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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1934, p. 1

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iir rn ~aemr With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News A '%rlrT E V nMT mUTTPTR.qAV MARC1H8t.1934 NUMBER 1 VOLUME 80 BU VVMIiiN V ILLEt, UNJ7 1., 1 iu otiiv-i .Adolpli Henry is 1P Widely Mourned in Durham Co unty~ Prominent Orono Merchant, Agriculturist, Churchman m and Freemason M eet s Sc Tragic Death by Drown- Bi ing M sr one of West Durham's outstand- g ing citizens. Adoipli Henry of or- tý ono, for 22 Secretary of the m Clarke Township Agricultural Soc- i iety, and for the past two yeaxs IJý Manager of the Durhiam Central Iti Flair, met a tragic death late on C Monday night or early Tuesday oc morniflg when he was f ound drown- E ed in a cistern at the rear of lits p hardware store ini Orono.u Mr. Henry, wlio had been in ilU B healili for several weeks, lef t bist home on Monday night for bis store, phoning bis wif e at ten o'clock thaI ' lie would be riglit home. When lie E failed to put in an appearance at il niidnight a searcli was instituted i and sliortly a! er tiwo o'cloclk on t Tuesda.y morning bis dead body wasA f ound by Percy Lunn and Harry Mercer li 8 feet of water in the cis- teru aitbe rear of bis store. Mr. Henry, wlio was 57 years ofs age, was one of Orono's most prom- inent and highly respected citizeris. He liad interested himself for years witli every worthwbile project in- augurated i that live comniunity, and il was due to bis abiliiy, lits en- thusiasin, and bis devotion to work that the Orono Fair lied carried on through most difficult times in the past quarter century. He was an etbical and upriglit t business man o! whoma the village c was proud. and the United Churcb,t of which he was a member. had for many years benefitted from bis loy- alty toils organizations from bisE business abiliiy. For many years( lie carried on the business f oundedi by bis father. and lie was actively1 connected with Orono Lodge A. F. & A. M. He is survived by his sorrowiiig wldow. formerly Gertrude Hughes, daugliter of the late General John Hughes o! Bowma.nvllle, but bis1 deathli wll be widely mourned1 Ilirouglieut Durham County. The f uneral is belng lield tbis af- ternoon wtIà-a private service aI bi& laIe residence and a public service li Centre Street Unte Cuci Members of Orono LodgeA.F& A. M., will attend the funeral i a' body and wll take part in the rites. Local Farmers to M Losa EFfo rt to Eradical 1of $98,000 Experienc- ed Annually in Durhamn County Due to Pest Says County Agricultural Re- presentative A determined attuck on lie Wun- ble Fly Menace li Dalington Town- ship is being undortaken lits yean lirougi tie efforts o! Mr. E. A. Suximers, Durhaml County Agicult- ural Ropresentatlvo. lI Durhami County the annual loss attributed ta Warble Plies is estimated ut $98,000, on an average for every f armner o! $39.00 per yoar. Dr. Stevenson, lie Provincial Zoo- logisl, has made lie necessurY ox- periments whici have pnoved suc- cessful se lihaI lie figlil to eradicate Ibis expensive menace waîl go aieud wi a cerlainty of success, ut least as fan as metiods are concerned. The success o! lie wioîe camxpaigli, whlcli overy faner in lie township lias neceived notification by mail, depoxida enlirely upon lie co-opena- lion exlended by lie ndividual. A wanble eradicator is being, manu- !actur'ed wich will eliminate lie warble fîy if used. The preparation la nol expensive but witin lie roach e! overy f armner. Pannions well know lhe menace of lie Warble Ply and iow Il causes cows ta, go dry. beef caIlle la lose wogit and destruction o!ides. The f ly deposits ils eggs in lhe leps o!thie