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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1934, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, THURSDAY, APRIL Stli, 1934 The Newcastle Independent JRteaesAsn _________________________ _______________________I lContlnued frûm page 1) or otiser Public Office. shallflot be Newcastle Higli and Public Sohool companiment by Audrey Brown, and elected to the Executive of thse As- reports are on page 5. community singing by ail. Another sociation. Mr. Ralph Gibson lias beeli visit- special feature was an organ Play- Time of Meetings-Ail meetings lng lits friend, Mr. Bud Hay, i Tor- ing competition sponsored by James shahl open at 8 o'cdock, promptly, onto. Lovekin wlio donated and presented and close at 10. Mrs. Stanley Milis, Port Hope. a prize of some sheet Music to thse Complaints or Protests-Ail corn- spent thse wee'kend witis Mrs. John winner. Thse Vlree competitors for plaints or protests shall be submit- Scott. James' prise were Reita Cooke, Aud- ted in writing to tise Executive. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Toms and clild- rey Brown and Margaret Pearce. At Vthe conclusion of tise business ren. Belleville, spent Easter with hits Miss Hattie Mason judged tise solos session Mayor Ross Strike, RLeeve f aVier, Mr. Jos. Toms. and placed hem in thse order al- Reg. Jones, and Deputy Reeve Alexý Mrs. Fred Lewis and son Donald ready mentioned. Principal Thos. A. Edniondstone were aske ospeak returned to Hamilton on SaturdaY Rodger made a hiappy and apprec- briefly on tise topic "Wliat tcan suh after visiting lier parents, Mr. and jative speech. The refresisment com- an Orgaiization do for ieGodf Mrs. John Robinson. mittee served sandwiches, cookies, the Town?" Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Farnc.oITb and candy and apples, and tisese witis a Mayor Strike stated that tise de- daugliter Constance, Oshsawa, visit- jolly game for ahl brouglit tlie Easter sire o form sucis an organization ed his mother, Mrs. Alfred Farn- termi and the last afternoon to a wtas a liealthy sign,, showing Viat comb, Easter SundaY. celightful close. citizens lad become interseted in Friends are pleased o learn tisat municipal affairs. When this is an Mrs. Jesse Baskerville, who lias been Thse leading substitute of an ad- accomplished fact. thse millenium is iii at lier daugister's, Mrs. Gordon vance article in "Tise Weekly Sun" heralded, tise Mayor added. Tise Clark, Toronto, is improving. 0f Mardis 22nd, under thse caption, speaker believed that the organiz- Tlie Five Hundred and Euchre Durham Jr. Farmers Welcome tlie ation would be of great benefit Vo that was o be held on April lltis N. C. M. is, Rowland Helps. The tise town but it must have tise con- under tise auspices of St. Johsn's aritcle is im respect of tise covering fidence of tise ratepayers in general Choir Club is definitely postponýed. of Durisam County this week by thi-ougisout Use town. Tise associa- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Eilbeck and members of tise New Canada Move- tion may be a fine thing and it may son Jack, Toronto, spent tise week- ment Big Team and Rowand is be no good at ail, and tise Mayor end at their sunsmer cottage and William Rowlanld, soniof Mr. Howell expressed tise hope tisat tis organ- visited lits motiser, Mrs. Geo. Eil- Rowland, pi'ominerrt Lake Shore ization will be a fine thing and not beck. 1iucs-Rv.W .Rg farmer. William was tise higli man a group of agitators as tisese organ- United Cuc e.W .Rg among ah tise competitors Of six izations have turned out t.O be in ers, B. A., Pastor. Sunday, April 8: counties in tise recent Jr. Farmers' some towns and cities. Keep tise il a.m.