THE CANADIAN STATMNN, BOWMANVILL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1934 MEr4ORIES Nestieton Institute well. Bake in moderate aven, 3501F. ta 375* P. It always seems somehow to me as Hold Interesting Meet Stuffing improves a whole baked though the simplest things T h e C aW E 8 it8E f ish. Aire those to which the memory of In Foresters' Hall__ Another Method-You may wrapBE man the iongest clings. I fish, stuffed or unstuffed, with al An aid time song of long ago, with Nestieton Women's Institute met C 0 O«) k il n its seasonings. closely in wet cook- its familiar strain, in the Foresters' Hall on Wednes- ing parchment, set on rack in bak- WIUl blur the eyes with tears through day. February 7th. with the Presi- coveranciouiynd mbae ing hoter which you seem to see again dent, Mrs. G. Nesbitt. in the chair. (Cotined ro pae 8 pi and bake in hot ven.Ths heucscisdntecokg Thie tender brown-eyed sweetheart Af tet' the singing of the Ode, f 0110w- (oreciuro pg 8 iresn laeinme. o parcThs hm uiet make who first sang that tune for you ed by the Lard's Prayer, a business and wing tips, and s 1mr hemta qCicks ens ae. myb et immr hemto Cickn nd aue ay e eat Prcmen mke elcius aue.G O And set you thinking o! the days be- session was heid. It was decided, as. gether ta make stock for gravy, or ed before adding biscuit dough, ta STUFFINGS FOR MEAT, fore a care you knew. our last Pot Luck Supper was such 1yau may cream this meat or make lessen time of coaking. FISH, FOWL a success, that we have anather on Up some littie attractive dish with Broiled or Fried "Cbicken"-Carve For seven and twenty years we've February 21st, with a euchre party, it and lf-vr. see ol dIi Ctd a n radrmi om.tebs o shared together every biow, foliowing. in charge of Mrs. Sam if-oes'seedfoicipi ele ftsBrauigmixt remh asedfor Known summer gardens gay with McLaughlin and Miss Jennie Gor- To Roast a Bird broil tili surface is crisp and brown at s tfn iues; aheda-e C O R N blooms and winter white wfth don. Time Table:--Sear bird in very Or cip in fat and flour and paa-fry: tatcalis fteuff sed, has thereare saow; It was maved and secaaded that hot oven, 500' F., then re-duce heat or use.fiour, then egg and ot e at(sdi uke rpmse And &il we've kept, it seems to me, a cord of wood be purchased from 1to 375' F. and alaow: breadcrumbs, a.nd fry in deep, o et(sdi ukyco) ahd GREAT E ta, cherish f ram the past Norman Malcolm and donated to Chickeii-15 ta 20 minutes ta the f at. and seasoned coaked chestauts, etc.E Are littie juys se frail whea born we the Faresters' Hall. It was aise de- pound, with 20 minutes extra. Other Methods Breadcrumb Stuffings_______________ thaught they'd neyer last. cided ta, meet at the home of the Turkey-(8 ta 10 lbs.) 21/2 ta 3 Broiied Spring Chicken - Grease There are three types of bread ______________ Yet here they are, stili hail and president an Friday afteraoon ta haurs. broillng iron and press split youag stuffiags: strang and vibrant with delight, quiît an Institute quilt. Turkey- (13 lbs. up) 31,/2ta 5 chicken fiat upon it. Brush ski 1. The dry, crunjbly stuffing- Dancing bef are us clown the years ta The meeting was thea given over hours. with meited butter or bacon cripping sof t breaclcrumbs with seasoning keep aur pathway bright. ta the group ia charge of Mrs. Mai- Ooase-25 minutes ta the pound and brou aover or under direct heat. and a little saftened fat (butter or com Emerson, assisted by Miss Flor- with 20 minutes extra. Fried Spring Chicken-Cut Yon bacon dripping). Some tiny gif t I gave ta her, long ec Fair at the piano. The pro- Clean and prepare as needed. chlcken in pleces for serving, rail in 2. Samie mixture