St. Valentine 's Day Weclnesday, February 14 A HINT TO MEN There is nothing in the world quite so sweet and appropra- ate on that day as flowers. Won't she be delighted ta have them? Everything in season will be in our shop. Why flot order right away? And we cati deliver te almost any place in the world. This Week End Choice Sprlng Flowers wIl be plentiful Pucees low. Kingsway Flower Shop W. E. GEOVES Box 163 - Bowmanville, Ont. Phone Day or Nlght 72 Your Grey Hair ean be restored to iUs Natural Colour without the use of a dye or tint. Angelique Grey Hair Restorer la made f rom roots and barks, and restores the ORIGINAL (JOLOUR i the NATURAL way; at thse same time givlng the hair 115 Naturai, Healthy Lustre. - Solci under a Money Baick Guarantee - PICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE Manufactured by Angelique Products Ltd., Toronte For Sale By JUIRY &< LOVIELL, Druggïsts Phone 78 BOWMALNVILLE King St. They're Here 1I Anna Lee Scott's Cook Dooks Get Yours Now- The 3 for 25c THE LATEST IDEAS ON COOKERY AND ENTERTAINMENT Another Statesman Service to home malcers These three books for only 25c %!Marketing and Meal Planning", "The Easy Way Cake Book", and "Planning the Party". Thrce of tiie moat interestlng books ever written on the art of Cooking, economical Meal Planning and clever Enter- tining. Written by Anna Lee Scott,eminent cooking suhority. Ail 3 for 2 5c. Cali or send for your copies; The Camadiafi Stateman Teain captains are asked te ha i their line-upa te Frank Willlî by 5 p. mu. on FrldaY. They are a requested ta make a. recommenc tien for referoos. D)on't lot hardshlp make you bi bolied. 'a, LOCAL & PERSONAL Mrs. T. G. Mason was un Lind- say recently attending the f uneral of ber cusin, Mrs. George Prouse. The store that advertises must bave a message o! importance. That's wby it pays always te read the ads. Misses Lamna Dure and Sache Stewart, Toronto, were weekend guests o! Rcv. and Mrs. George Ma- son, Bigh St. Bowmanviile Rotary Club will be hast ta an inter-city meeting witb Port Hope Rotary Club at the Bal- moral Hotel on Frlday evening, Feb- ruary 23rd. Rev. Edwin Mason, Winnipeg, wba bas been visiting !riends at Torotot and Oakvile, spent some time with bis brother, Rev. George Masen, igh Street. Be returns home this week. The tbree beokiets in connectian with the Canadian Cooking Scheol are now available. Beok yeur order now te avoid disappointinent, as or- dors received will be filled while tbe supply lasts. Gardon Valuiant o! Bowmanville, until recently connected witb Roy Nichais, Courtice, General Moters agent, bas been appointed Sales Manager o! Ontario Motar Sales Ltd. o! Oshawa. Mr. William Trewin and Mr. John Slemon Sr., attended the Golden Wedding o! their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. William Broad, Toronto, f orin- erly o! Baydon. Mr. Broad is a son o! the late William Broad, wha was the first postmaster of Bayden. The Canadian Gazette announces the confirmation o! the appointinent a! W. F. Ward, BowmanviUle, as el- ectoral returning officer !or the County o! Durham. Mr. Ward's ap- pointinent is conflrmed annually se that ho is prepared at any time for an election. The many !riends of Mr. J. T. Al- loen will be pleased ta learti ho is un- proving from bis recent illncss. Bis daughters, Mrs. C. M. Murdof!, Lind- say, and Mrs. W. B. Mrrlch, Pasa- dena, Calif., have been with their father at Mrs. Rebt. Nicholson's, Wellington St. Dr. George Vernon Harcourt, Con- servative member o! the Legislature for Paru'y Sound, and wideiy known in Northern Ontarie, died in bis room at thc King Edward Botel in Torento on Thursday even.lng a!ter being seized with a beart attack. Dr. Harcourt had attended the ses- sion and was due to lbave for bis home at Powasson. Dr. Harcourt is an uncle o! Dr. V. B. Starey, Cor- oner for Bowmanville, a.!ter wbom the latter is named. Dr. Harcourt is a native o! Port Hope where be was buried on Sunday. Owlng te the absence in Taranto o! President Tommy Ross, and Ra- tarians T. W. Cawker, T. E. Flax- man, W. P. Corbett, T. B. Knigbt, F. F. Morris, A. R. Virgin, J. B. H. Jury and Geo. W. James, where they heard International President John Nelson in an address at the Toronto Rotary Club. the local club hled no regular progra.m at their luncheon on Friday. Vice-President Jin Dev- itt was in the chair, and tbe greater part o! the meeting was given over to a sing-song led by Geo. Chiase, jwitb Dave Marrison at the piano. SPECIAL Salvation Army Division Street 5th ANNUAL JUBILEE week end of February 17 - 18 - 19 conducted by Major G. Hollande Ad jutant Robinson frein Toronto. SATURDAY - 8 p. m. Salvation Meeting SUNDAY, FEB. lSth il a. m.