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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1934, p. 10

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PAGE ±T THE CANADIAN STATiSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8th, 1934 The W. A. o! the United Church 1 mieets on Tbumsda.y afternoon, Feb-p ruary 8tb.a Mrs. A. J. Knox and Miss Laumav Alln. Oono, visited the iattor's bro-& ther, M. H. C. Alun. on Sunday. e United Cbumch - Rev. W. P. R- ers, B.A., Pastor. Sunday, Feb. 11:d 11 a. m.-Morfllfg Worship, 2.30 P.l m.--Sunday 5chool; 7 p. m.-EvOn-r ing Service.S St. George's Church - Rev. F. H.c Mason. MA.. Rector. Sunday. Feb.f ilflh, Qàuinquagesimta sunday: 8 a.m. -Hoiy Communiion; il .m.-Momn-c lng Frayer; 2 p.m.-Sunday School; 7 p.m.-Evening Frayer.1 Mr. GOo. GlecLhiU., Giidden, Sask., is in town visitlng Mr. and Mrs. Geo.8 H. Joli. Ho also calied on Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bradley and Mms. Geo. P.1 Rickard, binging news o! members2 o! theil f amilies aound Giiddefl.1 Mr. Stanley Rickard motomed Mrs.r J. G. Rickard, Bowmanville, and1 Mms. Geo. P. Rickard, Newcastle, to3 Port Hope Saturday to see thoir bro-f ther, M. John symons. who was1 seized witb a stroke o! apoplexy. Raiph Gibson and Chas. Roger-2 son are again engagod in harvest-1 ing ice at the lowem marsh. As the water is abnommaiiy low the cutting is restricted to a very narmow chan- nel tbrough which the creek flows southward ta the lake. Evoyone intemested in amateur dramatics wiii be sure to enjoy Os- car Wilde '"The Importance o! Be- ing Eanest" which is being played by the Newcastle Players on Tuesday evéning, February l3th, in the Com- munity Hall. This production La under the capable direction o! Mm. A. B. Mainwaritig. 6-1 Mrs. Hlammond Brown, Lakte Shore, spent a fow days iast week visiting ber botber-lXl-la,.Mr. For- cy Browni and family, and hem sister- in-iaw. Mrs. Edith Chapmam'. and Miss Ruby. She was one o! the many interested guesta at the Mo- ther and Daugbtem C.G.I.T. banquet on Tuesday evening. Jan. 30th. On Monday evening. Feb. 12th, the 'Y .P.L. o! the United Chumch wil bold uts egular weekly meeting which will take the form o! a Val- entine basket social. Evorybady weicomO wbetbem with or wthout baskets; no charge. A prize wili be given for the prettiest basket. A good program La bemng arranged. Mr. and Mms. A. W. Glonney e- tumned f om their week's bonoymoofl last Saturday and Newcastle wil now welcomne them as residents o! the village. They are setting Up housekeepiflg in M. Geo. C. Wright's house on the bll, built by the late Dr. Robt. Mclntosb-. Mm. Wright and sons are resemviflg certain rooms for tbeim own use. Four score persans attended the eucbro in St. George's Pamish Hall on Friday evening and spent an en- joyable time. Rev. J . Scott Howard witb consummate skili outplayed al the other gentlemen and won first prise. while Harold Brown came in for the consolation prize. Miss Mc- Gregor, nurse for Mr. J. Anderson Smith, S.. was high lady. and Mra. Pemcy Brown won the consolation. The evening concluded with e! resh- monts. Miss Winnifred Rickard's class of girls o! the U. C. S. Schooi held a joliy skating party and social even- ing Saturday evening. From about 8 to 9.30 the class members jinod the cowds on Buckloy's rink and Sý d beaps o! fun skating. They