as abave, butF o e We chance ta camle across, ancld rmcosselofraIo b isSuffsialy Iwt gv ti E. Thompson, Mrs. S. Malcolm, Mrs recipes later.) The body cavity is of very hat fat in frying pan, turn- tie milk, water or stock. This hoids there passes in review O. Edwards, Mrs. L. Joblia and Mrs. stuffed la ail the birds-the crop al- ing ta, brown ail surfaces cvenly. its shape-will slice nicely. Days whea we iaughed and dreamed G. PrOutt. This was foilowed by an so in the turkey (a different stu.ft- Then pour in abaut 1/4 cup baiiing 3. Sliced bread covered wlth anc lolve touched evrything a musing appie contest whîch was ing f rom thre anc used in the bodly, water, caver tightly, and cook slowiy warm water and drained well whea with grace, won by Group 4. Mrs. Ncsbitt in a semetimes gives a useful alterna- until tender-prababiy 30 ta 40 min- soft-then combiaed with seasan- in AY Although we fancied that the joys few weli chosea words, spoke of thre tive). Alow space for stuffing ta utes longer. Remove chicken ta hot ings, meited fat, egg if desired. we shared were commoaplace, near departure o! one o!far e xpanid in cooking. Mauld turkey platter in aven and make a millk Breadcrumb Foundation "Same day ta better things than bers, Mrs. Oscar Edwards, wha 15 breast ta be evealy rouncled. gravy in the pan. (See Lessan 1.) 2 cups crumbs........ these we'll surely came," 1 said, oigt amarho atFr Truss the stuffed bird lata good Oven-Fr:ed Chieken - Prepare i ehpoa ai Nat knawing how the memary wouidr.Ms.Ewrsasskdtac shape. Use one long skewer ta f as- Young chlcken as for pan frying. Put 1/tesonppr cherish the moments fied. cept a smali taken from hier frieads tenl legs high and close to, body, an- in baking <ish, with plenty a! bacon 1 egg (when used) kfofl Tagether naw we aften sit recalling o! the Institute. other thraugh the wings. Twist the cripping or other fat, and cook about 2 ta, 3 tablespoons fat days gone by Lunch was served by Mrs. M. Em.- middle of a yard or so aof string 45 minutes or until tender, In hot 1 tablespoon mtaced parsiey Smlitag 'er f aolish things I did and crsan's group, and the meeting araund the ends a! the legs, drawing aven, 450' F., turning frecauently ta 1 ta 2 tabiespoons anian stili a f 00 arn I, brought ta a close. them tagether if chicken or turkey, brown eveniy. Ml rwtra eie Samne simple cause wiil start the The March meeting, in charge o! leaving them an inch apart.if duck Or cip chicken pieces in melted Mikor at er adired V ans o tears, an oid-time sang is sung, Mrs. L. Jablin, wili be held at the ar goose. Carry crossed string un- fat, thea in seasoned flour, spreadiPoat Funato And I reach out ta hold hier hand as home of Mrs. W. Bcacock, Nestietan, der the tai ta thre twa ends a! the an baking pan, bake in hot aven, Rice ar masir required amount of when we bath were yaung on Wedncsday, March 7th. ie kwr n ws round it sec-420F.tlbrw;unpriny potato (white or sweet). Beat light ta si Not t aurtriumh meory trnsurely. Then crass the two ends Of cup bailing water, caver, and finish with beaten egg yalk, butter, a. littleyO wa. bo t u tium and rurne aai string on the back of the bird and at moderate heat, 350*F.