nL&ian tema With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News ( XRTTIK i OWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 5th, 1934 NUMBER 1 VULUY1r 80~ F ive Hlundred Liberals Attend RalIy IMAES, NEW RECORD)S Hear McQuibban and Massey Speak Newcastle Community Hall 1TWO BOWMANVILLE Filled for Event Sponsor-, CITIZENS HURT IN ed by 2Oth Century Clubs MOTOR ACCIDENT of Durha.m - Liberals to '.%r. and Mrs. Roger Bird Suffer Scrap Section 98 Massey! Lacration and Bruises in Har- Tells Audience mony Crash - Bob Gr-ahama HronKing Street Witb Liberals in attendance f roin ail parts o! tise historic riding o! Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bird, Duke Durhsam. a monster rally was lield Street, suffered painful injuries u aI Newcastle Community Hall On an automobile accident on Swudy *E Monday evening visen tise features a! ternoon. when a car in wisici they were addressea by Hon. Vincent ;vere driving vils Mr-. and Mrs. Wll-ý Massey. President o! tise National 1 lham, Toms o! Oshawa, skidded on, Liberal Federation. and Dr. George tise slippery pavement -west o! Bai--I McQuibban, Ontario Liberal leader. mony. strucis a Iree and careeneet ChariU Cavkera The session vas sponsored by theise btiste ditcis where it was badiy executives for the four branches O! damaged. Mrs. Bird vas quite ser- 1 Eider son o! Mr. and Mrs. T. Wes-p tise 201h Century Clubs and marked ios:ijrd c nuisbigs ley Caviter. and one o! Ontario'ss tise foi-mal introduction mb Ibtis severe Ihat it vas tbouglit at one' outstandmng young avimmers, visod constituency. time se would lose tise sigist o! onec has aded in marking Up two nev I It is estimated tisaI over 500 per- eye. Doctors, isovever, are nov eorsviii1 sons attended Ibis event. The chair- bopeful tisaItishe siglit vil b s e. days. On Marcis 23rd at Hamilton,i man o! tise evening was S. B. Balise- Ai orpsegesvr nue he vas a member o! Central Y. way, Port Hope, President o! tise iAnd aknfour Oashava speial vied, eC.A. team whicl von tise Provincilir Durhm ContyLiberal Association. ad. Gan t LOBirdwaveosptathent. Championship in tise 200-yard relay, S DrurranaL, BrCogvntteatmnt.setting a new Domainion record, and( In lis opening remarits, lie explam- Botis Mrs. Bird and Mr-. Toms r e-io Mai-ch 31s, at Windsor, avini-î ed that tise 201h Century Liberal ceived severe facial culs snd weei ming for the saine teani. a nev Can-1 Association vas inaugurated four badly bruised. Mi-. Bird. whisi adian record was set visen the teani1 years ago and gradually spread and caretaker o! Town Hall liere and saans 1 victory in the 160-yard re-2 recently tok hold in Durham. Cleri o! tise Division Court. and Mi-ý. lay. Chai-lie has swmming at St.( Branches have been instituted at Toma vere alloved to leave for Useir Louis. Mo., laler 155s montis. Swim-t Port Hope. Bowmanville. Hampton, homes followung treatment. and Millbrooitk. Tisrougli public dis- IlvsioetatM-.Brwud ming ha not lis only accomplisisuett It ws hpedtha Mrs Bid wuldas be is a versatile musician play- cussion, persons may become inter- have been able 10 relurn 10 lier ing several instruments, and ha also ested in tise questions o! tise day and familY un Bovnsanville on Wednes- an orator o! some abillty, vinningi f ormulate somte definite opinions on day, but on tise advice o!flier pisy- tii-st place in tUe Bigis Scisool Ora- the business o! governimeiit. Ini oi- sicians aheish remaining for a few tory contest îast month. der 10 get people interested and es- days in tiseisospilal. The culs vere pecially lise younger element. tise received f rom flying glass f rom Ushe I social ide o! life vill be combined windshield and vindova and thej viltiste meetings. bruises f rom tise impact vilthte Keitis Long. President o! Port tree and the turning o! tise car intoChurches FiIIed For Hope brancis. Stanley Robinson, tise ditcis. liead