-MorniXig Worship; 2.30 p.m. Seed and Grain Judging competi- tisougist uppernsost that you are a Sunday Scliool; 7 p.m-Eveflilg titîn at tise Quinte Seed Fair, Nap- body to co-operate and flot to cnit- Service-1 anee. He is taking a leading part in icizc and you will be successful. Rev. W. P. Rogers was in Toronto organizing tise New Canada Move- Municipal government is a compli- attending tise Meetings Of thse On- ment meeting in Newcastle wiicis is cated business,, te Mayor said, and tario Scisool Trustees' and RatepaY- being iseld hs Tisursday evening, legîslators are faced with problenss ers' Association as delegate of New- Marcis 29th, in tise Council chamber tisat were unknown 5 years ago. castle Board of Education. at 8 o'clock, with anotiser member of Tise Mayor urgedi that tise as- Dr. Walton-Ball and f amily, Tom- Mr. E. A. Summers' prize winning sociation and its members become onto, spent tise weekend at lits sum- team, Garnet Rickard, in charge. weîî informed before making any mer cottage, Harris Lodge. Mr. and Tise N.C.M. witis its rlnging slogan', public announicements witis regard Mrs. Fred Treleaven and sons were "Save Agriculture. Save Canada," o public matters as incorrect state- also liere over Vise Easter week-end. 1isad its birtis in western Ontario lasV ments could do untold harm. Young People's League play "Cçran-. November and lias since expanded The speaker ,welcomed tise sug-i berry Corners" in tise community over eigiteen counities. It m akes its gestion to have membeî's of tise as- hall hs Friday evening, April 6tis, debut in Durham and is sweepmng sociation attend meetings of tise under tise direction of Mrs. Percy thse wlole six townssiips this we'ck. counicil. public utilities and scisool Hare. Admission 25e and 15c. Don't The meetings are open t0 all. boards, but lie asked them flot Vo Miss it. 14-1 D come as spies but for information. MS.orge'M. huA., Rector. A HIG SCHOOL EASTER CLOSING Tisey will be welcomed for there is MasnM.A. Rctr.Sunday, A, iGH no body that lias ans'tiing to hide 8tis, lst Sunday af er Easter: 8 a .m. Seventy-Fifth Anmiversary Memorial lie.added. Mr. Strike asked tise as- -H-oly communion; il a.m.-MorTi- Piano AMds Program sociation to nsake a study of mun- igPrayer; 2 p.m.--Sunday Scisool; ___ icipal affairs especially the subject ing.Eenog n Sermon. of tax arrears whicis was one of tise Mr. J. L. Cryderman lield a suc- Tise Higis Scisools new piano pur- counciî's biggest problems just now. cessful auction sale Mardi 29Vli and chased jointly by tise Literary Soc- Tise observations of tise organization on Apri.l lsV witis Vie assistance of iety and tise Board of Education to wî etetdwtsrset ncn neiglibors and relatives moved into inacor ieceoration of Vis ndte clusion tise Mayor urged a real drive tiseir new home on Vie J. H. Jose îonopoio of tse o75ar a is for membersisip te make tise organ- farm, vacated by Mr. Lloyd Davey. lon ing f tie scisot5heaprsago ization truîy representative of tise mrs. John Robinson and sisterlrt ioftse amiraly Ete s relsen- people. In cîosing he wisised tise or- Mrs. Dave McMullen, attended tise tto fts cso' atrcoigganîzation evei'y possible success. fumerai