then repaimed 10 the community hall oeetng a played a number o! in- ertiggmes. The third periad they spent around the table and feasted on baked beans, etc., and engaged in more games suitablo te a sitting posture. Miss Wnntfred pianned and led in most o! the games and Miss Helen Rickard cap- ably superintendod the coffee mak- ing. Mrs. W. H. Anderson bas been a Patient in Bowmanviile boapital since last Thursday moning. Feb. lst. when it was revealed by an X- Tay photo taken at hem home the day beforo that she was suffering from a fractumed hip Joint sustained when she slipped off the edge of the bod just as she was rising on Tues- day morning. Jan. 301h, Owing te the nature o! the fracture she will probably be in the hospital for sov- oral weeks. The trustees of the Crooked Creok achooi on leaming oh the accident which bof 011 Mrs. An. derson granted her daugbter, Miss Eleanor Anderson, beave o! absence to go to hem mother and ciosed the sebool for Thusday and Friday. Citizens with a pride in thoir vil- lage and a desire to sce it kept nol oniy neat but beautiful, view witi' misgiving the number o! fine shade treos that for some unknown reason or other are Permitted to f aIl a prey to the axe and saw. Much as near- A THIEF - liard ta catch Thievery of most possessions ss easy to detect. In the case of the eyes it takes a littIe different aspect. Vour stock cf nerve energy dwindles week by wek You feel listless and tlred. An examînation of your eyes weuld prove beyond deubt that you are suf. ferina from overtrain. The defecta may not affect your vision but tests have shown that many of them use up 40% of aur nervous energy. Heal- thy eyes use but a legitimate share- JO% to 15%-cf the bodys nerve force. Remember there la one sure way ta prevent yeur eyea frem stealing away your health. One sure way-and enly one, have your eyea examined. Toronto Optometrists G. M. Booneli Meurs: Wednesday, 9 a. m. te 9 P. m. G. E. Garnett Hours: Saturdaly 2.30 p.m. co 9.30 P.m. Office opnoslte John Street port Hope Toronto 2143 Danforth Avenue Phone 248 or 625J ly every one seems to favor the1 .lanting of trees along our streeta and roads it bardly seemns worth <'hile if when they bave attained orne size and beauty another gen- -ration should thlnk them in the .'ay, taking up too much room, shed- ing their beaves in the f ail on the lawns, etc., and so have tbem, me- moved. To Manty the feiling O! a hade tree seems lAite the murderlng of a dear and much adm.lred old mriend. Mm. Howell Rowland recently re- ceived word that bis brother. Mr. R.alph S. Rowland, Manager o! the Winnipeg branch o! the Sun Life A.ssurance Co. had suffered a sovere stroke, affecting one sîde o! bis bodY and bis organ o! speech. Ralph is Howel's senior by about two Yesrs and is a graduate of the Newcastle High School. Some of bis clasm nates were Chas. W. Barrett, now Rev. C. W. Barrett o! Brighton. ex- President of the Bay o! Quinte Con- ference, United Church o! Canada; R. R. Waddell, now barrister o! Or- ono; bis sister, Misa Mary Waddell. aiso a graduate in law; the lato Ag- nes Delamore, (Nancy Durbam) of The Globe; Annie Grose, now Mrsa wVm. Grieve, druggist o! Billings, Mfont. Newcastle friends including soine who had been associated wîtb bus in Newtonvillo in years paat and others who through associations in Sunday. Scbool work and