o! tise Bowmanville organisa- i The highway aI tise lime vas par tisHmtn u.wre itrd i a *hroghivetaion 0f ai f-JEast ertide Services ed. A vocal solo vas rendered by ficer Ed. uvso Bownianvillei Allan Knight, secretary o! tise Bow- stated tisat no charge vould be laid manville Brancis. gisth driver, Mr-. Toms. H r n S n a ý Hon. Vincent Massey jS bei-, Graham, an em1ployee o!f ~ r n u d y Hon. Vincent Massey gave a deep- Cawiter's Butcher Sliop, vas badlyan Est- tbinking and scholarly address visicl cul and bruised on Saturday visen Special Musican str iseld tise attention o! tise capacuty jhle vas struci aItishe main intersec- td Messages Are Feat- audience. He commended tise young l ion o! tise town by a car driven by td people on tise important role tliey Wm. Osmond. of Bovmanvile. ureofW l ted Sr played in present-day public affairs- ofWlAteddS - and lie said we must, not lose oui- vices on Sunday - In- Mase dscssdtie ubecNelson's Store Moves to clement Weather Is No "FaiUs o! Liberalisin," and pseaced New Location on King St. Bar iis speech by caiming that Liberal- Opoit oylThar ism stands for liberty and Liberals postRyaTh te bavea geat asi 10 orti-m n gv- I- -Tise glad tisene o! Eastertlde, havng lseseariissk an prfmiivge Nelson's Store, visicis for more folloving on the solemrn memnorial vhicis are lhiers. Old political bicis- tisan 6 years bas played an import- services o! Good Friday, vas cari-ied erina mst b fogottn ad ~ ant partinstise mercantile li.!e o! out un Bowmanville cisurclies vils problemamust be hogst aou lsBowmanville, h is is veek moving t10 large congregations un attendance the remedies intelligently applied. a nev location opposite UeRylo atrDy pca ui n In n aalyiso! radlinalLib fTheatre - betveen Jewelî's Big 20 apecial addresses !eatured these ser- eral policies, Mr. Massey iseld thiey' Store and Mrs. E. V. Scobell's office. vices. vhicis brougis sndeso included the principle o! personal Tise store lias been entirely se-ar- people out in apte inclement wea- liberty. There s an enacîment on- ranged inside and il will open forl.tiser. Incidently fev braved tise ee- oui- statute bookasvitichis h contras-y business on Friday morning, wisen ments enougis 10 besport nev spi-- 10 the very principles o! liberty. I Mr. Nelson's Big Opening Sale. feat- ing clothes. i-e!er to Section 98 o!flise Crîninal uring numerous special values. wil An interesting enrohinient service Code, visicis ve Liberalsargin commience. Tise new store yull feat- vas conducted in thc Salvalion 10 remove f rom tise statu ae bo~Il tire an entii-ely dif cient arrange- jArmy Citadel on Easter mos-iriig with repesels n ifrîgemnt n tsemer, of goods f rom tisaI viici bas Adjutant Tuciter in charge, whilel privileges o! our personal liberty and been in use. Merchandise wiul be s pecial musicfauedtsevng Il must go. These remania ere ell displayed but it yull be on service. greeted with applause. wr shelveas ese il vili not receive Loy Mass and Communion fea- Dictatorship. the speaker contend- more tisan necessary isandling by tured tise day at St. Joseph's Roman ed- ha a lazy vay out o! present day tise public. ICatisolic Cisurcli, visre Rev. Fatier difficulties and ~Mr. Nelson opened isis firss Bow- jJF.McQui-e cnudtesrie difclisadattacited Commun- mnil store in Fbrur1928 inLa rg coes nced otefsrice. ism, Socialismn and Facism as pro- Lag1ubr ure u o U poscd substîtutes for democracy. Al tise Horsey Block, but a! ter 8 montlis1 early morning and mid-morning tsi-e vere introduced f rom lacit o! outgrev tise store and moved to, communion services at St. John sý f ails in democratic institutions and more spacious quartera in tise Mc- Anglican Churcis, wbere extra seating ai operale tisiougisfrepiyia Murtry Blockt. For five years tise vas neccessary at tise il o'clock and maleriat force iereore n- store bas been opei-aîed in this