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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1934, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. MARCH lst, 1934 sented a statement o! the parsonage IEnd( expe T Ipres binti ' NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH was T h ~ I CONGREGATIONAL MEETING. shp Reports Reveal Ail Departnfts the AFunctioning Welgii AppreciatioflM Newcastle United Church Congre- sent For nearly twenby years rrThe gaional meeting xvas heltI in the cul'; Newcastle Independeflt' page has S- S. Hall on Monday evening, Feb- col been an andI consistent ri.ary l9th. wibh an increased at-1 ing, feature of The Canadian Statesman, tendance over that o! recent years. nier andi throughout these many years Young people as weUl as aduits were E one man has carried on the task o! present in large numbens andI listen- suIft reporbiflg the news of Newcastle andI cd with keen interest 10 the 14 dif - H. district. The several columns o! ferent reports thal were abiy sub- Mai Newcastle news appeal'ing in tis is- mited by the varlous efficient offic- Cho sue, both on the regulai' Newcastle ens. Ail phases o! work - religious cli back page andI also on page 4, ha education, spiritual, social, commun-1 Ric, brought more !orcibly 10 our mind itY welfare. missionary, f inancial,- 'T the great service that Harry R. were !uliy covered in the report. 1 dol( Pearce, the weli known andI popular Al of those present were active ley Newcastle correspondent, is rentIer- participators bhroughout the year in Reg ing Nis communiby. He has carried one or more of the church's enter- TI on this work more as a labor of love prises andI most of them were more whr than as a Job to wNich any salary or or less regular in attendance at wor- the remuneration has been a consider- ship services on Sunday, but il coud cnt, ation. As f ar as we canl recaîl only hardiy be expected that many çould E. one week, through sickness, in aIl be weil informed on ail aspects o! anc these years has Harry not sent his the year's work andI activities. So anc weekiy budget o! news to The States- 10 the great maiority o! those pres- utci man. cnt the reports wcre most illuminat- Wa Citizens o! Newcastle have f ten ing. They revealeti a year of much Fis] expressed a desire for a paper o! activity andI abundanl labors on the 'l their own, but the advertising pas- part of pastor andI people. of sibilities in that village are not suf- The meeting opencd wibh a hymn, sen ficlent to warrant the publication foiiowed by prayer and scripture 1: of a separate newspaper. We know, reading by Rev. W. P. Rogers, as Y.P f or we trieti il under most favorable chairmati. H. R. Pearce was elected ed conditions. The next best thing is Secretary andI read the minutes of fui to av a oo coreponen inth the 1933 congregational meeting cot nearest weekly newspaper which which were adopted on motion o! J. the happens to be The Statesman. H. Jose andI J. E. W. Philp. Il O! ail the rural correspondents The flrst series o! report were o! iati whose efforts have appeared in The groups or organizatiotis whose chief sar Statesman, none have been so thon- function is reiigious educatioli. clu! ough, 50 tIeeply interested in their The Golden Rule Mission Band work. on £0 generous in their de- report was gven by Rdta Powell. sciiption of the events o! the com- secretary. Membership of 30; Band ci munity as Harry Pearce. meets 3ntI