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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1934, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR8DAY, APRIL l2th., 1934 PAGE THRE OVALTINE PRODUCT 0F NOTED COLLE( PROFESSOR'S STU A Brief Outline of the Stor Ovaltine and The Wander (Joi any, Its Origin, the Evolutio of the Product, and its Application The st.ory of Ovaitine is f ilied interest and romance. Years among the doctors of Europe,t existed a need for a speciai fo an emergency food to meet the tritionai requirements of serious people; a f ood whch could be satisfactorily in conditions w, ordnary foods were flot f ully ni ing the requirements, such as i of the stomach, cancer, vomit tube feeding and n convalesc f rom ail sickness. In the year 1863, Dr. Wander a college professor, from theX versity of Berne, organized a U nicai research iaboratory and tinguisned themselves by their celent work. From a group o! tors they received an assignmeri conduet a research in nutritionv a view to finding an emergency f( The principies wlich the resea men were to strive for were, that finished product should be (1) c< plete. that it should nourish ail pi of the body; (2) easily digested, it was to bie used in many stoný conditions, and (3) concentral because maximum nutritional va with minimum buik was requl There were second.ary considerati such as (1) palatabiiity, (2) c venlence o! preparation. (3) av( ability o! raw materiais, (4) ec omy, etc. Af ter years o! research, Dr. We der !ound that these factors vo best obtained !rom whole miIk, w] eggs, barley malt extract and pi cessed cocoa. The process of mar facture involves cooking and eva orating and is done in vacuumi such a manner that the natui food values o! these highly nouris ing and easily digested foods arei tained in the finished produ Strange as it may seem, thereb been practically no change in t ingredients of the formula of OvE tine in ail these years, aithoui when Ovaltine was first originat there was no knowledge o! vitani or of their importance in life su tenance. Yet research shows th Ovaltine is rich in Vitamins A. B2, and D. Whenever Ovaitine is introduci irito a new country, it is present4 to the medical profession throug arrangements for tests, trials. inve tigations. demonstrations. etc.1 Canada the practicing physiciai were interviewed by A. Wander Lib ited representatives before it wi deemed advisable to present Ova tine to the public, for general cor sumption, through advertising. T1 medical profession is to A. Wandý Limited much the sanie as Pike Peak or Orlando Beach, Florida,J to Generai Motors - a provin ground. General Motors demon strate their cars on hills, speedway. etc., under adverse conditionst 4prove the performance, such as pow er, pickup, speed, etc. no intend that the cars bie used exclus ively on hills or race tracks. Th main use is on the stralght-way the boulevard. Likewise wth Oval tine. Ovaitine was demonstrat* under adverse conditions in caseso slckness to prove its special benefit -its performance: its main use isa a protective food, a speciai dail mealtixne beverage for everybody t( maintain health. As with the car it is gratifying to know that t car overcome difficuities when necessary Tis method o! proving the vailu of Ovaltine step by step lias beer so sound, and the product has worli ed so successfuily. that it lias nec- essitated the building of eleven dif- ferent factories in as many differ- ent ceuntries. with depots and ageri cies in ffty-!our countries scattered throughout the entire worid. Ovaitine is now manu!actured in eleven factories throughout the world, and the Canadian Company is one o!f ine companies founded to supply tis worid-wide demand. It is actually sold in !l!ty-eight civiiz- ed countries, and has experienced ever-increasing sales year by year, in spite of wars and depressions. and other retarding sales factors. Ovali tine lias been on the Canadian mar- ket since 1919. It is manufactured at "Eùuiwood Park." Peterborough, Ontario, in a model factory. GEMS FROM LIFE'S SCRAP-BOOIi Temptation "The realization of G.od's pres- ence is the one sovereign remedy against temptaton."