- s---- --~ 2 ~: -je.- - ----"-t. PAGE EIGHT ORONO Mock Wedding Was Sunday Schoolj Feature of Regular (rom The News April 12th) A. Y. P. A. Meeting Mayor John Delanty, Cobourg, was Lesson urt In esday a guest at the A mock wedding was the feature uMrst nn. Pr a d hof the program at Monday's meeting Ms eil, wer Eae vitr a OUR ALL FOR THE KINGDOM of St. John's A.Y.P.A. in the Parish Miss Shirley, wrc Easter visitors at Hall, when tbe attendance was close er mthers, Mrs. Oliver, near Bb-Sunday, April 22nd ta 70. Thte meeting opened with a cayeg agrtMilo etur- . . hort devtional period, with Mrs. J. Miss Margaret Milson basretur- Golden Tet. It is more blessed A. Gunn at the piano, and Capt. et home from Toronto wbiere sie to give than ta receive."--Acts 20:35. Cecil Johnson taking the prayers, spen EMter .enne C riTh n ss- 30Lesson Passage: Matthew 19:16- and Tom Dustan Jr. giving thaebible lter, Mrs.R . Kndyo!rnto and -0-reading. Af ter a brief business ses- Mr. enndy o Toontoandas-sion the programn was taken over by sistants have completed stock-taking We are all blind until we see n r as ren e at the hardware store of tie late That in the human plan a Mock Wedding with the ollowng t; Adolph Henry. Notbing is worth tbe making, if characters: Minister, Tom Dustan; Mr. W. H. Barret will occupy the It does not make the man. Bride,cte Mildster om Evetan castesn portion of the Tbos. Cowan Why build these cities glorious Taylor; Best Man, Hazel Flint.; Shouse, f ormerly tbe Beer resideice. If man unbuilded goes, Brides fathe , Irene Casboun; Miss Winnie Ses-r. who bias içsid- Ini vain 've builti the work, unless Flower Girls, Arthur Culley and Bob cd in Orono for the pasi twvoycars. The builder also grows. Clark; Bridesmaid, Russell Candles-. s isolvi t Mrs.nîanvitc M. Be -Edwin Markham. Mrs. Gunn was at the piano. and jshe is living with Mss. Breslit. Arthus- Culley contributed a vocal Congratulations toMr. Norman Doing Good, 16-20 number with Charlie Cawker at the CLEA -VPWinter on bis promotion f romi the The rich young ruler askcd a gooti piano. During the signing of the export shipping department of the question,cbut his question showed a register te bride ate the wedding Gencral Motors of Canada at Osh- nisunderstanding - about life. He bouquet which consisted of carrots, Fi Your Spring aiva P olte payroll staff. wanîed ta know what good tbin leanions anti cabbage leaves. Two For. MPherson of Hamilton, could do in order that e might ave contests were staged with Bie Col- sond f John McPherson. and a one eternal life. He had the idea that if well and Forrest Dilling winning the Hardware Needa time visitar willithete McPherson he obeyed enough rules faithfully, prizes. and after the serving of se- A S VN familyein Orono. made a business he would attain life's highest biess- freshments the remainder of the ev- AT SAVINGS ! triptes-e. ing. Tbat is not the basis upon ening was spent in dancing. The purebred Percheron stallion, which eharacter is won. Efesna le wasspentindancing This is the year to make Dr. K. 2nd, the property of Mr. Thos. does not consist in doing good good on that resolve to let Cowan, has been purchased by things. It is possible to keep coing riclimen, antithe sici young ruler the neighbors' tools alone. Messrs. Hopkins & Beathi of Myrtle good for years, and yet miss spiritualnt whom lie band just been speaking You'1l never buy implements Mr. and Mrs. Irwin and Mrs. satisfaction. We must wosk f rom was a case in point. In factkie of your own any cheaper Marshall, of Toronto. visited here, salvation rather than for salvation. te asic e young -er bas many mott- than at these prices ! Our the former at lier father's. Mr. Isaac The sich Young ruler kept theom- ern pas-Miels. There are business new springtime stock