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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Apr 1934, p. 2

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PAGE TWO ~E CANADIAN STATEsM.Mq, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. APRIL i9th. 1934 Establlshed 1854 A WeekIy Newspaper devoteci to the Intereats of the town 01 Bowmanvillie an d Burrouniding country, issued at King Street, Bowmanvilie, every Thursclay. by M. A. James & Sons, owners and publishers. The Canadian Statesman as a member of the Canadian Weekiy Newspapers Association, Also the Cass -A- Weeklies of Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada, $200 a year; In the United States, 8111.50 a year, payable in advance. Single copies. 5 cents. THURSDAY. APRIL l9th, 1934 Make the Town Spic and Span There are several important aspects off the Clean- Up and Paint-Up week which willi be observed in Bowmanville f rom Monday, April 23rd. until Satur- day. April 28th. Perhaps the most important aspect is that off leaith. Bowmanville's lealth record in the past few years has been one off which the town might well take pride. This record las been macle possible oniy through the co-operation off citizens with the Health Board, and wlat may happen when citizens do not co-operate is seen in the situation at the South Ward Dump, wlere a garbage collector has continually flouted authority and let the dump get into a dsgraceful condition. Intervention by the Health authorities and the police is likely to dlean up this matter. 'Unf ortunately there are a number off people in this towrn wha use their back garden for. a duinp, selclom removing the ever increasing garbage pile. This is a detriment to the heatl off children in nearby homes and every effort slould be macle during this campaign to rid the town off every back yard dump. Another aspect is that off civic pride and patriot- ism. Any citizen who deems Bowmanville a fit place ta live, should at ieast have enougl pride ta do his part in keeping the town dlean and tidy. There is nothing that gives a worse impression to a visitor than badly kept lawns and gardens, over run with garbage and tin cans. Citizens off this town, on the whole, are ta be comnxended on their civic pride, for the visitor lere usually gets a goocl impression off Bowmanville. Finally there is the aspect off unemployment relief and circulation off money Not only does the dlean up and paint up idea improve the looks and the value of the properties so treated, but wlere the ownier can afford it. and is able ta lire a man ta accomplisl the work, it serves it.s purpose off providing necessities for families badly in need off them. thus increasing buying power and beneftting business in general. Mayor Ross Strike's message on page 1 should be carefully read, carefully heedecl, and enthusiastically put imtopractice. Depression Responsible for Many New Goodyear Products It is an unifortunate trait off human nature for people ta unknowýingly deprecate the fimer things that immediately surrouncl them. It ls generally known that the local plant off the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. has a research department in Bowman- ville, but selclom if ever is it leard f romn in a public way, and neyer cloes it receive the public recognition lb so richly deserves. Superintendent Arthur M. Hardy, in his address at the Rotary Club on Friday, gave some interesting sideligîts int conditions in the factary, andl related briefiy some off the accomplishment-s off the research workers in the local plant. More especially during the past depression has it been f ouncl necessary to keep this department work- ing steadily in searcl off new products to manufacture te keep employees at work. The Goodyear plant at Akron, Ohio, lias a similar organization, but which gives its tinte entireiy over ta research. In Bowxman- ville the chemists do this in addition to bleir regular duties and it is interesting ta find that more new proclucts have come out off the local plant than have originated in Akron during these past two or bhree years. It miglit have been a sorry thing for the tawrn off Bowmanville lad not this department continuaiiy produced new products ta keep men employed. With the return off better times the plant is bound ta bene- fit by increased poundage production, '«hile the town is likely ta benefit greatly from increasecl empioy- ment. Wlen the tire cepartment was taken ta Toronto 17 years ago. it was generally conceded that the local plant was practically througl. At that time tle place off meclanical