Salurday aftennoon ex- We sometimes feel that Harry is cept during summer holidays; every not appreciateti for his true worth meeting is charactenized by business, 10 Nis community. Prophets have woship, sbudy and special literary always been withtiut honor in their anti musical periotis; amount raiseti own land. But next cr the schooi anti sent 10 Presbyberiai was $77,58. teacher it is our honest opinion Report o! the Trail Ranger Camp the there is no one who lias f illetI a more was given by the Mentor, Rev. W. P. Sta important place in hîs community Rogers; 14 members, an active and an tIuring these ycars than Harry lively group o! boys. Edwin Han- an( Pearce. Many w-iil imrnedialely sug- cock, Practon anti Member of the coi gest that the minister fui! ills a more Older Boys' parhament, neviewed the to use! ul purpose, but a clergyman year's work o! the Tuxis Square and h e ninisters only 10 one religious secl spoke in warm appreciation o! the wc: whereas the newspaper correspond- intenesl anti labors o! the Menton of ticr cnt ministers 10 ail. He chronicles the various groups tiuring the past an the happenings o! ail the churches. six years. The adoption o! the î'e- teî the civic bodies, the schools, the fra- pont andI a vote o! appreciabion o! Ma ternal bodies, other local organiza- Mn. Rogers' services was moved by o! lions, andI by no means o! least im- Edwin Hancock anti seconded by boe portance, of the home. Stanley Rickaî'd, a former pracbor an Anti £0 as we glance over this is- anti M.O.B.P. The pnognam o! the 1ht sue o! The Statesman., anti note the C.S.E.T. gnoups provide for the in- C. splendid work o! Mr. Pearce, the tellectual. the physicai, the religious ce: cane he has taken totiescibe pic- anti social development o! the mcm- chý turesquely the events o! Nis con- bers. No part o! this was neglectet i M munity, o! the effective way in which in the Newcastle groups. ioî he combines his words anti phrases Ruby Shaw. President. reponted 1hý int descriptive sentences, we cannot for the C.G I.T. o! which Mrs. W. P. ma but pay tibute 1cr the great service Rogers is the leader. 19 members. th( leie l doing his native village o! Although not ar mottey raisiIlg or- ibl Newcastle, anti the splendid service ganization the group naiseti sufflc- wi he la tIoing The Statesman anti ils ient money bo oteet ils obligations 10 lu: readers. the Girls' Work Boanti andI the ch We have corne 10 one conclusion, Presbyterial treasuren o! affilualeti tal after ediling Harry's copy week a! ter C.G.IT. groups. Like the C.S.E.T. by week, antI that la that he would have groups the CG.IT. was active in "V been more aI home wielding the rnany ways. impnoving themselves W nighty pen !rom the editor's sanc- anti helping others in many ways. T]- tum than lie is plodding the broad Mn. Thos. A. Rotiger, SupI., sub- acres with his plow. But while he miteti a report o! the Sunday itc makes no fortune in the work he is School. Total expenditures $23596, Tt now tIoing lie must have the quiet including $133.33 10 the U. C. Pub- wt satisfaction o! knowing that he is lishing House: $37.17 10 the M. & M. scl tIoing Nis community a worlhwhile Funti. andI $20.00 10 local chunch O service, antI that Newcastle wil nev- budget. Af ter some dif!lcuity the R- er have a real successor 10 Haxry' R. schnni has secureti another vcry bî Pearce as ils correspondent 10 The capable anti devoteti teacher for the sp Statesman. primary