caIlle and lie newly hatched larvue por! oralethie sklr and enter lie body. The first migra- lion is up lie legs, long lie inside skia of lie stomaci 10 lihe gullet wiere il is encysled f rom Augus' uxtil February. Prom Februury 14 June lie larvue migrales agaixi ul lie side and on te lie back wiern lumps are ralsed until lie warblt !iy cornes la lifo and breaks tirougl lie skin te tonment lie caIlle. Tic application o! lie eradicato about the end of Marci, agaîn a, lie end of Apil and aguin utt1h ed of May wilî accomplisi lie de. aireel effecl. Every farnon is urge to, co-operate in tins camnpalgi which wllI prove benieficlal te hlm self, tl ils neigibor, and tb lieeon tire county. Mr. Summors wi la glad le gîve any informationi neode if furmers will write hlm ut Por Hope. _____ _- Dr. Doris Foster, Toronto, sper, lie weekend wth lier parents, M and Mrs. F. A. Foster, Norwoo Place. Mrs. H. M. Anderson andl Mr Jee Amnes and son Ralpi. and ML- Irono Dracup, recently islted UI formner's daugliler, Mrs. Dracu Belleville. ALESTINE R.A.M. Contentious Weiah Scales BylwD aec nCucil ANNUAL AT HOME ya eetdi or ENJOYABLE EVENT Mayor Strike Casts DecicIing Vote to Break Deacilock Oatheingon ffldy:Night- Motion to Compel Police to Weigh Coal Also DeFeated Feature Program ____________________ One of the mosi enjoyable of the Photograph of B o w m a na - Oshawa Scottish Rite Healthy Discussion Precedes ast week's social evenis was the ville's Mayor Will Not ClbHnrLoa Vote to Ask Ontario Mun- alestmne Chapter, Royal Arcli Ma-ClbHnrLoa on's Annual At Home, held ini the Appear in Toronto Cen- Members at Dinner icipal Board's Approval on-man House on Friday evening. There was a large turnout of tnilPrga ,at Lat of Measure Passed by nembers and their wives at the' ena rgan es MemberS of the Oshawa Scoîtislici ,plendid dinner at which the Firstl Not at $150 a Page Rite Club, accompanied by some 1933 Counci 'rincipaI, Mayor W. Ross Strike, members f romn the Whitby Club, )resided as loasîmaster. A short TeWihSae ya a yla.sI wednesday niglit paid a g<,<><- TecnetosWlhSae oatlisi feaiured tepormi- TeWihSas ywwsb will visit te, the Bowmanville memn- TecnetosWihSae >as th prgraian-f ar the longest piece of businesi-brsadpntaerenoaeev Law went dowxi to def eut at Mon- nediately following dinner. Follow- cus seia uemengwchlsldi ers nidFollwiiadier nothle o- day's meeting o! the Town Counicil ng the toast te The King and Craft, only a Uitile over one hour. amaer an aniaaleddebate, and will ron Baker proposed the toast to, The Transient Traders' Bylaw was presented, i the Course Of wbichclidiMay oe mast the bylaw wben he Grand Chapter in Ontario. F'redc~gvt g X Har a emer f he xeutive laid over until next meeting to give the visitixig brethren lextended k~id- coundil vote 4-4 on a motion of Hox teGand Chaer andth a pxe the Retail Mercbants' Association ly greetings te the Bowmaxiville Reeve R. O. Jones te, request the District Deputy Grand Master, re- an opportunity to draft a bylaw for menibers. Addresses, in the f orm 0f Ontari Municipal Board te give ils lied fitingly to this toas.In his ibeir own protection. înteresting vocationa.l lalks, were consent te îthe enacîmnent of the isul cpale aner r. . . Pemer Geo. S. Henry acknow- given by Alex G. Storie, Leslie P. 1933 coundil. Witbin five minutes 3onnycasile toasted the Ladies and ledged tbe receipt of communmca- McLaughlin, Dr. W .LnmiMyrSrk a gi eurdt bis was replied to in a Mosi cbarm- tions f rom the tewn relative to hos- nd Col. B. j. McCormidk- Morley cast a decldin.g vote on a motion of âg manner by the First Principal's pitalization of indigents, and tWR1. Jacobi o! thepsliawa Club acted councllor Multen and DeputY Reeve wife, Mrs. W. Ross