PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. MARCH 22nd. 1934 Excess Fat Due NEWTON VILLE to Rheumatism Mr.adMsLwrneSvy -- t undaynOsaa One Remedy for the Two no.vistd athe Parsonag.Sn Troubles day. Mrs. Fred Burley is improving ai- Having rheumatism so badly that ter a serious operation in Port Hope she couid sca.rcely walk. this woman Hospital. began to put on a load of superflu- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin and ous flesh. In a letter just received, family visited at Mr. George Staple- she writes- ton's Jr., Sunday. "I had a severe attack of rheuma- Members of the Masonic Lodge, tism in both knees. It wa.s so bad Newcastle, visited Rev. Thos. Wal- that for t.hree weeks I could not. put lace Friciay night. my feet te the ground. I was also Miss Leone Burkell and Mr. Cie- getting terribly fat-through flot land Lane motored to Scotand on getting xny usual exercise. i started Saturday to visit the formner's sister, taking KCruschen. and persevered. Miss Leone remaining for a visit. The first tliing I noticed was the U. C. League Missionary prograru tonie effect it had; the next that was in charge of Mrs. Savery Tues- rny rheumatism went, and-better day night. The topic * A Trip thro- than anything-I lost the wretched ugh China," was splendidly given by fat. I arn a woman of 50, and when Miss Laing. I tell you I do exactly the saine work Mrs. J. W. Lancaster and Miss as women ha!! my age without the Winnie, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Nichols least difficulty, I think you will un- and Wilma, Port Britain, visited re- derstand why I swear by Kruschen latives in Oshawa and Bowmanville Saits and recommend them where- on Sunday. ever I go."-M. E. Mr. Eb. Stapleton was rushed to The six salts of Kruschen asis Oshawa Hospital last week where he the internal, organs to tbrow off each was operated on for a ruptured ap- day the wastage and pososthat pendix. Although flot out of danger encumber the system. Then, litie he is improving. oryugpoi by littie, that ugly fat goes--slowly, hend a iscaynetou shown eoplehrn yes-but surely. The rheumatismhla iclneusowrnh*- a.nd headaches disappear. You feel our of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reich- wonderfully healthy, youthful and rath at their home here. and enioî'- energetic-more so than ever before ed a pleasant evening. In your life. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce and M.Earl Walkey and Miss Ruby Wallace motored to Toronto Sunday. FREE TRIAL OFFER the latter going on te visit Mr. and Yl you kave neyer trled Kruchen-try it o Mrs. Herb. Alexander at Maple. St Our exPense. We have distributed a great- mânY s eili-"GIAXT " packages which make I easy for you ta Prove our dlaims for yourseif. Relieves Asthma at Once. If you Ask your drugglst for the new - IANT ' 75c. cudra h huad fuslc k kge. cudra h huad fuslc bisconsista of our regular 75c. bottie together ited letters received by the makers with a separate triai bottie--sufficient for about f rom grateful users you, too, would ne week. Open the triai bottie firt, put it raie h e.rkbepwes0 r thse test, and then, If flot entireiy convinced that elzthr=raepo rsfD. Enischen does everything we diaim t ta do the J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. Al Crgua bottie "' tili as good as new. Tarte it cases, incipient and chronic, are bkr..u druggist la authorised ta return benefitted by this great family rem- yor75c. lmmediateiy and wthout question. M u hae tred Kruscben free at Ou expense. edy. Why suifer or experirnent with What couid be tairer ? Stanufactured by worthless preparations when the B. Grllfths Hughes. Ltd., Manchester, E« V(Estab. 