IMM CANADIAXN 8TATESMALN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, FERUARY 15, 1934 PO EE SPECIAL Salvation Armi Division Street 5Oth ANNUAL JUBILI week end of February 17 - 18-1 conducted by Major G. Hollande Adjutant Robinson f rom Toronto. SATURDAT - 8 p. m. Salvation Meeting SUNDAY, FEB. lSth il a. m.-Hollness Meeting 2 P. m.-Sunday Sehool 3 p. m.-Program by eilidrez Enroliment Service 7 p. m.-Salvation Meeting MONDAT - VALENTINE 813F from 5.30 to 7 P. m. S p. m.-Program, "A Nlght at Admission: Supper 25c; Concert Flowers FROM Kingsway Flower Shop ARE ALWAYS ACCEPTABI They are carefally seleeted and reasonabiy priced. A Convincing Exampie: Carnations 75e dozen. Daffodils 35e and 50e doz. Kingsway Flower Shol W. E. GROVES Bx 163 - BowmanvlUe, Ont. Phone Day or Night 72 ~le.De.A* WeekIl SALE Thursday, Friday and Sat- urda.y of each week our store unites with the 210 I.D.A. Ding Stores t. offer youeneeptional values as advertised lu the Toronto Star and Toronto Telegram. We list below a f ew of the outstanding values for this week-end: Pinex .,34e 25e Tootb Brushes 14e Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound .1. .890 Bromo-Seltzer _17c - 34e Ingram's 35c Shave Creani...29e 27e Noxem.a 15e $1 Shaving Brushes .69c Lavender Shave Cream 25o 15e Bobby Combs 9c Mlnard's Liniment 19e RUMACAPS Quick and sure relie! for Neuralia, Sciatica, Aching Back or Rheurnatism. 50 Capsules - $1.00 IConsait Our Eye Specialiat J. W. WORRALL At Our Frlday .2 - 4p. m Store Monday 10 - 1 p. m - 'v W. SEE THEM IN MY WINDOWS Prices Are Advancing Every Day on Clothing Don't Miss This Opportunity Se Go CHARTRAN One Door West Beil Telephone Phono 26 Bowmanville place on Mancis_16Èb. PesidentR. M. Cotton la anxlous Vo bave a large urnout at tisis meeting. and thse ex- ecutive have expressed tise hope Viat Vise brancis wlll show is apprecin- tion of Mn. Cotton's splendid ser- vices by acceding te bis request. Mnny members attended tise social evening li Oshawa on Wednesday nlght attise new Leglon Hall, wisere Usey admlred tise fine wonk nccomp- iisised by Vise Oshawa brancis. Vice Presîdent W. P. Ward. Zone Repre- sentative, was one o! tise speakers at tise openinq ceremouiles of Use new bail on Monday ngist. Stant Vise day nlght wlth a liberal servinz o! Cream o! Bnnley. Lady's Pen found. Ap- piy at Thse Stateaman office. LOCAL & PERSONAL GOODYEAR FACTORY Y Î SU PT. IS ADMITTED MrS. H. Ashlce spent Wednesday INTO ROTARY CLUB inE Toronto visiting her daughter, Miss Clara Ashîce, Whoil a nurse A. M. Hardy Receives Hearty Wel- in training a.t St. Michael's Hospital. corne and Is Presented With 19 His many f riends extend congrat- Code of Ethies and Badge - ulations te Mr. George Power, Who Cmet nIpoe celebrated his 90th brthday on Fni- Cmet nIpo day, February 9th. at the home of Business bis daughter-in-law, Mrs. TIrunian Power. Mr. Power is in excellent Rubber Manufacturing, a hitherto health. unrepresented classification in Bow- manville Rotary Club, was filled on Mrs. Nellie Garbutt spent iast Friday when at the weekly lunch-t weekend in Toronto and on Satur- eon at the Balmoral Hotel, Arthur l day evening attended the Mendel- M. Hardy, Superintendent of thet ssohn Choir concert in Massey Hall. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., wass This choir of over two hundred admitted to club membership. Thet Voices was assisted by the New new Rotarian was introduced to theà World Chamber Orchestra. club by Past President J. C. Devtt, s The regular meeting of St. John 's and the address of welcome and in-m A.Y.P.A. was held on Monday night istilictions to a new Rotarian wereu when the social meeting before impressively delivered by Past Pres-b Lent was staged. Af ter a short ident Geo. E. Chase who aiso pre- t 'ER business session, Helen Gunn's group sented hlm with the Rotary Code of t had charge of a program of games Ethics, instructions to new members, Sea" and contests. after which refresh- and. the Rotary Badge. Presidenty - 25e. ments were served and the rest of Tommy Ross formally welcomed Mr.d the evening apent in dancing. Hardy to club membership.1 Rotarian Hardy, who will be knowna - Mr. A. W. Pickard, Messrs. James in Rotary circles as "Art", in a brief l and Howard and Misses Marion and address thanked the club for the 0 Lorraine Pickard were at Brooklin cordial welcome hie had received, on Saturday attending the funeral and promised to do bis best Vo up- of their cousin, Mr. Ronald Spencer. hold the traditions of the Club. son 0f Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spencer. Conienting on present businessj Perth, Who died suddeniy on Thurs- conditions, Mr. Haxdy pointed out a day, February 8Vh, from hear troub- that poundage at the local Goodyear le. The interment took place at plant for January increased about Groveside Cemetery. Deceased was 45,' over the poundage of the cor-B a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. responding month iast year. Pros- Beacock. Myrtle. pects and immediate work ahead All homemakers Who want teo e were both greater now he stated. s up Vo the minute will be interested He expressed bis finm conviction in three fascinating books full of that the depression had now passed LE cake making, entertaining, market- 'into history and that we were slowl iy ing and meal planning which have but surely heading for a new era o! o been issued suppleméfttary to the 12- prosperity.p lessson course in the Canadian Cook- Next week's meeting wiil be "Mun- ing School appearing each week in icipal Meeting" when all civice bod.iet, The Statesman. Ail hree are writ- and members of the Council a.nâd ten by Anna Lee Scott, Canada's Town Officiais will be guests. Some a foremost cooking authority, and may interesting discussions on vital sub- f be had. while the suppiy lasts, at al jects in municipal life wiil be a feat- a tbree for 25c at The Statesman of- ure of the program.a 1. f ice. Rotarian Bert Shane celebrated i his birthday and had to give an ac- Iti 9. The World Day of Prayer is Fni- count of bis life at the meeting on t day, Februaxy 16Vh. A meeting un- Friday and received a handsoeI der auspices of the WOmen's Mis- bouquet of f lowers for bis leffrs )p sionary Societies of the various Rotarians were a little skeptical a, churches of the town. and the Sal- about the story hie told o! an ancest- S( vation Army, ta to be heid in Trmmity or of bis who was with a battalion b: United Church Sunday school hall of 1,500 Irishmen who wiped out anT at 3 p. m. Program to be used bas army of 25,000 Spaniards. been prepared by Mrs. J. W . L. Hof-di -meyen. Cape Town. South Af rica. - and will be used in some formn by STANDING COMMITTEES r Christian women throughout the AJP0IN¶'ED BY COUNCIL sc world. Ail women are nvted to at- 9 tend. Deputy Reeve Alex Edmondstone, i Sparling Mission Band met in wbo took office at Monday's meeting i b Trinity United Cburch on Monday of the Town Council, was appointed I. afternoon when the programi open- chairma.n of the Relief and HealVh ni ed with quiet music a.nd a! er sing.. Committee, a member of the Court fi lng a hymn prayer was offered by Of Revision, and also a memrber of Mrs. C. J. Smale. The broadcast in- the Police Commlttee, the saine of-w cluded "Flashlights from China." fices held by the laVe Deputy Reeve c The story of the Last Loaf o! Brea.d W. G. Nelies after the opening meet- M was given by Mrs. Smaie. Minutes ing of the year. The f ull list o! E were read, business ransacted, and committees for 1934 wilU be as fol- il roll cafled. Story of The Wang Fani- lows. First namied ia Chairman: te ily was given by Mrs. B. E. Ingham. Finance and Printing-Jones, Ma-Ci A hymn and Mizpah benediction son, Mutton.D broghtthemeeingVo clse. Roads and Streets-Mutton, Lit- t brouht te metingte aclos. Vie, Jones. The weekly meeting of St. An- Public Property - Little, Moses, R drew's Young People was heid in the Btîs basement of the church on Tuesday Flre-Martyn, Mason, Bettles. 