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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1934, p. 1

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With WhiCh is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLUME 80 Closing Date for Festival Entries Tuesday Apr. 22 Intending Contestants Must Send Entries ta J. H. Johnston, Bowmanville- Citizens Urged ta Become Association Members Citizens interesteci in the Durham County Music Festival whicl will be held in Bornianville On MaIY 16-17- 18, are rexinded that they have but a short tima to nake their entries. Boil teachers and contestants are asked to bear in mmnd that entries anci applications must be in the hands o! the secretary, Mr. J. H. Jolinston, Bovwmanville, not laer tean April 24th, and this will be thee last date on which entries o! amy kind w jîl be made. The Executive are desirous ilat those participating make note o! this special annouilceinent. Wlere test pleces comprise more Vlan 3 verses, only the first three verses will be sung by the contestant. Citizens o! West Durham should taka a particular interest in the Festival this year, wh.en it will be held in Trinity Clurch, Bowman- ville. The flrst festival was held in hs church and was a great success, and tis year should sea it an ever greater success. Port Hope and othai centres are going to send entries in scores o! classes. and o! course local enirias will be mucl larger this year, whicl points o the biggest festival yet. Citizans will find it beneficial to, secure mambership in tee Associa- tion. Membership, which incident- aly is only 25e per annuin, is bene- ficial not only Vo the individual but gives tle society greater scope, through the knowledge of ample public support. Meibers. in an: event, actually save moneY because hey are adiniuted to the morning sessions f ree o! charge. In addi- tion a wlole block o! seats is re- servedi for members for the final concert, whcl is always outstand- ing. Thus members have seats as- sured ilern at the saine cosi as non- mernbers who have to secure seatý where besi they are available. By takmng out membership at ihi- time citizans w-ill be giving both moral and financial support o thL, most worthwhile organization whick is doing so mucl for the inprove- mient o! the cultura.l life o! Durlarr County. CHURCH ACTIVITIES St. Paui's Evening Auxiliary The regular meeting o! île Ever. ing Auxiliary o! St. Paul's Churcl was held in primary class room c Monday evening. The meeting open ed wit.h the usual davotional period miss Helen Carruthers was i charge. Hymý-n Breathe on in brath of Ood" w- suniig, Mrs. IC C. in a hi W rn A fe c J lc fi t] a nN~ATTTT~rT TmUTTPQDAV APRIT. l9th.1934 NUMBER 15 WILLAM AMILON otin Piturs a PRESENTED WITH JEWEL E. LOST CARTWRIGHT MODEL AIILPLANEMoinPtuea YOUTHI15FOUND CLUB PLANS SHOW ComntAse Caesarea Citizen Finds Frozen Body, The Model Airpiafle Club Of i of Pommet Nstieon Yuth Bowmanvile, sponsored by the S ofPrmi va Nstletont Siiice Beys' Work Board of ts 1town, ays Col. Cooper Last November is conducted by Jim Bowmafl, teller of the Bank of Montreal, Head of Distributors and "r The frozen body of William Ha.m- is planning their flrst public..... ilton, 27 year old son of Mr.and Mrs. show next Tuesday. More t1han Exhibitors Organization Y; Robert Hamilton of Nestieton, who a dozen rmodels wil be GvesEnlghtnincAd disappeared f rom his home last ed in the window of Gihinore's ie Engh nn A -n November and who was flot seen or Barber Shop, King Street. The dresa on Canada's Motion b heard of since, was f ound on Monday public are invited to morning in a channel in the swamp MI speet the rnodel.s. The Club, Picture Industry at Rotary < near his home. Mr. Harran of Cea- of which William Phillips is s sarea found the body, which was in President, is affiliated with the Despite the fact thst well over Ei good state of preservation, despite Provincial Club and members 80 çý of the motion pictures disPlayed thef cttht e adben ea sme