PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. APRIL l2th, 1934 TH-URSDAY, APRIL 12t Mr. John Fenning, Tomoi ed Mm. and Mrs. T. F. Bra Congratulations to M. Geo. Stephenson on the b daeugliter on April 5thli Mm. and Mrs. R. C. PE son. Ross Jr., were Sunday Mm. and Mms. W. H. Pearcg Rev. J. Scott Howard peached for Rev . S. C. Jar awa, on Eastem Sunday mn M. and Mrs. W. J. CIcr f amily spent the weekend parents, Mr. and Mms. bourg. M. and Ms Dave Br, retumned f rom Bowmanvill, now settled in the Bonatl' house on Mill Street. Mm. Fred Anderson of ti Departinent. Windsor, Ii father, Mr. W. H. AndersOI mother in Bowmanville H( Mms. Oeo. P . Rickamd ai ters, Mrs. W. D. Bragg an R Pearce, spent the weei M. and Mrs. A. H. Fisher, Mastem Arduie Hendry 'w went an opeatioi f or a; at the Sick Children's HosI onto, is home and Weill0o1 to recovery. Mrs. W. W . Down has house at Northi and Wiln M. Floyd Butler. This w: tate Mm. A. E. MeUlow's lit other domicile. Mrs. Chas. SnoWdeIl ai ters, Misses Nellie and M Miss Edna Swallow, Mal attended the Y. P. L. PI bery Comners",lieme Frida Mm. D. J. Galbmaith sP( week witli bis daughtem, J Wlieeler. Bowrnan ville, v Galbraith spent the week ford witli ler daugliter, Wynn. Mr. Walter Douglas, D and sister, Mrs. H. J. Rai onto, visited their mother, Douglas. M. Ragen and Miss Dorothy, were also Sunday. . Mr. Wm. Toms, Toront woked in a lot of over tl publishing establishmnent is a printer. was enabled1 day or two last week holid bis parents. Mm. and Mrs, 1 Mr. and Mms. J. H. Jose accompanied by Miss Bert and fmend, motored to Bel Prince Edward County ai back Miss Lona Adams been spending Easter h home. Manager Geo. Crowth Newcastle Girls' Softball'1 Walton. Gwenney Willia reath Dudley and Violet motored to Cobourg on T ening to attend a league tîon meeting. Mm. W. J. S. Rickardi Sliaw's sdliool trustees at convention in Toronto. ard and daugliter. Miss Mv spoke on "Peace" ait t meeting on Eastem Monda anied lim to Toonto. Mrs. W. W. Down. Sliav hem duplex bouse on Nort Dr. R. T. Rutherford. ' enovated and moderniz, late Mm. Down, was f oi home of Mm. John Los'ekii Mms. Jas. Batstone. Toroi The Newcastle Players direction of Mm. A. B.2 pesented their play "TI ance of Being Eanes t appreciative audience in April 511. under auspic A.Y.P.A. of St. Sasiou's Sympathies is extende James Batstone, formerl; lian Lovekin, in the sudd hem husband. Rev. Jas. Toronto, on March 3th Mrs. Frank Allin. Mr. GK sister, Mrs. W. W. Dowç- the funeral. Mm. C. A. Cowan and Cowan, next door neigll for the past week om two blnlng their skill and lab ing for eacl a double m age, side by side, but e own property. They ar, Jinprovement to the o that formerly encumi ground. Mm. and Mrs. W. H. are in Chester, Penn. Th7 over at Eastem to vist ln's mother, Mrs. Grant, FOI