0 night with President Don Hardstone Police-Mason, Edmondstone, Lit- B in the chair. The meeting opened Vie. with a hymn with Eileen Todd at Cenetery-Moses, Martyn, Mut- w the piano, and af er a brie! business ton. il session Donald Hardstone gave a Relief and Health-Edmondstone, ce reading. The guest speaker o! the Moses, Little. i evening was B. H. Mortlock of the Manufacturera - Betties. Martyn, ci Statesman staff who spoke on "The Moses. tt Place of the Newspaper in the Com- Court of Revision-Mayor Strike, munity." Miss Eva Welch favored Jones, Mutton, Martyn, Mason, i with a vocal solo with Newton Hack- Edmnondstone. m ney at the piano. and the meeting -____________ closed with the benediction by Rev. W. J. TOUd. ANNA LEE SCOTT BOOKS D, The annual convention of the On- ARE STILL AVAILABLE G tanio Association o! Rural* Munici- im 7 palities will be held at the King, Have you secured your Anna Lee er Edward Hotel. Toronto, Feb. P0-21. Scott bookiets yet? Don't be disap- P, Subjects of special importance Vo pointed. Send or c.U at The States- M Rural and Urban Municipalities wiil man office for your copies now. The M be dlscussed. and a well-considered three booklets are described below. D memorial wll be presented to the "The Easy Way Cake Book" con- io Governinent. A nuniber olb resolu- tains scoires o! useful recipes, be-.JE tions received front. municipalities aides the basic recipes ini cake mak- H will be thneshed out. and the whea.t ing. 'Planning the Party" tells just S(E carefuily sifted from the chaif. Two how, why and when certain menus Ci n. addresses of particular importance sbould be served. For instance. If 1. wili be: "Adjusting Taxation Vo Heip you are baving a littie informai d.ln- I - the Fariner" by H. B. Cowan. Ed- ner party, it'll tell you wbat to serve; N, itor o! Farm and Dairy; and "The if you are having a wedding, 1V wil M Hospital Tax, for the Care of Indig- help you again; and if you are plan- 10 r ents" by J. L. Trudel o! the Depant- ning a strtctiy formai dinner party, M ment o! Revenue, Quebec. it will aiiggest the niceat things tVoc Start the day right with a liberal serve, and the best ways to serve m serving of Crcam o! Bariey. th&fl.R n*1 "Marketing and Mea.l Planning" isA an invaluable littie booklet that ex- i plains ail the different cuts o! meats, N how hey should be cooked and whyT 1Vt i economical te purchase certain e R GA NcuVa at certain Vîmes. IV explains 1 A A GA INtoo howte arrange your meais, s tha.t the right type o! food may be M £fa i fet m eaten at each meal, and yet completeC Oi i.ile imevarlety be featured at ahl time.s. For SI instance, it tels you that a chickenA for roasting should lie up to nine JE ai Ei m C CI ta ec E m a go m N N F « Ab r aha rn, Mn.r',and ùM-m-. -W." H. vicClellan and Howard, Mr. Donald Galbraith, Mns. Wingate and Geor- ge, Mn. Geo. Bnll, Mrs. D. M. Rtosa, Mrn. and Mm. J. C. McCielian, and M(r. Guernsey McCiellan. Toronto: MLr. and Mrm. Chus. McClellan, Mins J.A. McCIeIIan (Continued froin page 1) Mr. MeClellan was a steck-hoider in tise firm o! MeCiehian & Co., which conducted a large business in coal. lumber and grain for fi! ty yenra previous Voits purchase by Shep- pard & GuI Lumber