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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1934, p. 6

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PAGESIXTHEC CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1934 --<>of Uic missionary convener, Miss 1'SOLINA Alma. Bell. Thc presideni, Miss Dor- oihy MeMulien. opencd the meeting by reading of League Pledge, fol1- Mrs. S. E. Werry was in Toronto lowcd by hymn and prayer. Bible the beginning of the wcek. lesson was read by Miss Doroihy Mrs. John Baker as spening a few Crossley. Mr. Carman Bell gave a days with Miss Edna Reynolds, splendid topic on thc Life 0f Alex- Hampton. a.nder Mackay, a missionary 10 Cen- Sorry to report ihat Mrs. J. J. irai Africa. Readings wcrc given by Smith is seriously il. We wish lier Misses Katic Stewart and Marguer- a safe recovery. itc Bell, and a contesi was conduci- Miss Evelyn Tink spent several cd by Miss D. Crossley. Meeting days lasi week ai hier brother's, Mr, closed with hymu a.nd Mizpah bene- Hilton Tink, Ebenezer. diction. Nexi month the missionary Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink and programn wiil be on the lie of David family, Maple Grove, spent Sunday Lvingstone, and will be given in with their parents here. story and song. The missionary program ai Sun- day School on Sunday a! ternoon was In charge of Mrs. Roy Langmiald. MAPLE GROVE Interesting missionary siories werc told by Mrs. Langmaid and Mrs. John Baker, and Misses Jessie and Mr. Thos. Snowdcn has returncd Norma Yellowlces favoured with a home f rom Brantford. vocal duet.. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Morion en- There was a good atiendance at teriained a few relatives on Tuesday' the League meeting on Monday ev- eveming. ening which was in charge of the We elcome Mr. and Mrs. Vctor 2nd vice presidcni, Miss Helen Bak- Wilson to our neighborhood. they er. The devotional period was in having movýed in whcre Mrs. Twist charge o! Mrs. J. Mils; piano solo 'and Ernest werc. by Miss Ada Alun; the iopic on Mis- W. M. S. meeting was hcld on sionary Journcys was introduced by Weclnesday, Pcb. 7ih, whcn Mrs. W. Mr. Alan McKessock and Mr. Wes- Adams, King St.. W est, Bowmanville. ley Werry; Miss Fanny Smales. Mr. made a friendly visit. Perey Dewell and Miss Evelyn Tink Several ladies f rom our W.M.S. at- gave short accounits of early mis- itended the service at Ebenezer on1 sionaries and their work: Mr. J 'Suflday morning and enjoyed the1 Mills then gave accordian music. Iaddres.s by Mrs. C. C. Washington, Contcsts wcre cnjoyed. Toronto. The C.G.I.T. girls from1 here attended in a body and were also delighted ,,ith the address. 1 COURTICE J1 " BROWN'S SCHOOL It is understood that the Progres- sive Losi Heir Party beiween Zion and Courtice has only been potpn Regular meeting o! the Home and cd for a short time. Scbool Club was held on Feb. 6ib. In limes o! pnosperit.y stiff-necks wit.b the president. Mr. Roy Brown, and ed ose ar an ogu. I tiesin the chair. who conducted the op- of 32 degrees below zero sti!! ea rs enîng exercises. The Lake Shore and chaiky proboscis arc in style. Homne and School Club wýere the A number o! Liberais and Conser-j guesis for the evenîng. Mrs. Gordon vatives from here attended thbc Martin. president, iook charge o! the C.C.P. meeting in Oshawa lasi week r program wbicb consisted of: Sing- and pronounced Controllen Jimmy song led by Wiibur Baskerviile; read- Simpson a clever speaker. and a ing by Arthur Clough entitled "Down broad mindcd man. And suncly the on bbe Farm"; duel and encore by members o! Ihese two old parties Bill Rowland and Jack Holmes; vio- who attended, proved themscives tbe lin solo and encore by Manson reverse to narnow-mindedness, or Souch. accompanied by Audrey Jay- thcy would not have been there. nes: dialogue, -That Awful Aunt"; Not Party, but Country. is the slo- solo and encore, Wib. Baskerviilc; gan now-a-days! piano selection and encore, Audrey The girls' sofibali team and the Jas'nes and Evelyn Browvn. Ai the boys' basebail and football teamns o! close nefreshmcnls were served, a!