Lad Fi Watch for The Location store forin Babcock's NO T C T & S IH Hiîdmedis of hospitals Use Creain Opposite John Street ,merly occupied by H. J.i Compiete Funerai Service of Baî-ley regulamly.Phn24or5J Modem Equupmcent - Ambulance Peevisli, pale, restless, and sicklyl .E AN-T OOR e ho Sor.A. W. G. Nortbcutt - Aubrey Smith cdltdren owe their condition to Saturday - 9 a. m. to 9 P. m. Phone Days 58 woî-ms. Moti-.em Graves' Worm x over A. & P. Store NigtsSun~ay orHolldays termiinator will melleve tliem am E-: Phione 523 or 276 store health. - I ST. GEORGES MEN'S CLUB caste In epen entPresents Chair to Groom of Week A piea-ing feature at St. George's~ - .Mens Club; on Thursday evenmngS th, 194 ther dauhter ary wo hs Il was the presentation of a chester- l s i e d A h. 134 hei dauhte May wh ha ben Ifield chair by hs f ellow members to - isitiflg her grandmother. Mr. Cyril Rutland who has joined nto viit- Miss Beatrix Mclntosh iS vacat- the ranks of theeeicsTh - ano oning in the Bermudas. casion was ladies' niglit and there and *Mn. Dr' and Mrs. H. C. Rundie, Brigli- were fiftY-t.wo present including the ________________________________ birth of a tn attencled the Y.P.L. play "Cran- bride. The çýarlier part of the even -______________ Strayed adMr. and Mrs. Percy Hare. ing. Prizes were won in the former BIRTHS berCres"adaeeges. f n assetanenheaddol earce~~~~~~ý.,d ___________________ TAYDT, >'I Silt h Street, - guests of Unted Churcli - Rev. W. P. R0g- as follows: Ladies lst. Mrs. F. H. . ii .Th RA'rt. tEDt e. ers, Pastor. Sunday. April lSth: il Mason, pair candlesticks; 2nd, Mrs. SmITH-At EI7n.îkii'. -n Saturriy i13 , M.A a. m.-Morning Worship; 2.30 p. M. H. Brereton. biscuit dish; Gents, lst A.Xri tI. 1934, 10 %Ir. and NMrs. HosLk'in rrett, Osh- _-Sunday School; 7 p. m.-Evening Alan Spencer, shaving outf it; 2nd: Smith, a son1. W n Lorning. Service. the honored groom, smoking set. 1 nene nd Mrs. Harry Chapman went over The prizes were donatd by the Club M R I ~ WANTED-W\ornan fori- ,era Iouse wither to Rochester, N. Y., to have lier f ur- and presented by the president, Mr AR.A E work, -.oa1II Iami9, 1no cli îldr-n. Apply [ un Co-he niture shipped to Newcastle. Her A. B. Mainwaring. Foll[owýing thjs i 10 P. u >_12B' 499. 15_1 AMICO-brother. Mr. Percy Brown, wtent over the hosts and their fair guests re- DAY-ALUIN - At t'Iitrtioe, ont. on MAID WANTED-For g,,tirIil1 huso- oonhae0 Tuesday to assist hem. paired to the dining hall and en- Thursday, Mareli 2tii, l'.A. y ltiv. il. %work, ge..-1 plain cook . Apîly to Nlrs. Rev Fave Iil 3ofraiii,larice .liiIAln, to ilyle.P.ne161. 1- e and are The W. A. of the United Churcli 1 joyed a sumptuotis repast. Rln eiHv. F. DaySWATD-orpin.