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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1934, p. 9

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THE CANADIAN STATESMA4N, BOWMANVrLLLP.THURSDAY, APRIL 12th, 1934 iAýmTTi i C nedSam n- ou t aldOBITURY IMPRE rom IMARI LRobert James Bel], Trenton tEl T L A1 by Rbert James Bell passed away in 01D STo UT egin a I - ~BARBARA B. BROOKS no.Mrh2t.flom Trnon Mr.James Bellwan wasLgo n bîngering illness. at the age of! i <ty- ers Para six years. He was the son of the late born at Lakefield.Th17 - Thars geld in themi thar hilis." some clever ways o! extending the in Bowmianville where he operated %lclps but flot very much Wo eat. The old salmon writh less expensive imgred- the Canadian Restaurant over Mar-j onS da prOsPector wbo headed bis pack ients so that the cost of the whole tyn's Bowling AIley. Five years ago etdb mules up the trail carried a grub recipe is quite moderate. he moved to Trenton and bought a Rgmn stake for week.s or even montfls. If Salmon Sala.d tobacco< shop and billiard parlor. Hedinesr he carriecl his pack on a lone burro, I1 -3ý cup P..d Salmnon 1, tsp. ocriko ad been in failing health for the hr,% he took with hlm only bare staples illaf-onl a)12ti.. sait put fourteen years. He was a mcm- one - - such as beans, flour, sugar, saIt park lý cul) chopped c,l.ryî 'cup Cori flakes ber ofi St. Andrrews Presbyterian w.ntF.gWa andcofee.With a arger outfit, he 1 îîsp. capers 2tis,1. l'lion juc Church. Surviving are three daugh-V.Dea added canned foods and selected Haver ndtresns r.J A mtV.Dha those with the most food value in o aial ingredients c.led thor- ter ad hre on. prpotin o ul. oghly lk h amn e Oshawa:r Mrs. Earnest Dickson, under Bani Atobertiontherewslitîevrit move bones and 5kin. Combine ail Brnghton lma odoMlle POUR milk or cream a a the parade, thestenor cookitte et ningredients and ightly toss together at oadat home. Two sisters. bwflo elg' ie frteh bheneaneulosamokngwasIn tiemrant until well mixed. Add mayonnaise ta Mrs. John Hayes and Mrs. John bwflo elg' ie frteh litem. ndSalmon a s aeremvarieant make salad more moist if desired Murphy o! Napanee. One brother. o! I Krispies. Then listen as service was tem. Salmn foraesch ange withs ngeon crisp ettuce which bas Toronto, also survives. IntermentC.R pi clSamnfracag.I atedle prnedwtFechrsig.a me inMon Evergreen te snap and crac kle their I..egon andi mighty gooti out there in the open, Cbeen sprinkled ofth Frencb dressing. C ecil Jobn1 but back again in the bright lights Salmon Chowder Cemecvtr fdlcascipes eimeJons the prospector's first meal was sure '- l)- ait Pori' 1 l-î,oinI can Yuv ee atday hl at ta be sirloin smothered in onions. It (d:c.e(1) salmon (fiaked) NIrs. Harriet M. Anderson, thing sa good. Serve for mediate pau would be a long time before he woulcb i sOXIl I 0l0 Sait and pepper Bewmanvjuce breakfast or lunch. An ideal read the s( arder Salmon boai for bis dinner. (Chopped) *5ta rasrc The altar In many homes, too, salmon loaf 1 rn.