expeot to show models at the in Canada originate in the United t five months. The youth's cap was Canadian National Exhibition States, the motion picture industry S still on his head and a handkerchief this year. of Canada is a vast industry, f rom was tightly gripped in his hand. The whcE3 u feeydla e body was removed to Port Perry. ceived at the theatre box-offices isC It w-l ercle htWli spent in Canada. These little known Hamil beorcalked tat William ýMISSIUNARY SOCIETY facts were outlined to the Rotary e home while his parents were attend'- 't Club on Frid.ay when the club was - ing church on November 5th. Des- OF TR INITY "' piilgeCtHhaUCl.Jon . Ma.gistrmte R. M. Cottoni pite an extensive search which ARK sv ,Cpriier. ohrCl Jh .e: r crrid n fr dys %ih nary M RKSAN IVE SAR 1Cooer head of tee Motion Picture Retiring Presisdflt of the Bow-b c0 areo n ortwrsighthTonea- Distributors and Exhib itors of manville.Post of the Canadian Leg- C 300famer mCarwrghtTon-Canada, f irst president of Toronto ion who was presented wth a hand- N tslip taking part in a great m=r-' Members of the Woman's Miss- Canadian Club, editor, soldier.&and some Past President's Jewel by CoL., i hunt the lad was not located. Provin- ionary Society and its auxiliarles diplomat of international renown. F. J. Picking, at the largely attended1p tcial Constable W. E. Smith o! Bow- including the boys' and girls' Miss- col. Copr was introduced to tee Vimy Banquet on Monday night. P] manville was in charge of the search ion Bands were out in full force on Club by an old- war comrade. Rot Glowing tribute was paid to hIF aand every nook and cranny o! the Sunday morning at Trinity United arian A. R. Virgin Who outllned the sterling work on behal! o! returned il townshipwas searched, but without Church to join in the Easter and speaker's interesting and versatile men.0 1avail. Thank-Offering service conducted by career. t_______________ B Not through ail these months had the pastor. Rev. E. F. Armstrong. col. Cooper spoke on the relation-1 ethe youth's devoted parents given Thie special speaker was Mrs. J. B. ship o! the motion picture industry LOCAL OFFICERS 0F ç -Up hope of f inding him alive, and Atkinson. Toronto, of the Dominion to the social and educational 111e of aMr. Hamilton contlnued through the Fe-derated Board, who gave a f ine the country. This subject, he sald DURHAM REGIMENT ;bitter cold of the past winter to missioflary message in a most pleas- was the subject o! many sermons search or the ody. *ing and convincing manner. After and many resolutions from upliftingWlN NCO T T r william Hamilton was well known expressing pleesure for the privilege women's orgaiizatlons. rin the Blackstock and Nestieton dis- o! being present, skie emphasized Canada's motion picture industry The officers of the Durham Regi- LI tricts being a !aithful and ethus- their motto "The World for Christ" is of a national claracter, the speak- ment leld their annual meeting att r, iastic member of St. John's Anglican which a.s menibers of this societY er pointed out, despite the fact that Port Hope Armouries. Thursday af- LChurch, and at the time o! Uis death they have striven to live and carrY1 but a !ew sinall governinent-made Ieno n ocue h a' c was president o! the A. Y. P. A. out. Ater recounting the number o! picturetrno and co itrsmd ya iiiswt inued athGe da s a oJust four days before his disappear- mnissionaiies and native workers and Montreal producer. every picture is Towers. A number o! visiting offic- -ance he had welcomed Bobby Pearce the splendid work they were doing imported. iers were present f rom district regi- -world champion sculler to Black- in the different mission f ields, not- The country is dependent ainiost 1 ments and Major R. G. Whitelaw, -stock. wlen the latter spoke before withstanding the reduction in sal-etrl npcue aeinteGnrlSafOicro! M. D. No.i Lt the Anglican and United Church aries owng to the stringent tines United States and Great Britain. represented Brigadier W. B. Ander- cYoung People in the ConununitY and tle home societies not measur- while a few French-speakillg pic- son. D.S.O., who was unable to be [e Hall. Eght days bel ore Uis death he ing up to allocations in the raismng tures are shown in Quebec province. present. y' lad attended the Provincial Confer- o! f unds, she related a number of In 1933 a total o! 500 pictureS A feature o! tee evening wau the e, ence o! the A. Y. P. A. in Toronto. instances where they had carried onl were imported into Canada. 