PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 8th. 1934 ,@>-- 0Ricicard gave an interestîng account 1ENFIELD of her recent trip to the temper- stating some of her experiences Mr. Albert Niddery, Toronto, re- while there. The meeting was brot cently visited with Mr. J. Hepburn. o a close by singing God Save The Mr. O. H-eatlie, Wick, and Mr. . Wilfred Heatlie, Treherne, Man.,.ig spent several days with relatives . here. CADMUS Messrs. G. BaIsclon and W. Brib -_ ____________ bins, Zion, recently visited at Mr. A. Prescott's. Miss Leona Devitt spent the week- Miss Helen Pascoe is visiting in end at Mr. George Fowler's. Oshawa. A number f rom here attended the Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Cochrane dance at Lotus Friday night. have moved Vo the Nottinghom farm Miss Gladys Cobbledick spent the rieur Raglan. weekend at Mr. Edgar Gibson's. miss Elva Pereman, Coliumbus, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McGill visited bas been visltlng at Mrs. J. Hobbs'. at Mr. Everard Sandersons Monday There was a very good attendance evening. jet the concert here on Tuesday ev- Mr. and Mrs. E. Sanderson visited ening, March 5th, considering the Mr. and Mrs. Ira Anderson. Port frosty night. The selections on the Ferry, on Saturday. program were well given and much Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McQuade and enjoyed. family and Mr. Lloyd Thompson Messrs. W. J. Ormiston and Char- spent Saturday evening at Mr. Ed- lie Henry are able Vo be up and soon gar Gibson's.< will be able Vo venture outdloors League was held Thursday even- again. ing with a fair attendance. Mr. W. B. Ferguson took the bible study.f TYRONE ýMiss Norma McQuade hadi charge ofè I T RON Ithe programi which consisted of w selections by the orchestra, a read- Mrs. Laura Vîrtue is ',isitîng ing by Miss Helen Fowler. a solo by friends in Buffalo, N. Y. Beth McQuade. and the topic by Miss Ivy Park, Ebenezer. visited Mrs. E. Sanderson. ber uncle, Mr. W. F. Park._______________ Mr. Clifford Larmer, Millbrook. i SA EMt visiting Mr. Gussie Rosevear.SA E Mr. J. Roach, Bowmanville. visit- ed bis sister, Mrs. J. Hlatherley. Mrs. A. J. Adams, Bowmanville,a: Mrs. Robert Burgess visited her spent last. week guest of Mr. and mnother. Mrs. Enoch Stevens. Hamp- Mrs. G. Cornish. ton.1 Mr. Ewart Foîlard, Toronto, visit- p Mr. and Mrs. Warren and f amily ed his parents at t.he weekend. Sor- d have moved into Mr. Jas. Hodgson's1 ry Vo report Mrs. C. Pollard quite ilI bouse. wth a cold.c Congratulations o Mr. and Mrs. "'Jesus in his world, and Jesus inm R. Savage on the arrivai of a f ine our world" was the subject chosen baby boy. by Rev. A. M. Wootton for his splen- si Don'V miss hearing "Back o the did sermon on Sunday last. I Country Store" at Hampton on Several of our young men attend- Tbursday, March 15th. ed the pancake social at Tyrone lasV w On Friday evening a number of Thursday evening, where Mr. K. ai yourcg people were entertained by Werry carried off one of the prizes. h( Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Park. Ail report a good time. Mrs. Wmn. Virtue has returned A feeling of sadness pervaded our from visiting hier daughter, Mrs. W. Sunday service owing o the serious su Cochrane, Orono, who was ill. illness of one of the members, Mr. M~ On Thursday evening Church Lawrence Squair, who is in Bow- th Group No. 1, under management of manville Hospital. We hope for a a Mrs. Luther Hooper and commlittee. speedy recovery. h featured a progressive crokinole and Y.F.L. meeting Wednesdiay even- di Lost Heir in the community hall. ing, Feb. 28th, was opened by the C( Winners for the crokinole, Mr. Ken- president with hymn and prayer in P neth Werry and Mr. Francis Thomp- unison, after which the meeting was ; son; for LosV Heir. Mrs. Yellowlees given over to the social vice, Mr. K. and Miss Ruth Farrell. A cafeteria Werry, wbo presided over the