-dîum potato 1Ii;nt nilk Ai ter a engthy and seriaus illness food for children. Light with Union does not receive a warm welcome Sue pork andi orson in a sauce there passeti away on Thursday, and easy ta digest. Made Ensign, wbil because fsh seo! ften is salmon and pan until a light brom-n. Add the Aprîl 5th, Mrs. Harriet M. Anderson, md o this Salmon usualîy appears in a boai. diceti potata and salmon. Sprinkle ageti 75 years. widow of the late by Kelogg in Landon, Ont. ala o This is truly unfortunate because with sait if needed> and pepper. James Wilson Anderson, Belleville. olwn canned Salmon is a gooti nourisbing Cover with boiing water (use ne where she had resideti Up t aboutFoown foodi that can be bought in conven- more than necessary) and simmer eight years ago when she came ta the churonc lent formn andl kept on band for until potatoes are tender, about 20IBon-n-,niie. Iatecuc ready use. With the advantages the minutes. Add the milk. Heat thor- The funeral took place on Satur- A' Haibt a w Present day bousewlfe bas.over the oughly and serve ait once. day afternoon f rom the residence a A rficktharo] bahom cn ho speci, almotreat e aSalmon Dressing her daughter, Mrs. J. S. Anes, Car-atteaa hom ca bea secil tea, nt. lý, cp Rd &ilon ,ý2tsp grtedonin ilsle Avenue, service being conducted hrh last resort.itbp ope cpaonae by Rev. E. F. Armstrong, pastor of!uin h Make a gooti beginning by buying pickles 1-mron .iuice Trinity Unitedi Churcb. The renlains ... iec a the right klnd. Ail varieties and Cobn grdes.Tînwt were then taken to Belleville where oladI grades are gooti food, but sie are lemon juice. Serve as a dressing for1 sevie asbedcnte curch at G sermon, tauci better suited for certain recipes than sliceri cucumbers. lettuce or choppeti Joblîn, intermentakn lc t ueb, Chaptez others. The label wilI tell yau the cabbage. Thi makes a deliciou ap.. Welmian~s Cm tamg plr acy e at t e nouage kind of canned salmon you are buy- ptzrsaaLahosrei safrs te. niMs.Ateso a onuttororpo ing. There are five species, Chinook Pecour s ldt esre safrtM.adMr.Adro a odc-frorp Red, Cohe, Pink and Chuin. As tý ore a general store at Welman's orGd qualitY these rank as iollows: Salmon ROI] Corners and hati become ntimately whiw...u;wr A h eecon First: Chinook Salmon, sometimes i cllppasfl-y flour 1- clip miik acquainte<j with rnany residents ve ten a labeleti King, Tyce, Quinnat or 2 tsps. baking powderl x.z-îounîî can throughout the section. Bearers at veean a SPring Salmon. The sprmng catch ila i tsp. sait -salmon (flaked> Belleville were: Edward Totit, Oea - tbrough the superiar to the fall. The spring 2 tbsps. butter i e-gg (slightiy beaten McGie Theodore Reli, Elgin Jack- weePei catch is ai ten labeled fancy and the Mix and si t dry ingredients. Cut mari, flrve Heath anti Fred Sparr. eahtt( fail catch choice. Second: p-ed Sal in butter witb two knives andi adti Flower bearers were: William Greeti, ini memory or mon, other naines being Sockeye or îuilk gradually. Place on well flour- Lioiiel Harrs, Mark Tucker, Berle Rde h Blueback Salmon. Third: Coho. or ed board and knead slightly. Roll Fanning. P. Hare, J. Sharpe, and C. were agamn Silver or Medium Redi Salmon. into a sheet 2-3 as wide as long. Dracup. A profusion o! floral trib- passeti auay about 21 years ago. Her monti Fletche Fourtb: Pink or Huinpback Salmon. Spread ltb Salmon which isas lien utes andtihIe large number ai cars second mariage was Wo Mr. Frank dippeti and a Pffth: Chui, Keta or Dog Salmon. mixeti witb the egg. Rail as jclly containing those who attentiet the E. Jones, about 1926, andi wbo pass- watched the A can labeleti just Salmoen is sure rail. Brush with milk and bake in f unera.i testified ta the extent o! the eti away about eigbt years ago. prayer by the to ho one o! the cheaper grades. Such a hot aven (400F.) for 30 minutes. popuiarity en.joyem by the doceased 1 Mrs. Janes was a very active work- ade was dLisý nanies as Alaska or Colunbian River Serve witb stuffod olive sauce. Ser- while alive. She was a lire-long er in the Unitedi Church, being a Hoar. Salmoen indilcate the places where vos 6. member o! the United Cburch. member o! thc Wamen's Association the flsh were caught rather than the Stuffed Olive Sac Surviving are threc sons: Fed, o! and o! the W.M.S. She was also an, varlety or grade. 