-FeneIon. "Every temptation is an opportun- ity o! our getting nearer to God."- J. Q. Adms r JDY Sy of mp- !on i with ago, there enu- sly ilU used where neet- ulcer tmng, ence and Uni- tech- dis- ex- doc- at to lAith foodi. ýarch tthe iarts i, as îach ited, ýalue ired. 'ions con- 'ail- Con- Fan- vere Lnu- ap- i n irai ish- re- .ict. has the al- ugli Lted iis ;us- hat B. ed .gh 's- flot only for colda but for frtful- flea, indigestion, constipation, tehnctroubles, colic, uset etomach and s0 on. Baby's Own Tablet8 are safa and sure in reliev- Ing childhood's coifimon aimenta. Price 25c. >rWilliams, 13G Mothers! Here's How O'valtine Makes «Fussy Eaters" Eat - Often Adding A Pound A Week In Weight 0 VALTINE is a scientific food concentrate approved "by more than 20,000 doctors, and especially valued by child specialists for the way it acts to make "poor esters" est. Not bxy merely -tempting" the taste-but by actually creating thie nain rai sensation of hunger. 1 t is flot only a rich source of the appetite-producing Vita- min B-but is extremely nourishing in itself and digests so But (once appetite is stimuîated in a scientific wam h AI07I FOR LiTL ' old objection to every-day foods gradually isappears. ORPHb§AN ANNIE MIJ R EC And even a "vegetable-hunger" [s buiît up naturally day TO BOYS AND GIRLS A WA NDERL ,F R E by day .. . While weight is usually added at the rate of a i U iT pound a week or more. arn WOdPark," Peterborough, -Caada For the sake of your child. try Ovaltine. YouOcanvgetiit at Can 0f Ovaîtune. f the thentapuoi any drug or grocery store-and resuits may surprise you! IOpa Pesaedme a Little OPa Annie Mug FREEa BOYS AND GIRLS (PesePint P ainly liN PENCIL)j -.-------.----- --I-- Get thîs wonderful Orphan Annie Mug-rnade of l3eetle- A ddres,....... %vare-with beautiful colored pictures of Littile Orphan 5,,T ~I...... ................. .... .~.~~aLA1 Liuumurnot Anniet poland right he ak o rigmto tercmofBSaamuL TaPeso) FREE. a. Hcre'y o.. 1t a.,,o , .................. is do Thus acting'to lighten the digestive demand on the Ovaitine. After you get it, take out ail of the thinI v-stomach "htsoe-ae r*slow." alurninuni seal under the top of the can and mail it.O VL T NJX ThsvatrssfOatn iprat ndseilsa together rLith couPon ai rizgh!. to A. Wlandcr, Ltd. . "Eu- "'he IdeN E ~al -T e e f a u e f 0 a t n are i p r a t n p c a i t w ood P ark," P e erborough, C anada. T hen in a few T e I e l F o - w~ill tell %ou that the child with poor or "slow" digestion is days the postman will bring you a Little Orphan L )- usually the one who won't eat-who shuns vegetables and Annie Mug obso!uîelyfyeel L - - - - - - e objects to drinking milk.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .e's is >n- Buy 0 VAL TINE from any of the following Merchants in Bowmanvjlle and Surrounding District W- Bowmanville: w avle Jur &LooliBlackstock: IEnniskillen: Hampton: Orono: LtHarry Allun Jury & vLe ll A. Wright T. M. SiemonW. . Hom .J.Cnns W . W J . C o n s he A. & P. Stores F. R. Keusiake N. S. McNally Caesarea: Newcastle: C. G. Armstrong W. F.. CouleryAlexB.Mcregor Burketon: R. Harran Mr. Holmes E. R. Rainey edF .CutrAe ergrH. McLaughlin Nestieton: W. J. Harris J. R. Cooper ofs. H Do iingSorsF. C. Osborne Pontypool: P. C. Edgerton W. H. Anderson J. J. Gilfillan Iys asD mno trsH .ObreRichardson Bros. C. H. Porteous A. E. Mellow Tyrone: F. L. Byam r. '.RETIRING TEACHER ren do flot know liow to camouflage. NESTLETON WOMEN'S motes good habits, Including better W e ail know she will maleawn ORONO j 11 f II . rest. The old habits of rocking the e HONORED BY MANY derful wife and mother, forayn s INSTITUTE HOLDS baby to sleep or sitting by bis crib M, A A E TS ETN who knows how to handie young- @ 