88 com- announacement made by M a i o r ýg It was stated at the time o! Uis most courageously. showing the spl- ing f rom England and 412 f rom the Whitelaw that two o! the three i- disappearance that a previous dis- endid Christian spirit o! ail workers. United States. This was exclusive Of prizes o! fered for a scheme setting -appearance o! a like nature was She clallengod the women at home all two-reel pictures and other competition and sand table demofi- il made some years ago. The boy su!- Vo show the samne spirit that the shorts, but included ail feature pic- stration in the district. had been - f ered f rom occasional lapses o! mem- work may continue. Mrs. Atkinson tures. In 1932 onlY 30 British pic- won by the officers in the Durham - ory. due to a head injury sustained related many incidants in fl MflO tures were imported. Regunent. Capt. F. L. Dudley, Ty- 1while playing with a baseball bat China and other countries whchI To show that despite tels large rone, won flrst prize in tee district; s when just a Young boy. on that slowed the great need o! woxnenI importation very little mone3à re- Major E. S. Ferguson, Bowmanville. joccasion ha was lound little the workers Vo spread the gospel wih' turns to the United States Col. Coop- second; wth Major A. Hl. Bolinsall. is worse for lis adventure four days its civilizing power among the womn er stated that the <riginal negatîve Bowmanville, receiving honourable ýh a! ter his disappearance. o! these countries and urKed al to!ofVte filmi s br!.ugkht o Canada mention. Is Just how he came by Uis death put forth greater effbrt in the Mas- and in laboratories at. Montreal tey Col. Hon. Vincenrf lqUsey, Hon. ýh is not certain but it is believed by ter's name. The choir led the service are printed, six to Van copies o! each Colonel o! the Regiment, was also - neighbors that he suffered and died o! song, Miss Clio Anderson, singig being made. The f ilm. used is man- present. Lt.-Col. W. J. Hoar, Col. Mfrom exposure. it being very cold on a very appropriate solo. uf actured in Canada ai Mount Den- L. T. McLaughlin , Major E. S Fer- the nigît following his disappear-D- nis, 30 that the film. one actually guson, Major A. Hl. BounSal. Major anca. Searchers must have corne Mrs. T. H. Powers whohO aS been sees in a Canadian theatre. is as C. R. Spencer, Major G. C. Bonfly- within a very short distance o! lis reiding in Toronto for sorne time near Canadian as it is possible to be. castle, Lieut. Selby Spencer. Capt. bcê,y savaral trnes, but missed it, h= moved to Bowmra.nville and willout of every dollar spent on motion FloYd Dudley and lAeut. Gibsoli at- <-' if it was there when the search was occupy Miss Boylan~s house on pictures by the patrons 93c remairis tended from tis district. made. Centre Street. (Continued on page 2) _______________ n- h mn n- >d. inl e, .C Bowm anville Legionaires Celè6rated Vimy Anniversary at Big Banquet I. ,unney presiding ai the organ. Miss ýarruthers read tle Scripiure read- R .Pe g, 131h Clapter St. John. and also MagistrateR.M Cotton Pe CHOIR 0F TRINITY very interestiflg article on the sented with Past Presi- PROVIDES MUSIC AT ,hinese rnew alphabet. A heart's rayer was read by Mrs. C. Rice, the dent's Jewel - Col. F. J. OSHAWA ON SUNDAYD ýyn "My Faitl looks up to Thee" ;a sung, and Miss R. Percy led in Picking Delivers BrilliantT rayer. Very interesting minutes Congregation of King Street Mnte ;ere read by the secretary. Miss Ed- Address Church, Osha.wa, EnJoys