-prab)ably hat milk and season-with .lust sait, We t find ourseie -liinjyse'Enikle Wo es carry ta, the ends of the wing skew- 3 ta 1 hour total coaking. pepper, parsley and lemon juice; or tnat they get the ni W iorseake acre-lvn. osw, nikle o e er; twist tightly arouad it, thea tic '11wîth additions of onian with sage or -Edgar Abak he .Gus Association Met at the string, drawing tight. This keeps FISH savory or mixed herbs. -Edgar A. Guest ~~al the string an the back of the I pca tfig Parsonage Wednesday bird, so that its breast and top are l "Marketing and Meal-Pian-SeeaStfis not markcd. Turn clown the long ning' yau will leara the very im- Chestnut - Cook chestnuts, and Regular meeting of Enniskilien fiap af neck-skin over the back, and portant points about buyiag flsh. Be chop or mash them; combine la any FOR 1 Th o d F r Wornen's Association was held la fasten with a short skewer. sure you unclerstancl them. up ta equai quantities with bed Th o d F l teproae ensaFebruary Rub breast, wiags and legs o! I arn iust going ta tell you very crumb stuffing. Wet with egg (dii-C y u th. Mrs. Harvey McGill, President, turkey or chlcken with se! t butter briefiy, the most useful ways of uted if desired).C y u - took charge o! the meeting, which or bacon cripping-and if a crisped cooking ftsh. Oyster-Combine raw oysters with was opened with prayer by Rev. J. skia is likcd, make a paste of fat and Broiled-Grease hot brailing rack. breadcrumb stuffing, in anything Up FOR ~k M.Whyc. irescrptue radig fourandrubit a. uckandgooeBrush with sa! t butter and season ta equai quantlty. M.w hylTed rs.W iton, and becurase o! tiron tu a fat flsh steaks or fresir fluets or smal Giblet--Caok well-wasireclgizzarcl, Accept no substitutes Mrs T M.Simongae treciea-neel niybeclrdgclit f ou. An whoIe f ish; broul saie as meat. heart, with neck and vrlng tips, un- tional rcading. Ater the usuai bus- cspeciaiiy fat goose rnay be steamed PaFie -Sesntakfsrtitnd.Chpm tan ad FormaenBwm mes hd eencodute, Ms.Llydfor an hour before roasting, to get filets or smaii whole fish, and frY breadcrumb stuffing. Ashrtan, leader o! group 2, took rid o! excess fat.îhta.. Celery - Combine fineiy minced FrSl carge and tire f ollowing progra.m Set bird on rackiro 'asting pan; Deep Fried-Wipe pieces, cip in1 celery witir breadcrumb stuffing. ws given: Rev. Whyte favored with it is a gaod plan ta, lay a few strips seasoneci flour, la diluted beaten eggI Book wa gien b Mr. Grdo chikenor urke. Ipreer a d atd dy rin lowoi er aondep Ue n Udicateynse-F music; a reading "According to tire o! fat side bacon over tire breast of adagiCa luio n esnee-a s endeaiatn sea err; use ws ivn b Ms.j.tirs a!ter the skin has browniecl hot fat, 3651 F. (or hrot enougir ta soned brcadcrumb foundation recipe; R. Ormiston. A debate "Re-solved Have aven hot-500' F.-untii breast Phoanete e77bedla6 lih aônfaorwe dsrd that tire sciroal exerts a greater in- us lightly browncd, then reduce heat. seconds>: cook ta golden brawn. Where stroager flavars are prefer- Poe7 fluence la moulding ciraracter tiran Have picnty o! bacon cripping or Drain. red a very lutile powdered sage or tire home," was givea. Mrs. H. Fer- un.fiavorecl fat in tire pan and baste Oven Fried-Prepare as for frying, sa-oî,, otr mixed paultry spice. may G row ing guson and Mrs. Roy McGiii upheld tire bird with it reguiariy--every 15 put in baking pan, dot witir plenty be added. .________________ tire affirmative, whiie Mrs. Wiîî Ash- ta, 20 minutes. As soon as bird is o! butter or bacon fat and cook in (b) Use potata stuffifig iiavarc-4 ton and Mrs. Russell Gilbert upheld somewhat browned, reduce ireat ta very hot aven; turn if necessary ta with parsiey and lemon juice. Persian Ba sr 15 irresistibly ap- C hildren tire negative. Mr. Thos. McGilI and moderate. 