class in the penson o! Miss et The Editor. Marion Aluin. successol' 10 Mrs. J. C. Bi Hancock who presitict over the fri Last Sunday evening Rev. F. H. primany tiepartmelit for mnany years. th Mason preacheti in St. Mank's Mrs. Hancock is now' empenance sr Church, Port Hope, the service at St. secretary. w'hile Miss Loreen Batty bu Georges being taken by Rev. Lorne is Miss Allins capable assistant. S. Thomas. Miss Hilda Rowliand, 1933 Presi- tie Mr. oahFosersufeident, gave a cicai' resume o! the Mu Mn.Noh ostrsufeing from many activities o! the Y.P.L.. 10- hî pieurisy at hUs home on the Pioncer gethen with a statement o! memben- a: Farm, was taken 10 Bowmanville ship, attendance. finances anti othen fe Hospital on Tuesday by Reeve F. B. facts. The Y.P.L. like the W.A.. the Fi Lovekin. \.M.S., the Mission Bandi. anti other A. United Church - Rev. W. P. Rog- groups, had efficient pres.s secretar- a: ers, B. A., Pastor. Sunday, March l1es who nepoteti thein meetings antiSI 4th: il a. m.-Momnitig Worship; activities in The Statesman. so il is R 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School: 7 P. nm.- hardly necessa'y t10 nepeat aI icngth Il Evening Service. here. Anycrnc lookîng oven the files Me Miss Trenwith, delegabe at the Io! The Canadian Stesman lw'ould C Provincial Horticultunal Society con- find them an encyclopedia o! in- A vention in Toronto, presenteti an in- formation in regard ta the church B teresting report at the dinectors' anti ah ils nteresbs. not only o! New-- mc meeting in the counicil chamben Fi- castle but o! aIl West Durham. b day evcning. Annuai Spring Flowen The League play , Nancy Anna ie Show wiii be held in March when Brow'n's Folks" was presenteti in ten Miss Tenwth will give a public ne- places--New'casble, Newtonvilld. Cati- t: port o! the convention. ton, Bow-manvillc. Ebenezen. Orono. tc Last Fxiday when the f uneral cf Clarke, Elizabethvilld, Kendal and b the late J. A. Smith Sr. was in pro- Port Hope. anti bnought in net ne- N' gress, the remains o! Mrs. Samuel ceipts o! $10770. Total amoulit:r Alcorn, one lime resitient o! Newcas- raiseti through ail channels w'as b, tle ant i wfe o! a former esteemeti $236.61. $85,00 o! w'hich the League N, manager o! the local bnanch o! the contributedti t local chunch, andti Standard Batik hene, wene being $37,.07 to M. & M. Funti. E borne 10 the place o! the dead in Mrs. W. P. Rogers. Presidetierîte- tý the ccmeteny aI Lindsay. Obituary porîtid for the W.M.S. 52 annual 'J is on another page. anti 22 life members: aver'age allen- bý The laIe Mrs. (Dr) Olven, former- dance 36; two membeî's. Miss Stella 'I ly o! Newtonville anti Newcastle, was Blackburn anti Mrs. C. R. Carveth, t laid to reat beside hem husbanti in hati a 100 per cent attendance ne- F New'bonville Ccmceny Friday. Dr. corti: six othens were absent just one i Olver carrieti on a medical practice meeting: society naiseti $336.75: fours I I dowment Fund: ReceiPts $100.92; Inditures $50.19. he Pastor, Rev. W. P. Rogers. '.ented a report of the session in erence 10 church membership, hs, deaths and baptisms. There sa net increase of 15 in member- iP. .r. J. E. W. Philp, treasurer of cM. & M. Fund, reported total ngs of $705. [r. A. O. Parker, treasurer, pre- ited a statement of local church rrent f unti showing receipts from ections, envelopes, thank-offer- etc. of $2590.30 and disburse- ilts of $2582,53. Election of Stewards by balilot re- ;ed as