îi an duplex meets Thursday afternoon, April 12, H. Mason presided and the groom ESI ______DFnýpantn at 3 oclock. at the home of Mrs. stood treat for the cigars. Mr. H. st- . fron.tî f ori- .Dar toe lCustom3s John Douglas. Mrs. J. H. Jose'si Brereton conducted the commnmtfity DEATHS 1'iîl7 tr ~t1.--i risited bis group will provide the progmam and singiflg. Then came the main event _1 ain on nan smenu. when Rev. J. Scott Howard, Honor-1 WANTE-D-W omii.iîn opiad. St.GogsCuc e.FHary President. made a felicitous FINNEY-In Io%-m;tnili-,. on Tuvs- tortaiI,1 onic ii srnil l illage on ,1hiih- Id daugli- Mason. M. A.. Rector. Sux'day, 1pi peh15-1.ailgM.adMs '~ ~ sI. Fin~ a 'r "3. 4a2niX id rs H.lSh.2ndSudayaferEaser ~Rutland and presented the groom 11-..mairî' r,'stin,-It Nortlîcutt & vii'.1- ,id .m.Mni ng ay er Eand Ùo11 with the big easy chair with the in- Siilî'S Funcrai Pariors. Funeral Mass WNE ORN tit 0ar ,Belleville. Communion; 2.00 p. m.--Sunda>* timfatiofl that Mrs. Rutland might ;ýI 'Irtrrment 'at St. Pet.r's Corne- farni wliîre inîîiit'îossionnay 'ho under- School; 7 p. m.-Eveniflg Prayer and aJso find comfort in it at the samne t' '*Y.'I'eterboro. 1), hal. Aplpi to L. V. Disnýy, 51 Sini- Sermon.time. Both made an appropriate e- MýcROBERTS - Ili parlinuton. rThurs- 0oiý Sti' 't Southi. Osiî,wa. or p;hone Osîti- ,pedctSermon.expressing their heartfelt thanks oiC. Aîrii th . i19:1,Mry.1.MCY .wil ;pendscîTor Bs sre1os, Hee om vof the ate luI n'r 3-1a.t ,P-r j i tah, or- B ue se"Hr oe and appreciation. , 4th year. Interment fi, th, s"la ('em"itrv«. ork WTantecl 1Charlie," a rollicking farce comedy This week St. George's Men's Club ROGERS-TIn Sant Fraînc:,co. crilifornia, s odhrin the Newcastle Commtlnity Hall on entertained St. John's Club from "ýn, 19:l4. tltr ho~Pcrtiins.'., WORK WANTED - Tlolu ne peard. xi' sd erFriday, April 2th. at 8 p. m. The Port Hope and played off an inter- T PTo:r lu ît"viritisln.-iîos' ofw.tis,-îarrwîng lot Sts. tO play is under the direction of Ms church carpet bowling game. Neitli- i"rn'-riy of 1Bouemïinu il,.............. Srt.s -iin. 36.5-.iot- il nee- Perey Brown and is sponsored by er club are in the lead this year as KIRKCONNELL-At Milton Inn, i.__ mntiflg an- Women's Association of the United Cobourg is the winner of the F H toli. on FrirTay. ATril 6*,1. 1934. Thomnas HANDY MAN WANTS WORK-Giar- Churcli. Aduts 25c; childmef 15c. asnD neChlege up,. *"\ ion Kirkconn.Il. 1.d Uc1. 'o -es, flowefrs, vo. tab11les or0'd JO S, [ari dn ugand R efreshm ents 10c. 15-2 by N ew castle last year. WO L 'inds a in hisof l t a I nuri r' ~ o, , î tiî i i i e s u . I ie ple Grove, PoplaMfom oaONo cass-tii,-r' "it of îîrown- WORK WANTED-Tnueiinig. Mýoviig. lay "Cran- NEWCASTLE Y. P. L. Poua rmcatt os ne. in Ca.rtwright tori niiî, in No, -mn- i (cai',irt,.it'-. T lave your driv,wax ys l.Cream of Barley. 11,,. 