rubber goocla in the commercial if e off the country was flot recognized but due to the efforts off Superintendent Hardy and his loyal staff at the local factory, production in mechanical goods las become one off the major portions off Gooclyear's business in Canada. Editor Asks Co-operation and Consideration There are scores off friencis off The Statesman who furnial us quite off en wtl reports off various gath- eringa and socials that our iimited reportorial staff oould not possibly find lime to attend. We greatly appreciate tle service tlu.s rendered to us, and we are always giad ta receive these reports. ht offten happens however that space la flot available for Ileir publica- tion in f ull and we are obiiged to condense them, often much ta tle annoyance off tle writer. Readers will readily realize lIat The Statesman lias oniy so mucl space availabie each week for news. The only w.ay we, have off raking a living ia by the "dvertising, and therefore many colunins off apace mnust be given over 10 this revenue producing matter. The Statesman could not possibly afford ta add two pages because of an overabundance off news, for that would prove busine,,s suicide in a very short lime. The only thing lef t ta do is to boîi clown tle news ta fit in the available space, and thi.s pruning job is qulte as distastefful ta îlhe edtor as it ta to those whose etories mnust be pruned. We are governed largely by îwo factors in pubiishing neOws. Flrst is the factor off interest. Whie a stary mlight be of vital to a ,small club, il mnight not be off as great lntere-st 10 the buik off Statesman readersl. Therefore lb la thc- Fdtor-'s duty to judge the aniant of public nteres-a d .ory will create andi use the censoral scissors acco. çingly. The other Important i.3, ' the tîrne the stryi dedlvered to the office for puiblication. Any readers wll understazi4 blat a storY UfleCSS it taoff utmost ùmportalce, Coming into our off ficrý when we are preparing to go ta press on W<, mustbe condensed to fit the space.still avalable and also the tlm.e that j& UUetfla our disposaI. of coUrse tee Sn be no lard andl fast rule in these matters. because a story of more or littie widespread interest may be used in f ull when space is available, while a relatively important story may be boiled clown by haif when space is at a premnium. Last minute news, unless it be the death off some very prominent citizen, a bad accident, important municipal news, or an announcement off vital interest to the public, will have t.o be boiled down. We hope our readers will continue to send us in the stories off their meetings, their social gather- ings and the intimate little thîngs thiat go to make interesting news items, but we do flot want themn to feel slighted if it is f ound neccessary to cut down or even omit their contributions occasionaliy. It is wth these thoughts in mind that this explanation off a situation peculiar to the newspaper business is macle. Does Cartwright Want to Maintain Another Highway ? Taxpayers off Ops, Manvers, and Cartwright Town- ships, and Victoria County Councils are considering the proposai to take over the oid C. P. R. right off way f rom Nestieton to Lindsay, turning it into a hîghway. Meetings have been held in Lindsay re- centiy when the matter has been thoroughly discuss- ecl. It is understood that the C. P. R. wiil dispose off the right off way for a nominai fee of $1.00 and that the government wili contribute iargely to the cost off having the right off way widened from 14 to 24 feet. The idea is to open this new road f rom Lindsay to Nestieton, and by linking up with Port Perry to join the No. 7 Highway to Toronto. Just what the benefits off this move would be are doubtful and in a.ny event the township concerned must think not oniy off the initiai cost, which in this instance is smali, but the upkeep which is an item which wiii have to be considered annuaiiy. At the present time the Cartwright farmer has a good outiet to the Provincial Highway by way off Bowmanville. No saving in time would be macle by iinking up with No. 7 Highway and it is doubtfui if the fevw benefits that might accrue, through the pro- vision off work for unemployed, would ampiy repay for the expense and upkeep off the new highway. To our mind a much greater need is the complet- ion off the paved road from Biackstock ta Caesarea. Each year this resort together with Williams' Point is becoming more popuiar with city people. It is within easy reach off the city and it is ideal for weekend trips. Every year improvemnents are being macle, andi every year