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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1934, p. 9

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, APRIL 5th, 1934 PAGE NINE est, in the kingdom o! heaven. lie1 1~called to him a little child an set S unday Schc1ool him in the m:dst.l adlt tell children to sot iegonus Lessonsw told the disciples to be- ________________________wish i disciples to be childîsli. but hecî vsli tlem to te childlîke. THE CHILD AND THE KINGDOM h hllieHat - Sunday, April th Christ exalted the humnilltY o! a child. He ideuttfied himself with Golden Text: "Suifer little child- chlfdren aud warned men that it ren, and forbid them not. le come ;as better to be drowued lu the sea unto me; for of such is the kingdom than to harm a chuld. What made of heaven."-Matthew 19:14. him lay such emphasis upon child Lesson Passage: Mstthew 18: 1-6, weifare? Had he seen children il 12-14; 19: 13-15. treated? Did bis soul revoit agaiust children being regarded as chattels My little daughter shuns the aud taken as slaves for debt? Had shadowy dark he met instances where parents had With childhood's blind, un- nglected the Jewish law. and had ai- reasoning fear. lowed children to grow up Nwithout Yet she will brave the blackest religious training and moral guid- night, lier hand ance? What would Çhrist say about Iu mine, secure if I am near. the economic mismanagement that A child o! larger growtli. I dread bas made children suifer in a land dark ways o! plenty? What would be say about O! life 1 cannot understand; childreu being starved by war block- And I have also triumphed over ades? What would lie say about lit- fear tie chldren having to work twelve By holding fast a Fathers haud. hours a day in !actories and mines? -Mabel Cornelia Matsou These are not childish sins. but adult sins haiing tbeir rise in greed and Child Study avarice. To cure these aduit sins, Sested in the laborstory o! a col- Christ held up the humility sud nat- lege, a Young girl dissectiug a f rog uralness o! a child, and told bis fol- said. "I would mucli rathier know lowers to become childlike. It is not what goes on in the nîind o! a child an impossible ideal. than what happens in the stomacli The Worth of People, 12-14 o! a f rog." The remarli was remem- berecl by lier desk mate. sud, a! ter Que o! the ways in which the lier death. a department o! child Pharisees sliowe<1 contempt for peo- study was endowed whicli las cou- ple was lu their harsh treatment o! tinued to grow. One graduate o! the the outcasts. those wlio had trans- department weut to a large city and gressed the ceremonial law sud were organized a clinic for stutterers, not in good standing iu the s>na- and uearly every case treated was gogue. These were spoken o! as dogs cured.L Another was alarmed at the sud lost sheep. Jesus spoke o! a higli rate o! maternai mortality, and shepherd leaving bis uiuety and mune carried ou an educational campaigu sheep thiat were safe and going out by whicli in the course o! a !ew to find the one that was bast. If a years lier city liad the lowest mor- sheplierd values one sheep, bow talitY rate on the continent. Exc- mucli more effort we should make te perts both in day schools and Sun- reclaim a human being who lias day schools are carrying on researchi gone astray? Il is always a social in child psychology. lu Canada the loss when a person with possibilities costs for education have gone Up teo! spiritual aud moral growth gives $178.000.000. Compared witb the up in despair sud is content to huge sums spent ou many things o! abandon hope. How may this in- lesser value, the amount la not ex- dividual sud social tragedy lie avert- cessive. Itl sana indication that the ed? The best way la 10 begin wth child is coming intobis owu. the child. Some o! the most valu- able religions attitudes may be es-1 Christ and the Child, 1-3 tablislied by the age o! three, under How did Jeans know so much wise teachiug. If we give the riglit about children? Mauy adults in kind o! education to youth. age will middle life assert that tliey remem- te mucli less likely to go astray. The ber litîtle o! tlieir childhood experi- ouly way to grow more