1913, William Francis, thirln i of buliit i 1oiti ii ii'1 indirs and, cn atr Newcastle Debaters Win i Douglas' Egyptian Liinient is re- '. 1r. andl Mrs. HtrtIamilton. in hie enei Tasotiz:îPTe rat. s. S.- or hone, Intre' ttt..tiînsCrneTrG 1, ..'-tyStret, Pho-ne 9 ~er.A . Inter-Leagueeat commended for sore necks, gals, dis- -r. titck. 1S.Jons5ýn f.Gi1,Lbr 9.-4 fhile M. D eaetemper, callouses and spavins. Re- ANt rSON Ack t ii. r15i.e-ofh in Brant- Newcastle Young People's League moves proud flesh and Hoof Rot. 1i n--ax-. M.Nt. T..Sîîî' s410w ififli uT Mrs. Rex entertained the Eldad League from Stp ledn isatl.o lîuriTa, ofrith 9114. Jtarri. iI FriHepWne Solina on Monday evening on the soli AnnIl-rson,. aitI77- r' rtn WANTED Si\ stiur'y fîrinuh.'Ipers. New York, occasion of an interleague debate. ,-Iuk' cri-rs ntri mi aqs.1 ýýtilyin ar,1 agen, Tor- The subject was "Resolved that im-Ni ce tLII..,torsL15-1 ,Mms. John migration to Canada should be re- - NM M RA WANTED-Exp.rii»ii .lmirrie omank 1daugliter, stricted to English speaking people." In te Estate of Sidney Kniglit, deceased. aiuig :1ft. .Piloin'42. Box 14 . >down on TIhe afftmmative was intelligently Up- \11 pt-on- mxotclan' .,î" P OYt vnl îî i.îi~xc Si ATE-ingle otan10 xî'orhon the - held y MariceBaker and Miss E_îaî' o Ssi'Kliiirht, l'ut- of tîhe liî'ntJame-s Cory-, b. r%-inx iu.'ilcf rmeT>-olmik. Apy to, having Margaret Scott of Solina, and the of n"îîîo[ 1ua1 l '. d l uki .Iîie odxli isait s tish 'If arlm i' Pilao,12 ',.n.louvunAnvii'- im ttenegative was ably taken by Wm.1 ,,, lior r*. e * Uv t> s'1to qen in asiat a _ 'rIi'if _,. 'i A ui1ltlî. 14 where lie Rowland and Gamnet Rickard of the the"in'l-i.usîn- i t:cî'in or T,for.' eh.t i,-ni'ori".s wuli ,rfor,ý%er. 1- to spend a local league. In accordance sith the ti' i i î"f.\î'rii. t':: fuil ri c- , u~c.î.t'. s rî~1FrSl 'f t.I li i ti - s th t a oi .%, 1, aying with rules gos-ening these debates each 111r ".'y1oi FrSl Herb Toms. league prosides one judge svhile the o-l Apil, 19:11. th"i, ,q-'t- if tii' t.'tator S' i .tt l Pr ii*FRSL- iîiî otii' and ons thid i a n utrl. T e jdges wer îîil I1.-- 'lti ,ljit- 'iamoiiit thtii patrties Ili l iri'andui'ii'i' oi. '. 'j:- ' F'OR SAfEîiîî,t,. cii eu ti,,rore, etc. n i tiI r t. liaii - up r arîl 0 lvltstiy liilssfiil i'; i i ti - -tha Cowan Mrs. W. P,. Rogers, Newcastle, Mm. rt p , w i'î ' liti.or ý-I 11 iii e îiî" 1i'i' '1- fleville and Elgin Taylor. Solina. and Mr. Neil ' 'n i..notice._1'r1,l""i,-ý. ' ý in , O A E 11I:\i il ,o-sfr nid brouglit Porter. Orono. The announced e- 'STKII it Icî n liis lii9tii .ay f"ri us'. al.-'n 'ir.itor'i ,,i'l sti.l,lii W. R. STRIKE. î2ING- Si'T T i- i rt ,iils ltP o.\. F. u 1-4 who had1 suits of their findings by Miss Win- o' Xii.nt.66'J. 4.St olidays at inifred Rickard. the Newcastle presi-' i., _i Solicitor for the Executors. Sb" î:' iiii' ir1.e.