of their brotie-i-a thore tsc a preside d h Ltrr o -b Reeve Reg. Jones expressed plea- Asisely Price, at Sivonia, N. Y.hpeidn 0 is itrrySc sure to see tise interest citizens were Mardi 26Vis; Mr. and Mrs. Laurence iety. William Brunt, on Tlursday tkn nmncplafis n i aftenoo, Mrdi 9is.Tise piano thougît il was a step in Use riglit oodad on oiso otrn was purchased f rom Mrs. Wm. Jam - direction. Tise formation of sucis a Mr. and Mms. E. M. H. Ward are 0f 1V and fhe mdet aeide asset soiety sisould have been made years spcnding Easter isolidays in Toronto o tisi ua and isysdeicedaltingo, and Vise public would thus have with hler faVier, Mr. McNaugistofl, tand sclure.Tise cigistannbe 0fin coser contact ,itis tise vork and sister, Miss McNaughton, Whi ogdcura .onTheocioen cnsistedVoftise council. Tise organization however spent Easter Sunday witis 0fOganadao n d sourasima Mastedr oughits .attei5dance at u-iese Mr. and Mrs. Ward in Newcastle, sung bantiseandio chAlm aitr- meetings wotld do mucis Vo elimin- tise latter isaving motored up for man's addrs by Wns Brunî* piano Ve tise false rumors and criticism Viem on Good Fridlay. solos by Jack Hare and Gladys Pol- Tise eevareerd Vo orthe tis oal Among tise relatives f rom hs lard; readings by Bessie Law and Theighîng blaw ad t th tset' of section wlio attended tise funeral Of Evelyn Allin; guitar solo by Ralphis tise waîerwksnsteotisferPuis Vie laVe John Symons at Port Hope' Gibson; vocal solos by Ruby Wallace lic Uates Comisysi o.the Pbe- on Mardis 29th, were MrS. Geo. P. and Marguerite Harris: recitation lievcdlitisenomtises1934 Counci Rickard, Mrs. W. D. Bragg. Mrs. H. by Margaî'et Toms: vocal duet by eed tis we byawt sed93 y tuise R. Pearce, Mm. W. F. and Miss Dor- Mr. and Mrs. Ward; tise reading of 1933 counheîl a assiation tceu « otliy Rickard, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. "The Buzzer" by Evelyn Alun; sel- have3scured anaocifa'mtisepo- Clemence, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clemn- ections by tise Armstrong Gui tar Or- pieseuRee avoe alsom elieotsa ence. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Wigist, chestra: addrcss and presentation to pe h ev lobeivdta Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard. Mrs President Wmn. Bniint by June sucis an association would have sup- J. m. Cobbledick and Mrs. J. G. and Brown; God Save Tise King, follow- ported hîs stand and prevented tise Miss Florence Rickard and Mms. W. cd by a sweet trne indulg' . i tui'ning ox'er of tise waterworks Vo C. Alun, Bowmanville. candies and cookies. tnhn ie Utilities Commission. Retuî-n- An enjoyable literary and musical n otemtrofhewi sas progamfolo-e -y -frshmnts bylaw. Mr. Jones staied tisat it had prgranthefcloseotedyrerteiets AUCTIOLS SALES , been rumored that hs bylaw was a ___________ __________ personal grudge of a member of ast iiio Viesniohrroom f ie publiMa. iYear's coundîil, and ise informed tise sohool on ~~~ThursdayatnonMa. Thry, April 12-Hugis Annis, audience that sucis was not tise case, 29t1. Audrey Brown, President of Lot 26, Con. 7, Darlington, will seil and tise member nef ered Vo was not thse Literary Society, presidcd, witi al of lits farm stock, implements, trying o geV ai anyone. in con- Frances Brereton, secretary, attend- hay, grain, poultry, etc. Sale at 1 chusion Mr. Joncs stated ise as lng to lier official duties. Jimnsy P.m. Sec buils. Terms cash. El- wholciscartedly behind tise