roses is to ences. but it may te that Jesus had plant more trees. To reformn ani a very clear recollection o! bis ovçn adult at sixty is too waste!ul o! life; childhood. We kuow that lu the lie sliould have been put on the right Nazarethl home there were younger path at. six. 50 may old age lie as a brothers sud sisters sud Jesus would lusty wiuîer. sud the best o! the1 observe then. Perhaps lie started wine come at the end o! the feast. is use o! parables by telling stories ITeCide' hre,1:31 in the evenings. He hsd observed TeCide' hre,1:31 children lu their Play sud spoke o! An artist lias pictured Jesus it- their game o! marriages sud funer- ting witli the children of the world aIs. The gospel records tell o! sev- around hlm. The picture is not over- eral chldren whom Jesu.s lealed. drawu because Christ lias been the Doubtlesa lie talked witli clilîdren ln f riend o! childreu. Schools. orphan- the homes where lie visited. He ages. hospitals, playgrouuds, toys. how trustful sud teachable books sud pets sîl bear witness to they were. sud lie souglit to develop the ideals o! child wel! are inspiredi in his disciples the same attitudes. by Jesus wlio laid Uis bauds upon< Wben they asked who was the great- little chldren sud took them up lu __________________________ is arms. The disciples rebuked the parents o! the children for approacli- s ai' ing, but Jesus gently rebuked Uis G ives Good Aavlce disciples for keeping the children away. He said: "Suifer the little St chidren, sud forbid them not, to To T ose a 40 come unto me: for o! sucl isl the kîugdom o! heaven."' Nineteen cen- A big percentage o! men sud <o- turies have not exbausted the truth men o! mature years are troubled in that profouud sayiug. Il bas witb Bladder and Kidney Weakness, been more powerful lu the last cen- causing Backaches, Headaclies. Ner- tury than ever before. Christ's love vousuess, frequeut niglit rising and for chidren must spread until therec burulug irritation throughout the are no huugry cliîldren. no ignorant day. These conditions not. onîy chliren. n.o ill born. msltreated andr miake life miserable, but they sa under-privileged children. The worlde vitality, unclermine healtb u fr- sfrwsrd on the feet o! little' quently lead to Most painful opera- rhildren. The destiny o! humauityL tions. tomorrow depeuds upon the train-a lu an effort to swiftly relieve even ýr.g o! the childreu o! today. the most obstinate sud disrsing Questions for Discussion V o! these conditions. there is offered 1. How far' bas the business de- C the Prescription o! a well kuowu pression affected chidren?a physiclan, successful lu private prac- 2. Is medical science conquering ri tice for over 40 years. This private ýhildren's contagions dîseases? t treatment is kuowu as "Uratabs" 3. Wliat riglit las the state te sud auy druggist can supply. All train the child? who need sucli a medicine are lu-1I 4. How may children's aid acts tý vited to try "'Urat.abs" on a guarau- 1be improved?S tee o! satisfaction or money back on 1 5. What would Christ have us doe the flrst box purchased. for children in home and cliurch? N ewtonville Church Makes Presentation to jRev. and Mrs. W. J. Todd The Newtonville congregation cl the Presbyterian Churcli bade fare- well to Rev. W. J. Todd sud Mrs Todd o! Bowmakvlle at a mass gathering o! the congregation or Monday niglit. The followiug ad- dress was resd by Mrs. Dudle3 Joues: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Todd: We, the members o! rour congre- gation in Newtonville bave met wlth you this evening to bid you farewell The period o! your services as min- ister to ns lias seemed but a ver short time, Yet in that time you have le!t. impressed iudelibly upoi our rninds many fine lessons in thiý building o! Christian character a well as mucli good advice alike tc old sud Young. sud the good sec. o! the word that you have sown in our liesrts will be bound to bring forth good fruit in our lives. You have been !aithful in your duties as pastor s0 long as heslth permitted, and ever true to your appolutmeut aud engagement, sud se have earued our higliest confidence sud respect. We shaîl miss you in every pliase o! the work o! the