the Soms of England had learned to regard him as a Christian gentleman and a true brother, feit a real sense of personal loss and sorrow when Sid- ney Knigbt passedi away on Wed- nesday evening last week - at thei home of bis brother, Mr. James Robinson. The romains were taken ta bis former home at Newtonvllo where a private service was beld on Feb. 3rd. Since the marriage o! lii two grand-daugbtors, the Missea Snell, Mr. Knigbt bas made iâ home in Newcastle. Ho bas beex very poorly for some time and lat- torly suffered much. Ho was well known throughout the township aç an enthusiastic Sunday scbool tea- cher and workem; and for mani years ho was superintendent o! both the Methodist. now the United. and the Presbyterian Sunday scitools ir Newtonville. Ho acceptod the super- intendency o! th-e Presbytoriai Sunday school to f ilI the vacanc] that occurred whon the former sup. erintendent, Mr, Thomas Moffati retimod Irom faring and came tA Newcastle to live. Mr. Krtlgbt wa a member o! Newton Lodge SOiý B.S. in which ho had filied maný important offices. YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE The Y. P. L. o! the United CburcI met in the S. S. hall on Monday ev ening with the president. Miss Win nifrod Rickard, in the chair. A present sat in their respective group as agreed upon for this yoar. Th seating is arrangod into four soc tii>ns front to back o! the hall, wit a narrow aisle between each. Th lst. 2nd. 3rd and 4th vice presidenl are the respective beads o! th groups. The meeting opened wit the usual dovotionai exorcises an business period. Sidney Brown roi the scripture losson. The prograi in charge o! Wilbur Baskerville con menced with the topic taken Mo. înterestingly by Mm. Jno. Awdo. Mi. Marguerite Harris contmibuted a v. cal solo and encore accompanied b Miss Nova Switzor. Ernest Glban] John Ashton and Charles GilIkes prE sented an enjoyable skit. Wben th roll w'as called each one present r. sponded with a verse o! scripturi Following the offering the meetin closod with the League benedictioi The program next Monday evenix will be in charge o! Miss Hilda Roii land who is arranging for St. Va] entine's basket social. Newcastle Bowling Clubs Unite at Social and Prizes Are Awarde, The annual social evening, withi presentation of prises, o! the Nev castle Men's and Women's Bowir Clubs, was of a bass elaborato chai acter this yoar, as befittod the timie Neither was the Clubs' good patrc and donor of the John Douglas si ver trophy. Mr. Henry J. Ragon, Tu, onto, able to corne dawn this year .î'n the past, and present the cu The mombers ahl regrettod that 1 had not o! late been enjoYing Il usual good heaith and for this meý son was unable to attend and be tl honored guest o! the evening. TI function took place in the couni chamber which a committeo bi previously set out with card tabl around which the members ai their guosts sat as they arrived. At 8.30, Wednosday evening, Ja 11, Mr. Percy Haro, President o! t Men's Bowling Club, cailed the gai erîng to ordor and wîthout any fu ther coremony, asked Mm. Gea. Jai ieson, a past presidient. to prese theDogla Cp t e- -1133 hai JI was'i, ih.btMs utlor and N ,ti- did much to keep the Potes at bi the during their mad charges. Creig] bers ton and Dundas were outstandii hip for the visitors. .Mes Bowmaflville - Goal. Martyn; - R. fonce. Camemon