1 tbsp. f at 1, tsp. paprika Moosejaw, Sask.;r Harold, o! Lon- active member ai the local branch IW] You will find salmon in aIl grades <mnClted) i clip miik don: a.nd Harry ef Kitchener; two ai the Womcn's Christian Teinper- ~ in bý>th bal! pound anti one pounti 2 tbsps. flour 1ý cup stuff Pd olives daughtcrs, Mrs. Eva Dracup. Belle- ance Union.1 cans. It is usually wlise to buy some iý top. sait islii<d ville, and Mrs. J . S. Aines, Bowman- At the funeral the Woîcn's As- o! each size. There will ho many uses Mix fleur with seasonings and ville; and one brother, William Haw- sociation a! thse Cburch. W.C.T.U. for the smaller cans eî'en irw large cook with melted fat te a smooth bey e! Marmora. and the official board of James S t h e marnia familles. If you icel that the price paste. Atit milk gradually, and cook Churcb. Exeter, were among those at the Parso o! the better grades is a ittle too in double baller until thick. Atit Theo. G. Finn, Morden, Man. ivo en foalr,,ue. Ali auoe9htsç blgb for your budget, thero are sliced olives and serve very bot. . ese s uvie b vn ""-Aln aUhe ComFort At Low Cost SPRINGS A 312 SPrmg Mattreas for $13.50 is worth investga.tig. Why sleep On a liard f elt mattreffs when a. dollar ors, more wiU buy you a sPring Mattress, with heavy feit overlaYs. and finest quality ticking. Our supply is hni- ited so aet quickly if you want this great value. FELT MATTRESSES from.$4.95 up Other Spring Mattresses. . $14.95 to $35.00 Don't forget that real value, coupled with reasonable price is a Northcutt & Smith every day feature. Nortkcutt & Smnitl, Furniture PHONE 58 Funeral Directors ONE WEEK ONLY - APRIL 16th, 1934 Blanaakets1 The Statosman la ntebtedti aMr, W. J. Mils. St. Marys, for his thoughtfulness in sendiog us an ac- count o! the tieatb a! Mr. Thea Finnr a son o! Rev. F. M. Fmnn, formerb; pastor a! the Methodjst churches at Enniskillon and Maple Grave about fi! ty years aga. Bath Mr. Milis and Mr. Finn were pupils i the bygone days o! the bate A. L. Vanstone, abso well known to the aIder generatiai living in Dalington township. The clipping was sent to Mr. Mills bya tiaugbter ai tbe late D. W. McLeod, wha was a genorai merchant in the then tbriving hilltop village Wo the narth o! us. The obituary as ap- pearing in a Winnipeg paper neads: Thea. G. Finn, ageti 69 years, one a! the best knoawn etiucationist.s in Maniitoba, died at Marden, Man. on March l5th. A pioneer in edcuation i taba, Mr. Finn was for many years a schoob inspector andi was wefl knou-n tbroughout the province as a i canscientious anti able champion a! Use cause o! education. Ho hati been a resitient a! Manitoba slnce be was a sniall boy, caiing bore frai On- tarioaçuith bis f am.ily in the cighties. Hîs father was one o! thse pioncer mainisters ai the Methotiist chuncb in Manitoba. At an early age Mr. Finn took cbarge a! a schoob anti except for ane short break while ho editeti a news- paper at Crystal City, ho was prom- iently cennecteti with educatian frein thon until his retiremont i 1929, when bis health faileti. For the