Strike. E. H-. special assessmneii for the relief as master Of coMionies in a very E<hondtne that the police tal« Brown proposed the toast to the vis- rate. acceptable manfixPi. The four Bow- steps te weigli occasional leads of tors. George Chase led li commun- Hospital for Sick Children, Tor- manville membeiïs of the Club Who fuel f romn each coal merchant. ty sixiging, after wich several con- onto, expressed Ihanks for towns were thus lionored were Fred C. "Unîess the council can secure a tests were staged in wbich Mrs. L. donation o.0-0. Hoar, Dr. J. C. Devitt, J. W. Jewellmjrt sefIshlbconiet A. Prke, Ms. elli Gabut an andRev C.R. pencr. r. oarin oting against measures wliere ~. arerMm Nlli Grbul nd Public Property Committee Was and Dr Devitt spoke briefly for the thevote is tied,"' Mayor Strike sald. vrs. Ross Strike were the prize win- given power la act in thje applica- Bowmanville group, expressing Introducing the subject Mayor ters, the latter winnlflg two. tion of Mrs. Brandi, Division Street, tbanks for the evidence o! goodwill Strike pointeci ouI Siat the Counicil The remnainder of the evexing w8.s to cut down lwo trees on Grant~s on the part of the Oshawa Scottisli had passed lhe bylaw and sent il or pent in cards anid dancing, the diri- Lane.Rtr.__________ frrtfctoele Mncp ing hall bemng utilized for the danc- he___________________ier. orrtiictontoth uncia ing, wblle the sitîing roonis upstairs h ieDpriet iog Board. A petition liad been circul- sere used for cards. The music was Secretary-Treasurer Harey W. Cor-aedgasthebawoloigh provided by SneUl's 3 piece orchestradeplidfrascn-ndieSt D i' T m customary advertising and the coun- of Oshawa. truck la carry liose to fixes and also St * sT acil's duly was now te advise the ____________- for new equipmeit 10 f ight chimney Board, wliether in view o! Ibis peti- fires. The matter o! tie truck w?.lc« m ref erred te h ie omtee in c e tien, il still wished la press the ap- HOSPITAL BIRTHDAY pARTyteFr omtete ry of(H c e Tpiain repot bckwhile the committee repmeigofteWmns o-wsaor zdtspn 1 on the- Reeve Jones who strongly support- mee uiir t a eie ohodprhs fchme eadfting lieemeasure from ils incepliox teBirtiday Party for tbe hospital lings. e g e H n r stedhai w o aefcin oxi Tiursday. March 22nd, in the a!- Harry "Red"' Foster's request thal prtection for theni as well as thE ternoon. As Ibis is tbe 21st - the Bowmanville congratulate lie City Church Hockey League Ac- consumer, a protection againsî cit- comixig o! age" - anniversary tbe o! Toronto by the use of a ha1f or icisan whlch miglil be untrue. Othei ladies o! tbe Auxiliary are f ull page advertisement in lie offic- tivities Corne to a Close towns wîere similar bylaws were in a happy Birthday Tea and woûld ial Centennial prograni o! liaI city frewr elstsid esae craw the attention o! ail who are aI a cost o! $75 or $150 was flot en- Next Monday with Ban- fore Reeelovedthale lie Boad l inlerested ixi the Bowmaxiville Hos- tertained despite Mr. Foster's desireTh evmodta heBrdl pital. There are so many f avors re- to use Mayor Strîke's picture or Ihut quet -Rotary Trophy advised 10, pass the application. ceived ixi a hospilal that money can- o! the Town Hall in Ilie prograni. Deputy Reeve G. A. Edniondsteni not buy-kindliness, extra 1111e at- Councillor Masen expressed lie W- Ibis limened huh taws o a sabloal tentions on lhe part o! tbe staff, thouglit Suit a picture o! Bowmafl- ti iewe omn ml.l sympatietic concern for suffering, ville's iandsome Mayor was bound Emerging winners by a 5-3 score were being delivered. He expresseÉ so muny thlngs oxie needs to show to, overshadow the Toronito Mayor's aller ten minutes o! overtinie, St. tie opinion Iliat il was bound 10 in- gratitude for, the care o! your baby, picture. Paurs boys' hockey teaml were ac- crease lie price o! coal because ci lie care o! your litIle boy. the care Acomnatnfrite claîmed winner o!jthe Cbuncli Hoc- lie increase li lime te make deliv. o! your dear parent - ail o! these way Association o! Canada liaI the Tii ar omncto ri h al key Leugue w they de! eated eries and lhe payment o! weig' h .ar .sedt. emTrino Macty R.gers th le final sudden scales f ees. He IhougitthlaI polici you re skedle eme.