~br ( e- mia aiîn ta- t man With Which Is Incorporated The- Bowmanville News Vnl.1T1PfU BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY l5th, 1934 NUMBER 7 V UiJLuT.i <J J CAROLINA SINGERSI Retailers to Start WARMLY RECEIVED IBeloved Citizen Jami Organization oF AT TRINITY CHURCH Hundreds Pay N ew Association Col~itul, Prram for Ap- rowmnleate entire sur- On fth usanigmsia-eahti we fJamesAlxne Bnesonethe outsandsnocmuticalMcClellan, for 43 years an account- Busnes Me's ssoiatonevents o! the season was the appear- ant and manager with the Bank of Continues to Clear OId ance here on Monday night of the Montreal, who died at his home on Carolina Jubilee Singers, a colored Church Street, following a sudden Debts and Form Branch sextette of wonderfully trained mu- heart attack shortly before noon on sicians, who sang a vqriýd programn Sunday. of Retail Merchants AS- to a large audience in Trinity Unit- Mr. McClellan was one o! this sociation ed Church. The programt was di-cmuiys ot rintad vided into three parts, consisting < ommunovd ity'es. mos pomentunds spiritual and camp meeting songs; eoe iies i enbsns For a short time at least the Bow- vocal andi instrumental slsac insight, his obliging and courteous manvlleBusnes Mens Asocatin radins fointhenegootaud manner, and his unaf!ected friendly manvlleBusnes Mens Asocatin redins fointhe egr pot, aulrelations to ail, endeared hlm to the will continue to exist. and in the Lawrence Dunbar; and a plantation bearts o! perhaps a wider circle o! meantime the new Retail Merchants' scene featuring negro melodies, in friends than any man in town. Pop- Association, a branch o! the Domin- which the artists appeared in native ular alike with young and 01<1, le ion body, will be formulated. Be- costume. was passionately fond o! children, cause o! an indebtedness o! a.pproX- The personnel o! the group was: and his declining years. punctured imately $15000 it was decided to James Stokes, flrst tenor; James A. with !requent attacks o! 111 health, carry on t.he old association and not Shaver, second tenor and manager; have been spent in the service o! lit- saddle the new organization with a Daniel Davies, baritone and accom- 1 tle folks, more particularly a mucli debt it did not contract. This decis- panist; Roma Russell, basso; Ern- beloved grandson, Harry Hyde, but ion was arrived at at the annual estine Lyle, contralto; and Alberta to numerous other kiddies in the meeting o! the Association held in Pope. soprano. town who will miss the genial gen- the Balmoral Hotel on Friday niglit. The program included such well tleman who made themn model President W. P. Corbett presided. know-n numbers as: H-eab'n, Heab'n; schooners, and who always had a Ini reviewing the year's work Mr. Joshua Fit the Battle o! Jericho; pleasant word and a happy smile for Corbett referred o the large amounit Swing Low Sweet. Chariot; Ezekiel them. o! work done at the Higli School Saw that Wheel; Trampin'; Polan- To the older fol1k, J. A., Alex, Mac campus in the erection o! a suitable aise in E Minor (piano solo); The or Mr.. as lie was familiarly called basebaîl field, includmng bleachers, to Big Bass Viol; King Solomton a.nd by lis many f riends, was a sincere the Santa Claus visit and Commun- King David; Can't You Hear Me and conscientious business adviser, ity Christmas tree, and to other ac- Calling, Caroline; The Goblins '11 a kindly friend whose aid was !reely complishments. He expressed ap- Git You: Swing Along; Sleep Ken- given in need, and a gentleman up- preciation to the members for their tucky Babe. on whose word the whole district co-operation during the year, and suggested that the suspended Busi- Probably the outstand.ing numnber j ad learned to reiy. ness Men's Community Plcnic miglit on the programn for the finest effet. Apart f rom his many duties as be carried out again this year. a.nd beauty o! tone was "Swing Low manager o! the large banking insti- The financial report showed total Sweet Chariot," although nearly ev- tution which le conducted, citizens receipts o! $116646. and total expen- ery