Eànst:e t La Jewell. During tle business per- 1 Music of Local Choir Led by l d it was decided Miss Rtefr Attended by close to one hundredFrni ut s aissionary on furlough f rom Dne et Erans and guests, and featured by FaCSSto finca, would address the thank, ! a splendid toast lisi whicl was cli- From Oshawa Times)W ering meeting on MondaY evenmg maxad by an inspiing add.ress by1T day 9t1. A mosti nteresting hall Lieut. Col. E. J. Picking, Past Pro- The choir o! Triniiy United h louir o! watch. tower !ollowed, Mrs. vincial President o! the Canadian Church, Bowmanville. presented is e icMsC.Lfne.MsE.Legion. tee local post o! île Legion Easter message o! song at King rewell, Miss Hutchisoni and Miss marked the 17Vh anniversary o! the Street ChurcI on Sunday avening. t rellowlees taking part. The closing epic encounter of 'Vimy with a ban- while the King Street Chuch Choir. 0 .yxnn "Now Lord be witl us" fol- quet in île Parish Hall on Mond.ay undar the direction o! Mrs. R. Hold- 2wed with the Mizpal benadiction. night. en perfornied a simnilar service at thee losed île meeting. Delicious re- The hall was splend.idly decorated Bowmanville churcl. The Bow- mreshinents were served by Mrs. F. with flags and tle tables wtl red, manville choir. lorty in number, un-S pattinson anci Miss E. Jewell and white and blue streamers, and vases der the direction o! Mr. F. Sutton. lae usual social hal! hour enjoyad. o! brigît yellow daf!odils presanted Mus. Bac., presented four anheýI a pleasing scene. and also led in a service o! sonsgj1 Tririty omens Asociaion President W. F. Ward presided as previous to the regular service. I TrihtyWonenS Asoiaton toastmaster. and ai the conclusion Their lirst o!fering directly a! ter of a fine dinner, providad and ser- île invocation was tee anthem "In S 'pinity Womnen's Association met ved by île members o! île Ladies Josepî's Lovly Garden," slowing aC Ln île school room on Tuesd-ay, April Auxiliaryo île Legion. île toast to shade of coloring and larmony that l .011. The platlorin looked pretty île Kng was duly observed. was inost pleasing and in whicl île and springlike with Easter llias and Comic songs by Sain Glanville. soprano solo part was taken by Miss bouquets o! roses. pansies and sweet wiîî Newton Hackney ai île piano, Marlon Pickard. "The Lord Is My ras The worship service was in Communiîy singing witl Dave Mon- Shepherd" was sung entlrely . ~haige o! Mrs. W. B. Pollard and risofi ai île piano and vocal numbers unaccompanied and was a beautifulC her circle. Mrs. Pollard pnesiding. by tle Legion Band quartette com- prayer song. I'wo beautiful spring hynins were po3ad of Wilfred Carruthers. Sam A more vigorous presentation was sung, w-itl Mrs. E. Anderson at the Glanville, A. W. Pickard and Harold the anthem "'To Tlee O Lord,"~ piano. Mrs. E. F. Armnstrnfg lad in Allin. formed île prelude o the in- slowing a f ull and rounded oui har-F prayer. and tle Scripture reading îeresîing toast liai. mony and in this anthemn Miss Mar- i w in h bsce o! î l reier. Many very fine addiresscs were garai Allin very.capably sang tle so- In te asene o th prsidnt.given during tle course o! île aven- prano solo. The lourl nîunber was Mrs. T. W. Cawken, Mrs W. R. ing, but space doas not permit more "O Deatl Where Is Thy Sing." Stnike. vice president. presided for than a !ew remanks about eacl. much o! which was sang unaccomp-t tle rest o! île meeting. The busi- Col. Lorne T. MeLaughliri, CM.Q.. anied by île organ. and showed île ness part !ollowed. wiih interesiing D.S.O.pnoposed the toast o île careful training required for the e!