foilows: H. E. Hancock, J. jose, W. F. Rickard. J. A. Awde, rk Blackburn, Mrs. J. C. Hancock, ias. Glenney, E. M. H. Ward, How- Rowland, W. E. Beman, Stan. ckard, H. R. Pearce. The meeting passed a vote orf con- dence to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brad- îin the death of their only son, tinald, of Giidden, Sask. The Chairman extended to those io had entertained by song during eevening the thanks of ail pres- ,.interspersing the reports Mr. C. Hoar had sung 'Danny Boy" Ld enîcore, antI Mrs. C. A. Cowan id miss Neya Switzer had contrib- tI a duel, "The Voice of Many bters" accompanied by Mrs. E. C. her. The meeting approveci of a vote thanks and appreciation for the rvices rendereti by the choirs. :n concluding the report of the P.L. Miss Hilda Rowland express- her owrn and the League's grate- appreciation of the help, en- iragement and wise counsels of ,e pastor. Rev-. W. P. Rogers. The ladies of the Womnan's Assoc- ion served a bountiful lunch of îdwiches and cof fice at the con- usion of the proceedings. ..ARKE TOWNSHIP COUPLE HONORED ON SILVER WEDDING (Contlnued fromn page 1) t lapel of Mr. Rickard's coat. Mr. tnley Rickard. cousin. then reac «address of eulogy antI good will d presenled il 10 the honorec )upie. It made eloquent reference I heir ma.ny estimable qualilies of art and mind and 10 their true irth as neighbors. friends, resi- cnîs of the community andi piilars d bulwarks of the church. Mas' ýCari Fisher, nephewi, Wilma, anc [abel then came forward with giftr [silverware. a case of flatware,a xed sîlver soup ladle. a pie serve: tI a carving set. AndI following ,ese, Mrs. F. B. Lovekin andI Mrs .H. Epps broughl f rom their con- cament lwo large Chesterfield airs as the major' gif Is. Mr. and Irs. Rickard each rose 10 the occas. )n anti expressed their heartfell anks and appreclation for 1hf iany kînti sentiments conveyed il ,e address and for ail these tang. cl Iributes of their friends' gooti 7l and esteem. As they sat in 1h( icurious depths of the Chesterfueli hairs. richly upholstered in sill pestry. the whole assemblage. ic yMr. W. J. S. Rickard. stnuck ur Vhat's the matter with Norman' Vhat's the malter wilh Lillian' ley're aIl right!" An interesting program of f elicý Lus speeches and music followec le chairman'si Reeve Lovekin ,as reminiscent andI deait witl hool days at the old Shaw's school thers speaking were Rev. W. F togers. O. A. Gamsby, brother of 1h ride andI Onono's widely knowi ports promoter, communily boost -r and ententainer oif parts; W.J ragg. M.P.P.. wVho walked five miie rom his son's home at Provident hrough the wintry night andI ove now blocked roads to pay is bri ibte of esteem:; Thos. A. Rodgei 3 S. Supt.: W. F. Rickard. ex-War ln; H. R. Pearce, cousin's husbant vIns. F. W. Bowen, on behalf of Duri am's M.P. who was in Toronto bu irrived in lime ta have a cup of coi e and take Mrs. Bowen homE rank Allun, ex-Reeve of Clarke:; ý.Colwili. ex-Reeve oif Newcast] in ex-Warden; Thos. C. Bragi haw's, andI Dr. J. A. Butler. ex Reeve of Newcastle. Interspersin se speeches w-d'e a recitalion b Irs. Percy Brow-n. song by O.J 7amsby. quartette by Mesda.mes ( A. Cov an, C. R. Canveth, W. I Bragg and H. R. Pearce, accompai. td by Mrs. E. C. Fisher, and tronr one solos by H. C. Allin accompar td by Mrs. C. A. Cowan. During the evcning congratule tions andI best wishes were conveyE to Mr. andI Mrs. Rickard by men bers o! the committee from Mn. ai