__ dent. was: 'Nay." the affirmative________ ____________ 5'uTtl.17,a i21yerj FOR SALE-l.îtclî' ai . io ae fl fth a ot povdtheir case. N tie rehtrsStu' tu oIiri, in E" neý. tir i. art" are froi,i. rle ,'l Tion.-:"72 "r Cii on ream, Geo. speaker was gis-en ten minutes and, iN. îiîî .rr 1t'ltsTce.,NLIL co11- 13-tf ais, Dun- Maurice Baker. the leader of the af- t ' olis : et'nio- -t1ît ýt Henning firmatis'e. three 10 reply. Res'. W. P.TilHIZMN& C. 'uesday ev-Rogers acted as timekeeper. In the Estate of Mary Hockinis, - ' " '.ýkxx' ciii 1,,i s:,, lGrui i..îtzri:îîî ai bN' W Vl5:- organiga- There vwas a good attendance of deceased. 5 i w.t>s l . - 't S t. - laloti i'iriîîos. ihî ft-' on e 1u l--hliatint" ,ui. i,-i u,ii 4.riri tiiv- i 2 Siiîce St NotA ihn Newcastle Leaguers and six or sse ' Mi th'. t i' 'i. eIî.',rts '110 u lîo'lt o T ii'n >Itx . f u12-; 1, It. o iI,. ý ' '..ii iini.f t i.x er.F R S L .rc i' iall V repesented cars of young people from Solina. j-ý2,f- i.,. _ v 'i , '-i les 'Ii'tcoiFOSAE"î1î t" 'lesol iý the OEA. Miss Winnifred Rickard welcomed * "-'Il.,. ran.îî 1 e-ket, i lae Mms. Rick- the guests and conducted the Open- i' I.'î9-.11u'o .1 iiiin1 piîi'. ' '.îiî ttoti'nsiAl,».iiann.dTl.v o îr. ro Mr. Stanley .510 a. l' ii ,rîli 'liti--r___,trti(-].s.__________'%_rs.______ jarion. who îng exercises. M.Sane icad r ,,lI ei. i tit'. ý,fi r b. r' A.î -r, ii.îurSt-. Iownîinýll ay accomp-I Miss Dorothy Quantril. Miss Rîck- it"l'.t' iil- '..ul8tii 'itîy of CARDS 0F THANKS FOR SALE--- OflO Lister stove. osai ard turned the meeting os-cm to Mr. 4uî e t' u ' I-tein\,- _________, wu i îtîueîi- mvoi r.ý higli nie-T vs. lias sold Alan McKessock of the Eldad Lea- .iuI "t.Pk.uct tr u Oi. aniy u in-A I l 1%ieno.t S. Slt h Street to igue ssho expressed the thanks Of the clilme of wlici' I- i -iThon- ii "e famlly of the late Haricttî J'1. 111% .3. itrtu îavil hon S.22f1r22.t This home, iise'.s.ftînteic. invued. îndeîîh siMelissa Anderson wish to express 15-6livvriiviI. lon 2(r3 cd by the chairmanship the guests peetdalt If ter.:. 1:' Il o tei the carefthe prepared program ofin aeul W. R. STRIKE, utes and kind expressions of sym- h.rmeo ltatona anobicitonig . -friends for the beautiful floral tri- Baby Chicks for Sale )n. fa ber0fsîatonal aind f ctriinre ____ - ______ pathy during their recent sad be- FOR SALE - Wltit' 1-.l'rriuFuh ;under the and desotional topic by Miss Fanny1 aeet ldlrthn ZI.Nei:% \ainsvaring Smales. with s'ocal solos in hammony 1INTtr.e .îl.r'. 2 u nId2sltrsoTI. lin-et i.