7o h es prl5 O T L EEIG'-L~~ Nuntll he goes to sieep are undeslr- s_ tr o u, w lno o o n de I E ster V isitors: M r. R . H . A m o fort s noh er d hm o t he Mothers of Primary Pupils Make a man (o make him lhappy, for mien strong, Toronto, at home; Miss Election of Officers WIII Take Place baby does not have to bave some- - Presentation to MiEs Lar and cindren are alike, tliey want to Kathleen Stapies, Port Hope, at at Next Meeting on May 2nd comfort ais nther ba hai t.hie Hart o ar ~be understood. home; Mr. Herb Murray wlth bis conifort should neyer be used be- ýd HrttMr teftSo on behlaf o! the parents I wisli mother at Kingston; Mr. Guy NeteonWmns nttuemt TMgCAAONECL 'Icause it is reaily irsitatlng and dfrty, Marriage you ail o! life's joys and pleasures, Qasnsby, Stratton, New Ontario, in tlie Forrester's Hall, April 4th, ASSOCIATION AND LIFE swl s en eorlgt s andl Mr. Hill's gain is our school's with lis aunt, Miss Ida Gamsby; witii the presîdent, Mrs. Nesbltt, in INSURANCE COMPANIES mouth. SMrs. G. K. Hilli Laura Hartt) loss." Miss Marlon Dickson, Campbel!ford, the chair. Ater devotional exer- ON CANADA Questions corscernlng Health, ad- le popular piEnary teacher was the Mrs. Hill thanked ail present for at home; Mr. and. Mrs. J. B. Mont, cises, minutes o!f(lie laist meeting1 dressed t h aainMd* y' recipient o! many beautiful and use- their kindness to lier and said she Oakville, at her brotlier's, Mr. R. Z. were read and approved, foilowed by BABIES Association, 184 Coilege Street. .Tôr- 1fui gifts at a sliower and farewell had aiways received co-operation Hall; Mr. Calvin Hamnm, Toronto, at a short business session. iLT was - onto, will be answered personally 1»' Eparty given [n lier honour in tlie f romt the mothers and invited every- bis father's. Mr. E. J. Hamm; Miss moved and seconded that the Sec- Over six hundred babies are born letter. -Public Scliool auditorium on Mardi one to visit lier in hier liome nieurar a Mo!! at, Toronto, with lier mo- retary be paid, also ail outstanding every day ln Canada; twenty-flve d 28th, by tlie mothers o!flier pupils Trenton. ther, Mrs. D. Moffat; M. and Mr. bis, andi business wound up for thie new babies arrive every holirof (te A rand expupils. Dainty efresliments weme served H. G. MacDonald ait Wellington; yeam. As it is getting late in (lie day and niglit, which means (batARI d About 75 mothers were present and by the commlttee a!ter ~which Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robinson. Tor- season and Spring is upon us, it wns we can boast o! oye new Canadian April, April, *aIl heartlly joined in Use games an-d Alex Colvile sang two favorite songs onto, at lier sister's, Mrs. E. Evans; decided flot te liold another euclire every four or five minutes. Laugli thy glrlish laughter; d contests. and n social hour o! getting ac- Mrs. H. G. Carveth, Toronto, witli Party. A letter o! Usank.s !rom (lie The flrst !ew hours of 111e are Use Then, the moment af.ter, Mrs. T. Martin was (lie winner o! quainted and biddlng !nrewell lier daugliter. Mrs. A. Campbell; Forresters was rend, acknowledging most critical period o! human ex- Weep tliy girlish tears musical chairs, and Miss Bunner's bought (lie successful sliower te an Miss Margaret Dlckson, Toronto the donation o! wood from (lie In- istence froin the point o! vlew Of April, (bat mine ea-s group proved (to be the best f îower end. University student, ait home; Miss sti(ute. The roil call was an ex- survival. Despite Use fact Usat in- Like a lover greetest, experts by taking f irt honours in P reeda Wilson with lier brother, Mr. change. but it was decided (o give fants are given a mucli better If I telliche, sweetest, andMis Jeelis rop clse~L CK ARTS C __L AnreWilMoowmwiah s bte; r, curexchanges (o (lie Park Commit- chance te live today (han lever be- ni y hopes anflears, theflwe cotet it Mis ooe'sIL CK AR 'S CHMorowwih isbrohe, eeto be used in (lie Park a( South fore, nevetleless, the !imst year o!fpiArl second. î> Mr. James Mormow, Bownianvilie; Nestieton. 