~ n Mrc on observe Dayliglil Saving Time deali gaine ut ,, el n hel elsnctdt eg a 22nd. Tea wiU be served a.nd Ithe . jore1934 froni 12.01 Sunday, April 29eih ea Tulrthdaicake9e4oyed. 1 12.01 Suday, eptember93 day niglit. Whilei score voilld dealer's load once or twlce eacl 'blrtl£daycake enusdf yled1.01Aon ougi no ation .30 'indicate a f aarly easy victory, sucli week. Mrs. Wm. Smitb, Deseronte. spent taken il is likelyIl th es asws o the caeandiawtesiy Councillor Muttoxi slated thati Iheweeendwit Mis Mrjole il becboen ereas lie daeslast minute spurt whlch gave St. was a great inconvenience especlafl the eeknd ith issMarori, wil b chsen ereas heyare the Paul's lie coveted Rotary Tropiy in in the case o! small loads, and th Smith.dates arranged by lhe larger cen- ils first year o! presentalion. added expense was bound te faU oi tres. Tbree flf teen-minute periods were the consumer. He added liaI lie di, H. C. Dowr'haiii Nursery Ce. dom- played, nesulîing ini a lie ut 2-2 and net think lie dealers were "gyping plained o! several break-inS at themr necessita.tiuig len minutes o! over- epulcan potdoIli property and for lie third lime re- lime. The crowd was not large, but h ulielad o ceoa utilt sea alce >etemlfle queled le intallaion ! a iret did not lack i entuiasfl to 10 ake different amounls o! spac ligil li te corner o! Queen and St. Paul's sîarted oui slrong thei ie h i twa eeIyr te he~~ar6e ly George Streels. Public Property aparne !clain p i Rn ± al asgnrall Comxnutee will report on the mat- gers in short order, but the big sheet will weigh the sainie for lie suni ter. o! ice ha hem !ooled and tiey bulk. Some discussion surrounded a re- quickly lired. In lie third period commendation 10 grant lie Horli- Rangers lied lie score, and in lie Ree've Jones added Ihat lie was n( Big Skating Carnival cultural Society $25.00. Some mem- overtime Rangers looked like taking suggesling Iliat the dealers we. bers wanted la see lie tonwn hall lie laurels and the record o! no de- cnoeked and failed te see wliat adÉ At Taylor Arena on janitor continue lea cul lie grass feals !rom Si. Paul's wien liey ed expense Ibere could be. Wednesday Next Week and tbe Horticultu~rul Society plant scored the first goal. This goal Counciflor Martyn suid lie did n< the f lower beds. but f inally th ani- seemed to spur St. Paul's !erward know o! any great need, nor had 1 ton was relieved o! that work und wiîî rexiewed lii e and vigor and lie heard o! any demand te bave co4 The Business Mens Association lhe Society will now have toecul lie result wus three smant goals in a weigied. Skating Carnival will be held ut grass anid plant lie beds also for lie very short tîme. Councillor Beilles stated thal Taylor's Arena on Wednesday even- usual grant o! $25.00. Boli teanis displayed a nice brand was opposed to lie nueasure as ui ing, March l4th, when mafl3 valu- The judgnient li the Breslin ap- o! hockey, lie Itype wiich ensunes fair te lie dealers, while Councilli able pizes will be offered in the peal was received f rom Judge L. V. lie O.H.A. team o! ail kinds o!fnia- Mmses objected liaI lie petitic vuarlous classes. A huge erowd is ex- O'Connior and lie fine and cosls tenial for lie future. Don Mason. circulaled wus nol fuir an.d