bast 18 years o! bila service, Mr. Fin.n was an inspector o! schools. Ho hati1 resiieti bore for 35 years. Ho wasI praminent i fraternal sacioty cir- clos anti for many years bati b=e an the boarti o! directors a!fthe' Martien Masonlic bospital. The survmvions arc bis witiow, and five daugbters. The daughters are:4 Mrs. iDr., Martin McLaren, New Westminster. B.C.: Mrs. Nora Borth-1 wick and Mrs. Reg. Webber, Kam-( laops. B. C. ; MMm. Laurence Jo-c hannson, Vaneouver. B. C.: anti Mr.r Frank Dilliston, Winnipeg.i The funeral was held at Mai-don, Saturday, Marcb l7th. SSIVE SERVICE KED VIMY RIDGE ,th ANNIVERSARY nd Durham Regiment OfIIc- rde to St. John's Church on Sunday Lh anniversary of the Battle Ridge was obsrved by the tcf the Canadjan Leýgion y, when the members, aug- the officers of the Durhamn in uniform, attended ice in St. John's Anglican where the veterans f illed of the church.The Legion twas headed by President ird while Col. W. J. Hoar ted the Durham regiment lie Canadian Leglon Band ndmaster R. Fountain led eand aise provided music riNns in the church. The sconducted by Major, Rev. ,cer V.' D., padre of the dChaplain of the Durham He was assisted by Capt. zton, of the Church Army, istrate R. M. Cotton, lin- Lt president of the Legion scrîpture bessons. rand chancel were draped iJacks and the Canadian ile calla lilles and poppies :lorful decoration on the gthe processional hymn colors were escorted down 1by Sgt. Major Kilpat- ld Moses and Thoma here they were surrended art the rector of the àe service two minutes of >observed and the Last Reveille sounded. Major reached an appropriate ing for bis text, 2 Samn- r10, verse 12, "Be of e, and let us play the men ple, and for the cities of and tthe Lord do -tbat ith hlm good." iclusion of the service the xaded f rom the church, ?town to the Cenotaph [ent Ward deposited a ie base o! the monument )fthose wbo fell at Vimy I.ast Post and ReveffUe sounded by Bugler AI- Lr, wlùle the colora were alarge crowd of citizens >proceedings. Followlnq ýLeion padre, the par- isse*d~ by Lieut. Col. FEDDINGS Day-Allhn age took place quietly ib buiVivec.Dy twostep- nage -atb Curnatrice caugtrs, Mrs. Alex Wison of laew Anbrso îlnCutie n Tronto, and Mrs. Fred a! ew ýHenry (Happy) William Day. son o! iskns Mr. andi Mrs. Arthur Day o! Oshiawa. Befeville; a sister-in-law. M ms. M ar- R v . C a ia m ofcaei h tînd Lee, a Oshawa a niocow, ed bride ware a flgured blue goorgette HLtikerig owshipa; a nepherend ssandi îatching hat. Miss Sadie it PickoHrnowSanbip; afoxtersto. %n, sistor a! the bride. attended as d step-sistrs, Mrs. r . MaClus- brdsad eaXl.g a blue figureti 2 koy, e! New York, anti Mrs. William crePe dress andi at Wo match. Mr. 0 Morrisn, Calgary, Alta.; and one Jack ODoninel acted as best an. n sep-roterWiliamRogrs f Cl-After the ceremnonY a reception was e gtproteWlla oer !Cl hebd at the home o! the bride's mo- ar.__________ ther whcn about thirty fionds andi relatives gathereti for supper. Later ëNEWCASTLE UNITEJ) CHURCH about fi! ty young iniends o! the bri- dal couple were entortaincd at a eThe congregation o! the Unitedi 1 dance. Mr. anti Mrs. Day wilb e- Cburch resurnet its services in Use side in Courtice. Cbunch auditorium on Easter Sun- hall, durnmg the wlntor months. Rutiand....Clark There was a large attendance. The pastor, Rev. W. P. Rogers, assisteti Mr. Cynil Rutband and Miss Editbh by the eiders, administeroti the Sac- Clark, daugbter o! Mrs. W. H. andi rament ai