THE CANADIAN ÇTATZOUAN, BOWMANVIU=. THMRSDAY. F!KBRUAR.Y Sth, 1934 Curse Ask Mother. She Knows Mlother cook this medicine be.. fore and after the babies came. It gave ber more strength and ergwhen she was nerv- ei nd rtdown.. kept ber on the job ail through the Change. No wonder she rec- ommends it. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND MORE HE wnen y'JA ou s Lehigh Valley Coal Send up that thermometer wlth a minimum of expenso by using the right coal at the right prices. For years we have supplied many of the Ieading coal usera ln town with satisfactory fuel, satisfactory service and satisfactory cos. Join our last of satisfied customers and save yourself time, money and inconvenience. J. A. HOLGATE & SON pHONE 153 BOWMANVILLE We know It'. not1 thlng to swear, but flot to when the old resPond to the start, pick up, and won't a rea.sonable car should Perhaps lt's becauv haven't been Psi who repairs your ca Clemens' Garage d, repair work, f i x braites, refiSi your wlth good Cities Gas and Ol-then1 be no curses, becaus car wif respond to treatment. Clemes Garagg OPPOSITE A. & P. SI BOWMVIUU Beware of littie expense Ieak wiil sink a great sh son. C.B. Tut Opte Eyesl'ght Speci Author of: Optometry Feature The Child andj Development Specializing exclusii muscle anomalies, e. and glasses. Phone for appointment1 Oshawa, On Disney Bldg. Opi aut surebassfo -charact -e and cn- ! tinn fte do. lindct opoe wc ainatave rsos idt Raschist an exe1ene Th~e Andrews flealth Ral., do aure this vindcatd Cnis's arge dlaim for complote f unotioming. Fomow thom faathfuly bis words? This much may safely Go to b.d early to-night after & refreahîg, be sald. the teachlngs o! Jesus are 5PSZa"q ilase <>ofAndrews Uv., Sat or taks timeless and tbey are universal. Ris go0dbys b eu agindetion, hed teachinga about God are as truc in a"ben. andd weaubneea, for Andrews hbelp the twentleth century as in the f NrttreLUo c ~uizx sdnvaoraeLhe whol, frt t Au E - eliA drw n century. Ris standards o! conduct l ia-5 or tLieU new are o nuol are as valld lu esteru as ln western A"s: JehaA. Ha.àm ouC.,=. Toronto. - - mýý Glen Rae miIk Thick wlth cneai genenous in bul content fron Testeil cows. Mal of purlty Orde Rae today - Phone'41 Glen PHONE 408J under the superintendenc Triity Churc eingIE$V . aSyosbth f tO e A nuual eetingpartment under Mr. J. E. Elliott Seniors under the superintend of Mayor W. R. Strike, with Dr. (Contlnued from page 1) Devitt, the Sunday School Sup W l gate's evaporator. The officers ap- tendent, in full charge. Fi l pointed that day were: Presdent- We have, counting a spiendid Mrs. Nott; Rec. Sec'y.-Mrs. Cole- chestra, 85 offcers and teac. man; Correspondilng Se'y-Mrs W. whom we are glad te report arE E. Tilley; Treas.-Mrs. J.M. Brima- ceptionaily regular in attend£ combe. The meetings were held ev- There are 444 pupils on the roi ery alternate monte lu Church St. on the cradie roll under Mrs.' Church and Queen St. Church. Sev- Darch, andl 23 in the Home De; eral who were members then are ment under Mrs. Spargo asslste stili with us, namely, Mrs. TllleY, Mrs. Richard Bragg, 580 in ail,, Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock, Mrs. H. Bal- an average attendance of 350. 'T son, Mrs. L. A. Tole and Mms. E. were. 12 pupils who came into Belman, who joined in 1895 membership of the Chruch last3 Women's Association We raised $123 for M. & M. P the right The report of the Women's As- $633 for local school and chi It's baril sociation was ably made by Mrs purposes, and $62 for other purp( car won't Johnson Thickson. The organlza- $15,35 was raised by Home Dept ter, won't tion held 10 meetings duriug the must also pay tribute te the orc at 1ke a year with a splendid average attend- tra under the capable leadersl 1 act. ance o! 77. The Association isdi Mr. A. H. Fletcher and Mr. Fra vlded into 12 groups which have ail Sutton, and the work of the liti ne YOU workecl hard to do their sliare. under Mr. Elmer Cox. rticular About 170 people were remembered The outside activities may ar. Lt durlng the year with flowers to grouped iu connection with o0 your cheer them when sick, while a total Suuday School, six groups of C. Y ou r of 2201 visits were made, more than girls, 65 girls in ail, with six les( tanks double the number lu 1932. Over and three assistante, Miss V4 Service 1390 meals were served at the Bay Spargo being the Superintemd there'1I of Quinte Conference, the proceeds $15.rà7 was sent te the Girls' W se yoIu aanounting to $516.84, whlch wa Board for C.G.I.T. week, and $11 