Co. o! Toronto a few yeans ago. On tise occasion o! Mn. McClel- ian's ne Virement in February 1929 The Statesman carried a tbree, quar- ter colunin story in which bis use! ul caireer was outlined. AV that ine tis panagrapis appeared in the story: "We are glad o! tise oppor- Vunity o! pnying this tribute te Mn. MeClellan in a bouquet o! worda in- sPlred. by warmth nnd sincerity to- wards a truc f riend. and not wait until Vise day when bis fniends will bring f Iowers Vo Vise departed and Vise editor will write nice thingsafa- Ver he bas gone Vo, bis rcwand." While tis tribute was paid five ycars ago. it remains as sincere Vo- day as tisen. for in reVirement Mn. McClellan bas been Vise saine truc and inspiring friend, a man of ster- ling qualities, Visat be was as one o! Vthe business leaders o! tis town. Le! t to mourn tise great ioss o! bis passing are, bis wif e, formneriy Soph- ia Guernsey of Port Hope; two sons, J. Gucnnscy McClellan, of Toronto, and Howard A. McClellan o! Bu!- falo, N. Y.; and one daugisten. Mrs. John Hyde, of Kingston Road Fast, Bowmanville; one grandson, Harry Hyde, Bowmanville. One brother, John C. MeCielIan o! Toronto. aiso survives. Hundreds o! citizens paid a last tibute Vo this outstanding citizen on Wedxsesday a! ternoon wisen St. Paul's United Churcis was f ilicd Vo capacity for Use impresaive funcrai ceremonies. The service was con- luctcd by Rev. A. S. Kerr, mintaten, assisted by Rev. Dr. D. W. Beat, a former mintaten, Rev. Geo. Mason. auid Rev. Dr. Abrahams o! Toronto, a relative o! tise family. Botis Mn. Kerr and Dr. Best spoke hononing the deceased for Vise work ise had îccomnplisised in bis bome, in tise chunch and in tise community. Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Who presided at Use organ, sang a very beautiful solo, in which ase waa accompanicd by Mrs. M. A. Neal. The choir sang Tennyson's "Crossing Use Bar,' and two o!fVise favorite bynins o!fVise deceased were sung. Thse rostrum was tis etting o! a nngniflcent floral display as Vise icones o! beautiful tributea were irouped around Use caaket. Mem.- bers o! Jerusalem Lodge A.F. &A.M. and Florence Nightingale Lodge. I-..OP., attended Vise service, wbile inembens o! Use Masonie Order in full regalia acted as flowen benrers. At tise cemetery a short service was conductcd by Vise officiating clergy, a! Ver whlch tise impressive Masonic ceremonies were conducted a Vise beautiful casket was lowered into Use grave. C. H. Dudley, Mas- ter o! Use Lodge, Fred C. Hoar, Chaplain, and Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie, Direco Vonfo!Ceremonles. conductedt the, last rites o! Vhe order. Pail bearers were Col. R. J. GUi, Brockville, Mn. C. A. Cnwker, Dr. J. C. DeviVt, Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, Capt. C. W. E. Meath-,b4h Mr. carl B. Kent, all o! Bowmianvllle. Many beau Vif ul floral tributes were sent by friends and relatives, ilustratiig Vise esteecin swisicb de- ceased wns iseld in tise community Lnd Vise deep, sympnthy o! a wide cl o!f riends for tise bereaved in thein severe bas. The floral offeringa included: The Family, Mr. and mî's. John Hyde, vlaster Harry Hyde, Mn. and Mrs. J. C. MeClellan, Mn. ami Mrs. A. J. WhTialen, Mrs. J. K. Galbraiths and Donald and Mr. and Mrs. Malcolmi Galbraith, Mn. andi Mrs. F. Wiliams, Mr. and Min. P. G. Pozer, The Ev- ening Missionary Society o! st. Paul'a. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Morphy, MIr. and Min. Harry Rice, Mn. and ,irs. F. C. Vanstone, President and Directors Bank o! Montreal Pens- ions Fund Society, Min. N. S. B. rames and f amily, Mn. and Mra. W. H. McCIellan, Bowmanville Public School Board, May and Lella Penny, Col. and Mrs. Frank Chappeil, Jer- usaiem Lodge A. F. & A. M. No. 31, Fliorence Nigistingale Lodge I.O.O. No. 66, Mn. and Mrs. C. H. Mason, Mir. and Min. Percy Cowan, The Mai- lorys, Bowmanviile and Oshawa, Mir. and Min. Jack Hately, Min. Ar- chie Tait, Mn. and Mrs. J. E. Hoblis. Mrn. and Mrs. Percy Williams, M. B. R.ixen, Durhami County Shortisoris Association, Mrs. Wm. Edger, Mn. and Mrs. Dick Metcal!e, Mr. and lirs. I. G. He!key, Misses Allen, Mr. T. C. Jeweil and Miss Frankie Jew- ehl, Jessie and Will Carnahan, T. C. Bowen, Dr. and Min. H. E. Abraham, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Shanw, Mn. and lMas. Byron Vanstene, Mn. and Min. C. A. Cnwken, St. Paul's Church, Session and Board o! Managera, M. A. James, Mn. and Mrs. Geo. W. rames and famly. Mn. nnd Mrs. J. I H. Jury, The GuIs, Brockville. Mrn. and Mrs. T. S. Holgate, Dr. and CIurch Activities St. Paul's Eveniug Auxillary Tise regular meeting o! St. Paui's Eveuing Auxiliany was held at Vise Manse on Monda.y evening wlth n splendid attendance. Meeting Open- cd with Miss M. Hutchison, Presi- dent, presiding, and Miss E. Martin in charge o! tise devotional exercises. Tise opening hymn, Wisat a Friend we have in Jesus, wns sung, accomp- anlcd by Mrs. C. Lunney. The acipture reading, 6tis chapter St. Mark. followed with prayer by Miss Martin. Min. F. Williams pnid sucis a beautiful tribute Vo tise laVe Mn. J. A. McCleUlan nnd rend asucis an appropniate reading. The Lord's Prayer was rcpeated in unison. Af- er Vise business session Vise meeting waa i charge o! tise ladies of tise Watcb Tower group. Mms. Kerr rend a noat lnteresting letten frmnMiss Lueiha Ronke f rom Japan; Mms. C. Lunney gave moat unusual facts ne- gnrdlng China li pre-histeric days; Miss Yellowiees then followed wltis a noat lnterestig firat isand letten f nom Dr. Harbord f nom India; Af- rien was weil represented by Miss Ida Stephens, Min. C. P. Rice and Mrs. P. Willhiams. The closng isymn and Mizpah benediction brongist Use meeting Vo a close. Deliclous ne- fresisments were served by Our ist- ess. Mrm. Kerr, and a mort pleasant social bour enjoyed. J. R. Moone's big stock llquldatlng sale stants on fflday. SeVise scores o! bangains listed li bis big advt. Rev. Thomas Wallace e! Newton- ville circuit, bas acceptevi the unan- imous wish o! bis Viree conirega- tiens Vo neiain ns pastor for thse comlng year. Miss Margaret Spencer was taken Vo Toronto General Hospital on Tuesay wisere se undervent a ser- ious openation for niastolda. She la reported te be recoverlng nicely. Ida MeClelIan, Mrs. David Galbraith, Miss Jean Galbraith, Whitby; Mr. T. H. MeMurtry, Mn. Oco. Hart, Mr. Chas. Bailea, Mn. R. S. Morpby, o! Oshawa, Mrs. G. L. LeBeau, Mon- treal; Mn. Howard MeClellan, Buf- falo; and Coi. and Mrs. E. E. Snider, Port Hope. U.S. Government (Continued !rom page 1) in a modern llghting system and decorating. W. F. Ward, counsel for Vise Town in the Brealin appeal, reported Vise verdict o! the court Vo council. Letten was read from tise f amlly o! tise laVe W. G. Nellea expressing thanks for sympathy expressed by the Council. Clenk was authorized Vo write the City o! Belleville congratulating that municipa.lity on uts Centenary. Good Roada Association's appeal for membership was fyled. A resoiution sponsored by the St. Cathenines City Council, asking that ail those enjoying Vax exemptions except scisool taxes. be required Vo pay taxes towards the relief o! un- employment, was endorsed by the council. Council also endorsed a resolution asking for an amendinent te Use Heait.h Act pnoviding tisat an indig- ent must secure Vise permission o! the Medical Officer o! Health befone entening a hospital for reatment. A questionnaire f rom Vise O. A. C. with regard Vo Stanhinga will be f 111- cd out and