1756). Importera: McGiiivray Br" genuine Kellogg's can be purchased cid., Torono. Ba everywhere. reC. C.eC& R. Tonic Tablets For Bealth--Strength--Vigor HaeouSomach Pin, HAVE YOD STOMACH TROUBLE? BeicýinB, Haacé ZearburnBioting, Gas, SpîtinofMuc~ GnawIn ,EpyFeeling, LumP I tmcs dDi=are Pain REca or Aftr E.tgn. Iatda l.Ue %o.eMoth, IndiestionWhen cue by a sun-on odto y oueed C. C. & B. TonIcTaetndaon.Teywi blld pth_ dthusre . lieve yauquickiy and permanently, Improve appetîte, digetion . andnesal helth. AAIIPlm es fiackead, Sn e, BitchesPai-e.Xzea alri THEBL ~ You srely ne ed strengt and fbreetathe b1 wiieyý! turnlabh nourshrnnt ~oie ady.C. C. & B. Tic Tabiets contaLi Yeast, Iran end tordeu s bilnWone 5 THE NER E Tlred. Wor.Dn'0ut, FeelLike Filiit en EYesCiasd nà FeetToretherReaisstNI hFo emorMelancholy, Deadent, Wke UnUnrefrshd ek TreblsDizz,rFanna 1 isad a reeNsamb7iLck pnesgY, Strnes Abto? Yau need C. C. & B. Tanlic Tablneta Pe . by reso !tertn fecs ept etterve tissuse ta normal condition steaoy the neveatbnlshth blues, make yau s.fesi h el full of Ille, vigar, ambition, and ma*fy years paunger. Unde Welht, aiiw Cheeka, Flat Chest Scrawny Neck, Dy&- eNN Th 1 Ho C. C. & . Tonlc Tablet* heip ta build yau up in every way. Wli thereby Improve yaur appearance. C. C. & B. Tankc Tabiets REGAIN LOSI PEP AND VITALITY ect drcl holbt etomach, enriching th: blo, buldIflé up the nervaus system, gnrte vitlity, reate nerve force, restore ml sregth , pep and vîjor-so you can=eli. 1f s pleasures ta the f uiiest. are orsae at ali Drug Stores. Go ta sor rgisc tt:a dayadorder a C. C. & B. TONIC TABLETS 'yourndru new Ill e for yau-opening the door ta al righter worlâ and happier existence. Th.e tabiets are inexpentive. Thse prices are S4c and ilS Three $1.06 ii~ for $2.50. For Sale in BOWMANVILLE at MeGREGOR'S DRUG STORE Phone 92 Boiled Frosting 1 cup granulated sugar ', teaspoon sait 2 teaspoons iight corn synup 1 or 2 egg whites 1-3 cup boiling water '1' teaspoon vanilia (or other flavoring) Tw egg whites make a fluffiar icing. Put the sugan. sait. boiling water and synup over 10w heat in a saucepan and stir until sugar is dis- solved; bring siowly to boiling point and cook without stirring until your thermomneter registers exactly 240'F; if you have no thermometar, test by dipping a fork into the syrup and lifting it into the air; whan right, if wiil leave a long wavy hairlike thraad as it drips f romn the tip of the fork;; also. a littla syrup drop- ped into cold water will forma a sof t bail. Remove f rom fire; beat the egg white until stiff. Pour the syrup very. vary slowly over the agg white,1 beating constantly. If you want a firma. crisp fnosting. begin bo pour the syrup over the egg as soon as it stops bubblmng; if you wanf a sof t frosting. allow the syrup te cool con- ,oderably before pouing it over the beaten egg. Do flot scrape the iast syrup fromn the pan. Beat until the icing is of a consistency te spread. A wire beater and fiat plate or plat- ter are easiest fo use for the egg whitas, and to basf in the syrup, Note-',. teaspoon cream of tar- tar, sprinkiPd into the synmîp when boumen down. may be used instead f the corn syrup to keep icing sof t A good frosting te keep on hand; put in covered jar in nefrigerafor. Sevene-Minute Frosting 112' cups white sugar 2 unbeaten egg whits 5 tablespoons cold _water 1 tablespoon ight corn syrup Flavoring Put ail but the flavoring into up- par pan of double boiler and beat te blend well. Place oven iower pan containing rapidly boiling water and beat steaci- ily with a Dover beater uiî:Mi icing will stand up in peaks when the Do- ver beater Is lifted out-<usually 7 minutes). Remova upper pan f rom heat, add flavoring and east until right for spreading. When cool, pile roughly on top and sides of cake-use as f ili- ing, to, if desired. This frostmng shouid be allowed saveral hours tc, set. Variations Eiher the boiled frosting or the seven-minufe frosting may be finish- ad in many different ways. Coiored Frosting - Biend a litile pure coloring paste or liquid mb oa smail part of the icing, then mix gradually into, the main part; this way, you can be sure te keep it pale anough te be tempiing. The egg- whit e may be coiored, for the boiled icing. Banana Icing-Spread sliced ban- anias thickly over sof t frosting, just before cake is te be servad. Chocolate Icing-Add one ounce or square of melted chocolate im- media.tely after adding syrup (in boilld frosting). Grate chocolate over 7-minute icing, and beat in, lîghtly when cooked. Coffea Ielng-Use coffee infusion instead of water, as the liquid. Caramel