associa- Reecis and Chantie Flood cnlivened mer Wilbur, auctioneer; J. D. Ho- tion.i tise classes witis some good jokes and gartis clerk. Dpt ev lxEmnsoe Ethel Spencer propounided some rid- ' ___ lt maien publicexechgavoe a dies for ler classmates' considema-inhsmdePulcpehgva1 tion. Grade Powell and Ross Aluin Saturday, April 14h-Tise execu- series of useful suggestions for tise t entertained witli nicehy selected tors of Vise estate of Vie laVe Mrs. T. guidance of tise organization. Mucist reaing, flloedby usial um-J.MMur '11 il el t hem laie resi-' good may be accomplished, le said,p bers conslsting of a quartette "The dence, Cisurcis Street, Bowmanville,bin esscieao esowrkia Old Ruggedi Cross" by Frances Breme- ahi of houseisold furniture and fur- buiessk aner for Vise good of ton, Reia Cooke, Margaret Pearce nishings, including: 3 bedi-oom tise domi'unity, He suggestedi that and Ethel Spencer, witis organ ac- suites, springs and mattresses, pil- members educate tliemselves in tiset hows, ibrary table and iwo chairs, metisods of municipal procedure,f hall rack, waînut living room suite, govcmniment and finance. Tisat tiseya oak dining room table and chairs: study local probhemns and make e-c snîall tables, folding coucis, rocking commenclations of their findings tos Buness Directory chairs, sewing machine, electric tise counicil for consideration. Tisat swceper, combination electric and tiscy realize tise value of Visir fran- coal stove, cooking utensils, disises, chise and tise privilege tisat is tieirst rugs, ollclotis. curtains. clectric f ix- isaving Vise right Vo select tiseir LEGAL turcs, able lamp, and otlser articles. own governing body. That tliey get' Sale 1.30 P. m. Termis cash. C.H. away from tise ethargy of tise past M. Gi. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. Mason, cerk; Elmer Wilbur. auc- and geV oui and vote at every elec- Barrste, SlictorNotry ioner.14-2 lion. To select mnen wiso are fltted Bar Ph, oiio. aytoneer. 10 adîninister tise town's business, Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvllle-- -4 and flot stop ai nominaVing Viem but _________AUCTION SALE [ vote for tisen. Tisat tise organiza- W. R. STRIKE t, Von do noV demand tiings tisaitise townr and Vise people cannot afford. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS 1 h tishe organization upisold tise Solicitor for Bank of Montreai dignity of municipal service, and byi Money to Loan. Phone 91 Tise under&igned lias received in- 1 vidigude rIcsmntk Bowmanvile, Ontario str'uctions VO seli St public auction 1I avoîdingh undectienimnoVheep I Moder E- -meclisAmulane -1tIsai lise worm.".create. ModemEquimcnt Amblance -tV s expected that tiscre will 'Chldî'cn t isive up)on îens anti no A. W. G. Northcutt - Aubrey Smithi be a good. yield o! mapie sap tisis inatter wh'at~ condition liseir %vorm- Phsone Days 58 spring. Tise cold. winter witis Vie infested siomacis nay be in, îhey Nigits. Sundays or HldaYýs fost deep down in tise enst is will show improvement as soon as Phone 523 or 276 desirable for a good yld. tise treatmcnt begins. BIRTHS1 CATrHCART-In Cla.rke, on Mardli 22, 1931, to 'Mr. and NIrs, Wesley Catlicart, a son. JEFFREY - At W<leley osp)ital. Toronito, on Wr'dnusiiay%, April 4tiî. to M.r and iiarold Jarvi.. Jeffrey, a d îttî.,ht -r (Malry Ca rol ie). l< MARRIAGES .1 __ ____________r HOARE-MOORCRAFT- i., lSt. G,>orgr-'s (i 'itlieîiriil, Kitigston. e. on ituriay. , rl 215 t, 1934, bI yhi,luv. Alla itJ. Anier- Sot,. I ira M ir. ni, i %oorcraft to Sterlinti WOOD-MARTIN - At Si. Atirr. to l'i'.'sliytr'riii, i at onIîîtiii'ii' t \Venr'sdav', Marri 2801,193 '1, i.y 1 \V. J. Toildi, Nr. .IL Wood ite Miss.. ai a irii hnti hf Dlnin gtn. HALLETT-HICKS -Ili towmiatville o.. Sa turtia.M a rr'lî 1s.t.1931,Il>- y 1ev. Gre. Masoti, Ci . Ii3 'l,.r I ul.'tt, seo, of Mir. and Nir... iî'i.riia iir'altt ef Sotiva, andlE, .Ah".