111e is stili (lie perlod wheu one lu Laugli tly golden lassghter, Mrs. G. H-. Hill was (lien led (o(lie LOCKHART'S HOME & SCHOOL Messr. R. H. Cornish, Port Perry, Mrs. McLaughiin then took charge six o! ail deaths at ail ages occurs, But, (lie moment nîter, centre o!f(lie floor and a wagon on and Fred Lycett, Oshawa, lu Orono; o h rga.Ti osse faado l h etswihocr We h odntas whicli was (lie old stand-bye a ciothes The regular meeting o! No. 9 Mm. and Mrs. Laurie dole, Newton- o! (lie progrn. JohisWaonstead-o! a n to! ai st eaentfs inch occarWep-Wyg lden me atrs on basket which was loaded witli (le Home and Scliool Club was lield at ville, with Mm. and Mrs. Wilfred lng by Mrs. Percy Phllp,, aiso, an in- pecentagè take place on (lie flmst -__________ gifts, was pulled in-by severai o!flier thie sehool on Tuesday, Mardi 27tli, Sherwin; Mm. and Mrs. W. K. Sionne strumental by Miss Florence Faim, day foiiowing birth. . Bore Feet do cause other ill&-Us littie folks and sevemal otier littie ait 8 p. ni. The president, Mm. Rus- and friends, Feterbomo, at lier fa(li- racig yMm. S. McLaughlin. Miss There (s one way open te us by!,CesCr av.A uy&LvUa tots handed hler (lie parcels (o open seil Osborne, led in a lively sing- c trs, o r Sontot Mr. and s edn a! er lie!olowng ddmsswasren sng it Mr. . Ptte ga (lerH.J. itr, sarTomotot; M .and .Florence Faimr(lien corfucteci a con- which we may hope te prevent besel Persian Bains qulckly reileves by Mrs. Wni. Clarke: *pao asdcdd( s(u vrs. Isaac Winters; MissAuroma thlier messgbag piano. Ittest wenchewasowsntbyprO pOrn. very eamly e ar ofntisthe m tcliapping. wnd bumn arndi ons.i ,We are assenibleti here to-nigit basketball court. Stops were also Qarcia o! Mexico City, with Misses (Lunehpriseegbgtes o! pcin. (lirughei botterfcame o! (li.T ,e mocaus e x onyw eatercnditions to show our appreciation to Mms. G. taken Io have (lie schooi cidren Macla adFaca apel r charge. Nex( meeting in Forrest- children do not die as.- a resuit of l. Cp et i bs rbe a y e- K..HlHil lie eachr wiesohhor-vacinatti. heonattevo! uildng id.GadyeHamitonwitl Us rBiellsHallaonayHadmifrtenctio an occrrene a!ter irti but!ro rubing.Neye leaes udeslnbî ougily and kindly gave oum chiltiren a scliooi shedi was discussed. Tise(lier John at their gandmotlier's, o! olilcers. Ail menubers are request- conditions arising during pregnancy stickluess. Stimulates (lie shin. (heir foundcation in education. She young people were clectedti o ar- Mms. C. G. Armstrong; Mrs. George dt ePsn.ada heimofbt. (s loveti by ah (lie ciildren who ever range for Use next progrmn whicli Mitchell at lier former home In e oepeet nia s 'i !bri Makes it so!t, smooth anti fiawless. lad (lie privilege o! beginning (licir will llkely be helti at Mm. Howard Belleville district, with ber sister, oeytwnhpa soradte The baby who survives (luis period Preserves anti enhances natural school I!le under lier supervision, Glenney's. Mrs. William Doxtater; Mr. Fred Loeyionhpassoat s s bsolutely depeudent. Babies benuty. Soothes, refreshes and In- andthle parents realize (lie difficult Lorriman. Toronto, and Miss Lor- Lowery farm o! 100 acres, 21/2 miles cannot do anythlng for Usesuselves; vigorates. Makes linnds sof( andi task sie lad In teaching (hlite tac Encl meeting lias its speclal feat- een Lorriman, Ottaw a, wut~h (heur east o! KIrby, passedt o (lie owner- (bey must depend upon their par- flawlessly white. Imparts tbat sub- ones wio lad neyer been awny ure; for (lits meeting we were pmlv- parents, Mr. anti Mrs. J. F. Lomi- slip of Mm. McRoberts. ents for Use care whlch (bey neeti. (le charn so essential te (rue eie- f rom ther homes liow to learn t ilegeti in bnvlng "The Tuerk Pour- man; Mm, Henry Junker, Lakeflelti, Regular meeting o!f(lie Park St. Somne chidren seen te grow upikh gance. rend wrtespel ani d arlhnutlcPiece Orchestra" fron Bowsnnnville. and