fol-' lunch of pancakes, syrup and coffee lowing program: Bible reading, Miss was served and a very enjoyable ev- L. Welsh: comments on samne given ening closed. by Miss W. Lancaster; an essay by St W.M.S. met in th~e S. S. roomn on Mrs. E. Doidge; Goldsmith's poem,. Thursday, March lsV. Mrs. R. Hodg- "The Deserted Village" was given by wl son conducted the worship period Mr. F. Blackburn. The social hour and business. An Easter pageant was filled in with a contest and il- and thank-offering service will be some merrymaking ridd.les, led by held Good Friday evening. Frogram Mr. K. Werry. after which the meet- fr ,was given by the Executive: Read-ling closed with League benediction. tic lng "An Old-Fashioned W.M.S." by Attendance 19 Mrs. S. T. Hoar; vocal duet. "Lead tei Me Saviour" by Mrs. Jas. Dudifey and ev Mr.Floyd Dudley, accompanied by KENDAL Mrs. A. M. Wootton, was very much <C -en enjoyed; the opening cha.pter of the Mr. Ira Thompson has shingles. v Stud.y Book. "Lady Fourth Daughter Ms elyEloti iiigi of China" was ably given by Mrs. R. Torsnt.WeeyEloVi stngm JHodgsn Meeting closed with the Woono J. gsicton. Mi. Lorne Henry. Toronto, visitedi beedcton iMr. Wmn. Little. ! ______ Mrs3. Anson Gilroy and Mir. Wmn. w, ISHAW'S Little are in poor health. __________________________ Miss Eileen Lttle, teacher at. Long t Sault, was home over the weekend. Gj Shaw's Public School was the Mr. Aylwarcl Little, University Of en, scenle0f one o! the best attended Toronto, was home over the week- 1 social functions of the wnter sea- end. tri son on Wednesday, Feb. l4th, when Mr. George Luxon is in a critical ed the Home and School Club held a condition. Miss Marion McKelvey col crokinole anci card party. Being is in attendance.1 valentine day the school was nicely I Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robinson on decorated with valentines. Sixteen 'spent Thursday evening at Mr. Wmn. joi tables were prepared and everyone HaIlowelI's. Starkville. g was f illed with players. At the con- Mr. Earl Hawe is employed with 1 clusion o! the games, the tables were Mr. Milton Dunbar at Perrytown. roc re-arranged and he refreshment Mr'. Hawe wîUl be missed n this le. committee served sandwiches, tarts, commuunity as he was an active help- 1 T cookies and coffee. During the er in church work.? lunch peliod the president, Mrs. Orandfather and grandson in the Evi Walter Rickard, announced the win- persons o! Mr. George Mercer and Evi ners: Pive Hundred-Winnie Rick- Master George Mercer celebrated Stl ard; euchre-Ray Browvn; crokinole their birthdays at Mr. Win. Mercer's Mi -Berniece Gilbank. The tables were on March 15V. Miss Katie Stewart, 1 then removed and Berniece Gilbank who was also celebrating a birth- ten provided music for the dancing that day, was an honored guest. ncl followed. Visitors were present fromi The community was shocked at in' Oshawa, Bowmanville, Newcastle and the sudden death o! Mr. OscarI the Brown's Section. Wright who has been a resident o!f The regular meeting o! the Home Kendal for several years. Deceased at and School Club held on Thursday, was in his 48th year, and leaves Vo Sui March lat, opened with the mourn his loss a wife and four child- ass of O Canada, wçith thte president, ren. The f uneral was f rom the Ri Mvrs. Walter Ricicard, in the chair. church, w-ith interment to Newton- Mo Ihis was folîowed by repeating in ville Cemetery. d nison the Lord's Frayer. Tesc League on Thursday evening was a retary read the minutes. A îetter in charge o! Mr. Arthur Thompson. Hai was received from the Harris f am- Bible rea.ding was given by Mr. Neil hel ly acknowleclging their basket o! Stewart: a splendid opic was given iTi Christmas cheer. Secretary present- bY' Mr. Arthur Thompson; readings B ed an invitation from Bow,ýmanville were given by Misses Dorothy Cross- Bit Home and School Club to visît hem ley, Sache Cathcart and Dorothy Mc- -"E On Wednesday. March 141h, which Mullen. A contest was conducted by 010, was accepted. Treasurer reported Miss Dorothy McMullen. gi'i $830 proceeds f rom the Valentine i________________ E social. Community singing was then jET E O r ed by W. J. S. Rickard. wth isBNalEONP Berniece Gilbank at the piano.