expert shared equally among the 12 groups te the M. & M. Total receipts The Association undertook te pay the year were $60.99. We have off the debt of the church and made group of 14 boys in Trail Rang a large donation for this purpose in with Howard Wight as leader; its flmst year. Much relief work has group of 14 Tuxis Boys under Mr s, been accomplished both by the or- H. Devitt; the Young People's8 ganization iteelf and by co-opra- iety with 37 members, sud show tion with the Welfare Board of the marked progress this year de e ~town. Total receipts were $1675.22, capable leadership of Miss Mar TOEJS while total expenditures amountecj Plckard. They ralsed $62.71 for MORES to $1668.07. 0f this $1400 wa do- cal purposes and $170.00 for M. & Enated towards the church for debt Fund. Then we have the Brot] retirment.hood with 26 members under Mr. retirment.L. Wagar, who ralsed $20.00 for Session Report cal purposes and $10 for M. & Mn. J. H. Johnston, Secretary of The Sunday School was ablet the Session, gave the report for year by practislng economy to in s. A suxaU that body. Membership o! the ail their obligations and start1 ,dp.-Emner- church at the begnnlng of 1933 was year 1934 wlth a balance on ha 977, and during the year 16 have of $50 06. been rectived by profession of fBlth, Choir Progressing 14 by certificates; 15 were removed by death and 1 by certificate. The Before the report o! tee Choirv present membership is, resident 942, presented by Mr. Francs SutiÀ non-resident 49, an increase of 15. Mus. Bac., Miss Margaret Ailin sa Five hundred families are connected a solo in lier usual pleasing voi with the church and a totl f 1600 Mr. Sutton pointed out that th( under the pastoral care. During the were 60 oh the choir roll. Mr. Si year there were 15 baptismis, 14 ton commented on the good worls choir aud spoke especiaily o! îalst Sunday Sehool snd Young Pol' good work being clone by the chur Mr. C. H. Mason reporting for tee orchestra. erce Sunday School said in part: Our This organization bas been in Service Sunday School is in a flourishing1 faithful in ite attendance at Sund. Its ~condition, sud as can be plainly seen School ' at practices, and at a is out-growing the building used for time ite services were required1 Sunday School purposes, and 1 want the church. Several newer membE ývely lu te, pay tribute te tee Young Ladies' were takiug extra practices te ir ýyeslght Bible Class, who for many years oc- prove themselves. During the se cupied the upstair room lu the Sun- son a Men's Chorus, Ladies' Chort day School, but owing f0, the nec- the Goodyear Choir, and Rotary 0 essity for extra roomi for primary tette had contrlbuted te tee evenii classes. so graciously gave up their services and one exchange had bea 1516 room and are now occupyiug a part made with an Oshawa church. IL0f the church. It would do you Treasurers Statement P. P. 0. bginners' deparxtm hientunrthe Mr. Oeo. W. James, Treasurer capablersupenintenn o!Mt.e the Church, presented the report caalemoun, and enchlofdren oC.fthe Misslonary and Maîntenani W. Semo, ad te cilden f te IFund for 1933. While it was a a. appointment te f lud that the churc d.ld not nearly reach ite objective,( give as much as the previous yea it was feit that eooi odto and not a lack o! luterest were rE sponsible for this condition. $310 Te Lonel was fonwarded te hea.dquartens. Thi - LIIIWJwas $500 less than was given in 193, The treasurer pointed out that reg ular glving was the best ma.nner i which te support this f und and h M ilk ottieannounced that 250 were now tak Total receipte for the year for th, chunch proper amounted to $6829.15 How often do we see while total expenditures amountet to $6033.28. There was a deficit ci the Lone Milk Bottie the year's operations of $604.13 on the door àtep, the cent gift of the Wornen's Assia. ni ad da's uppl of ilk tion of $1400. Tis gift enables thi m an days spplyof nilk church to pay off this deficit anc tter-fat for the family. One reduce the church debt by $795.87. The financial reporte of the Girls mT. B. bottie is inadequate Morning Hour of which Mrs. Harr for the smallest fam- Foster is teacher, and the Boys ,k sure Morning Hour o! whlch Mr. F. A ily. MiIk is the cheap- Haddy was teacher, were also pre- r Gen est food in the world. sented. Vtso l- Cut down your living On a motesn of Tr.h. WSlmn *; costs by having two seconded by Dr. J. C. Devitt, a vr o is botties of Glen Rae hearty vote of thanks and apprec- Milk left o n y o u r Armstrong for their untirlng efforts each orn- in the