and Osborne; cei Sta- tre. Piper; wings, O. a.nd F. Jami eth son: altemnates. Jackman and Vea' Urs. Peterboro - Goal, Foley; defen( Bonatban in accepting their cups expesad teirappreclation of Mr. l<.gens kdnss and encourage- met nd lk the gentlemen, re- grettod the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Ragen. Mrs. Butler also on behalf of the Ladies' Club presented china cups and saucers to the members of the second highest rink, the runners-up: Mesdames H. S. Britton, E. C. Fish- er, Percy Brown and Miss Hattie Mason. The Men's Club also don- ated prises to the winners of the LadieaW Scotch Doubles, Mrs. H. C. Bonathan and Mrs. C, T. Batty. The ladies on receiving their prizes each dsclaimed any superior skill on ber 1part but modestly attributed what- ever success she had had to the good playing o! ber associates, and the assemblage around the tables ap- 1plauded heartily those graciously worded reciprocal' felicitations. Witbout f urther ceremony, the r carda were shufflod and ahl except- ia few who had other engagements ispent a couple of boums or so at f ive hundred. Following this the ladies sservedl a substantial lunch in the rbasement and the men are agreod that the menu was oqual to that of -a good banquet. NEWTON VILLE Mrs. Wilred McKay made a trip Mr. Oscar Wright visited his family in Kendal Sunday. e Mr. Melville Graham, Newcastle, 1spent Sunday at Mr. James Nesbitt's. cl Mr. Fred Couch, Dep. Reeve o! Clarke, visited bis brother. Mr. John rCoucb. on Sunday. Miss Marjorie Payne and friend, aToronto, visitod her parents, Mr. and f Mrs. Reuben Payne. - Mr. Stan. Payne and lady friend. *Peterboro, called on Mr. and Mrs., eFrank Ovens, Sunday. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Turner and ason. Newcastle, spent Sunday wth e Mr. and Mrs. Bmock Pethick. SMr. W. C. Lano is making an ex- Stendod visit with his son Harry, Bank Manager at Castleton. Mr. Elmer Randail and bride. SOshawa, visited bis mother Sunday -as did also Miss Lorraine Randal. 1Newcastle. SMm. and Mrs. Lawrence Savery and -family andi Miss Mary Lane spent y the weekend with the former's sis- h ter, Mrs. Barclay, Oshawa- d Newtonvillo hockey team visited n Starkville team on Saturday and n played a game on McKay's pond. ýyScore 8-5 in favor of Newtonville. - Quaterly Board of the United Church met in the basement of the ýo church on Wednesday when mom- £s bers were present f rom Kendal, Shi- S. lob and Newtonville. ly Sorry to report that Mr. Mitchell Zealand was taken to Port Hope Hospital in a critical condition this woek, as the esult of a sorious heart attack. He is also suffering front anaemia. ,h Mr. Frank Law is remiodelling hi> V- store. He bas divided the or'iginal l- store in half, just using the soutlh ffl haîf and now we find our post office Ps much handier, it being in the south- le west corner of the new structure. c- just as you enter the store. tb Owing to the icy roads and cold he weatber attondance was smaIl a- kt cburch services on Sunday. Mr. J. J he Mellor preached an impressive ser- thmon on '"Prayer" in the United id Chumch. Rev. W. J. Todd preache< adan exceptionally fine sermon frlon un IIKings 4:6. n- )t Young People of Presbytorial i Churcb held their weekly meeting o-Wednesday night. Splendid progranr byconsistod of: Solo, Audrey Jaynes; Lk roadmng. Mrs. F. Burley; talk, Mrs