churcli. We shall miss Your presence !rom our midst sud the help o! your t'oice lu the sîng-ing. We shalli You lu the Sunday Sehool wliere you were ever resdy sud willing to teacli the les- son in the absence o! the regular teachers. sud you, Mrs. Todd. wl be missed lu our W. M. S. where your help and practical addresses we so higlily appreciated. We shaîl miss Your companionship sud our week- ly society meetings wliere witli roi we bave enjoyed many eveniugs of happy fellowshjp sud social inter- course. We wish you every success in the new church 10 which you are goiug. We wisli you success lu you home aud lu rour lives. May you long lie spared te continue your suc- ces! ul minlatry sud may the blessa mng o! God abide with you sud yours. Aud now wlien we so, reluctantIy bld you farewell on the behalf o! the congregation wýe present you. Mr. Todd witli tUs su= o! money asa token lu cemeuting our frieudship for alI time. Also Mrs. Todd on behal o! the memtership o! our W. m. S. wçill you accept this purse as a slight expression o! our love for ,you sud our appreciation o! the help sud interest you have given ns pro- moting the work o! the society. Anc althougli the wide Atlantàc may separate you !rom ns we hope thai witli nothing other than kiudly thouglits you will remeruber, as we will you. the true friends you are leaving behiud lu the Presbyteriar îChurcli at Newtonville. Canada. The presentation to Mr. Todd was Imade by Mr. Tupper Johnson. wrhile Mrs. Woods made the preseutatior to Mrs. Todd on tehaîf o!flthe W. M. S. Botli Mr. sud Mrs. Todd replied expressing appreciation of the kiud- uess of the congregation in their parting messages. A fine program o! musical numbers. speeches. closing wvitli a social time and lunch com- prised the remainder o! the evening's entertaiument. NEWTON VILLE Intended for last week' Miss Pearl Samis visited friends in Toronto recently. Miss Helen Darlington spent Sun- day witli ler mother in Kendal. Sorry- b report that Mrs. James N'esbitt is very i11 again with a train- ed nurse lu attendance. Glsd to report Mrs. Fred Burley is improving lu Port Hope Hospital and is expected home shortly. Rev. W. J. Todd preaclied lii fare- w'ell sermon lu the Presbyteriau Church on Sunday a! lernoon. Ail are sorry to lose Mr. Todd wio lias mtade many friends lu boîli churclies icre. On Sunday. April 151, the W.M.S. of the United Churcli will observe .lieir aunual tliauk-offering wheu special Easter music will te render- ed by the choir. Mr. J. J. Mellor ill preacli. Ou Friday evening under the aus- pices o! W.M.S. o! the Presbyterian Church. Dr. R. K. Palmer o! Port Hope gave a humorons lecture on "A Night lu Ireland Loyal North" lu the comxnunity hall. Miss Beatrice McKay, Starkville, and Misses Kathleen sud Marguer- ite McKay spent the weekend at Iu- specter A. A. Martin's, Brighiton. MIr. sud Mrs. Wilfred McKay went to Brighiton ou Suuday. Milligan's pond was the scene o! another lively hockey game on Sat- urday wlien the junior teama o! Crooked Creek sud Newtonvtlle 'layed. Score was, Newtouville 14, Crooked Creek 8. Keilli Burley la nursing a badly cut nose as a result. i c H s cc ai it cp m co ri The community hall was !illed t.0 capacity ou Thursday niglit when friencis far sud near gathered 10 lionour the popular bride-to-te, Miss Laura Stepliens. with a miscellan- cous shower. Numerous presents were both lovely sud use! ul. show- ing the esteem lu which Miss Ste- phens la held. Allter the program a bountiful lunch was served sud the rest o! the eveniug speut in dancing. A Mock Parliameut was thec chie! feature o! the programn put ou by the Citizenship department o! our United Young People's League Tues- day evening. The goverumnent was supported by Messrs. R. J. Rowe, Bob Urry. Sidney Lancaster sud Henry Re4chra th, wMle seme very sharp criticisms were heard from thc opposition supported by Messrs. Meville Joues. Lawrence Savery sud Will Laing. Mr. J. J. Mellor was the' Speaker; Mr. Alden Pollard, tbe Clerk; sud Mr. Melville Samis. the Citizenshlp Convener carrlcd the Mace. Aller the regular meeting o! the Women's Institute on Wednesday afternoon. Mardi 2lst. lu United Churcli basemeut a deliglilful Irish