Mms. Katharine Kilistro League was helti April 2nd, in charge Topsy witliout any came, bwu nkn Sie not only impresseti on their Besides tlie, orchestra selections on Guelphi, wltli their uncle, Mr. S. dut- o! Miss Ellen Allen. An excellent chidren as a group, itth le dhildi ______________ mindsth le subjects required by Use (lie prograni, Mr. George Lewilis tell. progrmn was given conslstlng Of wlio receives proper maternai care tiepartment o! education for begin- played a gultar soo and Miss Ruth r niM.C .HrwlTm two sellections by (lie ladies' string wio escapes (lie pît! ails which beset ners bu taglit(he soe things Tuerk a piano solo. Edwnmd anti ontc, [cf t last week on an enjoyable Viuatette. M issesEilend Rthi le nat nesbat a oi on oos fChris Barcliard also conducteti two cruise tote ieWest Indles anti whi eiaoen ora l ntn at'r uUsW C. There (s n "hig f geter 'nu11# thtaentprintet iun(lie bos !contests. After s Bebee; vocalasolonbypMm.aW.eCIo the hild ho g rea knowledge, (lie values of scliool antindngn h Nto-at Panama City visitedth le fliins o!f yc;paosoo isM reen prac t h liiifanben teahes.Thouh ie gnuneal veti. refreshmcntswere 5cr- San Domtingo cdurci, anh in o sld Mtis byRM. a feeding. Prncticaily, every henlthy ptecesati und eta nlenees n w peddtak yRv s patiencand_____________of_____ed District No. 4 flower show is (o terhout anti Robert Slicrwin. mother cani nurse lier baby, anti no (ots sieia le! t an iniprint in (licir be helt i[n Orono on August 9th. mother shoulti thlnk o!flnot nursing Hisik utng a goo ti found tatin hDR ' Wednesday evenlng week at Port Bes+ forYou asnd Beby Too seeking (lie ativice o!flier doctor. Havie uting a goo Primary taier OURlitER'SM G Hpe, when Miss Jessie E. Hlrcock, The doctor, if breat feedlxsg Is ims- under a building, Use est o!f(lie ~~o! Cobourg, became (lie* bride o! possible or when thie tise for wean- structure tiepentis upon it for secur- lOu Fu UT FSOT Jack B. Waltems, son o! Mr. and Mrs. i lg comes, wil prescribe proper [(y, anti evemy mother anti fatherFEL 0 Itheei Walters, Port Hope. Mr. W. artlfIclal feedlngs. knows tint Mms. Hilli[s ohie o! dan- Wake up your Liver Bile H.henier o!(bis own I an ucle ,Thandqube- Bowanvilespuic s tcliooi anrt -No Calomel needed o! tic groom. cause lie cannot ask for ut, he muet uona o eueber scelws atforenyufe ludpesd..c ntc Enster Suntiay services at Park be offered. a drink of wntcr at fre- ua slncre lherserclibme - Wolhat yeur lbile. ereil î w on t Street Unitedi Churcli were largely Iqu/ ean Is mre s.The bbywlo la allsiceel wshshecoldhae e- daiy two pounds of lcquid bile loto your bowei. a(tentied, Rev. J. H. Osterhout c- ý1a smr comfortable, anti 80 cmplnete our cheerenpimai-nd , oD isnand miatinare deiaymg mnedo sc anthewasispeInset.The ev N E --h hol av alybth compete o rcâlcirn's rùnrY p. fod n acumuatig ad d inidecothes shoud be loose anti com Mler,' wl-ovmlike saise, cil, mineraingsrie eefaueib s ,I education forunearly every tot bas& 'ou and making Yeuc faclwreched. ___ evie ee etrd- h foitable; lie sbould wear euouah LU 'JIl vr PASTI had a gooti ciy andi feel as If life waaer. laxative canIy or chewiog guco, or sacreti cantata "Thec Cross" pi-sent- . clothlng to keep hlm wai-m but not just won'( be the samne when (heur r.ugiage, dont go far Litti. cd by Mms. W. H. Rowe anti a rstm- S-b enougli te sake hiin hot. Miss Hartt goes away, andti be Li You need a liver stimulant. Carter'@Ltl e fteyui ladies. lýfagntthri PguityI edg smnil SlO V1OW o ULMISX tTue R. J.llecin thets fnrmono.-Sais.frurralt laaher dividual R eglaty lfeed te la oeentlnl loveti by five anti six yenr oldsis to Ank rthein byune. Saf e u ber !The .XR yt m oupg à>5"keu trt e eil. ee yUedowa -_____________ be loveti for yourself only, for cblld- sulletitutes. 2M. at ail drugdlta. u Qi-eno, bas bben solti '(oMr. 141e I~ ng the obIld, If nece.saxy. This pro- Auxaj 'a,,, t,. f .~

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