returned. Transient Traders' Bylaw will be redrafted and come before councîl at a later date for approval. Finance Committec recommended, paymcnt o! accounts totalisg $2979.39. Chie! o! Police S. Venton present- cd bis annual report whicb la feat- ured on page 2. Grants o! $10 Vo tise Sick Chiid- ren's Hospital and $50 Vo the Dur- ham Central Agicultural Society wene recommended by Finance Coni- ,mittee. Town officiais appointinent are deait with eisewhcne in this issue. Reeve R. O. Jones again mentionîed deplonable condition o! the Souths Wa.rd Dump. Referrcd Vo Board o! Heaith. Mayor Stnike was authorized Vo caîl a special meeting o! tise Council, representatives o! the Fox Estate, Brookdale, Pa.wson, and Harbor Co. properties, and tise Beach Associa- tion, in an endeavour Vo have the, matter o! the West Side Beach road up before summer. Reeve Jonies was authorlzed Vo act in conjunction with Vise reeves of othen Durhami County municipali- ies to compel the United Counties Vo observe tise 1905 act in tise On- tario Statutes, providing for Use dis- tribution o! bridge costs. Durham dlaims Vo have been overcisarged $20,000 and court action will be tak- en te f orce repayment o! this amn- ount. Council was asked Vo do some- Vthing Vo keep the rond Vo Biackstock open for trnffic ani council agreed Vo tise use o! unemployed men to help if the Business Men would psy tise $1.50 per heur requlred for the use of tise county snow piow. - Finance Commlttee wns given power Vo act wîth regard Vo a funs- eral account o! $60 submitted -by P. F. Morris Co. This Commîttee willl also deal with an account of Dr. Slemon for an operation for wisicis only bal! tise usual charge was made. Treasurer was authorized Vo pay bal! o! outside fine proceeds Vo Fine Department. Property Committee was given permission Vo spend noV more tisai $20 in installing a new ring in tise furnace, and providing ash cana and cicanng up aanitary arrangements in Vise town hall basement. The committee was also asked Vo inspect the fine hall witis a view te tise in- stallation o! sanitary conveniences for Use firemen. Roada and Streets Committee willl secure pnicea; on ncw truck Vo re- place Use present truck. Membens o! tise Councîl nnd Civie Officiais were invited te attend tise Rotary Club luncheon on Friday, tise Mayor conveying Vise Invitation on behalf o! tise Club. The contentious weigh scaies by- law was le! V untUl the next meeting as the counicil room dlock showed midnight fast approacising. Kellogg's Al Bran The Real Health Food pkge 20o Wonderful Laundry Soap .......... 8 bars 25c Raisins......................... 2 lbs.> 25c Marmalade 40 oz. jar, 30c Libby's Pork & Beans, large tin ....... 2 for 25c Aylmer Canned Spinach, per tin ........... 15c Maple Leaf. Lard 20 IL pail S2.40 Quality Dates ................... 3 lbs. 25c Oysters - Fresh and Cured Fish - Lenten Supplies Harry Alluna Grocer Phones 121 and 186 Bowmanville ONE WEEK ONLY 3 TIES CLEANED FREE WITH EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning W. J. Bagneli, Agent. Phone 152 Silx Only BEAUTIFULLY FURRED * Ladies' Côats 75 Formerly priced as high as $20.00 each New Priaits Don't f ail to see our shipment of new WABASSO PRINTS. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Phone 104 LIMITED Bowmanville Clearrng Price Rubbers Nelson's Store Regular Food Values At Harry Allin's Store Robin Hood Flour, 98 lb. bag ........... $2.59 Vanstone's Cyrus FPour, 98 lb. bag....... $2.49 Chateau on VelveetaCheese 1/2 lb. pl.LL Cooking Beans................... 8 lbs. 25c Raspberry or Strawberry Jam, 40 oz. jar..35c Habitant Pea SOUP large tinIOC Black Tea ........................ 39c IL DRUGS M NEVE] A Chance m 21 SUi Regular prici s$1 mmmmmftý.- PAGE MIN