selection was so heartily receiv- called on him for ail kinds o! advlce ditures o! $107265, leaving a bal- ed that encores were generously and outside this splere, particularly in ance in the bank o! $93.81. Against graciously given. property matters and wills. this sum were outstanding accounts To f ully appreciate and enjoy a Mr. McClellan was born in Bow- o! $234.39. leaving a deficit for the program such as was so beautifully manville on January 5th, 1867, and year o! $140.58. rendered by the Carolina Jubilee _________________ No action was taken by the assoc- Singers one must forget onespif for iation on a letter from Orono Pub- the moment and think o! the negro melodies. licity Association asking for a meet- in the deep South in the days o! The concert was presented under ing te discuss the Hon. H. H. Stev- slavery. The spirituals and jubilee the auspices o! a group o! the Wo- ens charges. songs they sang witl such fervor, men's Association with Mrs. H. W. To raise funds to wipe out the solemnity and enthusiasm. was their Foster and Mrs. Ella Strike conven- deficit the Association is planning a interpretation. o! a living religion ers. The announicement by Rev. E. big niglit with several Toronto presented in the termns o! their sim- F. Armistrong at the close o! the Maple Lea! hockey players coming ple yet sincere belie! in 00<1. With concert that the Carolina Singers te Bowmanville. The committee in terrifie spiritual hunger. and the would be booked for a return en- charge o! this event is composed o! great humility these untutored black gagement here next January was T. A. Dustan. W. H. Bettles, Harry Christians would take solace in their received- by the audience wth an Allin, M. S. Dale, W. J. Bagnell, trials and unburden their souls by outburst o! applause signl!ying their Gordon Morris and Arthur Edger. singing these characteristie negro unanimous approval. A letter was read f rom Hon. H. H. _________________________________ Stevens tlianking the association for on ,wirecoBoysHoldhisConclaveo unfair and unethical business prac- ~Jg 1.h~ Much discussion surrounded the topic o! the f ormation o! a new or- - ganization te be known as the Re- M embers or Parliament Give Reports tail Merchants Association. Al present were desirous o! !orming the C new body but most o! them were loathe to hand over a debt to the MINISTER RESIGNS Afternoon of Sports and new organization. A motion to f orni Banquet at St. Andrew's a new organisation whidh would take over the debts o! the old was Church Are Features of lost when an amendment carried Ine stn Pr ra providing for keeping on the Busi- ne stgPr ra ness Men's Association until such indebtedness is clea.red up. Nearly a hundred boys attended a The meeting then adjourned, and most. success!ul teen age conclave another meeting opened with r on Saturday under the auspices o! Corbett 'as chairman when it as the Bowmanville and West Durham decided to form the Bowvmanville1 Boys' Work Boards. President Bill Brandli o! the Retail Merchants Phillips o! the County Board presid- Association c! Canada. Mo-sis. T. i ed at the devotional session which S. Holgate. C. T. Ross and T. A.! opened the conclave in the after- Dustan were appointed a commit-' noon. Following a hymn, Rev. W. J. tee to secure membership in the new Todd led in prayer and extended a body with the assistance of Mr. L. . welccme to the church on belal! of Jones, the provincial organizer. A the congregation o! St. Andrew's. motion that the !ee in the new body Howard Wight and Ed. Hancock, be $600 per annum was ca.rried. The both members o! Parliament for this meeting then adjourned to be called district, gave brie! but interesting in the near future when a member- reports o! the session o! the parlia- ship had been secured and officers ment in December. Howard report- will then be elected. ed on the legilation passed, while Ed. Hancock gave a general review MAGNIFICENT FILM o! the activities o! the parliament. COMIN TO OYALAt the close o! this portion o! the COMIN TO OYALprogram the boys repaired to the Manager