read the lesson and Mrs. Gai- Miss Grace Cawker an n. Fred Good-year Mrs. by Robert Burns; after which all braith gave the Bible study. After Billiet debated on "resolved that welt at rs. joined in singing Auld Lang Syne the singing of!a hymn. Mn. Newell Riches Cause More Unhappiness Mrs. which was one of hisffavorite selec- led in prayer. Rev. Mr. Newell pre- than Moderate Poventy," with aor- tiens. A contest and geography sided for election of officers. Elders: Messrs. Kennet Werry and Fare- all, match was enjoyed at the close. Messrs. Rob. Bruce, W. G. Philp, well Blackburn, Salem, ai Haydon, Men's Bli .ell Chas. Fallis and Edgar Gibson; on Monday night. double sole i Stewards: Messrs. George Johnston, Mr. C. W. Hastings, and son, Oe S Oscar McQuade. Herb. Galbraith. Lorne, attended the funeral of their rubber heel Oke Chas. Gibson, Marvin Nesbitt and niece and cousin, ai Friendship, the Remember the Division meeting W. D. Ferguson. Secretary-treasur- NY., recently. Hampton friends able in the S.S. room on Thursday, Feb. er: W. D. Ferguson. Financial re- sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. .g a 8th, ai 8 p.m. ports of the different departiments Frank Mason, in the passing of oke Mr. and Mrs. Eric Pearce and were read and adopted. Choir lead- their daughter, Frances. The baby boy, Claremont, visited ai Mr. er: Mrs. Edgar Gibson. Organist: On Tuesday evening, Jan. 23rd, s i c Harold Pascoe's. Mrs. E. Sanderson, AssistanIts, Misses the Y.P.L. of Ebenezer visited our Mrs. Geo. White was in Oshawa G. Cobbledick and Birdie Fallis. league. Meeting opened with a -, lasi week with her sister, Mrs. Hall. Sunday School officers: Supt.-Ei- hymn and prayer by Rev. W. Rack- ~ s who is citcally i. Ms.Hllgar Gibson; Secretary-Ross Philp; ham. Our President, Miss Ruth K fl 1 Mrs. R. Somerville and Miss Mary Treasurer-Chas. Gibson. Teachers, Johns, welcomed the visitors. A - of Cherrywood, spent a few days Bible Class--Mr. W. B. Ferguson; very fine program was then pre- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds Senior Girls' Class-Mrs. Cecil Fer- sented by the Ebenezer Young Peo- one1 and Mrs. R. J. McKessock. guson: Young Men's Class-Rev. F. ple, consisting of piano duets, reci- nds Mrs. B. G. Stevens, Misses Evelyn W. Newell. On account of the late tations, vocal solos, and an excellent Tink, Fanny Smales, Margaret Scott hour the meeting was adjourned un- address. The remainder of the pro- is and Ruth McKessock were in To- il the following Thursday when the ronto last week attending Grand remaining classes vqill have their - - vis- Division. teachers appointed. The many friends of Mr. James Mr. Annis will regret to learn that he . SAL is very seriously ill in a ChicagoS EM le- hospital. His mother. Mrs. Edwin th. Annis, is with him. Don't miss "Back to the Country i. The sympathy of the community Store" at Hampton, Thursday, Feb. al- is extended to Mrs. Samuel Bush 8th. rut anti Mr. Cecil Bush in the death off Scnny te iearn thai Mrs. J. Rut- Mr. Bush whe passeti away ai bis letige is in poon bealth, being under ice residence hene on Suntaay evening. the doctor's cane. or- Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar and son, me Charles, Miss Doroth34 Hoar, Mr.' Rev. A. S. Kerr's splendid sermon Russel Smith. Bowmanville, Mr. on Sunday afternoon was based on rs' Harry Kerr a.nd Miss Ethel Hoar, the subject of Christs Master rly Oshawa, were recent guests ai Mr. Thought," and