l-C. Burley, musical slections. Mr heAustin Turner and Miss Anni- e- Wragg, also music by the Pollart e.bos ng The village and community wem- n. cast in gloom this woek when Mr ng Sidney Knigbt passed into rest ai W. the home o! bis brother-in-law, Mr t.. James Robinson, Newcastle. Mr Knight. who bas been our Sunda: School Supeintendent and Bibli Clasm teacher for years will be sadi3 missed. An interesting and profitable tim( was spent in League of the Unitec Church Tuesday night when ShiloJ -dLeague were guests and put on thi !ollowng splendid program: Voca itt duet. Misses Ada and Hazel Falls w- vocal solo, Miss Gwen Gilmer: pian( sg duet. Miss Marion Green and Mrs Lr- Rosa Hailoweil; a motion song b: es. Hazel Falls, Gwon Gilmer. Helen ,n and Meda Hallowell, in Japanesi ;il- costume; also a splendid debati r- "Country versus City" (former)t b as Mr. N. Bruton and Mr. Hughes, (lat p. ter) by A. Lockhart and M. Jones he Result, a tie. his a- Lhe Intermediates Defeat .ho cil Peterboro in Fast d Gaine Here Monda, les nd Bwxuanville Intermediate hocke Cartwright Township To Mark Centenar3 (Continued f rom page 1) 2 p. m. to discusa and arrange matý tors, Auditors pesented their report oi 1933 accounts. Received and fylot Treasuror and Clerk %vere instruct ed ta investigate insurancO policy o1 township buildings. Assossor R. W. Philp eturned As sessmeflt Roll to ClerIt for 1934. on motion Clerk La to advertis f or four corda o! Wood for Hall. Orders signed as follows: S. R. Hart, oUls. 1934 $ 23.2 Municipal World. supplies 4. Twp. East Whitby, boundary acct. -6.0 Cierk Reg. o! 16 births, 7 marriages. 16 deaths, births in hospital not included 9.7 M. Emerson, Sec.-Tmeas. S. S. No. 9, teachem's salary 100.0 W. A. VanCamp, Sec.-Treas. 400.C R. J. Bruce, Sec.-Treas. 200.0 W. G. Phiip. Sec.-Treas. 450.C Counties ClerIt, bospital feo J Noble 18.3 O. Wight, roada and bridges 92.5 R. Forguson. serv. as auditor 8X1 L. Jobblin, serv. as aUditor 8Xi Wm. Steele, janitor 25.( R. W. Philp, Assessor, salary and postage 85.( Council adJourned 10 meet Mari 5th, at 2 p. m. Norman Green, W. Beacock. Reevo. Cler: Charactor La not made in a criai only oxhibited. i's somo little woman that maký the great man. No Rest With Asthmna. Asthri usually attacks at night, the oi time when rest La needod mok Honco the losa o! strength. the ne vous debility. the loss a! flesh ai other evils which must bo expect( unloss relie! La Fortunat relief is possible. Dr. J. D. Kellogh Asthma Remedy has proved its me its through years o! service. A tri will surely convînce you. For SaleFEATI. MARRIAGES MUNN-SPENCER-Iln I rtil, 0onFeb - 3rd,193, 13' 1ev M.'.Nl;cKiiinoii, Helen Mary, daugliter ofri- and 'Mrs. pi Roy Spencer, to Mr. liarold iiii Muna. Th'e bride ta a grand -daugliter of Mr.- andi2lrs.1a. e.Beacock, Myrtie, and grand iece of Nirs. A. W. Pickard, Bow- in mani-ille. Li -- î> C DEATHS AVERY - Ili Darlington, on 'Monday,A Feliru. iit, 1.<31, EdnaJ.Knapp, lie- Ioved ,,tfe of Jolin Avery, ini lier 4911> 3'ear. Funeral from tflie family residence, Lot 29, Con. 10, liarlington, on Tliursday. g Feli. th. lit 2 1). ni. Intoerment ati lamp- j> ton Cenetery. fi MOUNTJOY-ln Eiinjskillen, on Tues- ci day, t"ebruary 6tli, 1934, James Mount- 1) joy, beloved h uisband of dosephtine Wasb - in g to n , in lil -ts 111 h 3-ar . l"unera io-l takje plac~e froin tlie fain - ily residetice, Enntskuli'-n. on Friday, IXb . 