loca- service. Bey. Loi-ne Thsomas o! New- democratic. lionbtcanrgcn ios, lni casîle, and aI ei Jiiio s visicis few business bouses have 1o- sisted tise rectos-, Bey. C. R. Spencer Ontario Leader Speaks cated in tise West End have shown s at tise Conmmunions. A ciildi-en's ser- Dr. Geo. McQuibban. Libes-al Bouse. a need 10 move fuitiser up st-cet. vice, witis the presentatuon o! Mite Leader, gave a 35 minute addi-ess'Ms-. Nelson vill have Miss Alice Medd Boxes and ludes vas iselet in thse and frons lise outset he launched in- cn bis staff. Miss Medet bas beexi a! lernoon and special music vas sung1 in, a discussion regarding tisev .sthvithUe store since it fl-st opened by the choir under lise direction of wealUs o! nalural resources in orlis over six years ago. WlimSste nUeeeig es-n Ontario. Be blamed tise Ontario R ev. A. S. Kerr- pieacised appro- Conservalive Adminis-ation forl priate Easter messages at St- Paul's Creans o! Barley. same quality, United Churcis on Sunday. Bis mos- (Continued on page d samne quantity. new 10v price. ing Iopic vas '-Easter Triumph" and Durham County Club Toronto, Holds rection o! Jesus Mean?" Large con- gregaliona vere present 10 isear tise special music under tise direction O! Mrs. C. H. DudleY, organist and choir t 'I c t r r c 't :1 1, leader. ils of rthe tovu. iLte satLtacto C atein t he~ as n Over 200 people turned ouI aI sev- performance o! hi uis Concudin G aterin oF he S ason en o'cdock on Easter morning for public Offlclalis--Ay members-5r. ___________________the imimpressii'e Sunrise service in viag on lise rown Council. Scbooe Thi. tse ldet Cunb Clb o Bi adres va inereîin, rcyTriniîy United Chus-oh, conducted Boards, public Utilities Comnmission- Toronto, foruîed on June 13th, 1898, and isumourous andt heariuy en- byetie paostorvey.E.F.Aistog iseld Ils final meeting ofthtie seasonTehoclksrveva also vel (Continued on page 10) on Tisursday ast la tise Otario joyed.attended, it being tise Eastei o- ______ On hUrdaYlas intheOntrioArt Mrs. Warrington sang a group o! munion and reception service. Mr-. Gallery-, Toronto, and proved to be six songs most acceptably, and tise Armsti-ongs sublect at tisis service DIRECTS OPERETTA one o! the f inest f unicions given by rendering of ecis o!fiser numbers vas "Death's Defeat" visile in the Use Club. About 100 vere la attend- vas mai-ted by vocal aitisti-y. sud evening ise preachinl "Tise Yielded ance. and amid a background of vas vell receiveet, ier accomnpanl- Li! e" Eastei- lides vere sisovr dur- lovely specimens o! art la oUl andt ments being played by Mrs. Mackay, ing tise Sunday Scisool session. vhicis vater colours. tise vont and artistry vise also played tisree very difi- vas followed by a baptismal service. o! Canada's foremost artials on ex- cult tiseres by emiiexit composessMr. Francis Sutton. Mus Bac., or- hibition, lise evening vas spent de- witis commendable technique an d The cisoir under tise direction o!f lightfully and prof itably. Mr-. Walter masterful fingermng. Mrs. Mackay 'igna n hordsetr renderedt B. Cemes, Preaident, viso bad just a daugiter o! Col. R. J. Stuart, appropiate Easter music at ail ser- retui-ned f rom a steamer tour iu Reeve of York Townshsip. an olet vices. Soutsei-nWaesby dischargeet Port Hope boy. A isearty vote of ev.Jo nidsay of Wbitby con- the dulies o! prcsiding over ties plen- tisants vas tendered tisem. On mot- ducted tise services lu St. Andrev s did gatisering o! happy contented ion o! Conts-oller Robins, vhish an Pi-sbyteran Cisurch is ien tise choir reunlon. old Enuisitillen boy. rendercd special vocal numbers un- Lettess ere read f rom Ms-. T. H. Tes and very tootissome refresis- der thc direction o! Mr-. C. S. Hall- Lockisart regreîting asne o ments vere served la ic h Southi Ball man sud vilS Miss L. L. Br-agg at Dr.