îaîglîter of Ni.andl Nî's. N.1-l, Ilirks. Oakwooil. WOOD-CLARK On Saturîlay, Niarcli 2411., 19314, iut St. At,, rw's Pni'slyteriati i '1lîrciî . Be.. i..'.tsIl., Il.y trs'. W. .. TodlîlSa n.i il iii rx' Woodl, son of MIr. W. ILt. Wood liiiitii. lat.- irs. %Woori, iii E-izili 'il, K. lb. ail uoriDarlinîg- tnit. i DEATHS __ BAS.SETT-.'îi ai.. o,.n irl R ElID-fil -nina i, .iiI, on t.Ti irsdaiy. liaro. 211. I9:1 ai,'Dewraur, heleveil of if'c Joilîîi ii . iii t, ni«t ýiit 2o wman - CORDEN-At .11.. t, , n FiiiY, Nýiardli 2:lrii, I13. 1, JiohtW iiian, -î'eruen. in bis 6811, ozir. lro.the'r of Mr. <.A Ci 'nen, îlot niai.v'ill" iBATSTON E-iiTnoîo.n01 aiî'1 y MIirc'ii sit, 19:1. iv 1' % ., liatItnîir'. 1i',r'l e iitsl.iti.i of S irai Iiiuo Bat- 'toi.,i. bis 7rrd v. .r. N ESBITT-2, N.iîîîio..n'Tii..- liv moî'tiîîg. ',î.î'l Iîl 124 N.i't i'liizali.tit,'i o1a f'.f 'MIr.latiws N,'siitt. Motir rft I . Fr.d',lNr'sliti. i:oNa'm;inviiic. McCUTCHEON Ai t,," 3,Sask., oii Nonilay, MNizii 1. 19.. 1,1 sh'l i ',rscaddiilt. ai. oîî f tiii,' at e .Iiliie. a i Kiti.iirsir'y Citn,-t.ry. HUMPHREY-At Tornto Eaizst i].'.- oýralI Hirîtal onW in'.uv iaci28, 114,-I. Ttonas ilGe iorge Iiiiiililir'.. i,os'- in Iii.. 6.311.y.,ir. Tirotlir of Mrs. Mar- iýU .usIl a3c.îlt îî nvii' IN MEMORIAM SCOTT-ios . r oi i.of rt ni ibr itric to our cear frailt' andl îîîni iî.". Jamies S,'ott anil ýi'i'ai.IhOii rr S.'nit., iîo 1,fr is ait the Fast!. .1,1 of 191q andi 1922. Alitil 2lst andu .Xîrîil I Oi. BAGNELL-it Ioici iii inor-y of Ai.'x. i1i. Ilazgorl o wli î.sa'l .ttzi' .t.til lst. 19:12. 011., leu liii p t i îi t iii 1..'' NVIii.'n ot,,lîiii 'cdvoil. gi.'tii,'-' as, (loi. hr'iîiýrorf tIi.' li.'iî.less, -E.'.' î','n. It',, i1'\5'ife andl Soi Nermita. B EECH'-in 1 ovint, .înitor.' cf il r stif,'. andii otliî.'r s'lo .r.i t.'. iths life .'.iril di, 19-18. ioctli,,r'not forgott.en. Or til It exî,r 1,: For as long ias life andnI mnnrylust, W' wiil l uivis tliitk cofil.' GOODMAN-li. lnvitg îiî.'iî', o f lir- gant A lice .'li.vr'.i wif., f t. T. ico.l- niatii, 'l'r', i,, a l ie l i pr'il 2îî.. 19.11. .1 s .îs i t'. 3i5rs t. go tod,i i2' sný ti..'uir groat sorrow full,. jlait liin'ui,',irtsste tîoîîîî,il,. le.s iOf li.-t' 55, ins'r'.l so a . Si.. ofîca sail d ,'iisI... , i in tv wr.l.. liiivc iî.înt ,'ilt.'. trit,. "V.' l.,r thIlee st mian'dr.stfriend. h. ,r iînoih.r, whet, w,' ost 3'ei "i î.ls iuisse1 bylIbda nd iiii "Y. CARDS 0F THANKS The husband and family of tihe late Mrs, John Reid wish to tliank their many friends and relativesfor their beautiful floral tributes and kind expressions of sympathy offer- ..d in their recent sad bereavement. The Jacks Family, Hampton, wish tco extend their appreciation to friends and neighbors for kindnessi and sympathy extendeci in their re- cent bereavement, acknowledging al- '.0 the beautiful floral contributions. We wisli to convey our thanks to the neiglibors and f riends who so kindly lielped us during mny illness, also those who remembered me in various other ways, all much apprec- iated. Mis. J. J. Smith