-' heImport- wt het eby MssLena -Tayantd t.anit o p al to iais font,,*,- to a highly lor: voctl duet by Misses Ileen Bal- t i ,uî R( les Sz et2 iOrono on son arnd Gladys Yellowlces. Miss,1 N THE ESTATE 0F i- i . - 1,i.' r,,la"diiuilr $6 55 forstay.,6loz. ces of the Taylor accomipanist: vocal duet by' JAMES ALEXANDER McCLELLAN'-'iruitrs -uarcii 1ti s ,lo'anie1- Cuc. Misses Ada Allit'iansd Lena Taylor., 'iltii ~ r"'ttîîî 'i .a '.Sitl"Ft'tî î,e ed to Mrs. Mr. Geo. Werry piano i:r.of t. éTotun Iof yeîîu.i î. n- 5 Iout'î.ii'-'- Live Stock For Sale LUcuet by Misses Evelyn Tink and r.î,t..c~I iiii'Ioio îiut-_______ [y Miss Li-i i,- i iilthdi, f I"lîiiry.15 ir u'n- FOR SALE-Tiioro-br. 't Jers'.y buli, 2 [en death of Helen Baker: and eadings by Mr.l, octifii t ld Illn'î o tîhe. uler-1 Real Estate For Sale t .,î ns îîl.l LiiI,- oi'nacott, 1r.l 3. Batstone, B. G. Steers, Solinasvtrneo el-ts on il-14 1).tfor.' blt 1 FOR SALE - A propurtyboal 't'wntIlw- Phln, 1, ,r i 5-ii terta;ner, Following the prograin'. * h !pM'. l'.: .,'- i -' .îtPort lop"uîî. a hii FOR S I souuîî'ld. 'm Iugî linîîts of th.ý toîvo of i'ol,ourg, '.oîsîst- - -inu Nrpf n.i attended M,. Chas. Glenney. Newcastle, Lea 1iii.dl'estte' iiiut t1 lie lk n,,, , o i ar ail .3 ties of îeuîî. ilu.',1 I T.2iio lt, ." gue recreational supeu-visor, engaged, ,,,',,turtty.iati. tasurpni' nI ciii'i, m gop am stoV t'î i o I w xlhu i i ' for cT.l' 'n i outrv arnd les tub 4iasth,. FOR SALE - îli,.rI. r'for'Iiîîii. 7 Mr ei cutors s'.l iitIi'ii lav.'noctic. ion cci i tem nosS oT 'ol ftfroitiae TpOoSettli 'ocialiility ii îiiut lis iii. -S pfl i tr i rou T'i ab o 1 >ATp r 1en t 1 »,so mrgro u p g1me s'to1' r tis'. l )o r dnt ubrs, have fellowship. The young people were A\,il.,124____________ ___ 11x beco-then paired for lunch and the local THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY, elEtt o aeHREFRSL-'inl ir nodrin btlil rcfeshment committee served sand- i 59 Yonge Street, 'Realro, 6Estns lI .Fol'i taale-t îodmnga- s-chs. cae nA~~fe I Toronto, Ontario. la'fli 'Ii . 1'. Il2, lxuinil. 'to'j ýah n iswihe.taris. ae n cfe. I Ex.ecutors. lin Bowmaflle Iv in,1o 1-t adion its Maurice Baker expressed the1 B W ROSS STRIKE, __ e cuite an thanks of lis Eldad colleagues for, Tbeir solictor herein. 13-t s 1 .[oa u l i .utî thd buldngh asant esenin g and the liospi- I-ll, ay For Sale bered the I'.e le foddte b ecsl iLiîaforde his.Necsl ~i' ___HY FOR SALE - Qiî.intity of gooli B. Chaplin - -~~~~~ - O f'..1 l ,, l, Iiiiui hoIo"I. et iltlrt 5-till .11 J. .2 rnistron.g. he otrd u ies ircir ,;c. foran iksale.îl.i4t'Toimaxl P.12 Mms. Chap- Ceam of Barley. Doctors e-It'.Hi-fnsi.iiLiic.Ot , and toSeeSeedmeGrain andto ce ommnd t. ..t. tutu ti-. ti-'of latnd il i'vN'!Se ri LEGAL IA ,«ý-._ __ __ FOR SA LE - Irishi">,,r itt.s .5 uit lx iii' t i niot i ttIi '-e"r-s i-- iui teck. ltone 23r3i 140w- id. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. n iIltI'c -t 'Iciî.,Hl.1- Bamister, Solicitor, Notamy . ~ ~ "~.iir'FOR SALE--'i,,ttx - 'ly i.ts -5A'- Phone 351 411-t, .o T stut nr '.'S. ilfîiuv ,î.