~ ~ ~~bene L.B.Wlraomis vlbs ie iere amid tise happy background the organ. Dr. on a.itourm thioi Lse oiseru eo! art in picture and statue. an stoa t u visougsent Siouis nenjoyable bous- vas spent lungîset- Mrs. Jean McGregoi-, M-s. W. B. H.nde!erysntlabote Mr. some conversation and tete-a-tete. Carrutisers, Miss Belen McGregOi- Sol H Jffeyanelaorteaccounit Four ncw members vere redelVeet and Miss Marijorie Collacotvere o! iis travels. and tise places o! in- into memixcrslsîp un tise persons o! lu Kingstoni Thursday vlslting Miss terest he bad seen. Mr-. Jefcry vas Mr. and Mrs. J. Herbert Pair (Cavan) Margaret McGs-egor and otisci asked 10 reply to Use addrcss sent ud Mr r. LewsWhigo f en. thpessClubo!AUetirs as! i-.aet(Darlinglon>. Returning 10 the Great, the members lned up arounet Dr. G. C. Boninycastie, Bovman- allon C sho isegClub on teo el blite Bail sud crosslng bands, evei-rY- ville, vas electeet president o! Use aond W teddlug. thmonter oejle nsuig"ud~ Ontario, Durhami and Northumber- Syre ne itln sinspng siglitangand Counties Dental Association at Mr-. Artisur Lisncr visa is one o!f see this Club singîng Bur-ns Parting List eeunuFrameetingiselet Mns.shav Lise seven Judgcs on tUe Banglig I ymu, ai-d sung as oiily Durha Ivet rni utn u.Bc Commnittee o! tise Ontario Art Soc-I Club can slng t, led by Mi-. John A big national convention of Iety o! Toronto, gave a vei-y succinct D. Keachie, wilS Ms-. W. R. King at Young peopeo s nte hri raltadCoi I directr resume o! thse salent fentures o! the Use piano, both o!fvisom are octo- !Caaa ui ehe d ayhlt o Trntty chut ise Kvii iret]i 250 pltures upon Use vil. andt generians. Frlday, Saturday sud o isun .it coereoftt "Niscal KhinothebOpe vbich vere selectcd. out of 80 suis- I "appy to MOet, soi-iy to part, vii be the firat meeting o!Iskn hoir o itUSandUI'1I ia UsO mltted foi- appi-oval and exhibition. j-Happy to meet again". ever hld Inth ie Province. .Buet-lh u rdy atepayers' Assn. of Bowmanville F6 rmed Monciay ,eo. B. Bickle Elected Firat President of New Organ-1 ization - Mayor Strike, Reeve Jones, D eputy - Reeve Edniondstone Ad-' dres5 Meeting The Ratepayers' Association of >wnanvSle was given birth at a ublic meeting in the Town Hall on jonday night, when over 200 wereý resent to witfless the organato nd many sagned Up for me==rsip ko. B. Bickle was elected Uithei-st esident of the organization and 1 pporting officers are: Vice Presi-' ent, B. B. Furber; Secretary, F. A. illing; Treasurci-. J. A. Gunn; Di- tors, W. F. Waxd, F. C. Pethick. VE. Booth, Wm. Brock and Qeo.t lumpage. G. C. Morris wasa-1 ointed chairnian of the Member- uùp Commnittee, wlth F. C. Preston, eo. McMullefl, W. J. CulleY. F. Cal- er, j. Glaxiville, F. Bottreill Hugh .eUley and A. St.acey as other inen- >rs, the coxnn3ittee havmng power to id to its numbers. An inmediate rive for mnenlbershiP will be under- aken and an endeavour will be nade to secure a mesnbership of i30. w. F. Ward acted as chairmari o! he meeting and explained how t.heý neeting had been called and what in association might accomplish. Ur. Bickle, who has hadi some ex- )erience in Ratepayers Association xork in the Dovercourt District o! roronto. spoke brie! ly on what aese organizations could do for the municipality if i-un in a proper man- er. The following con.stitutionl was âpproved by te meeting and unan- nously adoptd Name-The Ratepayers' Associa- ion of the Town of Bowmanville. Object-To assist in doing good to ill our members and protect the best iterests of the people in every waY ossible. Members-AIi ratepayers o! the 'own of Bowmanville, listed on the oters' list of the town. are eligible for membership. Offcers-A President. Vice Presi- dent, Secretary, Treasurer, and five Directors, two o! whom may be Wo- men. Meetings-A ni&xthly meeting to be held at the Town Hall on the lst E'uesday of each month, at 8 o'clock. Special meetings xnay be called by the Executive upon 5 days' notice by mail or through the