Icing-Use brown sugar instea.d of white. Maple Iing-Use 12 pound grai- ed maple sugan to replace the sugar. or flavor the cooked icing with ma- pie flavoring. Marshnalow-Add 8 marshmal- lows, cut in pieces. to syrup, jusi ha- fore beating if mb a gg whites. for boiled frosting. For 7-minute frosi- ing, fold in, when frosiing is cooked. Orange Icing-Add graied yellow rind of!oe orange jusi after the sy- rup has bean added to the egg, in a boiled icing-at end, in 7-minute frosting. Chocolate Glax-Put 2 squares chocolate over hot water and heat slowly tili melted. Cool a uitile, keeping free f rom draughts, then streak over a thick layer of white icing-or pour if over the top and spread with a knif e. Allow te cool slowly in modenately warm noom, s0 chocolate won't iurn gray. Geiatlne Icng-Soak 1 teaspoon gelatina in 2 teaspoon cold water 5 mlnùtes, and dissolve in hot boiiedj frosting. (This makes if certain that the icing will stand up). if Frostlng Threatens Fallure If you have a saucepan thermom- eter to put in your saucepan, you can always maka a boiled icing jusi right, but somefimes t is difficulite cook the sugar to exactly the right degree without a thermometer. if boiied icing or 7-minute Iclng seerns in danger o! failure, you may rascue if: (a) If too thin, suir in icing su- The Canadian Cooking SchoolI <Coninued from page 5) Mountain Frosting (the saine but with a langer proportion of egg white': and the Seven Minute Frost- ing, for which ail ingredients are put together in the double boiler, and cooked under constant beaiing. (b) The creamy. fudge-like mix- tures-any of the candy recipes like miaple cneam, fudge. divinity fudge, kept a Iitile sof fer so thai they will spread. 2. Uuncooked Frostings Note-AIways roll lumps out of ic- ing sugar and sif t it. (a) Plain Confectioners' Icing liquid, icing sugar and flavoning. (b) Butter Icing - well creamed butter. liquid. icing sugar and flav- oring. (c) Ornamental Frosting - un- beaten egg white, icing sugan, lemon juice. beaten together until sti!!. d) Egg Yolk Base-with icing su- gar and fruit .Iuices, pulp, chocolate, etc., added. (e) Almond Icing - prepared al- mond icing can be bought in tins and if necessary, softenad with a litile egg white or yolk. Real al- mond paste can be mixad with equal amounts of icing sugar (put through f ood chopper tegeiher) and blended with well-beaten egg yolks for a yel- 10w icing. or with stiffly-beaten whites for a white icing, te give re- quired consistency. (Ornamenial Frosting is used over the almond paste.) ISITOP - OO Wounen's Specials HANDKERCHIEFS - 200 boxes Hand- kerchiefs, 3 in a box, regular 39c. Not more than 3boxes to aeust- orner. Speciai per box10 SILK HOSE - 25 dozen SUva SiIk Hose, regular 59o pair,2 c Clearing, per pair26 Not more than 3 pair ta a customer. SILK HOSE-15 dozen nib top Silva Silk Hase, regular 79e pair,c Clearing, par pair .36 Not more than 2 pairs ta a customer. GLOVES - Ladies' Chamois Gloves, reg- ular 79c ta S1.00 pair, Clearing, per pair 3? EASTER MILLINERY - Sample Hats, priced at less than half regular value. Stunning styles superb quality reg- ular S2.98 to $3.98, Specli $1*79 LAST Children's Specials HOSE - Misses' Silk and Lisle Hase, Eizes 5 to 8, regular 39c pr. 5 Clearing, per pair I5 COTTON HOSE - Children's catton nib- bed hose, our regular 25c Une.,c Special . 2 PAIRS for 25e GOLF HOSE - Boys' Golf Hose, pure wool quality, our regular 39e value, ail sîzes, Clearing par pair 19 HANDKERCHIEFS - Chlldren's white bordered Handkerchlefs,S -25 regular 5c eaeh-----s -25 BLOOMERS - Chlldren's Bloomners, odd- mnents including fleece Uined, broadeloth, and sateen, regular 19c ta 29c, ~ Clearing, per pair o BEE HI gar to, bring frosting to right con- sistency. (b) If too hard. add a little hot water or soften if with a very littie lemon .iuice. which will turn some sugar to glucose, with softening ef- fect. FLIDGE FROSTINGS Any of the fudge candy mixtures makes a delicious cneamy f rosting, but instead of cooking bo 238'F. as for f udge. 234'F. or jusi a litile soft- er bail in cold water, makes a firmn enough topping for cake. Cook. Allow te become entirely cool ha! ore beating.