-Holines Meeting 2 p. m.-Sunday School 3 p. m.-Prografl by children, Enrollment Service 7 p. m.-Salvatlofl Meeting MONDAY - VALENTINE SUPPER front 5.30 te 7 P. m. 8 p. m.Prograiu, "A Night at Sea" Admission as many cents as the Corps la years old. Capt. Cecil Jeohnson o! the Church Amy is in Bowmanville assisting Rev. C. R. Spencer at St. Johin's Churcli for the next 17 weeks. Miss Margaret Spencer, wba bau been residing in Toronto fer several months witb lier sister, Mrs. Doug- las Lockliart. bas returned ta live at the Rectory. Mr. and Mms. Lock- [hart meved recently ta New York. INext Wednesday is Ash Wednes- Iday, the first day o! Lent. and local IAnglicans and Roman Cathalica wil The Lenten period commemorates the 40 da.ys wbich Christ spent in tbe wilderness prior te bis passior and deatb. Rebert W. Scott, more famiiarly known as ,Sctty the Cleaner" baç returned ta, Stratford, where lie will abandon the cieaning business t< enter once again orchestral work specializing in radio broadcasting, Mrs. Scott and the !amily accomp- anied hlm. Owing ta the death of J. Churchill Cawker, brotber-iui-iaw o! Reeve R 0. Jones, the montbly meeting of the Town Council was postponeÉ !romin ast Monday until MondaY Pcb. l2tb. Appointmnit o! towr omfcials and other important busi- ness is on the agenda. Total amount of moncy on deposi, 1in the Penny Bank o! Ontario froir ;Bowmanviile and district scbools i! $2,999.40 as compared witb $3,572.61 ,a year ago. These comparative fig- 1ures illustrate the trend tbrougbau ;the province, but better condition sbould see a considerabie increase fi depesits in the ensuing montbs. Last wek we got sert o! mixed ul in aur dates in stating that thi famous Carolina Jubilee Singer, 1would contribute several numbers a rthe evening service at Trinity Unit 1ed Churchl ast Sunday. It is nex )Sunday evening, Feb. lltb, that thi )musical group will be at Trinity, ani 1 te following niglit tbey give a con .cert in the churcli. r In a sclieduled beague bazkctba; rfixture at B. B. S. on Wednesda -a! ternoon, BowmariVli 'de! eate Trinity Cellege Sclioois, Port Hopi by a score o! 58 to 29. Vaughan wll 18 points was best for Port Hop wble Ted Bagneil witb 20 poini was Bowmanville's beat, in a clea fast game, in wbich tbe lbais wei by f ar the btter teain. Enthusiasm Growing In Junior League Upsets on Saturda Considerable iniprovometit wi noted in the class o! hockey displi ed in tlie Junior Hockey Leagi gaines on Saturday morning at t: Public Scbool open air rink. Cei tinued improvemet i bound ta pri vide the tewti with many usel O.H.A. stars in future years. St. Jolm's vs St. Joaeph's lI tho flrst game St. John's we defeated by St. Josoph's. wb.lch pro ed quite a surprise for the A,!nglicar The score was 3-2. E. Milîsoti w the outstandlflg player for St. Johi wbile Charlie Spencer and Jai Parker were aise good. The St. Jo eph's mnainstays were Bob and Ge land Bird, and Laphen, ail o! wbo were scorers. The Bird brothe: have the inaking o! real ockey pla ers, and wo predict that the Juni and intermediate teams o! a fi years hence will !ind the Bird bc on tbe regular line-ups. Howevi St. John's were really defeal through' the sterling effort o! Cale in St. Josoph's nets. Be pla ed a splendid gaine and saved dozen difficuit shots that St. Jobi !orward lie abot at hlm. St. Andrew's vs St. PauI's St. Paul's cbalked up another vi defeating St. Andrew'a by fairly marin o!R5 a1. t was t I OBITUARY John Churchill Cawker, Bowianville A popular and lie long resident o! Bowmanville, John Churchil Cawker, passed away at bis