and family, Enniskillen. Music FRANCIS SUTTON. Mus. Bac. F.C.C.O. A.T.C.M. etc. Piis iireiîare<i for ail exainations.I l't'v.,te and.1ciass lessons ait iderate rates. Bowma nville, Ont._ 40-lyr Lost LOST-Chovroiet livi'.igiit. ions, ne- filer .and h,îl., en Woiinesday, Marcb 8 tii. ini or arurotîi lt.ti isk ilien. Reward. t'iiii.'222.14-i Wanted WANTED-Siitigl, imanuite uuork oi.tlthe fart.., oiîist 1- 'gonîl tiIker. Aî,ply i 'i.rli<' 1 i 'îzril . i I.2L ', 'n "ii' WANTED-1i'>zi,,niC,'îl îiI.ers osant- r .1 i,î, (,i i:,ishaf hie. Atily Stiprene 1i!tui uv 2iîl> i iîitr',, 17 lias is Asvii- tae, Toonton. - WORK WANTED- i'xieri,'aceii fart., lIatid .a..r .ci î t ict ge 2?, 6 ;'ears POSITION WANTED-Wilfr,.l graduii- aît. Boston! anItili,'itv c'ulture' h.1 ai, p ositin. W~rite"i>" i.w' Il r . Stit, i, iii, Bovit n iîs'ii.' i 11-1- Boarders Wanted ROOM AND BOARD-Tt,'e blocksa mon, ale.'rat.... 4pi1,i' 10 '*.1.'.' OI it',r I, i 1oî'n~zîîs'ile.14-1' For Sale FOR SALE--lniohoti t i hm,a.. Ap.liy 14-1 FOR SA LE-Snîng t,.itii c'ltiu ator. FOR SALE -Aifaifa Izi3, 1 Gperai FOR SALE- A .iii.iiity of \'ictery S.' i )ts. Ap.îiy '%. B li,'caif . i. . 2, îlot. tianti ii,' liotii 47.,r21. 14-1 NEWCOMBE PIANO FOR SALE t'rie.'. ."' !LSittgo,' Si. North. Jnhtin NIrghr". Isizit'i.i nzraitteci for trii 3'ears". T,'ruiis. 11 - FOR SALE-A i"zîî,îr's Fril( singl.' i p o t, orn -xvhanttgo as îpart pay'- men. 0it1t a groîl otork 1lie'. Vu'atk Il. FOR SALE-Fifte'n suonk tierýs,,fr'ont toi'.i t' to fiflt-I liiiiiruh: alan o t' ,'i.ts. t1t ..' fr,'slî anduî,icIlledî,'ini 'May. Apply .2hIl.\ thîrl St. Hast, Oshauva. 14-3 FOR SALE - It,'gist'reh Jersey cotv andîi vairf ai slidý,,good uiikrandî.iquiet, oi %oîîiitra,.for'yu'itg.W. T1. Sy- io s l, 1 , Otrn n iI 1'iie1 HEINTZMAN & CO., NorIlwiinr,' G.'ar ntiiIle.i ntz nian ad N.'w 'Soz i.'W il- li iii., BIn ga lois'Piunes. Gta rau tr'r'dfor n.' 2.'ors. 92 Simce. St . North., Joit li g, ,0.-tti vzî. '1'rns. 121- 4 FOR SALE-ilcîne grouvu Whîil iBons- clo i'. ins'on s,',' .1, z, se Victory oau . 1 ,'Ifor a t','liihI,lc'se,',ifir'u,î 1Red i hovor. .Xifzifa anzîniiTooilîv. Ait ' ised \i'iit,.. V. .. 1-isk, Taunttoni. Plîne, 1111 .(shliv. .14-3 FOR SALE - 8 rcs.ontt;ug,'.couv liait.rn .I,'i".czîlf, clîc'k.'aI. ouw c ickrh . . ',le s'. , a fe t' fruit i i' - 'os, ) ,'zs1l. bîzlzî t Or'$900,i, $10 mooti thla t in - i-h..lis i.u'ea. \se 1.3-eeg Iuckcye Ini r'ihz It'o, 0111 io i utsou on ce lasi year, l.rnn.ier uî,i slov.', $17.00. J. Stratforîl. R. . il2, lu,wianvilie. 14-1-1 1FOR SALE - 'White Legora Baby i and sîî. lia telli ng Eggs. we have installt-d a new electrie incubator. Iir"eîirs '-1uni 3 years 01(1, direct de- si'ýý.iins of 8 y;,ars iaying contest. I.vy-ar il O t. imatu',itt maies from Reg- M dai1R.0.11. liens. Simze set 26 oz. .1ljiftl r. i. $8350 for ïMay. Cus- t on. ha ehiuîg. 1Phon e 2 3 7 r. Aihin t'.o'n.1ow nianivilie. 1- Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - A propery beatiftîii s ta, it,.i omith iig i h way .)etwelnCe - b ourg and. Port Ilb pca ndi ithin the limils of the' town of C'obourg, consist- inig of az ii'tse. harn ani 5 acres of land. ii,'al for iouitry and becs ami liasture for cow%. A stream runs throughi the î,roî,.rty. Immediato îpossession. Appiy Rl. i. lails, Coboturg, Ont. 14-4 DESîRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE- Iiii iHamptton on liavoîl highivay. about 2 i r. s of land i etIi40 yen ng a pplir'trees .1,1 i lr sniali fruits, -" storev fran,.' hois... S ro tnis, ha ni a ndloft ea ter. bîiizo.,lart, witlî driv'ing shed, loft, stbt andi'.