- lasi yean, with their subs and ter whîch the young people enjoyed friends, were entertained ai the a few dances. home o! Mn. and Mrs. A. Muin Pi -__________ day evening. An oysten supper was ENNISKILLENr scrved in bonor o! the football boys wbo won the league honour ast sumnier. Games and cargs were Mn. and Mns. A. Page, Toronto, played, a.nd a!ter supper Mn. Carl Mns. C. Branton. Oshawa, visiied Mn. Short presented Mn. and Mns. Muîr and Mrs. S. Page. with a beautiful ncading lamp as a Mn. Lorne Griffin. Blackstock, and tribute o! tbanks fnom aIl the tcams Mn. Melville, Cadmus, Mn. W. A. for the pivilege o! using their field Rahmn an d family. visited Mns. W. A. for the bail games. St. Vaientine 's Rahm wbo is imnproving nicely ai day belng nean, Cupid's lokens wene her mnobben's. Mns. W. Gimrn. visible whenever consistent, and Cu- Mn. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith and pld hiùself, no doubi. bad a busy !amily, Oshawa, visited bis parents, session. Miss Annie Wilkins arrived Mn. and Mns. P. W. Smith. from Peterboro in lime for a lot o! Mns. Wm. Oke and ber daughben, thc fun, as dancing, etc., lastcd well Mrs. Prank Spry, are improving a!- int the small hours. Mn. Muir is ter their seious illness. to, be comxnended upon bis interesi SYmPabby is cxtended 10 Mns. in thc young people and in iheir James Mounljoy in the death o! ber sports. Evenyone present reports "a husband, whose funeral took place swell lime." f rom his laie nesidence on Priday, ___________________Pb. 9tb, 10 Hampton Cemeicry. )jIf bberc's anyibing you need in KENDAL the jewelry lnenow's the lime t10 get t. . R MoreBowinanviile Mn. Eanl Hamwe spent the weekend jcwclcn, starts bis big Stock Liquida- ai Cobourg. tion Sale on Pniday. Miss Dorobhy Crosaley spent tbe - _ ___- weekend a.i ber home at Weicome. Mrs. Milton Robinson spent a !ew lI SALEM days last week witb !iends in Port 4 Hope. M n n odeabnc Young People's League is holding Mran s.EDodetedd a Valentine Social on Fiday nigbt. the funeral o! thc laie Mr. S. Bill- Peb. 16ih. ' ýings ai Onono last Wednesday. Mn. George Luxon wbo bas beenl Sorry bo report Miss Mangaret Ir- unden bbc doctor's care, wi i wn quibe iii and under the docbor's inained nurse in attendance is7stigbt- cane. We hope for a speedy necov- ly impnovcd.1 ery.S Misses Marguerite and Alma Bell Several f nom ibis district journny-9 and Mr. Carman Bell spent bbc cd 10 Bowmanville 10 cnjoy bearingC weckend wilb fiends at Port Hope the Carolina Jubilce Singers in and Wclcome. Tiinity Chuncb on Sunday and Mon-a The thermoetens anouno here day evenings.v arc like jack-in-bthe- boxes; ihcy axe -Chris's Preparabion for His Life continuably jumping up and down.. Work" was the subjeci o! bbc cx- They will soon be worn out if this cellent sermon delivered by Rev. A.a weatber continues. Oh wili, ils ailS. Kerr when hýý occupied the pul-F rigbb as long as it doesn'i gel any pib bere on Sunday.t coiden Iban ib bas been, ihat is low- Y. P. L. meeting Wednescba.y even- er bbn foty, Pcb. 7bb, opcned with tbe presi- The communiby was sbocked to dent in the chair conducbing the op- hean o! bbc deaib of Mn. John Low- cning exencises, a!ter wblch Mn. L. cry wbo bas been a resident o! Ibis Squair. newly appointed lst Vice, I communiby for a number o! ycans. to0k charge o! the following pro- f Since the deatb o! Mrs. Loweny be gram: Bible icason was ncad ne-h bas lived with bis son, Harlwell. at Fponsivcly; Mn. J. Irwin Iben to00k Kirby. The funenal 100k place ab bbe topic. dcaling wilh ih in a very the home o! bis son, wibb interment mster:y way, and aiso led in a very t 10, Orono Cemetcry. The sympatby inleresiing discussion: readings