-c reports f rom tle secretanies o! île FallenComrades, in which le spoka fective rendition o! ibis anthein. Circles. o! îhe greai sacrifice made by tee At the close o! île service Rev.1 The following prograi in keeping rank and file o! the Canadian corps Dr. McTavish took occasion to ex-1 witl the sprîig and Easter seasofi in thaeOnclai War. polnting out ilat1 press lis appraciation on behal! o! was very mucl enioyed: Mrs. E. nothing great is attaineci wihout île congregation for the delightful Woods and Mrs. E. Andersoni gave a île sledding o! blood and sacrific- music. The dhurcI was !illed te piano duet: a vocal duet by Mrs. G. ing o!flives. capaclty, every avallable seat un Vhe E. Pitchard and Mrs. W. Roberts With tle lights dinuned two main- auditorium and gallery belng taken.1 camne nexi, witl Mrs. N. Oarbutt as utes o! silence was observed and the actiomPafisti; Mrs. W. H. Argue Vlan Last Post and Revaille were soundeci told a sprlflgtulfe stonY, preceded by by Bugler Amen Fletcher. At the annual meeting of île a poein theine was similar; The toast to île town o! Bowman- Laka Ontario and Trent Valley Re- île last number was a vocal duet by ville was proposedi by Coundillor Har- ail Lumber Dealers Association. Mr. Paul and Kelvinl SymTons. accompaTi- old MoSes, wlo pointeci oui ilat île Manson Conistock. Manager o! Shep- ied by Mrs. Muriel SYmns. Af ter sold.ler la aklng lis Place in the 1f e pard & Giîl Limiteci, Bowmianville, tels interestng prograin anotler o! Vhis comninty. Mayon W. R. was elected Secretary-Treasurer. hymTn was sung, and île meeting Strike, clairnian o! Public School Lumber merdhants were presenî carne o a close witl the Mlzpab Board Fred Crydermnan, Chairman of !rom Peterboro. Oshawa, Cobourg, benedfictiofi. High School Board, Dr. G. C. Bon- Port Hope. Wellington, Belleville, nycastle, île Chie! o! Police. Sud. Oroflo and oteer places. Business Venton. Police Magistrale R. M. Co- conditions were dlscussedi andi île Children love Cream o! Banley ton andi Tow«n Clark Ale Lyle were prospects for the comlng season con- Br1eak! ast Food. ail ex-service men.1 sidered. h was île general opinion Mrs. w. H. DeIi5em of île BOYS Mayor Ross Strike in respondlng that trade was i mprovlng and île TriigSclool Teachlng staff ai- to this toast sald that the town may turnover in lorest products and tende te ,E.A.covntona building supplies would exceeci that Totone s île . E .cneto i (Contiuled on Page 7) o! île corresponinfg perli o!of1933. INCREASED NATIONALE A.DVERTISING LINEAGE1 HERALDS GOOD TIMES Many new advertising contracts ASTER MESSAGE IN ( Jean- UpWeelc MUSIC AND SONG IS RENDERED BY CHOIR %oir of King Street United Church. Oshawa, Under Direction o! Ma-u. Robt. Holden, PIases Large Congragation at Tninity A large congragation at Trinlty lunch on Sunday rught leard. an nspiring program o! Easter music )y the choir o! King Street Unitedi lhunch. Oshawa, undar île dirac- ion o! Mms. Robent Holden, organ- ýt anti choir leader. The service xas conductaci by the minhster, Rev. ZF. Armstrong. Only a short de-p votional, service was leld la addition i îl te musical pnogram. While noq ermon was preached a beautif ni ',aster message was containec inathe music and song presanieci by île lhoin. The choir renderedti trea anVh- enia. "The Angel O! tle Lord," "Why Seek Ye île Living." and "Resur- exit," in wicl solo parts wera takent by Mrs. Dunn, Mns. A. Legg, Mms. C. R. Crozier. Miss Doris Salter andI Mr. W. Norseworthy. "ThIe Rasur-j aection Morn" was a lovely andi ap- propriate solo sunig by Mm. O. D. :'niend. while île solos o! Mn. A. Halewood. "The Majesty o! the Dlv- ine Humiliation" anti "The Conquar- or" by Mr. H. Days, acideci a noVe o! triumph Vo tee musical massage. The carol "Awake" was sung as a uarette by Mm. D. Lander. Misa Bernice Werny, Mr. C. Staples andi Mr. F. Walter, and a male quantet in whicl parts were taken by Messrs Ineneer. F. Waltem, C. Staples aid P'. H-ane, sang "Christ Arase." both o! whicl fittec lie îlethethame o! tle Easter message o! Song. Rev. Mn. Armstrong axpresseci lis appreciation andi pleasure for îhl delighiful. music aid paid tribute Vo Mms. R. Hoden, organist and choiri ,leader. wlo haci noV spared hlamai! or the singers la preparing and pre- senting sudh a fine musical prograi interpreting tee message of Easten. (erig isonBn TeSparling Mission Bandlec tle regulan meeting la the Primary Roon