home on Simnpson Avenue, late on Saturday evenlng, Feb. 3rd, a! ter an illness o! about two months. He was in bis 56th year. Mr. Cawker was the sec- ond son o! the late W. R. R. Caw- ker and Mary Gibert, and was borti in the old famiiy residence on Lib- erty Street. For many years lie worked wth bis father in the but.cb- er business, but for the past f ew years bas f armed on the bomestea.d. Mr. Cawker was net married. He was an enthus.iastic member of Flor- ence Nighitingale Lodge, I.0.O.F. No. 66, a.nd was an adherent of Trinity United Churcli. He is survived by two sisters. Mrs. John A. Gunn and Mms. R. O. Jones, beth o! Bowman- ville. The funeral, which was largely attended, was lield from the family residence on Tuesday a! ternoon, with Rev. E. F. Armstrong conduct- ing the service, assisted by Rev. J. W. Bunner. Rev. C. R. Spencer, wbo iwas to have taken part in the ser- evice, was unable ta, attend because o! fil beaith. Mr. Armstrong deliv- ered a comforting message ta the smany relatives wbo were present. 1Mayor W. R. Strike and members -o! the Town Council attended in a ebody as a mark o! respect ta Reeve *Jones, brotber-in-law o! deceased. Paîl bearers were Wesley and A. B. -Cawker o! Port Perry, E. Frank Caw- ker o! Oshawa, George Cawker o! LToronto, and T. Wesley anid C. Ar- thur Cawker o! Bowmanvilie, al cousins. a Over twenty beautiful floral offer- ri ngs, bearing expressions of sym- pathy !rom a wide circle of !riends and relatives, filled the living room. y Tbey were: "Broken Wheel'", the ,s Family; wreaths and sprays, Mrs. Il Harry Poster, Miss May Vanstone, 0 Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone, Harry Aluin and !amily, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dudley, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mor- den, Mr. and Mrs. J. Infantine, Mr. andi Mrs. C. H. Mason and Mr. J. J. iMasen, St. John's Choir, Chief S. t.Venton, Constable Bail, and Provin- if cial Constable W. E. Smith, Mr. and d Mrs. Ira Pattersen, Mr. Robert Bat- Ytie and father, Florence Nighitingale n Lodge I.O.O.F., Mr. and Mrs. T. J. -Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bird, Mr and'Mrs. T. W. Cawker, Mrs. C. M. t Ca'vker and Addie Cawker, Barry n and Frank Cawker, Gilbert and is Stowe families, Thompsen f amiy, ;5 Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Kembring, Mr. - and Mrs. B. W. Rice, Mr. and Mrs. t jarman, Mr. and Mrs. D. Ferguson ls and Laura Cawker. ýn Ainong the out of town relatives and !riends present besicles these noted in the list o! paîl bearers were IP Mr. and Mrs. Oea. Cawker. Toronto; ie Mr. Fred Osbornie, Toronto; and Mr. rS John Cawker, Port Perry. at Interment was macle at Bowman- t-ville Cemetery, wbere a! ter the brief Kservice conducted by Rev. E. F. Arm- e strong, Rev. J. W. Bunner and Noble IdGrand J. E. Gibson conducted thE -1 impressive Oddfellow burial ritual. ly Mr. Samuel Gilbert, Toronto 'e Af ter a short Ilness, the sai th deatb occurred at Port Hope Hospi- )e tal, Monday morning, February 5tii Lts of Mrs. Samuel Gilbert, pioneer o an Darlington Township and forme] re resiclent o! Torante. The funera service was heid at Armstrong's f un. eral parlours, Oshawa, on Wednes. day af ternoon. A short time ago, the late Mns Gilbert came ta Port Hope to resld4 with ber daugbter. Mrs. WiUliar Goodman. Ten days ago she becami ly iii with pneumonla and on Thurs day at noon was removed to tii ras hospital. Over the weekend bf ýy- condition became serlous and deat] rue came quietly Monday morning. ýhe The late Mrs. Gilbert, whose maic in- en naine was Mary JanieBill, wa ro- born in Darlington Township, ani ful was in ber Slst year. Ber husbanÉ who predeceased ber forty years ag( !armed in that community. A nuir ber o! years ago Mrs. Gilbert move ereO to Toronto and resided, often visil v' ing Port Hope, wbere she becaur ns known by a wide circle o! !riendj 'as The family was well known ar n' highly regarded in Darlington town ck sbip, and Mrs. Gllbert's passin o-came as a distinct shock. In relig er ion she was an United Cburch w< OMman. Although net a memberc rs any speciai organizatiouis, decease ay took a keen interest in worldiy ai !Or fairs and was a warm friend t a 'ew wbo knew lier. >ys One sister, Mrs. James MoCul felougli, Toronto, is le! t ta mourt h( te passing, as well as three daugbtei K Mrs. William Goodman, Port Hop ay Mrs. B. A. Rosa. Belleville, and Mr a F. B. Sugden, Brantford. ns Mrs. Thos. Wllcoz, Hampton ri- One o! Bampton's oldest residen v a int -nprsno! m.Thos_ Wilc TEE~ CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8th,. 