has Winter, and the latter at her fath- mandments before him, anti was men who ave been uprigh bhonest arrived - with everything er's, Mr. George Cooper. quite well satisfii ewith the way that and law-abiding yet test men have you need for your garden Mr. H. A. Davy motored down lie was observing them outwardly, s devotetiitg ime antithoug h PGaated nd lawn. It's time to start from Toronto Sundayand spent thehyet e was fully conscious that lie business tat religion has playet Guarante t work!day . Mwttis sisters ani aunst, brs. was missing inner peace. The fact little part in their lives. In later PURE Halliday. Mrs.Davy, Who las been that ecame to Jesus and said, life these men often express regrets e IrD ST'aysaom he panie ek at Mrs. "h a ll I etndiates that that the cares of office or factory days, accompanied him home. with al his moral striving there wa have kept them from growing souls. PAINT DU TA I Tht dancet in thetfown hall untier a civil war wifhin -lin soul. Tis I Stt a Fossibility, 25, 26 Ai1.00ors auspices of Clarke United Football conflict was more than a personal Pr ar0 Club was largely attended. matter with the rich young ruler Speaking about the difficulties of Fer Quart ciash Ms-. M. Cowan bas moveti t Os-rono If was utlitas-t the essenfial diffes- sici men in religions growth, Jesus from Toront ant bas taken over ence betwetn the Old Testament a tdid no ovcs-look th upower of divine UAR W ARE thbusiness fomerly carried on by titude towards law and the New grace working in human personal- eas-a uDWvflflfl Ms-. Breslin. Testament spirit of grace. In the ities. When the disciples who had Ms-s. Farewell, acconpaniec by lutf analysis what we do ta tiecide'J been birought ul t-o think liat Watch for Our Advt.,Next Week Mrs.Everson and other Oshawa by what we are.ci e althwas a sign of divine favot friends, spent Friday last with lier asked who could be saved, Jesus re- sister, Miss Ida Gamsby, anti the Belng Good, 21, 22 plied fiat if was ditiult for sici Rolp afGamilaes. Christ detectetat once the secret men ta live religiously, but taf ri --Mr. Sidney J. Reid, for some years of this rich young ruler's trouble. was yet possible. Through tht cen- on the staff of the Andian National He accepted the man's own state- turies this saying of Jesus has been Corporation, Limited, Toronto, left tments about his upright life. That demonstrated over and over. There recently for Cartagena, Columbia, just made the personal tragedy all have been men who were able to South Amerira, where he enters on the more pathetic, because the man give God first place in their lives, 3 D e-la three-year contract with that was really trying to be good. Jesus and use their wealth in th service company. Sid is a native of Orono, discovered that the dominant desire of God. To do this requires greaf being the youngest son of the late of the young man was not goodness strength of character, but if as Robert Reid. but possessions. The young man had been done and is being done. Though M-. John E. Armstrong, who se- made a great surrender of his soul, working hard and using their best cently rejoined the Lownes Clothing not toeGod but to riches, and so he i human judgment, nevertheless great Company sales division after an ab- had a dual personality. Outwardly' wealth bas not been the first ob- sence from that firm of about five he was keeping the commandinents jective in their lives; Christian dis- years, is in Hamilton preparing for and making an earnest effort to be cipleship ias been theis-supreme his annual spring trip which will ex- respectable, but all the time he had purpose in living. They have sough tend from Halifax to Vancouver. t force bimself te do what was first the kingdom of God. and tht 2 eMessrs. John R. MacKenzie, son of