church and among tee con- door step ec on gregation during the past year. ing, by replacing high The followlng were elected to the coatfood wit heatii Session for a one year period: Rev. costfood wih helth E. A. Tonkin, Rev. W. A. Bunner, Mu i giving, Iow cost milk. Rev. J. W. Bunner, Messrs. M. A. James, C. Rehder, W. Tnewln, F. A. Haddy, T. C. Jewell, J. J. Mason, Rae ~J. H. Bateman, T. H. Lockhart, K R. R. STEVENS & SON, Proprietors Those elected to tee Board o: Stewards for three year periods were J. E. Eliott, W. R. Strike, R. M. Cale, F. C. Hoar, I. G. Hefkey, E. P. Bradt, L. S. Cavenly, C. H. Mason, C H. Bagnell, M. H. Wight, Orville Osborne, MqRs.B.M. Warica an cy o! lands. Ris spirit o! love holds good icy offor both n and women, bote old ýe lad- S n ~ and young. If lu addition te nead- asis- un ay. c oo ing, memorizingan utgth or de- words o! Jesus, we go the second dt e yesson mile and act upon them, we discover ' Ldencythat Christ kuew the secret o! ight .JC. living. He made no mistakes. perin- TIMELY WARNINGS Questions for Discussion id or- <Temperance Lesson) l. Why bas alcohol gained such chers, a hold on the human race? 'e ex Sunday, February llth 2. Should legal penalties for ance. drunken drivers be lenient or severe? )U 2 Golden Text: "Eveny tree that 3. How does a bootlegger justlfy John bringeth not forth good fruit Is his trade? ,part- hewn down, and cast into tee fire." 4. Does genuine conversion make ed by -Matthew 7:19. temperance education unnecessary? wite Lesson Passage: Matteew 7:12-27. 5. Why is the Golden Rule flot [here 0 thou who dost the vision send more generaily obsenved? f ull And glvest each his task, 6. Why did Christ attach such year. And wlth tee tasit sumfcient strength, great importance te his words? ?und, Show us thy wlll, we asit;- e urch Give us a conscience bold and good, BOOKS OF THE OLD TESTAMENTr »oses. Give us a purpose true, ]IL I Tuat it may be our hlghest joy In Genesis, the world was made Ches- Our Father's work te do. By God's Alnighty hand; acs The Golden Rule, 12 In Exodus, the Hebnews marched >ary The fairness o! the Golden Rule To gain the Promlsed land. appeals te us an abstract statement; Leviticus contains tee law, rbe our reluctance is te aîlow it te gov- Holy and just and good; tee eru our conduct. When we actuaily Nusubers records the tnibes enroiled, 11.T. practise it, the resulte are dra.matic. Ail sons o! Abraham's blood. ders Golden Rule Nash decided te apply Moses lu Deuterononxy resta this pinciple te the conduct o! hi Recounts God's mighty deeds; dent. clothing factory, not foreseeing at Brave Joshua, inte Canaa.ns land York flrst aIl teat was luvolved. He dis The hosts o! Israel leads. 10.00 covered teat. it meant readjustrnenfs lu Judges, their rebeflion o! t 5for wlth shareholders, employees, cust- Pnovoked the Lord te smlte, one omers and competitors, but the ne- But Ruth records the faith o! one gers, suIte exceeded all his expectations. Well pleasing lu His slght. ra He found that the Golden Rule did In Frst and Second Samnuel r. E. solve social problems and also that O! Jesse's son we nead. Soc- lu the end It was good business. In Ten tribes, lu First and Second Klngs wing this simple sentence Christ went to Revolted fnom his seed. tee the heant o! ethics. The basis of it The Flrst and Second Chronicles nion is that we are nof separate ludivid- See Judah captive led, '10o- uals, but members o! a social fel- But Ezra leacts a remuant back ýM. lowship. If I injure myself, I injure By prlucely Cyrus' aid. tien- others also; if 1iInjure others, I lu- The city walls o!fZion, G. jure mysel! as weil. We need moral Nehemiah bullds agaiu, b-ý discerrument te see that it is Just as While Esther saves hey people M. ad or s t brak rafic ule as Prom the plote o! wicked men. tins a for s tbeaso;tat it uls as In l Job we read how faite can live neet f or us te, offer liquor te the chlldxen Beataflco'srd the o! our fniends as for them te offer And David's Psalms are preclous ýand liquor te our children; thst muni- songs tions sold te friendly nations may be For eveny cbild o! God- as desdly te others as if other na The Proverbs like a goodly string was ionssol muntios toourpossble O! choicest peanis appear; ,ton tios s unon e or gposible Ecclesiates teaches men tn, ple es This wto be cwointeGolnii How valu are al fhings here. ice. Rule. If is tee best worklng guide The mystic Song of Solomon ierewe avefor ondct.Exalte sweet Sharon's rose, Lerewe avefor ondct.While Christ the Saviour and the ut- A Fateful Choice, 13, 14 