o! Trinity United Chuncl on Monday a! tannoon with île pres- ident. Paul Symons. la île clair. Meeting opaneti witl quiet music, H-oy. Holy, Holy. lollowed by a sen- tence prayen by Ray Richards. Af Ver a hymn, collection., roil call, and the minutes, a Temperance stony was told "The Tale >f île Cream Soup" by m. C. J. Smala. Leader. Also anotler stery. "ThIe Happy Holiday" anti prayer by Mms. Smnala. Naws Flashes f nom China. by the boys anti a story o! New Year's Day in China by Mms. B. E. Ing-hain. as-ý sistant leader. A lymn and île MSz- pal benedic tien closaci a very in- teresting meeting. Choir of Trinity CIiurcli Score Signal Success With Rollicking Operetta 9"W- Ir".TUÉ- ,.yrniF% îLarge Audiences Witness - ---- - -- --- 1 - re ei e iiyT e Statesma-uTH E C O B OU R Gî~ z W UJ L IJ - -D -_ __ __ _ __--__ in past few weeks EE R T SSV N Y CeePrdcinnOp - Regular meetilng o! île Munie C E L E B R A T E S S E V E N T Y ly artProductionhin -,> Study Club w il be eld In St. Pa a D ain oVon lo tendaueof YEARS 0F SERVICE era 'House, Thursday ana Lecture Room, on Wednesday, April Dominon, bt als the value o!reat p redit " ,8ta8 P. m. MrsD. J. C hamb- The Sttesmaý as n advetisin Neiuayer-o Waea the eniorers andi Mr. H- D mleim SasmV asfaneadverxgNwpae !Wih h ei Due Francis Sutton as Dir- prepareci an evening. with Gounoda tiseuin, cnactnumbyeo nawader- Editor of Statesman Received Fut largsn cnatnla. by sero! Caveada's t Jornast Exper- ector Mrs. C. A. Cawker andi Mrs. T. H. Ltarges inaTona sadverinr's lave ence h Seventy Years Knight's groups o! St Paul's Church of AgeCapaclty audiences greeteci tee are laving a sale o! home made wstatdi The steatesiman ineent offg presentation by tee choir o! TritiY cooking and an a! tennoon tea ai the The Statsman in tee past faw yearsi The Cobourg World, one o! On- Unitedi Clurch o! île splendid two home o! Mrs. Cawker on Fnlda.y, has been recognizeci by manufactur- tario's oldest weakly newspapers. aci Operetta ..A Nautical Kflot" in April 20th. A learty invitation ja ers andi advertisir'g agendaes. wîîî marked ts seventiate anniversary tee Opera House on Thursday and eenlddte ail. last week, having completeci a nor- Friday evenings. The operatta whlch Coma te Dance ai Orono Town île result that this paper enjoys an mal 111e span o! f aibI ul and de- was produced under tee capable andi Hall, Wed. April l8th, 8 p. m. unde outstanding advertisirig patronage. voteti service te îlhe town o! Cobourg painsiaking direction o! Francis Sut- auspices 20th Century Club. Pro-_ Some o! the national advertising and île County o! Northumberland. ton, Mus. Bac.. organisi and choir gram includes pronilnent speakers, whih hs sartdnecenily I The The World was founded by tee director o! île cdurcI. was one o! musical nunibers. and dance witli whil asstntcilaie Henry Hougb. M. A.. who was tee most successful musical present- Tainblyn's Orchestra in attendanoe. Statesman includes, General Motors a native o! Guelph andim-ho racaiv- ations in years. A strong caSt Tickets 25e each. Refreshnients. Cars, Rennies Seeds. C.G.E. Maz- ed iUs education ai Victoria Collage composeti entiey ro! members of Hampton 20i1 Century Liberal da Lampa. Dodge, Desoto. Clrysler ini Cobourg lrom le graduai- Trinuty Choir. which includeci some Club wil bld an organization meet.- and Plymouh cars, Flo-Glaza paint. aci. o! île fonamost singers la town. very ing at tle Township Hall, Hampton, hI was f nom the late Mn. Hough capably revealeti a huinorous and o lusaArl1t i8pm Haws Foo Wa. eahveCorn that Mr. M. A. James. The States- romantic story o alr advlaeMr.S. B. Hathaway and Mr. ]. Syrup, Salada Tea, Crowti Brandi man's venerable senior editer. re- belles. befora a very attractive and Long, port Hope, will address the Corn Syrup, Tip Top Tailors, Kal- ceiveci lis flrst experience in the pleasing stage setting. The outîmne meeting. Public cord.lally lniviteld. log's Coin Flakes and Rice Cispies, profession o! journalismx.hIt was o! the story was given