right. When be was alone and off other tings have been atidedunfo Men's and Young M e n ' s Ewan MacKenzie who was one of guard bis mind turned ta property. thent Spring Overcoats in all.the new- ian NortherüRails-ath ro Orono chesishet din tie secset of oness own est styles and shades, sizes 35 to G. Woodward. R. Hope and E. R. heart in the end decides destiny. If In the past century, by reason of 44,rtyeuanhar es1950 35Logie, all officials of the C.N.R., the young ruler really wished to live the vast natural resources of Can- 44, regular price $19.5, stopped in town for a few bourss o a unified life, lie must make a decis- ada, it has been an easy matter for Monday. ion between God and mammon. Jsome men to acquire great wealth. SALE PRICE - $14.95 A large and appreciative audience Once he surrendered himself unre- Without detracting in the least from in5the town hall Wednesday evening servedy to a love of goodness, then the industrial acievements of busi- 25 fs and Young M e n ' o last week listened in rapt atten- e would no longer have to strive to ness men, the opportunities have s ation to ti clever presentation by keep the commandments, lifting been s0 great that it was hardly Suits in ail the latetapatterns the Newcastle Players under th e di- imself up by his own bootstraps, possible for them fa escape prospe- and styes, sizes 35 to 42, regular rection of Mr. A. B. Mainwaring, of but ie would have such a desire t ity. At the same time those who prices22.50Oscar Wilde's 3-act comedy drana, do right that his actions would be have sougit conquests in the realm price $22.50,"The Importance of Being Earnest.' prompted by goodness, and not by a of the mind and spirit in Canada S PThe regular meeting of the Park formal obedience to laws. No half- have had many handicaps. There SALE PRICE i Street League was held April 9t way measures would solve the dif- bas been a materialistic environ- With 2 Pair Pants -$16.5o and was in charge of Neil Ra.iney. ficulty. To achieve inner peace he ment, yet those who have sacrificed A fine program was given consisting must live all for God. the dream of wealth for the sake of With i Pair Pants -$13.5 0 Cassilanti MisBety Rowt a noe, culture ant chasacter bave been s- t' 0 f vocal solos by Kennefli Cain, Sain Tht Needle's Bye, 23, 24 warted. Musicians have Livet forj solo by Carman White; and the topic There has been much discussion meloty. Scolars have lived for ung n sSuis i al th laest by Victor Phasey. among the scribes as to the meaning tuh cetsshv okdfr 50 Men's and Young Men's Suits in ail the iatest Bretof lven of the needle's eye. Ilthas been in- control over nature. Artists have patterns and styles, sizes 35 to 44, regular $27.50, S.OE.B.S., withtheiraits. we terpreted not as an instrument of lived for beauty. Religious leaders SPentertained at a very enjoyable soc- sewing but as a small gate through bave worked for an unseen kingdom a I which camels had to stoop ta enter of justice and love. Some of Can- Sale Price - 2 Pair Pants...... $19 50 iaî evening at teislo rge rooms on Jerusaheno. Tus kinof interpreta- adas greaat tsouls never taned a Tuesday evening. Prises were award-ti de o ojsiet retl huaddlasi n n er ~x5.95 edthticwinncrs o! tht vanious games to de otdbusieWure tai ths a ve dltl in n oty Sale Price - iPair Pants ecials In the euchre event, ladies, Miss figures of speech nor to Christ's own but they ave left egacies in poetry See nxy windows for other Speciais. Laura Alun; gentlemen, Frsank J.iaf-at h ssnilmenn !presence. There i3 a satisfaction in Jt • • aur Alin getleenFrnk . hbitofmaking fruth plain by vivit anti m hives matie bette- by thitir pays to sop at this store. Hall and Wm. Cornish, a tie. the contrast. The essential meaning of presnce.rTheis asat it nI