-this gives the thick. smooth. creamy texture you want, wiih no tendency te ha sugary. Chocolate Fudga FrYosting 2 squares chocolate 1 cup sugar là tablespoon light corn syrup 1 tablespoon butter Few grains saIt l'à cup milk 12 teaspoon vanilla Put ail ingradients excepi vanilla together in an enamelled pan, stir and bring rapidly te, the boil. then cook without stirring f0 234' F. for frosting. 238, F. for candy. Cool; when cold, add vanilla and beat until smooth, creamy. of con- sistency f0 spread. Mapie Cream Frostlng 2 cups brown Augar 2 tablespoons butter 34 cup top milk i12 teaspoon vanilla Malt butter in saucepan; add su- gar and top milk. stin until sugar is d.issolved, then bring te boil rapidiy and cook to 234, F. without stinring, or sof t bail stage. Cool. When cold. add vanilla and stir and beat until thick enough to spnead. Variations Chopped walnuts, cocoanut, chop- ped figs. dates or nui-s may be add- eci te aither the chocolate fudge or maple creaze icing-and a little ma- pIe flavormng may be used instead o! vanilia, in the latter. <Use about 12 te 2-3 cup fruit or nutls.'ý Sour Cream Frosting 2 cups brown sugar 1 cup sour cream Faw grains sait 1 teaspoon vanilla Cook sugar, cream and ýsaIt 10 soft bail stage (234' F. j. Cool te iukewarm (110c F). Beat until thick and creamy. Add vanilla. Spread over cake and sprinkle thickiy with chopped filbents or thmniy slicad Brazil nuts. Plain Confectioners' Frosting Put into, a bowl 2 tabiespoons hi- quid 'miik, cream. fruit juice orl strong coffee). sif t in icing suganl until right consistency te spread; add flavoning. If the liquid is heat- 25C i-1b. 3Sc~b Tea "i s good tea" A s T A Y s Men's Specials WORK SOX - 25 dozen better grade ex- tra sof t quality Work Sox. - To-day's value 39e pair, Special, per pair . 4 OVERALLS - Men's Overails and Smocks extra heavy 8 oz. quality, triple stitch, guaranteed wear, regular . 7 S1.79 a.nd $1.98 - Special e3 WORK SHIRTS - Mens Work Shirts, chambray and military flannel, E i ail '79e values for 1ý. 3 MENS CAPS - 15 dozen, values57 '79e ta31.50 -Your Choie 57 prices should tempt you to buy your next winter's supply now at HA.LF PRICE DAYS House Furaishing Specials TABLE OILCLOTH - 5'4 Table Oilcloth, to-day's price 39c, Clearing, per yard .7 COMFORTER RATS - 72 by 90 inches, super quality ctton, Extra Special, each 419e CHEESECLOTH -- For dusters and pol- ishing cloths, etc., regular 5c yard 3 Yard Package o FELTOL RUGS - At new low prices: 7 % f t. by 9 ft. Each $3.39 9 f t. by 9 ft. Each $439 9 ft. by 12 ft. Each $5.39 FLOOR COVERING-Less than min price Regular 49 yard for 27 c Regular 59e yard for 3 7 c Buy now for Spring a.nd Save. E ed flrst, it will take the "raw" flavor f rom the sugar. Fruit Frostings - Crushed f resh berries. canned crushed pineapple and juice or other fruit julce xnay be used as liquici; a Uitile lemon juice improves their f lavor. See f lavors affer Butter Icing recipes. Butter Icing 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons liquld (cream, miik, fruit juice or strong coffee) 1 cup or more icing sugar Flavorin g Cream butter very light, blend in 2 tablespoons sifted sugar, (so that liquicl will then blend in botter) gradualIy add liquid, su t in lclng sugar till stiff enougli to spread, and flavor. (Thorough beating gives a fluffler icing) GOLDEN CORN SYRUP A GREAT ENERGY FOOD No Change IN pice or quality RED LABEL ORANGE PEKOE Red -Rose WHEN youu' boss is a czar ... and he expects you to be two places at the same turne. . . and lie won't take excuses .. . Use your telephone ... Long Distance wii help you do the imnpossble. *The telephone wifl take you to the next town or township or acrous the continent wit.h equal facility. It's your quick, easy, de- pendable messenger in any emergency. And it's inexpensive-100 miles for as littie as 30c. Sec list of rates in the front of your directory. b I GREATER VALUES NELSON'S THAN EVER Values up to $5.00 - Odd- 11000 G rab Baigspicedap hrughu te25e fstore,,EACH ............ 1 m KI4 PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUP.SDAY. MARCH 22nd. 1934 a 0e0 0