Mrs. Guy G. Gamsby, Sîratton, Ont Mr. andI Mrs. Ha.rold Toms, St. Lar brt. Que.: Mn. and Mrs. A. Ayre ai Mn, anti Mrs. A. Stainton. Haml ton: Mr'. andI Mrs. A. H. FishE Belleville: Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Du on. Ingersoli: Mn. andI Mrs. Fr( T'iull, Leskard; Mî's. Toplis, daugl te' and son. Guelph; Mrs. Dunhai 1 d as ennpIoyed with Mr. Russell Bragg, The fa.miiy of the late Mr. ae Shaw's. has rented Mrs. Grace's A. Smith of Newcastle desire to ex- re- farin andI he and Mrs. Webber. their press their appreciation of the kind- nber twvo daughters a.nd son are moving ness and sympathy extended t.o )res- int theiî' new home in a few days. themn duiig the illness anld death of her Mr. Webber inteflds 10, specialize in Mr. Smith, also, for the beautiful was poultny andI sheep. floral tnibutes. il ln)okcd. Mrs. Wni. Hannla was, le the grel of the others, the only mem of the commiltete unable t0 be pi ent. owing 1cr the iliness of daughter Jean; but Mrs. Hanna takixig aco'urse -On -the Apocalypse IMn. W . . oorix, aru sr.snrr amIIs'- or Revelation o! St. John; .ant on for hospitable entertaitimen t a Sunday evenings lei s preaching onI their homes during the yeax. the iast six comnianiments. Mrs. W. H-. Cooke, treasurer, pre- BIRTHS Ls LOST-In lJownman\iIli. on Saturday, ________________________________F,-bruary îIth, a boy Is music roll, con- SNOWD EN -- ()ilrruy2 tb 1934, taurine look ad-h tniusiC 3ew ard i ow mainviii.' Hoit rai, ta raNfo ar"t S'tou oi i-1 Mrs. Ray Snow dn, Toronto. a (daugiter. CsiRuADDOCK.Iti. Ti,titan., on Tuvrriîay. W ne l"brury 2oh,1n34, ta r.ani %Irs. W ne L-onard' Cra ddcoek ta-, '_Jr- nrParneli), a 1 iaugiter (Patsy .Jiin). HELP WANTED-dJirI or mîiddle agv-d ORR--On Febriiiirv I tir, 14, at the w-omnai to (Io gn.-rai housework for Red Cross Hospîitaîl' Tiirissilof. Ont., to sm-ru i rriiy. ApplîFy 1."Irawer B4. .r. and) Mrs. John' A. Orr (rite AnmieIouna. i,9- Atkinson, a sonrtirrlîWallace), WANTED-Plositiofl wanted lry yotrei lady, grai,i it. ti ook -keelhineg, short- MARRIAGES rtIaidipî p I .IvIriy1letter ta 1. 1.; r rt , ltro tan ville. q-1. MAN WANTED-Iror ltownanville, to HýILL-HARTT - At lioliorr.r: arîrLIe W;rrl Quaiity Teas, Coffees, l'rited Cîrurcli r so. trna ge, Iliev iiie. onr i ocoa .SpicE-. 2xlracts. Toi let Pre para- Saturday eeir.Firrur 41.1934, tiorî. u It -tirîie sr.As Laura A. Fl-art onrtaivlr-. lgit- op, one n i urîrari olinty for marin ith ter of Major .mmii-s ll.rtt. Orillia. to îrr.-lînr t rtit. Il rite stîtiger. T. Kenneth Graing,-r Il ill of Ti ,ntoti, 1h r. i. Iv:,rîl ioriliiry. Johin Souîth, flamîl- ltîroid B. Neal oliciatîng. ton. 8-2P DEATHS For Sale ______________________________ FOR SALE-300r1 youfl ic~us for sale. G R I G-tri Lto . irir i l,-, on TuEna . 1 1 iilst , liIrr tiij oti. 1'one 376r1 1. Ferriary 27.t1. l1-: I Slîsarîrit Grigg. wi- 9-1- rloreof fate Johi3nt ,I: n -lt r7'tiryear. Fi-rifroinr. rr lite ' lne' On- FOR SALE-AIÇ.iifa llay, about 20 ton. lai t1 Stru-et. on Fr iî y. 'M.rch 2rîrl. Si.r - AIiri v o Ilin irt 1E. Oshorn,. NewcastleC. vi ce at 2.30 1p. ni. ina -rm.