in lest week's The EveigAxayo h RedRoe TaBab'sOwnSop:whiie Mr. James was teaching school Statesman, and île audience î venlng Auxlllio ary o!iey îl eeo Reci Rse Tea Baby' Own aap a Baltumore, morte o! Cobourg, that little di!! icuty in following île plot.mnsMsinr olt llme Royal 'Yeast Cakes. Zebra Steve Fol- le wonked during summer lolîdays Tisa main charactei'5 in île pro- in the school room o! Trnnty Unitedi ish. Coleman Lamps and Stovas. for Mn. Hough on the Wonld and i duction took their Parts adinirably Clurel on Tuesciay. Apnil 16th. Sup-. GilltisLye Maic aklg Pwde, ws ls pssin fr jurnlisn wiclandi île nesult was a most enjoyable Per meeting ai 6 p. minl charge of 'ha gaineti through teiS means. that evening's enteniaininent, both !rom rsNale abu'sroup. P'ro-. Baby's Own Tablais, 0 v a 1 t 111 e, lad hlm a !aw years laVer te pur- île musical and !rom tee drainatic grain in charge o! Mns. Symona' Hudison-Essex Cars. Aunt Jemlima clase The Statesman f rom Vhe late standpoints. We learci onea man la grouP. Ail mesnbers please attend. Pancake Flour, Muresco and Ut- W. R. Clin-de. Wlen Mr. Thomas île audience leave a sigh o! relia! Remember te brlng your tlank of- ilac Paints andi considenable patent B. Lalip a frlend o! Mr. James. pur- when ha said. "I ilought tels was fering. lhaseci The World in 1893, Mn. going te be a sacreti cantata instead Women's Camadian Club wilU meet medicine. goveinmeiit. public utility, James for many months assisied lin o! sudh a colorful, delighiful, mus- la St. John's ParlâI Hall on Mon~- in addition Vo several new local con- in the publication o! lis nawspaper. ical draina." day. April 16t1, -ai 3.30 p. M. Al tracts. Mn. Lapp passed away in July 1931 Allan Knlglit, as the bashfui mate memITbers are cordially invitecl t ata- I! île manufacturer and île mer- after a successful newspapen career. e! île Bounding Billow, too shy Vo tend this annual meeting. Thie The World us now ow-ned and adited tell bis lady love o! bis amaonous speaker for île a! tennoon wlll be chant deema lis message worily o! yhssn r.FakLpwh s elns Melville Dale, as Barnabas Miss Margaret Pettlgraw, Chie! Ai- publication lni a newspaper Vhe pub- carrying lorward in a mankeci de- Lee, île temperarnental artisV; Helen tendance O)fficen o! Toronto public lic shoulci find thase messages well gree the higI traditions o! île la- Argue, as the charming golden- Sclools. Subject: Sanie Pnoblerns of worth reading. Disciminatirig buy- spineci editors who have precadeti laired, blue-eyad genile maldan, teAdlolescent esawy edteacîverisements hlm. The Statesman joins with tee Owen Nicholas as Bill Salt. the 1 ansalay rac îe undrada o!f fiends o The World in "Bosun" of tee Bound.lng Billow, Neanly 250 People enjoyed tle an- firsi, and then buy the advertlsad Coboung and in Northxumberlan~d and Mrs. D. J. Chambers as the nual Easter Suppar put on by tle goods, which lave proven their1 County in wishing The World many haughby Belle o! île littIe f Lshlng Ladies Guilci o! St. Jobn'a Clurch worth un a countnyw'ide market. joyful raturns o! tels happy binîl- village o! Barnistapoole. werd all idi- Thuraday. A splendid menu wus idtiday, and i wshiiig its proprietor con- eally closen for their parts and ware serveci from. tables gully decalreite4 In additon we mgît point oui tinueti succass., and The World a outataiding as a very fine group witl spriag f lowers. Mns. W. p. Warda that several new featurs ave been ontinuaci long life o! influence for o! playrs i whch new laurels were and a stong onnttee of te Gulid 1 inorprate inthepape inludng god n is comulty.added to teir lisi of acîevenents ad charge of îe arrangements. a new comic stnipe. deparimelit for as artistlc ententainers.Th euametnofhe-ug 1 Woen eadrsseres f rceies, A signal lonor les coma Vo Mn. If speclal mention were given to People's Guilci a! St. Paul's United Womn eadrs sete o!reelpaFrancis Sutton. Mus. Bac., organisi amy outstan.ding member of tee casi. ClurcI was held Tuesday eVenulng. ;andi other interesting additions to o! Tnlnity Unitedi CluncI, who ra- île audience, would generally agrea. Mrs. A. S. Kerr preêded andi con- îlte general news o! the anime celveci an invitation Vo slng la île andi Vhe applausa cartalnly indicateci ducteci île devotional penlad. Misa 1comniunity. choir o! tîhe Music Supervisons' Na- tbat tbose launels would be awarded 'Olive Jones Pnovlded a vocal solo ______ I tional Convention being leld tis Owen Nicbol. lHa landled a dl!