( hePea president then introducecl the)speak- Mr. Norman Argue, a patient in are er of the ex4lening, Miss Graham, Port Ferry. is getting along nicely Hi] Public Health Nurse from Bowman- We are glad Vo, report that Mr. Wl ville, who gave a verY interesting Thos. Wlîiams ;ha.s so, far r4cove-red r wîîu nhoîcitne Peel Bros. ,Tophy' for c 1934. stit The contest held durîng the last me six weeks n the League is over. As buý the rules of the contest are that the me losers must put on a program for Cor the winners the white side wilI ar- Mir. range a program for the blues. The L aIP last meeting was a very successful 1in one with the number present in- 'Mn creasecl to 65. The meeting was op- 1 pr<l ened wit.h a hymn, and Mrs. Mal- E.1 colm and Fred Crawford led in pray- " er; Bible reading, Stanley Malcolm: i Kr( Bible study, Mrs. Wilford Jackson; ISrnT topic, Miss F. Fallis; instrumental, Pal Norma Edwards; violin selection. and Donald Thompson: solo. Miss V. clo. Saddler; mouth organ selection. Gil- The bert Marlow; duet, Jean Malcolm JoyE and Leonard Joblin; mouth organ j' selection, Mr. Humpage. 1A diu ox sang "When Irish Eyes Ar'e Wliat .%tnirews duea for you in to atimulai. mîlig"; rs. . Rndlegavea the YM[-îît., noîrmal. heaithy action. Taken nilig"; rs. -I. undl gav a tegýular irtrvas-m ytai ýe a week-An. per on "Pauli; Finding. Criticism, dre. ai .'11e, ycr whnie eystem pure anid d It' PhyicalHarm" Mieingekin imi neletione a.111 tend It'sPhyscal arrn. Metingenii 1 yî,u wili enjuy a riear ali-i bsed wýith God Save 'he King. and1 a lheaittln'n- ntive body. le usual social hall bour was en- Fllia' these emana sensible Anifreas hcaith ied. riiîln Get.A [realrê Liver Sait f rom yîîur drîîg- rhe "At Home" held by Hampton RuiAtIi [[il ai 35-and SOc. Ner, largebottle,1 .lt Bible Class on Wedneday S,,ie.Agents: John A. Huston Cu.. it., enSy T.r.nt.. 7 f t( E a:, M p di c T si ai h( su m th a hi di CI: PIE St ççi ý'L-E Fr( ýic ýej ýV: ýn vi te ri, ýd Di: 9î 1 oc ýa 71.1 :VI :VI ýn ýol 1e t ui ss ýai 10 aý A :ai el 'hi ýy ýib B. lol ivi E Tc ai ea re loi iii rc ,it ou ýe le 'hi fti cp la ie ol rei night was a decided success, with one i BASE LUNE hundred and twenty present. The SPresident, Mrs. Geo. Ba.rron, occup- ied the chair and presented the fol- Base Line Three Home and School lowxng program: A mixed chorus by Club held its meeting on Tuesday members of the class. after which evening. Feb. 2'lth. Meeting opened Rev. Walter Rackhamn led in xrayer; with a hymn, followed by prayer by a voca.l duet by Messrs. W. Wilbur Rev. W. J. Todd. Mrs. Price fav- and D. Rackham; reading, Mrs. AI- oured with some music, foliowed by vinl Peters; vocal duet, Mrs. G. Bar- two very huinorous reactings by Mr. ron and Mr. T. Salter; recitation. Howard Foley; Miss Bragg gave a Master Ronald Hall; vocal cuartet, piano solo; Rev. W. J. Todd of Bow- Messrs. T. Salter and C. W. Souch, manville gave a most itestin.g Mrs. Souch and Miss M. Horn; read- and beneficial talk on the "Secrets ing, Rev. Walter Rackhamn; vocal of Learning"; followed by music onl solo, Mr. Bert Stevens; a talk. Mr. the guitar by Mr. Frank Shand; M1rs. F. J. Groat; reading, Mrs. A. B. Cry- Price, Mr. Lew Power a.nd Frank deman; vocal duet. Messrs. E. E. Shand favored with some music Staples and C. W. Souch. An in- previous to lunch served by the teresting and amusing contest was Young ladies under the leadership of then conducted by Mrs. A. E. Bil- Misses Iva Foley and Winnie Gib- îett, social convenier, after which re- son. meeting ciosed with the Na- freshn-ents were served by the lad- tionl Anhem.ies and a social time