more and more people are us- ing this resort. Therefore the compietion off the pavement is more a necessty than the other sug- gested work. Those in favor of the project urge "we must get away f rom the littie corner in which we live," and to this we miglit add that even under ex- isting conditions students from Biacksçtock attefided Bowmanville high schooi practically ail through the past very severe winter. Music Festival Plays Important Part in Cultural Lif e of County It la perlaps a uittle superfluous to appeal to the public to give its whole-hearted support to the ap- proaching Durham County Music Festival in Trinity Auditorium next monh. Bowmanville and West Durham is so musically inclined and educated that interest ,will very naturally follow tle festival tlrougl its several sessions. However. the Association nat- uraliy feels it has greater public support if it has a large membership behind its Board off Directors. Membership in the association is only 25 cents and while the member receives this fully in return by the privileges le enjoys at the Festival, it is not the fee so mudli as the knowledge off keen and active support that is important ta the hardworking coin- mittees wlo lave charge off the arrangements. Bowmanviile welcomes the return off the Music Festival to this town because off the important part it is playing in tle cultural life off the county. Music and culture are synonymous and a music loving peo- pie are a law abiding and good living people. Contestants must bear in mind however that the ultimate goal off the festival is not a gold medal or a shield, but rather la it tle education one receives in the practice and preparation and in competiting with others wlo are endeavouring ta improve tlemselves.i West Durham cloirs lave macle for tlemselves an enviable reputation and the festival contests tend to keep them up to pitcl at aUll imes. A sclool choir tnnder Mrs. Donald Robb off Orono recently sang at the O. E. C. convention in Toronto, whiie local cloirs have received generous commendation f rom news- papers in every tawn and city wlere they lave ap- peared. Music loyers and artists have macle a naine for themseives that is a real asset. afhd by competit- ing in tle various classes in tle festival, tley are able to maintain their standards and thus retain tle higl level off accompiishmenîtley lave attained. Editorïal Notes The deatl off Melvin J. Hutchinson off Toronto wil be greatly regretted in Bowmanville. Mr. Hutchin- son, wlo becamne one off the most prominent journal- iats in Canada. and wlo receivecl lis start in that profession with The Statesman. was one of Bow- manville's greatest f riends. Being a native off tle district, le neyer lost an opportunity off keeping Dur- ham County to the fore among his f riends. As Presi- dent off Toronto Rotary Club, largest in the British Empire, last year, Mr. Hutchin.on proved an out- standing man. Througlhlm the town off Bowmnan- ville is well and favorably known to lundreds off Torontos most prominent business men. who hold membership in that club. Bowmanville Raotary Club will miss him particuiarly. for it las been lis job for the past few years to provide tle speaker and program for Ladies' Night at the Club. In this way le las macle a distinct contribution ta tle Ciub's ac- tivities in Bowmanville. The leartfelt sympathy of ail in this district who knew hint, goes out to lis widow. four chiLlren. and lis sister, Mrs. Fred Honey off Bowmanville. The basebaîl season, dtspite recent snowstorms, will soon be with us, and might we suggest again this year, as we lave eacl year for tle past few years. that organization work be completed now, schedules drawn up, and when the playing field la ready, gel away ta an early start. An otherwise splendid series off bail games in the Town League were completely ruined last year because no final verdict as to a wln- ner was macle. An early stant wiUl leave ample long evenings for the completion off the schedule, but hanging around until île middle off June beffore a start la macle will only resuit in tle saine state off affairs as have existed in botl basebail and softbali leagues for same years. We are golng to have day- ligît saving lime f romn April 30th, 50 we migît just as well take advantage off il f rom the start. A very sincere and merited tribute was paid to Mel. Hutchinson at To- ronto Rotary Club at its weekly luncheon Friday noon at the Royal York Hotel by Past President W. J. Cairns, Manager off the Bell Tele- phone Co. Believing many off our raeswill be interested in the kindly feelings