1934 e y d n ýs e 7e le ie td ýi- h, Of er ,a] a- s- M de M ht Lei C. d- nÉ id go n- ,ec it. Til ds n( m m Ig 70, 0 ;V William R. Allin Dies in Bowmnanviile (Contlnued fromn page 1) fmnally presented ta the township. and before the appomntment o! the Park Commission, he personally sup- ervised its development a.nd was prmncipaily responsible for thse gif ta of money and ecuipment from Sir Sam Hughes, Minister of Militia, and others. With the Commission lôoking ai- ter the Park, lie turned ta cemetery reform in the township. In these columns, flot long ago, a report was madle on the improvementahI the B. C. Cemetery at Hampton, due to Mr. AIUn's efforts in building a funLi for its maintenance. One of bis great regrets at the.onset of bis fin- al illness was bis inability to build this sum ta the ainount lie feit It sbould be. When lie turned over bis records and collected f unds ta the Hamtpton United Cemetery Board he expressed the wsh that someone might continue his work. Bis mod- est beginning In the B. C. Cemetery stimulated the work in Hampton Cemetery North. His fam.ily were origlnally Bible Christian but bis father became one of the earliest trustees of the Hamp- ton Methodist Churcli. Mr. Aflin was a regular attendant of tbls early church as well as later when it be- camne the United Churcli of Canada. For several years he was treasurer of the Aduit Bible Ciase. Born and ralsed a Liberal lie be- camne a staunch member of that party. For many years lie was Sec- retary of the West Durhasm Reform Association and took a very active part in the meetings and interests of bis Party. Be was afflllated with but one society, the Independent Or- der e! Foresters. He was at one time a, member o! Court Sherwood Forest, in Toronto, and later a char- ter member o! Court Archer at Bampton. Af ter holding various of- f ices in the local court lie was for many years a meunber of the High Court of Central Ontario, succeed- ac ing Jno. D. Keachie, formerly o! 01 Bowxnanville, as High Journal Sec- P. retary. Bis recognized ability in the liigh court on several occasions earned for bim a seat at the Sup- tt remne Court. The funerai services were lield on Sunday, February 4tb, f rom Hamp- w, ton United Church. The services were conducted by Rev. W. Rack- d4 ham, interment foiiowing in the a *Bible Christian Cemetery. The pafl bearers, representing the Forestes the counicil, and old friends n neighbors, were F. C. Corden, Jas. Hogartb, A. L. Pascoe, Chas. Blan- chard, Harry Wilcox and AI!. Pet- ers. Included among the beautiful flor- al tributes were sprays and wreatbs efrom the Higli Court o! Central On- -tario. Court Archer 3855, Hampton, Darlington Township Council, Dr. Jabez B. Elliott, Mias D. Klrkton, *Hampton Bible Class, and Women'a EInstitute. Dr. Albert E. Allin. and Eldad Bible Class. e is father and mother, sister and e brothers predeceased him several years ago. He is survived on]y by a nephew, Dr. Albert E. Allin, BJA... Toronto. tMerchants Favor Retailers Branci Here )f ,r (Contiued from page 1) il protection f rom the sale o! tickets 1- and programn advrtlalng; and to get 5- bebind Hon. B. H. Stevens, lrrespec- tive o! political affiliation I the task S. he faces. le At the conclusion o! has address n Mr. Jones outlixied many instances e o! wliat the association was doig ste aid the retail merchant. e An opinion and question peulod 'r was lield a! ter the address wben ýh many mercba.nts expressed tliem- selves f avorably towards the pro- t-jet. Wlien the matter cme toaa ELS vote it was practically unanimous d that the Business Men's Association ,ci resolve itself into a branch of the ;0, Retal Merchants' Association. (- Arrangements were theti made to d hold the annual meeting on Friday t- niglit, when it is expected offiers of ae the xiew association wlll be eiected. 