9thli t 2 p. it. for initernitli tt Hatmpton Cemetery. BILLINGS-in Orono, Februar3' 4tli, 1934, Samuel Markin Itillings, i lits Ttb ycar.À ROGERS-Iii BoNviiaîîî tue, on Sattîr-S daiY, February :,rd, 1934, Josephl Rogers, age-i 67 years. CAWKER-lii ltowniaiivillu, 0on Satur- dlay. Fehru;iia r3d, 1931. Jouhn >Chuorchilîle Cawlivr, iin lits ,6thî year. R UN DLE-I n Darlingtoii, on Sa tiirday, Fi-lruary Iil. 1!1:;4, ,aiiies Rundle, Sr.. aigei Iver- hInternient in Elienezer jALLI N - lit Ho»îiîaiiville, 0on Friday, Felîriiary 211d, 1934, Williami R. Alit, aged 7 years. Iiturred atit Hamptonr 1C t. Cenîetery. CLAYTON-lii Liowinaîîvill,, on Sat- lirilay, Feliruary lrîl, 1931. Tliomas lay- t o.,sOu of Mr. andl rs Allin W. (lay- toit. in lits 6ilivear. GI LBERT-At f'h" Port 11ope Hiospîital, February 5ti, Mr Jane 1111. Toronto. bt loseüd wilow of thi> la te Sa muel GIlI- l,ert of Darlingioli Townîship, in lier 81st ita.. McCULLOUGH-A1 tiihe lionie of lier i sister, Mrs. ('. M. llorswell, 275 Ileathi Sil East, Toronlto, on F'-I)ruztiiy lili. 931, Elizai . ilcéleiillougli. hiternii-it c i Orono.t A NNI S -t C i'hica go. u Woit say Jlinla r3 li 1,.34, J .1 eswillitanm At- ns. lielovei lest son of Iî'ances IloI- il.i i A ont s andîltie la tt E dwinutA nnta, in lisOtli yeltr. Iiiterred'i 1at Bwniinvil.' KN IGHT-Ai Noweastllî, aitlih' res-t- <1-e'of lits tiritlier-in -lawo, J4as. Rtoin-> Q ,on. on Jania rv 1Ast,14:1.,Stîln es' 10- I art izn tgli t. N. otoitiviI.-. tin lits 72ndi1 i etit Ilnterntîlai N.-wtoiiviiî' C'nie-t FENWICK.\t >it1wiiii îof lie-r laiigli- it-r, 'Mrs. W. Pl..Iltoit Job lh<latîtani, On t., ()iiiFeliruar3 lti, agrtCoilson, at-1 l oi><f tIi>' la ,- t.' ira ..Feu wtck. .a, aformer ri nip laiof 3oWmanivtlle idi jScîtool. ii lier Iib3iandauîhmo - Ilier of Ern st :l. F,-iiwtck f Toronto,' t iIdof I i oui-i I rF. -îî wickMon tre'tl lut t m.iît 1, oit. C ii T oronito s IN MEMORIAM - oif,'andl iiot h-r. Idu: Ma 1--Snty. *i' oulvetw f , 1 'ltoii:a Lytiir. o tîo îî;u-sed-i way -I 'îl urii 7ti1.,î19331. A face I lov ut t he- l-si. d \îîîl 1thlik of h-1 on i- Ill' îî-. i t ra y s <1,sIlOWII n i ,- far-oti woest -sadll9 tiss-'yul ll~ihisiiiiil Si dH EARL - lit 10%,ig muiiîoi' of 011r d ,a-rfailier, savnoii Iilt-trl, wlto Iil n tî iay71,19.127. haVtiV-,> ttve lassîtait- tltiat a:îIl la . iti11ii- o-lo -i as r-l-1 ,i i~ ~ ~ ~~i ou u >ljtibr>- as Lus îîil. w ittIll îoîr iiî-urts ile- Ina-tii st;li. Li l iiv.-., fiii.,-> cin t ut 0 harltis; Tinie t aik-.,ao y i(- -dgt- <if grie.f. I tiiiii utîi.r ruslqack ev('ryleaif. -St> l v ii s', il iv lii î jgtti-rs andî î ons. ýe j ALLEN - lit lovi tîgiî9-iii ,uf îîîr ,tir t%%if.-. ;î,l niîti'.-r, s;rali lii,-AI- 1>-i. otîn f-l a.1slee-liFel. ' 3ld, 1919. -e Tl-'fai-st lit es a-thîe filiatt infit. Tho. a>---s trst1f:1(1. The foil-l i>a'-i 1-iof al Lt Wttiuithi,- gravi' la lai. r Ilollir.() Faltei tut litn-.lii- Tli:it ib-ar le>ting ml l î<r of «uts, li1tI tt Il iotliir tii:il w.