iaI I) pected to attend the afiair whlch is amounting to $204.45 were ordered Reon Richards, Doug. Nicliols and malter should be put to a vote planned to wipe out a deficit incur- remilted and lie costs on appeal Ashton in lie nets were best for le ppe r inl the promotion of varions $35.80 ordered paid. Trinity, while every SI. Paul's n'an Reeve Jones' motion was tied 4 sports duning the past summer and The Finance Committee reconi- was nîgit on and no panticular cre witi Jones, Mason, Moses and là winter. Watch for bis whieh wilI mended a grant o! $450 for lie Puib- dit could be given 10 any one. tue voting for il, and Edinondstor give f uU detailIs of the events and lic Library wiich was carrled. The The lnopby wîll be presented oni Multon, Betles and Martyn again, 1 przes.Commlttee was not prepared la ne- Monday nighlt aI lie Boys' Wonk Mayor Stnike voted against lie me pr1 s port on Dr. C. W. Slemon and F. F. Board Banquet in SI. Paul's Sunday sure. 1 Mrs. Alice EIford. Welcome, cele- Morris accounts or lie A. H. Moore sciool aI 6.30 P. nm. Boys who are Thsaidvsonw rgte lbrated lier 84li birtiday on Tues- application for lax reduclion. members o! any o! lie six team nus in the sane division washavegptei day, pebruary 27li, ai lie home o! Cemnetery Committee was aulior- lie league wll be required to puy lxi Ib olier Motion lie avepo 1her daugiter. Mrs. C. J. Stuples. Sie ized 10 spend Up te $50 on lie roud 15e eaci, whlle them !fathers, Most vwe.lgilaa, hMar Stnieca la sitero!Mrs Ja. . Rckadbeing built tirougi the cemetery. o! wiom will desire ta be preseriltin gia i esr e . i a istr o Mr. Js. . Rckad, Unlil lie townm knew wiere il wîlî be able to purchase tickets aI o! a luck o! couxicil majorily. .Bonmaflville. stood as regards lie C.N.R. Crossing 25c. Frank Williams, who is in________ ) Between 25 and 30 members o! lie aI lie west side entralice tO lie charge o! lie a!! air. would like la 1Beehive Rebekai Lodge o! Bowman- Beach, and until il heard froinilie have ail adults and beys wlshing to .ville journeyed 10 Port Hope lasI Railway Board, lie Mayor slated he attend. nolify hlm by Salurday. The slinill wind's bugle-cal kThursday evenin.g where lie local w8. net li a positioni te callie President Tommy Ross o! lie Ro- li chimney-lops and trees, .degnee* teani, ieaded by teain cap- proposed meeting o! lnterested par- tary Club will presexilthie Rotary Is suying, "Waken, waken ail tain J. E. Gibsoli. conferred degree ties. Tropiy and lie egit small replicas Brave blossenis, if you please! 1 work on liree candidates o! Port Roads and Street Commlltee was one o! te, be given members of Spring's hasts must take their six 1Hope Rebekai Lodge. A most en- authonized 10 spend up ta $15 on1 St. Paul's teani. A fine program is1 again joyable evening concluded with a sîreet brooms - a sure slgn liaI ulse belng arnanged for lihe enter- 'Neati Maple, Oakc and Lurci, fsplendid banquet. spring is near. tuinmnit o! lie boys and their dada And enid barsi Wlnter's cruel reîi liai evenlflg. Attention! Forward Marci!" eSinging Padre Well ]Recelved GOODYEAR PRO I Rtay ea ____________________________________BOWMANVILLE PLANT eBe! ere an audience whici packedivery besî o! bad dlrcumnillces and I 1the Salvation Anmy Citadel nearly despite the constant and ever evi- XI receni weelcs lie local An intenestlng address on "Ap ;t It cpactyonMonday nigit, and denltireai o! deali, Iiey could see plant e! lie Goodyear Tire & Buddixig and Culture" wus a feat, ta0 pdl 1 the amusillg o! lie situation. Rubber Co. bas alded lie local at Fniday's Rotary Club meel pl with f orly boys f romi lie Ontario îî was pîeasing to note that suci relief situation materiallY by wîen W. L. Paterson., Manager 