5. President Corbett pointed out that it id would not interfere with the sport t-support the association bas given 29 in thse past. Affiliation fee wth the 9- provincial body will be $150. 0- Mr. W. J. Bagneil expressed the Of thanks o! tbe merchants ta Mr. d Jones for bis lucld expianations andi A Typlcal Value lu Our FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE1 Take advantage of this oppor- ~iui tunity to furniuh your bedrooni Choie of Walnut or Mahogany et Maple, in hand rubbed finish. in the. charniing Colonial man- Six pieces as shown at ne tsensational savimgs. $5,50 CANADA'S FINEST FURNITURE AT LOWEST PRICES EVER OFFERED Phone 10 -Fe FleM O RIR IS C OO Bowmanville HOME FUENISEB U NEBAL DIRECORSAMULANCIE Valentine Candy SpecWa eaat-ghaiued Doxes 75e and $125 Neilsos' Chocolates - 50e Mb. Pa"e & S"mw (andy Mice Blue Aasrtmeflt - 60e lb. R.egular Assortmnent - $1.00 lb. Sheet Music POPULAR and CLASSICAL Standard Prime We are carrying a fulll hne of sheet music, including the sea-. son's most popular bits. What- ever you need let us try ta supply you. No need te send out of town. Special orders filled on short notice. Conservatory Book for teachers and students. VALENTINES all sizes. shapes and styles le upward. J. W. Jewell BOOKS & STATIONERY PAINTS & WALLPAPER CHINA & GLASS BIG 20 BOWMANVE rk MMMMMI.. all- ier pe, [s. .ts the an. ble. ,me in ta ate a in 'er ta .er ee Mr. ind ne eer, qat ven Mr. ist Lre )me m. .a-Y W. any iber iute by al- The ohn rt., and o! Hampton WoMen's Institu Lins where she wlll be greatly missed' aiso ber many f riends and neiglibors,i da- se lier sorrowig famlly i the k o! a kind and loving mother. 'T pafl bearers were Harold Aflin, Jol iad olhgChas. Johins, A. E. Bille l Cha.oliýodm=nand Bil Hoskin. PAGE BE:VEN Week-end Groceçry SPECIALS Shortening, 4 lb. package........... 42c Chieken Haddies ............ 2 tins 25c Rolled Wheat, 5 IL bag ............ 25c Tiger Brand Salmon, tin ........... 21c Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour........ 17c 6 Rolis Toilet Papen .............. 21c Standard Corn .............. 3 tins 25c Standard Peas .............. 3 tins 33c Baker's Cocoa ............... 1/z lb. 14c Cooking Beans ........... 8 lbs. for 25c Nippy Cheese ..................21k IL Fri's Cocoa ................. 1/2 IL 21c Cowan's Cocoa ..............½1/ lb. 13c Readicut Macaroni.............Sc IL Maxwell -House Coffee .......... 43c lb. Fairsex Soap ............ 6 bars for 25c Golden Bar Cheese... i........ 10c pkg. Honley Butter, 15 oz. canton......... 25c Swift's Winchester Brand Breakfast Bacon, lb...................... 29c Haerry AlUn, qGrocer Phones 121 and 186 Bowxnanville *ddress. The meeting adJourned to pen again tomorrow evening at 7.30 RADIO SERVICE p. Introducing a new Radio Service The pep of youth la preferred to ta Bowmanville. Work guaran- the wisdom of age. teed. 3 hour service. Men pralse our good judgment hen we agree with them. BARTON BROS. A procession of the World War's Lead would require six years ta pass Phone 517 given point.11 *SPECIAL PRICES - THURS. - FR1. - SAT. We reserve the right to limit quantities Valentine Cards ABSORBENT COTaON29 1 lb. net weight 29 Beiow we lbat a complete new KRUSCHEN SALTS jl Uine of vaientbne Carda. see glatit size, f ree trial pkg. 4%9 cur dlapiay before sendlng ENos FRuIT your Vaientilie greetlngs. SALT, $1.25 size 57c Vak e o"tC(ar&s. 2 for 5e CTJTCTRA Begula! Vaaitifu. 25e SOAP19 le, 2, S. 10e. 150, 250 STDMAN'S PUB« rValentines ....5 - lOc 25c POWDERS 19C Meehanleai Valentines, Sc, 100 ABSORBINE84 Valent... - leing Card84C Robinson's 60e I.D.A. BARLEY BRONCHTI large sz YRUP 34c 1 49c Baby Supplies Baby Soups .......150 J. & J. Talcum Powder .25o 35e Baby Pants ..... 19e 50 T fl A. Bhv (Cream ..8 J. W. WORRALL 10e Black Band Nipples, At Our Fwiday 2 -4 P. m. 3 for 19 Store Momday 10 - 1 P. m. Mead's Cereal ... 25e - 80e iALExX McGREGOR, Druga Preriptions a Speelaity PHONE 92 WB DELIVER