-nt l3owmrnzi- I111, 382 ire.83 viII,' Cemetery. COWAN-In Oriro, oin Tlîur>.rirr Feli- FOR SALE - l'utrbrirl Ayrshire maie ruarv r'rnd 1974, or' Wr îtori raif', 6 oi- lr-' i. Aplry Il. liavry, Ty- Cowan, 'agell 72 \-r-irs. rorir- l'flotte 194r2 I 9-1 ALCORN-In L:t'inda. oinW-l ea. FOR SALE Ihoari biter, Jers.y -and Frirru ry is t. 12Duiai X lî i iirîrini. ru ti rai f a t sidne. Air to i r ii wife of S. iIll1 lAicorn. ized 63 A rielit i i ho on 1, 1R. Il. ;, towi tian r 11e'. v-ars.91 McM URTRY-Iii Iie r~rvi',Tîrrrs-- n ay.. Fhrua ry 12ti1.1.. t.ot Sa Crosbv. FOR SALE-r roonî eot ta ce on Ciiurch %v i o f bte itrs .1. M e. tr:- 0 Stie ,t .1ail nIo(rri onven ien ces, baril- la-r 72nî1 ear. woorl foors, goal lr,îs,-rien-t. Particurlars FRA N KLIN b l 'airt I 'rry, Ft-r- iri l .iiîî Box :l81. I- ariin9-1- lt'bI. 13r4* M'r Frrilii. 1.lo ri vif,.-- of Franrk Frankîri i igr-ri_.- years tiýt- FOR SALE-Oit Cotncesioni0Street, one i -e of Cartwri cliil r eelot arr wh icie s n seveit roonmed SH ORTRI DGE-'rt lroo4klizi. ,il ar- iosuctîr bathi. Ili-etrie slave, andfur- lac. iyFei-ltarv D2rli :24. Attii-iit ill. ue.-. ir-o ilrîîl crai,. Aîtîrly to W. »rilover wif.- of tIir- ln t liniis Short- 1i. Shtort, 13w tanvîl ri it. t i er - 7 ilon 9i iiýiy M IRRORS FOR SALE-Two m irrors, HOC I S - li iîb .on Tr-ii. 4 ft S ini. b:.'?, ft. 6 nit.: two. 7 ft. by 2 It. . 1I-lruarv '27tir. 192 . M:r-i' d.r rIar Mar li i-r i lciists S torerv iinlowv. «fii ya rîlr. eri1. lirtn lli- Firrirîr irîforirta,,tioti front Mrs. T. G. FRAN KLIN-iI-tii i Strr.: OR SALE-5 ias i-.twinignreition. ri irtar ' 24th, V 1,: 11 ,-r -ia Sirtii .lii'-dil Six Naishi r-d rt, ivately ,f Franklit, elrl(si îriet of- r tIi-ý lite 'Mr. anur i. sirtall i itt're. iv, il tii-i l itew trI M rs. t1..1'l -'rriilr-lîrr . il 1 sit-q n -ra i rliti r oll -titb,- . nl ta eloa in erstate. e rr F . . -. tr ritr I liitîýr- Alun:q ta M.rrr.iit liiîk NMoiiti*-,ztl, 120w- - i n., i 1;ow n-rr. nii-a r:.- Iiahiilîi 9tf. iS '; FOR SALE - As garnit concert. ail,. y~T r-. sniriI I r- l,-Irrl110iS,- liens. Tr--- IN' jV1M1VA A I oullo .Lrreioute-. 1-ilocation: fruit; s - ~~tiririr.- for i t ' uti--' n, i t r . iitIsities. a EVANS-lIri rof ,îr Sacrifiîe for, itint.Iiitit- ci, '. Aiilly 1ox rii ririantd ftl, liroilîl l.vani,, w îo il"r, lir OrrI'.9-1 -rîltlir1-11l ntb re-t 21ir-î 6111. Vî22. -Sal:.-missedIl y Nifî-. Sons ain iiruliri'. To Let .d GIBSON - ltlttr-rtnu ,niliraite, of ~ E iatiit i rriîtrrt IrlrrWilltanî i i-n, iro dii,' i ud- ii iairLET îr trie' i t e so I. lîilnil 1 of Oleira Atiinn iOtandl liti i- t ikirr a il "7i 9-1cn I,- a y ne s ii in irril r ir, lii', '1' Ni9 i tilsrti. eni'eatli-.TO RENT-Iicîk Irouse., on Ilorsey St. n --6 roi it . ne wl:.- rcr- tei, gCiitrgare-, -down in the afteinoofl helpiflg in Itol tr- ious ad wrkho. J. l. Mr 1arranging things and gave much i.rioiîrvl. ýe valuable help previaus to the event. HOUSE TO RENT-lin Ciirel Street, The uess o arivig wre ecevec siý Irjois.ail erri-initnces. garrîro andl Thd ust Ci os-. essio t onc. W. B. k by Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard and direct- j'ol.trrld, îviliiri.Pitor,131. 8-2 ,ed to the cloak rooms and their ýseats by Mr. Howell Rowland, chielf .usher. - ~ I OBITUARY iYOUNG MEN'S S. S. CLASS - ELECT OFFCERS AND James Anderson Smith, Newcastle :hS O ANAE Newcastle extends sympathies to >. The Young Mens Ciass of the U. Mr. J. A. Smith, Jr., Municipal Coun- SI p. C. Sunday School, Mr. J. A. Am-de, cillor, and Mrs. H. J. Toms, wife of le teaclier, held their annual pancake the Chairman of the Board of Edu- -n social and election of offlcers in the cation, in the death of their father. - S. S. roomis Friday evening. F'ebruary J. Anderson Smith, Sr., founder and s, j. 230 the J. Anderson s Election of officers