3501 F. If using caver, brown eveniy. cendadsae Turkey - Use samie as chickea, peaiing to ahi wornen who apprec- Rev. Whyte kindly cansènited ta act put it an at tirs point. . .dWrpceae ndsae makiag twice or three times the iate cirarm and elegan,,. Its use as judges. gîving their clecision la To test wiren donc, thrust tine a! fisir in a piece of cheese cltir--or quantity. keeps tire complexion alway., clear Every growlng child shouid faro!tricoknfk begfsrantwt stili better in wet caoking parch- Foaiecrnadestsiîî beautiful. Tanic in effect. hav plntyoof rehthelenegative. Whiie await- oig fr imengfes ndti t Fofarhif you use tins maclera Stimuiates tire skin and makes it hav plntyoffreh wol in th deisongf tdecisianrs.slghtf; thces juvesges, irdMrs.n (frsfigirtely;smodrnifaenfgglesir icavesred- ondrboneof-tbirdd.Soisn mîik every day. Make lt Lloyd Ashton favorcd with a solo. cooked. Remove it ta ihot piatter, coaking paper, you can coak ail your cubeaten egg saui wilet h eledy odrflysf-etue.S!tn BomavIi ai3rMIk- Refresirments werc served by Group taking aut skewers and removing scasaaîngs right into your fisir-but- crumb stffuag semituwei suce nicely. al wiens tire haland. e rt e s a fuit quart a day, and 2 and a pîeasant social tîme spent. string. ter, lemion juice. pepper and sait).* Or ua erme t xtr mayused, Bd you'lIbe certain of purity A vote o! tiranks was given Mr. Pour o!ff extra fat la pan, care- The parcirment may be wasired and a xeln arfxtv n ol and nutrition. Whyte for inviting the ladies ta tire fuily saving brown sediment and 2 used aver and over again as t u seasoned cooked chestnuts boundaneclntiarfatvadco- rsanae an for ris ind hspiti- taiespons ft fo eaci cupgrav verytaugr whe wet wrapclosly, wth eg. Giietchestutdad oy parsoage nd fo hiskind ospial- tblesoons at fr eac cupgravyverytoughwhester. rstuffings stexcellent exc fornt turkey.ey 13ow m nvill ityaiso toalal who took part in desired. (Sec Lessen i f or gravy set in the steamner and ooak aver meigadt ru2.instructions). boilîng water, keepîng tîghtly cav- Goose, Duck, Pork, Pork Tender- meeingTo tewChikenered. loin-Use samie stufflng as for chic- S tewig a chicken aî iew If boilung la clatir, add cirapped ke '(n suitabie quantity), adding 1 Keep your face wth sunsine lit, ta many good dishes. Tire second n eery, and carrot tai water' 1 onio p, ownde age aond mar W. H. BETTLES Laugir a iittle bit. most popular way ta, cook chicken, tablespoon vinegar or lemon juice goead dk, hich are fat tirem- A o d Ck PROPRIETOR Gom hdw o iift is 1.0 stew it..and this is aavery fao). abeponbutter ad 1/ selves, iess meîtecl fat may weîî be Phone 446 - Bowmanvilie if you have tire wit and grit delicate way ta caok turkey. tapo ikigsiefrec used in stuffing. Just to laugir a little bit. ~Ai oder bird, which wouid nat be qtean ikgs pic iefocair ___Bedcubstfigsa --J. E. V. Cook suitable for roasting, wil makequrwae.mkspanoidfsr Va-Badubstfng ss-E many delicious dshes if it is flrst very different. Serve with a goad soned as for chickea or goase. ___ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ stewed properly until tender. sauce (parsley. draw a butter, egg, Lam b-Breaccrum b stuffing, sea- Cub a Yo r G e a rFolow tie samie rules as for stew- f rm Lessn 1). snda o hceicuigalt I ing meat-put ciricken in large pot Baked Fish - If possible, place tle onian; finely chapped mint gooclMI MASTEI Your Gre Iff ir I consider it holds more juice and fresir or saited flsi on a r'ack or per- alsa. can be restored to its Natural Colour without the f lavor if cooked whoe; caver with forated tin sireet ta, keep off bottam Fish-Breaclcrumb stuffing, wltir use of a dye or tint. boiiig water, add sait and pepper, a o! pan. Rub ciea.ned, scaied and egg when possibie-flavorecj with Angliqe GeyHai Retorr!ew slices carrot, a stalk or two o! washed f isir weli with f lour and dat sait, pepper, pa.rsiey, lemon juice Angeiqu Gry Hir estrercelery, wiren passible, parsley, and if witir bacon dripping or butter or and periraps a littie chapped pickle - is made from roots and barks, and restores the ORIGINAL iiked, a suice of onion. Or you may sprinkle with cookiag oil. Season and capers. COLOUR in the NATURAL way; at the same time giving use some ceîery sait or onion sat- .