and higl regard f el- 10w Rotarians lad tawarcl Mel, as expressed by Ratarian Cairns, we publisl lerewith the report of the meeting in f ull as contained in the -Toronto Rotary Voice"; Last Friday's meeting was cevoted entirely to commemoration off our much beloved Mel. Hutchinson, Vice- President and Imntediate Past-Pres- ident off the Rotary Club off Toronto, whose sudden death was a severe slock 10 every member of the or- ganization. President Don McLaugh- lin, visibly aff ected by thele bsof one who, as le stated, lad been a tower off strengil ta him since as- Uis responsibilities. slowed many teiegrams of condolence re- ceived f rom ail parts off the country. He spoke feelingly off lis associations witl Mel. "I will miss him more than anyone knows," le adcled. Bill Cairns very adequately ex- pressed tle feelings off Rotary Club members in tle ffollowing terms- "*There is not a man in tbis room who will not understand me when I say my task is a difficult one. Our heads are bowed clown by tle sud- den blow. We are stunned by tle tragedy. I am sure I arn voicing your sentiments whîen I say there is one thing that cames to each and every one off us, that is, tlat we have bast a true friend, that most priceiess off human poSsessions. A good man las been taken away f rom us. a real Rotarian wlose presence we will not have with us any more. Sa our learts are f ilied today with grief as we think off the lass whicl las corne ta our Club, in which, par- ticularly in tle last few years. Mel. las been s0 prominent. He las been a real leader among us and we are going ta ffind il lard ta f il is place. But men, even in the midst off our sorrow we do f ind cause for tlanksgiving and even off rejoicing. There is flot a man antong us but who is ridher because le knew Mel. Our lives have been better because off Our contact with hlm. His man- ner off going is in itself cause for tlanksgiving, because I am sure if Mel. lad lad lis wish he wouid lave asked thatiti be so. His life was ai f ull iffe. He enjoyed liffe. It was a source of enjoyment ta any off us 10 corne in contact with hlm. He was busy ai ail tintes in goocl works. And s0 I say reverently that it seems to me God looked clown and said here is a good man. I need hlm and I will promote him int a larger splere off activityr My faith in things eternal would be shattered if I didnt think Mel. would keep on being busy in good works. And so, as we rnourn lis loss. we can look ahead ourselves wlîl tle realizablon that there is promotion that may corne ta each and every one off us in this life if we but earn 11. as Mel. did. "If Mel. w-ere here ta speak ta us I amn sure le would ask that we cease mourning; that we take Up these works le was not able to finish and carry On in tle naine off Rotary, Do we want ta erect a monument to bis memory? I don't mean one off atone. Then let us take Up the ban- ner off Rotary and hoid It high, as M. J. Hutchinson Is Mourned By Many (Continued f romn page 1) FrOm Toronto he went to Regina as Advertising Manager off the Re- gina DaiiY Leader, where he spent three happy years before becoming LBusiness Manager off the Edmoanton Bulletin. Affter four years there he was invited to return to Toronto as manager off thie Canadian National Newspaper and Period.icals Associa- tion. Af ter serving this association for two years he became Director off Advertisngfor the tracle and tech- nical papers off the Hughi C. MacLean Publications Limlited, a connection which he las successfully occupied for the past twelve years. At the tinte off Us death he was also gen- eral manager off The Canadian Mag- azine, one off Canada's outstandinig monthly periodicais. Just as he was entlusiastic in his work, so was he equaily enthusiastic in Rotary Club circles. He was a charter meinber off the Edxnontoni Club, chairman off the first District Conference there, and was eiected District Governor off the luge terri- tory which embraced the area f rom ,Port Arthur, Ontario, ta Calgary, Alta. On lus return to Toronto he joined Toronto Rotary Club andlias been a mexuber ever since, Uis worth as a Rotarian being recognized by his election as Presiclent two years ago. Mr. Hutchinson will be widely mourned in Toronto and in Uis old home district off West Durham. He lad proven himiself one off the out- standing sons off this county. and lis frequent appearances in Bowman- ville will be missed by ail who were priviieged to come in contact wth hixu. He is su.rvived by Uis widow, for- rneriY Agnes Beath off North Bay, two daughters, Margaret and Ruth; and two sons, Jack and