î.:'t1 2 Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvllle ti î lir i il FOR SALE - A5lîîtelîitutiyof W. R. STRIKE Ii~i~iuu2 lîîuuuuii 32 Barrister, Solicitor. Notamy Wm. Brock __SEEOD BARLEY FOR SL-;n'îel Solicitor for Bank of Montreal j Phone 1t4W Queen St. Bowmanvie!Jîîî îiiîl îI 0Ill ii Money 10 Loan. Phione 91 I'---u.înifi-b---' 7.t.l-1I Bo.wmanviîîe, Ontario i For gajie or To Rent FOSAESiT;î5iiA'.I. YOU9 Were TI'inking 0f New Corsets ? We bave the two outstanding new styles on the market The NuBack, which gives with'each movenient of the body, and the Two Way Stretch, the greatest improvemnent in modern foundation gar- ments. 0f New Furnishings? IVe have scores of pieces of new Curtain Nets, in brillant modernistic styles, in ail widths. Many are imported f rom Eng- land, and are splendid value at the 10w price we off er thern. Draperies, too we have ail kinds Chintzes, Cre- tonnes, Casernent Clotbs, Sundours, and many others. 0f New Print Dresses? For the bouse or for the kiddies. We have more new prints than we could possibly describe. They corne as 10w as 15e yard. 0f Coats and Dresses?' Daily we are addmng smart new additions to our atready heavy stock. 0f course there is everything f romn Swagger Suits and Coats to Af ternoon Frocks and House Dresses. We invite you to look over our entire stock, wthout any obligation ta buy. Cuuch, Jolinston & Cryderman Phone 104 LIMITED Bowmanville CENT A MILE ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES Saturday, April 21st From BOWMANVILLE to TORONTO. Hamilton, Niagara Fais, Ont., Buffalo, N. Y., London, Chatham, Windsor, Detroit, Sarnia, Kincardine. Southampton, Owen Sound, Wiarton, Goderich, Stratford, Palmerston, Midland, Penetang, ýMeaford, Huntavile, North Bay, and intermediate points. Fares, Tickets, Train Information f rom Agents Canadian Canadian National Pacific(T43 Value GREYS AND BLUES. THE SEASON'S HUES ~1j~ 4Women's finest kid or caif leathers, 'N o 1continental and spiked beels. lu pu.ops and tiesail sizes and swidths, 3 to 8, $2,e48 $3*45 $40e95 WOMEN'S SHOES ... Value Womnen's Black and Brown Sboe of quatityi fine kid or cal! leathers.No 2 NJew Spring mode exesnplîfied lu ev- o 2 ery pair. Ail sizes 3 to 8. $1098 $2.48 $29S Value GIRLS' SHOES ... Ties or Oxfords, in patent or kid leathers, new styles for the modern Ne. 3 lîttie Miss. Sizes il to 2 $1.98 Sizes 8 8 te,2 1 0,1. BOMEN'S OXFORDS. Value Mens Supertest Oxfords. Goodyear weits, leather or rubber heels. Just the shoe for Sping-the new stream line styles. AUl sizes q 6 to 11, per pair o9 MEN'S WORK BOOTS. Value Lçather or panco, soles - A sturdy boot Ibat ll i gve many onlh. of bard wear. Ideai for fanners sud o' f actory workems. AU sizes 6 te 11, per pair FCTORY TO FEET SAVES YOU MONEY NABORHOO N SHOE STORE COWAN BLOCK KING STREIET ¶ lb