forme- scoring in fie play-off; s hissaying is that it is difficult for livig for truth. ideals and spiritual foGrCH A R Tndp izewenthtopVactofPhse- rich men te be deeply religious. achievements unknown to those ont prize went t-o Vic Pto Msey.i They have many distractions in whose wealth can be recorded in Fisst prise for bridge went fo Ms-s. tts lvs ntbcus fwaîîItgers. The disciples le! t ail te foi- 'Dr.) Tucker, their lives. and because of wealth ldes h icplslf l ofi AboutGthirtyR AronorParkuStreet there are temptations. The care of low Christ, but his companionship O G eDor WestBellLAbout tirty Os-ono Park Stree property and large suins of money and teaching were abundant com- Leagu' members accepti Kirby- requires such constant attention pensation. One Door Wet BeB Telepone LesKiar s invitation to visit he pa that cultivation of the spiritual life Kirby on Apr l lotin. Agof th- ais crowded out. Jesus hat seen ths It is the little things that sepasate critu rwa given conhsting o! thKe fact demonstrated in tht lives of us from success--not the big ones. scriptus-e reading by John Keane and discussion by Miss K. Stark; vocal solo by Miss E. Allen; mono- logue by Lillian Allen who responded The rut is only a smalsizetBladd an encore: piano solo by Enid grave. Blader W eakness Cobbledick; the topic by R. Rossbor- ough who gave a very fine talk on TSSocial Dangers; and a vocal duet by Uta Misses Mary Wood and Cora. Linton , ho also responded to an encore. c COR. Tuck Swiftly Relieved singing and contests under the dir- ection of Miss Marion Bannon, and O nt ~a bounteous lunch serveti by KirbyS - rpt If you are troubiet iwtt a burning members were then enjoyet. Shortb Eyesight Specialist sensation, Bater Weakness fr- speeches by Raymond Capman ant qu t daily annoyance, getting-up- Miss Edyth Trull brought the happy Author of: nights, dull pains in back, lower evening to a close.RU NORS OtmtyAture o!: ic abdomen anti down through groins PRUIN maROSESi tfe-ctteamn Op on et y ea ur S rv ce -you should fsy tic am azing value m andQ y W . r v s, B u Fo itc e Hyd if ee t ur atm va - Tise Child and its o! Dr. Southworth's "Uratabs" andtONNiyW .Goes omnil o ntnc yrdPreulvr sae!ha If tirfudol iformulae f wIs tire really be a morning? Some ofe ose specialists have Teas. Tht implication ta that tht Sp ezn lsvelye n ae ! known Ps cian ri g for u o la t ire such a th ig as day? a system of pruning that prescries lattes- shouldi be pruned asdes- than ç mscleanomiai exesiehtm ah wift knomfor Pichan briyou oulti I set if from fe mountains particular- methods for different tic former. A Hybridi Tea ut to andgaotesif omsurl iflha brouganfu to-fI were as tait as they? varieies. They have so hedgedt 4 incies of tic grouand wouldi e mus ie nom lse ig andot ery o uel y leas ed i a o sn otu as if feet like watter hiles? round about with com plications th t prunedi pretty ard. A Hybrid P er a n g ae s sa tisf y h dr g i t auplied i d t no I s if feathers li e a bird? aecessary practice o ! pruning that petual cut t 0 8 inc its of t ic groun t fo pomnt 56 yui uhrzdt seunpyour Isf rought f rom famous countries fe average amateur is not. always wouldi be prunedi ard. Though for apponîment 516ne to f it Wo re-nyurcha! wiich I have neyer litas-t? ' able to follow fie instructions. But jtitre s some diffes-ncet o! ero n mohatyao nnt.s-st¯¯ox -----ias -- Oh! some scholar, oh! some sailor-, -there la af ter all very hittle difficulty on this, we adivise fhat Moss Ronsen Ohne BOg.Op.P.O leioumnpe sea n rom tic skies, abut th atte if a few general be >rune muci as adiisi frRyJ ~ventbodpinig es.i e t rtsose grower wants to tr-y ouf a beyond taking ouf dead or diseasedi blootipoisonr.g. Emily Dckenson. few methiods nef quite orthodiex, e shoots. Immediately