wcreW o! the cominuniby is extended to the given by Miss B. Cabon, Messrs. L.0 family. Squair and E. Doidge: piano duet. e In spibe o! the cold weathen quibe Mrs. S. Butbery and Miss A. Bubbery.d a number o! young people atbcnded The pnogram wa.s interspersed witb the League service on Thursday 1 yeveral bymns and closcd witb thea night. The meeting was in charge Le3gue benediction. Attendance 15.F 19i Fat Hogs WANTED Hogs weighing around 200 to 225 lbs 1 arn prepared te buy within the next week a limited number of fat hogs at Hfighest Market Prices Phone 64 or 94 or get n touch with me direct at the store. T. Wes. Cawlker Butcher Bowmanville t HAMPTON e Miss Vera Martyn, Port Peri spent a fcw days with friends. Mrs. John Avery, Burkcton, w interred hoerc on Thursday afte noon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boyd, Tc onto, visiicd her mother, Mrs. Stevens, on Sunday. Master Frcddic Payne entertaini a numbcr of his schooi mates on 1 7birthday on Saturday, Pcb. 101h. 1 The family of Mr. T. Rowe ha 1ihe sympathy of their many f rien, in the Passing of Mrs. Rowe Monday. Hampton f riends o! Mr. J. Ali McClcllan, Bowmanville, cxtend syn pathy to the family in their be cavement. Mr. James Mountjoy, Ennlskille was buried ai Hampton Cemctery Friday. Deceascd was a cousin Mr. S. T. Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill and s( Keiih. accompanicd by Mrs. Lani mnaid, were Sunds.y guesis of 1M and Mrs. E. E. Siaples., Mr. G. Wilkinson, Toronto, visitE relatives on Sunday. Mrs. Wllkir son and Douglas returned with hii foliowing a week's visit here. Horn's Store announces the cor tinuance o! last week's specials whi. present stock lasis, also offers thi week: Snow Flakc Shortening, Xl lb. block; also 2 pairs men's heav work socks 45c. The play 'Back to the Countr Store" given under auspices o! tl Aduli Bible Class and directed b their teacher. Mr. F. J. Groat. o Thursday night, was fairly well at t.ended despite the exireme temper ature of the weather. Piano due' were given betwcen acts by Miss b Horn and Mrs. A. E. Bilct. The Young People's meeting c. Friday evening was in charge of th~ 2nd vice president, Miss Florenc Burns. The meeting opened with, hymn. afiter which the Lord's Praye was repeated in unison. Minute were read and approved. Bible les son was read by Miss Muriel Scott %r. Rackham gave the devotions and also led in prayer; Mr. Fred Bil leit delivered a very interesting ad dress on '*The Dcvelopment o! lbi St. Lawrence Seaway Projeci"; M: Douglas Rackham fa-vored wiih vocal solo. Meeting closed wiih hymn and the League benediction. SRev. W. Rackham preached on thi characier of Joseph again on Sun. da.y nîght, f rom Genesis 46:18-20 Nexi Sunday will be the lasi o! hi series of sermons on Joseph. Ser. vices were held in the Sunday schoo room. Miss M. J. Katerson ha( charge o! the Temperance prograrr ai the Sunday school session in tht a.!ternoon. A dialogue and song wa given by seven uitile girls. "Nailim hi. in" and "We've turned dowi our glasses." The following wer( awarded books as prizes for examin. ations: Prcddie Payne, Dorothy Ad- amson, Bertha Arinour, Edith Rack. tiam, Jim Adamson, Nellie Armour Eva, Johns; others who received cer. tificates: Marion Johns, Pearl il. bert, Jean Johns, Gertrude Pettil and Jack Niddcry. Ail but two rc. ceived certificates o! menit from thE W.C.T.U. and Board of Christiaz EducaLtion. Miss Betty Knox wa awarded a county prize on the 1932 contcst. Start the day right with a liberal serving o! Cneam of Barley. EBENEZER Mi-s Annie Wilkins, Peterborc 'Normal, spent the weekend wiih her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wil- kins. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brooks, Glen, Gwendolyn and Grant, Providence, were recent guests wiih Mr. and Mrs Wiii Bickle. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brooks anc on Orland. Oshawa, were Sunday gucats ai the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Found. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arnot, Bernice and Jack, Maxweil's, were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Jane Osborne and MIr. Blake Oke. Mr. Gordon P>ickell, Detroit, spent afew days with his faihen. Mr. Dean Pickell, and sisters. Mrs. K. E. Cour- ice and Mrs. Cecil Found. Mn. and Mns. C. A. Wight, Misses Ieen, Jean and Eleanor, Providence, were Sunday guesis ai the home of N. and Mrs. Blake Courtice. Mr. anid Mns. Stephen Jeffeny, Irs. Jeffery, Sr. and Mn. Henb. Je!- lry, Maple Grove. vlsited ai the ome o! Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilkins :n Sunday. Mns. C. C. Washington and daugh- ýrs, Joyce and Anna Clare, Toronto, xene weekend visiiors ai tbc home )f Mr. and Mns. Gco. F. Annis, who mtentalned in their honor on Sabur- iay evening. The W. M. S. will hold the Febru- ry meeting on Fnidlay a! ternoon. eb. 16th, ln the S. S. room. combin- ng the regula.r meeting and Prayen service. Mns. Lloyd Courtâce and ,roup have charge of the negulan laven." a-coninuaîtion-of the ser- ýwhich is being given. The choir ntilbuted good mu.ic. On Pnîday cvcnlng Mr. and Mrs. 'chie Muir and daughter, Miss dli, entcrtained the basebî.ll girls d bascba'l boys and football boys d a fcw other friends, wbcn a. most ligbtful urne was enjoyed by aIl. ames wene Indulged ln and ai 11.30 bounteous oyster supper was serv- e< d along Wiih many othen dainty M peGoeYuh tblngs. Ai 1er which ail repauned 1 apeGrv Yuh thebb ball-room wbere dancing was Stage Midwinter Motc enjoyed for a lime. Duning bbc ev- ry, ening Mn. Cari Shonit callcd tebbctoEstr compa.ny 10 order and in a few wcll Tpt atr as chosen words presented Mn. and er- Mns. Muir wih a lovcly floor îamp Six Maple Grove young men, as a token o! esieem f nom tbc bail made rathen a hazardous round or- teams. Mr; Muir bas for a greai 10 Monireai on a recent wc<l E. many seasons loaned his fleld for bavent mucb to say for thbch< the many gaines played and the tality o! bbc cast. W. Laird cd young people tbought it oniy fltting Twist, G. Layiand, Jack Br his to recognize bis kindncss in some Mick Brown and Chanlie Green way. Mr. Muir veny fittingly te- wene bbc y'oung adventurcns ve plled and 81111 extended the invita- m.ade Ibis midwinten trip. Lea .ds tion 10 carry on. carly on a Sunday morning, on Mick Brown and Chanlie Green as chaffeurs, ibey arrived in 1 lex TYRONE treal about 13 hours later, wbil m- ~cludeda 45-minute stop aI Nap 'r-I to allow Ernie Twist 10 visi Mn. Archie Vîrtue is spcnding a fricnd. Arriving in the Es n, feW dayswih fiends at Gilf0rcL Metropolis the Young men appar o! Rob ROY on tbc arrivai o! a baby were in a bunny 10 gel home, boy. tbcy stayed only tweniy minutes ;on Mn. and Mrs. Harold Ciemens, fore starting on the return joui i Bowmanville, visited aI Mn. Albert They siruck a blizzard, got losi, gClemens'.ba.d a merry series o! advcniurcs [.Sorry 10 report Mn. Lorne Annis, fore thcy arrived home. Roadç bas dcveioped scarlet fever at 1 wcre completely buried and asi cd Kemptille where hie is atcnding Io! the boys spoke Frnccb iey, n- coilege.1 unable bo, gel any instructions1 mn Mrs. Robent Burgess, Mn. and Mrs. a farmen some bal! a mile f nom IWesley Taylor, Allyn and Marie, vis-j spot. 1- ied the f ormcr's mother, Mrs. Enl- Witb a steadily diropping bein fle och Stevens, Hampton, on Sunday. abure bhey prcssed on but soon]l lis A !ew o! the Young people f rom cd in the ditcb w ith a raging sr Oc bere enjoyed a social evening at the storm pneventimg tbem f!rom se vy home o! Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hodg- whene tbey were. Miten caliing son, Bowmanvillc, on Pniday even- f armas. 