press. The an- nual election of offcers will be held at the April meeting. Business-To consider ail mnatters of general interest and welfare to the menibers, and to review twhen leemed necessary> thse actions o! the Town Council, the Bowxnanville Welfare Board, the Public Utilities Commission, the Public and H-igh School Boards, and any other eleet- ed or appointed bodies, and taite such action as the members may de- termiine, at any regular or speclal meeting o! the association. Quorum-Twenty members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting. Fýee-Should funds be required at any tinie, a collection shall be taken at the meetings. Non-Political-It is to be clearlY understood that this association hs purely and absolutely non-polit- ical and non-sectarlan. Representatives-TWO memnbers tO be appointed to attend ail meetings of the Town Coundil. and report back to the members, any matters theY consider deniand the attention Of the Association. One mnember to be appointed tii attend the meetings of thse Public Utilities Commission. One member to attend the meetings )f the School Boards. Two membem to act ini conjunction witis the -Wel- fare and Relief Board" of the torn. The Association is to Ltaie a lhe and active interest in the general well- being and good of thse Tow6n and in every way possible assist the off ic- 'j vnySPEAKER High Sckool Boardi Asies $5000 Less From Municipal Treasury This Year TRINITY CHOIR TO Council Hem sW ec1 corn e PRESET MUICAL News at Monthly Meeting PEENTEMUSIALEN -Daylight Saving Time Operetta1«Nautical Enot" Under' Ao ed atr Sitd IDirection of Fraci Suto To Debate - Dates Same as Be One of Interesting Presen- Toronto tations During Easter Week -- Excecdlngly good news as that Much local interest bas been ari-U hich thse Bowmanville High school sed through the coming presentation1 Board brouglit in its report of es- by Trinity Church Choir f the P- tinated receipts and expenditures eretta, 'A Nautical Knot" which is for the current year te the Town to be presented in the Opera House Coundil on Tesday night. Tise on Thursday and Friday, APril tis Board reports that its total requre- and 6th. under thse direction f Mr. ments f rom thse town ths Year Francis Sutton, Mus. Bac., choir wouid be only $3481.0 or more thon I irector. A strong cast hias been se- $5000 less than required a year ago. lected to f111 the varios roles ansd Mayor Strike explaln.ed t.bat tibs some extremely fine musical num- as accounted for in thse f act tbat Lieut-CoL F. J. Picking bers will be heard. Special costumes the counties grant was ncreased. Former Provincial Pesident of and lightirrg effects will add greatly saarisvere decressed and Uleir the Canadian LegiOn, Who Wiib to the enjoyment of this entertain- was no insuranoe to pay this year. thse gsiest speaker at the t.egion Vimy ment visicis is being sponsored by The Mayor also ponted out, for Banuetin t. olm Pais onthle Women's Association.tise special benefit of tisose Whso bave Bandu e n SJngs rihHllo The operetta is more enjoyable if been criticising thse Scisool Board for Monay venng.the story of thse plot is known to hiring thse services of local teachers -thse audience so we give a brie! that f ive teacisers on the staff were synopsis ofth plaY on whicis this receiving less tban tbe minimum interesting presentation is bult: salary according to he10raii Julia, thse haugisty belle of Barnf- Tbree o! tisese ere thse tbree tea- ýN otd Lei'nare tapoole, is proud as se is beau- chers visose homes are located in if ul. Ail thse saior lads are hope- B'wanvile. Mr. Strike also added Vim S eak r essly in love ith hier, but sise scorns that despite tlsese 10w salaries Bw Is im Sp ak r ter ail. on thse eve f the depar- manville Higis School bas a staff ofJ the "BouiidiflV Billow"fo equal to any in the Province. I n T o w n M o n d a wan eigarti comes to tOWn an Jones, witJ tise active support of Trn als inglo e ith Ju ia, whoI'eturnsi5fC uneillor W J bMry , ald t bis affection. T esailor lads, driven W J Mt e as ae ofthn e fa id Lieut.