Bill, at home. One sister (Leah) Mrs. Fred Honey, Sale, asosurvives. The funeral was leld on Str day, with a private service at Uis J late residence, 337 Beresford Ave., In the morning, and a public service which was attended by hundreds off Uis f riends. including Rotarians f rom many Ontario clubs, in Runnymede lUeited Clurdli in the afternoon. Scores off magnificent floral tributes f romn business assoclates and f riends expressed keen sympatly for the bereaved faxnily. Among these tri- butes was a beautiful wreath fromn Bow-rnanville Rotary Club. Inter- ment was made in Park Layrn Cexu- etery, Toronto. The paîl bearers were Past Presi- dents John Gibson. W. J. Cairns andl Charlie Buchanan, T. S. Young off the Hugl C. MacLean Publica- tions, George Tyndall off The Mac- Lean Publishing Company. and Ro- tarian Aif. Roden off the Parkdale Cance Club. Among those attending the f uner- ai f rom this district included Mr. and Mrs. Fred Honey and daughter Marion, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James. Messrs C. T. Ross, W. L. Eiliott and Prank Williams. ROTARY'S TRIBUTE TO ",MEL" more t,4an 20000 m.pit of clnX£-sdscaf.ty *mile per tire DOMINION TIRES ARE SAFER TIRES WSL LA R BATTERI ES CITIES SERVICE CAS & OIiL Phone 19, '3 Statesman Block Equip your car with Dominion Royals 1 Drive 20,000 miles or more 1 Then check up on those sturdy, "cog-wheel" TEMPERED RUBBER treads 1 Your own eyes will convince you that Dominions give 20,000 miles per tire - with plenty of anti-skid lef t for extra months of safe service. That's tire economyl 4 Bowmnanville A WORD TO HUSBA NDS and #FA THER S A .savings account in the 1l5-year.old Bank ý( Mon- treal, rogu/ar/y maintained and added to constantly, is a sa/e, profitable way to accu- m'ulaie mone> for any purp ose. Constantly beforc vou - on vou r dusk, ~.s.perhaps, or at least in your inaginatioli -is a picture of your Nvife and children. You are working for them. Their future comfort and success is your ever present anxicty and the inspiration for your best efforts. Are you saving ail you can now to provide them with the means for comfort, independerîce and success itn the years to corne? BANK OF MONTREAL Established aBî7 HEAD OFFICE l MONTREAL TOTAL ASSFTS IN EXCESS 0F $750,ooo ooo Bowxnanville Branch: F. 0. McILVEEN, Manager he dcl. Let us do it cheerfully, as he did. Se we will buiid a monu- ment to his memory in the fact that the name off Toronto Rotary wiIl be synonymous wlth good works, kindly deeds, and thoughtful action. . "While we are busy with our own sorrow may we turn aside for a lit- tie time and give thought to the family circle which has been se rudely shaken. There is that won- clerful wife off lis. Agnes, who has been such an inspiration to Mel. in his work. In ail her grief, when asked by one off the ladies at the house if she couid do a certain, she replied 'I can do anything I have to do if it is for hixn.' Then there are the other members off the fam- iiy, the sons ancl the caughters. We extend our sympathy to them. I the future 1 can see somethmng realiy practical that Rotary can do. These two boys are going to Miss their f ather, and there is no finer piece off work Toronto Rotary can do than to help look after those boys and see that they have the guidance which only men can give and the guidance they wouid have hac f rom their father. This is a reai chal- lenge te Toronto Rotary, 'and I pray that we miay have the strength to meet it." The meeting was brought teaa conclusion nith silence and bowed heads, during which Frank Oldfleid sang "Nearer. my Gocl, to Thee." An oPtimist is one who makes the best off it when he gets the worst off it. Let a man contend te the utter- Most for his life's set prize, be it what it wiil. Successor to his late .father, Peter' T. McLean, William Gillespie Mc- Lean, youngest son off ceceased, las been appointed Manager off the Picton Times. J. W. McLean., grand- father off W. G. McL-ean, was pub- lisher off The Times for miany years. The business has been in the Mc- Lean family for more than 50 years. DOMINI.ON TIRE DEALER DUCNIE Jaieson lrD N"ý%z CLEAN UP WEEK Nelson's Lower Price Store Friday - Saturday - M~onday Oddments in many lines, remains from our Removal Sale. Remnants and discontinued lines Al on sale HALF PRICE OR LES NelsonIs Store Phone 595 Opposite Royal Theatre :BUY WHERE YOU SEE THE PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESUM, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. APRIL 19th, 1934 1 Statesman Block OFF," !>T

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