3 quanters o! a mile ar ry ing. they secured a team, and found he Missionary program ai Sunday weabbcn to be 40 degnees below2 >y Scbooi Sunday afternoon was as fol-i No one of!ered to lct bhem wann n iows: Duet by Misses Mildred Brad- and ihey returned to the car bo ,t ley and Susie Thompson; reading.r it f rozen ai!f. Driving ai abci r- Mrs. N. J. Woodley; dialogue by two'mlsprhu hymd oeh ts littie girls; the topic 'Then and Now iley.stopengour y mace smue N. in India Missions" was splendidiy 1 ici the engine cool off. Thei given by the Supt. Miss Tena Fer- misfortunc was 10 crack the m, )n guson. h ead and neccssibating the car1 le Stant the day rigbi witb a lîbenal ing bo be lowed bo Connwall. Fr( e serving o! Cream o! Bariey. cars, frozen bands, wene ail a a _________________o! ibis enjoyable" tbip. er i NESTLETON F inally geting the car fixedt es Purcbased some cheap gas and i S- ceedeti on thein way, only bo t: Mn. and Mrs. Davîi Jobnis spent every fewv miles 10 dlean oui the al Monday evening at bbc home o! lead. Nob having bad any sleep Mns. Oco. Nesbtt. threc tisys andi nights the dri The dance hcid in bbe Fonesters'! cbanged over eveny four miles .le Hall on Priday evening, Pcb. 9tb ýlas, 50 miles o! the iounney. r. was not iargcly atbended owing to sextebte wcrc mighty glad 10 a wcathcr conditions. A good time, Bowmanville andi civilization ag a however. was bad by the few wbo in the early hours o! Tucsday mo .attendeti. îng. le Don'i forget the oysber supper on TeiadcctMaeGre i- Pniday, Pcb. l6th. aI 6 p. m. in bbc pie i tat bbc c al counby p 0. basement o! the Unitedi Church. A igbt for French-Canadians, s gooti orogramn is bcing preparcd by they do nol necommend it for wir r-bte League. touning. but tbey do say thai if D1 Owing ho wcatben andi road con- wanî a neal thrbn- tribp, with ýd ditions the Young people o! Nestie- o! the old pioncer'hardships, n ton postponed their visil 10 Janet- make a midwinler motor trip Le ville League on Monday evening. Monîrcal. Ls League was beid on Tucsday ev- g ening. The meeting was opened by al a bymn and prayen led by Bert Ed- TYRONE SUPPER AND CONCE ce wards and Harny Payne. Attend- -_ ance o! 37. Minutes wceenead and -adopbed. Programn inciudcd: Bible Tyrone Community Hall, Wed. -rcading. Marie Marlow; Bible study, day. Pebnuary 21s1, Womcn's In rHanry Payne; topic, Kani Tborp; bute will hold a bot supper anc .- duet. Mns. Wrigbt and Mn. Fred concert consisting o! music, readi: 1- Veale: reading, Mrs. R. W. Marlow; and a debate, 'Resolved that tsolo, Mn. Leonard Joblin; ncaciingl' average man would make a n -Mrs. Malcolmn Emerson. Meeting comlpebent housekeepen than ýe closeti wiib tbc League benediction. wife-" Admission: Aduits 30c, ct _______________ dren 15c. Proceeds in aid o! Cbti .S funds. 2 BLACKB-fOCK I_ _ __ _ _ Miss Mangarci Crozien, Scugog Is- land, is visibing bier aunt. Mrs. S. A. Ferguson. Mn. and Mns. Melvile Griflin. Cadmus, speni Sunday wibb Mr. andY Mns. Lorne Griffin. 0 Miss Elsie Vcnning and !niend, r Toronto, speni bbc weckend wibb Mn. anti Mrs. John Rahm. A number f nom oui village attend- 1cd bbc hockey match in Port Penny on Thunscbay evening. i. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Bnadburn and v4RtO4 !amniiy, Janebvulle, spenl Sunday with i Mn. and Mrs. Grant Jackson. y Mn. and Mns. Donald McArtbur and family, Greenbank, visibed Dr. anti Mns. John McAtbur recently. e Mn. John Venning and Miss Don- " yotby Stevens, Toronto, speni the ~' I weckend with Mn. and Mrs. T. Ven- ning. t Mn. and Mrs. Cecii Hill attended ith fnera o their cousin. Mn. R. » Spnce, wichwashelti at Mynile on Satunday. S The many Cartwrighb fienso Mn. W. C. Fenguson. Nonbbport, will ~ .~. 