-Col. F. J. P icking,' to despair by their rival's succes, pvîngT untis e ssso ti se Dsthe imet- plan tokda arnabas. 'o hm ig. Thse Mayor vas authorlzed by F orm r P ovi cia Pr si-aboard thse Bounding Billow" andicoundil, witi tise above two m- - - dent of Canadian Legion, carry him to sea. They are success- bers votlng against and Couneuflor to SpinktatiLegon Bme-and the tows-L. C. Mason not casting avote, to bye. announce to Julia that Barn- nouncing Daylght Savusg in Boy- quetinSt. John's Hall aoas vas on oard ber. manvlle on thse same dates as in In the meantime Nancy-a gent.le Toronto. on monday evening, April 9th, dansel-is loved by Joe Stout. Joc the Legion will hold its annual Vimy is as bashf ul as he is honest, and Application o!fGOsborne Bros. Gar- Banquet in St. Johsn's Hall where fearing a rePulse he induces Bil age to move pumps froni West End resi-vations bave been made to seat SalI, an ancient mariner, to propose Garage to their property vas re- from 100o to 150 men. A splendid to Nancy in bis naine. Bml promises ferred to Roads and Street Coni- prograni and toast list bas been pre- to perform tise tasit, but un! ortun-iniittee. pared. The guest speaker vil be ately be meets Julia first and, think-i Letter giving judgment o! thse Lt.-Col. F. J. Picking, immediate ing her Use obJect of Joe's affect- q Dominion Railway Boaxti on thse past president of Uie Ontario Pro- ins, deiverg the bashl'ui suibors'l Scugog Street Crosslng gates and vincial Commsand o! the Canadiian message to lier, signais vas f yled. Legion, and until last niontis mem- Julia is a gi-cnt believer in thse comunion vas read f rom. tise ber o! the iDominion Executive saying -One in tise hand is better C. N. R. Supritendent at. Belle- Coundll, and a director of the Leg- far than two that in the bushes are" ville notilying Uic town that the ionary. He also served hast year as She tells Billto bid bis f riend try crossing at tise C. N. R. Station to Hionorary Treasurer o! the, Ontario bis luck a year hence. Bil delighted the vest side beach vas not a pub- Provincial CoMmnand. at ls supposed succSu, seeks Joe lic crossig in any way. col. Picking, affections tely known and infornis him o! tise result. onlI' M. T. A. Dustan appeared on be- to the troops as "Pick" was born in tW learn o! tise sad mistake lie ha hall o! the Horticulturai SocletY to England, and did bis frst service ini made. The whlstle ounds fron tise asis reconsideration o! thse conditions tht Imperial Army. At thse out- sbip Ail Aboard" and poor. Joe is n e whc t ey r el d a gat break o! the ar he vas an omeier obligedi to sail vitisout seemg unoer$2h5.b tereceet granter in the 24th Kent Reginient at chat- sweetheart Nancy. o! $25. Go ernct gan ift eroc bain, Ontario. He went overseas Julia tells Nancy o! Joe's love for witis the 33rd Canadian Infantry her and Nancy is heartbroken. TIiseliety vas bound dowa to spend thb Barntapole grlshavig quIl money a t Use discretion o! the coun- Battalion, scrved in France vusth ansaolegrsUsngqae cil rather than Use society tise grant 58th Battalion. and was sevcrelY ed withs the sailors, pretend ' di! f e0 iteus.Cuai iee wounded aItise battle o! Sanctua-Y ference at their departure. fore made thse grant ithout any Wood on June 13. 