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~f TriigSio rsxt IC0.J ag uinegetd i pa- le epomito several lie H. C. Dowihami Nursery Co. (__ ____ rGARDEN LOVERS Sl ~Poet HOLD MEETING IN 'SlofP pet COUNCIL ROOM for Tax Arrears Horticultural Clirs f rom Training Sehool Attend Intenestlng Edu- B îg o B d cainlMeeting on TiuI'sdB.y B ig o B NiglitI An unusually informative meet- Town Takes Over Several ing wras sponsoned, on Thursday niglil Properties Following Faîl- by lie Bowmanvllle Horticulturul Society in lie Council Rooni wlin ure of Anyone to Bid Pro- interesling demonstraliens and a rquestion and answer peio1 were perties In - Organ Fact- among lie fealures o! lie prognani. ory Included PaI President T. A. Dustaxi pnesid- ed in lie unavoidable absence o!f- Capt. C. W. E. Meali, lie President. Once again thene were no bide Owing la other engagements D*. w. wiea several properties came up for L. Paterson was also unable -w be sale by public audiioxi on Saturday, present to gtve lists alit on budding thia being lie adjourned saie of o! fruit trees. lands for tax arrears. Aniong tiose present at lie meet- Town Clerk A. J. Lyle effered the ing were lie Honticultural Class o! properlies for sale but secured no ie Ontario Training Scliaol uxider blds, anid se lie municipality liesuervisofo M. Lonsbenry, Ibrougl is notice e! intention pub-. sa.nd a gnoup o! interested public lished recenlly la protected by hav- eschool boys fnom tewii. Mn. E. P. ing now prier'cdaim le lie proper- eBrudt, Agaicuitural Directon o! the lies involved. oTraining School, aIse accompanied The largesî pnoperty whici lina li te boys. becomes lie properhy o! lie town, ,eMn. A. S. Baker gave n illumin- wili e! course thie ownen's option of e allng demonstratlon o! pottng and nedempîlen, la te Dominion Organ >fcutting o!flieuse plants, and spoke & piano Ce.'s factory, wiich for talse on their general cane and Ineat- oven hall a century played a moat. amoen. Mn. Baker's talk conlained imporant part lin the luduslnlal 111e Lmany use! ul bints regardlng lie o! Ibis comxnunily. The plane and ýeposible f allure o! many peope tO ongun Irade, wiici lias suffened per- 1.succesafuly nuise lieuse plants. lie iaps more Ilian any allier lndiaslrY >rlraced the wonderful structure O! durling lie depression, las stil l Ina iplant life, Ibroligi Ils double 111e ex- sud condition, but il is ioped Ibat nistexeicel whicit denives mucli f lie fuure wll see Ibis propenty e- ils food Ibrougl itis roots axid olier deemed and liatItIlwil once again linougi lie air. Having illuslraled serve its purpose in lie community. Li te essential lacts o! plant 11 lif e Many liousands o! dollars have Lconlinued wili an luteresliflg deml-~ been pald by Ibis compaxw lin wagcs !onstralion o! pottixig and proPagat- 10 Bowmanvifle citizens lin Years Ling o!flieuse plants. gone by and ils instruments have Mn. Chas. Bagnell, who iS donsld- been sipped le maxiy f orelgn coun- ered an outstunding local aulbenlty tries. L- on bird 111e. gave lie boys o! lie The tawn aIse owns n1OW lie in Training Sciool valuable informa- smaller K.nlttlng fadlory on Churcli an lion relative la bird life and lie Street, afroady belng lie ewner of a construction o! bird lieuses. telre uligt h ot.I ie Muci interest cenlned around thehli e ner buisedrtng 10 liseuli. Il L- question and ansWer period. wîen has bexein sect ieab for Dr nunierous questions on a wtde van- fwas einxpened tingcnidbue dtin in iely o!flionlicultural. subjects wene f culty lu entixg, utfor tblngO danswerod by A. S. Baker and W. E. <frasticlabendefolurf e Grvos.putlng is employees ouI o! work Mn. Bradt oxtended a cordial lu-whargalna iehodule ie vitation te meabers o! lie socey plant. at to visil lu lie summen