was enîoyed by ail. I ENNISKILLEN _____g__ MAPLE GROVE Mrs. W. R. Lamb is spending a - few weeks in Toronto. ldt eMrBoWisnhm Sawing wood is the order of the ad ato striptoBobWlson hom day in our village tUùs week. agan afEr ty npdoscotln d.a miss M. E. Virtue, Toronto, visited M. E. W Fo leatidsn Edsa- her aunt, Mrs. Phylina Mountjoy. setMnawwa rltvs nOh Mrs. C. Boyd was called Vo Yel- Mr. Jack Emmerson, Town, spent< verton owing to the serious illness Sunctay çwith his sister, Mrs. Victor oi her uncle.Wisn Mr. arol Steenso hadhis Glad to see Miss Jean Stevens outs onsils removed in Bovrmanville again after suffering with flu andr Hospital on Friday. luiy Mr.a Mrs. e Brunt anitd Mrandl Don't forget the congregational1 vadlrs. Maksvi rley. iedMr admeeting on Friday, Ma.rch 9th, at 8 nus.Mb ro here ate e ep. m. in the hall. A nuberfro. hre ttededthe Miss Florence Foley spent the 1 party given at Mr. A. Beech's, Hay- weekend with her cousin, Miss Bes- r don, on Firid.ay night. sie Bla.ckburn, Orono. Dont miss hearing "Back to thes Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Axford very Country Store" at Hampton on quietly celebrated their 53rd wed-s Ehursday, March l5th. ding anniversary on March 2. This ý Miss Bernice Stainton, Toronto, community extencis heartiest con-F spent the weekend with her parents, gratulations and hope they will be v Ur. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton. spared for many more years. l Mr. J. Slemon. Jr., spent the ev. and Mrs. H. C. Wofraim en-p week-end with f riends in Oshawa tertained the choir members ona ind Toronto and also attended the Thursday evenlng, March lst, afterP ockey game. practice. A social time waS enjoYedv The ainual St. Patrick's cafeteria by alI. The members leaving for e ;upper will be held on Thursday. their homes thanked Mr. and Mrs. earch lSth. A debate "Resolved Wolfraim for the splendid time. ýhat the average ma.n would make Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens enter-e Lmore competent housekeeper than taifled their children and grand- is w,ýife," musical numbers, and a children on Thursd.ay, March lst.. lalogue, will be given. Admission: Vo an oyster supper in honor of their oncert only 15c; those having sup- 35th wedding anniversary. They 13 )er, concert f ree. were presented with an electric floor 1c _______________________lamp. Congratulations to them; hope they will be spared Vto enjoy 1 HAMPTON nimany more years together.B Mr. c. H. Burrows, Oshawa, spent On Saturday evening, March 3rd,E 3unday in the village, about 30 Young people assembled at tl Miss Norah Kerslake is visiting the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miltonw ith relatives in Toronto. Samis to enjoy a pleasant evening Mr. David McBride. Cobourg, vis- with Misses Corsina and Els:e and t ed his sister, Mrs. Ida, Smaie. Mr. Fred Samnis, who are moving Mrs. S. Williams is recovering fromn our community along with p om mumps and other complica- their mother and father and Young-m ions. est brother Donald. Ail are sorry to t Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Williamson en- lose Mr. and Mrs. Samis and familyW ertained a few friendis on Friday f romn our community. They are q .ening. moving northwest of Solina. E The snow has disappeared consid- At the proper time the company e rably with the recent rain and mild wa-s called together by aIl singing m ,eather. "For they are joîly gool felîows," r( Mr. Morley Hastings, Toronto, then Marion Snovden read a nicely .sited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. c. 1 worded address to Elsie, and Mildred T. Hstîgs.Snowden macle the presentation: El- gÇ Church Thank Offerîng is March len Gimblett read an address to P 8th. Dr. Edwin Smith, Columbu.s, Corsina. and Betty Snowden made t ill be the speaker at both services. the presentation: Mr. Wm. Brown a. Mrs. Allan Parker, Montreal, vis- read an address to