C. T. Ross o! the Royal High School Gymnasium where un- Theatre announced yesterday that Rev. W. J. Todd der the supervision o! Ed. Devitta he had been able to secure another .iitro t nrwsPebtr program o! relays and sports was outtaningpicureto howattheMinCurchfSt.and frerpresidtent held for the Bowen Shield. This outstanding picturemet pshowdattwas won by Newcastle Tuxis Square Royal, March 5th, 6th, and 7th. The o! the Bowmanville Ministerial with Trinity Tuxis a close second'. picture is "The Cradie Song" witl Association, wlio announced his Inteveigabqutwsel Dorothea Weick. The film is one o eintona itro!t A-In the beent o! Snqut andre' the most beautiful ever produced, desaton s nc.ay ofSt.A- C hrch wlenBilofiliS.aan re and behind its magnificent picturiz- rwso tna.Cucwh BlPilp gi re aion is a simple and beautiful story sided. At the conclusion o! a splen- that will be remembered for many did< dinner, Wilbur Howard, Leade. months. Mrs. C. A. Cawker's group Mr. F. W. Todd. Canadian Bank o! o! the Opposition in the Older Boys' o! St. Pauls United Church has tak- Commerce, has been moved te Glad- Parliament. led in a slng-song which en this picture for the three days stonie Branch at Dtindas. Ont. Mr. provided plenty o!f fun and move- and the theatre should be packed to L. J. MacPhail is coming to Bow- mient to help digest the dinner. capacity at every performance. manville. B. H. Mortlock o! The Statesman editorial staff presented The States- man So!tball Trophy. Un! ortunate- dly the league was not completed this year, and Courtice, Salem and Pro- Dominion Railway Commissioners Hold viclence were contenders forth tite.As ilwee eua adraw was He rna CS. is ue held and Courtice adelr wn H aigon Scugog St. rossungDip t ner. Allan Down. acceptedth u on behal! o! Courice team. Ahiimorous and vocal stunt was The Dominion Board o! Railway dents who lîved nearby. IV was i Commissiotiers met ln Bowmanville pointed out that in the homes along as a Court o! Appeal on Mouday, Scugog Street lived many chiîdren when the town was given a hearing who constantly used VIe crossing. on the Scugog wig-wag signal dis- Representa ives o! the railway pute. Mayor W. Ross Strike repre- pointed out that Vîey lad declded sented the Town, VIe Township o! that with the Railway Board's f av- Darlington and Township o! Cart- crable decision Vo instal hree wig- wright at the hearing. The Board wags instead o! the two originally sits like a regular court, with aIl the lntended. They contended that the dignity and pageantry o! Vhe sup- gaVes had originally been placed reme court. Three judges sat on the wlefl VIe Toronto Eastern Railway bench. crossed at Vhis same point but as The Canadian Pacifie Railway was the Toronto Eastern lad neyer been presented by Hou. J. D. Spence, K.C. used the gaVes were noV necessary. and a staff o! engineers and medli- Thos. Stevenson o! Enilkillen anlcs. and Deputy Reeve A. L. Pascoe spoke Judgment was reserved by the on behal! o! the Township o! Daxr- learned Judges. but word la expected lington strongly opposing the re- wthln a !ew days o! their verdict, placement o! the gates. the composition o! whldh la problem- Mayor Strike stated following the atîcal. sittiiig o!, the Board that the judges Mayor Strike lu lis brie!, produc- were mdst attentive and gave the ed a blue print showving the loa- local munldlpalîtles a very fair hear- tion o! the varlous main ine, sldlng ing. The C.P.R. engineer, o! wlom and brandi tracks, and polnted out complaint was made, presented Ils that wtl the gaVes there las noV case qulte falrly but polnted out that been an accident for 20 years. He Vhe own would be as well If noVt- aIso stated that the noise o! the er protected wlVh wlg-wags Vla wlg-wags would dlsturb many resi- the gaVes. put on by Courtice Tuxis Square under the leadership o! Jim Han- cock. The Bowen Shield for the winnez o! the a! ternoon sports program was presented by John M. James, lu VIE absence o! Fred W. Bowen. M. P Newcastle received the award for VIE 4t1 time. wiVh Garnet Rickard ac. éepting on behal! o! lis team. Othe