- love tî<l îs 1e lit t ltis itt l- fani lv u rs -- o% iigly r'i'. biieu y) [Y lîîst,:îtiîl andiut l-'î ily. Le ci LeBarr and Howe; centre, Ells: ,h wings, Dundas and Cadd; alter- le nates, MacDougall, Cripps. Creigh- I ton, Whiite and Gillespie. -:Referee - Reesor of Markham. B A RRED ROCK NCHIKS AND HATCHING EGGS 24 rom Durham County's 9 Largest Exclusive Barred Rock "Ontario Breeding Station," Write, or phone, for ur free Circular DO and Price Llst. Readl about our 100% dean Biood Test. and the fact that alt our ciiicks are produced under the Dominion Government Hatchery Ap. 5 proval Policy. DONALD E. GIBSON o>0 I Bowma nv ilieOntario 00 Phone: Clarke 3811; Bowmanviile 300r3 00 - 38 Oô Mr. Chick Buyer 0O We wish ta announce we have installed an incubator and are Do prepared to supply you with S. C. eh Whit.e Legborn Chicks which jmake big healthy I*llets sucb as you will find by vlsiting our -k. poultry farmn. In order ta supply our custom- s, ers with chicks on the date they want them and ta, assist us in ts setting our incubator. we suggest you place your ordel' with us previous to March lst, for whlch -a> we will give a discount of $1,00 ne per 100 chicks. at. If preferred we will hatch your r- own eggs. nd A smaîl deposit books your or- ,ed der. ely g's H. J. BROOKS r- Kingston Road West 1ai Phono 175F - Dowmanville FOR SALE-lit Rock lullets. layig. m N ictinls. King SI., IJow-nianvllle. bloute 479.-3 FOR SALE - A Cbickering lîractice piano zuuîîh sioîîl, $2390(ýt. Tel. 105. F. J. Ortchell. l7>ovmaniville. 6-1' FOR SALE--One large hievelIcîl plate mirror. ',.e 4 ft.x 7 fi. Can lie seen at te sto> - formnerlY occupteil Iî'.%Ir. GiI- hrist. *In'. T. G ao.6-1 STOVES FOR SALE - One Acue Range, tîls> one' Happy Tlîoîght Quebee, otîth rii - erio ir andit igh cioset lin Al conditionu. Apply T. S. Mlountjoy, R. R. 6, îlo> nian ville. Plione 320r23. 6-1' FOR SALE - 6 roorn bungalow anîd garage. Chturcit Street, lot approxtmate- î' 41 ft. x 150 ft., cernent bzz3ecment. furuiace, hîar<hîooîl floors. aI ltn good oundition; owners residence. Aîîphy oui îreni!ses 10Il. I. ole, T(.-lîdione 515. 6-2 To Let SUITE 0F ROOMS TO RENT-Reas- onabia rentaI anîd immediate possession., Apptly to L. C. Mason, Ilarrister, King St., Bowmanville, 4-tf TO LET-5 room apartunent, vacant MItrcli lai: :îll niolern conî'eniences ci- -ctrtc stove;i-:nuCoi> t it lock; can hie tetu> auy tin>-..Phonie 270. 6-3* For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - Nine '000> frante hîoîîse. lbarn, garage, and ,',oîk sbop. two acres laund, 3'ouuig or- Itiarul in full iiariutg. Aîply on pren- sqes to l.ira. Silas Fuaster, Scugog Street, 13tov'm>î%.î!lie.- Phîoune>516. 6-2' CARDS 0F THANKS Mm. and Mrs. Allan Clayton wiab to thank the many frionds and reighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy and floral tributes in thoir recent sadi bereavement. The family of the iate John Churchill Cawker wish to extend their appreciation to ail thoso who sent flowers. loaned cama, or helped in any other way in thoir recont sad beroavomont. 1The family o! the late Mra. Wii- cox wish to thank ail their friends and neighbors. botbhomee and at Blenheim, for kindness and sym- pathy sbown, also the beautîful flowers. in theo bas of a kind and loving mother, Dr. Albert E. Allin, Riverdale Isolation Hospital, Toronto, wishes to express bis appreciation ta Dr. C. W. Slemon. the Superintendent and Nurses o! Bowmanvibe Hospi- tal, and ahl those who sent flowers, loaned cars, or sont expressions o! sympathy in the recent deatb o! bis uncie, M. William R. Allin. INTERESTING PAPERS ARE FEATURE 0F REGULAR TRINITY W.M.S. MEETING The regular meeting o! the W.M.S. was held