1916. His dis- Act 2 takes place a year lience. - nttachaed. biit reete bsreun oFrance, The townsfoik are waitmng on tise ufl and lie served in England in various quay for tise return of. tise "Bound- The appeal !By .R pne staff appointusents until he returned ing Billow." The Barnstapoole girls' and Rev. E. F. Armstrong, preSident to Canada in June, 1918. meeting a party o! artists dOvn f rom and secretarY of tise MunisterilaL col. Piciting bas been a Legioli town for tise day, take a malicious Association. that council PaSS a, by- enthusiast since ils earliest days, pleasure in gomng to velcome bnck law tb bar Sunday fisnerals vas not first as a member and offcer o! St. thse "Bounding Biflow" accompaiiied entertained by tise council, a! ter Thomas Brancis, an-d hater as a pro- by the artusts. Tise sailra who dur- due discussion. vincial and dominion leader. In 1928 ing lhiser long absence Uad Quite M. G. V. Gould, Secy. Treas. 01 he vas elected provincial second recovered f rom tUeur love for JUlia, Library Board appenlcd toomndil vit peiet n190 sfrtvc- are much chagrined to f ind tisat Use for an increased grant. Polntlng Ont vipresident,d in 193, at tUe Oi-Brtpe girls are apparently tisat tht local library recelved a very awa convention, as provincial pres- quite indifferent ta their return. Even I amall grant l 0aaIolvtsmn 5r ident. He has been a member o! Julia will not speai to10tbem. otiser libraries. He suggcsted that se Dominion Executive Council Billsait bas tise unplcasant duty Iif tise councfilcould sec its wny clear -since the convention at Regina in o! explainlng bis mistake to Julia jta increase tise grant from $450 to November. 1929. In 1930 Col. Pick- and offerlngblmel! in jce's place. $550 or $600 Use Board vwo'Ùd bve ing undertoo thtie complete re-or- Julia at f i-st spurns hilm indignan- 10 resign and let tise council i-un the s ganization o! thse Ontario commnand tly, but a! terwards accepts hlm. 'Library as a public an-d f ree librar! k o! tise Legion, and its splendid pos- The bappy return o! Barnabas Lee at grenter cost. Finance Conmlttee y ition today is largely due to his en- releases Bil Salt f rom tise noose lie vii report back on tise matter.' tergy and abilitY. had cast about bis own neck. Joe Bill f rom George Allin for $22.50 e Tise seventeerith annlversarY o! soon finds Nancy and explains the for gTavel vas referred to a spec- ýS Use first major operation o! thse situation te lier. 'Me artlsts returfi tO i alcosnmittee Of Coundillors Moses 1Canadiari Corps under Uiec on- town and Use sailors and girls be- and Little. an-d checcks in connection ýS mand o! Viscount BYng o! Vimxy viii come reconclled. Tise scenle ends vith vlth this gravel to tennisters were Sbe fttingly remembered by the sur- Uic promise o! many happy ved- iseld up perlnrg settleMent. e -vivors o! Use Canadian Cor-ps dings in thse near future. Finance Committee recoMmnende Ltisiougisout Canada. payment o! accounts amou.ntmng to d The banquet is sciseduled to coni- $2867.79. two isospital accounts belng 1- -nnea t on~ ala . m iss Anne Lyle bas returned froni iseld up for investigation. n i \fcnday. April 9th. and ail ex-ser- a plensant visit viti f rlends in Pet- on Use recommendatlon o! Public -ice men are invited. erboro. Property Commnittee, the Council de- y The story last week annouflcmg cided to Laite over Trlnlty Churcis th'caneof ownersip o! Kers- Shed and maintain it as a Shecd for r-lake's Drug Store unfortunately gave public use. A deed vi epoue Cb Newtonville Man Found some the impression that Mr-. Kers- f rom the United Cisurcis on the un- Hangd inWoodShcd lake hsad iseen ini business 35 years. derstand!ing that sisould tise tovn not Wcdnesday Afternoon operated as a Drug store for 35 the Churcis bave the Option O re- years. Mr-. Kerslake vas connected gaining poabsesàOnf thUe ProPerty. James H. Basset. agcd about 70, witis the store for more than 30 (Cntnud nDM8 ) well known Newtonville citizen, vas yea-s. found hanglnig f romn an improvisedi beani in tise oodsiscd o! bis home at Newtonville on Wednesday after- Â earce wio ntdy s bind yJsTm.ros or6ing New Feature For Women noon. Bis botdy vas !ond byS.UT dravn after rnid-day. Be isad been dedfr oehur r . -Da Re aders Commences in Current Issue jvorridconsierab y inrtHtpasta!ev l 'A ry r- >O] n,