concerned the King- m Charles Smith's. dom of God on the earth. ck. The regular meeting of the W.I. Messrs. F. Blackburn and K. as will be held on Thursday afternoon, Werry journeyed to Haydon on Mon- t- Feb. 8.. in the S.S. room in charge day evening to take part in a de- m of group 3. Roll call. Each lady ba.te, the other two contestants be- he bring a pattern aise article made ing Miss Cawker and Mr. F. Billett he from the pattern. The patterns will of Hampton. They report a pleas- ch bc sold for five cents each. A good ant evenng. ng program is being prepared and On Thursday evening the annual . Our manager would be pleased ta P. there will be a question drawer. congregatienal meeting was heldone and roll one of these delici by The card party in the Sons' Hall with Pastor A. M. Wootton in the !bana.if..on.o.f.thesdehcons ve iast Wednesday evening under the chair when business items of mo- jromass If you o desired. Monie n auspices of the Division was a de- ment to church and S.S. and Y.P.L. refunded K you're not satsfîed d- cided success with about seventy- were discussed, reports read, books o- five present. The prizes were won audited and new officers elected for d- by Miss Ileen Balson and Mr. Maur- the coming year, there was also a nl ice Baker for Lost Heir and by Mrs. meeting of the church board in the t n Lloyd Williams and Mr. W. R. West- afternoon. when church matters re- iSD EPVA &< là Blan 1 n lake for euchre. ceived duc attention. The election A short temperance program was of officers for the S.S. resulted as Î given at the Sunday School on Sun- follows: Superintendent-Mr L. day afternoon at the close of the Coombes. Bible Class teacher, Miss v lesson period. Readings were given Effe Rutledge: assistant, Mr. P O R T E R R O U SE by Mr. Maurice Baker and Mr. Wes- Coombes; Primary Class, Mrs. J. Ir- g ley Yellowlees, and Mr. Jack Water- win; assistant, Mrs. F. L. Squair; house favored with a vocal solo. Intermediate,, Mrs. A. Welsh; as- W IN G - Temperance certificates for the re- sistant, Mrs. L. Richards; Treasurer, ' cent examinations were presented Mr. L. Squair; Secretary, Mr. L. to Misses Gladys. Norma. and Isobel Welsh; assistant, Mr. B. Foster. Of- SH O U L D E R -- Yellowlees, Kathleen Baker and Ella ficers for the Y.P.L.-President: Millson and Masters James and Mr. F. Blackburn; Vice-President Matthew Mills. Mr. E. Doidge; ist Vice, Mr. L.B L A D E Squair; 2nd Vice, Miss L. Welsh; - -3nd Vice, Mns. E. Doitige; 4th Vice , SIR t or BLACKSTOCK Mn. K. Werry; Sec. Treas., M. Roat. SIRLOI Rs n «- -- Cale; Pianist, Miss M. Honey. At the paMrs. Joh Mraylo vegJ a ecls ofht e metng asocial bhai! UR O U N D "at r aWydght n. antM_ OBITUARY aUBIS E TO S Born .George Bower cn the arrivai off a .baby boy. James E. Wilson, Nestleton W HITEFISR i Mn. anti Mrs. Frank Stinson - fspenc Sunday with Mn. anti Mrs. One cf our most highly nespecteti Cari Wright. citizens, in the person off Mn. James Fine Granulae d or rn .Miss Manicrie Marlow, Tonento, E. Wilson, was calleti by dieath on spent the week-end with hon mother. Sunday, Jan. 21st, a!fter a short ill- Mis. John Manlow. ness. Ho was the oldest son o! the ~GR00 * Mrs. Pey Philp, Nestleten. bas laie Mn. anti Mns. Wm. Wilson anti becen visiting her parents, Mn. anti was born in Floss Township. He Mrs. Pester Ferguson. leaves te mourn bis loss two sisters Mn. a.nti Mrs. Jabez Wright enter- anti two brothens, Mrs. John Hooey, CO F E Our Own tainedi the Young