1be sonry 10 learn that lie bas been ill. Gladti 1 report that hie is some beiber. ' Here's a big opporiunhty for Cari- wright people. Read J. R. Moore's 3big sale advl. in ibis issue. and ihen bclp yoursclf 10 some o! the score o!f bargains be offers. Mn. anti Mrs. Fred Wiian, Mrs. Anson Taylor, Miss Nellie Taylor, Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey and son Ross, Mn. and Mrs. Howard Bailey, suent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith. Mn. Wesley Montgomery, Lindsay, FROM ONTARIO'S FINE Miss Violet Deven, Mn. andMs Herbent A. Galbraith and dau.gbtr,_ beMiss Ruth MGlbaitw, Toronto. S-c H E J a beenP.1uite iii. rs Rbt1 Cawo F._' N-1niCdvuRED RIPEýc CARD 0F THANKS FRESU ATLANTIC Mn. Thos. Rowc .Hampton, bus- STAK band, Russel Rowe, Toronto, and W. C o "ib.150 Ji. Inch, Wcston, sons. would like t101 - express ihein appreciation for bbcTH kindness and sympathy o!f frends RAT L and nelgbbors during bbe lilness and dcath o! wife and moiher, Mi.M J. Rowe. THE HOMELY HOUSE Lor I like te see a friendly house PL Wih vines around the door, CitY And home-made rugs ail cosy-like A-layin' on the floor; iwho I lake to see a homnely place, dtrip Where neighbors' kids ail meci, ,kend And where the woman of the house hop- Is always sure to ireat d, E. Those kids, with cookies fflled with 3rown, spice Eiham And milk, ail foamy white, ;wîio Bef ore ihey trudge their way back eaving Ohome, with Oh yes ! it's pure dellght. mham To find a housc that's reaily loved, Mon- Just simply 'cause it's home, ehin- And ail surrounded by clean dlrt Lance That some folks says is loam; ,isi a Where litile feet and nubby hands astcrn Cnpant their weeny seeds, arent- And learn a lesson for themselvcs it, or When pullin' out the wceds. esore Oh, yes, it's nice te find a house sb- That boasts a mothcr's care- .rncy. A house that lisicns cvery night tand To kiddies' bed-timc prayer. es be- Sigfls And even tho' it-s papered waU.s none Arc fadcd with the years, werc A housc that's shcltcred kindly f rom hcarts n ihis Andi0f t put up with tears, Is really almosi human-like, 2per- And when ai last the night land- Falls softly on the humble house snow- And blurs it out of sight, seeing I shouldn't wonder thcn it smilcs, Sat 3 Then dreams the night away- part, And then wakes up wiih dawn-fllcd t the eyes zero. To live another day. :51 Boys' Black Elk Bluchen, double sole, rubbcn heel, real value$25 Youths' English Kip Boots, wiib Goodyear soles$2 and heels, priced at 2.0 Misses' Black CaIf Sehool Ties leahersoles, rubbcr 10o2, ai $2 -$2.25 In the obituary of Mns. Lawrence Wood the name o! J. D. Stevens was omitced as one who sent flowens. Now open - Berry's Lending Llb- rary. Books carcfully chosen; 3c per day. Drop in and see what we have. Stop the Fln When you feel chilly, your muscles and bonies ache, beware cf THE PLU Guard againstitu by taking LAXACOLD TABLETS Thcy relieve the aching, re- duce the f ever, and soon make you feel normal. pull directions on each box The Price - 25e For the cough which o! ten f ollows the Plu laice CREOPH OS It's a tonic and cough stopper S1.00 for large bottle. you gel them boih ai Kerslake's Drug Store Phone 49 Prompt Seic Men's Urus Caîf Blucher, la ther sole and heci l 3Q made by Sissman ,at $3>.0 Blucher, double soles, Good-I year weited, rub- I27I Boys' English Kip Blucher, Goodyear sole and heel. ai $2.25 Bowmanville Sale o Even at the height of the s.rumr seajon you could mi bave Lad fmer fruits and vegetables ihan d.ese because AYLMER produiuare canned immediaîely aftw ' v ~~pdiing. and the fressnoeand mu" fl lase are f&4f No. 4 Sie, N. Choice. PE S Quai ity 2 ' 21,0 TOMATOES Quali:y 3 Th 29 CORN Chou. No. 225 TOMATO AND VEGETABLE SOUPS 3 220 ASSORTED Ex coehkn 3 Tins 250 EST DAIR> LANDS SE lM. 190 TRIKE ON.~ 2 Tins 3 Isîb.2c!Spinach 3îb&L200 RSH C[JTS f~~ î ROASTINC P BU rs lb. 1 5c 1 Rutts l.17o BIEEF ROASTS - Rund.,mlb >ER lb.0c RUMP are Side 1j E RS 2 'bu-25o LENTFN wHStHSPECIALS SMOKIiD CHICKEN 'ISh M. 4 aidie Mlb. 12c By th- lb. l c < U & f Oyser Pint e Sturdy Worlk Shoes Quality Long Wear Value K nox's Shoe Store Phone 120 '.,-~i i. M ooÉ o-0 PAGIR six e

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