and committees Smith Company, manuafcturers of e resulted as foliows: Cabinets, now situated in ai lr President-Irwin Colwiil. the old Massey Building. Mr m T i- Vice President-Chas. Gleniney passed away at the residence off Nsv r, Secretary-Murray Butler. -on on Wednesday, February 2lst, r- Treasurer-Geo. Buckley. after over a year's iliness. Mr. Ti d 1 Refresýment Committe-Alf. Gra- Smith was born in Birmingham, l r-ham, Abert Pearce, Wm. Rowland. England. in 1867, and came to Can- - ut Social Committee-Wilbur Bask- ada as a smali boy and settled in ,f- eî'vilie. Garnet Rickard, Harold London. later moving to e;Brown. Tor'onto where he learned the cab- A. A hockey league was formed îith inet making. He moved to New. le four' teams, captained respectiveiy Hamburg in Waterloo County in I gIby Murray Butler, George Buckiey. 1914 and started in business for x- Harry Couch and Wm. Row,ýland. hmef oigb Nwatei ng Arrangements were made to hold the 1918 where he ran the J. Andersony byfirst games on Buckleys rink on Smith Company. He took a veryj A. Tuesday evening of this week. active part in the business, but ow-1 Theclssextended a vote of ing to ili health was forced to give D. thanks to Mrs. Fred Graham, Mrs. up some four years ago. ~ H.E. Hncok an Mis Stlla The funeral was held from his n-~ Blackburn who gave oif their time sons îesidence, Kingston Road. on n- and skill in making the panca-kes. Friday aflernoon. service being con- Mr. Awde and the mexnbers of the ducted by Rev. F. H. Mason, Rectorf ýa class provided the ingredients, the of St. George's Church. The pall- 2d maple syrup and ail other accessor- bearers were six nephews, Messrs. ?, î- es of the meal, while the girls of Jim Smith, Ernest Bishop, Aif. andr nd Unity Class who were having their Lex. Day. Carl Hall, Toronto, and ýtmonthly meeting in another room Arthur Smith, London. m- with theil' teacher, Mrs. N. L. Rick- He leaves toniourn his asn nd ard. finding themselves with an over one son a.nd one daughter, Mr. Jas. kp supply of sandwiches, also shared A. Smith and Mrrr. Grace D. Toms. ethemi with the boys. Newcastle, and three grand-daugh- t- ters, Jacqiueline Smith. Mary and edNewcastle Young Peoples League Mariorie Tomns. Newcastle. His wif e. -e the late Emily Hall, predeceased hlm ýh-1 The weekiy meeting of the League sxyasao m.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~i wa edi h uda colro h eautfufoalofeins n 7 he Siater $600 You will not find a more stylish shoe. Von will flot find a more durable shoe. You wiil not find greater v.alue in any new spring dress shoe than is to be had in The Slater at $6. FACTORY TO FEET SAVES YOU MONEY NABORHOO0 N SHOE STORE 0 COWAN BLOCK KING STREET Town of Bowmanville ADJOURNED SALE 0F LAND) FOR TAXES w ili take place oo ATURDAY, the Srd day of M1ABCH 193'4 i'tuisiiiit ra insîrnr ir-is from the Towrn ait îi. ire r rirî .-- n of tire Tarin of tou nrrit 31 îi,-r the provisions of Sectioti 157 ufthei.'Assessmeot Act, here- y gives notice of its intention ta pur- hiase suci of tIrehlnds oftered uit tire saff adjatirni-i sale as may lie deemed ndi isable- and in tire interest of the Towrn, if tite sums offeredl for said lands re l'uss tran tite arrears dine, or if no rice is ottered. A.J YE Treasurer. Towun Treasurýr's Office 2aî ttt ti-ili Fi iirr:' 1 st. 1934.- 8 - Town of Bowmanville ADJOURNED SALE 0F LANDS FOR TAXES \Noi ' -. i., 1.r."ib- t tth re aid- ouitru ni r-ýale of latis uitciinser-offer- - for cri.