after blooming - - -wil ikey gel some fun. the old canes might be removed thus ben al pruning if is well to semem- making way for tie new shoota that brthat tools sheuldi be in goodi con- will probabiy be already star-ting to j dition. Pr-uning ta cutting, not hackt- jgrow' from near- ft groun. Thte dencts witht but aos Tic desstmyb ligitiy pruated at ti same * M îiing e i he s0 eutr awa a h e s lim ash ti ned.s roses Tt ion jr ~moe. This may really be all tice velop mort canes than ae requis-ai pruning necessary, but if If ls hot, t older- ones shouldi be removedi. A9 mg, a~tin iti user prydueig fo faite!lrefoee lmi eak shots proedeis to tany Ever-y two os- fihree years is usually asas ek oosad n o-n frequent enough for t-lia. Dwarf to hoositcross each other-. If Poiyantha varieties needi sufficient f i s - i s a y i n l i n l e c f u t p n i n g fo m a i n t a i n a s b a p l y p a n t . for April lq)th, 2Oth, 2Isçt This business of food-shopping is a serious one--if you care about health, enioyment and your budget. To get the most out of your food-dollar, may we call your attention to the following selection of splendid meal-time necessities. They're fresh, good, wholesome-and remarkably economical. PRUNES, med. size 2 lbs. 25e P & G SOAP 2 bars 7c SOAP FLAKES 3 lbs. 19c OVALTINE, med. tin 67e Jewel Brand SHORTENING, 1 lb. packages 2 pkgs. 19e RED AND WHITE TEA, 1's........ per lb. 54c RED & WHITE COFFEE, l's per lb. 39c CHOICE TOMATOES, medium size 2 tins 15e GOLD MEDAL CHERRIES per tin 15c GOLD MEDAL PEACHES.......... per tin 18c GRAPE NUT FLAKES 2 pkgs. 23c GOLD MEDAL PEANUT BUTTER, 26 oz jar. each 25e MANYFLOWERS SOAP 3 cakes 18e GLACIER SARDINES 2 tins 19C SALMON, Clover Leaf Sockeye, 1's per tin 33e BIG 5 CLEANSER each 5c JAVEL WATER 2 bottles 15c AIL BRAN per pkg. 21e CLOTHES PINS 6 doz. 18e Clark's PORK and BEANS, large tins .. 2 for 23c LUX FLAKES........ Large pkg. 22c; Small 9c BANQUET No. 3 PEAS. per tin 14c CANADA CORN STARCH per pkg. 10e FANCY PINK SALMON, tall tins. 2 for 25e BON AMI, Cake or Powder 2 tins 27c GILLET'S LYE (Cash and carry).. 2 tins 25c Cuverhouse Choice GOLDEN BANTAM CORN per tin 14e PEANUT CRISP COOKIES-. per doz. 15c HAWES' FLOOR GLOSS, 1 pint tin, and 1 HANDY APPLIER Both for 69c F. W. Nelles PHONE 599 BOWMANVILLE 709 n i e hoasol is anecessary ta kecp fie bush ln s-ta- ________ a I runet se 10w-. Wben ps-uning if sonable shape. Titre wili corne a is Wse to eut close t-o a buti point- time wien they wiil become a fang- Distinctive iF fromad.Th reulî grothled mass o! shoots. Tht sinplest Tr h enr fte uhwli etof rtyclose to flic round. Bloomn .1more optn. for ont ytar wlil t e ist, but a new Qualty te Ga densTht different sections o! roses te-; plant la qutckly formeti. tANAT SLEE You may feel nervous, irritable and de- pressed, you may suffer from indigestion and headaches; but the most marked symptom is uleeplessness. The treatment indicated is Dr. Chase's Nerve Food because it restores health and vigor to the nervous system. Dr.CHAS, t ROI 'Lights MAKES hRONING EASIER lu»Jronuny TI ie One-ThIa.u: Evey woman owes it to herself to b one o! thes irons that saves her beal tength and gives her more leisure time. Wih a Coleman you can do yur roning botter easier inu.lesas time and at a cou o! only k-çi an bour. The Coleman Lighîs innantiy ... beats ickiy. Peat may l'e adiuaced for Iight oe ASK YO Rk.S]D Pe i A ERedJs i f o r e a s f o n i g n d e c bl v yl o s , u n d r l e a s n d l o g a Rn 9& ONE WEEK ONLY - APRIL 16th, 1934 Diankets WASHED DRIED AND CARDED 40C EACH 2 FOR 60C Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning W. J. Bagnell, Agent.-- Phone 152 W.mJ. AgnlAgent .- - oe 5 't i I AI'KIL 19th. 1934 -1 TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY- APPTT. 14th 10QA