the Lord's Supper mn the the late Mr. Clark, NewcastIe, were morning anti held a roception ser- marrieti at St. George's Cburcb, vice at wblch tbree aduts were ro- Newcastle, on April 4th. Rev. F. H. ceiveti into the meîbeshp by trans- Mason, Rctor, peronmoti the cr- L f er an ti a num ber' o! Young people mony. e bi e a t e e b fri the league, C. G. I. T. anti Mm. H. Breretan anti the groom by Sunday School. Those received by Mr. Brereton. Besides the bride's trnfrwere Mrs. A. O. Parker and inImediate relatives many iniends te ra!ndi M . J. G. H aInes rai were present ta witnss the ceno- Taranto anti the yaung people by many. Easter illes shedi their sweetl Profession o! iaith were: Jean Cle- fragrance arounti the bappy couple mence, Lilian Burley, Annie Thatch anti their attendants and enliance<j Marguerite Harris. Gladys Pollard. the beauty a! the sotting. Mr. andj Muriel Shaw, Reita Aldreati anti Mrs. Rutlanti with the rector retireti Carl Fisher. ta the Vestry to sign thse register ta The choir sang -Swet Saviur the accmpaniment o! the strains ai Bless Us", and "Magtialenc." the pipe argan playet bY Mrs. F. H. Mason anti as tbey le! t the cburch In tbe evening Rev. W. P. Rogers well wishem sbahwered thoin wlth Preacheti a thoughtful Easter sermon congratulations anti confetti. Fol- anti the choir rendereti "Glory be to bawng the wotiding a number oi Qoti an Higb" Mms. R. T. Ruther- their mare intimato irientis onjayoti ford, Miss Neya Switzer. m. C. A. dinnor with Mr. and Mms. Rutlanti Cewan, W. J. S. Rickard taking solo at their home on George St. East, parts. Mr. Altien Hall, bass, also and later n the evenlog more frientis cleember a solo, "(:)Blessed Re- attendeti a reception by the bride ideemer- anti91gro 1m. The hules at the church There were large congregations at were the Easler aifering o! Mms. D. bath services. Many beautiful bou- J. Galbraith who always on Easter quets o! carnations, narcissus, snap- Sunday oach year adorns the altar dragons anti Easter lily planta and with theso beautiful !lowersi mcm- roses adarnoti the puipit precints orY ai ber Parents, Mr. anti Mrs. and choir loft. Samuel Wilmot. - I. 1~ *1~ - Nelson's Lower Price SOS Store FeaturingNew Spring Merchandise at Our New Location FLOOR COVERINGS.. The season's newest designa at less than city or catalogue prices. NEW CURTAIN NETS AND DRAERIES.. Beautif y your home at littie cost. Nelson's values, per yard, from...... 1p SUMMER VOILES ... They won't fade - A big variety of design& to choose from, and f eatured g this week, per yard ...... IL 9 TO C HOSIERY . . . For the whole family incomparable values, priced to defy any com- petition. See our new Spring sbowing, per pair........... 19e T" 79 NEW PRINTS ... The biggest selection in town, fast colors, sunfast, yard. . ..15C A»19 NIELSON'S THE LOWER PRICIED STORE* Phone 595 Opposite Royal Theatre HERE'S THE PROOF Local Board of Mealth Test: Bacterla Count..2000 oc. Butter Fat Test........ 3.7% The purest milk In town PURE CEAN The maiority of our cutomers have froin twoo six healthy, growing childm ila thefr hemes-whlch lu a good tesUimoala, for the wholesonmess of Our MUl. Itts rlch--because we carefully toet for vitami and butterfat content. Wts dtum --our dalry more than meets rigld saut- tary stadards. It'. f resdajlY--and un. diiuted. The beait mik Mouça buy for your homne! PHOe4O Rae Dalry R. R. STEVENS & SON. Protrletoeu PAGE NINE

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