members o! the teami were, Berl Quantrill, H. B. M. Anderson, M. A Butler, J. C. Toms, J. H. Hare. TriniVy Trail Rangers, under Men. Vor Howard Wight. put on a sturi a! tex' whldh members o! the Boys Work Board were introduced. The guest speaker o! the evenini was Wilbur Howa.rd, the negro bol who las become s0 prominent ii boys' work throughout Ontario. Hl gave a splenidid, 30-minute addres Vo whidh lis audience paid rapt at tention. He devoted the early po: Ltion o! lis address to the CaMPai] ifor finances, and carrled on wltl i L inspirational address lu whîch he in corporated many beautiful storie tContlnued on Page 10) es A McCella Pases uddely COUNCIL APPOINTS F ies . Mclelln PssesSuddnlyCIVIC OFFICIALS Tribute at Impressive Funeral Services FOR ENSUING YEAR Only One Official, Tax Coilector ansd counantat eteboro Whtbyand Assessor, Gets Inerease lu Salary Toronto, before returning liere i elhn ordo 1894 as accountant. lu 104 hen r. eorg Meili One increase in salary !eatured retired a! er 39 years as manager the appointment o! own officiais at o! the local brandli, Mr. McCle lanMna' etn !VeTw 'suceeed o VD.Voffce hic leCouncil. That increase was meted helduntl 11 halth!ored is e- o Fred Pattinson, Tax Collecter and irement iu 1929, when le was suc- Assessor, who las carried on lis dis- ceeded by the present manager, Mr. tasteful duties at a salary o! $500 F0.Mcllveen. It la perhaps inter- for the past year. IV was the con- esig Vo note that in the 64 years tention o! members o! the council that the bank operated lere at the that le sîouîd receive a larger in- time o! Mr. McClellan's reirement come, especially lu view o! the added s] there lad been but two managers 1burdeu o! ax arrears collection be-n o! the bank. sides the collection o! current taxes.A NoV only dld Mr. McClellan serve Mr. Pattinson will receive a salary0 lis comniunity well as manager o! o! $700 in 1934. t one o! its financial institutions, but A .Bcci a eapitd' le ervd i a unepa manerbySuperintendent o! Roads, Streets giving ten years' service as a mem- and Sewers, at a salary o! $550 per ber and as chairman o! the Public annum. Mr. Bickell la paid a salary School Board. For many years le o! the same amount by the Public was Treasurer o! the Bowmanville Utilities Commission as Superintend-c. Horticultural Society, and for a Ie ut o! the Waterworks System. t quarter o! a century St. Paul's Pres-i Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, chairman8 byteianChuchnowUnited, hdo! the Hlgh School Board, was re-1 the benefit o! lis services as treas- appointed e. member o! that Board1 urer. for a period o! three years. Except James Alexander MeClellan Iu fraternai circles Mr. McClellan for the appointinent o! Harry Rice was a l! e member o! Jerusalem the Board is identical witl that o! _____________________ Lodge A. P. & A. M., No. 3 1, and a îast year. was the son o! the laVe John Mc- tuseeo! Florence Nightingale For the first ime in many years clellan and Mary Perry. He receiv- Lodge, IOOF No. 66. In business a member o! the Council was made ed Uis educatioii in Bowmanville life le was connected witl the ac- a member o! the Board o! HealVh, and sta.rted Ils banking career witî ivities o! the Port Darllngten Ha.r- Councillor W. H. BetVles getting that the old Standard Bank, and a! er bor Company, which organization appoiutment. Other members are serving several mouths with hs celebrated its ceiitenary bast year. At C. H.. Mason and E. H. Brown. May- bauk at Campbellford, came Vo Bow- lis death le stlll held the office o! or Strike is an ex-officlo member o! manville and ioined the head office Secretary-Treasurer o! the comp- the Board. DIVhe appointment o! staff o! the Ontario Banik, situated anY, which at one tinie carried onMrBtle the Mayor expressed the in hs owu. He served VUis bn an extensive shipping business under thoýugîet that the appointment was continuously until iV was taken over VIe guidance o! lis father. IV low noV advisable ln view o! the Boa.rd's by Vhe Bank o! Montreal when le owns mudh o! the property used fo duties