- anti CYnil Coombes a readlng. Mr. They wîo are content to remain1 week ai Chaicago. A concert wlll ba f icult part in a akilîful mannen and B. H. Mortlock o! the Stateaman . i te vllywill gat no news frein gien in the Chicago Auditorium 115 riel baritone volce was leard "T h tf ePlacero!a île nwapaper l île îl onan.nexi Frlday ai 8 p. m. (Central gooci acvantaga."TePa ofteNwperith the muntans.lime) part o! whlcl program i wll ba Orvl1qe Osborne, Howard Wight Commnuiy." The remainder o! the Take canet e an economistInl broacicast. Mn. and Mrs. Sutton la! t andi Clare Anila as ibrea salons wera evenlng was spent inlacontest and tprosperity; tIare is noa fear of you for Chicagoa a!ter the evaning service well supported by, Charles Morris. games. conducteci by President Mme belng ana la adversity. on Sunday. (Continued on page 8) . Coombes. 12-1 L 'I i i ce-"",w f is Announceci For April 23 ta 28th Mlayor ROM Strike WilI Ap- peal to Citizens to Cîean- Up, Paint-Up and Tidy- Up, Providing Work for Unemployed Men Monday. April 23rd- Vo SaturdaY. A.pnil 28th. wiil ha dean-Up Week in Bowmianviile. at île apecial ne- quest o! Mayor Rosa Strlke, Who Wlll issue a formai daclaration 'concern- .ng Vhis campaign nazi waak. Not only is iho! pananountinlterasitat citizemis thecnoalves, 4o have tb.eir propenties tldied. painteci and ne- paireci. but ht will be o! great beip to unamployed mren who muigIt as- sit la île work. Mayon Stilke pointa out. While île Public Wel!ane Board las endeavored Vo provide men aon relie! wite île necesslties o!f111e, the Board bas been unabla Vo provide tlem witl dlothes anti ranY other nacesaities for their bornes. It laenMt di!! icult Vo undarstand test cloth1- lag will only lasi so long, that Win- dow curtains. bedding andi household f urnishings o! ail kinds, will In tiue wear out, andi île only way la whlch these familles may nePlaninii their wardrobe andi teir homes la tbrough money they obtain through dolng odd jobs. The Welane Board s averY anxious that these men gai a feW odd jobs to lalp la pnovldlng these needed Vllags for tlenselves, and their familles. hIagreement with. the governniant île Welfane Board par- mita tee relief mai Vo eann sma,11 suma la addition te Us relief allow- ance so ilat lie mighi aid binisai! la providing clotbing and home needs. Citizens may do mucl during the week o! April 23 Vo 28 by glvlng soma o! tlese men a Job. clesning oui cellars. naklag lawns and digging gardans, doing minor repaira, paini- ing, etc. hti s tte ilterest a! everY pnoperty ownen Vo keep his PropertY in good rapair, dlean and tidy, and In doing tUs worthwblle teing for îlelr own bane! iV îlay are providlng belp wlere it s most neadaci. Citizans are asked to keep these dates lanmd andi Vo co-operate wite île Mayor, île Retail Marchants Association and otes wlo are sponsoring the move, >si) that the Vown la general wll ban>-- f it Inoin île cleanlag up, île move, unemployeci will banal h freiîle work receiveci. and business in gen- 1eral will banal h by île circulations o! more nmoney., i is undentoo-d that plans are un- dan way Vo co-operate la ibis cani- paign and full announcament i wl be made x4xt weak. Marchants wlf feature In ibeir advertLsemeflts spec- ial indu camants la tle llae o! dean up equipment. so Vbat not only wiIl île wonk ha accomplilbed but 1V wll ha accomplisheci more oleaply. WaVdl nexi week'a papen for full particulars o! Cleai-Up and Palint- Up Week. COMIfrjNG EVENTS 1 -,

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