îi h "n hocis.'; goed iawn w i tI Ig'a nd i s'ru I l.îry. t'oss(-ss ltt lus il , i. g. .îtbo owarrF. <G. K'sak I lampitoi .1?-2* To Let FOR RENT-Ilotise oni Seugeg Street. i.artly ftit*i iîîii,,i or tinfiirnisiili. l. Aî.,y i io .2.c2ii,,. ViiîliStru--,.11w- nmn.viI'. 14-2* TO RENT-Stîvîn rooracul brick lieuse, ail tmoderînconven', ii ces, on tli t P os5î'eF iii Air1i 151tii. App.11v W. F. Qîîick, itowmanviiie. Phone 22M. 10-tf HOUSE TO RENT-IiriGk rsi.c, ini iititg ttasri,*,on ('liu.rel S tre t, i ca nai vii.' modeîrn Coi eii v, 'ices. Ili- pliy to Me.1lioune. 'W'ighit, IL 11, iBt4w - miîanî'il,'. lh ne ' «i122. 11-2 For Sale or To Rent FOR RENT OR SALE-Fira, of aboutîî 1,,7 acre, pa rt.sLot's 15' andîi16, ('oncis- ..,oi M. Ezat îVlitîy TrNioîslîiî.: 1Pacres i"ai-,liigii.i17) ar... iii Aifaifa;14 ao'i.5 h liii' a.'.i 1)iiiarr...oui iay; ililiîiiig st ;a... 2 s 'ls il r ister'.. .'l,'îtric.lnarpowe sr','ii,'îîutt fa rtîî. adi Iur;ii.Foi'fitrtlo, p lart iciiizrs..'ipiîiy ni.1 tlii'farit'tii o tii 1)i. Colat. tiK. ('. )is Ilawa. 11-3 NOTICE NOTICE TO FARMERS AND OTHERS Wa.. . iiil,'to,. iîzrîîî'sa , niajIct,, l i oateilu hiin l %,Idrt,'ad'*s 1Biacks il tii Siî.î, ilts'aan'ii,',ushre Ilui lrelar- doi , i, al kitida of Iîînî,.ss ,îzkiîîg Repaira R. PAWSON BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRING Soies "us'n on by GoodIyear Stitching MachelinP. Prices rpasonable. King Street East - Bowmanvlle ()Ii.i.siio (;I hatons Bus Stationi -tf Complete Transport Service TRUCKING- TEAMING - TAXI - BUS SERVICE TRUCKING TEAMING Big modern five ton truck at We are prepared to do al your service for moving, haul- kinds of teaming, and can age or transportation of any supply grave], cixsders and klnd. Careful packing and sand at ver3' low rates courteous service is guaranteed. TAXI TO TAXI SERVICE BOWJMANVILLE BEACH Any time, day or night, our Throughout the coming sum- taxi service, composed 0of mod- mer we wili run an adequate ern sedan cars, is at your taxi service to the lake. Watch service. Lowest rates, careful for regular schedule. Fare drivers. oniy 10e each way. PHONE y1Iv ' PHONE 173 or 98 q f t'P fjl 173 or 98 DAY or NITEJW.K IH DAY or NITE Classified Ad s 4SO27 HAVE YOUR SHOES TRAVELLED a long way and seen a great deal of hard service? Then probably thy look a littie shabby and show signs of* wcar. Bring themn to us. WE REPAIR SHOES for the whole famiiy and our caref ui work will save you a good bit of money in the course of a year. We deserve your patron- age. Try us. On and after April lst my boot and shoe repair shop will be located in my residence on Duke Street. You may leave par- cels for repair at the Naborhood Shoe Store or Phone 710 and goods will be calledl for and deliv- ered in town. We will give a 24- hour service or better - and guarantee our work. ,'1 Geo., Humpage SHOE REPAIRER (Phone 7 10 BowmanviUej Notice to Creditors N THE ESTATE OF ROBERT COWAN TAN Cý NO)TICEi' that ail persons iiav- ing cl' ts z.gaint t1i w Estate of lRobert 'owan. lat,' of the Village of Newcastle, in th, ' ueîty of tDurham, E'squire, de- c,'aseîi. ..'io ,iiîd on or about thie 8th dlay of Ma1;rch, 1931i, ln the V'illage of Newcastie, are hr'rei.y notifie. to e Sni ln to t1wii.' îîîdrsigne.i on or before the Irl day of Aoili. 