lu connection with Mr. Bet- became a member o! the staff o! VIe summer resort. les' business. He lad no objection that organization. He served as ac- (Continued on page 7)> however if Mr. BeVtles wanted te accept. The latter did. Rotary Club Hears what Golden Rule Does in Business WIhitby Speaker Delivers Inspiring Address on What Prominent Rotarian Accomplished by Appli- cation of Golden Rule An intensely interestlng and in- spiring address featured Friday's neeting of the Rotary Club when Mlr. Ernest Reid o! Whitby deUivered one o! the outstanding addresses of the past few months, on the subjeot "The Application of the Golden Rule in Business." Mr. Reid, who was introduced by M'ayor W. Ross Strike, gave a spien- did review of the life of Arthur "Gol- den Rule" Nash o! Cincinatti, a Ro- tarian who, made the Golden Rule applicable in hîs business and wha has proven. a successful business man. "What is man," Mr. Reid asked, "that he lias evolved a systein that is gradually swallowing us up. We cannot but note in this nmodern sys- tem of ours that there is no super- abundance of brotherly love, no great application of the Golden Rule in our business or social 111e. The Golden Rule "Do unto others as you would they should do unto you', lB more than a wonderful motto, it la a definite command. It la a law that is not on the statute books, but was a law before the nations began, and is a law that cannot be dirnxed. It alwaYs was and always wlll be."1 The speaker then outllned the story of Arthur Nash, with whoma the Golden Rule was not a theory ENCOURAGING GROUF REPORTS Chie! o! Police, S. Venten. at sal- business life. and an illustration Ban ingSysem is GIVEN AT TRINITY W. A. ary o! $1500; Niglit Constable, Wal-1 that one migît rise above fallures to B a.~ug ,ysem __ter Hall, $1100; Clerk and Treasur- success in its application. er, A. J. Lyle, $1400; Cemetery Sup- Nash lad a humble beginning, and m iThe Women's Association o! Trin- erintendent. J. H. Higlfield, $960; lis early l! e was spent in humble B amed ror Mvany ity Churel met in the school room Tax Collector and Assessr, Fred surroundings. He was o! the Sev- on Tuesday, February 13th. The Pattinson, $700; Caretaker o! Towni entl Day Adventist !aith and waa miBuildings, Roger Bird, $420; Fruit éducated at Battle Creek and De- of E ono ic 11Sworhipperiod was in charge o! Mrs. Tree and Weed Inspectr, Chie! troit. Later le married and enter- 0.F. Purd.y. A ter the singing o! a Venten, no sala.ry; Special Constab- ed the ministry, giving up hs cail- hymn, Mrs. C. W. Slemon led in les, Arche Mathews, Sam Glanville, ing te seil clothes !or a Chicago Toroto peaer elivesprayer, and the seripture lesson was Fred Downey; Fence Viewers, Harry !lrm. Ini 1909 lie started. 'h own Toot pakr Ble e MJrs .M.Rw. r.T.W in, John Elliott, William Barrie; business in Columbus, Ohio, but hs Cnrlof Credit Should raea b rs J. M. Roe. s.T. W.th Pound Keeper. A. E. Bellinan. The was swept away in the disastrous Coctror.Cawk er rsdntes eok the latter offices carry no salary. floods, leaving 1dm without a buia- Be Vested With Centralchi.A'rth bunesote Members o! Vhe Welf are Board for ness and witli considerable indebt- meeting lad been discussed, and en- 1934 will bc D. A. McCullough, Chie! edness. Operating bis own shop ln ank Form Hars n- oura gin r er romte vrlu Sydney Venton, Rev. John W. Bun- a manner which lie believed exeni- j Bgrupsgiena erylnersting pro- ner, Reeve R. O. Jones, and Mayor Plifled the Golden Rule Nash soon structive Addiress grain !oilowed. It consisted o! a pi- W. Ross Strike. The Mayor dubbed made a success o! lis lUfe, A h _____ ano duet by Mrs. E. S. Perguson and this Board "The Graveyard o! PoI los-!teGra aAtusie . Mrs. Edwin Wood, a solo by Ms . itical Hope&," while 1île Reeve liad, associate wlio owned aý clothing The presenit system o! bank con- J. Chanmbers, and a readingbyMs rather a more apt tte "The Muni- manu!acturlng establishmnent 'wlsled trol o! credit was severely scored by G. L. Wagar. cipal Gallows." to sel l hs business, and Nash pur- Mr. E. W. Murcheson o! Toronto, a member o the Eooi Re!orm clased ItL Delvlng into the records Association, in the Course O! an a-o tenw ii e on ta h dress before the Forum on Sunday U. . 