tea was served. Tic table was dcc- orated with green shamirocks. Thir- ty-eight were present sud sîl re- ported an enjoyable time. Mrs. Campbell sud Mrs. Redknapp rend- ercd a vocal duef. accompauled by Mrs. Lane. Mrs. Campbell also led inth fli lging of Irish songs. The roll caîl was "an Irish joke." The hostesses for the tea were Mms. Lasse, Mms. Fred Lovekin sud Mrs. John Robinson. MANY ATTEND GOOD FRIDAY SERVICES IN d LOCAL CHURCHES W. H. Goodwin Delivers Impressive of Address at Joint Service at Trinity Church - Cantata ss at St. John's >n i_ Impressive services marked the ýobservance of 000<1 Friday in Bow- manville. A large congregation was present at the joint service, under the auspices of the Ministerial As-A asociation in Trinity United Church, ;h when Mr. W. H. Goodwi of Mon- 1treal delivered the address. Rev. E. -F. Armstrong, pastor of t he church 7Y conducted the service, which he op-________ >u ened with the invocation. The rWHERE ECOWYLK ýn Lord's Prayer was repeated in uni- 's son, wth Lieut. Gooding of the 's Salvation Army as leader. Rev. JEIVEL BRA.ND ýO A. S. Kerr of St. Pauls Church led ýd in prayer. while Rev. W. J. Todd of ýn St. Andrew's conducted the respons- W H O R[t g9 ive reading Miss Helen Argue con- U tributed a splendid and appropriate GILT EDGE BREAD Ls solo, while Trinity Choir under the 1, direction of Mr. Francis Sut ton, sang WU lt a Good Friday anthem. E ,d Mr. Goodwin's address was a bnil- F LU tliant appeal to the emotions. It was ;e Mr. Goodwin's contention that un- ffUfD LAUNDRY Il less one's emotions are stirred by the CgjMFRTn SOAP St story of the Cross, then they lack Le that spirit which denotes and illus- QUAKER Le trates the Christian person. The ýr speaker's address. a quiet evangelical t.alk on great truths, brought to a C RN FLAKES Lr close a serles of outstanding talks CROSSE & BL4CKWEU I1 that had been featured through ir Passion Week. I MSTRÂWBERRY e Rev. C. R. Spencer, Rector of St. JflM I (wieh Peetin added) is John's Church and President of the -Ministerial Association. on, beha]! of FA.NCY GOVT. GRADE "A"t ithat body expressed appreciation to )f Mr. Goodwin for the great inspira- -tion he had given church goers of V V E ; the town during Easter week. Mr. FW 'Spencer closed the service with the- [r beniediction. A & P QIJALIT>' REF E il In the a.!ternoon there was a large JE attendance at the showing o! the Ro<udc -Passion slides in St. John's Parish U f Hall. and St. John's Church was fi11- V Sur Y' ed on Good Friday evening when the S o l e echoir of the church. specially aug- S a u te rmented for the occasion presented athe sacred cantata, -The Crucifix- or C uel pion to the Ascension". The Cantata proved to be an outstanding offering, SUCED-BREAKFAST and the large congregation were adelighted with the entire present- i Li ation, wbicb was directed by Mr.]B C P William Shotter, wîtb Mrs. J. A. - Gunn at the organ. Solo parts were FRESH OR SVGKED d taken by Mrs. Alex Colville,' Miss1 Y Lvener.Miss Mariorie Smith, I L I t essrs. Roland Bate and A. Ma-1 Y thews. The congregation joined in _L .IUFOR NIA NA.VELS e thiree hymns and the prayers this eportion of the service being con- ducted by the rector. OA At St. Joseph's Churcli, the im-1 OA sPressive service "The Way of the eCross" was held on Good priday * f i evening, with Rev. Father J. F. Me Quire. conducting the service, and A PC preaching a special Passion Sermon. - OCL0c c L a NEWTONVILLE ~~ 8 OCL ED CIRCLE- FLAV hoMr. Bb. rry spent at hisj D C home n Barie.AED lAO Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Leuty, port!-KA LVR Hope. spent Sunday at Mr. W. c. O A > Mrs. Fred. Burley bas returned f rom Port Hope Hospital much im-mot provedi.1 Miss Ruby Wallace is' sEaster bolidays at Mr. Smith's Toronto. awa. visited Mrs. Charles Reid on 5Wednesday. Mr. R.obt. Mart4i. Lake Shore, e Visited at. Mr. George Stapleton's Jr. on Sunday. Miss Lila Payne is spending Eas- ter holidays at her father's, Mr. j________________ Reuben Pay ne. Mr. Eb. Stapleton bas returned f rom Oshawa Hospital and is re- K N A covering nicely. _________________ Mr. Willis Jones and bis mother, Mrs. W. G. Jones, spent the week- Wm. Darllngton, Toronto. is home. end at Castleton. Milton Boyd, Toronto, visited bis Miss Elsie Wallace spent the week- mother. en.d wltb her sister, Mrs. Herb. Glad to see Mrs. Anson Gillry Alexander, Maple. out again. Messrs. C. Philp and L. Sheppard Ay lward Little, University of Tor- and Miss Edna Wilkinson, Port Hope, Ladiews Aidmet nTusa n sPent Sunday evening at Mr. GeodLdes'me qumtln ur n Staplton' Jr.Earl Hawe, Perrytown, visited bis Miss Alice Nesbitt, Toronto, and brotber's Henry Hawe. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Nesbitt, Bow- Stan Waiker spent the weekend manville, are with t.heir mother, Mrs. wlth bis p ats ln Toronto. James Nesbitt, who is seriously ill. Miss Dorothy Crossley la houi- Mr. and Mrs. R. Gunnell and child- daying at ber home at Welcome. ren. Lillian and George, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Armîstrong vis- spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. John ited ber father, Mr. Samuel Bryson. Couch, Mrs. Couch and Helen sud Al!fred Elllott, Toronto, visited his Bîlly returning with them for a visit, parents Mr. and Mrs. Wesley EIlott. Miss Marguerite Bell, Kendal. is Arthur Thompson and Reg. Elliott visiting her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. visited Mrs. Fred Foster at Bow- George Stapleton Jr. while Mrs. manville. Thomas Stapleton is visiting lier Mr. and Mrs. Ira Thompson visit- daughter. Mrs. George N. Smith. ed i wth Mrs. Wm. Carscadden Sun- Starkville. day eveuing. The Community was alarmed îast Miss Edith and Mr. Greuville week when patrons of the Bank o! Brown of Lndsay visâted f riends here Commerce ererecive-nticethton Thursday evening. In the Montreal-Toronto revolver *shootngocontest which tok place in Toronto, an» Orono marksman, A. J. * Knox, carried off top honors, scor- made by any member o! the two teams. 'a' TENING 2 lbs 19 tm g "b g 57e 10 1cPork and Beans 5 Ti., 25c Fom.15c OLDEN*YARROIJ25oz 2 ~ 1c EANUT BUTTER Jar 23c BROWVN LABEL-BLACK S31c Salada Tea pi: b.55c ~ 28c j AU Sizes lbM1I [toasts PA4NCY )WàLK-FED VEAL b1 5c Legs Siklb. lac LOIN OR RIB ChOPS Ob. :20c lb. 10e 1Cutlets ile. 23c >N 1-2 lb. pkg. 15. ETS a. 150 LmeSizelied.s» ýGES De 3!5c ]D«.24)C ýOFFEE SIERVICE_____ WOR IS MILO AND MELLOW .OCK COFFEE i33c ejP IS RICH AND FULL-BOOIEO IRCLE COFFIEE b27c - S VIGOROUS AND WINEY R COFFIEE 37c CRISP ICEBERG, LETTUCE u.ag6c EXTRA FANCYr ASPARAGUS The Redingote Dresses Redingote wlth printed frocks t. complet. your new spring ensemble Semi tailorel style ore belted effecta a&les 16 to 42. . and prices ane most reasonable. SSe these this week-end for a good cholce.Blacks and naïvys. The Evlyn LADIES' ho The EylynSPECIALTY So Phone 594 Bownianville Watch Our DaiIy Specials Keep your eyes on our windows every day for you "I sec a Daily Speciails lai Meait that will flot only please you but wi]l save you money. Get the habit. C. M. Cawker &Son Butchers Phone 64 Bowmianvile Its a Protectivo Neutrhlizer-24 NOT a Laxative G Tok. CC. & D. Toula Tablets For Health--Strengthm-VIgor HAVE YOU STOMACH TROUBLE? Palaet. o neEd .àonlee lrsMoutP.WhodIêcetlem _d a u-oao.liayuned C C. & B. Tonlc Tabhs ed t ace@6Thail bui U h s imd tu ele,. onquickly mdpn anl, lpev ppd THEBLOOD il-ll" .BOn t;% b nourahment te Clo . c. C.aB. Tomel couSSin " y.sW'L Cd Crtrmct of Cod Livee--three grest tonice la oe. TH NR Nran blly .mms, eig.jla.ei dkli. murrnaraa TlrZd wor uVm ls Faind I Whea Tbe, b tesonofchoir tmie oLees ip toreuSSe mrve tissu*,enta mai ndto etedy . ervs.ban"iah e=bles akeyou foot fulil aoftif., viior, ambido.. M" Ma u sMjoung«r. Und r W ig t. olow.C lat Chit Scrawy N e D - I HINNESS p1.aT~IodC.MILTante Tubiota e .b=yo Wilthereby Impro,. jour appearance. REGAIN LOSI PEP AND VITALITY c-cw.f h bioc, bildig u thensraussystem. gonerate vitaitty. croate mrefre etr lui sgsngh, op udvigor-sa jo n aenjoylites plesaures lthafuie Ce Ce&8. TONIC TABLETS jourdrugat tdan md ordea tablets are inexpentlve. TIhe priees are56c and IL. Tbree $1.04. Boxes for 82.58. For Sae in BOWMALNVILE i McGREGOR'S DRUG STORE PHONE os THE CANADIAN STAIT.SiMAN, BOWMANVU£E, THMSDAY, APRIL 5th, 1934 PAGE NEU

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