Fred. and Lloy ýed her mother and sister, Mrs. Metcalf made the presentation. koodman and Louise, over the week- Each was presented with a fountain nd. pen and eversharp pencil. The ad- Mr. W. W. Horn made a business dresses are as foliows: ip to Toronto recentiy and attend- Dear Elsie:- When it became d the Toronto Symphony Orchestra knoçwn thatyou would be movîng to ncert. another communîty. such expres- Mr. H. Stevens has resumed work sions as "I'm sorry they are leaving" ri the ra.lroad. Mrs. Stevens will and "we shaîl certainly miss Elsie" )in him shortiy, taking up residence were heard on every side. You have ain in Toronto. been a valued member of the League Mission Band met in the junior as well as a worker in Sunday school. )om of the school house under the and a faithful attendant there and ,adership of Miss Grace Cawker on at the church services. Your con- iesday afternoon. stant cheerfulness in spite of handi- Miss Margaret McKessock and Mr. caps has been a source of wonder Vo erett Elliott, Oshawa, and Misses al of us. As a League we felt that 'elyn Tink and Ruth McKessock. we would like to remember you in lina, were Sunday visitors with somle way. so we asic you to accept iss Margaret Pascoe. this gif t and as you use it, may it Their many Hampton friends ex- bring back many happy memories of' ýnd sympathy to Mr. Edwin Rey- your friends in Maple Grove League. Id.s and daughters, Bowmanville, Dear Corsina :-. We do not like to Lthe death of their son and bro- thînk of having you leave this neigh- Ler. Herbert, of Granby, Quebec. borhood, but it has become appar- Missionary Sunday was observed ent that your departure is Vo, be in the Sunday school session on the very near future. As a League inday afternoon. Mr. H. Peters we felt that we would like Vo come sisted in the program. Rev. W '.j Vo your home tonight Vo let you know ackham preached a splendid ser-( that we regret the fact that you are on f romn the 23rd Psalm on Sun- noV remaining in our midst. We ty night. wish also Vo pay tribute Vo one who A Concert under the auspices of has been a faithful and loyal mem- tmpton Women's Institute will be ber of the League, taking a part in Id in Hampton S. S. room on a capable manner whenever there lursday, March lSth, at 8 p. m. was an opportunity. Not only in yspecial request Hampto nAdult League. but in the Sunday school ible Class will repeat their play and church and in activities among ack to the Country Store." mon- the Young people, you have taken an ogue and vocal numbers will be interest and active part. And now ven. Admission l5c and 10c. we would lice you Vo accept this Extra Special! Harry Horne's slight token as a remembrance from 7oducts which include Extracts, Mapie Grove League. ,king Powder, Puddings, Jellies, Dear Fred:- Your departure f romn ýanut Butter and Sundried Coffee. Maple Grove leaves another gap in ýe being offered this week at W. W. our League here, for you have ben orn's Store, Hampton. as f ollows: an interested member and faithful ith every 75c purchase of Horne's attendant, taking part when the op- ,oducts you geV a jelly powdeiir f ree; portunity was presented. We shal I HAYDON Miss Mae Lamb, R.N., is mn at- tendance at Mr. Sulas Trewin's. A large number were entertained at the home of Mr. A. Beech last Fi'iday evening. Miss Aninie Trewin has accepted a Position in Toronto. Mrs. J. Kennedy, Miss Hazel Ken- nedy, Mr. Worthy Kennedy, Miss Lottie Cottrel, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton, Toronto, visited at Mr. H. Ashton's. Mrs. Wesley Thompson is visiting her mother, Mrs. McDonald, Bow- manville. Special service next Sunday even- ing under the auspices of the Inter- mediate Girls' Class. The speaker for the evening will be Mr. Harold Maciclin. Tyrone, also special music. A nuinber o! the boys went in the truck load f rom Enniscillen last Wednesday evening when the boys off the Highway played