1934, fulli particîtiars and iîroof of th'ir ciainis. Imrned(iati'iy aftî'r th.' sai.i 23rîi day, of Aprii, 1934, the asseis of the said Estate wiii hc IdistriIîut,'d among the parties entted tiiereto, iîaving regard oniysto the dlaims of wiîiclî the 0lecotors shall at that time bave notice. PATED at llow manvilie ibis 22nd day of 'March, IL3 ALLIE REID, of the Town of Port Hope, and JOHN W. BRADLEY, of the Vil- lage of Newcastle, Executors. By their Solicitor, LAWRENCE C. MASON, Bowmanviie, Ontarlo. 12-3 Toronto Optometrists 2143 DANFORTH AVENUE Phone Grover 7078 G. M. BOSNELL, PORT HOPE Wednesday - 9 a. M. ta 9 P. M. Oppos ite John Street Phone 248 or 525J G. E. GARNETT. COBOURG Saturday 9 ..t 9 p. m. over A. & P. Storep 1 Id m Our expert mechanies can fix your car-no matter wlxat its ailments may be-and put it in A-1 shape again. Thcy're experts. They know ev er y knock and how to fi 'cm. Our prices are moderate-in keep- ing with our quallty of work. Try us for satisfaction. GOOD USED CARS FOR SALE We have some exceptional bargains in re-conditioned cars. Be sure to sec them bef ore buying or trading i your old car. CLEMENS' MOTOR SALES ChrysIer-Plymouth Dealers opposite A. & P. Store Bowmanvlhle O. A. C. Bred-to-Lay BARRED ROCK CHICKS AND HATCHING EGGS from Durham Countys Largest Exclusive Barred Rock "Ontario Breeding Station." Write, or phone, for our free Circular and Prîce List. Read about our 100%/ dlean Blood Test, and the fact that ail our chicks are prociuced under the Dominion Government Hatchery Ap- proval Pollcy. DONALD E. GIBSON Bowmanville, Ontario Phone: Clarke 3811; Bowmanvilie 300r3 S eýVEDPennies r AVEDS a v ed are Pennies Earned Have you ever thought how the pennies you've sav- 'ed here mount up during a month or a ycar ? Several cents saved on cach article quite a few cents saved on a basketfui dol- lars savcd before you know It ! NOTE THESE SPECIALS-FOR APRIL 5 - 6 - 7 Clark's SPAGHETTI ready to serve . 2 pkgs. 19c RED & WHITE TEA, 1's per lb. 54e RED & WHITE COFFEE, 1's per lb. 39e Golden Spray Plain or Pimnento CHEESE 2 for 25o STUFFED OLIVES, 8 oz. --.1Per b4,tle 25e QUAKER OATS, with China...... Ige. pkg. 29c NUGGET SHOE POLISH per tin 12e SURPRISE SOAP 4 bars 19c 77GER SALMON 1's, 21c- 'S 2 for 25e HAWE'S FLOOR WAX per tin 43e Posts's BRAN FLAKES ............. 2 for 21c MAGIC BAKINO POWDER, 16 oz., C. & C. 34e C. & B. STRAWBERRY JAM, 32 oz. with pectin per Jar 39e GOLD MEDAL PEANUT BUTTER, 26 oz. . 125e Aunt Jemina Buckwheat FLOUR.. per pkg. 19c INFANTS DELIGHT SOAP 3 bars 19e PURE LARD 2 lbs. 21c COOKINO ONIONS 8 lbs. 23c SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR pet' pkg. 33o C & B TOMATO JUICE ............. 2 for 15c RED & WHITE FLOUR 7's. 22c-, 24's, 60c SHREDDED WHEAT 2 for 25e RED & WHITE TOrLET TlISSUE 3 for 23c CHOCOLATE DATES . 1/, lb. 13e FALCON TOMATOES 2 for 19e Aunt Jemima Pancake FLOUR ...per pIkg. 16c Fe - W. Noules PHONE 599 BOWMANVILLE SPRING TERM from March let merges into the Sum. mer Session from July let in each of the SHAW'S BUSINESS SCHOOLS located in Toronto. List and toa. tican of tweNve achoals, with capy of cu rriculum, pramptly maiied on re. quest. Start any time. W. R. Shaw, Sec., 1130 Bay Street, Toronto. CelleTucik Opte Eyesight Specialist Author of: Optometry Feature Service The Child and Its Development Specializiflg exclusively in muscle anomalies, eyeslght and glasses. Phone for appointment 1516 Oshawa, Ont. Disney Bldg. Opp. P. 0.

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