People's League te Mrs. Herman Samells, Mn. iWlliam Ried Circle a skating party on Fridiay evening. Wilsen, off Montana, anti Mn. Cecila aaOuOn Mn. anti Mrs. R. Willan anti !am- Wilson at home. Deceasedi was a lrOn ily, Pont Penny, spent Sundiay with member off Nestleten Presbyterianon ber parents, Mn. anti Mrs. Wm. Church. Rev. V. Wa.iker officiatetidlAf COLD Steele. ai the funeral service heldi ai the s LAUNDRY A number frnom oun village at- ffamily nesidence on Tuesda-y. In- a s n tentieti a euchre party on Wed.nes- terment was matie in Cadmus Union S A n rBuIk day evening, Jan. 24th, given by Mn. Cemetery. Among the floral tributes Âyle anti Mrs. LUrne McGuire, Yelverton. were a spray frnom Scott anti Johnyme At t hu anua meetin f th Htchinson, or onto ant a cross PORK and DEANS recently, the following officens were Mrs. Jas. Stewart anti Miss Pearlflf Fane> ap ointti;SupenintendentMr- Mn. Hutchinson, off Peterboro. RICua E BluecyRose 4 ls- 250 I S Eanl Drreli;Secretny, Mn EnicO rl. Ol. u çwn Ctting; Librarian, Miss Frances CARD OF THANKS Mountjoy; Treasurer, Mr. Alex John- I -- ANN PAGE BREAD son; Superintendent of Primary Mr. and Mrs. John Hooey, Mr. Dept., Mrs. J. G. Marlow. and Mrs. Herman Samells, Mr. and The annual meeting of the W.A. Mrs. Cecil Wilson wish to thank * - * A A of St. John's Church was held ai their neighbors and many friends GREAT the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bai- for the many kindnesses shown them E oley on Thursday evening, when the during the illness and death of their- following officers were elected: Hon. brother. ent in cont)ests and the direction of Mr. Businessiven YSocial Vice-Presi- was served and the - i with the League (Continued from page 1) Attendance 110. iends were pleased to is felt that more can be accomplish- nt issue of this paper, ed with a few real live business men promotion of another than can be by a large uninterested clever young men, in membership. fMark G. Hannam, associated with the Committees were appointed to Insurance Company, canvass the business men to attend rs, and has recently the banquet where they will hear aU as Inspector, Indus- the details a.nd there decide if the t Home Office. Bowmanville Business Men's Assoc- iation is to become the Bowmanville -the one toilet re- Branch of the Retail Merchants dainty woman. De- Association of Canada. Leaves no stickiness. cd by the tissues. Del- A letter from the Public Welfare t. Imparts a velvety Board was read suggesting that the e complexion. 'rones Board was willing to co-operate with Soothes and banishes the merchants' desires as regards roughness or chafing bread used for relief, it being point- d and other weather ed out that much bread sold was akes hands soft and manufactured outside the town. an elusive, essentially Harry Allin. Wes. Cawker and Presi- m. Persian Ba.m is dent Corbett were appointed a com- o women of refine- mittee to interview the Welfare Board. Ç oes For Spring lity- Style - Value An Outstanding ck Calf or Black ds with leather or V els at 600 )own or Black Ox- le or double sole $30,5 Men's Black Calf single k Coo a Oxford sole welt in Sport Pattern Good-year Welt inAAA, AA & C 63.00 Wel worth $7 $9.50 a pr. *50 Ox's Skoe Store 120 Bowmanville or lb. 21c lb.. Iqc 1 be b. 6c IL 15e lb. bag $690 lb. 250 S Bars25 4s. 250 Tins 25 LK Ou r .AP. 6 Bab 3Si s Wrapped Iaaf 7 TEA' & Pr ACIFIC Co flrnA j k j' PAGE SIX 1 de -r 'JL-klukt-iiJAY' FEBRUARY lst' 1934