in Trinity achool moom on Fob. 6th. witb Mrs. G. L. Wagar, prosident. in the chair. Meeting op- ened with a hymn, Mrs. C. W. Sie- mon at the piano. Mma. E. StrikeI gave a very intereating talIt on '"Thoughts" gathored f rom the Pros- bytemial. a! tom whch a number took part in sentence prayors. The min- utes wero thon read and appmoved. Treasurer's report was read and adopted. Mrs. J. E. Elliott gave a paper on Christian Stowamdship. Letters o! thanks f rom the sick and shut-in wore read. Mrs. B. M. War- nica and Mrs. J. E. Elliott read let- tors o! appreciation for bales f clotbing receivod. Roll cali onded the business. Mrs. S. Rundle and hem group thon had charge of the pmogram which evemyone enjoyed. Hymn was followed by the Lord's Prayer me- pea.ted in unison; Mrs. F. Purdy read the scipture lesson; Mrs. W. Soucb gave a paper on <'Sincerity and En- thusiasm", followed by a mament's silent prayer. thon prayer by Mrs. W. Souch; Mrs. F. Cryderman gave a very intoresting talk on China, taken f rom the firt chapter o! the Study Book: vocal duots were sung by Misses Shirley and Juno Challis and much onjoyed, .Mrs. C. W. SIe- mon playing for them. After the singing o! another hymîî, meeting closod with the Mizpah beniediction. Smith, Lot 30, Con. 4, Daringon. one mile east o! Taunton, one mile -outh. xill ýell ail o! bis f arm stock. implemonts. hay, s c. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Se bis. Elmer Wil- bur, auctioneer. 5-2 Music FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus. Bac. F.C.C.O. A.T.C.M. etc. uitls îîreîiare<i for ail exauninations. I'rtvate and cîas-sons ai moderato rates. Bowmanviiie. Ont. 40-lyr CONTRACT PEAS- the 1934 season. Prices are higher and wo would a.dvlse that you order now while we can givo you the variety you prof or. HOGG C& LYTLE LIMUTED OS HA WA Every Tkursday Latest style Rimiesa Glasae. with spherical convex lense8 wth radium mount, $500 Eyes tested by LOUIS WINKLER Liconsed Optician of Toronto at Moore' s Jewelry Store BOWMANVILLIE LEGAL M. G. V. GOTJLD, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvllle W. R. STRIE" Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Publie - Etc. Law in ail its branches. office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sison Graduate of Royal Dental College. Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Bowmanville. Office bours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equlpment ln Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. MORRIS CO. Modem Motor Equlpment Ambulance and Invalid Car Caîl Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complote Funeral Service Modem Equipnient- Ambulance A. W. G. Northcutt- Aubrey Smith Phone Days 58 Nlghts. Sundays or Holldays Phone 523 or 276 Upholatering UPHOLSTERING - On ail kinda of furniture, Ail work gusranteed. Samn- pIes. Estîmnates fre-e. J. A. Fry Sou- gog Street, Boa manville. Phone 636. COMING IN for Intensive trainlng and GOING OUT for office service and saiary, la the orde r througiiou t the whole year lni the work f SHAW'S BUSINESS SCHOOLS Toronto. Graduates are now found ln every province. Enter any time. No forced vacations. Free cataloa. Write to W. H. Shaw, Pros., Bay-Charles BIdg. il f i .4 I AUCION SLE ~Business Directoryl -1 ý %- .1 -jouv- - - 1

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