lime theo tOler propenties now owned bY di Boys' Training Schoel for a tour o! the town includes a 1 % acre plot on jd inspection. Members o! lie soclety Ontario Street, opposIte lie South -will plan te give a whéle cvening to WardjSchool. f ormonly owned bYlic Of lis trip and are very appreclative o!fla 0 Goron D. Fletcher; 17 acres - lie kind offer. on0Lt 9 1on on con Steel; 851 ___________ _ acres on9LoI 10onsoncStesion" ce For a roui Spnlng tonic eat Cream sand 1 acre on lots 3, 4, 5, 7, 8. on ,h o! Barley every day. Duke Street. ih 'Conkratulatlons; th Mi"a Helen Bp Uic provisions o! the acî gov- Williamsa on passing lier Junior Pi- enng Ibis proadune liese proper- it ano Exuminallon. Helen la a pupil tues may be redSeomd witbin, anc y o! Miss jean Ramsa, A.T.C.M. year. by paymexil o! taxes and cost. he On 9Els:,. Carruthers and C.harlie CawIcer ,,- Won in B. H. S. Oratorical Contest )al ,nFe n f oalBn Six Splendid Ad dres ses ret SpeadsLcaBndFeatured Annual Compie- Id- ndisto r Aaytrnd titions on Thursday Night itdas oa Sr -Wide Variety of Sub- he The fume o! the Canadian LeffiO etDicsd al Band of Bowma.nville ha jctsaiscsse have alrcady polnted out, spread far' ho beyond thc confines of Bowmanvllle Six addresses o! uxiusuallY fine in- district, but who would bave believed calibre lealurd the annual Onatar- or that its fume wouid spread ta far Ical coxilesh ut lie Higli Scliool on ion away lindia, the scene of Mahatma Tliursday niglit, when oxily a coin- the Gandhi's peiodical f asts, of Gordon parativelY small cnowd turned ont o! Sn lair' nomadlc wand riffl, ad to enjoy a mot enlenhaLiin g even- o!fliolyrv, Paga, Temples, sad lug. 4- burnlng suna? But tbis fact was rniaa.W DPelwscar I-f ound ta 1be veytruc when the Leg maPranipa L. . Dte nin wfs0cair- e, ion Bad recelved a letter this we*kmx n le i ign !OCn al.f rm . L liesof amtee, hisd,,, ada, wi Charlie Cawker aI lie Sasklng for a position wlth thc Let-pao o xlie ia i os Io au er udeprslng a de- prize was donated by Mn. D. 0. M. sit a ndiv e re anada.xress -- Galbna.llli e!Toront, sud- lie girls 'ede been a i Bau ntructr. ulias -irst prie by the late W. W. Tamb- ice etsInanA yfoti lyn. The wlnners were Elsie Car- jtrcyas a y fohe he aot ruliers nd Charlie Cawker, wllh Lus ba nsd oves' the shortwavc bro dcast od. H nok e calbig sc some monthsa go, aud agrain Gardon Tejondi.tecnts er r Sinclair may have told hlm abot it A.ho%.judges luplecintesh ene being one of Canada's outstanding Oa.ri riin Suprliondl f lOYe band . H o eve If e ew a t he M s. J. O 'N eill , and M rs. Lorne T. band had no unlfos'ms pehpsh McLaugbili. Their tasc n sele-llng would not bc so keen to loIn. Loal.thle winner o! lie ginl's prIze was ual cutizens can ensure the band gettlng dificuitas lyoent 1sr- new uniformi by Packlug the Operacelved, but tonly ok n eei ase and Heure ta eapaclty for ticeMlnstrel tobs mn h LebY a Show under band auspices tOig lw bniely aonde v oy a and on fflday night. Thc show wI infiniEl ieardrter gia 11e good, for Il is under thc able dir- ll Cruhn ection of Mrs. J. Clark Benl. The firsl speaker was Elsle Car- ruliers, wlio gave a most enliglilen- lng address on "ftclsm lu Britalu." w I Th addross was xtnemely Wel d- 's W . L.. Pa tsonE Illvorcd lu a ms laig- n Iaithougli hie speaker was a lîle I lard le liear authe back o! tic hll. Miss Cannuthens sketclied Ibislife >plo show iew lie commercial fruit Irees tory o! Sir Oswald. Mosiey, leader tune of Canada are placed on lie ma.rket. o! lie Brilti Fascits, and Outlincd, .ijng The original hardY rool stock la tic gnowth o! tie movemnent lu Eng- o! _#pnte f nom Fre whore a speC- land anti commented on tie posai- oýe 1 1

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