'orm n i . s~'a'i n<otne"o 8C5 7a!ternoon in St. Paul's Churdli. Mr. U. .G v rm n e s sS a e n(otnelo ae5 Murcheson, who incidentally is a suminer resident at Bowmnanville O IGE NT Beach, spoke on "Financial Recon- c ilB ldn in W s ngo M The association to whicl the0 Reserve Frlday, February 16, for speaker belongs is composed o!fbusi- Property in Which Bowman- RE-ELECTED CHAIRMAN thecVetureeRo o ial8ip.Sm. ness and professional men, all uni- LcueRoa .m versity graduates. and several pro- ville HasLag Interest TrinitY Choir intend puttlng on fsosoth nvriystaff. Wl Lk Laree n the Operetta "The Nautical Knot'l heor zton the universat in the near future. Watch for date. T ehse ogstionfladedeeain WllL eyRciv An ugget a nualIncme o $1,OWAnnual Sale sponsored by the to discover the cause. Vo sugghm ont Sst anAsoca remedy. Vo prepare for no repetition, From Rentais tion will be leld on Mardli 7th. Pull f and to, interest others wlo want a 1N~ particulars later. complete study o! the econoînlo sit- ICm oN.9Hm .dSho uation for future avoidance o! trou- A three and a hall lour session. Cu De, i No9HewandComun sble. 'n whicl mucl important business .Clty Hal.eriayNewcasletCto mn Dresn nyb dscie inwas dealV with, featured the post- tHal rdyF.16ha 8pm tepron odmalabedusmiednt-r poned February meeting o! the Town. Merry Makers Orchestra. Admis- theonwr-aajsmn M. Council on Monciay niglit. Mayor so 5;lnheta Mrhsnsaid. We have every- Ross Strike presided and all mem- ~ rnt .W .wi eto thing we need and yet we cant use bers were present. Deputy Reeve G. Tuesday. February 20tli, at 8 p. in. ItL We lave millions o! bushels O! A. Edmondstone attended lis flrst in the school room, wlien the pro- wheat., yet thousands are pra.ctically m~eetin'g and Vcok the oath o! office. gram will be in charge o! Mrs. Nel- starving. Our clothing facteries are Principal L. W. Dippeil appeared . lie Garbutt and lier group. e1ide, when thousands need clothing, before the Coundil on behalf o! theASesalTs.tt. nde' - and empty buildings are !alling into Public Library, askmng for a grant, A SChuclion Fay, Ferat t r23rd adecay while hundreds o! building Vhe matter belng referred Vo the hrm 4 on7. A d ellgitul menu Vo s tradesmen are 1<1e. Finance Committee. frm4t .Adlgtu eut ýs fit each seaSon, including salads, This situation can be overcome by C. H. Mason asked for grant for fruit and chicken patties. Price a Sacjustment. A great mnany believe Bowmanvllle Hospital. Grant o!facre the trouble to be one o! consumiflg, $500 was made.lacre d that we produce more than we can Mr. Mason also appeared with re- inSt on's CPai a Cub on iMnda 'S consume, but primarily the trouble gard Vo Public Liabillty Insurance. i t onsPrs alo ody is mnetry.A geatEngisheco- Reerrd t th Fianc Comitee.Feb. 9th, at 4 p. m. Dr. Cotton, - ist moeay.A rat t English eon- Re!errD Vo teFiancemttee.ofDr. G. C. Bonnycastle M.A., Ph-D.. Toronto, willl give an - omia sys at VIls ression hve H.ad. Wihtewan of rtr- o iaddress on "Books and Their Place r esen.laly moey riss. e hveBoad o Stwars o Trnlt Chr-Who on Monday niglit was re-ap- in the Home" 'the ability te produce but we are un- ch, wrote requesting council Vo ap- pointed for a three year terni as h able Vo tra.ns!er production into the point commlttee Vo consider aking a member o! the High School An Afternoon Tea and Musicale -abllity Vo purchase. over Trinity Churdli shieds. Proper- Board by the Council, and who on and sale o! Homeinade Cooking un- One asks, where are the dollars o! Vy Committee will meet the Stewards Tuesday night was re-elected der auspices o! Trlnlty King St. E. n1928 and 1929? Tley have noV gone and report back. chairman o! the Board at thse in- Cirele will be lield at home o! Mrs. i- W. F. Dale, King St., Frlday, Febru- away, a.nd yet are noV available. A Bell Telephone Co. notlfied coun- augural meeting.ar16hat4pm.Svecoltin Sgreat portion o! hs money