- oittirestii lai>y otfTu n in.îr 'I. i l ir i'. i .Il arr Saniitiiay'. ti.- 3rrI ii ' oif Ni.rrelr tt 1u oir A. Ni.lut th- Townsi t fr11 in tir,- 'lowrun of iorntan nulle, by ibli iiis'mitioatt utv hh tini'- the sainl unis or sircir ofthtîni s shah nat irai-e r,- re i,-,-nr'-ri i n thit i ie int r-, nilil bt" of-'tire for sais Irrirstuint te tite prov'is- ins ifi crt iii 127 of ilissuFsment ret. Tire îv.rr.rn t autboringsîuch sale tint týIX. 5 il irrIilr"l .thi' n.u'ýIm-i- rit tir, Sii li nf .1arnîniryad amir-s ini- iîsini-ui iin li,-îii'irnin ir i ru it,. S.îr-n 0ist.ii'. 13,3. tro iitt'ý- mni1at Sini-smOnoan uer--n wru. k for tirteen rr,-ks A iist of tIr landrs ta lie offerîri nor bu m > b' - tav î s ,-,n--n .r ml fitrt i rr i nformalu- tion r. quir, n v 1Yii- oliiirttni'l tt tu onfn a tl Ire îrrrîesigIrr. A. J. LYLE. -)lc Treasurer. Torn nTre-itîsrrer'sOf(r'- 1 F,birriiry ' 2st, 19P,4. by use of SULLIVANS COUGH & HEAVE POWDERS Satisfaction guaranteed. 11,2lb. tin postpaid - S1.00 WARD MILUING Co. Chatham, Ontario O. A. C. BARRED ROCK CHIC KS AND HATCHING EGGS fram Durham County's Largest Exclusive Barred Rock "Ontaro Breeding Station." Write. or phorne, for aur free Circular and Price List . Read about our 100%. clean Bîood Test, and thre tact that a il our chicks are produced under the provai Poiicy. DONALD E. GInSON Bowmanville. Ontario Phone: Carke 3811; Bowmanviile 300r3 CSHREFITES FOSHRËSLER Store Fîxtures anti two Cash Registers fron Nelscrn's Osh- awa store for sale cheap. Cash Registers hai! price. See Mm. Nelsoni at NELSON'S STORE Phone 595 Busins irectory LEGAL m. G. V. GOUL), B.L A.L Barrister, Solicitor, NotarY Phione 351 Royal Bank Building, Bowmaflville W. a. STEIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanvlle, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail ils branches. office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL - DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. rBowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sundai. Phone g0. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment In Office. FUNEKAL DIRECTOR Ser-vice, any hour, any day F. F. MORRIS CO. Modem Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalld Car Caîl Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILL NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complete Funeral Service Modern Equipmenl -Ambulance A. W. G. Northcutt- Aubrey SmIUi Phone Days 58 Nights. Sundays or Holidays Phone 523 or 276 C.He Tuck opte Eyesight Specialiat Author 0f: Optometry Feature Service The Child and its Development Speclalizing exciusively in muscle anomalies, eyesight andI glasses. Phone for appointment 1516 Oshawa, Ont. Disney Bidg. opp. P. 0. -i , s' Il - 111 It's Time to Choose Your New Spring Shoes YOU NEVER REGRET BUYING QUALITY MERCHANDISE Smart New Models $2.9S to $550 Style is the thing in these %mart shoes - Just as comfort- able as any shoes you have ev- er worn. Our prices wilI sure- 1y please you. 0f course we have complete fittings. Nabor- hood lea.dership is built up on this service. .-- For theFRANK HURLBURT For theCUSHION SOLE SHOES No connection with Hurlbut Co. Chlldren Preston. Comfortable and sturdy foot- Sizes il to 2 .... $2.48 wer- that describes ou Sizes 8 to 101 ... .$1.98 children's shoes - prsced at ze5to7*..$15 reasonable figures: ie 5to7 . .$16

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