___.___.___.___.___.___.___.___.___._ the hair its Natural, Healthy Lustre. convenient seasanings; or periraps - Sold under a Money Back Guarantee - you keep same driecl ceiery leaves on PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE adfrssoig Manufactured by Angelique Products Ltd.. Toronto in fo eaoi hn. dcea oc For Saie By and simmer gently, always beiaw JU R C L VE L, ru gi s biing point, untimeat is tender ; Phone 78 BOWMANVILLE King St. Hot stewed ciicken-or as it is ~' o! ten called, "boiied chicken" (ai- thougir it shouid neyer really boil e,ý while cooking) la vcry gocl served z Ju witir drawn butter sauce (Lesson 1)A. ' poured aver it-and an extra sauce- boat filied with sauce. Minccc par- S sley improves tire sauce. Egg sauce 'jT~ 1~ s lo oa oerstwd irckn. I TRANSPLANTING for sowing tire seecîs, tire plants wil Or tire ciricken may be carveclldih aecmiunii tr ot 1. luice extractor îpieces for serving and piled an ts By W. E. Groves, Bawmanville almost intact. If a littie seul re- 2. Mayonnais.eaol dripper piter itrtiesuc ve -.A- mains on themn it 15 weli. but there 3. Individually renoable beaiers for miin border o!fiuffy fresir-baked tea bis- lb la flot proposed to deai irere is no need ta be anxiaus about tis drinks cuits should surround lb. Or steam- witir transpianting ln geîieral, but as, long as ah tire roots are saved. 4.BbrarIns ai'eo'n u o i cd dmplngscooed sparteî orratirer that. tran.splanting o! seed- Tire sou siould be similar ta, that s oipwru oo 03 ae eD rigrtta ir stw ot it tie irik-lings fror tire boxes la whicir tire îscd for raising tire seedlings tirougir under $50 en t tre nd ! ts ookng erid.seed was sown ta otir boxes or a :t couid be a littie rucher. A blunt .CntIeIenoeddr'ofmoO ena he lean ofl iro ta maerbath 7: Nothins Io put togeiher or take apart frae We aiways s0w seed more dibber is tire best tool ta use. This toreorlerum.ohog.I tirebisuItsandtiresum isun thickly than 15 necessaî'y. Tis is will make a haie large enougRh ta surnnz. .esan f.'trasp.nttghTirbtiscirerits itauncrutheg mxe-wh,.beas-msh arasimpo t ha t a tretrn eave j 'Ydè4 ome, sra t.M. la. Tlis a sight shock ta any plant. It sia.- LugePub -I naturaily folaws then that there f Fweis- FE -inrwtî-- 0I Thie Hyd Orange PeikoeFresh from taroktie lesa checkupo e TAtesedbxsirould be nmoderately â« Fu'at1, t(Cnvee. moist when the lîttie plants are lift- stemnjaacoeltod. cadui8enS C.. 231 The Shop thst la owned by Blend the <.arden-S cd. Provided proper s w se grot.Itet.. Ot. LDEN SYRUP NERGY FOOD tt Resu Its 'our Cooking ordering f lour don't just 'our, be suire to specif y ie 1s Flour best cooks have proven iiost satisfaction with e Flour PASTRY îFlour BREAD s- insist on Vanstone's anvilîe for over 50 years. tt all Grocers. an stone Bowmanville iag shaving lotion. Splendid cao ta proteot tire tender akin of the chlld. "Strike wile tire iran 15 hot" 15 a -good motta; make ut hot by strlklng, 15 a bétter one.-Lyman Abbott. LHabit is a -cable; we weave a thread o! ut every day, and at last we can not break it.*--Uoraoe Manin. 'ng 'g 'g 'e. Ne Should Have The Besi E q uipment Anna Lee -Scott ad- vises the use of mod- ern domestic equip- ment as a necessary aid to good cooking. Sec the Sunbeam Mixmaster and The Royal Culinaire. They beat, whip, mix, juice, shred and chop. The latest kitchen la- bor saving devices. .àrmn-O-Matic oontrol I ro Sliop the People - Patroixize 1$, - I PAGE MIllE 4 j PAGZ Nm m Hi 1