was cil that they would shortly have On Frldhay evenm. igeb.cllcton icredIt money, the speaker said. and costs o removing poles f rom King OnFia tnig e.1, a o! the entire credit o! the nation St. presented Vo counicil. Postmaster C. B. Kent wishes te aetieBxSoilwàlb i Le the banks control 901"., A. H. Moore was on liand again te lnformn the public that commenclng Str a an gscolr. adies'amisson Mr ucesn epaie h make another monthly appeal !or agrmadaesLdi'amsio by w.hiuchstheancedithe rebate In taxes. Finance Comxittee next Saturday mail wlll close at 3.15 te be lier box wlVh lier naine enclos- cme a a iruai eim were asked Vo look into the matter p. m. for the west instead o! 6.30 p. ed. Gentlemen are lnvlted to bld Is Immediately Vhe bank withdraws and report. m. on Saturdays only. for boxes. Price from. 25c Vo 60c. 'e and stops boans it reduces the pur- W. B. Pollard asked permission te __________ -chasing power, down corne prîces eut down a tree. Re!erred te Pro- an ,cei aieresults, because perty Conittee. . * I A aeue ce famin the value o! Bert F. Potts, Toronto, quoted a Du l ~ ~ coltrldw.ýsale. Council was noV lnterested.Te d r e Itois amistken iatat bnk Recauest o! J. L. Morden for water He t Pa t LL YI C L p. l thelym Bnks work s o aceck Vo be supplled free Vo Cream o!fBar- ung P an or South W.. chooOu i ihte.Bnswronacekley Camp was refused by council. ______ C_ ystem and can boan far more mon- D. L. McCarthy, X.C., counsel for-- r ey Vlan la on deposit, 50 that they the Town lu the McGilI Estate a!- A new heating system !or theljwlsdom o! calling' for tenders for rare able Vo create credit witlout any fairs, notified counicil that the Fed- South Ward Public School was the1 the new lieatlng plant, 1V was decld- A. inoney being available. By means o!frlGvrmn !teUle anie nteaed ttee oacp edr rmBwnn checks hs credit circulates through Stat e neto h ntdmi tmo h gnaa h dt cettnesfonBwai the workers. and thus one las pros- o!te was considering leasing mudli monthly meeting o! the Public ville citizens only. Tenders must be rit erit. oftheproperty and that rentals School Board on Tuesday« niglit. fyled wlVli C. H. Dudley, Secretary rs' Mr. Murcleson suggested that the would amount te approximately Chairman Fred Crydermnan preslded o! Vhe Board, on or before February proposed Central Bank could over- $10.000 per annum. Considerable and a! ter the usual items o! busi- 22nd , a! er whldh the Board wlll 1corne mudl o! Vhe trouble by con- lad Vo be spent however ln puttlng ness lad been dlspensed wlth Vhe meet Vo open tenders and award the Y trolling credit for the banks. It (Contlnued on vage 11) Board thoroughly discussed every contract. The system, la expected Vo n would lave information o! price angle o! the heating situa tion at cost between $1000 and $1200 and [e leveis at all times and by advlalng that sdhool. It waa generally agreed the work will be started as soon as Sbanks when to tigîten up on credit the Forum. preslded, and thanked that Vhe present system.isl not only possible. ~and when o loosen up, a steady the speaker, while Mr. J. J. Mason, antlquated but absolutely beyond re- The need of replacing the present Sstream o! money would always be In a personal frîend, lntroduced Mr. pair. IV was stated that the scliool heatlng system lias been seen for gncirculation. This would prevent any Murdlieson. lad been like a refrigerator througli- some years, but in the Interests o! an great boom when everyone was On Sunday, February 25tl, Prof. out the present wlnter, havlng Vo economy preceding boa.rds have let n-. spendlng willy and would in turn Johin LUne o! Toronto w'I e he close more than once on account o! Vhe matter go on f rom year Vo year. tes prevent a depresslon when hardly uest speaker. Prof. Un;e 'was hlere the school belng too cold for coin- The systein however la ln uchi a bad anyone lad anythlng Vo spend at ail. last year and gave a most interest-I fort. state o! repaîr at the present time Mr. C. A. Wight, Vice President o! lng address. Af ter Vlioroughly dlscusslig the that action was Imperative. zi