King, £h of Tese verses are studded with Th.e rapt Isaiah shows. the contrasts-narrow and broad, de- Tue waming Jenemlah testruction and life, !ew and may. The apostate Israel scorns, rch Different people are headed lun<i±f- His plaintive Lamentations ferent directions and their goals are Their awful downfail mouruis. .ost decided by the way they are going. Ezekiel tels, lu wondrous woncls, dyCouduct soon registers whether we Of dazzliug mystenles; aybelieve that tene is a great differ- Whilst kings and empires yet te byence between right and wrong or corne, ,es little di!! erence between right and Danel lu vision sees. e-wrong. Each separate decision be- Of judgment sud o! mency, too, rutween right and wrong may not ap- Hosea loves te tell, :us, pear te be very momenteus but in Joel descnîbes the blessed days igthe total they malte sîl the differ- When God with man shail dwell. en ence, monally and spiritually, be- Among Tekoa's herdsmen tween life and death. Let us not Anmos received his caîl, disguise the !act that Jesus meant Whilst Obadiah prophesies someteing when he spoke of the Of Edom's flinal f ail. O! broad road leading te destruction. Jonah displays a wondrous type o! That road does exist and many are 0! Christ, our isen Lord, ce travelling upon it. The soîemnizing Micah pronounices Judah lost- is- !sct is that lu this wold o! light, Lost, but agalu restored. chtruth, love and bea.uty, many dolNahum declared on Nineveh or prefer darkness te llght, f alsehood to Just judgmente shail be poured. an, truth, hatned to love, ugjiness t I A view o! Chaldea's comlug doom, fl.5 beauty. Only a minon'ity cane for the Habakkuk's visions give. re- flnesf tings lu culture or religion. An~d Zephaniah warns the Jews 00) "What we choose is what we are." To f.urn, repent, and live; is Haggai wnote te those who saw 2. Character and Conduct, 15-20 The temple built agalu, ýg- It is comparatively easy to classify And Zechaniah prophesled lu trees: they may be distinguisherd by Of Christ's triusnphant reigu. he their fruits. It is not so easy te Malachi was the last who touched k- classify people because characten is Tue hgh prophetic chord; such a complex thing. Yet the pin- lis final notes sublimely show i. ciple holds good for people as for Tue comlng o! the Lord. [, trees; good actions corne froni good -d character, Just as good fruit cornes n f nom good tnees. It is as impossible BOOKS 0F THE NEW TESTAMENT 3, to gel good conduct !rom bsd men 1- as te, gather grapes f nom thors or Matthew, Mark, Luke and John a- flgs fnom thistles. Quaiity is deter- Tell what by Jesus was said sud e mined by nature. Conduct is deter- don.; d mined by character. Chist's lu- Acte both o! the Apostles tell sight as a neligious teacher is dem- And how the Holy Spirit feli. [s' onstrated by "tee discovery o! the Romans, Cointians and Galatians ry inner stage on wich etical pro- Hard by Ephesians take their sta- s' cesses take place." Christ taught fions; i. that the words upon our lips are but Then the Philippians haud ilu hand, an index o! attitudes and desires o! Wlth the Colossians fake their stand the heart. To cleanse the lips, much By Thessalonians; each and al, more is necessany tean advice about Claini for their author greatSt speech. What iS requlred is a change Paul; o! heart. Pruniug a tree wlll not Who next wites twice te Tlmothy, changethesetanaueo the Then Titus and Philemon see; Sfruit; only gra!ting.esu change th Whlle Hebrews the last letter dlaim. 'nature o! the fruit. It is a great Next cornes the Epistie o! St. James, -help for us te, recognize teat Jesus Whlle Peter, John, and good St. Judo did not view conduct as a superficlal Wlth Revelatloli both conclude. ething, but as something deep nooted ln character. Out o! the heant pro- Persian Baba nparte a rare charmi rceeds teeIssues o!lilfe. and distinction to tee woman who Speech snd Action, 21-23 uses If. Fragrant as a flower, dello- Howmay wrd a aydowe iously cool te, the skin, it always re- speak, on an average? How much suifslucmeiosdlgtuy thought do we give te what we sa.y? young and lovely. Indispensable to Do e tiuko! urwors a cas-every dainty woman. As a powder ing vibrations lu the air, on as ne- base for oly-textured skia on as a evealing our inmost chanacter? Christ Ton tyify'lng lotion, it Is unrivslled. spoke the most solernu words about cornes and stimulates the skin. Rn- humsu speech. Could ail theewords the mendedlale sowte. n mk spoken on any given day by the ad!lwesy hte nearly two billion people on t'hi5 Peh Supis lu Dmn