the boys on the Highway at a game o! hockey at Tayîor's Rink, Bowmanville. The boys off the highway won the game and aIl reported a real good time. I SOLINA Miss Jean Hogarth, Hampton, spent the weekenc w-ith. her grand- Parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baker. Misses Ruth McKessock and Eve- lyn Tink spent the weekend with Miss Margaret McKessock, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howsam and littIe Miss Mary Howsam visited Fort Perry friends on Tuesclay. The members of our Women's In- stitute held their annual At Home lust Thursday ev'ening in the Sons' Hall. During the evening cards were played and a social tîme en- joyed. Mr. A. L. Fascoe won the prise for the high score in Lost Heir and Mr. Bob Smales won the euchre prise. An abundant lunch was ser- ved by the ladies and a good time enjoyed by aIl. The League meeting on Mondas' evening was in charge of the lsV Vice Fresident, Miss Ileen Balson. Devotional was taken by Mr. Sam Dewell; quartette by Misses Muriel Baker, Ruth McKessock, Gladys Yel- lowlees and Ileen Balson: the topic, 'Enrichment Through Church Re- .ationships" was ably taken by Rev. Rackham; reading. Miss Gladys Ytellowlees; vocal solo, Miss Muriel Baker: a short Bible contest was then enjoyed. and meeting closed with the Leaguje beniediction. There was a good attendance at the debate last Wednesday evening n the S. S. room under the aus- pices of the League. Mr. W. R. ,Vestlake was in charge. The devo- tional prepared by Mrs. Will Baker vas read by Mr. B. G. Stevens; quartette by Misses Fanny Smales, Evelyn Tink. Muriel Baker' and Il- 'en Baîson: reading. Mrs. Roy Lang- ruaid: vocal duel. Misses Helen Ba- :ier ar.d Ad3 Allun. The debate. Resolxvd that the farmer a greater opportuintes for happns han has the city buisiness man" proved very tr.-îg The a 1rm ative was :aken by Mi*. Maurice Baker and M.\i5s Margaret Scott, and BY USING Vanstone's ChickStarter This mash bas given excellent resuits for the last two years. Price $2,e50 per bag at the miii. I Manuf actured by IF. C. Vanstone Phone 77 Bowmanviile MAPLE LEAF LARD A PURE HARD SOAP SURPISE 10 BAtRs 390 KIR.K'S CASTILE SOAP 6 CAKES 250 NAVI BRAND TOILET PAPER 3ROLLS 190 FA'ICY QUALITY suRimps 5 o&. Tin 17o GILT EDGF-BREAD PLOUK 98 lb.$t01q 24 lb. 550 Bagr ' 7 Bu (.4WPRF.I'S TOMATO SOUP 3 TINS 220 CHRISTIE'S-SINCE 1853 SOCIAL TEA Biscuits Mb. 2ge AYLP4ER PORICand REANS 5 l 25 CROW'. or BEEIIE CORN SYRUP 2 N..229a No. 5 Tan 35e CHOJCE YOU G--SOFT-MEATED .&um ~bIP@ ROI LED IF IIAbR FRONTS ~DE' IRED SUICED BACON Breakfast A & P SELECTED BEEF ROASTS SHOULDER lb. 9c 1 BLADE SIRLOIN ROSTAK lb. FISH FRESS CHOICE FILLETS Ibo.:17c MAjCKEREL SAIOKED-CBICKEN SEZE FA XCY SELECTS FINNAN HABDIE lb. 120 OYSTERS FRESH STEAKS AITLANTICCOLB15 Mb zoo0 lb. Pkg. 140 lb. lic Ise lb. 90 PINT 490 Bree 13e THE TËA-e.- I 4 i s - e lu' CISP, CURLY TEXAS lUTE A.S SPINACH lbo 701I CARDAGE 3 lbs. 100 YELLO. W'URPE BANANAS 3 lbs. 210 NEW' 111 FOR NI1.1 Green Beans lb. 15e CARROTS 4 BUNaHE 250 RegisteredSeed. It costs no more than ordinary seed. Wrfte for Seed List toi- CANADIAN SEED GROWERS' ASSOCIATION oTrrAWé% ONTARIO the negative by Miss Mae Westiake1 Mr. . . Taylor, gave their decision and Mr. George Werry. Many rod n aof the affirmative. Points were advanced by each de- bater and the judges, Mrs. W7ill Ash- For a real Sprmng tonic eat Cream ton, En.field, Mrs. Roy Langmaid and 1 f Barley every day. Mardi Winds Cause CIuapped Harids Proteet yours by using your choice of the following good preparations: JEGNSLOTION ...43c nd94c HAWIIA TOLETNE33c -49c HIND'S CREAMS (Honey and Alrnond) .43c ALMONU and CUCUMBER CREAM39 ITALIAN BALM 27c 52c 87c PERSIAN BALM .35c NOXZEMA CREAM. regular 27c for .15C Buy them at Kerslake's Drug Store Phone 49 Prompt Service 1 FRUITS -ý4VEGETAHL ESI Start Your Chacks Rsght a PAGE POUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 8th, 1934 1 1